Dialogue Script
Scene 7: Guy: Hey there, how are you? Girl 1: I’m good thanks you? Guy: Yeah I’m good because you came to see me, been thinking about you lately Girl1: Haha no problem. Scene 8: Guy: So how’s everything going? Girl 1: Alright I guess. Guy: Yeah cool cool, here’s my number so we can chat yeah? Scene 9: Girl 1: Yeah thanks, I gotta go now, I’ll speak to you later. Guy: Cool, bye. Girl 1: Bye. Scene 10: Girl 2: Hey sorry I took long I had to be somewhere. Guy: Narh its fine. Yeah so how are you? Scene 11: Girl 2: Yeah good good, what about you? Guy: Yeah, happy that that I saw you. Scene 12: Guy: Here’s my number, call me yeah? Girl 2: Yeah sure. Scene 13: Guy: Catch up with you later. Girl 2: Alright, bye. Guy: Bye. Scene 15: Phones rings – Scene 16: Guy: Hello? … Yo, yeah how’s it going? … Oh, what? You don’t wanna see me? … (shuts phone) Scene 17: Phone rings again –