The Official Division 28 Newsletter
In This Issue Letter from Your LTG Paying Dues Officer Elections District Convention Officer Contacts
"Too old to plant trees for my own gratification, I shall do it for my posterity." Thomas Jefferson
Letter From Your LTG Hey guys! How have you been? I want to welcome Jayce Chandler Williams as our new Lieutenant Governor for the coming year! I'm looking forward to helping him take over the Division for the next couple of months. is going to be my last newsletter for you guys, which just feels crazy and unbelievable. I'm trying to think of a cool last PCM/Social event we could do (suggestions appreciated!), the Dance Marathon for Children's Miracle Network is about to take place, and the DCON issue of the Tex-OKey will also be coming out. It's all too much. I hope to see all your lovely faces at DCON! Sincerely & affectionately,
Nancy Huang
GIVE ME YO MONEY Dues are $12.50 per member. I would like to congratulate you guys for getting your turned in! All but three clubs in Division 28 have paid their dues, one of which is having technical difficulties that will get resolved soon, which is so amazing. Unpaid clubs, if you're reading this, your charter is in danger! Get off probation ASAP so you can be a part of the Key Club family again. Paid clubs, I'm so incredibly thankful for your hard work. Thank you for keeping up with your dues.
Officer Elections Officers, please try to hold elections by April It's time to start looking for successors! Even though it feels like it's wayyyy too early to start now, it always helps to get your officers in line a few months before school ends so you can start something even more important that elections -- training! Each officer position for Key Club has specific jobs that you need to make sure your successor understands. Secretary reports, treasurer dues, president and vice president everythings, and of course historians/webmasters/representatives/PR managers must be able to take over from last year to keep your club running smoothly.
Obliging my creeperness If your club would like to have an induction ceremony for your club, or your new officers want some extra training or have unanswerable questions, please contact me so I can help out and introduce the next batch of officers!
Houston-Area Dance Marathon
March 15, 2013 from 7:00pm - 1:00am 4911 Montrose Blvd, Houston, TX 77006 $15 per person Register here: on=donorDrive.event&eventID=1454
District Convention We have less than 30 days left to register for District Convention on April 4th, 2013! Is your club attending?
Register Now! Find nicely thorough registration instructions here: Current rates until March 15: $110 per person for entry, $135 + tax per room per night (up to four people per room)
Everything You Needed to Know About DCON but Were Too Afraid to Ask ...Is easily accessible on the District Website in download form! All you have to do is go to or download Convention Package here from Dropbox:
See who else is going to be attending with the power of social media! Join the T-O DCON 2013 Facebook page here:
Contacts District Governor
Convention Liaison
District Treasurer
International Trustee
District Secretary
Regional Advisor
14906 Bridle Bend Dr.
Email copies of secretary reports to me!
Houston TX 77084
Hardcopies of secretary reports go to me! Division 28 Lt. Governor
District Editor
Email copies of secretary reports to me!
Feel free to ask me anything (:
Send me those Tex-O-Key articles!
Resources & district updates can be found on the new T-O District website Don't forget to check out the latest issue of the Tex-O-Key. Do you love your district? Then go like the T-O Facebook page