Insufficiently Woke Environmental Group Struggles With Accusations of Transphobia
“Since last summer, seven of the 15 staff- in Nevada. ers or contract attorneys have left the What’s the problem with Deep Green nonprofit Community Environmental Legal Resistance? They’re certainly woke — just Defense Fund, which gained some renown not woke enough. in recent years as a leader of the ‘rights of Politico described Deep Green Resisnature’ movement to win civil rights for tance as “a self-described ‘radical feminist’ parts of the environment,” reports Politico. group, [which] advocates for an end to “Three of those who quit told E&E News the industrial civilization — and opposes rights organization was divided by a toxic work for transgender people.” Gasp! culture that resisted efforts to make it more Several other groups involved in the by Chris Queen, PJ Media inclusive, including for LGBTQ people.” protest decided to keep their distance from o be woke, one has to commit to every That’s right: the dreaded “inclusivity” has CELDF and Deep Green Resistance, not tenet of the woke religion or else face reared its ugly head in the radical environ- because of any environmental disagreethe gracelessness of the woke clerisy. mentalist movement. ments, but because of transgenderism. The We’re starting to see the wokes canniThe executive director of CELDF other groups claimed in a statement that balize themselves, and an environmental “acknowledged hearing a staff member not the involvement of CELDF and Deep Green advocacy group is the latest example. Com- using people’s appropriate pronouns on Resistance “does real harm to advancing munity Environmental Legal Defense Fund staff calls, which she described as ‘not the rights of transgender and all people, as (CELDF), a nonprofit group that fights in respecting other people.’” The horror! well as the ecosystems of Thacker Pass, and court for the civil rights of natural elements But CELDF denies the anti-trans alba- everywhere.” like rivers and trees, is facing accusations of tross. A February statement from the group You can’t make this stuff up. transphobia. asserted that “Current and former staff and “We felt addressing transphobia — and It seems like an organization so commit- others have accused CELDF of having a what comes with it — with CELDF was a ted to the environment that it defends culture that espouses transphobia. That worthy use of our energy,” admitted a plants and bodies of water in court would story is false and unfounded.” former CELDF staffer, but other employees maintain enough of a laser focus on its One particular issue is CELDF’s relation- “appeared to only give lip service” to cause that other woke issues wouldn’t get ship with a collective of green fellow the issue. in the way, but that’s not the case with travelers known as Deep Green Resistance, I’d think that most of us on the right CELDF. Oh, and it’s bad enough of a problem with whom CELDF partnered concerning would accept someone who supported one that CELDF has lost nearly half its staff. protests against a potential lithium mine issue without expecting them to agree with us on absolutely everything. Someone can be part of a pro-life organization, and other members of that group wouldn’t expect that person to agree 100 percent on tax policy or immigration issues to partner with him or her. But that’s not how the left works. “There’s no grace for you in wokeism ANGUS BULL END OF SEASON SALE 2-YEAR-OLDS & YEARLINGS unless you’re willing to commit 100 percent to the woke agenda,” I wrote back in January. “It’s all or nothing. If you’re an ally of “people of color” but you’re not down with the transgender ideology, you’ve committed a grievous sin. If you’re willing to accept the LGBTetc narrative but aren’t willing to atone for racist attitudes (that you don’t actually harbor) in your own life, you’re guaranteed not to receive grace among the wokes.” CELDF is learning this lesson the hard way — and it’s all because of issues that have nothing to do with that organization’s mission.
MAY 2022