Normalista Library “Mtro. Olac Fuentes Molinar”
Bulletin´s Information of the Library of the Normal School No. 1 of Toluca. No. 27
Month: October
Year: 2013
Further Reading on Support for teacher Training
The Escuela Normal No.1 library has newly acquired a collection of books supporting the development of curriculum for the Educación Secundaria con Especialidad en Lengua Extranjera (ingles) degree. It is available for your use, so that you may positively impact the formation of future teachers in the degree program. We hope that teachers allowed time in the work schedule to visit the library, where we will happily assist you, remembering the words of the French writer André Gide (1819-1892): “With certain books. One asks: who will read them? And with certain people, one asks: what will they read? And at last, the books and the people meet.” Profra. Lidia Salinas Alcántara Library Assistant
Elaboró Profr. Juan Sánchez Carmona.
OCEAN. ENGLISH WRITING LETTERS. Editorial Nathan, Barcelona, 1994, 129 pages. The book introduces students to the main resources for learning to develop professional and private correspondence, with exercises and sample letters. The most common expressions and vocabulary more frequent correspondence. Exercises cards with their solutions. Representative examples of business correspondence (orders, claims, sales, advertising ...)
LEARN AND IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH FAST. With the dictionary of the most frequent words. Editorial Vecchi, Barcelona, 2004, 252 pages. Learn English as naturally as if he traveled to England or the United States by the method presented. The pronunciation is indicated by special graphic signs good start from the beginning. Throughout these pages you will find very entertaining exercises to help you learn about playing. The large sample of phrases and examples makes learning vocabulary spontaneous. This course is very different from the others: it is written with such naturalness and simplicity, it will seem to hear the gentle and persuasive voice teacher. And Learning English is an absolute pleasure!
MOVE, PLAY AND LEARN ENGLISH. Proposed activities for teaching English through physical activity. Editorial informative, Sevilla, 2008, 76 pages. This book assumes the written support for a range of oral activities. According to the latest trends in the teaching of foreign languages, oral skills are the first links in the teaching-learning process.
Thus, all activities of the book should be carried out first by oral games are described, both receptive and productive. Will then be written to the activities proposed here. The idea is to conduct games and other amusements and attractive using English as a communication tool.
ENGLISH TRAPS. Ron Murphy. Editorial De Vecchi, Barcelona, 2007, 191 pages. Many of the lexical peculiarities of the English language constitute genuine for Spanish traps. The purpose of this manual is to bring them out to meet them and sort them successfully. A book that provides the key to prevent incorrect literal translations and to choose correctly the translation of terms that have multiple correspondences between two languages; also includes an extensive battery of exercises so you can check your progress.
COMPOUND VERBS DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH-SPANISH. Jorge I. Corominas. Scientific-Technical Publishing, Colombia, 2006, 3013 pages. Compound verbs or phrasal verbs constitute language combinations whose domain involves a high degree of difficulty for anyone who approaches the study of the English language. In this work are compiled over 2000 phrasal verbs, often used in the current American and British standards, accompanied with ample contextual examples that have been selected from various journalistic and literary sources. The English terms are presented together with their corresponding equivalents in the target language, with attention to the international standard and the Cuban Spanish, if possible. Look this, which represents a novel contribution in the field of lexical translation and that makes this dictionary phrasal verbs in an updated tool very useful, if in doubt, to the public interested in learning and professional use of this language.
KEY TEACHING FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Montijano Ma. Del Pilar Cabrera. Editorial CISTERN, Malaga, 2001, 111 pages. In this small book are compiled a number of writings, to be together, I think they will help improve the process of interaction between teacher and students teaching desirable in any teaching situation. Also since the basic purpose underlying philosophy of any publication of an educational nature is precisely influence the effectiveness of mutual rapprochement between teacher and students, so I found interesting collect certain fundamental ideas, a dispersed although appellant appear again and again throughout the development of our classes.
CHARLES DICKENS. GREAT EXPECTATION. Editorial Heinemann Alt, Editorial First Published, 1993; 95 pges. The marshes beyond the churchyard were grey. The river beyond the marshes was a darker line of grey. A bitter wind was blowing across the marshes from the sea. The graveyard was a dark and frightening place. I shivered. Cold and afraid, I began to cry. ´Quiet, you little devi!!´ cried a terrible voice. ´Keep still – or I´ll cut your throat´ ´Oh don´t cut my throat, sir! I cried. ´Please don´t ! ´Tell me your name, ´the man growled. ´Tell me. Quick. ´Pip, sir Pip,´ I answered.
TEACHING LISTENING COMMPREHENSION. Penny Ur. Editorial First published, Cambridge, 2009; 167 pages. This book is about developing listening comprehension skills in the classroom In Part One, some essential background issues are dealt with, the author defines the characteristics of real-life listening analyses the problems encountered by language learners, and discusses the consideration involved in planning successful classroom listening practice. Part Two contains a wide variety of exercise types. The activities range in level from elementary to advanced and illustrate techniques appropriate for both adults and children. The exercises can be used as they stand or they can as models for teachers who wish to design their own materials. This is another very practical handbook for teachers from the author of Discussions that Bork.
GAMES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING. Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckbv. Editorial First published, Cambridge, 2012191; 167 pages. If you think games are just for young learners, think again. Games provide meaningful and enjoyable language practice at levels and for all age groups. They can be used to practice any of the skills – speaking listening, reading and writing – at any stage of the learning process, from controlled repetition through guided practice to free expression. This completely revised edition of the ´classic´ title Games for language Learning has been restructured to enable busy teachers to navigate it with ease and select the activities most suitable for each of their classes. The games can be integrated easily into existing coursework. There is a new section on solo games for independent learning and the games have been selected to cater for a variety of learning styles.
LISTENING. Goodith White. Editorial Oxford, 1998; 142 pages. This series gives the classroom teacher a guide to the practice of key aspects of language teaching, and considers some of the underlying concepts. In each book an introduction presenting important current issues in the area under consideration is followed by examples and discussion of actual classroom material and techniques. Listening book at what makes a good listener and how teachers can motivate learning to develop confidence and independence in listening. There are over 70 classroom activities, including raising learners´ awareness individual sounds and intonation patterns, exploiting published materials, radio, and television, ´listening in real life´ , and listening projects. An Appendix provides advice on making your own listening materials.
ACTION GAMES. Cyndi Turtledove. Editorial Delti, MĂŠxico, 2004; 117 pages. Action games provides 101 fun, dynamic and versatile activities for students of ages and levels. The Index of Grammar Structures allows the teacher to quickly find the ideal activity to complement whatever grammatical structure is being taught. ACTION GAMES can also be used as a Conversation Class text book. Action games area fast and fun. They develop spontaneity and self-confidence. They stimulate classroom integration and motivate both teacher and students. Action games is the key to beginning to think in English, as students learn to apply their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation through oral and drama activities.
LISTENING. Anne Anderson y Tony Lynch. Editorial Oxford, China, 2010; 154 pages. What does language comprehension involve? How can teachers best go about selecting and designing effective listening materials for themselves? In listing, the authors a much-needed perspective on the subject and offer a selection of small-scale design and research tasks aimed at helping teachers make practical but principled decisions in this important area. Anne Anderson is lectures in Psychology at the University of Glasgow. Tony Lynch is a lecturer at the institute for Applied Language Studies, University of Edinburgh.
ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION IN USE ELEMENTARY. Jonathan Marks. Editorial Cambridge, University Cambridge, 2011; 166 pages. English Pronunciation in Use Elementary is for learners elementary level and above. The material is addressed to the individual learner who may be working alone, but it can also used in the classroom. This book covers all aspects of pronunciation sounds, word stress, connected speech and Pronunciation in Use Elementary recognizes pronunciation for listening as well as speaking and whit both receptive and productive practice.
including individual intonation. English the importance of learning are provided
ENGLISH CORNER. Angela Llanas, Libby Williams y Mickey Rogers. Editorial MacMillan, México, 2010; 208 pages. English Corner is an exciting new three-level course in American English specially written for secondary school students in México. Emphasis on English for practical everyday use, an accessible format and a variety of dynamic activities English Corner an indispensable tool for learning English and experience not to be missed. First things provides students whit interesting and motivating texts in real-life English, such as e-mails, websites, blogs, conversations, magazine and newspaper articles, maps and much more. What do you notice? Guides students to reflect on the language presented in First things and form clear ideas about how English works through their own analysis.
ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION IN USE ADVANCE. Self-study classroom use. Martin Hewings. Editorial Cambridge, Madrid, 2007; 192 pages. English Pronunciation in Use Advance is for learners of advanced level. The material is addressed to the individual learner who may be working alone, but it can also be used in the classroom. This book covers all aspects of pronunciation in communication including word stress, connected speech and intonation. English Pronunciation in Use Advanced recognizes the importance of pronunciation for listening as well as speaking and learners are provided whit both receptive and productive practice. GO FOR IT! Student´s book. Adriana Dapazo Henderson. Editorial Richmond, MÊxico, 2011; 188 page. Go gor it! English course is designed for secondary school is an exciting new three-level course emphasizes self-expression, reflection on language and allows students to progress in the four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The Student Book provides students with: Activities that promote, language acquisition and analysis and discovery. The opportunity to read authentic texts of different children as a firs exposure to the language, while continuing to practice and improve their consolidation. The opportunity to hear different accents of English in a meaningful context. Practice in oral and written communication. Useful language through stimulating topics Language Useful.
CHOISES. Student´s Book. Diana Dillon. Editorial MacMillan, México, 2012; 152 pages. In this series, students are encouraged to become active participants in the learning process. They area regularly exposed to real-life and communication an have opportunities to discover their own community and environment. The series adopts the principles learning in which students have fun exploring new ways of discovering and experiencing English as it happens in the real world. Each level comes complete with an enhanced interactive students CD-ROM, a selected audio program and printable resources designed to consolidate and extend. THE NEW OXFORD PICTURE DICTIONARY. E. C. Parnwell. Editorial Oxford, New York, 1988; 124 pages. Pictures convey meaning more clearly words alone. The New Oxford Picture Dictionary presents over 2,400 vocabulary words, clearly depicted on 102 pages of full-color, contextualized illustration. Vocabulary is introduced within 82 topics, which range from such basics as food, clothing, and shelter to more specific such as the space, occupations, and sports. An index includes all the vocabulary words with a clear, easy-to-follow pronunciation guide. The Dictionary can be used at all levels, by all ages, to teach all language skills. With the components, it provides a complete language development program. It´s an invaluable resource every students and teacher needs to have. The New Pictures Dictionary contains over 2,400 words contextually presented in 102 beautifully illustrated pages. Available in paperback or hardcover.
TAKEAWAY ENGLISH 1 Peter Loveday, Melissa Koop, Sally Trowbridge y Lisa Varandani. Editorial McGraw Hill. China, 2012; 154 pages. Takeaway English is a topic-based young adult/adult ELT course, adapted from the Net languages General English Online self-study course. It a four level course that takes students from beginning-basic user to upper-intermediate/independent user. Features: • A multi-layered that interweaves lexical, grammatical, and phonological components in a natural language context. • A focus on each of the four language skill: speaking, reading and writing. • Meaningful and interesting that are up-to-date and relevant to a global audience. ACCES TO ENGLISH STARTING OUT Michael Coles and Basil Lord. Editorial Oxford University Press, 1975; 144 pages. Starting Out is this book of ACCESS TO ENGLISH, a four part course whit optional audio-visual component which takes students whit no previous knowledge of English up to the standard required by the Cambridge Certificate in English. Parts 2, 3 y 4 of course – getting On, Turning Point and Open Road – may also be used independently. Starting Out covers 20 chapters in the story of Arthur Newton, an amiable if somewhat incompetent junior librarian whose light-hearted adventures provide the story-line for the course. Among other episodes in this book, Arthur finds himself returning home late at night to the wrong house, stranded on an island after a picnic on the river, and apparently – winning a fortune on the football pools.
Aaron Burkholder. Teacher Book. Editorial Richmond, México, 2012; 98 pages. Kaleidoscope when looking into a kaleidoscope easily sees how single elements come together in vibrant and versatile designs of new patterns, colors and shapes. Similarly, kaleidoscope provides opportunities for students to combine new English skill and knowledge in different ways to ensure that they use their creativity to grasp the language. Kaleidoscope is a five-level English series for Bachillerato based on the Programa de Estudio de Lengua Adicional al Español for the DGB.
TAKEAWAY ENGLISH 2 English for success. Peter Loveday, Melissa Koop, Sally Trowbridge y Lisa Varandani. Editorial McGraw Hill. China, 2012; 154 pages. Takeaway English is a topic-based young adult/adult ELT course, adapted from the Net languages General English Online self-study course. It a four level course that takes students from beginning-basic user to upperintermediate/independent user. Features: • A multi-layered syllabus that interweaves lexical, grammatical, and phonological components in a natural language context. • A focus on each of four language skills: listening, reading, and writing. • Meaningful and interesting context that are up-to-date and relevant to global audience. • Natural conversation that allow students to practice the language and role play in meaningful situations.
KALEIDOSCOPE 3 Simon Brewster. Editorial Richmond, México, 2012; 96 pages. Kaleidoscope when looking into a kaleidoscope easily sees how single elements come together in vibrant and versatile designs of new patterns, colors and shapes. Similarly, kaleidoscope provides opportunities for students to combine new English skill and knowledge in different ways to ensure that they use their creativity to grasp the language. Kaleidoscope is a five-level English series for Bachillerato based on the Programa de Estudio de Lengua Adicional al Español for the DGB.
TAKEAWAY ENGLISH 4 Peter Loveday, Melissa Koop, Sally Trowbridge y Lisa Varandani. Editorial McGraw Hill. China, 2012; 154 pages. Takeaway English is a topic-based young adult/adult ELT course, adapted from the Net languages General English Online self-study course. It a four level course that takes students from beginning-basic user to upper-intermediate/independent user. • A multi-layered that interweaves lexical, grammatical, and phonological components in a natural language context. • A focus on each of the four language skill: speaking, reading and writing. • Meaningful and interesting that are up-to-date and relevant to a global audience.
KALEIDOSCOPE 2 Suzanne Guerrero. Editorial Richmond, México, 2012; 98 pages. Kaleidoscope when looking into a kaleidoscope easily sees how single elements come together in vibrant and versatile designs of new patterns, colors and shapes. Similarly, kaleidoscope provides opportunities for students to combine new English skill and knowledge in different ways to ensure that they use their creativity to grasp the language. Kaleidoscope is a five-level English series for Bachillerato based on the Program Study Additional Language al Spanish for the DGB.
KALEIDOSCOPE 4 Simon Brewster. Editorial Richmond, México, 2012; 98 pages. Kaleidoscope when looking into a kaleidoscope easily sees how single elements come together in vibrant and versatile designs of new patterns, colors and shapes. Similarly, kaleidoscope provides opportunities for students to combine new English skill and knowledge in different ways to ensure that they use their creativity to grasp the language. Kaleidoscope brings learning to the classroom whit an array of features, such as: • Exciting content that is thematically oriented to México, its people and its culture in a fresh and appealing way. • An extensive use of listening and reading which allows students to learn the language in context. • Reflection on universal human values in each block whit projects for students to put new language skill to use in a meaningful way.
EASY ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Evelyn Mayer. Editorial De Vecchi, Barcelona, 2007; 175 pages. English has become an indispensable tool to move in the world, both at work and personally. Learning this language can be simple if you use a progressive education offering clear and accessible explanations, diagrams easily searchable and examples to help you understand the rules. Both beginners and those wishing to delve into the syntactic structures of English will find here the main rules of the language arranged in fifteen units that address the grammar and wording. Also discussed are examples, diagrams, tables and charts to correctly use tenses and moods.
PHONOLOGY MODERN LINGUISTICS. Philip Carr. Editorial Palgrave, England; 324 pages. This practical comprehensive introduction to generative phonology falls naturally into two parts. Part 1 takes the reader from phonemic analysis to the standard model of generative phonology An Interlude raises question about the standard model, which Part 2 seeks to address so introducing theoretical issues in a variety of contemporary approaches, including the Lexical, Metrical, Autosegmental, Dependency and Government frameworks. Phonology is an innovative exercise-based text: each chapter contains end-of-chapter exercises, and in the first half the book integrated exercises are included which require the students to apply and develop the ideas introduced. No previous knowledge of phonology is assumed. Although some understanding of elementary articulatory phonetics would be useful, a brief review of phonetics terminology and symbols in included.
ENGLISH; PRACTICAL EXERCISES. To write and speak fluently. Chiara Leverone and Victoria Tennant. Editorial De Vecchi, Barcelona, 2003. The exercises are an integral and essential part in the study of a language, both for those who do not have the time or the opportunity to take a course with a teacher as to who attends or attended a course and want to check YOUR own knowledge. The reader will find in this book many years following a line of increasing difficulty, in fact, each unit is preceded by a syntax grammatical and syntactical rules covered in the exercises. The results of the exercise and allows to verify the accuracy of the answers, are also examples that can be applied to certain rules that otherwise would be nothing but abstractions meant to be forgotten.
METHODOLOGY IN LANGUAGE TEACHING. An Anthology of Current Practice. Jack C. Richards A. Renandya. Editorial Cambridge, USA, 2002; 422 pages. Methodology of Language Teaching An Anthology of Current Practice provides an overview of current approaches, issues and practices in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. It contains an extensive collection of articles published mainly in the last decade, illustrating the complexity underlying many of the practical planning of educational activities involved in teaching English. These activities include teaching English in the levels of primary, secondary and tertiary education, teacher training, language testing, curriculum and materials development, the use of computers and other technologies in teaching and research different aspects of learning a second language.
ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Larousse Editorial, Barcelona, 2008, 269 pages. This English grammar has been designed to meet the needs of those who are studying English. Thus, they may purchase and review the mechanisms of the English language, from beginners to more advanced levels. The basic rules are explained clearly and illustrated through numerous examples from everyday life. The glossary of grammatical terms-from page 9 to 16 - helps the consultation and understanding of the terms used in the work. This pocket grammar, modern and representative of current English, is the ideal reference tool for those seeking a practical and accessible work.
CLAVES DIDĂ CTICAS PARA LA ENSEĂ‘ANZA DE LA LENGA EXTRANJERA. Ma. Del Pilar Montijano Cabrera. Editorial Aljibe, Malaga, 2001; 111 pages. In this work there are three essential benchmarks for the training of future teachers of LE, so if you plan to carry out their work in the context of primary education, as if I did in high school. The first chapter, we discuss the issues of concern and make the process of acquiring a foreign language. In the second chapter, remember that it is essential to bear in mind the extent to which teaching can be a factor that enhances effective learning, for which delve into the knowledge of the main factors that influence the acquisition of the new language. In the third chapter talk about how to articulate the link associated with teaching and research tasks in the field of acquisition of the LE.
ENGLISH FOR TECHNICAL BISINESS. Bertha Castro de Bravo. Publisher McGraw-Hill, Mexico, 1987, 140 pages. This work primarily aims to provide students with basic technical terminology and jargon of the life sciences, the level of their progress, as well as assisting him to attempt to achieve the ability to understand English texts related to this field, without implying the need of complete mastery of the language. Based on the foregoing, the development of the units is basically for the understanding of its content, and the attempt to provide some support linguistic, whose elements are sometimes presented as repetitive. It is noteworthy that the content of the readings are spontaneously in order to provide information as may appear in various readings of this type or nature, for didactic purposes unchanged as regards structural side. TAKEAWAY ENGLISH 3 English for success. Peter Loveday, Melissa Koop, Sally Trowbridge y Lisa Varandani. Editorial McGraw Hill. China, 2012; 154 pages. Takeaway English is a topic-based young adult/adult ELT course, adapted from the Net languages General English Online self-study course. It a four level course that takes students from beginningbasic user to upper-intermediate/independent user. Features: • A focus on each of four language skills: listening, speaking, and writing. • Multiple classroom interactions –whole class work, pair word, group work, and independent study. • Numerous opportunities for recycling throughout a unit and across units. • Five original and contemporary in each level alternating with culture sections that add variety and richer context for students to learn from.
Profra. Angélica María López Soto Principal Profra. Ana Laura Cisneros Padilla Academic Vice-Principal Profr. Mauro García Torres Administrative Vice-Principal Profra. María de Lourdes Gil Roldán Head of Support Services Mtra. Blanca Patricia Campuzano Cienfuegos Library Manager