The Official Division 28 Newsletter / December 2012

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January 2013

1. Letter From Your LTG 2. Division Election Conference & Dues 3. District Convention! 4. Ad Sales & Interclub Projects 5. District Staff Contacts

Heyyy guys! Sorry if I've been out of touch these past few weeks. With finals and college apps I've been buried under stuff to do. But Mother Owl is back in business and has just come back from her last board meeting everrr with the other LTGs. Which signifies that I am looking for a successor! The Division Election Conference for Division 28 will be held (very tentatively, unconfirmed) on January 26, 2013 at the Freeman Library Conference room (a room in the second story; yup, you are going to be super familiar with the library by the end of my term haha). This gives you at least two weeks to get ready. So far I have received one application. Anyone else who wants to run is welcome! Read on for more info! The next big thing that everyone needs to get ready for is District Convention (DCON)! Coming back from Winter Board, I can guarantee you that the District Convention plans will be absolutely unforgettable. I'm extremely excited to attend! The plans have been meticulously perfected through board meetings and with the convention team all year. If you went last year, you know how breathtaking the forums and the people and the decorations were. Now you get to experience it all again! And with guaranteed yummy breakfasts (that was actually a big point at the Winter board meeting during planning... lol) Hope school and life are treating you well! Regards,


Also -- have you seen the January issue of the Tex-O-Key? Go. Now. It's beautiful and full of an amazing breadth of information. And it's like a legit magazine. T-O can't handle Grace Liu oh my gawsh.

z Your Lieutenant Governor is looking for a successor! Fill out the application form (should be in your email; message me if you haven't seen it!) and bring it to the Division Election Conference. When: TBD, most likely January 26th (I'll give you two weeks' notice if it has to be pushed back, don't worry!) Where: Also TBD (Yeah, I know. I thought I'd have a location set already by this time but no location has confirmed with me yet! If you think your school could host please let me know! All we need is a quiet place where someone can stand in the front of the room and speak.)

To run for LTG or to vote at the DEC, both you and your club must be in good standing with International! Which means you have submitted dues for the year through

Please prepare a 2 minute speech about your goals and qualifications as Lieutenant Governor, and then be prepared to answer questions for 3 minutes from the audience. After every candidate has had a chance to speak, everyone will cast their vote and the majority winner will be the next official Lieutenant Governor for the 2012-2013 school year! Each school can only endorse one candidate and bring 4 total voting delegates (fellow club members, including yourself) to the conference. And remember, no campaigning! You'll be disqualified if you do.

Since the Membership Update Center has been chaotic this year, you can still run/vote at the DEC if you submit proof that you've at least tried to pay. Valid types of proof: (1) Invoice of check from International (preferred) (2) Email screenshot with International (3) Phone call record with International If you don't know how to pay your dues through the MUC, please contact me so I can help you through the process.

It's officially time to get excited for DCON! Start getting headcounts of club members who want to attend. It's a weekend filled with fun, serious bonding time, and lots of leadership training all in the very versatile theme of HAUNTED MANSION. From chandeliers to magical bookcase, the theme itself is something to check out with how creative Roshni and the Convention team have gotten. If you need help getting ready for DCON, please let me know! I want to make sure everyone has a chance to attend this amazing event.

Everything you need to know to get ready for the greatest weekend of your life: The Convention Resources (previously known as the Convention CD) will be available on the District Website on January 15th! The Resource package will things like: Convention Bulletin - all info needed for what's going to happen at DCON Code of Contests and Awards Specific Contest Directives

STAAR Testing will finish on the same day as the start of DCON (Thursday, April 4th). Please prepare transportation arrangements with your school so that you arrive on time, since many schools force students to remain in class until the end of the day on state testing days. Also, please note that the EOC Makeup day takes place on Friday. Plan ahead!

Registration for DCON will take place on the T-O district website starting on January 30th. The price for entry will be $110 per person and the price per night at the Sheraton will be $135 per room (a special Key Club discount!). The price may seem pretty steep, but there are many ways to pay for one of the best weekends of your life! Ask your Kiwanis clubs, hold a bake sale, find a way to split costs with another club (this involves contacting me to help you out). It's WORTH IT. Believe me.

Contest Explanation PDF District Project Info Sheet Governor's Project Info Sheet And most importantly, the medical release/Code of Conduct forms, the new dress code, and the district staff candidacy form if you want to run for District anything.

So as LTG I have to sell $500 worth of ads to help make DCON the best it can be, which supports Key Club as a whole by making it more exciting for your fellow students. This is where I need YOUR help! Please contact your Kiwanis clubs about purchasing a $25-$200 dollar ad which will be placed in the convention book this year. I'll be contacting you all further about this soon.

Helping out the Children's Miracle Network through direct service or fundraising events. This organization saves and changes lives like none other by providing top healthcare to children even if they can't afford to pay. Contact me for information on the local dance marathon that will be taking place in March! The completion page is now available online. Get it filled in as soon as you can!

Ah, the long-awaited Didi Project. Now that it's second semester I'm going to start seriously planning this thing. I will be contacting each of the presidents about it so that we can work together to make this great! I know not every club will be able to completely commit to the project, but anything you guys do as a club, from fundraising to raising awareness about the project, will be extremely appreciated! Let's unite as a division to make the Didi Project an epic event of 2013!

Service project ideas to help you complete this project will be released January 15th by the District Initiative Committee. The completion page is up now on the district website! Get it turned in before the deadline.

District Governor

Convention Liaison

District Treasurer

International Trustee

District Secretary

Regional Advisor

14906 Bridle Bend Dr.

Email copies of secretary reports to me!

Houston TX 77084

Hardcopies of secretary reports go to me! Division 28 Lt. Governor

District Editor

Email copies of secretary reports to me!

Feel free to ask me anything (:

Send me those Tex-O-Key articles!

Resources & district updates can be found on the new T-O District website Don't forget to check out the latest issue of the Tex-O-Key. Do you love your district? Then go like the T-O Facebook page

Awkward. Why is this page here? :I Why can't I get rid of it?


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