North East England’s Renewables Supply Chain
Promoting North East England’s Renewables Sector Energi Coast is the representative group of companies for the North East of England’s offshore renewables sector; promoting the extensive offshore renewable energy sector expertise from the region and North East England’s unique offering to the industry. Energi Coast promotes:
• The capabilities of regional companies in servicing the offshore renewables markets in the UK, Europe and internationally
• The key competencies of North East England’s integrated energy supply chain • The unique comprehensive ‘balance of plant’ offering from one geographical location • Member companies with a strong track-record of collaborative working and a commitment to further strengthening those partnerships to serve offshore renewables
• North East England’s strategic location, excellent infrastructure and logistics capabilities enabling it to become a global hub for the offshore renewables sector. Energi Coast also promotes the benefits of investing in North East England to aid the growth of the region’s offshore renewables supply chain. The Energi Coast group have invested almost £400m to meet the demands of the renewables market. They employ 6,000 people in the region, which is forecast to increase by 30% as Round 3 activities gather pace. Turnover is forecast to double which will have a significant impact on the region’s economy and supporting supply chain.
ACCESS TO THE WIDER SUPPLY CHAIN Through its work, NOF Energy also provides Energi Coast companies with access to the wider UK and international offshore renewables supply chain.
REGIONAL CAPABILITIES OF THE STEERING GROUP North East England companies can deliver a large proportion of supply chain requirements for the market, which include:
TURBINE MANUFACTURE Blade manufacture and testing
Design of wind farm
Management of maintenance programmes
Geotechnical support
Transport (offshore)
Offshore survey
Routine surveys
Metocean data
Coatings Maintenance
Land and investment incentives
Training of personnel
Statutory consultation
Port and support services
Grid connection/cable landfall /onshore substation planning
Health and safety
Tower manufacture Gearbox and bearings
Technician and equipment transfer
Environmental Impact Assessments
Final assembly of turbines
Transition piece outfitting
Installation vessels
Jacket manufacture
Barges and transportation
Substation manufacture
Logistics hub
Transition piece manufacture
Cable laying and installation
Accommodation modules
Project management
Steel foundations
Load out and transportation
Subsea inspection
Storage and marshalling
Subsea cables
Subsea connectors
Cable protection
Construction port
J- tubes
Finite element analysis
Installation of foundations
Independent technical assessments/due diligence
Installation of sub stations
Heavy lifting and cranes
Installation of turbines
Civil engineering/construction management
Offshore/onshore electrics
ENGINEERING Predictive modelling Grid connection Trenching assessments Structural engineering Mechanical engineering Geotechnical engineering Subsea engineering Civil engineering Marine engineering Safety case assessment Electrical, control and instrumentation
Transportation and Installation Computational Fluid Dynamics
Grid connection
WHY NORTH EAST ENGLAND? • Strategic East Coast location to service the offshore renewables market, close proximity to both European and North Sea developments Dogger Bank Teesside Offshore Wind Farm Moray Firth Hornsea East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Humber Gateway Racebank
• Exceptional infrastructure and logistics hub • Integrated energy supply chain already exists with a history in collaborative working
• Home to the commercial ports of the Tyne, Tees, Wear and Blyth
Strong industrial heritage with experience in delivering large-scale projects
• Top universities, colleges and specialist training providers offering courses specifically in renewable energy
• Inward investment location of choice, the region is able to
fully support turbine, foundations and blade manufacturers that wish to locate their operations in North East England where the infrastructure, supply chain, land and quayside access is second to none
• North East England is home to Narec (National Renewable
Energy Centre). Narec is looking to be recognised worldwide as the UK’s leading centre for advancing the development and integration of renewable energy through technology led innovation
• Email: • Tel: +44 (0)191 3846464 • •