1 minute read

Aquatics - Become a lifeguard

Lifeguards are trained to prevent accidents, spot potential risks, and intervene before situations become life-threatening. They educate the public about how to be water smart during aquatic activities.

We’re hiring lifeguards and instructors! Join a dynamic team of lifeguards and develop your skills while ensuring the safety of swimmers. Visit norfolkcounty.ca/Jobs to learn more and apply today!


Rookie/Ranger/Star Patrol (Optional)

Bronze Star and Emergency First Aid (Optional)

Prerequisite: Recommended Star Patrol, 100% attendance highly recommended

Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid

Prerequisite: 13 years of age or Bronze Star, 100% attendance highly recommended

Bronze Cross and Emergency First Aid

Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid, 100% attendance highly recommended

Lifesaving Assistant Instructor

Prerequisite: 14 years of age & Bronze Cross, 100% attendance required

National Lifeguard

Prerequisite: 15 years of age, Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid, 100% attendance required

Swim Instructor (Optional)

Prerequisite: 15 years old and Bronze Cross, 100% attendance required

Lifesaving Instructor

Prerequisite: 15 years old, Lifesaving Swim Instructor or equivalent, OR Bronze Cross (not required to be current), 100% attendance required

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