The News Spreader February 2014
Be sure to check out the newest addition to the News Spreader!
The News Spreader QUEBEC 4-H 21,111 Lakeshore Road Macdonald College Harrison House 3-04 Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9 Phone: 514-398-8738 Fax: 514-398-8652 PRESIDENT Sarah Enright VICE-PRESIDENT Andrea Soesbergen farmergurl_12 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Lorelei Muller executivedirector
On the cover: 1
1– 4-H members, alumni and friends at Discovery Day 2014 (Page 5) 2– Lachute carollers singing at the Rotary Seniors’ Apartment (back cover) 3– Howick 4-H’ers at the Santa Claus Parade (Page 2) 4– Junior Junction (Page 4)
Summer Employment Opportunities Quebec 4-H Summer Employment
Job Requirements for all positions: Between ages 15 – 30 years Regular full time student during previous academic year; returning to full time studies August/September 2014 Bilingual Outgoing, energetic, enjoy working with youth Self-starter, disciplined and must be punctual Computer skills (Excel, Word, Powerpoint) Membership and/or knowledge of 4-H would be considered an asset. Program Assistant – will carry out basic office procedures, support local club activities and assist in the coordination of provincial activities including Junior Camp and Provincial Rally where responsibilities include: registration of participants organization of event logistics production of program books promoting and reporting on events attending and supervising the Rally (July 17 - 20) and Camp (August 10 - 13) * Term of employment: May 19 to August 22 or June 2 to August 15
AGRICULTURAL LIAISON Chelsea Daniel Public Relations Assistant – will promote Quebec 4-H at various fairs and events as well as liaise between the provincial office and local clubs. The PR Assistant may work some hours OFFICE & COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Norma Tolhurst
from home. A license and vehicle are required. The job includes working several weekends. Tasks include: securing and manning booth space at fairs developing promotional material promoting and reporting on events attending and supervising Provincial Rally (July 17 – 20) and possibly also Junior Camp (August 10 – 13) * Term of employment: May 19 to August 22 or June 9 to August 22 * Note: These positions and/or the term of employment are available conditionally upon reception of grant funding from Service Canada to be confirmed in the spring. Quebec 4-H acknowledges the support of Service Canada through the Canada Summer Jobs program. Please send your résumé and cover letter to : Lorelei Muller: prior to March 15, 2014.
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Quebec 4-H News Spreader
Club News A Goat, in a Coat, on a Float!
Howick’s Santa Claus Parade By: Kevin Macfarlane
The Howick 4-H club participated in our community’s fourth annual Christmas parade on December 7, 2013. On a very frosty day, 29 floats came together to spread Christmas cheer throughout the town of Howick during which the Scouts also collected non-perishable food items for the town Christmas baskets. On our float, our members wore Christmas colors with elf hats and reindeer antlers. The busy elves were making wooden toys and other members handed out candy to the community. Members also handed out promotional and informational pamphlets to encourage youth to join our 4-H club. On the float, we brought a calf and goat to add to the fun. We would like to thank our committee and parents for pulling our float together and to Alain Rouleau for driving the tractor, along with everyone who came out to enjoy the parade. It made a very successful parade as it was the largest parade Howick has had so far.
Hatley Winter Activities By: Travis Dolloff We went to our annual banquet on December14th. It was at the church hall in Ayer’s Cliff. We had a really good lunch and everyone in our family got trophies. We also got presents even though Santa couldn’t make it this year! After the banquet, we went caroling. We weren’t very many people, but it was still fun! We went to the home where my grammie lives and I got to ride up front on the wagon with the driver!
Sawyerville Club News By: Krista Whalen On Saturday January 4th, 2014, the Sawyerville 4-H club met at Mont Hatley for our fun day. We went tubing for the afternoon. Not only did the members enjoy themselves but the parents did as well. There were about 30 members that participated in the event. We will be having our annual banquet and awards night on January 31st, which will be held at the Community Center in Sawyerville.
February 2014
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Club News The Jerseys of Masonvale Farm Devin Keenan
For the past several years the jersey show at the Richmond 4-H achievement day has continued to grow. Many of the animals that have walked into the ring have the prefix of Masonvale: farm of Lisa Coddington, Tim Mason and family.
Last year the Masons had 15 jersey calves on their 4-H bed! Tim is a bus driver for the ETSB school board and he recruits the kids on the bus and then Lisa has each kid come on a different day and helps each member train their calf before the show. 4-H mom Christine Quinn says that her kids love it because Lisa is patient and kind and always welcoming. Lisa credits her daughter Summer Mason, current senior Richmond 4-H member saying that the two of them make a great team. Summer can be found clipping and fitting the cattle with the kids while Lisa gives the showmanship pointers. Daughter Jasmine Mason says, “I think it's a win-win situation where our family farm gets more advertisement because we put more effort into preparing more calves for the Richmond show and lots of kids get an opportunity to experience some farm life activities that they otherwise would not have the opportunity to do”.
Scrambled Eggs
Why did the duck cross the road?
What did the chick say when it came out of the shell? Why is the sky so high?
Unscramble the letters on the right to spell the types of birds you might find around the farm., if you are having trouble, use your agent code cards you received in the mail to help you find the answer! orreost ekyurt ukcd heknicc tdpehanas iuaql ithsoicr
Ask your parents to go to : junior-junction/ to see the answers to these riddles!
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Quebec 4-H News Spreader
What do you get when you cross a rooster and a duck?
February 2014
Provincial News Discovery Day 2014
On Saturday January 18th nine 4-H’ers and friends toured the Valacta Facility in Saint-Anne-deBellevue. Valacta is a company that is owned largely by FPLQ (Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec), but also by McGill and MAPAQ (ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec). Valacta’s main focus is on improving the profitability and sustainability of the dairy industry in Quebec. They achieve this goal by offering a wide variety of services that allow producers to make more informed decisions that will ultimately impact their business and allow it to grow and be competitive in the dairy industry. When we arrived at the facility, we were greeted by Julie
g February 2014
Baillargeon. Julie has a Master’s degree in science. She informed us that Valacta wasn’t always called Valacta it was started as DHAS (dairy herd Analyse Service) in 1966 by McGill Professor, Dr. John Moxley. It was in 2006 that it became Valacta as we know it today. Valacta gets its name from three words VALue, ACTion, and LACTA for the dairy sector. The facility tests milk samples sent to them by producers from across Quebec. Samples are tested and results are sent back to producers within 48 hours. Valacta is able to give producers results on fat and protein content for each of their cows. We were very fortunate to be allowed on to the floor where we were able to see first-hand how
they test and analyse milk samples. After we had finished our tour, we headed to Darkzone laser tag in Laval where we were the yellow team for all three games that we played. We put skill and team work together and were able to win all three games. Everyone had such a blast that we are hoping in the future to be able to get a group together large enough to play overnight.
Special thanks to Agrium for making this event possible.
Innovative Ag Tour Come discover the farms and agri-businesses of Hatley, QC and surrounding areas. Fee: $60 Open to 4-H youth aged 13-25
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Upcoming Events...and Opportunities!
Provincial Square Dance Competition Who: Date:
All members, family and friends Sunday, February 23, 2014
Lunch at 11:30 am, competition at 1:00 pm Location: Fee:
Macdonald College Ballroom 9 years +:$10.00 6-8: $5.00 Under 5: Free! (Lunch included)
Ormstown Square Dance Competition Location: Recreation Centre, Ormstown Date: April 12, 2014 7:30 pm Cost: Dancers free, Spectators $3 for ages up to 8, $6 for ages 9+ Music by the Neil MacKay Band Info: Janice Barr
Vankleek Hill Square Dance Competition Who: All 4-H square dancers Location: Vankleek Hill Community Centre Date: May 10, 2014, at 1:00 pm Cost: $24/junior set, $40/open set Organizers:Vankleek Hill Fiddle, Step Dance and Square Dance Association Info: Kelley Allen (613) 675-4955
Earth Day Canada’s Hometown Heroes Awards Here’s you chance to help Canada recognize and celebrate environmental leaders– Whether an individual, group or small business– who foster meaningful, long-term community awareness and action. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2014
Canadian Agriculture Literacy Week March 12 - 15, 2014. Members from Richmond and Howick 4-H helped with last year’s program. We’re looking for people interested in participating in 2014. You could help promote agriculture and 4-H. Contact for questions or ideas. ONTARIO 4-H’S DAIRY SEN$E CONFERENCE May 1-4, 2014 | University of Guelph
Learn the impact of management decisions on the bottom line and how to run a more profitable dairy operation. Tour some of the top dairy farms in Ontario, find out the key elements of a succession plan and network with other young dairy farmers. Fee: $141.25 taxes inc.
May 23-25 Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Jump into the adventure! Discover archery, wall climbing, build leadership and communication skills and so much more! Fee: $60 Open to 4-H youth aged 13-15 Deadline to register: May 1st
Deadline to register: March 27, 2014 Find registration forms at
A 4-H Club in Maryland is Looking for Pen Pals! Ever wondered what 4-H is like in other countries? Now is your chance to find out! The Charles County 4-H Rabbit Club is looking for a twin club in Quebec to correspond with. Many of their members are interested in showing rabbits, but they also do shooting, Livestock, sewing, fashion revue and lots of crafts.
Give a Shout-Out for Ag Your club could win Cash! Create a video of yourself or your club showing why you love agriculture. Give a shout-out in 45 seconds or less and upload it. The top voted video in each category in each province wins $550. There are more thsn 100 cash prizes to be won. Winning videos will be judged for a national prize of $1,000 per category. Contest ends February 15, 2014.
Their members include: -5 Cloverbuds under the age of 8 -6 boys ranging from ages 8 to 13 -13 Girls ranging from ages 8 to 15 Let Quebec 4-H know if your club is interested! Page 6
Intermediate Leadership Camp
Quebec 4-H News Spreader
For more information and to upload your video, visit
February 2014
La Jeunesse Rurale du Québec Congratulations to Justine Pouliot, Louis-Phillippe Hudon and Emmanuelle Vincent of CJR Rouville who won the Desjardins’ 100 years of Rural Youth video contest. The winners were announced at the Congrès général annuel de l’UPA on November 5th. Contest winners were awarded a $3,000 bursary from Desjardins. 8 videos were submitted in total.
Ça bouge à la FRAQ ! La Fédération de la relève agricole du Québec a le vent dans les voiles! Lors de son assemblée générale annuelle en mars 2012, les membres ont demandé à la fédération de réaffirmer sa mission et ses valeurs par une vision globale, celle de faire de la FRAQ un mouvement rassembleur à forte capacité de mobilisation de la relève agricole à travers le Québec. En plus d’en faire le principal porte-parole des enjeux que vivent la relève, cette vision de la FRAQ de demain vise à créer un réseau uni d’administrateurs formés et outillés évoluant dans une structure efficace, appuyant la crédibilité et de poids politique de l’organisation. Le projet FRAQ 2.0 a ainsi été mis sur pied de manière à réaliser cette vision dans un futur rapproché. Après avoir fait une tournée de consultation des régions et travaillé sur l’arrimage de certains territoires, la FRAQ entend continuer à outiller les régions par l’ajout de ressources humaines au service de la relève. L’objectif est de partager le territoire québécois pour quatre coordonnateurs interrégionaux, ayant à leur charge l’accompagnement de chacun trois syndicats de relève. Janvier 2014 a été marqué à la FRAQ par l’entrée en fonction de la coordonnatrice qui s’occupe de la première interrégion, celle de l’Est du Québec, comprenant les régions de Chaudière-Appalaches, Bas-Saint-Laurent et Gaspésie-Les îles.Après un mois de janvier chargé, les prochains mois s’annoncent bien remplis pour MarieEve Arbour. C’est au Congrès annuel de la FRAQ du 6 au 8 mars qu’elle présentera aux délégués son plan de travail pour l’année. Son entrée en fonction marque une étape importante dans le projet FRAQ 2.0, ainsi que pour la nouvelle structure dont veut se doter la fédération.
Assemblée générale annuelle AJRQ
1er et 2 mars 2014 Hôtel L’Oiselière 165-A Route du Président Kennedy, Lévis
Les activités débuteront par un brunch pour les participants samedi le 1 er mars. L’assemblée générale de l’AJRQ se déroulera dans l’après-midi. Par la suite, lors du banquet nous dévoilerons les gagnants Tout -Québec Jeunes Ruraux, les 2 personnalités AJRQ seront connues et le meilleur cercle de la dernière Classique sera divulgué. La soirée se poursuivra sur un air distingué sous le thème : «Bal en blanc». La journée du dimanche sera consacrée à deux visites d’entreprises agricoles de la région Chaudière-Appalaches. À surveiller au mois d’avril se tiendra dans la région de l’Estrie notre activité provinciale, l’AJRQ -Génie. Ateliers pratiques et classes d’expertises se succèderont pour mettre à l’épreuve les connaissances des participants. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter l’AJRQ ou nous suivre via notre page Facebook.
Association des Jeunes Ruraux du Québec 65, rang 3 Est, Princeville, Qc, G6L 4B9 Tél : 819-364-5606 / Fax : 819-364-5006 e-mail : February 2014
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78 and counting! Less than 1/4 to go! Make sure to let us know about anything your club or members are involved in. No act of kindness is ever too small!
The Lachute 4-H club sang, read poems, played instruments and told jokes to a group of 40 seniors at the Rotary Seniors apartments in Lachute on the 20th of December. They also served Christmas baking and tea and made up platters with the leftovers to give to the residence.
Photo courtesy of Photographie Tracey Vidal
The Richmond 4-H club took four Square Dance teams out to the Wales Home on Thursday, December 12th, 2013, to dance for the residents there.
Quebec 4-H News Spreader
With the help of 4-H’ers attending college in St-Annede-Bellevue, Chelsea Daniel of MAC/JAC 4-H collected approximately 20 lbs of food that was then donated on December 20th, 2013 to a local food bank; “La Bouffe Additionnelle” in Huntingdon, QC
February 2014