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New Mexico CowBelles Jingle Jangle
from NMS Sept 22
For some time now, there has been an underlying rift about whether we should continue as NM CowBelles or change our name to New Mexico Cattle Women. Time and time again, this issue has been brought up for discussion, and one important aspect of this type of change that has not been addressed is the amount of money it would cost this organization to rebrand every aspect of our administrative and promotional wares. That would not seem to be the most effective use of the organization’s money right now.
According to some of the feedback I have received, the phrase Cattle Women sounds more powerful and inclusive of what we all do in this day, and age, and all we are capable of doing, and CowBelle does not. If that is the case, then a name change is not the way to solve this issue anyway. People’s idea of what a CowBelle is needs to change. I saw a T-shirt recently – “Underestimate me! That will be fun!”
That is how I feel about CowBelles. If you want to judge us based our name, then perhaps you need to get the facts about who we are, what we do, and what we are capable of.
Yes, we are:
Fathers/Grandfathers (yes, we have men who support CowBelles as a member)
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
But we are also: Land and Animal Stewards Cow boss/Cowgirl/Cowboy Fencing Crew Heavy Equipment Operator Range Management Security CFO/CAO Bookkeepers Sales and Marketing Mergers and Acquisitions Customer Service Cattlewoman/Cattleman Owner/Operator
We ARE New Mexico CowBelles! Underestimate us! That will be fun!
Jacinda Price, President ▫
Chamiza CowBelles held the August meeting at Johnny B’s Restaurant in TorC with nine members present and President Jeni Neeley presiding. Jeni read the Invocation and Creed. All recited the Pledge. Minutes from the previous meeting read and treasurer’s report given, with both approved as presented. A letter received from a recent scholarship winner explaining took college courses through high school, graduated in May and has only one semester of college to gain her Associates Degree. The scholarship award of $1000, payable at $500 per semester. She proposed to receive the entire $1000 for this remaining semester. Group will abide by established rules, of $500 per semester. In this case, the recipient will receive $500 for her final semester and group will “bank” the other $500 for her in the event she continues her education later. Nancy reported she still lacks some paperwork for three scholarship recipients. Cathy will set up and run the CowBelle booth at the Petersen Youth Rodeo and Dutch Oven Cookoff. On August 11, a free seminar entitled “Know Your Property Rights and Your Future” will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Albert Lyon Event Center. Representatives from Farm Bureau, the local extension office, Game and Fish Dept., and the Sheriff’s Dept. will present information. The Chamiza Cowbelles and Farm Bureau will provide the meal. Janet Franklin won the door prize. Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Submitted by Cathy Pierce
The Chuckwagon Cowbelles with the exception of a couple of months at the onset of the coronavirus have joyfully met every month. At times group called for an “all cows matter” protest meeting. Meetings alternate between a Belen location and a Mountainair ranch location. The Vice President Jean Stone has located an interesting program each month without fail. Members have learned about bee keeping, pecan harvesting, wine making, to name a few. Sierra Cain kept all updated and educated on educational activities for area kids. CowBelles contributed to a couple of scholarships. The group sadly lost a couple of cherished members in the last year or so and all still feel the loss. Members have watched the wolf problem in the Gila and sadly prayed for the Goss family in Otero County. Caren Cowan has dropped in and kept all up to date when her busy schedule allows. Members mostly enjoy each other’s company and camaraderie. A funny story here and there. The group laugh with each other and pray for each other. Submitted by Welda Grider President
Mesilla Valley CowBelles met at Andele’s with five members present and one new prospect. Discussion and planning for a number of events occurred. AgVentures planning meeting Friday August 19; Fair Clean up Sept. 17; Ag Day at the NMSU Football Sept. 24; Fair Booth at SNMSF Sept. 27-Oct 2; Agventures at the fair for Hatch and Gadsden Schools, Sept 27 and 28; Ag Careers at NM Farm and Ranch Museum Nov 2 - Janet will contact Traci regarding AgVentures planning meeting. All will meet at the fair booth for clean up at 9 a.m. on the 17th. Ag Day at NMSU - Mary Esther and Fita will set up and take first shift, Fair Queens will work the later shift. Janet will share detail regarding Ag Ventures with group and will apply for booth at the Football Ag Day. Gretchen will contact Beef Superintendent regarding beef show buckles. Group will sponsor two if still needed. Gretchen will send an invite to next meeting to new prospects. Dues are due next meeting. Submitted by Janet Witte
in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. Please send minutes and/or newsletters to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com by the 14th of every month. ▫