3 minute read
Just the Facts ... and Then Some
from NMS Sept 22
by Caren Cowan, Publisher New Mexico Stockman
Appeal Filed on Montana BLM Buffalo Decision
The South and North Phillips County Cooperative Grazing Districts (Grazing Districts) along with the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) have filed an appeal with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Montana against the agency’s Final Decision approving the American Prairie Reserve (APR) Grazing Proposal. The BLM Decision authorizes grazing by non-production livestock – bison.
The July 28, 2022 Decision makes the blanket determination that bison are livestock that can graze on the allotments, neither the Taylor Grazing Act (TGA), the Environmental Assessment (EA) nor the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) support or justify this determination, according to the appeal.
The TGA limits the issuance of grazing permits to those engaged in “livestock production” business in order to stabilize the livestock industry. The APR’s use of the grazing allotments does not meet this qualification, the appeal continues.
With the appeal the Grazing Districts, which were formed in the 1930s are requesting a stay of the Decision as well. The Montana Stockgrowers has a 135-year history of advocating on behalf of cattle ranchers.
The Final Decision allows bison to graze on six allotments, including four new allotments, and changes the season of use on four allotments. It allows the elimination, reconstruction and construction of fences, and modification of the season of use for multiple allotments.
The appeal charges that the Final Decision is arbitrary and capricious and is not supported by any rational basis. Additionally, the Decision is not in accordance with the law, including but not limited to the TGA, the Administrative Procedures Act (APA), and the Federal Land Policy & Management Act (PRIA).
Because the BLM is the proponent of its Final Decision, the agency has the burden to prove by a preponderance of that evidence that its decisions were justified, the complaint reads. A decision may be regarded as arbitrary and capricious if it is not supportable on any rational basis or if it does not substantially comply with grazing regulations.
The appeal was filed on August 26, 2022 by the Budd Falen Law Offices, Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Montana Attorney General
Inflation & the NM Stockman…
Along with the rest of the world, the New Mexico Stockman magazine is the victim of inflation. We knew that paper costs were increasing, but the reality of the situation hit us upside the head with the July issue.
The cost of nearly $21,000 for printing the July 2022 Directory issue was a 21 percent increase over the printing cost of the same publication, with eight fewer pages in 2021. This cost does not reflect the additional costs for shipping and postage. With those, the cost increases are even worse.
It wasn’t that we didn’t see inflation coming. For the past two decades, the subscription cost of the Stockman has held steady. In late 2021, there was an across-the-board increase in the cost of subscriptions. They went from $19.95 for a one-year subscription and $29.95 for a two-year subscription to $30.00 to $40.00 respectively.
Our plan is to stay on top of our cost increases. We plan no subscription cost increases for another year plus. Nor do we plan any advertising cost increases at this time. We will do our best to continue to hold the line. ▫
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