Prof. Dr. Alp Özkan Uzm. Dr. Bahar Genç
Prof. Dr. Alp Özkan Uzm. Dr. Bahar Genç
Prof. Dr. Alp Özkan Uzm. Dr. Bahar Genç
© 2013 Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti. TÜRK PEDİATRİK ONKOLOJİ YAYIN GÖSTERGELERİ 1953-2011 Prof. Dr. Alp Özkan Uzm. Dr. Bahar Genç ISBN: 978-975-420-974-7
Bu kitabın, 5846 ve 2936 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasası Hükümleri gereğince yazarın yazılı izni olmadan bir bölümünden alıntı yapılamaz; fotokopi yöntemiyle çoğaltılamaz; resim, şekil, şema, grafik, vb.’ler kopya edilemez. Her hakkı Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd Şti’ne aittir.
Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri - Hakkı Çakır
Alp Özkan, Hakkı Çakır
Baskı /Cilt:
Nobel Matbaacılık, Hadımköy-İSTANBUL
Geleceğin Pediatrik Onkologlarına...
İçindekiler Önsöz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII Kitabın Metodolojisi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX BÖLÜM 1
Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Yayın Göstergeleri (1953-2011): Genel Toplamlar ve Karşılaştırmalar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
BÖLÜM 2 MALİGN SOLİD TÜMÖRLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Lenfoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 a. Hodgkin Lenfoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 b. Non-Hodgkin Lenfoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Merkezi Sinir Sistemi Tümörleri . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Nöroblastom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Wilms ve Diğer Böbrek Tümörleri . . . . . . . . . 159 Yumuşak Doku Sarkomları . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 a. Rabdomiyosarkom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 b. Non-Rabdoid Yumuşak Doku Sarkomları . . . 175 Osteosarkom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Ewing Sarkomu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Retinoblastom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Nazofarenks Kanseri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Germ Hücreli Tümörler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Karaciğer Tümörleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Histiyositozlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Nadir Tümörler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
BÖLÜM 3 HEMATOLOJİK MALİGNİTELER . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Lösemiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 a. Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemiler . . . . . . . . . . . 339 b. Akut Miyeloid Lösemiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 c. Kronik Lösemiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 d. Bifenotipik Lösemiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 e. Karışık Hasta Gruplarıyla Yapılan Yayınlar . . . 416 Miyelodisplastik ve Miyeloproliferatif Sendromlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
BÖLÜM 4 DESTEK TEDAVİLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Destek Tedavi Yayınları . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
a. İnfeksiyon/Febril Nötropeni . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 b. Aciller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 c. Diğer Destek Tedavi Yayınları . . . . . . . . . . . 506
BÖLÜM 5 GEÇ ETKİLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Geç Etkiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 a. Kardiyak Etkiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 b. Endokrin Etkiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581 c. İkincil Kanserler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 d. Diğer Geç Etki Yayınları . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
BÖLÜM 6 BENİGN TÜMÖRLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Benign Tümörler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 a. Adenomlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 b. Hamartom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 c. İnflamatuvar Psödotümör . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 d. Kemik Lezyonları . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 e. Lipomatöz Lezyonlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 f. Mastositoz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621 g. Mesenkimal Tümörler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622 h. Nörojenik Tümörler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 ı. Vasküler Lezyonlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 j. Diğer Maligniteyi Taklit Eden Durumlar . . . . . 643
BÖLÜM 7 TRANSPLANTASYON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
Transplantasyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
BÖLÜM 8 DİĞER YAYINLAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
Diğer Yayınlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Yayınlarının Yer Aldığı Dergiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
Bu kitap bir bellek tazeleme gereksiniminden doğdu. ‘İnsan belleğiyle var olan yaratıktır ve bu nedenle, belleğini yitirmiş insanın ilerlemesi mümkün olamıyor. Bellek yıkımı çöküşün nedenlerinden biridir.’ Akademik değer yargılarının hızla değiştiği bir dönemdeyiz. Bu kitapta yer alan her çalışma değer yargıları değişse bile değerinden bir şey kaybetmeyecektir. Her değerin yoğun bir emek içerdiğini bilim dünyası içindeki insanlar çok iyi bilirler. Kitabın satır aralarını okumak ve yorumlamak okuyucuya düşmektedir. Ben sadece aktardım. Sizden aldığımı size sundum. Bu kitapla bir yerde altmış yıllık Türk pediatrik onkoloji bilimsel yayın tarihini sunmaya çalıştım. Bazı arkadaşlarımızın tek başlarına bir üniversite olduklarını gördüm. Onlar ve ülkem bilimi adına çok sevindim. İhtiyacı karşılamak istedim, önemli olanın bu olduğuna inanıyorum. Türk resim sanatının büyük ustası Balaban’a ve desenlerini sağlayan Bilim-Sanat Galerisi yöneticisi sevgili Nevzat Metin’e sonsuz teşekkürler. Kitabın tasarımı ve basımı için Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri yöneticisi Ersal Bingöl ve Hakkı Çakır’a teşekkür ediyorum. Son söz Bahar’a, hızır gibi yetişti. O olmasaydı bu kitabı tamamlayamazdım. Sevgilerimi yazıyorum. Alp Özkan Cerrahpaşa-2009 ASM-Gebze-2013
Kitabın Metodolojisi Bu çalışmada ülkemizden üretilmiş çocukluk çağı kanserleri ve kanseri taklit eden selim durumlara ait ve 31 Aralık 2011 tarihine kadar basılmış yayınların bir dökümü yapılmıştır. Yayın dökümü için ana kaynak olarak NCBI (National Center for Bıotechnology Information)’nin indeksi Pubmed kullanılmıştır. Pubmed’de indekslenmeyen ancak Science Citation Index’de yer alan yayinlar da ayrica yayın dökümüne eklenmiştir. SCI-E’ye dahil olan Türk dergileri, indekse dahil olduktan sonraki tarihlerden itibaren taranmışlardır. Tarama üç grup bilim dalı ve hastalık histopatolojik kodlarını içermiştir. Pediatrik Onkoloji, Pediatrik Hematoloji ve diğer branşlar (beyin cerrahisi, çocuk cerrahisi vb) taramadaki yazar kaynaklarını oluşturmuştur. Pediatrik Onkoloji uzmanları listesi TPOG (Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Grubu), Pediatrik hematoloji uzmanları listesi TPHD (Türk Pediatrik Hematoloji Derneği), Pediatrik cerrahi uzman listesi Türk Çocuk Cerrahisi Derneği yoluyla sağlanmıştır. İsimler kişilerin çalıştığı kurumlara ait internet adreslerinden doğrulanmıştır ve eksik isimler eklenmiştir. Ayrıca kişilere ait yayınlardaki diğer yazarlarla çapraz karşılaştırma yapılarak kontrol edilmiştir. Elde edilen isimlere ait çocuk onkolojisine ait yayınlar Pubmed aracılığıyla taranmış, selim hematolojiye ait ya da ayırıcı tanısında kanser yer almayan yayınlar tarama dışı bırakılmıştır. Bir yayındaki taranan kişi dışındaki diğer yazarların da yayınları ayrıca taranmış ve çocuk onkolojisi ile ilgili olması durumunda döküme dahil edilmiştir. Pediatrik Onkoloji ve daha çok pediatri polikliniğine başvuran malign ya da benign kitlesi olan hastaların da çocuk onkolojisi yayınları içinde yer almasının uygun olacağı düşünülmüştür. Bu nedenle kitleyle başvuran ve ayırcı tanıda malignite düşünülen olgular ile ilgili yayınlar da dahil edildi. Nazofarenks karsinomu gibi daha çok radyasyon onkolojisi tarafından izlenen ya da düşük dereceli gliomlar gibi operasyon sonrası nöroşirurji kliniklerinden hastaların pediatrik onkoloji kliniklerinde görülmeyebileceiği düşünülerek histopatolojik kodlarla tarama yapıldı. Aranan kodlar: - Leukemia - Lymphoma - Brain tumor - Spine tumor - Neuroblastoma - Wilms’ tumor - Rhabdomyosarcoma
- - - - - - - -
Soft tissue sarcoma Ostesarcoma/bone tumor Ewing sarcoma Retinoblastoma Nasopharynx carcinoma Histiocytosis Germ cell tumor Liver tumor
İsimlerdeki yazım hatalarından dolayı zaman zaman Pubmed’in yetersiz kaldığı görüldü. Bu durum çapraz yazar karşılaştırması yapılarak giderilmeye çalışıldı. Yurt dışı kaynaklı ya da multisentrik yayınlarda yazar sıralamasında ilk isim olunmaması durumunda kişinin yayını gözükmeyeceği için, o kişi ilk yazar olarak gösterildi. Türkiye’de bir kurumda görev yapmakta iken yurtdışında eğitim amaçlı bulunulduğu sırada yapılan yayınlar o kurumun isimiyle kaydedildi, Türkiye bağlantısı olmadan yurtdışında bulunulduğu sırada yapılan çalışmalar ise o ülkenin ismi ile kaydedildi. Kurumların sıralaması yapılırken ilk isim yazarın bağlı olduğu kurum yayının kurumu olarak kabul edildi. Her konu başlığı için o konuda en çok yayını ve en çok ilk isim yayını olan kişi ve kurumlar belirlenmeye çalışıldı. Bu istatistiği yapmamızdaki amaç şöyle açıklanabilir. Olanakları kısıtlı merkezlerde tedavisi mümkün olmayan hastalıklarda ya da üst merkez konsültasyonu gerektiğinde o konudaki referans merkez ve kişileri belirlemek. Yayın sayılarına göre ilk 10 listeleri yapılırken, 10. sıradaki yayın sayısının birden fazla kişi ya da kurum tarafından paylaşılması durumunda, tüm kurum ve kişiler temsil edilmeye çalışıldı. Yeterli döküm yapacak sayıda yayın olmaması durumunda ise listeler daha az kişi ve kurumla sınırlandırıldı. Tüm bilgiler Thomson ISI Web of Science (WoS) kaynağından doğrulanmıştır. Pubmed SCI-E’ye dahil olmayan yazıları da içermektedir, bizim dökümümüzde bu şekilde olan yayın sayısı 61 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu kitapte yer alan 2410 yayın içinde ihmal edilebilir bir değer olduğundan, 61 yayın ayrı tutulmamıştır. Kitabın ana amacı istatistik değildir, ülkemizde pediatrik tümörlerin tedavisinde rol alan kişilere el altında kaynak olması, referans olarak kendi yayınlarımızın daha fazla kullanalıbilmesi ve genç neslin tanıma şansı yakalayamayacağı ustaların eserlerine ulaşımın sağlanmasıdır.
Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Yayın Göstergeleri (1953-2011): Genel Toplamlar ve Karşılaştırmalar
1953-2011 yılları arasında toplam 2410 yayın tespit edilmiştir . Yazılarda toplam 4152 yazar görev almıştır . Yazı başına yazar ortalaması 4 .9 yazardır . Bu yayınlarda 158 kurum görev almıştır .
TABLO 1. Birinci isim ilk 10 yazar ADI, SOYADI
Gönül Hiçsönmez
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Şinasi Özsoylu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Sevgi Yetgin
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ayhan Çavdar
Ankara Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Nilgün Kurucu Yarış Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
Yavuz Köksal
Selçuk Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Funda Çorapçıoğlu
Kocaeli Üniversitesi
Rejin Kebudi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Ayhan Çavdar
Ankara Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Nilgün Kurucu Yarış Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
Yavuz Köksal
Selçuk Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Funda Çorapçıoğlu
Kocaeli Üniversitesi
Rejin Kebudi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Serhan Küpeli
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Murat Tuncer
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Gönül Hiçsönmez
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Mualla Çetin
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Bilgehan Yalçın
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Sevgi Yetgin
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Aytemiz Gürgey
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
TABLO 4. Yazar sırası gözetilmeksizin ilk on pediatrik onkolog EDİTÖRE ÖZGÜN DERLEME MEKTUP ARAŞTIRMA
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Bilgehan Yalçın
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Nur Olgun
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Aynur Oğuz
Gazi Üniversitesi
Faik Sarıalioğlu
Başkent Üniversitesi
Rejin Kebudi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Ceyda Karadeniz
Gazi Üniversitesi
KONU 1 Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Yayın Göstergeleri (1953-2011): Genel Toplamlar ve Karşılaştırmalar
TABLO 5. Özgün araştırma ve seri çalışma toplamına göre ilk isim on yazar (8 yayını olan 3 yazar eklenmiştir) ADI, SOYADI
Ayhan Çavdar
Ankara Üniversitesi
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Su Gülsün Berrak
Marmara Üniversitesi
Sevgi Yetgin
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Gönül Hiçsönmez
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Aynur Oğuz
Gazi Üniversitesi
İnci Ayan
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Aytemiz Gürgey
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Rejin Kebudi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
TABLO 6. Özgün araştırma ve seri çalışma toplamına göre ilk isim on pediatrik onkolog ADI, SOYADI
Ayhan Çavdar
Ankara Üniversitesi
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Su Gülsün Berrak
Marmara Üniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Aynur Oğuz
Gazi Üniversitesi
İnci Ayan
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Rejin Kebudi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Nilgün Kurucu Yarış
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
TABLO 7. Yazar sırası gözetilmeksizin özgün araştırma ve seri çalışma toplamına göre ilk on yazar YAZAR ADI
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Canan Akyüz
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Murat Tuncer
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Mualla Çetin
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Sevgi Yetgin
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Aytemiz Gürgey
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
İnci Ayan
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Bilgehan Yalçın
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
TABLO 8. Yazar sÄąrasÄą gĂśzetilmeksizin ĂśzgĂźn araĹ&#x;tÄąrma ve seri çalÄąĹ&#x;ma toplamÄąna gĂśre ilk on pediatrik onkolog YAZAR ADI
Mßnevver Bßyßkpamukçu
Hacettepe Ăœniversitesi
Canan AkyĂźz
Hacettepe Ăœniversitesi
Tezer Kutluk
Hacettepe Ăœniversitesi
Ali Varan
Hacettepe Ăœniversitesi
İnci Ayan Bilgehan YalçĹn
Ä°stanbul Ăœniversitesi
Hacettepe Ăœniversitesi
Ayhan Çavdar
Ankara Ăœniversitesi
Aynur OÄ&#x;uz
Gazi Ăœniversitesi
Rejin Kebudi
Ä°stanbul Ăœniversitesi
Ceyda Karadeniz
Gazi Ăœniversitesi
ĹžEKÄ°L 1. YayÄąn çeĹ&#x;itlerine gĂśre daÄ&#x;ÄąlÄąm yĂźzdeleri.
ekil 1 Yay�n çe�itlerine gÜre da��l�m yßzdeleri
ekil 2 Yayďż˝n kayna ďż˝na gĂśre da ďż˝lďż˝m ĹžEKÄ°L 2. YayÄąn kaynaÄ&#x;Äąna gĂśre daÄ&#x;ÄąlÄąm.
KONU 1 TĂźrk Pediatrik Onkoloji YayÄąn GĂśstergeleri (1953-2011): Genel Toplamlar ve KarĹ&#x;ÄąlaĹ&#x;tÄąrmalar
ŞEKİL 3. YĹllara gÜre yayĹn sayĹlarĹ. ekil 3 Y�llara gÜre yay�n say�lar�
! "
ĹžEKÄ°L 4. Kurumlar gĂśre yayÄąn daÄ&#x;ÄąlÄąm yĂźzdeleri.
ekil 4 Kurumlar gÜre yay�n da �l�m yßzdeleri
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ĹžEKÄ°L yayÄąnÄą ilkkurumun 10 kurumun yayÄąn sayÄąlarÄą ve sitasyon ortalamalarÄą karĹ&#x;ÄąlaĹ&#x;tÄąrmasÄą. (YayÄąn ďż˝ekil 5 5. EnEn çokçok yayďż˝nďż˝ olanolan ilk 10 yayďż˝n sayďż˝larďż˝ ve sitasyon ortalamalarďż˝ kar ďż˝la tďż˝rmasďż˝. (Yayďż˝n ba ďż˝na dĂź enbaĹ&#x;Äąna ortancadĂźĹ&#x;en sitasyonortanca sayďż˝sďż˝ tĂźm kurumlar için 2 olarak bulunmu tur.) sitasyon sayÄąsÄą tĂźm kurumlar için 2 olarak bulunmuĹ&#x;tur.) Â?‚‚
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1953-2011 yılları arasında toplam 220 adet Lenfoma/Retiküloendotelyal sistem konulu yayın tespit edilmiştir . Lenfoma alt gruplarına bakıldığında 69 Hodgkin lenfoma, 137 Hodgkin dışı lenfoma, 14 her iki tipte lenfoma yayını bulunmuştur . Lenfoma yayınlarının 73 adedi derleme, özgün araştırma ve seri çalışma şeklinde olup, 147 adedi editöre mektup ve olgu sunumlarından oluşmaktadır . TABLO 1. Tüm lenfoma yayınları için en çok birinci isim yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR ADI
Ayhan Çavdar, Tezer Kutluk
Yavuz Köksal
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Ceyda Karadeniz
Serhan Küpeli, Nilgün Yarış Kurucu, Aynur Oğuz
Funda Çorapçıoğlu, Sevgi Gözdaşoğlu, İnci İlhan
TABLO 2. Yazar sırası gözetilmeksizin tüm lenfoma yayınları için en çok yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR ADI
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Canan Akyüz
Tezer Kutluk
Ali Varan
Bilgehan Yalçın
Ceyda Karadeniz
Aynur Oğuz
Ayhan Çavdar
Sevgi Gözdaşoğlu
Faik Sarıalioğlu
TABLO 3. Tüm lenfoma yayınlarına göre en çok yayını olan ilk 10 kurum LENFOMA YAYINLARINDA İLK 10 KURUM
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Gazi Üniversitesi
Ankara Üniversitesi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Dr. Sami Ulus EAH
Selcuk Üniversitesi
Cukurova Üniversitesi
Kocaeli Üniversitesi
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
TABLO 4. Tüm lenfoma yayınları içinde en çok sitasyon alan ilk 10 yayın ÇALIŞMA TİPİ
J Nucl Med
Özgün araştırma
1997 Childhood cancer and hypercalcemia: report of a case treated with pamidronate
J Pediatr
Vaka takdimi
Ankara Üni.
1994 Burkitt’s lymphoma in Turkish children: clinical, viral [EBV] and molecular studies
Leuk Lymphoma
Özgün araştırma
Cavdar AO
Ankara Üni.
1993 Burkitt’s lymphoma between African and American types in Turkish children: clinical, viral (EBV), and molecular studies
Med Pediatr Oncol
Özgün araştırma
Ceyhan M
Hacettepe Üni.
1994 Lymphoma with bilateral cavernous sinus involvement in early childhood
Pediatr Neurol
Vaka takdimi
Buyukpamukcu M
Hacettepe Üni.
1999 Hodgkin’s disease in Turkish children: clinical characteristics and treatment results of 210 patients
Pediatr Seri Hematol Oncol çalışma
Alpaslan G
Gazi Üni
1999 Disturbances in oral and dental structures in patients with pediatric lymphoma after chemotherapy: a preliminary report
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
Ertem M
Ankara Üni
2000 Immune thrombocytopenia and hemolytic Pediatr Vaka anemia as a presenting manifestation of Hematol Oncol takdimi Hodgkin disease
Kutluk T
Hacettepe Üni
1999 Serum CA 125 levels in children with nonHodgkin’s lymphoma
Pediatr Özgün Hematol Oncol araştırma
Kebudi R
Istanbul Üni
1997 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and intrathoracic Hodgkin disease of childhood
Med Pediatr Oncol
Kapucu LO
Hacettepe Üni.
1997 Evaluation of therapy response in children with untreated malignant lymphomas using technetium-99m-sestamibi
Kutluk T
Hacettepe Üni.
Cavdar AO
Özgün araştırma
Vaka takdimi
KONU 2 Lenfoma
TABLO 5. Hodgkin lenfoma yayınları için en çok birinci isim yayını olan ilk 10 yazar Diğer 38 yazarın birer yayını vardır. YAZAR ADI
Ayhan Çavdar
Münevver Büyükpamukçu, Serhan Küpeli
Semha Berberoğlu, Suna Emir, Sevgi Gözdaşoğlu, İnci İlhan, Ceyda Karadeniz, Rejin Kebudi, Asuman Müftüoğlu, Aynur Oğuz
TABLO 6. Hodgkin lenfoma konusunda yazar sırası gözetilmeksizin en çok yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR ADI
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Canan Akyüz
Tezer Kutluk
Emel Babacan
Ayhan Cavdar
Sevgi Gozdasoglu
Ulya Ertem
Ali Varan
Ayten Arcasoy
Bilgehan Yalcin
TABLO 7. Hodgkin lenfoma yayınlarına göre en çok yayını olan ilk 10 kurum Diğer 11 kurumun birer yayını vardır. KURUM ADI
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Ankara Üniversitesi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Gazi Üniversitesi
Dr. Sami Ulus EAH
Kocaeli Üniversitesi
TABLO 8. Yayın sitasyon sayısına göre ilk 10 yayın YAZAR ADI
Büyükpamukçu M
Hacettepe 1999 Üni.
Hodgkin’s disease in Turkish children: clinical characteristics and treatment results of 210 patients
Pediatr Seri Hematol Oncol çalışma
Ankara Üni.
Immune thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia as a presenting manifestation of Hodgkin disease
Pediatr Vaka Hematol Oncol takdimi
Kebudi R
İstanbul Üni.
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and Med Pediatr intrathoracic Hodgkin disease of childhood Oncol
Vaka takdimi
Çavdar AO
Ankara Üni.
Zinc and anergy in pediatric Hodgkin’s disease in Turkey
Özgün araştırma
Yalçın B
Hacettepe 2002 Üni.
Hodgkin’s disease and ataxia telangiectasia with pulmonary cavities
Pediatr Pulmonol
Vaka takdimi
Varan A
Hacettepe 1999 Üni.
Prognostic importance of magnetic resonance imaging in bone marrow involvement of Hodgkin disease
Med Pediatr Oncol
Seri çalışma
Gazi Üni.
Prognostic factors and treatment outcome in childhood Hodgkin disease
Pediatr Blood Cancer
Seri çalışma
Hacettepe 1992 Üni.
Paraneoplastic syndrome manifesting as chronic cerebellar ataxia in a child with Hodgkin disease
J Pediatr
Vaka takdimi
Akyüz C
Hacettepe 2005 Üni.
Intracranial involvement in Hodgkin’s disease
Pediatr Vaka Hematol Oncol takdimi
Karadeniz C
Gazi Üni.
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and childhood Hodgkin disease
Pediatr Editöre Hematol Oncol mektup
Çavdar AO
Ankara Üni.
Zinc deficiency in Hodgkin’s disease
Eur J Cancer
Ertem M
Oğuz A Topçu M
Özgün araştırma
11 11
KONU 2 Lenfoma
TABLO 9. NonHodgkin lenfoma yayınları için en çok birinci isim yayını olan ilk 10 yazar Diğer 87 yazarın birer yayını vardır. YAZAR ADI
Tezer Kutluk
Yavuz Köksal
Ceyda Karadeniz
Nilgün Yarış Kurucu
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Funda Çorapçıoğlu
Sinan Akbayram, Safiye Aktaş, Canan Akyüz, Su Berrak, Perran Boran, Ayhan Çavdar, Çağlar Çıtak, Sevgi Gözdaşoğlu, Aynur Oğuz, Visal Okur
TABLO 10. Non-Hodgkin lenfoma konusundan yazar sırası gözetilmeksizin en çok yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR ADI
Münevver Büyükpamukçu
Canan Akyüz
Tezer Kutluk
Ali Varan
Bilgehan Yalcin
Ceyda Karadeniz
Yavuz Köksal
Aynur Oguz
Faik Sarialioglu
Ömer Uluoğlu
TABLO 11. Non-Hogkin lenfoma yayınlarına göre en çok yayını olan ilk 10 kurum KURUM
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Gazi Üniversitesi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Ankara Üniversitesi
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Selçuk Üniversitesi
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
Akdeniz, Dicle, Erciyes, Kocaeli ve Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversiteleri
TABLO 12. Yayın sitasyon sayısına göre ilk 10 yayın YAZAR ADI
Kutluk T
Hacettepe Üni.
Childhood cancer and hypercalcemia: report of a case J Pediatr treated with pamidronate
Vaka takdimi
Çavdar AO
Ankara Üni.
Burkitt’s lymphoma in Turkish children: clinical, viral [EBV] and molecular studies
Leuk Lymphoma
Özgün araştırma
Çavdar AO
Ankara Üni.
Burkitt’s lymphoma between African and American types in Turkish children: clinical, viral (EBV), and molecular studies
Med Pediatr Oncol
Özgün araştırma
Ceyhan M
Hacettepe Üni.
Lymphoma with bilateral cavernous sinus involvement in early childhood
Pediatr Neurol
Vaka takdimi
Kutluk T
Hacettepe Üni.
Serum CA 125 levels in children with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Pediatr Hematol Oncol
Özgün araştırma
Dr. Sami Taçyıldız N Ulus EAH
Unusually high frequency of a 69-bp deletion within the carboxy terminus of the LMP-1 oncogene of Epstein-Barr virus detected in Burkitt’s lymphoma of Turkish children
Özgün araştırma
Ertem U
Dr. Sami Ulus EAH
Burkitt’s lymphoma in 63 Turkish children diagnosed over a 10 year period
Pediatr Hematol Oncol
Seri çalışma
Berrak SG
Marmara Üni.
Discrepancies in the immunophenotype of lymphoma cells in samples obtained simultaneously from different anatomic sites
Am J Clin Pathol
Özgün araştırma
Kutluk T
Hacettepe Üni.
Renal lymphoma. An unusual presentation in a child
Turk J Pediatr
Vaka takdimi
Radiological features in paediatric primary gastric MALT lymphoma and association with Helicobacter pylori
Pediatr Radiol
Vaka takdimi
Kurugoğlu İstanbul S Üni.
KONU 2 Lenfoma
HODGKIN LENFOMA YAYINLARI 1 . N Engl J Med . 1967 Jul 20;277(3):126-9 . Passive transfer of tuberculin sensitivity to patients with Hodgkin’s disease. Müft üoğlu AU, Balkuv S . Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. 2 . Am J Dis Child . 1968 May;115(5):607-10 . Renal amyloidosis and Hodgkin’s disease in a child. Say B, Citipitioglu B, Baykara E, Tinaztepe B . Department of Pediatrics,Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 3 . Turk J Pediatr . 1972 Jan;14(1):1-6 . Erythropoietin in children I. Findings in Hodgkin’s Disease. Citipitioğlu B . Department of Pediatrics,Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 4 . New Istanbul Contrib Clin Sci . 1974 Jun;11(1):31-8 . High frequency of Hodgkin’s disease in Turkish Children. Cavdar AO, Gözdaşoğlu S, Arcasoy A, Topuz U, Babacan E . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. 5 . Boll Ist Sieroter Milan . 1977 Jul 31;56(3):228-34 . Serum zinc levels, lymphocyte counts and functions in pediatric Hodgkin’s disease. Babacan E, Cavdar AO, Arcasoy A . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Serum zinc levels, total lymphocyte counts, cutaneous reactivity to three intradermal antigens and the in vitro lymphoblastic transformation response to PHA were evaluated in 24 children with Hodgkin’s disease and 20 control cases . Serum zinc level was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer M 103) in Hodgkin’s cases and found to be significantly decreased in the whole group of patients and reached the lowest level in LD type and the IVth stage of disease . Th e overall response to PHA was reduced in Hodgkin’s cases . It was significantly low in the group of LD subtype . Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions were also markedly decreased in the IV stage and MC, LP subtypes of Hodgkin’s patients . Our preliminary results disclosed a relationship between serum zinc level and the lymphocyte abnormalities in Hodgkin’s disease . 6 . J Natl Cancer Inst . 1977 Mar;58(3):479-81 . Hodgkin’s disease in Turkish children: a clinical and histopathologic analysis. Cavdar AO, Tacoy A, Babacan E, Gözdaşoğlu S, Arcasoy A, Topuz U, Cin S, Erten J .
Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Fift y-one cases of Hodgkin’s disease in Turkish children under 15 years of age were clinically analyzed, and 40 cases were evaluated histopathologically according to the Rye Conference classification . Complete clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings for each patient were examined . Most patients were of low socioeconomic class, and nearly all were Caucasian . Th e most common presenting clinical sign was cervical lymph node enlargement; hepatosplenomegaly was noted in 18 patients . Nearly three times as many males as females were found among the patients whose diseases were histologically analyzed, and most of the children with Hodgkin’s disease were in the first decade of life . Classification of the cases revealed a predominance (67 .5%) of the mixed cellularity (MC) type . Of 40 patients analyzed, 34 had disease in clinical stage IV, mostly of the MC type . Th e data indicated a correlation of the high incidence of the MC type of Hodgkin’s disease with the socioeconomic and environmental conditions in Turkey .
7 . Eur J Cancer . 1980 Mar;16(3):317-21 . Zinc deficiency in Hodgkin’s disease. Cavdar AO, Babacan E, Arcasoy A, Erten J, Ertem U . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. 8 . Acta Haematol . 1980;63(5):286-8 . Lack of correlation between skin reactivity and T lymphocytes and monocytes in Hodgkin’s disease. Müft üoğlu AU, Yalçin B . Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract 28 untreated patients with Hodgkin’s disease have been studied in respect to skin reactivity to purified protein derivative and dinitrochlorobenzene and blood monocytes and T lymphocytes . Cutaneous anergy as defined by unresponsiveness to both purified protein derivative and dinitrochlorobenzene was found in 43% of patients and in 7% of the control group . Although there was a significant reduction in E-rosetting lymphocytes in Hodgkin’s cases, we found no diff erences in the mean numbers of E-rosetting lymphocytes and monocytes between normergic and anergic patients . We, therefore, conclude that skin reactivity is not directly correlated with the total numbers of E-rosetting lymphocytes or monocytes in Hodgkin’s disease . 9 . Clin Oncol . 1982 Mar;8(1):73-6 . Achalasia of the oesophagus associated with Hodgkin’s disease in children. Buyukpamukcu M, Buyukpamukcu N, Cevik N .
Division of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 10 . Prog Clin Biol Res . 1983;129:255-60 . Cell-mediated immunity, serum and lymphocyte zinc levels in Hodgkin’s disease. Acar S, Ersey F, Sanal O, Bechel I, Gebri N . 11 . Prog Clin Biol Res . 1983;129:207-20 . Zinc status and cellular immunity in pediatric Hodgkin’s disease. Cavdar AO, Babacan E, Ertem U, Gözdasoğlu S, Arcasoy A . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract In the present study we investigated serum, plasma, RBC and hair zinc concentrations in pediatric Hodgkin’s cases at initial presentation and in remission (measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry) . In addition, immune parameters such as total lymphocyte counts (TLC), E-rosette test (E-R), lymphocyte proliferative (LP) responses to PHA, and skin tests to four antigens were simultaneously investigated in some cases . Although all zinc levels were found to be significantly low before treatment, suggesting chronic zinc deficiency, serum and plasma zinc levels returned to normal during remission . A positive correlation could be detected only between serum zinc levels and lymphocyte blastogenic response to PHA . Hodgkin’s patients with complete anergia also showed significantly lower serum zinc levels and LP responses to PHA than the patients without anergia . 12 . Turk J Pediatr . 1983 Oct-Dec;25(4):267-70 . Histiocytic cell phagocytosis and pancytopenia in a child with Hodgkin’s disease. Yetgin S, Tel N, Berkel AI . Division of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 13 . Cancer . 1987 Jan 15;59(2):305-9 . Zinc and anergy in pediatric Hodgkin’s disease in Turkey. Cavdar AO, Babacan E, Gözdaşoğlu S, Erten J, Cin S, Arcasoy A, Ertem U . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Blood (serum, erythrocytes) and hair zinc levels were determined in 60 biopsy-proven pediatric Hodgkin’s disease cases at diagnosis . Cellular immunity also was assessed through total lymphocyte counts, E-rosette formation, lymphoproliferative response (LP), and delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity tests to dinitrochlorobenzene, streptokinase-streptodornase, purified protein derivative and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in some of these patients . Interestingly, anergic patients unresponsive to four antigens showed significantly more depressed serum zinc levels as well as decreased lymphoproliferative response to mitogen (PHA) . A positive correlation could be shown
between serum zinc level, cutaneous anergy and LP . A possible contributing role of zinc deficiency in defective cell mediated immunity in Hodgkin’s disease was proposed, and administration of oral zinc, as a natural immunostimulant is considered in this lymphoma . 14 . Turk J Pediatr . 1987 Jan-Mar;29(1):61-5 . Giant cell pneumonia associated with Hodgkin’s disease. Tinaztepe K, Ormeci AR, Tinaztepe B . Division of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 15 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 1990;18(2):173-5 . Cytotoxic drug-induced fever: a report on procarbazineinduced hyperpyrexia. Akyol H, Sarialioğlu F, Büyükpamukçu M, Akyüz C . Division of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract A case of hyperpyrexia induced by procarbazine in a child with Hodgkin’s disease, neurofibromatosis, and pectus excavatum deformity is presented . Aft er the diagnosis of stage IIIS Hodgkin’s disease, combined COPP chemotherapy was initiated . One week later she presented with high fever . Aft er a diagnosis of infection was made, chemotherapy was stopped and antibiotics were given . Nearly the same picture recurred three times aft er reinstituting chemotherapy . On the fourth occasion, the patient had to be hospitalized because of hyperpyrexia and arrhythmia . Th ere was no obvious reason for fever, and cytotoxicinduced fever was considered . Th e drugs were given one at a time . When a test dose (10 mg) of procarbazine was given, she developed a high fever with severe nausea and vomiting . Th e reaction was controlled by antihistaminics and steroids . To our knowledge this is the second report on hyperpyrexia due to procarbazine administration . 16 . Turk J Pediatr . 1991 Jul-Sep;33(3):185-90 . Multiple primary malignancy: a report on Langerhans cell histiocytosis associated with Hodgkin’s disease. Karadeniz C, Sarialioğlu F, Göğüş S, Akyüz C, Küçükali T, Kutluk T, Büyükpamukçu M . Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Ankara. Abstract Since multiple primary malignant tumors are rare in children, their presence can be a diagnostic and therapeutic problem . In this report, we present a six-year-old boy with Langerhans cell histiocytosis and Hodgkin’s disease . On admission, the patient had lytic lesions and a periosteal reaction on the left trochanter major from which an open bone marrow biopsy was performed . Th e biopsy revealed Langerhans cell histiocytosis . Eight months later, the child presented with enlarged left cervical lymph nodes and the biopsy demonstrated Hodgkin’s disease . Although there was an eight-month interval between the two histopathological diagnoses, the diff use pulmonary parenchymal infiltration observed on the first admission, was later confirmed by an
KONU 2 Lenfoma
open-lung biopsy as Hodgkin’s disease . Th e patient was said to have two concurrent lymphoreticular malignancies . To our knowledge, this is the youngest case reported with this association in the English language literature . 17 . J Pediatr . 1992 Feb;120(2 Pt 1):275-7 . Paraneoplastic syndrome manifesting as chronic cerebellar ataxia in a child with Hodgkin disease. Topcu M, Gucuyener K, Topaloglu H, Renda Y, Akyuz C,Kale G Department of Pediatric Neurology, Hacettepe University Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract An 8-year-old boy had nausea and vomiting associated with nystagmus, ataxia, and dysarthria of acute onset . Th ree years later he had a mass in the anterior mediastinum as a result of Hodgkin disease of mixed cellularity . Th is association of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration with Hodgkin disease has been described in adults . 18 . Turk J Pediatr . 1995 Jul-Sep;37(3):289-92 . Immune thrombocytopenic purpura in a child with Hodgkin’s disease. Berberoğlu S, Sarialioğlu F, Akyüz C, Kutluk T, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara. Abstract Th e occurrence of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in Hodgkin’s disease is uncommon . Th is report describes a patient who developed ITP twice before splenectomy, and for the third time several years later, preceding an abdominal relapse of the disease . We suggest that patients with a history of Hodgkin’s disease undergo diligent searches for active disease when ITP is diagnosed . ITP may be the only manifestation of active disease and may precede histologic documentation of Hodgkin’s disease by months or years . 19 . Postgrad Med J . 1995 Mar;71(833):164-7 . Late cardiac effects after treatment for childhood Hodgkin’s disease with chemotherapy and low-dose radiotherapy. Ilhan I, Sarialioglu F, Ozbarlas N, Büyükpamukçu M, Akyüz C, Kutluk T . Dr Sami Ulus Childrens’ Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Twenty-four patients under 18 years when treated for Hodgkin’s disease (20 male, four female) were examined no less than five years aft er the completion of the treatment . Th e mean age was 17 years (range 9 .5-25 .0 years) at the time of study . All patients received six courses of cyclophosphamide-oncovin-procarbazine-prednisolone chemotherapy; in addition, nine patients received low-dose radiotherapy excluding the mediastinum and eight of 24 patients received mediastinal radiotherapy; the dose was
between 20-30 Gy . All patients had normal cardiovascular findings on clinical examination . ECG and chest radiography were within normal limits in all patients . Resting left ventricular ejection fraction and fractional shortening were decreased in only one patient (4%), but there was no significant diff erence between the patient group and a control group for left ventricular systolic function (p > 0 .05) . In the patient group, early diastolic peak velocity, peak velocity at atrial contraction, left ventricular isovolumic relaxation time, and the rate of decrease of fl ow velocity in early diastole were significantly diff erent from that of the control group (p < 0 .05) . In conclusion, the late eff ects of our treatment protocol for Hodgkin’s disease appear to be minimal . Th ese observations support combined modality, low-dose irradiation regimens in children and adolescents and suggest the need for careful cardiac screening of treated patients . 20 . J Chemother . 1995 Oct;7(5):463-6 . Late effects of chemoradiotherapy in pediatric Hodgkin’s disease. Gözdasoglu S, Cavdar AO, Babacan E, Mengübas K, Yavuz G, Unal E, Pamir A, Ocal G, Haluk Gökçora I . Department of Pediatrics, University of Ankara, School of Medicine, Turkey. Abstract We treated 137 Turkish children with biopsy-proven Hodgkin’s disease, followed up between the years 1964 and 1989 . Most patients were treated and were in advanced stage with histological subtype of mixed cellularity (67 .5%) . Radiotherapy (Mantle form) and/or MOPP, ABVD and OPPA combination chemotherapy regimens were used in 75 .84% of patients . Th e follow-up period in these patients ranged from 5 to 24 years . Th e late eff ects in 28 patients who were evaluated for the late sequelae of chemoradiotherapy are presented . Seven out of 28 patients showed retarded sexual maturation . Testicular and ovarian functions were assessed in 11 patients, all of whom showed elevated serum FSH levels and 2 azoospermia . Analysis of thyroid functions was carried out in patients receiving radiotherapy to the neck . Th e thyroid gland was palpable in 6 patients . Further analysis showed diff use hyperplasia in 5 and nodular in 1 patient . Th e nodule was excised and reported as “nodular colloidal goiter” . Two patients had elevated TSH levels . “Swan-like neck” was observed in 3 patients who had received 40 to 42 Gy radiotherapy to the neck . Cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis B infection was diagnosed in 2 patients as an unusual late complication . Th e secondary malignancy occurred in only 1 case in the form of “fibrosarcoma” . Th e second neoplasm was probably radiation-induced as it occurred in the field of prior radiotherapy 21 . Postgrad Med J . 1995 Nov;71(841):689-91 . Anaemia in a child. Berberoğlu S . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Oncology Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.
22 . Acta Paediatr . 1996 Mar;85(3):324-6 . Long-term pulmonary function in children with Hodgkin’s disease. Ilhan I, Sarialioğlu F, Bilgiç H, Göçmen A, Büyükpamukcu M, Akyüz C, Kutluk T . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We studied the long-term pulmonary function of 25 patients who were at least 5 years post-treatment for Hodgkin’s disease . Th e mean age of the patients was 17 years (range 9 .5-25 years) at the time of study . Twenty-one of the patients were male . All patients received six courses of COPP chemotherapy and, in addition, 8 of the 25 patients received radiotherapy to the mediastinum in low or moderate doses (20-30 Gy) . One patient had symptoms of bronchiectasia . Th e chest radiographs of nine patients (36%) showed minimal abnormalities . We divided patients into two groups while evaluating their pulmonary function tests according to whether they received mantle irradiation or not . In patients who received mantle irradiation, pulmonary function tests showed a minimal decrease in FEV1 . Th e decrease in FEV1 indicated an obstructive ventilatory defect . We concluded that our treatment protocols for paediatric Hodgkin’s disease were curative, well tolerable and might minimize pulmonary functional changes . 23 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 1997 Dec;29(6):578-81 . Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and intrathoracic Hodgkin disease of childhood. Kebudi R, Ayan I, Erseven G, Görgün O, Darendeliler E, Celik A . Division of Pediatric Oncology, University of Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA), well known in adults, is rarely encountered in children . Th e clinical features include clubbing of the fingers and toes, arthritis, and painful periosteal new bone formation of the tubular bones . Th e association of malignant disorders with HOA is more common in adults than in children . CASE: In this paper, a 12-year-old boy with intrathoracic Hodgkin disease and HOA is presented and four other children with HOA and Hodgkin disease in the literature reviewed . DISCUSSION: Th e presence of HOA has been thought to be a bad prognostic sign, but complete remission of Hodgkin disease and regression of clinical signs and symptoms of HOA were attained in our patient aft er chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and continue during 9 months post-therapy follow-up . CONCLUSIONS: HOA accompanying a malignant tumor in children is very
rare . Only 5 cases have been associated with Hodgkin disease, including the present boy . It is important that patients with symptoms of HOA and an intrathoracic mass be examined carefully to rule out a malignancy . 24 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1997 Jul-Aug;14(4):359-66 . Hodgkin’s disease in 82 Turkish children diagnosed over a 10-year period: epidemiological, clinical, and histopathologic features and prognosis with prolonged chemotherapy. Ertem U, Duru F, Dağdemir A, Taçyildiz N, Pamir A, Akçayöz A, Uluoğlu O, Teziç T . Department of Pediatric Oncology and Pathology, Dr. Sami Ulus Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract In this study, 82 Turkish children with Hodgkin’s disease (HD) between 1 and 14 years of age and diagnosed over a 10-year period were evaluated retrospectively . More than half of the patients (54%) presented with advanced stages of HD . Mixed cellularity (MC) was the most frequent (56 .1%) histopathologic type, which was followed by nodular sclerosing (NS, 18 .3%) in frequency . None of the patients received radiotherapy as initial treatment . In 67 children the COPP regimen alone and in 15 the ABVD regimen alternating with COPP were started, to be given as a total of 12 courses . In the patients who presented with stage I-II HD the overall survival (OAS) rate and 5-year event free survival (EFS) rate were 92 .3% and 77 .8%, respectively . In the patients with advanced disease (stage IIIIV) OAS and 5-year EFS were estimated to be 89 .5% and 67 .4%, respectively . No serious toxicity of chemotherapy was detected during the follow-up . In this group, clinical, epidemiological and histopathologic features of the disease showed a special pattern close to the type I pattern of HD . Regarding the survival rules and occurrence of low toxicity in our patients, results of prolonged chemotherapy alone seem to be encouraging in most of the children with HD . However, the follow-up duration is not yet suff icient to declare a clear conclusion related to the late complications . 25 . Radiat Med . 1998 Sep-Oct;16(5):359-61 . Thyroid dysfunction in children receiving neck irradiation for Hodgkin’s disease. Atahan IL, Yildiz F, Ozyar E, Uzal D . Department of Radiation Oncology, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Th yroid function was studied in 46 long-term survivors of pediatric Hodgkin’s disease with a median follow-up time of 10 .5 years . Th e mean age of the patients at the time of treatment was 8 years . Treatment consisted of radiotherapy alone in seven patients and combined radiation and chemotherapy in 39 patients . Th e radiotherapy dose to the thyroid gland was less than 2000 cGy in one, 2000-2500 cGy in 15, 2500-3000 cGy in 17, and greater than 3000 cGy
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in 13 patients . Evaluation consisted of clinical examination and thyroid function tests of total and free triiodothyronine, thyroxin, arid thyroid stimulating hormone levels . Twenty-one of 46 patients (45 .6%) showed thyroid function abnormalities, however only nine of them had diff use or nodular hyperplasia on physical examination . Risk factors of age, chemotherapy schema, total radiation dose, and dose per fraction did not significantly infl uence the incidence of thyroid dysfunction . 26 . Turk J Pediatr . 1999 Oct-Dec;41(4):517-20 . A case of hemophilia A associated with Hodgkin’s disease. Koç A, Varan A, Büyükpamukçu M, Gürgey A . Department of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara. Abstract Lymphoreticular malignancies are more common in patients with hemophilia, but it is usually attributed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection associated with repeated use of blood products . However, there are a couple of hemophiliac patients with malignancies but without HIV infection in the literature . We report a case of a hemophiliac patients who had Hodgkin’s disease at 2 .3 years old without any congenital or acquired immunodeficiency and without use of any blood products . Th is patient showed that malignancy can develop in hemophiliacs without HIV infection, but further studies are needed to clarify whether hemophiliacs are more susceptible to malignancies . 27 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1999 Nov-Dec;16(6):557-60 . Peripheral neuropathy during alpha-interferon therapy in a child with Hodgkin’s disease. Emir S, Kutluk T, Chan KW, Yalçin B, Varli K, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Peripheral neuropathy is one of the rarely reported neurological complications of interferon therapy . Th e authors report such a case in a 15-year-old boy during alphainterferon therapy for Hodgkin’s disease . He received alpha-interferon at a dose of 1 .8 million units/day 5 times a week by subcutaneous injections as adjuvant immunotherapy post autologous stem cell transplant . Twenty months aft er the initiation of therapy, he complained of severe pain in his lower distal extremities . Neurological examination revealed the absence of deep tendon refl exes . A nerve conduction study showed a sensorial, polyneuropathic involvement in the lower extremities . Within 4 weeks aft er the stopping of interferon, his pain improved, and recovery was also seen by nerve conduction studies . Symptoms reappeared at the resumption of interferon treatment . Th is study suggests that peripheral neuropathy may rarely occur in patients given long-term interferon treatment at high cumulative dosage .
28 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 1999 Apr;32(4):267-71 . Prognostic importance of magnetic resonance imaging in bone marrow involvement of Hodgkin disease. Varan A, Cila A, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND: Determination of bone marrow involvement is important in staging Hodgkin disease (HD), so we compared the eff ectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with bone marrow biopsy in diagnosing bone marrow involvement in HD patients . PROCEDURE: Twenty-six patients with the diagnosis of HD were included in this study . Th e ages of the patients were between 4 and 24 years, with a median of 12 . Eleven of them had stage III or IV disease and 15 had been previously diagnosed as having HD and were in relapse . Th ey were evaluated by bone marrow biopsy and MRI of lumbar vertebrae . Th e biopsies were taken from the anterosuperior iliac spine with an age-appropriate Jamshidi biopsy needle . Within 14 days following biopsy, MRI of lumbar vertebrae was carried out . RESULTS: MRI revealed decreased signal intensity in T1-weighted images in 7 of 26 patients . On the other hand, bone marrow biopsies showed HD involvement in three out of seven patients . Th e remaining 19 patients who had normal bone MRI were negative for HD in their bone marrow biopsies . Th e patients with positive MRIs and negative biopsy for HD had bone pain . One of them had a femoral periosteal reaction on bone survey; the other two had height loss in their lumbar vertebral bodies . Th ere was a statistically significant diff erence in the disease-free survival rates between MRI-positive and -negative patients in the following 24 months period (P < 0 .0001) . CONCLUSIONS: Th is study suggests that MRI is a useful method for diagnosing bone marrow involvement in HD, in that our MRIpositive patients had a higher relapse rate in the 24 months follow-up period than the MRI-negative patients . 29 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1999 Mar-Apr;16(2):119-29 . Hodgkin’s disease in Turkish children: clinical characteristics and treatment results of 210 patients. Büyükpamukçu M, Atahan L, Cağlar M, Kutluk T, Akyüz C, Hazar V . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Although Hodgkin’s disease (HD) is one of the common malignancies in childhood, there is limited information from developing countries in English literature . Th e aim of this study is to give epidemiologic features and treat-
ment results of 210 previously untreated children with HD from a developing country . Between 1 June 1984 and 31 December 1992, all children seen who were younger than 18 years old with newly diagnosed, untreated, biopsyproven Hodgkin’s disease were included in this study . A clinical staging system was used to determine the dissemination of the disease . While patients with stage I-II disease received canapé treatment protocol (three cycles COPP [cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisolone] or ABVD [doxorubicin, bleomycine, vinblastine, dacarbazine] plus low-dose involved-field radiotherapy), patients with stage III-IV disease were treated by sandwich protocol (six cycles COPP plus low-dose involved-field radiotherapy) . A total of 210 patients with a median age of 8 years were eligible for this study . Male to female ratio was 3:1 and 37 (17 .6%) were less than 5 years of age . Th e major histologic subtype was mixed cellularity (69 .6%) . Overall survival rates were 91 .5 and 87 .7%, and event-free survival rates were 71 .5 and 70 .5% at 5 and 10 years, respectively . No secondary malignancy has been observed so far . Th e prevalence of Hodgkin’s disease in young children is higher and the distribution of histologic subtypes is also diff erent from many Western countries . Canapé and sandwich treatment protocols could be used safely in clinically staged childhood HD with tolerable toxicity . 30 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 1999 Jan;32(1):18-24 . Hodgkin disease in children: clinicoepidemiologic and viral (Epstein-Barr virus) analyses. Cavdar AO, Pamir A, Gözdaşoglu S, Babacan E, Yavuz G, Unal E, Uluoglu O, Taçyildiz N, Ikincioğullari A . Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Research Center, Ankara University, Turkey. 31 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 2000 Nov;35(5):509 . Ataxia telangiectasia and Hodgkin disease. Kutluk MT, Yalçin B, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Comment on Fatal outcome in two girls with hodgkin disease complicating ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome) despite favorable response to modified-dose chemotherapy . [Med Pediatr Oncol . 2000] 32 . Turk J Pediatr . 2000 Apr-Jun;42(2):109-14 . Hodgkin’s disease and renal paraneoplastic syndromes in childhood. Büyükpamukçu M, Hazar V, Tinaztepe K, Bakkaloğlu A, Akyüz C, Kutluk T . Department of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Th e purpose of this study was to investigate children followed as having both Hodgkin’s disease (HD) and nephropathy and discuss the factors which might play roles in the pathogenesis of this association by reviewing the per-
tinent literature . Our experience among 661 children with HD revealed ten cases (1 .5%) with nephropathy; eight of these were biopsy proven . Tissue diagnoses were amyloidosis (AA type) in four cases, and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and minimal change glomerulopathy in two cases each . Sex distribution was equal . Th ere was a predominance of the mixed cellular (MC) histologic type in our patients with HD . Nephropathy was shown to antedate the diagnosis of HD in two cases and to herald a relapse in one . In brief, the development of a nephropathy in a patient with HD can be considered as a paraneoplastic phenomenon . Renal amyloidosis may already be present at the time of diagnosis of HD and must be kept in mind as a cause of proteinuria due to preexisting nephropathy . Developing renal paraneoplastic syndrome, even in earlystaged HD, in children, may be a poor prognostic factor . 33 . J Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2000 Mar-Apr;22(2):158-61 . Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration and Horner syndrome: association of two uncommon findings in a child with Hodgkin disease. Emir S, Kutluk MT, Göğüş S, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract An 11-year-old boy admitted with a right cervical mass was found to have Hodgkin disease . On admission, he also had right Homer syndrome and severe cerebellar ataxia . Cranial MRI revealed marked cerebellar atrophy . He was treated with chemotherapy consisting of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD), in addition to radiotherapy . Th ree months aft er initiation of therapy, he had a partial remission of tumor . Neurologic symptoms improved dramatically aft er chemotherapy started . Hodgkin disease should be included in the diff erential diagnosis of children with cerebellar findings and Horner syndrome . 34 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2000 Mar;17(2):181-5 . Immune thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia as a presenting manifestation of Hodgkin disease. Ertem M, Uysal Z, Yavuz G, Gözdaşoğlu S . Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Turkey. Abstract A very unusual clinical presentation of Hodgkin disease with immune thrombocytopenia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia is reported . A 6 .5-year-old boy presented with thrombocytopenia, Coombs’ positive hemolytic anemia, and multiple small posterior cervical lymph nodes . Aft er a course of high-dose methylprednisolone therapy with a diagnosis of Evans syndrome, complete response for thrombocytopenia and partial response for anemia was achieved . Six weeks later there was a sudden increase in the size of left posterior cervical lymph nodes and a biopsy was compatible with Hodgkin disease, mixed cellularity type . Th e child was successfully treated with chemotherapy and
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radiation therapy . He has been off therapy for 28 months and has no clinical or laboratory evidence of autoimmune cytopenia . A combination of immune thrombocytopenia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia may be associated with Hodgkin disease . Th e recognition of this clinical picture as a complication of Hodgkin disease has important implications . Th is complication appeares to be managed best by the definitive treatment of Hodgkin disease 35 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2000 Mar;17(2):133-9 . Natural killer cell numbers and cytotoxic activity in pediatric Hodgkin disease. Ikincioğullari A, Doğu F, Babacan E, Ofl az G, Ertem U, Yavuz G, Unal E, Gözdaşoğlu S, Taçyildiz N, Dağdemir A, Cavdar AO . Department of Pediatric Immunology-Allergy, Ankara University Medical School, Turkey. Abstract In this study peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cell activity was evaluated in 17 pediatric cases with Hodgkin disease (HD) (9 untreated, 8 in remission) and 20 age-matched healthy children . Peripheral blood CD16 and CD56 molecule expressions were also examined . No diff erence related to NK cell numbers and cytotoxic activity was detected at either stage of the disease . In cases in which long-term remission has been achieved (> or = 5 years) NK cell activity was slightly but not significantly increased in parallel with remission duration . Finally, no relation between NK cell activity and the etiology, prognosis, and severity of the disease has been established in children with HD . 36 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2001 Jan-Feb;18(1):79-82 . Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and childhood Hodgkin disease. Karadeniz C, Oguz A, Dalgiç N . Department of Pediatrics,, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Beşevler/Ankara, Turkey. 37 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 2001 Mar;36(3):398-9 . The vanishing bile duct syndrome in a child with Hodgkin disease. Ozkan A, Yoruk A, Celkan T, Apak H, Yildiz I, Ozbay G . Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. 38 . Pediatr Pulmonol . 2002 May;33(5):399-403 . Hodgkin’s disease and ataxia telangiectasia with pulmonary cavities. Yalçin B, Kutluk MT, Sanal O, Akyüz C, Anadol D, Cağlar M, Göçmen A, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) homozygotes have an increased risk for development of Hodgkin’s disease (HD) . Parenchymal lung involvement is not uncommon in HD; however, cavitary pulmonary lesions are quite unusual . We report
on 3 cases of AT with HD who had mediastinal disease and parenchymal pulmonary involvement with cavitation . Of 6 AT patients in our HD series, 3 developed pulmonary cavities . Th e patients displayed pulmonary infiltration, cavitation in the lung parenchyma, and mediastinal enlarged lymph nodes on both plain chest X-rays and thoracic computed tomographies . No infectious etiologies were established for the pulmonary findings . Histopathological examination of open lung and mediastinal biopsies revealed HD, and all patients received multiagent chemotherapies . Th e outcome was fatal in all 3 patients . Respiratory infections are the principle cause for morbidity and mortality in AT patients . Reports on cavitating pulmonary lesions in HD are quite rare . Furthermore, data regarding the patterns of pulmonary involvement in AT patients with or without HD are lacking . Th e increased incidence of malignancies in AT patients may relate to immunodeficiency and to the chromosomal alterations identified . 39 . Anal Quant Cytol Histol . 2002 Oct;24(5):249-53 . Prognostic role of natural killer cells in pediatric mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s disease. Ortaç R, Aktaş S, Diniz G, Erbay A, Vergin C . Department of Pathology and Pediatrics, Dr. Behcet Uz Children’s State Hospital, Izmir, Turkey. Abstract OBJECTIVE: To study natural killer cells’ spontaneous cytotoxic capacity against tumor cells and their prognostic significance in classical Hodgkin’s disease . STUDY DESIGN: Th irty-eight pediatric mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s disease patients were included in the study . Immunohistochemical staining was performed for natural killer cells in the background using the monoclonal antibody CD57 in serial sections of B5-formalin-fixed, paraff in-embedded tissue blocks . CD57-positive cells were counted with an immersion objective among 5,000 cells on representative areas of the tumors . Th e degree of natural killer cells was classified as low (<150 cells) or high (> or = 150 cells) . Multivariate regression analysis was performed to determine the diff erences between patients with and without relapse . RESULT: Th e mean of CD57-positive cell numberfor all the cases was 173 .42 +/- 117 .34 (range, 20-500) . CD57-positive cells were high in 21 cases and low in 17 . Th e mean of CD57positive cell numbers was 191 .85 +/- 115 .33 in the diseasefree group and 84 .44 +/- 57 .90 in the relapsing group . Log rank analysis showed statistical significance between event-free survival and number of CD57-positive cells (P = .0207) . CONCLUSION: In multivariate analysis, CD57 expression proved to be a prognostic factor independent from otherfactors . As a re-
sult, CD57 expression by background natural killer cells may be used as a prognostic parameter in mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s disease . 40 . Hematol J . 2003;4(1):78-81 . Pulmonary tuberculosis in children with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Karakas Z, Agaoglu L, Taravari B, Saribeyoglu E, Somer A, Guler N, Unuvar A, Anak S, Yalcin I, Devecioglu O . Department of Pediatrics, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University, Turkey. Abstract Th e clinical presentation of tuberculosis (TB) and Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) with pulmonary involvement is similar and raises problems of diff erential diagnosis . It may also be diff icult to distinguish TB from relapsed lymphoma . Th e purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of HL and pulmonary TB and to discuss diff erential diagnosis . Medical records of 70 children were reviewed retrospectively . A total of 27 patients (38%) had mediastinalpulmonary involvement initially . Systemic symptoms were present in 37 (52%) patients . In all, 14 patients (20%) had pulmonary TB; three of them were diagnosed as having TB before HL, two of them had TB and HL concomittantly at initial diagnosis, seven of them during lymphoma therapy and two of them aft er the cessation of lymphoma treatment . PPD was positive (>10 mm) only in seven patients . In all, 11 patients with pulmonary TB had diff use pulmonary infiltrations and mediastinal enlargement at lung contrastenhanced computed tomography and X-ray, which was diff icult to diff erentiate from HL . Biopsies were performed in five patients . No mortality because of the infection was seen . Only one patient had been lost as relapsed-resistant HL . To evaluate mediastinal lymphadenopathies is very crucial and the diff erential diagnosis is diff icult; hence the association between HL and the TB must be considered especially in countries where TB is highly endemic . 41 . Biol Trace Elem Res . 2003 Feb;91(2):191-2 . The strong correlation between serum copper level and the copper/zinc ratio to histopathological changes, clinical stage, and prognosis of Hodgkin’s disease. Gözdaşoğlu S, Akar N . Department of Pediatric Immunology-Allergy, Ankara University Medical School, Turkey. 42 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2004 Mar;21(2):95-9 . Coexistence of Hodgkin lymphoma and cyst hydatic disease of the liver. Yavuz G, Emir S, Unal E, Taçyildiz N, Gençgönül H, Yagmurlu A, Fitöz S, Erekul S . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Although both Hodgkin lymphoma and cyst hydatic disease in children have been seen with an increased frequency, there is no previously reported case of Hodgkin
lymphoma associated with cyst hydatic disease from Turkey . Th e authors report such a case of Hodgkin lymphoma . Intrahepatic cystic masses were diagnosed during ultrasound examination for clinical staging on admission . Th e diagnosis of cyst hydatic of the liver was confirmed by surgery . Although there was no residual and/or new cyst formation on radiologic follow-up, elevated antibody titers (indirect hemagglutination test) persisted following surgical excision at least for 2 years of follow-up . 43 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2005 Oct-Nov;22(7):589-96 . Intracranial involvement in Hodgkin’s disease. Akyüz C, Yalcin B, Atahan IL, Varan A, Kutluk MT, Büyükpamukçu M . Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Th e authors report 3 cases of Hodgkin’s disease with intracranial involvement . Th e patients were 4, 12, and 15 years old (male/female=1/2) . Initially, they were treated with ABVD or COPP chemotherapies and low-dose involved field radiotherapy . Intracranial recurrences occurred 27, 40, and 42 months aft er initial diagnosis, respectively . Two patients experienced convulsions and the other complained of diplopia . Th e metastatic lesions were located supratentorially with CT or MRI . Despite initial response achieved following systemic chemotherapy and external irradiation to cranial lesions, all patients died with disseminated disease . In patients with intracranial involvement of Hodgkin’s disease, prolonged disease-free survival may be achieved by combined modality treatment . 44 . Pediatr Blood Cancer . 2005 Oct 15;45(5):670-5 . Prognostic factors and treatment outcome in childhood Hodgkin disease. Oguz A, Karadeniz C, Okur FV, Citak EC, Pinarli FG, Bora H, Akyurek N . Department of Pediatrics, Professor of Pediatric Oncology, Chief of Division, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Beşevler/Ankara, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND: Th e goals of this study included: (1) Identification of factors prognostic for event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS), and (2) Definition of risk groups for risk adapted therapy in children with Hodgkin disease (HD) . PROCEDURE: From 1991 to 2003, 69 children with newly diagnosed, untreated biopsy-proven stage I-IV HD were treated with chemotherapy (CT) and low-dose involved field radiotherapy (LD-IFRT) . Th e relationship of pretreatment factors to EFS and OS was analyzed by univariate and multivariate analysis . RESULTS: Th e 5-year EFS and OS for all patients were 90 .77% and 96 .22%, respectively with a median follow-up of 73 months
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(3-137 months) . Male to female ratio was 3:1 and 21 children (32 .3%) were less than 7 years of age . Mixed cellularity was the predominant histologic subtype (38 .5%) . Factors associated with inferior EFS by univariate analysis were extranodal disease, hemoglobin level <11 g/dl, number of involved lymph node regions and stage . By multivariate analysis only stage IV disease was significant . CONCLUSION: Our study confirms that excellent results are achievable with combined modality therapy in childhood HD . In order to use risk-adapted therapy in children with HD, clinical prognostic factors should be validated with large, multicentered prospective clinical studies .
45 . Saudi Med J . 2005 Apr;26(4):571-5 . Hodgkin’s disease and association with Epstein-Barr virus in children in Southeast Turkey. Yilmaz F, Uzunlar AK, Sogutcu N, Ozaydin M . Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey. Abstract OBJECTIVES: Th ere are relatively few reports on histologic and immunophenotypic features of Hodgkin’s disease (HD) in children in Turkey . Th e aim of the present study is to characterize the clinicopathologic, immunophenotypic features and Ebstein-Barr virus (EBV) status of HD in children in our region . METHODS: Fift y-two cases coded as HD in the Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty, Dicle University, Turkey, from 1990 to 2002 were retrieved . We analyzed clinicopathologic data, immunophenotype, and EBV status of all patients . RESULTS: In most cases, the cervical lymph nodes were involved . Th e 52 cases (35 boys, 17 girls; male to female ratio was 2 .1) were categorized as mixed cellularity (MC) in 23 (44 .2%), lymphocyte predominance (LP) in 16 (30 .8%), nodular sclerosis (NS) in 10 (19 .2%), and lymphocyte depletion (LD) in 3 (5 .8%) . Of 33 cases, including MC and NS, Hodgkin’s Reed-Sternberg cells and variants were positive for CD15 in 27 cases (81 .8%) and positive for CD30 in 30 cases (90 .9%) . All the cases of LP demonstrated the characteristic phenotype of this variant (CD45RB+, CD20+, CD15-, CD30-) . Epithelial membrane antigen stained the lymphocytic/histiocytic cells in 3 cases (18 .7%) of 16 . Epstein-Barr virus-LMP1 were positive in 31 cases (61 .5%) of a total of 52 cases and the most were MC (91 .3%) . CONCLUSION: In conclusion, mixed cellularity HD is the most common histologic subtype . Th is result diff ered from that reported in developed countries . We found a striking association with expression of EBV-latent membrane protein 1 in malignant cells in childhood HD .
46 . J Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2006 Apr;28(4):234-6 . Hodgkin lymphoma in a child with Diamond Blackfan anemia. Yaris N, Erduran E, Cobanoglu U . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, Trabzon, Turkey. Abstract Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare disease characterized by aplasia or hypoplasia of erythroid lineage . Normochromic, usually macrocytic, but occasionally normocytic anemia and reticulocytopenia are characteristic findings of DBA . DBA is associated with an increased risk of malignancy . Most of the reported malignancies are acute myeloid leukemia . Solid tumors including hepatocellular carcinoma and osteosarcoma have also been identified . We could find 29 reported cases with DBA and malignancy . Two of them were diagnosed as Hodgkin lymphoma at 15 and 23 years, respectively . Here we report a 7-year-old boy with DBA who developed Hodgkin disease . 47 . Leuk Res . 2006 Jul;30(7):899-902 . Epub 2005 Nov 28 . Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and intrathoracic Hodgkin’s disease in children. Kebudi R, Ayan I, Görgün O, Ağaoğlu FY, Dizdar Y, Darendeliler E . Istanbul University, Oncology Institute, Division of Pediatric Oncology, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) is a syndrome characterized by clubbing of the fingers and toes, periosteal new bone formation of the long bones and polyarthritis . CASE REPORT: In this report, two children with intrathoracic Hodgkin’s disease and HOA are presented . CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic neoplasms are one of the major causes of HOA in adults; however HOA is rarely associated with intrathoracic malignancies in children . HOA associated with intrathoracic Hodgkin’s disease is even more rare, but should be kept in mind 48 . Turk J Pediatr . 2007 Apr-Jun;49(2):218-22 . Osseous presentation of Hodgkin’s disease: a case report and review of the literature. Köseoğlu RD, Senayli A, Biçakçi U, Onuk-Filiz N, Sezer T, Celkan T . Department of Pathology, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Faculty of Medicine, Tokat, Turkey. Abstract Th e bone involvement in the later stages of Hodgkin’s disease is an expected phenomenon, but it is very rare in early stages of the disease . About 49 cases of Hodgkin’s disease presenting with bone involvement have been reported in the literature . We reported a 14-year-old boy initially evaluated with pain localized at the left ilium . Although all the
radiological examinations suggested an osseous anomaly, histopathologic evaluation of the pelvic lymphadenopathies provided definite diagnosis of the disease . We discuss the possible diff erential diseases and review the literature regarding the osseous presentation of Hodgkin’s disease . 49 . Pediatr Blood Cancer . 2008 Jun;50(6):1290 . Cerebellar dysfunction caused by procarbazine and consumption of excessive amount of bananas. Küpeli S, Varan A, Büyükpamukçu M . Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara, Turkey. 50 . Eur J Pediatr . 2008 Apr;167(4):419-23 . Epub 2007 Jun 29 . Childhood intrathoracic Hodgkin lymphoma with hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy: a case report and review of the literature. Utine EG, Yalçin B, Karnak I, Kale G, Yalçin E, Doğru D, Kiper N, Akyüz C, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatrics, Division of Chest Diseases, Hacettepe University Sihhiye, 06100, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) is characterized by clubbing, periosteal new bone formation and polyarthritis . Th e pathogenesis of clubbing involves an increased expression of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) from the digitally lodged platelet clumps, which bypass the pulmonary capillary network as a result of various systemic disorders . Intrathoracic neoplasms are rare causes of HOA in children . We report here a 14-year-old boy with digital clubbing, who eventually received the diagnosis of intrathoracic Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and HOA . Eight cases previously reported with these two diagnoses are reviewed to emphasize the prognostic significance of HOA in childhood HL . CONCLUSION: Given the pathogenesis of clubbing and the prognostic significance of HOA, intrathoracic disease should be considered when HOA is detected in a child with a known or suspected malignant disease, and the occurrence of HOA during follow-up should alert the physicians for possible recurrence of the neoplastic disease or intrathoracic involvement . 51 . Pediatr Blood Cancer . 2008 Apr;50(4):881-3 . False positivity of FDG-PET/CT in a child with Hodgkin disease. Beker DB, Berrak SG, Canpolat C, Tugtepe H, Ones T, Tecimer T . Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Marmara University Medical Center, Altunizade, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract
Role of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) with F-182-fl uoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) in staging of Hodgkin disease is well established despite several controversies . We report a Stage III Hodgkin lymphoma patient with false positive FDG-PET/CT results . Seven-year-old male with Hodgkin lymphoma was in remission at end of che-
motherapy . At third and fourth month of postchemotherapy follow-up, increased Gallium uptake and positive FDG-PET/CT in right lower quadrant of abdomen was observed . Open biopsy revealed lymphoid hyperplasia . He has been followed for 21 months without any evidence of disease . Despite its documented benefit, we believe that results of FDG-PET/CT should be interpreted with great caution in order to avoid unnecessary interventions . 52 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 2008 Mar;25(2):159-61 . Breast involvement in nodular lymphocyte predominant type Hodgkin lymphoma in childhood. Aksu G, Inan N, Corapcioglu F, Tugay M, Anik YA . 53 . Pathol Res Pract . 2008;204(2):89-96 . Epub 2008 Jan 18 . Immunohistochemical expression of angiogenic cytokines in childhood Hodgkin lymphoma. Citak EC, Oguz A, Karadeniz C, Akyurek N . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University, Huseyin Onat Sokak, No. 15/13, Asagiayranci, Ankara 06510, Turkey. Abstract
Th is immunohistochemical study was carried out to evaluate the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 (MMP-2 and MMP9), their inhibitor (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1, TIMP-1), and microvessel density (MVD) in the clinicopathologic behavior of childhood Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) . Paraff in-embedded histologic sections from 15 children with HL were immunohistochemically stained with MMP2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, VEGF, and CD31 antibodies to investigate the correlation between the expression of these markers and the clinicopathologic characteristics of HL . Expression of MMP-2 and VEGF in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells (HRS) was more frequent in nodular sclerosis than in other subtypes (p=0 .07 and 0 .08, respectively) . None of the study parameters in HRS cell were associated with age, sex, disease stage, extranodal disease, and the occurrence of bulky tumor . Th ere was a trend toward advanced stage in negative TIMP-1 staining in HRS cells (p=0 .06) . In reactive lymphocytes, MMP-2 expression was correlated with MVD (r=0 .68, p=0 .005), and MMP-9 expression was correlated with B symptoms (p=0 .003) . Also, low TIMP-1 expression in reactive lymphocytes was frequently found in patients with advanced stage (p=0 .048) . Th ere was a positive correlation with the ratio of MMP-2 expression in reactive lymphocytes and MVD (r=0 .68, p=0 .005) . Expression of MMP-9 in reactive lymphocytes was correlated with MVD without statistical significance (r=0 .487, p=0 .06) . Our results suggest that, as in many solid tumors, angiogenesis and angiogenic factors may play an important role in childhood HL . Larger series of patients are needed to determine the prognostic value of angiogenesis in childhood HL . 54 . J Th orac Oncol . 2008 Aug;3(8):915-6 . Superior vena cava syndrome in a child and venous collateral pathways: MDCT imaging.
Merkezi Sinir Sistemi Tümörleri
1953-2011 yılları arasında toplam 281 adet Merkezi sinir sistemi tümörleri konulu yayın tespit edilmiştir . Bu yayınların çoğunluğu nöroşirurji bilim dallarınca ve sıklıkla anatomik alt gruplara göre rapor edilmiştir . Bu nedenle histopatolojiye göre tam bir sınıfl ama yapmak mümkün olmamıştır . En sık glial tümörlere ait yayın tespit edilmiş olup (90), ikinci sırada karışık hasta gruplarına ait yayınlar yer almaktadır (örneğin; posterior fossa tümörleri) .
Tablo 1. MSS yayınlarının 123 adedi derleme, özgün araştırma ve seri çalışma şeklinde olup, 158 adedi editöre mektup ve olgu sunumlarından oluşmaktadır. TANI
Glial tümörler
Birden fazla tanılı yayınlar
Embiryonal tümörler
Koroid pleksus tümörleri
Tablo 2. MSS tümörleri konusunda en çok birinci isim yayını olan yazarlar YAZAR ADI
R Nuri Şener
Yusuf Ersahin
İsmail H Tekkök
Mehmet Turgut
Burçak Bilginer
Su Berrak
Memet Ozek
Canan Akyüz, Necmettin Pamir, Ali Varan, Nalan Yazıcı, Faruk Zorlu
Tablo 3. MSS tümörleri konusunda yazar sırası gözetilmeksizin en çok yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR Nejat Akalan Figen Soylemezoglu Münevver Buyukpamukcu Yusuf Erşahin Memet Özek Tezer Kutluk Canan Akyüz Necmettin Pamir Aydın Sav Faruk Zorlu
YAYIN SAYISI 29 23 18 18 16 14 13 13 13 13
Tablo 4. MSS tümörleri yayınlarına göre en çok yayını olan ilk 10 kurum KURUM YAYIN SAYISI Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ege Üniversitesi İstanbul Üniversitesi Marmara Üniversitesi GATA Acıbadem Üniversitesi Gazi Üniversitesi Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ankara Üniversitesi Çukurova ve Karadeniz Teknik Üniversiteleri
70 30 26 19 11 7 7 7 6 5
Tablo 5. Yayın sitasyon sayısına göre ilk 10 yayın
Ozek MM
Marmara Uni
Intramedullary spinal cord tumors in children under J Neurosurg the age of 3 years
Seri çalışma
Kutluk T
Hacettepe Uni
Prognostic significance of glutathione S-transferase Clin Cancer pi expression and subcellular localization in human Res gliomas
Özgün araştırma
Ersahin Y
Ege Uni
Seri Cerebellar mutism: report of seven cases and review Neurosurgery of the literature çalışma
Erdincler P
Istanbul Uni
Intracranial meningiomas in children: review of 29 1998 cases
Surg Neurol
Seri çalışma
78 57
Evaluation of different cerebral mass lesions by perfusion-weighted MR imaging
J Magn Reson Özgün Imaging araştırma
Cerebellar mutism: report of two unusual cases and review of the literature
Clin Neurol Neurosurg
Vaka takdimi
Surg Neurol
Vaka takdimi
Seri çalışma
Brain abscess and cystic brain tumor: discrimination J Comput Seri with dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusionAssist Tomogr çalışma weighted MRI
Uludag Hakyemez B Uni Ersahin Y
Ege Uni
Gokay H
Istanbul Uni
Turgut M
Adnan Menderes Uni
Transient “cerebellar” mutism
Yurtseven T
Ege Uni
Minim Neuroendoscopic biopsy for intraventricular tumors Invasive Neurosurg
Erdogan C
Uludag Uni
1984 Supratentorial intracerebral schwannomas
Childs Nerv Syst
KONU 3 Merkezi Sinir Sistemi Tümörleri
YAYINLAR GLİAL TÜMÖRLER 1 . Neurochirurgie . 1984;30(3):153-8 . Intracranial ependymomas. Study of 81 cases and comparison with the literature. Namer IJ, Pamir MN, Benli K, Erbengi A . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract For ten-years of period, between 1973-1982, 81 cases with intracranial ependymoma have been operated in H .U .T .F . Neurosurgery Department . Supratentorial localisation have been found in 24 cases (30%), and infratentorial in 57 (70%) . 80% of the patients in supratentorial group and 91% in infratentorial group were under the age 20 . In supratentorial group 79% were in paraventricular localisation, and 21% were intraventricular . In infratentorial group 70% of the cases were localised within the IV . ventricle, 20% in province of the tentorial roof, 5% in the lateral recessus and 5% into cerebellum . Th e 40 patients who were followed up were rated according to the localisation and the grades of the tumors, the type of the surgical intervention and chemotherapy with respect to the postoperative survival . As a result only the total resection of the tumor was found to be significant . 2 . Br J Ophthalmol . 1989 Oct;73(10):832-7 . Optic glioma of childhood: clinical, histopathological, and histochemical observations. Bilgiç S, Erbengi A, Tinaztepe B, Onol B . Department of Ophthalmology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Th is report documents the long-term clinical and histopathological behaviour of eight intraorbital and 16 intracranial optic nerve gliomas and relates the therapeutic data to the prognosis for both visual acuity and survival . Th e mean age at onset of symptoms was 8 .6 years and at the diagnosis 10 .9 years . It is generally held that proptosis is mild in intraorbital glioma, but we encountered marked proptosis ranging from 7 to 12 mm in six of the eight intraorbital gliomas, which contained abundant Alcianblue-positive mucoid material . Of the patients with intracranial optic nerve gliomas 37 .5% survived for a mean of eight years aft er treatment with radiotherapy or surgery combined with radiotherapy . At follow-up ranging from five months to 11 years only one of the six patients with intracranial gliomas had full visual acuity . Our observations emphasise that, although optic nerve gliomas are benign hamartomas, the prognosis for visual acuity and survival is unfavourable in cases which are diagnosed and treated late . Histopathological and histochemical ob-
servations suggest that increase in the amount of mucoid material may contribute to rapid enlargement of intraorbital and intracranial optic gliomas . 3 . Radiother Oncol . 1992 Apr;23(4):245-8 . Results of post-operative or exclusive radiotherapy in grade I and grade II cerebellar astrocytoma patients. Akyol FH, Atahan IL, Zorlu F, Gürkaynak M, Alanyali H, Ozyar E . Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract 43 Patients with the diagnosis of cerebellar astrocytoma were post-operatively treated, between 1 January 1976 and 31 December 1985 . Th eir age ranged between 2 and 51 years with a median of 13 . Th ere were 22 males and 21 females . Th e tumours were reported as grade I in 18, and grade II in 25 patients . Th e primary surgical intervention was in the form of biopsy in 3, subtotal excision in 24 and macroscopic total excision in 16 . All patients were treated with cobalt-60 teletherapy unit, to a total tumour dose of 4500-5500 cGy in 6-7 weeks . Th e obtained 5 and 10 year actuarial survival rates are 78% and 78% . Our study gives the impression that, age, sex and tumour grade are not determining factors in survival and post-operative radiotherapy improves prognosis in cases treated by subtotal excision while it remains unnecessary in those who had undergone total surgical removal . 4 . J Child Neurol . 1993 Oct;8(4):354-6 . Intramedullary astrocytoma presenting as spinal muscular atrophy. Aysun S, Cinbiş M, Ozcan OE . Department of Paediatric Neurology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We present a 6-year-old patient with a spinal cord tumor who had been followed with the diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy since the age of 23 months . Reasons for reevaluating the diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy were the early onset of scoliosis, the slight asymmetry in weakness of extremities, and the appearance of urinary retention in the last 3 days . Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a very long, intramedullary tumor extending from the level of the seventh cervical segment to the conus medullaris, later reported to be a grade I astrocytoma . We therefore recommend that magnetic resonance imaging, a noninvasive and sensitive technique for intraspinal pathologies, be performed in every patient with an atypical form of spinal muscular atrophy .
5 . Turk J Pediatr . 1993 Apr-Jun;35(2):145-50 . Subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in tuberous sclerosis. Ozek MM, Ozek E, Pamir MN, Ozer AF, Erzen C . Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract Two cases of tuberous sclerosis with subependymal giant cell astrocytoma are presented . Th is rare autosomal dominant disorder was also detected in family members of the patients who had never had any symptoms of cerebral involvement . Both patients underwent surgery because of signs of increased intracranial pressure . 6 . Childs Nerv Syst . 1993 Feb;9(1):39-42 . Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma associated with von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis. Ozek MM, Sav A, Pamir MN, Ozer AF, Ozek E, Erzen C . Department of Neurosurgery, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract Th e authors present a case of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma that occurred in a 14-year-old boy with von Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis . Th e circumscribed tumor with a cystic component was located in the medial right temporal lobe . Th e designation of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma has been suggested for this neoplasm on the basis of its unique histological features . Th ese include positive glial fibrillary acidic protein staining . 7 . Radiat Med . 1994 Nov-Dec;12(6):269-72 . Intracranial ependymomas: treatment results and prognostic factors. Zorlu AF, Atahan IL, Akyol FH, Gürkaynak M, Ozyar E . Department of Radiation Oncology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Forty-nine intracranial ependymoma patients were postoperatively irradiated with craniospinal, cranial, or wide local fields . Th irty-two patients received an adjuvant chemotherapy regimen of vincristine and CCNU with or without procarbazine . Th e 10-year actuarial overall and progression-free survival rates were 57% and 57%, respectively . Age was the only significant prognostic factor in favor of adults (p = 0 .01) . 8 . J Neurosurg Sci . 1994 Jun;38(2):137-40 . Optic nerve glioma presenting as a huge intrasellar mass. Case report. Tekkök IH, Tahta K, Saglam S . Institute of Neurological Sciences (IHT), Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We report the case of a twelve-year-old boy who presented with visual impairment and headache and was found to harbour a purely intrasellar cystic pilocytic astrocytoma originating from proximal left optic nerve . Th e mass was
explored transcranially and decompression of the optic apparatus and subtotal resection of the cyst wall was accomplished . Th e patient received post-operative radiotherapy and stays symptom-free aft er two years . A review of the literature revealed six cases of optic pathway astrocytomas associated with cyst formation . Our case appears as the first case of an optic glioma to present as an intrasellar mass . 9 . Pediatr Neurosurg . 1996 Aug;25(2):94-9 . A serial CT scan and MRI verification of diffuse cerebrospinal gliomatosis: a case report with stereotactic diagnosis and radiological confirmation. Onal C, Bayindir C, Siraneci R, Izgi N, Yalçin I, Altinel Z, Barlas O . Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul University School of Medicine, Turkey. Abstract Gliomatosis cerebri is an infrequent tumor of neuroepithelial origin presenting with deterioration of cognitive functions, behavioral and mental changes, motor weakness, headache, and seizures . Laboratory data are unconclusive . MRI appears to be the imaging modality of choice and mainly reveals a bilateral and diff use infiltration of midline adjacent brain structures whose anatomical configuration remain intact . MRI- or CT-guided stereotactic biopsy is advised as the diagnostic procedure in suspected cases . A 9-year-old girl with diff use cerebrospinal gliomatosis, investigated with sequential cranial CT scans, and MRI-verified spinal cord involvement is reported, and the corresponding literature is reviewed . 10 . Clin Neurol Neurosurg . 1996 Aug;98(3):217-21 . Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma associated with tuberous sclerosis: diagnostic and surgical characteristics of five cases with unusual features. Turgut M, Akalan N, Ozgen T, Ruacan S, Erbengi A . Department of Neurosurgery, Adnan Menderes University School of Medicine, Aydin, Turkey. Abstract Five children with tuberous sclerosis and intracranial tumors were surgically treated at Neurosurgery Department of Hacettepe University School of Medicine . Two of the five patients presented with the giant cell astrocytoma filling the third ventricle . Direct surgical intervention and tumor removal was carried out in all four patients (three with a total surgical resection and one with a subtotal resection) and cerebrospinal fl uid shunting procedure in one . Histopathological examination revealed giant cell astrocytomas in four patients . Postoperatively, one died and the rest four patients survived with minor focal neurologic diff iculties . Th e surgical results and the changing concepts in the treatment of tuberous sclerosis are discussed and the literature is reviewed . 11 . J Neuroradiol . 1996 Jun;23(1):38-40 . Cerebral astroblastoma resembling an extra-axial neoplasm.
KONU 3 Merkezi Sinir Sistemi Tümörleri
Yunten N, Ersahin Y, Demirtas E, Yalman O, Sener RN . Department of Radiology, Ege University School of Medicine, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. Abstract A case of a cerebral astroblastoma is described in which MR imaging findings suggested the diagnosis of an extraaxial neoplasm . Th e lesion was proven to be intracerebral both surgically and histopathologically . Calvarial erosion, and buckling of the cerebral cortex by a peripherally located well circumscribed, highly enhancing mass, were the main MR findings leading to an errogenous preoperative diagnosis of an extra-axial mass . An astroblastoma should be included to the diff erential diagnosis of a superficially located tumor presenting with the findings of an extraaxial mass, especially in a young patient .
12 . Radiother Oncol . 1997 Oct;45(1):11-5 . Management of optic pathway and chiasmatichypothalamic gliomas in children with radiation therapy. Erkal HS, Serin M, Cakmak A . Department of Radiation Oncology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Optic pathway and chiasmatic-hypothalamic gliomas are rare childhood tumors . Th is study presents the experience in management of these tumors with radiation therapy . MATERIALS AND METHODS: Th irty-three children with the diagnosis of optic pathway and chiasmatic-hypothalamic gliomas were treated with radiation therapy from 1973 through 1994 in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine . Twenty-four children had optic pathway gliomas and nine had chiasmatic-hypothalamic gliomas . Evidence of neurofibromatosis was present in six children . Subtotal resection was performed in 22 children and a biopsy in seven . Th e most common prescription for total tumor dose was 50 Gy, delivered in 2 Gy daily fractions . Follow-up ranged from 0 .5 to 16 .1 years (mean, 13 .6 years) . RESULTS: Overall, progression-free and cause-specific survival probabilities for the entire group were 93%, 82% and 93%, respectively, at 5 years and 79%, 77% and 88%, respectively, at 10 years . Diff erences in overall, progression-free and cause-specific survival probabilities between optic pathway and chiasmatic-hypothalamic gliomas were not statistically significant . Absence of evidence of neurofibromatosis correlated with significantly better progressionfree and cause-specific survival probabilities . CONCLUSION: Radiation therapy is eff ective in stabilization or improvement of vision and prevention of tumor progression in both optic pathway and chiasmatic-hypothalamic gliomas .
13 . Clin Neurol Neurosurg . 1997 May;99(2):117-23 . Management of glioblastoma multiforme: with special reference to recurrence . Durmaz R, Erken S, Arslantaş A, Atasoy MA, Bal C, Tel E . Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty of Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey. Abstract Between 1985 and 1995, 46 patients underwent craniotomy for glioblastoma multiforme . Th e mean age was 47, varying from 9 to 71 years . Th e infl uence of such prognostic factors as age, preoperative Karnofsky score, extent of resection, tumour site, tumour size, radiotherapy, reoperation as well as initial symptoms upon survival were studied . Of these, gross complete removal, radiotherapy, preoperative Karnofsky score, and reoperation were shown to be statistically significant to the survival time according to logrank and univariate tests . However, age, preoperative Karnofsky score, tumour size and temporal localisation remained as significant factors in multivariate analysis . Th e overall median survival was 53 weeks, with no patients surviving more than 3 years . Of the patients, 41% survived over a year and 8 .6% lived over two years . Twenty-six patients developed a recurrent mass aft er an interval of 32 weeks . Th e median interval time from operation to recurrence was longer in those patients who underwent gross removal than in those who had a subtotal resection, 28 .2 against 20 weeks (P < 0 .05) . Of patients who had a recurrent mass, 16 were reoperated on, with a subsequent median survival time of 26 .5 weeks . Our experience suggests that the survival of patients with glioblastoma depends on many factors, including radical surgery as an initial step . In addition, the gross total removal of the tumour also delays the development of recurrence . 14 . J Child Neurol . 1997 Feb;12(2):152-4 . Brainstem tumor with infantile spasms. Aktan G, Simşek A, Aysun S . Department of Pediatric Neurology, Hacettepe University, Hacettepe Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 15 . Childs Nerv Syst . 1997 Jan;13(1):50-6 . Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. Bayindir C, Balak N, Karasu A, Kasaroğlu D . Department of Neurosurgery, University of Istanbul, School of Medicine, Turkey. Abstract A case of anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) in a 9-year-old girl is reported . Histological features of PXAs are cellular pleomorphism of GFAP-positive cells, with intracytoplasmic lipidic vacuoles and a reticulin network, bizarre giant cells, low mitotic activity, and lack of necrosis and of endothelial vascular proliferations . Th ese tumors are generally reported to have a favorable postoperative course . In our case, a poor clinical prognosis and spread of the illness through the CSF was observed . Immunohistochemical features of the tumor, which were
histologically anaplastic in nature, were analyzed . Th ere were small foci of necrosis in the sections of the material obtained at the first operation and extensive necrosis in that from the second operation, although the patient had not received radiotherapy between the operations . Th e presence of necrosis in PXA is an uncommon and significant feature . It predicts the poor prognosis seen in this case, and therefore this report strongly supports the notion that necrosis should automatically exclude a tumor from the PXA category . Th e histological grade was evaluated as grade 3 (according to the WHO classification) . 16 . Clin Neurol Neurosurg . 1997 May;99(2):130-4 . Cerebellar mutism: report of two unusual cases and review of the literature. Erşahin Y, Mutluer S, Saydam S, Barçin E . Department of Neurosurgery, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey. Abstract Mutism is not a common condition following cerebellar damage . Mutism following posterior cranial fossa surgery was first reported by Rekate et al . and Yonemasu in 1985 . Since then, many case reports of mutism have appeared in the English literature . Very few cases developed mutism following brain stem surgery . Although mutism has been described in patients with head injury, only one case of mutism caused by a cerebellar injury has been reported, to our knowledge . We report on two patients in which the cerebellar mutism following a radical excision of an exophytic brain stem glioma and cerebellar injury developed . We reviewed the relevant literature and discussed the mechanism of cerebellar mutism . 17 . Clin Cancer Res . 1997 Dec;3(12 Pt 1):2253-61 . Prognostic significance of glutathione S-transferase pi expression and subcellular localization in human gliomas. Ali-Osman F, Brunner JM, Kutluk TM, Hess K . Section of Molecular Therapeutics, Department of Experimental Pediatrics, Division of Pathology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 77030, USA. Abstract Th e glutathione S-transferase (GST)-pi gene is overexpressed in many human cancers and preneoplastic lesions and is associated with failure of cancer chemotherapy and poor patient survival . Although GST-pi overexpression in tumors of the central nervous system has been observed, the prognostic and/or clinical relevance of this overexpression has, to date, not been investigated . In this study, we analyzed the level of GST-pi expression and its subcellular localization in 61 primary gliomas and correlated the results with tumor histology, patient age, and patient survival . We observed a strong positive correlation between the level of GST-pi expression and tumor grade and between the presence of GST-pi in glioma cell nuclei and patient age . Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses
and Kaplan-Meier curves showed the level of GST-pi expression and its nuclear localization to be inversely correlated with patient survival . Relative risk for death of patients with high versus low tumor GST-pi expression was 3 .2 (P = 0 .0069) by univariate analysis and 2 .6 (P = 0 .036) by multivariate analysis . Th e relative risk of death associated with the presence of nuclear GST-pi in glioma cells was 3 .9 (P = 0 .0001) by univariate analysis and 4 .4 (P < 0 .0001) by multivariate analysis . Th ese data indicate that high GST-pi expression in tumor cells and the presence of the GST-pi protein in tumor cell nuclei are associated with clinically more aggressive gliomas and are strong predictors of poor patient survival . 18 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 1998 Feb;30(2):81-4 . Subcutaneous sacrococcygeal myxopapillary ependymoma. Ilhan I, Berberoglu S, Kutluay L, Maden HA . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Ankara Oncology Hospital, Turkey. Abstract We report an 8-year-old boy with a primary subcutaneous sacrococcygeal ependymoma, a rare tumor that is thought to arise in embryologic rests . Th e lesion was completely removed in our patient, who has been followed without recurrence for 20 months . Our experience, together with that of the other 15 cases in the world literature, supports surgical excision as the mainstay of treatment . 19 . Minim Invasive Neurosurg . 1998 Dec;41(4):209-13 . Radical surgery and reoperation in supratentorial malignant glial tumors. Daneyemez M, Gezen F, Canakçi Z, Kahraman S . Department of Neurosurgery, Gülhane Medical School, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Th e treatment modalities for gliomas are still questioning and searching . We reviewed the eff ect of the extent of surgical resection and reoperation on the length and quality of survival in 152 consecutive patients who underwent operation for supratentorial gliomas at GATA Neurosurgery clinic between 1985 to 1995 . Seventy-two patients (50%) had glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and 48 patients (33%) had anaplastic astrocytoma (AA) . Gross total resection was achieved in 70 cases (49%), subtotal resection was performed in 60 cases (42%), and biopsy was carried out in 14 cases (9%) . Th irty-two patients were reoperated for recurrency and the median interval between the first operation and reoperation was 9 .5 months in glioblastoma multiforme, and 11 .7 months in anaplastic astrocytoma . Th e resection groups were compared for age, sex, preoperative and postoperative Karnofsky rating, tumor location, postoperative radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, and survival according to multivariate analysis . Preoperative Karnofsky rating and surgical resection type were the most important factors related to survival aft er operation
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or reoperation . Th e gross total resection group lived longer than the subtotal resection group by life table analysis . Median survival of GBM was 76 weeks in gross total resection group, and 33 months in AA group with total resection (p < 0 .001) . Preoperative Karnofsky scores had a statistically significant eff ect on the quality of life and survival aft er operation and reoperation in all cases (p = 0 .005) . Radical surgery and reoperation also improve quality and length of life in selective malignant supratentorial gliomas . 20 . Neurosurg Rev . 1998;21(1):23-30 . The neurosurgical aspects of neurofibromatosis 2: diagnosis and management. Turgut M, Palaoğlu S, Ozcan OE . Department of Neurosurgery, Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty, Aydin, Turkey. Abstract NF-2 is an extremely rare form of neurofibromatosis (NF) characterized by central system (CNS) neural crestderived tumors and frequently cafe au lait spots (CLS) . Th e purpose of this study was to report the clinical and imaging findings of seven patients with this disorder and to stress that value of surgical treatment in its management . Seven patients between 8 and 32 years of age who had NF-2 were included in the study . Clinical charts, surgical and pathological findings, and imaging studies were reviewed retrospectively . Patients were followed up for to 142 months . Clinical evaluation and neuroimaging studies detected the clinical criteria of NF-2 in all patients . Two deaths occurred aft er surgical intervention in our series . None of the patients suff ered from recurrent tumor following surgery . Our results show that NF-2 is an uncommon entity which has a good prognosis aft er surgical intervention, in spite of the presence of multiple cranial and/or spinal lesions . 21 . Int Ophthalmol . 1999;23(3):167-70 . Cerebellar astrocytoma presenting with acute esotropia in a 5 year-old girl. Case report. Dikici K, Cicik E, Akman C, Kendiroğlu G, Tolun H . Ophthalmology Department, Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical School, Cerrahpasa Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract We encountered a 5-year-old girl with acute onset of alternating, comitant esotropia in the absence of diplopia and other neurologic findings . She did not have any refractive error and seen bilateral papilledemas in fundus examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head was performed . A large cerebellar astrocytoma and moderate hydrocephalus was identified and successfully resected . Th e onset of comitant esotropia in a child can be the first sign of a cerebellar tumor without any other neurologic signs and symptoms . 22 . Childs Nerv Syst . 1999 May;15(5):219-21 . Gliomatosis cerebri with neurofibromatosis: autopsy-proven case. Onal C, Bayindir C .
Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, University of Istanbul, Capa, Turkey. Abstract Gliomatosis cerebri is a glial neoplastic process that is diff usely distributed through neural structures, whose anatomical configuration remains intact . Among the more than 19,000 cases hospitalized in Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery throughout the past 45 years, only 2 cases were diagnosed as gliomatosis cerebri, 1 by stereotactic antemortem diagnosis and the other aft er autopsy . In this paper, the autopsy-proven case of this rare disease with coexistent neurofibromatosis--the sixth case reported in the literature--is presented .
23 . Pediatr Neurosurg . 1999 Sep;31(3):168 . Bilateral optic nerve glioma. Erşahin Y, Yünten N . Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Ege University Faculty of Medicine Izmir, Turkey. 24 . Acta Oncol . 2000;39(1):97-100 . Intracranial ependymomas in childhood--a retrospective review of sixty-two children. Akyüz C, Emir S, Akalan N, Söylemezoğlu F, Kutluk T, Büyükpamukçu M . Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Of the 818 tumours of the central nervous system diagnosed between 1972 and 1991, 62 patients (35 males and 27 females) with histopathologically confirmed ependymomas were treated and followed-up at the Children’s Hospital of Hacettepe University during that period . Th e median age was 6 years (range 1-17 years) . Headache, nausea and vomiting were the most frequent symptoms; papilledema was the most common sign in our patients . Tumour sites were in the posterior fossa in 47 patients and supratentorial in 15 patients . All patients underwent surgery . Gross- total resection was performed in 27 patients, subtotal resection in 32 patients and biopsy in the remaining 3 patients . Initially, 53 patients were given postoperative radiotherapy . Four patients did not receive radiotherapy because of their young age, whereas five patients died prior to starting radiotherapy . Two slightly diff erent types of chemotherapy protocols were applied for an average of one year in 47 patients . Event-free and overall survival rates at 10 years were 36% and 50%, respectively . Twenty children suff ered relapse 4 to 55 months aft er diagnosis (median 16 months) . Relapses were distant in 3 cases and local in 17 . Age was the only statistically significant prognostic factor, patients younger than 5 years of age having a poorer outcome . Sex, histopathologic type, localization of the tumour, extent of surgery, and chemotherapy did not infl uence the prognosis in our study . Because the majority of recurrences were local, better local tumour control is required .
New treatment strategies should be developed in order to improve local control . 25 . J Child Neurol . 2000 Nov;15(11):765-7 . Moyamoya syndrome after radiation therapy for optic pathway glioma: case report. Serdaroğlu A, Simşek F, Gücüyener K, Oğuz A, Karadeniz C, Balibey M . Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatrics, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We present a 4-year-old girl with neurofibromatosis-1 who developed moyamoya syndrome characterized by bilateral stenosis or occlusion of the distal internal carotid arteries and their branches, leading to the development of an abnormal vascular network . In light of a literature review, the postradiation vasculopathy of the moyamoya type and its relationship with neurofibromatosis-1 are discussed . 26 . J Pediatr Surg . 2000 Mar;35(3):515-8 . Sacrococcygeal extraspinal ependymomas: the role of coccygectomy. Aktuğ T, Hakgüder G, Sarioğlu S, Akgür FM, Olguner M, Pabuçcuoğlu U . Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical Faculty, Izmir, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND: Ependymomas, the common glial tumors of the spinal cord, occur occasionally outside the central nervous system and are called exstraspinal ependymomas (EEP) . EEPs are found primarily in sacrococcygeal region during childhood . Th e pathogenesis and the treatment of the sacrococcygeal (SC) ependymomas are still controversial . Th erefore, we present our case with metaanalysis of other case reports to determine the optimal treatment modality for SC EEPs . METHODS: A metaanalysis of case reports of SC EEPs, including the current case, was conducted . Also all available case reports of EEPs, without age limit, were analyzed to determine the distribution of EEPs localization . RESULTS: EEPs usually are found in teratoma localizations such as the SC area, ovary, paraovarian structures, and medastinum . Th e distribution of EEPs localization diff ers with age . Local recurrence rate of EEPs aft er coccyx excision is zero, however, it increases to 71% when the coccyx was left behind . CONCLUSION: Th e identical clinical characteristics of the SC teratomas and EEPs imply that the SC EEPs may be monophasic teratomas as their ovarian counterparts are named . Coccyx excision is an important part of the surgical treatment of these tumors, with an apparent decrease in the recurrence rate .
27 . Pathol Oncol Res . 2000;6(2):118-24 . The distribution of extracellular matrix proteins and CD44S expression in human astrocytomas. Oz B, Karayel FA, Gazio NL, Ozlen F, Balci K . Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Pathology Aksaray, Istambul, Turkey. Abstract Aims of the study were: 1 . to establish the prevalence of CD44 protein expression in human astrocytomas; 2 . to compare the distribution of the extracellular matrix in these tumors; 3 . to investigate the relation between CD 44, the extracellular matrix proteins and the histological grade of the tumor . CD44, Type IV Collagen (Col IV), Laminin (LN), Fibronectin (FN), and Tenascin (TN) expression were detected by immunohistochemistry in formalin fixed paraff in embedded tissue samples of 52 astrocytic tumors: 35 glioblastomas (GB), 7 Anaplastic astrocytomas (AA) and 10 astrocytomas (A) . Th e localization of Col IV was observed in the basement membrane of the vessel walls in most of the astrocytomas (88 .4%) with a similar pattern obtained with LN staining . 7 of 10 A (70%), 2 of 7 AA (28%) and 9 of 35 GB (25 .7%) showed LN positivity . Th ere was a negative correlation between LN expression and tumor grade (p=0 .03) . FN was either localized in the basement membrane or showed thick multi-layered immunoreactivity of the vessel walls . FN expression was seen in 6 A (60%), 4 AA (57%) and all of 35 GB (100%) . Th e FN distribution was not uniform and its staining intensity showed decrease in GB . 3A (30%), 3 AA (42%), 27 GB (77 .1%) showed TN expression in the vessel walls and in some tumor cells of 19 GBs . TN expression was positively correlated with the degree of vascular endothelial proliferation in GB (p<0 .05) . Th e expression of CD44s wasseen as plasma membrane positivity of glioma cells in 5 of 10A (50%), 3 of 7AA (42 .3%) and 29 of 35 GB (82 .8%) . Th e intensity of immunoreaction was quite strong especially near the vessels . Th ere was a good correlation between TN and CD44s expression in human astrocytic tumors (p=0 .005) . No relationship was observed between GFAP, ECM proteins and CD44s expression . Both CD44s and TN expression showed increase with malignancy in astrocytomas . Th ese findings indicated that the histological malignancy of the astrocytomas was correlated with expression of TN and CD44s . It was suggested that in astrocytomas there was a biological relationship only between CD44 and TN, but none with the other ECM proteins . TN may play a role in angiogenesis in human astrocytic tumors . 28 . Childs Nerv Syst . 2000 May;16(5):309-11 . Chiasmatic low-grade glioma presenting with sacral intradural spinal metastasis. Akar Z, Tanriover N, Kafadar AM, Gazioglu N, Oz B, Kuday C . Department of Neurosurgery, Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, Turkey.
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Abstract Leptomeningeal metastasis of low-grade gliomas in children has been documented in several series, both at the time of diagnosis and at relapse . Th e authors report a unique case of chiasmatic low-grade astrocytoma presenting with signs and symptoms related to the metastatic site rather than the primary site . In this respect, the possibility of appearance of symptoms and signs related to leptomeningeal dissemination preceding the signs and symptoms belonging to the primary site should be considered in this type of benign tumours .
29 . J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr . 2000 Apr;30(4):453-7 . An uncommon and often overlooked cause of failure to thrive: diencephalic syndrome. Ertem D, Acar Y, Alper G, Kotiloglu E, Pehlivanoglu E . Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Marmara University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. 30 . Acta Radiol . 2000 Jul;41(4):375-6 . Chiasmatic glioblastoma of childhood. A case report. Cirak B, Unal O, Arslan H, Cinal A . Department of Radiology, Yuzuncu Yil University Medical Center, Van, Turkey. Abstract A 6-year-old girl presented with visual deterioration that had progressively worsened over 2 months . MR imaging revealed a sellar, para- and suprasellar lesion . Subtotal tumor resection was performed . Histopathological diagnosis was glioblastoma of the optic chiasma . Chiasmatic glioblastoma is rare in adults and extremely uncommon in children . Surgical resection implies a risk of severe endocrinologic and ophthalmologic complications . 31 . Pediatr Int . 2000 Aug;42(4):389-91 . Primary leptomeningeal astrocytoma in a child. Cirak B, Caksen H, Ugras S, Unal O . Department of Neurosurgery, Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Medicine, Van, Turkey 32 . Dev Med Child Neurol . 2001 Sep;43(9):647-8 . ‘Diffuse cerebrospinal gliomatosis’. Onal C, Bayindir C, Izgi N, Barlas O . Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey 33 . J Clin Neurosci . 2002 Sep;9(5):549-52 . Effect of surgery on tumor progression and malignant degeneration in hemispheric diffuse low-grade astrocytomas. Kiliç T, Ozduman K, Elmaci I, Sav A, Necmettin Pamir M . Marmara University Institute of Neurological Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract Th e aim of this study is to determine the impact of surgery on tumor progression and malignant degeneration in hemispheric diff use astrocytoma WHO grade II . Twentyeight patients who were operated or underwent stereotactic biopsy for hemispheric diff use astrocytoma WHO grade II at Marmara University between January 1987 and
January 1996, were prospectively reviewed for the presence of recurrence and histopathological dediff erentiation at their fourth years aft er the initial treatment . Twenty-two patients underwent surgical resection . Of this group, 7 patients had a total, 11 had a subtotal and 4 patients had a partial resection . Six patients underwent stereotactic biopsy . All patients, except for the ones in whom a radiological total surgical removal could be achieved, received postoperative radiotherapy . In the total surgical-removal group only one patient had recurrence, while no upgrade was noted . All of the patients in the partial resection and stereotactic biopsy groups recurred at a higher grade . Our results indicate that both tumor progression and histopathological dediff erentiation were less commonly seen when a total or subtotal resection could be achieved . So, surgery, as radical as possible, should be the choice of treatment in low-grade hemispheric astrocytomas . 34 . Pediatr Neurosurg . 2002 Sep;37(3):118-21 . An unusual tuberous sclerosis case presenting with fibrillary astrocytoma. Eren S, Polat P, Erman Z . Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey. Abstract Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is an autosomal dominant disorder . It is characterized by hamartomatous lesions in various organs such as the brain, skin, kidneys and heart . Subependymal and parenchymal nodules occur in the cerebrum . Although giant cell astrocytoma may develop from these subependymal nodules, tumor formation is very rare in the cortical nodules . We present the clinical, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of a fibrillary astrocytoma originating from a cortical tuber in a 4-year-old female with TS . 35 . J Postgrad Med . 2002 Apr-Jun;48(2):158-9 . Transient cerebellar mutism after posterior fossa surgery. Arslantas A, Erhan C, Emre E, Esref T . 36 . Comput Med Imaging Graph . 2002 May-Jun;26(3):187-91 . Astroblastoma: diffusion MRI, and proton MR spectroscopy. Sener RN . Department of Radiology, Ege University Hospital, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey. Abstract A patient with grade II astroblastoma is reported . Th e tumor revealed an inhomogenous enhancement pattern on T1-weighted images aft er contrast medium . It contained cyst-like structures with high signal in FLAIR images, consistent with presence of viscous material . In spectroscopy, NAA was decreased, and Cho was increased . Peaks belonging to lipids and a combined broad peak belonging to myoinositol and glycine were noticed . In diff usion MRI, the mean apparent diff usion coeff icient (ADC) va-
lue of intratumoral cyst-like structures was 2 .12 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s less than that of CSF . Th e matrix of the tumor had lower ADC values ranging from 1 .19 to 1 .25 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s, higher than that of normal cerebral parenchyma .
and might contribute to diff erentiating optic gliomas from hamartomas, and myelin vacuolization, however, further studies will be required for assessing the role of diff usion imaging in such lesions .
37 . Comput Med Imaging Graph . 2002 Jan-Feb;26(1):25-31 . Longstanding tectal tumors: proton MR spectroscopy and diffusion MRI findings. Sener RN . Department of Radiology, Ege University Hospital, Bornova, Izmir 35100, Turkey. Abstract Four patients with longstanding tectal tumors are included in this study . Th e tectal lesion in a neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) patient was due to a hamartoma, while others represented gliomas . On spectroscopy, decreased NAA peaks with resultant decreases in the NAA/Cho, and NAA/ Cr ratios were observed in two patients . In three patients, on diff usion MRI the tectal tumors were hyperintense on b=1000 s/mm(2) (heavily diff usion-weighted) images . On apparent diff usion coeff icient (ADC) maps, they had high signal, and high ADC values (mean=1 .20 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s), compared to normal cerebral parenchyma . Diffusion MRI findings suggested that tectal tumors had a relatively high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio (high-signal on b=1000 s/mm(2) images) in association with a relatively loose intercellular matrix (high ADC values) .
39 . Turk J Pediatr . 2003 Jul-Sep;45(3):276-9 . Sacrococcygeal extraspinal ependymoma: a case report. Akpolat N, Bozlak N, Kazez A, Köseoğullari AA . Department of Pathology, Firat University Faculty of Medicine, Elaziğ, Turkey. Abstract Ependymomas, the common glial tumors of the spinal cord, occur occasionally outside the central nervous system and are called extraspinal ependymomas (ESE) . ESE, which are clinically confused with other sacrococcygeal tumors, are rarely seen and found primarily in the sacrococcygeal region during childhood . We report a case of a seven-year-old boy presenting with a midline mass (6 cm diameter) over his coccyx . Th e solid mass was diagnosed as maxillopapillary type of ependymoma . Clinical and histopathological features of the case are described and literature reviewed .
38 . Comput Med Imaging Graph . 2002 Mar-Apr;26(2):59-64 . Diffusion MRI in neurofibromatosis type 1: ADC evaluations of the optic pathways, and a comparison with normal individuals. Sener RN . Department of Radiology, Ege University Hospital, Bornova, 35100, Izmir, Turkey. Abstract In a control group of 12 normal children (ages ranging from 9 months to 3 years; mean=1 .6 years) the mean apparent diff usion coeff icient (ADC) value of the normal white matter, obtained from automatically generated ADC maps, was 0 .84 +/- 0 .14 x 10(-3)mm(2)/s . A patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 with bilateral optic gliomas, and extensive optic pathway involvement was evaluated by diff usion MRI . Multiple measurements of ADC values throughout the involved optic radiations revealed a higher mean value: 1 .16 +/- 0 .06 x 10(-3)mm(2)/s than that of the normal white matter, suggesting relatively high molecular motion in these regions, probably representing myelin vacuolization . ADC evaluation of a thalamic hamartoma revealed a lower value (=1 .06 x 10(-3)mm(2)/s) than this . Th e mean ADC value obtained from multiple measurements of the enlarged optic chiasm, and intraorbital portions of the nerve was similar (=0 .81+/- 0 .09 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s) to that of the normal cerebral white matter of the control cases . It appears that diff usion imaging can be useful in evaluation of optic pathway involvement in NF1,
40 . Neuropathology . 2003 Sep;23(3):214-8 . Pilocytic astrocytoma of neurohypophysis. Reís A, Kuzeylí K, Cobanoğlu U, Cakir E, Usul H, Sari A . Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. Abstract A case of pilocytic astrocytoma of neurohypophysis is presented . Th e clinical, pathological and MRI features of a rare tumor of the neurohypophysis are described . A 5-year-old girl presented with a 3 month history of lethargy, imbalance and visual disturbances . A MRI revealed a large suprasellar mass . Histopathological examination demonstrated a pilocytic astrocytoma . Its astrocytic nature was confirmed by positive immunostaining for GFAP and the findings of an electron microscopy . 41 . Pediatr Neurosurg . 2003 May;38(5):223-31 . Tectal gliomas in children: the implications for natural history and management strategy. Dağlioğlu E, Cataltepe O, Akalan N . Department of Neurosurgery, Hacettepe University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Tumors involving the tectal region constitute a distinct subgroup of brain stem gliomas with an indolent clinical course . Here, we present the clinical and neuroradiologic features of 9 children with tectal tumors . All patients presented with signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus and were managed with ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion . MRI studies revealed focal hyperintense lesions on T2weighted images without any contrast enhancement, and no evidence of progression was demonstrated in any patient . We also reviewed the published series of tectal gliomas in the literature to compare with our results . Based
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on these and other published series, it was concluded that intrinsic tectal gliomas of childhood with sizes less than 2 cm in diameter and without any tumor extension or contrast enhancement constitute a specific subgroup of tectal masses which rarely display invasive clinical behavior and should be managed conservatively . CSF diversion procedures and long-term yearly follow-up examinations with MRI scans are suff icient in these patients . 42 . J Pediatr Surg . 2004 Oct;39(10):1571-3 . Endoscopic management of the intranasal glioma. Agirdir BV, Derin AT, Ozbilim G, Ozçaglar H . Department of ENT, Akdeniz University Medical Faculty, Antalya, Turkey. Abstract Th e authors report the endoscopic management of a boy with nasal glioma who was only 35 days old . Th e nasal glioma is a rare congenital nasal abnormality, which manifests as a mass of extracranial cerebral tissue unconnected with the brain . For surgical excision, some surgeons suggest initial craniotomy for excluding intracranial extension . Th e authors successfully removed the intranasal glioma by endoscopic surgery without craniotomy on a 35-day-old boy . Intranasal endoscopic surgery is a less-invasive and safe procedure and does not result in postoperative facial scarring and deformity . Th erefore, the use of endoscopic surgery in place of lateral rhinotomy procedure is recommended . 43 . Pediatr Neurosurg . 2004 Jul-Aug;40(4):171-81 . Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas. Review of the literature with reference to malignancy potential. Tekkök IH, Sav A . Mersin University School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey. Abstract Malignancy potential of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas (PXAs) has rather been an underestimated reality . We report the case of a 13-year-old boy who presented with signs of increased intracranial pressure . Th e child had been epileptic since the age of 2 . Computed tomography and magnetic resonance scans revealed a huge left frontal mass . At surgery, a subtotal excision was accomplished . Histopathological diagnosis was anaplastic PXA (grade III; WHO, 2000) . Th e tumor showed an increased mitotic index and minimal endothelial proliferation . Th e patient died 3 .5 months later due to a fatal intracranial hemorrhage . A review of the entire PXA literature revealed 15 well-documented cases of PXA with subsequent malignant transformation and 11 cases of primary anaplastic PXA . Th e prognosis was grim for both subsets of patients . Anaplastic PXAs clearly represent the transition between the original PXA concept and lipidized giant-cell glioblastoma . 44 . Acta Radiol . 2004 Oct;45(6):669-73 . Spontaneous involution of a non-optic astrocytoma in neurofibromatosis type I: serial magnetic resonance imaging evaluation.
Cakirer S, Karaarslan E . Istanbul Sisli Etfal Hospital, Department of Radiology, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract A patient with neurofibromatosis type I (NF1) was followed-up with serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies over a period of 6 years . A contrastenhancing lesion of the internal capsule, histologically proven to be pilocytic astrocytoma through stereotactic brain biopsy with mass eff ect and associated edema, was detected to reveal spontaneous involution on follow-up MRI studies . Although spontaneous regression of gliomas of the optic pathway-hypothalamus in patients with NF1 is relatively common in the literature, spontaneous involution of non-optic (i .e . areas other than optic pathways and hypothalamus) gliomas is rarely reported . Conservative management with follow-up MRI studies should be considered for non-optic glial tumors and tumor-like masses in patients with NF1, and surgical treatment should not be considered unless the lesions exhibit a rapid or unrelenting growth on serial MRI studies or produce significant clinical deterioration .
45 . Tumori . 2004 Jan-Feb;90(1):157-60 . Gliofibroma: an incompletely characterized tumor. Erguvan-Onal R, Ateş O, Onal C, Aydin NE, Koçak A . Department of Pathology, Inönü University School of Medicine, Malatya, Turkey. Abstract Although gliofibroma is a rare and incompletely characterized tumor, recent publications have revealed new aspects of this entity . Th e case of a 16-year-old boy who was diagnosed as having a gliofibroma is presented here, and the problems regarding nosology are discussed in the light of the recent literature . 46 . Turk J Pediatr . 2004 Jan-Mar;46(1):95-7 . Pediatric cerebellar cystic oligodendroglioma: case report and literature review. Baysefer A, Düz B, Erdoğan E, Deveci MS . Department of Neurosurgery, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Oligodendrogliomas rarely occur in the posterior fossa of childhood and constitute approximately 1% of pediatric brain tumors . Only six pediatric posterior fossa oligodendroglioma cases have been reported to date and none of them were cystic . Th e authors present a seven-year-old girl with cystic, cerebellar midline localized tumor . A standard suboccipital craniectomy was performed and the tumor was histologically confirmed as oligodendroglioma . Aft er operation the patient underwent radiation therapy and at one the-year follow-up, no recurrence of the tumor was observed . 47 . J Spinal Disord Tech . 2004 Dec;17(6):516-21 . Surgical treatment of intramedullary spinal cord ependymomas: can outcome be predicted by tumor parameters?
Peker S, Ozgen S, Ozek MM, Pamir MN . Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Sciences Institute, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Th e aim of this study was to investigate whether the tumor parameters of spinal intramedullary ependymomas are significant predictors of clinical presentation and postsurgical outcome . METHODS: Th e study involved 21 cases of intramedullary ependymoma that were operated on between 1988 and 2001 . Th e patients were 13 males (62%) and 8 females (38%), with an age range of 9-70 years (median 38 years) . RESULTS: In most cases (13; 62%), preoperative neurologic examination revealed a sensorimotor deficit in at least one limb . Complete tumor removal was achieved in all cases . Th e patients with wider tumors had poorer preoperative neurologic condition and poorer neurologic outcome . Tumor length (equivalent to myelotomy length) was not correlated with preoperative neurologic status, but longer length was significantly associated with development of dysesthesia post surgery . In contrast to tumor length, tumor/cord ratio (ratio of the tumor width to the largest cord width at the tumor site) was identified as a significant predictor of preoperative neurologic status and outcome . Ratio values of >0 .80 were correlated with poorer preoperative clinical status and poorer neurologic outcome . Neither extent of edema (determined from length [in millimeters] of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images) nor presence of a cyst in the tumor was significant relative to postoperative neurologic recovery in these cases . CONCLUSIONS: Th is study demonstrated that the width of the tumor relative to the cord is the main predictor of neurologic presentation and postoperative status . Th e length of the tumor aff ects the postoperative dysesthesia development .
48 . Turk J Pediatr . 2005 Jan-Mar;47(1):98-9 . Secondary glioblastoma multiforme with a new translocation t(3;3)(q21;q26) following treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Yariş N, Erduran E, Celep F, Yavuz M, Reis A . 49 . Pediatr Neurosurg . 2005 Sep-Oct;41(5):248-52 . Spinal seeding of a pilocytic astrocytoma following multiple subtotal resections. Zorlu F, Selek U, Akyuz C, Ozturk A, Soylemezoglu F, Akalan N . Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We report the case of a 4-year-old girl presenting with spinal and leptomeningeal dissemination following several subtotal resections of cerebellar pilocytic astrocytomas .
50 . Pediatr Blood Cancer . 2005 Sep;45(3):298-303 . Ependymal tumors in childhood. Agaoglu FY, Ayan I, Dizdar Y, Kebudi R, Gorgun O, Darendeliler E . Department of Radiation Oncology, Istanbul UniversityIstanbul Medical Faculty, 34390 Capa Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND: Ependymal tumors are classified as ependymoma (benign or low grade) versus anaplastic ependymoma (malignant or high grade) . Ependymomas represent 5-10% of intracranial neoplasm in children . In this study, demographic data and the treatment results of pediatric patients with ependymal tumors, treated in a single institute, is reported . PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1989 and 2001, 40 (22 M/18 F) previously untreated patients with a median age of 5 .5 years (3 months-15 years), of histologically proven ependymal tumors (except ependymoblastomas) were referred to the Institute of Oncology, University of Istanbul . Th e localization was supratentorial in 18, infratentorial in 20, both supra and infratentorial in two patients . Histologic subgroups were 18 ependymomas (43 .6%), and 22 anaplastic ependymomas (56 .4%) . Total tumor resection was performed in 20 patients (50%), subtotal in 18 patients (45%), and biopsy only in 2 patients (5%) . Postoperative treatment consisted of regional (8 patients) or craniospinal (CSI) (9 patients) radiotherapy (RT) in patients with ependymoma; regional (7 patients) or CSI RT (14 patients) with chemotherapy (ChT) in patients with anaplastic ependymoma; ChT only (1 patient) in patients less than 3 years of age . Th e standard technique for posterior fossa irradiation was parallelopposed lateral fields and total dose was 45-54 Gy . Between September 1989 and May 1991 patients received regimen A, which consisted of RT followed by eight-in-one ChT, given every 4 weeks for eight courses . Patients who were treated between June 1991 and July 1994, received regimen B, which included two courses of postoperative “VEC” (vincristine, etoposide, cisplatin) ChT, administered every 3 weeks, followed by RT applied with low dose concomitant cisplatin used as a radiosensitizer . Patients with objective response to postoperative “VEC” continued to have “VEC” aft er completion of RT for six more courses . From August 1994 on, patients received regimen C, consisting of RT and concomitant infusion of cisplatin followed by “VCPCU” (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, procarbazine, lomustine) administered every 4 weeks for eight courses . RESULTS: A total of 40 patients were included in the outcome and survival data . Th e 5-year overall survival (OS) rate was 64 .9%, and the 5-year progression-free survival rate was 50 .8% for the whole series . Median time for progression or relapse was 24 .3 months and there were 19 patients
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(43 .6%) with relapse or progression . Non-metastatic patients (P = 0 .0008, 5-year OS rate was 82% vs . 29%), and totally resected patients (P = 0 .01, 5-year OS rate was 80% vs . 55%), and > or =3 years of age (P = 0 .04, 5-year OS rate was 75% vs . 38%) had significantly better outcome . CONCLUSIONS: Th e majority of complete responders were patients who had total tumor removal . Treatment failure occurred mainly within the first 2 years, and outcome was dismal for patients who relapsed or had progressive disease . Th e median age at diagnosis is 6 years in our patient group; younger children (less than 3 years old) have less favorable outcome . Th ere was no significant diff erence in survival or progression-free survival between the two histologic subtypes .
52 . Diagn Interv Radiol . 2005 Jun;11(2):83-6 . Primary cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme. Demir MK, Hakan T, Akinci O, Berkman Z . Departments of Radiology, Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract Primary glioblastoma multiforme of cerebellar hemispheres in adults is a rare condition . Most of them result from dediff erentiation of astrocytoma to glioblastoma . We present two cases of unusual de novo cerebellar glioblastomas, one of which is the giant-cell variant . We review their clinical behaviour with conventional MR imaging features and discuss the key findings that can lead to the correct diagnosis in sight of new MR imaging technologies .
51 . J Neurooncol . 2005 Nov;75(2):189-93 . Postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the management of oligodendroglioma: single institutional review of 88 patients. Ozyigit G, Onal C, Gurkaynak M, Soylemezoglu F, Zorlu F . Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, 06100 Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We retrospectively evaluate the prognostic factors affecting the local control, survival and the potential role of chemotherapy in the management of patients with oligodendroglioma . Th e medical records of 88 patients treated by postoperative external beam radiotherapy +/- chemotherapy at our institution between December 1993 and December 2002 were analyzed . Nine patients (10%) were treated with an accelerated fractionation scheme, while 79 patients were treated with conventional doses . Th e median RT dose was 54 .8 +/- 2 .58 Gy for low-grade tumors, and 58 .7 +/- 2 .46 Gy for high-grade tumors . PCV chemotherapy regimen was given to 18 patients; temozolamide was administered in three patients . Chemotherapy was not given concomitantly in any patients . Th e median follow-up was 56 months (range 7-134 months) . Th e 5-year overall and progression-free survival rates for entire group were 86% and 79%, respectively . Patients with epilepsy at presentation had better 5-year overall survival (93% vs . 74%, P=0 .04) . High grade tumors had significantly lower overall survival rate . Age, presence of motor deficit at diagnosis and histological grade were found have a significant impact on progression-free survival . Th e 5-year overall and progression free survival rates of patients with high-grade tumors were 69%, 51% and 74%, 68% for chemotherapy and no-chemotherapy group, respectively (P=0 .9 for OS, P=0 .3 for PFS) . In multivariate analysis no significant factor aff ecting the overall survival and progression-free survival was found . Chemotherapy given aft er postoperative radiotherapy in patients with oligodendroglioma did not improve survival in this retrospective study .
53 . Pediatr Radiol . 2005 Sep;35(9):910-3 . Coexistence of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with Sturge-Weber syndrome: MRI features. Kilickesmez O, Sanal HT, Haholu A, Kocamaz E . Department of Radiology, Diyarbakir Military Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turkey. Abstract Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is a rare, cortically based, partially cystic astroglial tumour with a strongly enhancing solid mural nodule . We report an 11-year-old boy with a pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma in the contralateral hemisphere to that aff ected by Sturge-Weber syndrome . Th is unique case supports the association between Sturge-Weber syndrome and astrocytomas . Patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome who experience unexpected neurological symptoms should be evaluated with MRI .
54 . Radiother Oncol . 2005 Jan;74(1):45-8 . Postoperative radiotherapy results in primary spinal cord astrocytomas. Zorlu F, Ozyigit G, Gurkaynak M, Soylemezoglu F, Akyol F, Lale Atahan I . Department of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, 06100 Ankara, Turkey. Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We retrospectively evaluated the therapeutic outcomes of patients with primary spinal cord astrocytomas treated with conventional radiotherapy at our institute . PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between May 1975 and December 1997, 26 patients with histologically proven spinal cord astrocytomas were treated with conventional radiotherapy, and twenty-four eligible patients were evaluated . Median age was 19 years (2-41 years) . Fourteen of astrocytomas were grade I, 6 of them grade II and 4 grade III . Ten patients had subtotal excision, and 14 had only biopsy of the primary lesion . Patients were treated with 1-2 Gy daily fractions, and given to a median total dose of 49 .5 Gy (range 35-60 Gy) external radiotherapy to primary tumor .
1953-2011 yılları arasında toplam 447 adet lösemi konulu yayın tespit edilmiştir . Lösemi alt gruplarına bakıldığında en sık akut lenfoblastik lösemi konusunda yayın olduğu görülmüştür (Tablo I) . Lösemi yayınlarının 190 adedi derleme, özgün araştırma ve seri çalışma şeklinde olup, 257 adedi editöre mektup ve olgu sunumlarından oluşmaktadır . TABLO 1. Lösemi alt grup dağılımı LÖSEMİ TİPİ
Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemi
Akut Miyeloid Lösemi
Bifenotipik Lösemi
Kronik Lösemiler
Karışık lösemi grupları
TABLO 2. İlk isim en çok yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR ADI
Gönül Hiçsönmez
Sevgi Yetgin
Ayhan Çavdar
Şinasi Özsoylu
Lale Olcay
Şule Ünal
Erol Erduran
Murat Tuncer
TABLO 3. Yazar sırasına bakılmaksızın en çok yayını olan ilk 10 yazar YAZAR ADI
Gönül Hiçsönmez
Murat Tuncer
Mualla Çetin
Sevgi Yetgin
Şinasi Özsoylu
Fatma Gümrük
Aytemiz Gürgey
Namık Özbek
Sevgi Gözdaşoğlu
Lale Olcay
TABLO 4. En çok yayını olan kurumlar KURUM
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
İstanbul Üniversitesi
Ankara Üniversitesi
Başkent Üniversitesi
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
Mustafa Büyükavcı
Dr. Sami Ulus EAH
Barış Malbora
Ege Üniversitesi
Emel Özyürek
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Erciyes Üniversitesi
Gazi Üniversitesi
TABLO 5. En çok sitasyon alan ilk 10 yayın ÇALIŞMA DERGİ ADI TİPİ
Cetin M
Hacettepe Uni
The mutational spectrum of PTPN11 in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and Noonan syndrome/myeloproliferative disease
Özgün araştırma
Senturker S
Osmangazi 1997 Uni
Oxidative DNA base damage and antioxidant enzyme levels in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Özgün araştırma
Cavdar AO
Ankara Uni 1989
High risk subgroup of acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) with orbito-ocular granulocytic sarcoma (OOGS) in Turkish children. Acta Retrospective analysis of clinical, hematological, Haematol ultrastructural and therapeutical findings of thirty-three OOGS
Seri çalışma
Balta G
Hacettepe Uni
Characterization of MTHFR, GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, and CYP1A1 genotypes in childhood acute leukemia
Am J Hematol
Özgün araştırma
Buyukavci M
Ataturk Uni 2006
Melatonin cytotoxicity in human leukemia cells: relation with its pro-oxidant effect
Fundam Clin Pharmacol
Özgün araştırma
Differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells induced by high-dose methylprednisolone in patients Leuk Res with acute myeloblastic leukemia and its therapeutic potential
Comparison of DiOC(6)(3) uptake and annexin V labeling for quantification of apoptosis in Cytometry leukemia cells and non-malignant T lymphocytes from children
Özgün araştırma
Acceleration of leukocyte recovery by administration of short-course high-dose methylprednisolone in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Pediatr Hematol Oncol
Editöre mektup
Aberrant methylation of multiple tumor suppressor genes in acute myeloid leukemia
Am J Hematol
Özgün araştırma
The effect of high-dose methylprednisolone treatment on GM-CSF level in children with acute 1992 leukemia: a pilot study Leuk Res
Özgün araştırma
Hacettepe Hicsonmez G Uni
Ozgen U
Inonu uni
Hacettepe Hicsonmez G Uni Ekmekci CG Tuncer AM
Istanbul Uni Hacettepe Uni
Hicsonmez G Hacettepe Uni
Morphologic evidence of apoptosis in childhood acute myeloblastic leukemia treated with highLeuk 1996 dose methylprednisolone Lymphoma Vaka takdimi
KONU 15 Lösemiler
a. Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemiler 1 . N Engl J Med . 1963 Oct 24;269:893-6 . Pulmonary Aspergillosis In A Child With Leukemia. Report Of A Case And A Brief Review Of The Pediatric Literature. Berkel I, Say B, Tinaztepe B . Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey 2 . Turk J Pediatr . 1970 Jan-Apr;12(1):24-33 . Acute leucemia in a patient with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis displaying cystic osseous lesions. Saatçi U, Pirnar T . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 3 . Cancer . 1975 Oct;36(4):1444-9 . Burkitt’s lymphoma cell leukemia in a Turish boy. Cehreli C, Tosun N . GATA, Ankara, Turkey Abstract Burkitt’s lymphoma, associated with massive bone marrow and eyelid involvement that terminated with a manifested leukemic picture, was observed in a Turkish boy . Review of the world literature revealed the fact that Burkitt’s lymphoma with a frankly leukemic picture is a rare condition, and usually has a very acute course with a poor prognosis . 4 . 5 .
Acta Haematol . 1977;57(3):188-92 . Burkitt’s lymphoma cell leukemia. Acar S, Tekinalp G, Ozsoylu S, Cevik N, Yaşar H . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Boll Ist Sieroter Milan . 1977 Nov 30;56(5):449-56 . E-rosette forming lymphocytes in acute leukemia before and after cell incubation with human serum thymic factor. Ozger Topuz U, Okçuoglu Cavdar A, Astaldi G . Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract Th e Authors studied the eff ect of the human serum thymic factor on the peripheral blood leukocytes from ALL patients, by testing the frequency of the E+ cells by means of the E rosette assay before and aft er cell incubation with this factor . In four out of twenty-four patients tested, the thymic factor incubation of peripheral blood mononuclears increased the number of E+ cells . Th e shift from E- to E+ cells caused by the human serum thymic factor occurred among null cells (E-, SM-Ig-) . Th e possible value of the test in investigating whether a T0 leukemia might really exists is pointed out, as well as its prospective importance in monitoring the variations of the immature T cell counts in relationship to the patient’s treatment and his disease course .
6 . Minerva Med . 1978 Apr 14;69(18):1275-80 . Use of thymus hormone in the demonstration of acute T-null cell lymphocytic leukemia].
Ozger Topuz U, Astaldi G, Cavdar A . Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract Th e Authors studied the eff ect of the human serum thymic factor on the peripheral-blood leukocytes from ALL patients, by testing the frequency of the E+cells by means of the e rosette assay before and aft er cell incubation with the above mentioned factor . In 3 out of 24 patients tested, the thymic factor incubation of peripheral-blood mononuclears increased the number of E+cells . Th e shift from R to E+cells caused by the human serum thymic factor occurred among null cells (E-, SM-Ig-) . Th e possible value of the test in investigating whether a T0 leukemia might really exists is pointed out, as well as its prospective importance in monitoring the variations of the immature T cell counts in relationship to the patient’s treatment and his disease course .
7 . Bibl Haematol . 1978;45:152-5 . Human serum thymic factor in detecting acute T cell leukemia. Ozger Topuz U, Cavdar AO, Astaldi G . Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract In acute leukemia, the frequency of the E+ cells among the blood mononuclears before and aft er their incubation with human serum thymic factor was investigated by means of the E rosette assay . In 4 of 24 patients tested, the thymic factor incubation of their peripheral blood cells increased the number of the E+ cells among the mononuclears . Prospective importance of the test either in investigating whether a T0 leukemia might really exist, or in monitoring possible variations of the immature T cell counts in relationship to the patient’s treatment and his disease course, are discussed . 8 . 9 .
Turk J Pediatr . 1979 Jan;21(1):24-7 . Acute lymphoblastic leukemia and toxoplasmosis. Hiçsönmez G, Kanra G, Gürsel T, Yetkin S, Altintaş K . J Pediatr . 1980 Jan;96(1):166-7 . Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with acute leukemia. Ozsoylu S . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 10 . Turk J Pediatr . 1982 Jul-Sep;24(3):159-67 . Prognosis in 262 Turkish children with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Hiçsönmez G, Ozsoylu S, Yetgin S, Zamani V, Gürgey A, Atahan I . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 11 . Am J Dis Child . 1982 Dec;136(12):1098-9 . Poland’s syndrome and leukemia.
Hicsönmez G, Ozsoylu S . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 12 . Turk J Pediatr . 1983 Jul-Sep;25(3):167-74 . Paraplegia after intrathecal administration of methotrexate. Ulukutlu L, Yildiz I, Uğur S, Keskin S . Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey 13 . Turk J Pediatr . 1983 Oct-Dec;25(4):233-43 . Changes in serum elements of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia before and during therapy. Osman S, Gürgey A, Zamani VP, Altay C . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 14 . Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) . 1983 Apr 30;286(6375):1437 . Poor prognosis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Hicsönmez G, Ozsoylu S, Yetgin S, Zamani V, Gurgey A . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 15 . Turk J Pediatr . 1985 Oct-Dec;27(4):219-23 . Isolated splenomegaly during remission in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ozsoylu S, Hiçsönmez G, Koçak N, Zamani VP . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 16 . Scand J Haematol . 1985 Mar;34(3):256-60 . Prognostic value of the determination of serum lactic dehydrogenase and its isoenzymes in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Hiçsönmez G, Caglar K, Renda N . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract Serum total lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) levels have been found to be signifi cantly higher in 21 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) at initial diagnosis than the values of 12 children who achieved remission . Th e mean value of serum LDH levels in patients with high-risk factors was 2347 +/- 1490 U/ml (range 430-5460 U/ml), while in patients at standard risk it was 652 +/- 385 U/ ml (range 110-1320 U/ml) . Th e serum LDH values were above 1320 U/ml in 70% of the 13 children with highrisk factors . Th e serum isoenzyme patterns were analyzed in 17 of these children at the initial diagnosis . Although LDH-3 and LDH-2 were prominent at the time of diagnosis; LDH-2 and LDH-1 were the predominant isoenzymes in remission . Th e highest concentrations of LDH-3 were observed in the high-risk group at diagnosis and the ratio of LDH-3 to LDH-2 exceeding 1 .0 was found in children who had high-risk factors, but not in any patients in the standard risk group . 17 . Turk J Pediatr . 1986 Apr-Jun;28(2):111-4 . Histocompatibility antigens (HLA) in acute lymphocytic leukemia. Ulukutlu L, Yazici H, Cam H, Esen E, Ozbakir F . Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey 18 . Turk J Pediatr . 1986 Jan-Mar;28(1):73-5 . Hypocalcemic tetany in a child with acute leukemia.
Yetgin S, Zamani-Prozorova V, Hiçsönmez G . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 19 . Am J Dis Child . 1986 Jun;140(6):503-4 . Pickwickian syndrome related to central nervous system leukemia. Ozsoylu S, Hiçsönmez G . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 20 . Blood . 1986 Jul;68(1):322-3 . Serum lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme pattern in childhood lymphoblastic leukemia. Hiçsönmez G, Cağlar K, Renda N . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 21 . Acta Haematol . 1988;80(4):224 . Acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Sweet’s syndrome. Tuncer AM . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 22 . Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol . 1989 Jul;17(3):281-6 . Extramedullary leukemia with central facial palsy originated from poorly differentiated abdominal lymphoma. Kilinç Y, Cetik F, Tanyeli A, Ozşahinoglu C, Kumi M . Department of Pediatric Hematology, University of Cukurova, Faculty of Medicine, Adana, Turkey. Abstract An 8-year-old boy was presented with central facial palsy caused by extramedullary leukemia which had originated from poorly diff erentiated abdominal lymphoma . On cerebral tomographic scanning, there were adherences in the basal area of the brain . Th e occurrence of central facial palsy is very rare in childhood leukemia . However, in this case facial palsy was central in type and appeared as the presenting sign . Th e occurrence of central facial palsy was confi rmed by the absence of clinical, radiological and audiological signs of peripheral involvement . Th e contralateral stapedius refl ex test (500, 1000, and 2000 Hz) was present in this case . 23 . Paediatr Indones . 1989 May-Jun;29(5-6):112-5 . Cerebrospinal fluid lactic dehydrogenase activity in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated for cranial prophylaxis. Caglar MK, Hicsonmez G, Renda N . Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Abstract Total lactic dehydrogenase (TLDH) activity in cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) has been prospectively studied in order to determine whether it could be a biochemical marker for brain damage due to cranial prophylaxis in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) . TLDH activity has been measured in 15 patients before prophylaxis, in 15 patients aft er the prophylaxis which consisted of cranial radiotherapy (2400 rads) and intrathecal methotrexate (0 .5 mg/kg-dose, 5 doses), in 8 patients aft er radiotherapy alone (2400 rads) and in 9 patients aft er intrathecal methotrexate (0 .5 mg/kg-dose, 5 doses) alone . TLDH activity in CSF of combined prophylaxis group has been found to be
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higher than the ones before study (p less than 0 .05) . Th ere were insignifi cant elevations of TLDH activity in the other two groups (p greater than 0 .05; p greater than 0 .05) . Th is result indicated combined cranial prophylaxis seemed to be more toxic than the other prophylaxis regimens when they were used alone . 24 . Turk J Pediatr . 1990 Jan-Mar;32(1):39-41 . Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a child with hemoglobins S and Q-Iran. Gürgey A, Ozsoylu S, Hiçsönmez G, Irken G, Altay C . Department of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara. Abstract A 13-year-old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia is presented . Th e peripheral smear showed, in addition to lymphoblasts, marked anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, and polychromasia . In vitro sickling test was positive . Hemoglobin electrophoresis at pH 9 .0 on starch gel revealed the presence of hemoglobin A, hemoglobin S, and a band with a mobility of hemoglobin A2 . Structural analysis revealed the presence of hemoglobin S and an alpha-chain variant, hemoglobin Q-Iran . Th e patient attained remission with the initial therapy administered but a relapse occurred fi ve months later . Our study indicates the need for detailed investigation of leukemia patients in which abnormal hemoglobins are prevalent . 25 . Acta Paediatr Scand . 1991 May;80(5):553-4 . Priapism in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Yildiz I, Ozşahin H, Ozbek S . Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Medical School, Turkey. 26 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1991 Oct-Dec;8(4):367-8 . High-dose methylprednisolone for the treatment of priapism in childhood leukemia. Gumruk F, Hiçsónmez G, Ozsoylu S, Gurgey A, Tuncer AM . Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara. 27 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1991 Apr-Jun;8(2):193-7 . Acceleration of leukocyte recovery by administration of short-course high-dose methylprednisolone in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hiçsönmez G, Onat N, Albayrak D, Yetgin S, Ozsoylu S. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara . 28 . Acta Paediatr . 1993 Mar;82(3):327-8 . Acute lymphoblastic leukemia following optic glioma treated by radiotherapy and surgery. Sayli T, Cemeroglu AP, Tuncer AM, Gürgey A . Department of Pediatric Hematology, Hacettepe University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract A 14-year-old girl was diagnosed as having acute lymphoblastic leukemia following 5000 cGy cranial radiotherapy for treatment of optic glioma . In the absence of underlying predisposing factors, development of acute leukemia
was attributed to the oncogenic eff ect of radiation . 29 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1994 Mar-Apr;11(2):227-9 . Acute lymphoblastic leukemia associated with Klinefelter syndrome. Gürgey A, Kara A, Tuncer M, Alikaşifoğlu M, Tunçbilek E . Department of Pediatric Hematology, Hacettepe University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 30 . J Med . 1994;25(3-4):219-29 . Hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis and other complications of L-asparaginase in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cetin M, Yetgin S, Kara A, Tuncer AM, Günay M, Gümrük F, Gürgey A . Department of Pediatric Hematology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract We show Escherichia coli derived L-asparaginase complications observed in 14 of 136 acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients during remission induction therapy according to St . Jude Children’s Hospital Total XI Protocol . We observed hyperglycemia in six patients; two of them had accompanying ketoacidosis . One of the cases with ketoacidosis had peritonitis and pancreatitis . Central nervous system symptoms such as convulsions and depression with personality changes (in one case) were observed in four of these six hyperglycemic patients . Intracranial bleeding and ischemic infarction were shown in cranial computed tomographies in two cases . Hypersensitivity reactions were observed in seven patients . Patients were randomly assigned into two groups and treated with conventional dose steroids or high dose methylprednisolone . Although the frequency of hypersensitivity reactions were lower in the high dose methylprednisolone group, one patient in this group had an anaphylactic reaction . Th ese fi ndings once again high-light L-asparaginase complications which are not dose dependent and can be life threatening . 31 . Am J Hematol . 1994 Jan;45(1):94 . Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Fanconi’s anemia. Yetgin S, Tuncer M, Güler E, Duru F, Ali Kasifolu M . Department of Pediatric Hematology, Hacettepe University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 32 . Med Pediatr Oncol . 1994;22(1):68-9 . High-dose methylprednisolone in resistant and relapsed children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hicsönmez G, Ozsoylu S, Onat N, Prozorova ZV, Gümrük F, Tuncer M . Department of Pediatric Hematology, Hacettepe University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 33 . Hematol Pathol . 1994;8(4):169-75 . The effect of high-dose methylprednisolone combined chemotherapy on CD34-positive cells in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Tuncer AM, Hiçsönmez G, Gümrük F, Albayrak D, Duru F, Güzel E, Sayli T .
University of Hacettepe, Hacettepe Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatric Hematology, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Th e expression of CD34 antigen on the surface of bone marrow cells during remission induction was studied in 27 selected acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients who were CD34 negative at presentation and were stratifi ed to receive high-dose methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg/ day po) or conventional-dose prednisolone (2 mg/kg/ day po) . Patients received either induction with L-Asparaginase, vincristine (VCR), and high-dose methylprednisolone [HDMP, 30 mg/kg/day po for 1 week, 20 mg/kg/ day po for 1 week, and 20 mg/kg/day po every other day for 2 more weeks (20 patients)], or identical induction in which HDMP was replaced by prednisolone 2 mg/kg/ day by mouth for 4 weeks (8 patients) . Bone marrow cells from all patients were studied 1,2, and 4 weeks aft er initiation of treatment for expression of the CD34 antigen using a three-step indirect immunoperoxidase staining technique . In the 20 patients with ALL who received HDMP the percentage of normal bone marrow cells expressing CD34 was signifi cantly higher (p < 0 .05) than in the 8 patients who did not receive HDMP . Th e mean percentage of CD34-positive bone marrow cells during the fourth week was 17 .2% in patients with ALL who received HDMP, whereas patients who received 2 mg/kg prednisolone per day had only 6 .1% CD34 cells in the marrow . Absolute polymorphonuclear leukocyte (pmnl) count was also signifi cantly higher in the patients who received HDMP in the second and third week of therapy [(absolute pmnl count was 2197 .7/mm3 in the second week and 4091 .8/mm3 in the fourth week in the patients who received HDMP compared to 974 .4/mm3 and 1556 .5/mm3 in the patients who did not receive HDMP) (p < 0 .05)] .
34 . Brain Dev . 1994 May-Jun;16(3):246-8 . Acute ascending myelitis and encephalopathy after intrathecal cytosine arabinoside and methotrexate in an adolescent boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ozön A, Topaloğlu H, Cila A, Günay M, Cetin M . Department of Pediatrics, Hacettepe University Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract A 14-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed acute ascending myelitis followed by encephalopathy aft er intrathecal administration of methotrexate 15 mg and cytosine arabinoside 50 mg . Th e patient had none of the risk factors noted previously in other patients with intrathecal therapy (IT) induced neurotoxicity . Th e doses administered were within the standard scales, and toxicity developed in the second boost of IT 20 days aft er the fi rst one . Th ere may not be any parameters to predict the occurrence of such severe and rare form of CNS neurotoxicity attributed to IT .
35 . Blood Cells . 1994;20(2-3):267-73; discussion 273-4 . Erythrocyte-depleted allogeneic human umbilical cord blood transplantation. Pahwa RN, Fleischer A, Shih S, Uckan D, Durham S, Garofalo P, Karayalcin G, Shende A, Redner A, Paley C, et al . Department of Pediatrics, Schneider Children’s Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, New York 11042, USA. Abstract Cord blood is a recently recognized source of hematopoietic stem cells . It can be employed successfully to reconstitute hematopoiesis following allogeneic transplantation . One current drawback of cord blood as a treatment has been a risk of transfusion reactions attributable to ABO blood group mismatch . Removal of red cells from the cord blood has led to reduction of the stem cells by 30-50% . In this paper we report red cell depletion by a method that employs 3% gelatin to eff ectively sediment the erythrocytes and selectively deplete red cells but permits 94% recovery of nucleated cells and enrichment of colony-forming cells by granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units, erythrocyte burst-forming units, and granulocyte-macrophagemegakaryocyte colony-forming units in the cord blood preparation . Th is technique has been employed in our study to remove red cells from the cord blood of a male infant delivered by cesarean section, which has permitted treatment of a female sibling suff ering from leukemia . Th e recipient was 8 years old and weighted 36 .7/kg . Complete HLA identity between the two siblings was established . A cord blood cell transplant of cryopreserved and later thawed cells (4 x 10(7) nucleated cells per kilogram) was administered to the patient aft er intensive myeloablative chemotherapy . Th e patient exhibited a prompt hematologic recovery (absolute neutrophil count > 500 by day 31, 100% male cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood by day 25) and has experienced a 13-month disease-free survival to date . 36 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1995 Jul-Aug;12(4):403-5 . A case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the parotid gland developing in a child after the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Atahan IL, Ayhan A, Ozyar E, Ertoy D, Gürkaynak M . Department of Radiation Oncology, Hacettepe University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey 37 . Turk J Pediatr . 1996 Apr-Jun;38(2):227-9 . Spontaneous complete remission in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Yetgin S, Tuncer AM, Güler E, Ozbek N . Department of Pediatrics Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara. Abstract A fi ve-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital with fever and tender lymphadenopathy . She was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL-L3) . Because of infection she was given antibiotics and a blood transfusion .
KONU 15 Lösemiler
Her bone marrow was in remission aft er 15 days without chemotherapy . Th is case emphases the role of transfusion and/ or infection in obtaining complete remission without chemotherapy . 38 . Childs Nerv Syst . 1997 Oct;13(10):560-2 . Assessment of brain perfusion by 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT in akinetic mutism due to high-dose intravenous methotrexate therapy. Karabacak NI, Ozturk G, Gucuyener K, Gokcora N, Gursel T . Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gazi University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract Chemotherapy of the central nervous system may cause neurotoxicity in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia . We evaluated regional blood fl ow in a 6-year-old child presenting with akinetic mutism, using 99mTcHMPAO single photon emission tomography (SPECT) following high-dose intravenous methotrexate therapy . While fi ndings in X-ray computerized tomography were decreased density in bilateral basal ganglia and thalamic nuclei with diff usely decreased attenuation of the periventricular white matter, a global, frontal dominant profoundly abnormal perfusion pattern involving both gray and white matter was observed in the SPECT study . Treatment of the central nervous system with high dose intravenous chemotherapy may cause profound abnormalities in white and gray matter blood fl ow and early assessment of the neurotoxicity may be identifi ed by 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT in the pediatric age group . 39 . Leuk Lymphoma . 1997 Jul;26(3-4):377-85 . Coexistence of life threatening chemotherapy related leukoencephalopathy, saggital sinus thrombosis and multiple organ failure in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: an unusual case with clinical recovery. Duru F, Ertem U, Dagdemir A, Kunak B, Keskin T, Saatci I, Gündogdu S, Cila A . Dr. Sami Ulus Children’s Hospital Department of Pediatric Oncology and Neurology, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract A nine-year old girl with T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) had acute severe neurologic complications at the end of the remission-induction chemotherapy course . Th irty-six hours following triple intrathecal (IT) therapy and intravenous (IV) administration of L-asparaginase (Lasp), tetraplegia developed and she became unconscious . She had bouts of hypertension and persistent tachycardia unresponsive to digitalis therapy . Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed multiple brain white matter hyperintensities and fi lling defects in the saggital sinus, suggesting thrombosis . Over the 40 days, in addition to her neurologic compromise she also had transient diabetes mellitus, severe hyperlipidemia, hypoproteinemia and edema, liver and heart failure and staphylococcus aureus sepsis
with prolonged bone marrow depression . Despite, coexistence of all these chemotherapy related complications, her neurologic functions and multiple organ failure improved gradually . Aft er a 70 days’ period of interruption, chemotherapy was resumed and continued without any further complications . Although, the etiology of her extensive sensitivity to some drugs remains unclear, we believe that it is important to document these unusual events in this child . 40 . Eur J Haematol . 1997 Jan;58(1):26-31 . High-dose methylprednisolone for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and unfavorable presenting features. Hiçsönmez G, Gümrük F, Zamani PV, Tuncer MA, Yetgin S, Gürgey A, Atahan L, Ozsoylu S . Department of Pediatric Hematology, Ihsan Dogramaci Children’s Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract In an attempt to improve treatment outcome high-dose methylprednisolone (HDMP, 20-30 mg/kg, once a day orally) was used instead of a conventional dose of steroid (2 mg/kg/d, in 3 divided doses) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with increased risk factors . HDMP combined with cytotoxic agents (vincristine and Lasparaginase) resulted in an improved complete remission rate (94%) in 48 newly diagnosed children with ALL compared to 81% in 86 historical controls receiving standard dose steroid combined with the same treatment regimen . Th e bone marrow relapse rate was lower in patients who received HDMP (31%) than in controls (56%) . Treatment was discontinued in 56% of 48 patients receiving HDMP and in 35% of 86 controls . Th e diff erence was signifi cant (p < 0 .05) . Th e 5-yr continuous complete remission rate was signifi cantly greater in patients received HDMP compared with the control patients (60% vs . 43%, p < 0 .05) . HDMP treatment was well tolerated without signifi cant adverse eff ects . Moreover, during induction therapy the duration of leukopenia (< 2 x 10(9)/L) was shorter in patients receiving HDMP . We conclude that HDMP combined with other antileukemic agents increased the CR rate and prolonged the duration of remission in children with ALL who had increased risk factors . However, the optimal dosage of HDMP and its role in maintenance therapy should be determined in future, randomized studies . 41 . Pediatr Hematol Oncol . 1997 Sep-Oct;14(5):491-3 . Late relapse in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia thirteen years after diagnosis. Aydogdu I, Tayfun E, Ozcan C, Harputluoglu M, Ozen S, Hiçsönmez G . Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey 42 . FEBS Lett . 1997 Oct 27;416(3):286-90 . Oxidative DNA base damage and antioxidant enzyme levels in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Sentürker S, Karahalil B, Inal M, Yilmaz H, Müslümanoglu H, Gedikoglu G, Dizdaroglu M .
Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Yayınlarının Yer Aldığı Dergiler
Dergi Adı
Dergi Kısaltması
Impact faktörü
Yayın sayısı
1 Pediatric Hematology Oncology
Pediatr Hematol Oncol
0 .891
2 Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
Turk J Pediatr
0 .441
3 Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol
1 .159
4 Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Pediatr Blood Cancer
1 .891
5 Journal of Pediatric Surgery
J Pediatr Surg
1 .45
6 Medical and Pediatric Oncology
Med Pediatr Oncol
1 .891
7 Child’s Nervous System
Childs Nerv Syst
1 .542
8 Leukemia Research
Leuk Res
2 .923
9 Pediatric Neurosurgery
Pediatr Neurosurg
0 .703
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol
1 .167
11 Turkish Journal of Hematology
Turk J Hematol
0 .808
12 European Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Eur J Pediatr Surg
0 .808
13 Pediatrics International
Pediatr Int
0 .626
14 Leukemia & Lymphoma
Leuk Lymphoma
1 .674
15 Pediatric Radiology
Pediatr Radiol
1 .674
16 Turkish Neurosurgery
Turk Neurosurg
0 .624
17 Pediatric Transplantation
Pediatr Transplant
1 .475
18 American Journal of Hematology
Am J Hematol
4 .671
19 Pediatric Surgery International
Pediatr Surg Int
1 .253
0 .349
21 Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics
Cancer Genet Cytogenet
1 .389
22 Journal of Neuro-Oncology
J Neurooncol
3 .214
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
International Journal of Hematology and Oncology
23 Journal of Neurosurgery
J Neurosurg
2 .965
24 Acta Haematologica
Acta Haematol
1 .354
25 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev
0 .659
26 European Journal of Pediatrics
Eur J Pediatr
1 .879
27 Journal of Child Neurology
J Child Neurol
1 .748
28 Journal of Pediatrics
J Pediatr
4 .115
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab
0 .875
1 .52
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
30 Acta Neurochirurgica
Acta Neurochir (Wien)
31 Neurosurgical Review
Neurosurg Rev
2 .036
32 Pediatric Dermatology
Pediatr Dermatol
1 .072
33 Pediatric Neurology
Pediatr Neurol
1 .522
34 Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
Turk Arch Ped
0 .067
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus
0 .323
36 Tumori
0 .606
37 Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Indian J Pediatr
1 .048
38 Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
J Clin Neurosci
1 .247
39 Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi
J Med Sci
0 .102
40 Surgery Today
Surg Today
1 .224
41 Acta Paediatrica
Acta Paediatr
2 .073
42 Annals of Hematology
Ann Hematol
2 .615
43 Bone Marrow Transplantation
Bone Marrow Transplant
3 .746
44 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Diagn Interv Radiol
1 .1
45 European Radiology
Eur Radiol
3 .222
J Exp Clin Cancer Res
2 .148
5 .58
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc
0 .337
49 Cancer
4 .771
50 European Journal of Haematology
Eur J Haematol
2 .614
51 Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
J Craniofac Surg
0 .822
52 Leukemia
9 .561
Comput Med Imaging Graph
1 .467
54 Fetal & Pediatric Pathology
Fetal Pediatr Pathol
0 .613
55 Journal of Chemotherapy
J Chemother
1 .084
56 Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
J Clin Pediatr Dent
0 .444
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
47 Radiotherapy & Oncology 48
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Radiother Oncol
KONU 22 Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Yayınlarının Yer Aldığı Dergiler
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr
2 .298
58 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
J Trop Pediatr
1 .388
59 Acta Oncologica
Acta Oncol
3 .33
60 Acta Paediatrica Japonica
Acta Paediatr Jpn
2 .073
61 Acta Radiologica
Acta Radiol
1 .369
62 American Journal of Neuroradiology
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol
2 .928
63 American Journal of Clinical Oncology
Am J Clin Oncol
2 .005
64 Indian Pediatrics
Indian Pediatr
1 .048
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
4 .105
66 Journal of AAPOS
1 .028
67 Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
Jpn J Infect Dis
1 .491
68 Kulak Burun Boğaz İhtisas Dergisi
Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg
69 Mycoses
2 .247
70 Nuclear Medicine Communications
Nucl Med Commun
1 .404
71 Pathology and Oncology Research
Pathol Oncol Res
1 .366
72 Postgraduate Medical Journal
Postgrad Med J
1 .939
73 Saudi Medical Journal
Saudi Med J
0 .52
74 Surgical Neurology
Surg Neurol
1 .669
75 Acta Chirurgica Belgica
Acta Chir Belg
0 .432
76 Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology
Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol
1 .159
77 Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi
Anadolu Kardiyol Derg
0 .439
78 British Journal of Haematology
Br J Haematol
4 .941
79 Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Clin Neurol Neurosurg
1 .581
80 Clinical Pediatrics
Clin Pediatr (Phila)
1 .171
81 European Journal of Radiology
Eur J Radiol
2 .606
82 International Journal of Dermatology
Int J Dermatol
1 .142
83 International Ophthalmology
Int Ophthalmol
0 .283
84 International Urology and Nephrology
Int Urol Nephrol
1 .471
85 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences
J Neurosurg Sci
0 .4
86 Journal of Nuclear Medicine
J Nucl Med
6 .381
87 Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Jpn J Clin Oncol
1 .783
88 Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology
Jpn J Ophthalmol
0 .924
89 Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni
Mikrobiyol Bul
0 .402
90 Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
Minim Invasive Neurosurg
0 .704
Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg
0 .691
92 Ophthalmology
5 .454
93 Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatr Cardiol
1 .298
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics
Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
722 94
İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası
Tip Fak Mecm
95 Transplantation Proceedings
Transplant Proc
1 .005
96 American Journal of Roentgenology
AJR Am J Roentgenol
2 .775
97 American Journal of Diseases of Children
Am J Dis Child
2 .881
98 Annals of Tropical Paediatrics
Ann Trop Paediatr
0 .966
99 Australasian Radiology
Australas Radiol
100 Blood
9 .898
101 British Journal of Ophthalmology
Br J Ophthalmol
2 .902
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
1 .287
103 Experimental Hematology
Exp Hematol
2 .905
104 Helvetica paediatrica acta
Helv Paediatr Acta
105 Journal of Clinical Oncology
J Clin Oncol
18 .372
European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology
Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol
107 Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics
J Neurosurg Pediatr
1 .533
108 Neuropediatrics
0 .937
109 Neurosurgery
2 .785
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral 110 Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
1 .457
111 Pathology - Research and Practice
Pathol Res Pract
1 .213
112 Th e Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
Pediatr Infect Dis J
3 .577
113 Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatr Nephrol
2 .518
114 Pediatric Pulmonology
Pediatr Pulmonol
2 .533
115 Radiation Medicine
Radiat Med
0 .487
116 Supportive Care in Cancer
Support Care Cancer
2 .597
117 European Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Z Kinderchir
0 .808
118 Th e Annals of Th oracic Surgery
Ann Th orac Surg
3 .741
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant
3 .873
120 Brain & Development
Brain Dev
2 .119
121 Cancer Investigation
Cancer Invest
1 .847
122 Chemotherapy
1 .816
123 Clinical Cancer Research
Clin Cancer Res
7 .742
124 Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Clin Experiment Ophthalmol
1 .977
125 Clinical and laboratory haematology*
Clin Lab Haematol
1 .971
126 Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Clin Nucl Med
3 .674
127 Ear, Nose & Th roat Journal
Ear Nose Th roat J
0 .04
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation