Kent Barnard
Brad Coates
Jeral Dickenson
Dereck Owen
Ruben Guajardo Jr
David Iglesias
Rudy Martinez
David Vistine
In just a few weeks, we’ll be gathering from across New Mexico for NetCon23, our annual conference, where we all come together to fellowship, to spend time in God’s presence, and to enjoy powerful times of ministry!
This year’s event promises to be another outstanding conference with our special guests, Rick and Rita Dubose. Many of you will remember Rick coming out and traveling New Mexico for our Leadership Tour several years ago and talking about “The Church that Works,” his new book that so many of our churches have benefited from since then. At that time, Rick was District Superintendent of North Texas and, since 2017, he has served in Executive Leadership in our National Office, currently serving as General Assistant Superintendent for the Assemblies of God.
I promise you that this year’s conference is going to be rich, both with content and God’s presence, and you won’t want to miss anything. Once again, we’re being hosted by Pastor Ruben and Nellie Guajardo and the wonderful people at Casa Del Rey in Albuquerque.
Opening session kicks off Tuesday at 1:30pm with Rick Dubose, and then following the Tuesday evening service we will be having a dessert reception to honor Pastor Marcus and Sharon McClain for their years of service to the Network. All of our Network ministers and churches should have received a letter from me several weeks ago about the reception, and asking you to either send or bring a generous love offering for the McClains as well as a card expressing your love and appreciation. Thanks in advance for making this celebration everything it should be for these friends who have served at such a high level for so many years. We will sure miss Pastor Marcus in the office but we celebrate them as they make this transition into retirement.
Visit https://www.nmministry.net/networkconference to
We recently mailed out nomination ballots to all eligible voters, as well as ballots to each church for your Church Delegate, to help us prepare for the selection process of the Assistant Network Pastor. Also, Region 2 received ballots to nominate the Region 2 Executive Presbyter. We have had a really strong response already but we’d love for everyone to respond. So, if you have not sent in your ballot, or if your church has not responded, would you please make it a priority to take care of this immediately; ballots must be delivered or postmarked by February 28.
Would you join with me in prayer for NetCon23? Let’s ask God to meet with us in a powerful way! In recent days, I’ve been celebrating the incredible, unplanned, unscheduled revival that broke out at Asbury University in Kentucky this past week. And while celebrating all that God is doing there, I find myself asking, “Why not here? Why not now? God, send revival to New Mexico!”
We love you all and pray God’s blessings on each of you. Can’t wait to see you April 18th at NetCon23!
Pastor Mike DickensonExodus 17:12
During our recent leadership tour, Pastor Mike referenced Exodus 17 regarding the challenge to lift each other up in prayer. As I followed along and reread the text, as it often happens, the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me a wonderful picture of what happens when the pastor and key leaders work together. You know the story.
Moses, Aaron, and Hur were standing together as Joshua led the Children of Israel against the Amalekites. Aaron and Hur are standing with Moses while holding up his arms so that the battle would favor the Jewish military. As Moses began to physically fade, these two guys did something remarkable…they found a place for Moses to sit down. In that simple act, a number of things occurred to me.
1The first is this, doing the Lord’s work is physically draining. My mother had a wonderful saying about this, it goes like this, “Our Lord did not expect our bodies to endure everything our mind tries to put it through.” That is wise counsel when you are in the throws of Kingdom Warfare.
2 The second is this, Aaron and Hur was proactive in finding a place for Moses to sit down. A place to remove the weariness of warfare, a place to rest. We don’t need a rock to sit on but we do need a time and a place for a respite.
3 The third is this, when Moses sat down, a shift took place in not only his situation but that also of Aaron, Hur, Joshua and the Children of Israel. You know the old saying, “If we keep doing the same thing, we will only get the same results.” Different results were needed and it took a different position to provide different results.
4 The fourth is this, I love the fact that Moses had Aaron and Hur, two brothers who were at the right place, at the right time, carrying out the right assignment. It would have been horrible if Moses was trying to do this on his own, not only for him but for Israel.
The fifth is this, once Moses sat down, he became steady, able to complete the required assignment. In following the lead of Aaron and Moses to sit down, he was not only benefited but Aaron and Hur benefited as well. Can you imagine how weary Aaron and Hur were becoming by holding up Moses’ arms? That is no easy task. Just think about how much easier it was for Aaron and Hur holding up the arms of Moses in the new position. It had to be profoundly easier.
So, with all this said, I conclude: Pastor, staff or board individual, God has called you to work together to carry out the cause of His Kingdom. When the staff and board are attentive to the physical needs of the pastor and make provision for him/her to take time to rest and reset, it will not only be a benefit to the Pastor, but will also greatly benefit the staff and board individual. Sitting down on the rock helped Moses and it also helped Aaron and Hur and ultimately brought victory for Israel. The Lord wanted a team He could count on then and He needs teams that He can count on now!
I would say to those critical staff and board individuals, if it seems your assignment is a bit weary, maybe it is because your pastor is too weary. I would suggest you help him/her take a break so that you can get a break.
For the final time…God Bless You Big!
Pastor Marcus McClainTRANSFERRED IN
Alexandra Correa (C) Albuquerque
Brady Durling (O) Ruidoso
Paul Guttke (C) Albuquerque
Jason Lohmann (L) Rocky Mountain
Alex Rodriguez (L) S. MO
Abby Rodriguez (C ) S. MO
Tori Thompson (L) N. MO
Andres Lopez (L) Santa Fe
Robert Hostler (L) Albuquerque
Joshua Kincaid
Elizabeth Lyon
Denise Raykovics
Paul Sankey
Adrian Escamilla
Joseph Hill
Wendy Lane
Michelle Sexton
Brian Alarid
Mercy Alarid
Nayamin Cisneros
Ruben Rodriguez
Cameron & Sarah
Hobbs First Assembly
Assistant Network Pastor Marcus & Sharon McClain