News Spreader February 2015

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The News Spreader February 2015


The News Spreader QUEBEC 4-H 21,111 Lakeshore Road Macdonald College Harrison House 3-04 Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X 3V9 Phone: 514-398-8738 Fax: 514-398-8652 PRESIDENT Sarah Enright



On the cover: 1




1– Ormstown 4-H’ers celebrate at their Annual Banquet 2– Junior Campers enjoy the outside weather 3– “Amazing Animals” are brought center stage during camp skits 4– MAC JAC 4-H’ers host the Happy Feet Dance club during one of their winter meetings.

In this Issue An exciting year for Richmond/ MAC JAC winter activities….………..…3 Ormstown 4-H caroling and banquet/ Sawyerville 4-H banquet...………...4 Lachute/Hatley/Howick 4-H News...………………………………………5 Board Orientation…………………………….….…………………………6 Junior Camp: Amazing Animals!.......……………………………………..7 Upcoming events and Opportunities………………………………………8 Provincial Square Dance competition/ Canadian Ag Literacy Week..…...10 Tractor Safety Feature…………………….……………………………...11 Congratulations/ Canadian Outstanding Young Farmers...………………12 La Jeunesse Rurale du Quebec...…………………………………………13 Featured Member: Mathieu Rouleau...…………………………………...14 Junior Junction…………………………………………………………...15 Innovative Ag Tour………………………………………………………16




Quebec 4-H Motto: Leadership tomorrow through learning today. Canadian 4-H Motto: Learn to do by doing. I Pledge My Head to clearer thinking My Heart to greater loyalty My Hands to larger service My Health to better living

Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

Club News

An Exciting Year for Richmond 4-H’ers Cassandra Evans, Richmond 4-H Reporter

The 40th Annual Quebec 4-H Provincial Rally will be taking place in Richmond, Qc in July 2015. The theme of the 2015 Rally will be Tractors. The Richmond 4-H group will be representing the John Deere tractor . A meeting was held January 21st in regards to making plans and forming groups to take on certain responsibilities for the Rally. Although it is early in the year, the Richmond 4-H group have lots to look forward to for 2015. Richmond 4-H also applied to take part in an exchange group this year that will take place in summer of 2015 . It has been confirmed that Naomi Hebert, Emilie Rodgers, Kaitlyn & Jessica Coddington, Kolton Gunter, Hannah Frost, Devin and Exchange participants have already begun Brogan Keenan , and Cassandra and Jeffrey Evans will be fundraising initiatives in preparation for their heading to Moosomin, Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan exexchange to Saskatchewan this summer! change group will be coming to Richmond in July and will take part in activities like the 40th Annual Quebec 4-H Provincial Rally, that will be held in Richmond during their stay. There will be other surprise activities prepared in order to assure a great experience for all. The Richmond group will then go to Moosomin, Saskatchewan for 10 days in August. The young group have already started with fundraisers. Over the holidays, they did a fundraiser of selling Christmas baking and followed up by a weekend of packing groceries at our local Maxi grocery store. They were extremely successful and seem eager to continue on with the challenge of raising enough money to ensure that they have what it takes to give the Moosomin , Saskatchewan exchange kids a great time during their stay. 2015 is sure to be a great year for the Richmond club!

MAC/JAC Winter Activities To alleviate some of the stress of upcoming final exams, and to prepare for the Macdonald Judging competition, which includes a class of cupcakes, members of the MAC/JAC 4-H club participated in an evening of “Cake Judging”. Locally known in SteAnne-de-Bellevue as having some of the best homemade desserts around, Twigs Café was the perfect place for members to combine some learning with some great cake. Samples included carrot caramel cheesecake, brownie avalanche cheesecake, carrot cake and candy cane cheesecake.

MAC/JAC 4-H’ers gathered for a quick “selfie” during their cake tasting acitivities.

February 2015

In preparation for the upcoming Provincial Square Who says judging has to be boring? Dance Competition and to encourage participation, MAC/JAC also hosted another line dance club on Mac Campus called “Happy Feet”. The members of both groups collaborated to learn from one another in an evening of fun and dancing (See photo on front cover). Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Club News

Ormstown 4-H Banquet and Caroling Day Adele Bryson, Ormstown 4-H Reporter On December 5th, 2014 the Ormstown Club had their Banquet at the Village Church. We had many members from the age of 9-21 and Pee-Wee. We had our Banquet to give out gifts and trophies. The Ormstown 4-H club had also invited guests that attended the banquet. This is where we look back at the year that passed and we can see how it was an amazing year for us. We also had a Tractor rodeo on September 27 th, 2014. We gave out the trophies for the tractor rodeo at the banquet. The Junior trophy went to Adele Bryson and the Senior trophy went to Marshall Derosiers. Véronique Brisson also received the John A. Brown Perseverance Award that night. The garden project participants also received a small prize for their participation. On December 23rd, 2014 the Ormstown 4-H club had a caroling day at Maison La Source Bleue. We had eleven children and three adults. The Ormstown 4-H club went caroling to put smiles on elderly faces for Christmas. When we finished singing we had a snack of chips and a soft drink.

Sawyerville 4-H Annual Banquet Kendra Parnell, Sawyerville 4-H Reporter The Sawyerville 4-H club held their annual banquet on January 16, 2015 at the Sawyerville Community center. The event had many guests including Ed & Joyce Copping from the Odd Fellows Lodge, Mary Ellen & Dave Young and Monica Parnell, the Achievement day judge for Rabbits. After the very good potluck supper, our monthly meeting was brought to order by our newly elected president Cameron Burns. We discussed both past and upcoming 4-H events. The meeting was adjourned and followed by Trophies & Awards. Everyone was happy to be recognized and to receive a well deserved Trophy, Medallion or a 4-H Frisbee. There were many trophies to be given out. A trophy for best written project went to Alex Dougherty in the Pee-Wee group, Zackary Parnell in the Junior group, Skyler Parnell in the Intermediate group, Cameron Burns in the Senior group and Jessica Everett in Senior plus. The Trophy for Overall Points obtained throughout the year was awarded to Matthew Burns. A new award was introduced, the Perseverance & Effort Award, given to a member of the club that shows hard work, effort and patience. Someone that doesn’t always win but never gives up and learns to do by doing. The Award is donated by the Odd Fellows Lodge in memory of Mr.Clinton French, a 69 year member of the Odd Fellows Lodge and a lifetime farmer. It was presented to Dillon Everett by the daughter of Clinton French, Mary Ellen Young and also by Ed & Joyce Copping and Troy Rothney. The last award of the night was the Spirit Award, given to the member that has helped and done a lot of things for the club. It was awarded to Jessica Everett for all Dillon Everett received the her hard work and effort during the year. Krista Whalen had some very important Perseverance and Effort Award. news for the club. Marlene Burns, one of our parent volunteers for many years has been recognized as one of Quebec’s 4-H Leaders. It was great news since it was so well deserved for all her work and dedication to the club. Finally, Sawyerville 4-H would like to thank everyone who came to the banquet and Neil & Marlene Burns for all their hard work to prepare and present the Trophies & Awards.


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

Club News

Lachute 4-H News Amanda St-Denis

In December, the Lachute 4-H club members went Christmas Caroling at the Rotary Apartments in Lachute. Members treated the residents with dessert snacks and coffee afterwards. The club members are busy preparing for the Annual Innovative Ag Tour to be held in March.

Hatley Square Dancing Samantha Young

On Saturday morning, January 17th, six members of the Hatley 4-H met at the Hatley United Church hall to begin our first square dancing lesson. Ray Moskewich happily volunteered to teach 4-H members interested in starting a square dancing team. The six 4-H members, Travis and Hailey Dolloff, Emily and Samantha Young, Brittany Taillon and Olivia Chute all partnered up and began the lesson. We learned how to do-si-do and how to strip the willow along with many other beginner square dancing steps. Mr. Moskewich was an exceptional teacher who was very patient with us, as beginners. A big thank you goes out the Ray Moskewich, as well as Cindy Bowen for organizing this first lesson. We look forward to the next one and hope more 4-H members will join us.

Howick 4-H’ers participate in Community Parade Jessica Rouleau

The Howick 4-H Club participated in the 7th edition of the Howick Christmas Parade on December 6 th. Our theme this year was focused on our Square Dance project to help promote 4-H but to also demonstrate how much fun square dancing is for everyone. One of our Directors, Alain Rouleau drove our float through the streets of Howick and stopped a few times for our dancers to show off their talents for everyone to see. We had awesome dancing and motivating members that helped prepare the float and brave the cold weather. It was a lot of fun! Good job everyone!

February 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


On Friday, January 23, fifteen 4-H’ers from five different clubs packed their bags and headed to Camp Les Bosquets in Otterburn Park for “Amazing Animals” Winter Junior Camp. Here’s what some of the campers had to say about their experience: “Packing for camp was pretty easy except you had to fit everything in one or two bags. You need a lot of things, one thing you needed of course was your snowsuit. Most people brought a big hockey bag, a school bag, and some brought garbage bags for their bedroll.” -Tamara Laurin Ricard

“The outdoors was about activities. There was a tree game. After that game, we played Whoosh.”-Chad Dolloff

Saturday’s weather was so beautiful that members running around for tree tag unzipped their coats and tore off their hats. Campers enjoyed time on the jungle gyms and an afternoon of sledding before head“I was coming out of my car and I saw one ing back indoors. of my friends from summer camp. I was soooo excited!!! We were going to have a blast. When I got inside the building, I saw more of my friends. I also met some new friends. All the girls were in one room and we were 9! The room was all full, there were even people sleeping on the floor. ” - Hannah McOuat “Bed time wasn’t really acknowledged at camp. I don’t know how the chaperones could sleep through all the racket. The first morning, the earliest risers were up at 5:30. I woke up at 6:10. My friends and I were a bunch of groggy campers.” -Christina Knox

Fun activities, inside and outdoors “On Friday night, we had show-and-tell. Everybody had to bring one and if you didn’t, you could just tell about something. We had lots of fun and we all learned something new about each other.” - Caleb Bryson

“My favourite part of the camp was hideand-seek in the dark. I hid very well. It was a little bit scary but a lot of fun. ” - Travis Cavers

Amazing Animals “We had some special guests from the Ecomuseum. They brought several types of animals but my favourite was the redtailed hawk. The hawk was very beautiful, he had a bit of red feathers but he was still very young. This was an amazing winter camp and I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. “ -Ella Bryson “I learned that wood turtles can fall on their backs. They turn themselves back to their stomach; they use their heads. I also learned that the American Martin hides a lot. “ -Adele Bryson “My favourite part was seeing the American Pine Martin. His name was Chilly. He was very cute and soft. He had a white tip of his tail and his face was light brown. -Cassidy McDougall “The Black Rat Snake is the biggest snake in Quebec. It was so cool. We learned that snakes cannot dislocate their jaws. “ - Katie Grandsire Mastine

The American Bull Frog also made quite an impression on the group especially Being creative when facilitator Jennifer explained that “I learned a lot of fun crafts. We did an they can eat small bats, squeezing their animal magnetic clip; we used fun foam and a clothespin. We also made an animal eyes inwards to help push food down their throats. mask; we used a paper plate and other (Continued next page) decorations. They looked like real animals.” -Lindsay Gruer “The drama skits were hilarious. We each got to make one up with our groups. Watching everyone in their amazing masks was really awesome. I didn’t know that that many people could make up such good plays.”- Hailey McDougall


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

Provincial News Thanks to everyone who helped with Winter Junior Camp 2015 “I like all the chaperones because they did things with us. Rebecca took us for a walk and it was awesome because we didn’t know where we were going to come out.” -Steven St-Cyr Thanks to 4-H members Monica Parnell and Shinae Hartley, as well as Rebecca Read, for giving their time to chaperone Winter Junior Camp. Thanks also to volunteer Linus Tucker for helping campers learn to cook by cooking. “My favourite meal was French raisin toast with fruit. We all helped to make it. Yum. “ -Oliver Pilon “My favourite food was the pancakes. I would like to thank Dean and Sue Young for the maple syrup.” -Travis Dolloff Quebec 4-H appreciates the support of national 4-H sponsor Sears Canada whose contributions help to make activities for our junior members possible. Visit to learn more.

“This is Jeopardy!” Sarah Enright On January 10th, the provincial office hosted the annual Board of Directors orientation. The day proceeded somewhat like this: Entering Harrison House on the morning of January 10th were the day’s contestants. Club directors, representing clubs from across the province, would be playing for cash winnings (monopoly money!) and candy; soon a champion would be decided. These contestants would go on to compete on..Jeopardy! Along with the host of Jeopardy! Executive Director Lorelei Muller, and her assistant, Office and Communications Assistant Norma Tolhurst. Teams answered questions challenging their knowledge of the organisation at the provincial and national levels. They were quizzed on everything from sponsorship to the history, to acronyms. One team emerged victorious, having collected the most monopoly money, while Andrea beat our all other contestants for the collection of the most candy Rockets! Following the heated game of Jeopardy!, the Board was treated to a conference call with 4-H Canada’s CEO Shannon Benner and a pizza lunch. As a great post-orientation activity, several directors joined by Lorelei, competed in a friendly bowling game! February 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Upcoming Events….

Intermediate Leadership Camp Tamaracouta Scout Reserve Mile Isles For members aged 13-15, limited to 20-24 participants. Participate in rock climbing, archery and build lean leadership skills and make new friends! Deadline to register MAY 1. Registration fee $60

AgriWeek Feb 17-20th

AgriWeek’s vision is to inspire Quebec growers, producers and agripreneurs to proactively seek out opportunities to cultivate their management skills and knowledge by participating in workshops, webinars, consultations, and salons such as AgriWeek. The varied formats of presentations are designed to inspire, educate, inform and challenge, but mostly to answer your management questions! For more information: Quebec 4-H Summer Employment Opportunities Job Requirements for all positions  Between ages 15 – 30 years  Regular full time student during previous academic year; returning to full time studies Aug./Sept. 2015  Bilingual  Outgoing, energetic, enjoy working with youth  Self-starter, disciplined, and must be punctual  Computer skills (Excel, Word, Powerpoint)  Membership and/or knowledge of 4-H would be considered an asset.

Public Relations Assistant

Program Assistant Carry out basic office procedures and assist in the coordination of provincial activities including Junior Camp and Provincial Rally. Responsibilities include:  registration of participants  organization of event logistics  production of program books  promoting and reporting on events  assisting at Provincial Rally (July 16 - 19) and Junior Camp (Aug. 9 - 12)

* Term of employment: start date between May 19 and June 1; end date between Aug. 15 and 21

Promote Quebec 4-H at various regional fairs as well as liaise between the provincial office and local clubs. The PR Assistant may work some hours from home. A license and vehicle are required. The job includes working several weekends. Tasks include:  securing and manning booth space at fairs  developing promotional material  promoting and reporting on events  assisting at Provincial Rally (July 16 - 19) and possibly Junior Camp (Aug. 9 - 12)

* Term of employment: start date between May 19 and June 8; end date August 21, with possibility of the following 3 weekends

* Note: These positions and/or terms of employment are available conditionally upon grant funding from Service Canada. Quebec 4-H acknowledges the support of Service Canada through the Canada Summer Jobs program. Please send your résumé and cover letter to by March 16, 2015.


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

...and Opportunities! RBC Students Leading Change

Don’t miss Quebec 4-H Alumna Amanda Bushey from Richmond Quebec!

Apply under one of the three categories to earn up to $10,000 in scholarships. Applicant must write an essay about leadership. Deadline FEB 19

Farm to Fork

Dairy Sen$e

A contest created to encourage children to consider 4-H Ontario Date: April 30 - May 2, 2015 where their everyday food comes from, how it is Location: Guelph University, ON grown and how it is harvested. To consider the cost Deadline: Mar. 26, 2015 of imported foods with that of locally produced foods. To share information on history, cultures and traditions in food preparation and presentation to help encourage curiosity and increase knowledge. Visit for competition guidelines and prizes.

Maximum 45 participants. For young adults ages 18-25. 4-H members, alumnus and friends are welcome.

Gain management skills from some of the most successful dairy farmers in Ontario. Tour some of the top dairy farms in Ontario, find out the key elements of a succession plan and network with other young dairy farmers. Fee: $146.90 Visit for more information

Attention Square Dancers!

Farm Food Forums

Save the dates: Ormstown Competition : April 11th Vankleek Hill Competition: May 9th

Thursday, February 26, 2015 “Your farm insurance questions answered” For more information:

Next event:

Leadership Achievement Award for Members A national award to showcase leadership excellence among 4-H members. Nominate a member who you believe motivates other 4-H members, connects with the community and demonstrates youth leadership. Nominations open JAN 1 and close on MARCH 1

February 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Provincial News


Square Dance

COMPETITION Hosted by MAC/JAC 4-H Club Sunday February 22, 2015. Centennial Center, Macdonald Campus Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue

Join us for an afternoon of dancers from across the province who will demonstrate their skills in a little friendly competition. Afterwards, enjoy dancing , music and light refreshments for everyone.

If your team is interested in participating, please let the provincial office know by February 15th! $25 registration fee per team, includes caller and coach $8 for spectators; 8 yrs and under: free! Registration fee includes pizza lunch and light refreshments and dancing after the competition

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Week 2015 Join us March 9 to 13, 2015 as we celebrate Canadian agriculture during the Third Annual Canadian Agriculture Literacy Week! The mission of Canadian Agriculture Literacy Week (developed by Agriculture in the Classroom Canada) is to engage and empower teachers and students to participate and actively learn about Canadian agriculture by providing support with positive and realistic messages and activities. Thanks to help from partners like Quebec 4-H, the Quebec Farmers’ Association, Macdonald College’s ‘Farm to School’ program, Le Bulletin des agriculteurs, and the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA) this year’s highlighted activities for 2015 include:

Want to help by sharing your 4-H or farming experience? Contact To learn more about CALW visit


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

Provincial News Know your tractor! Young people and new drivers should not drive tractors unless they are under strict supervision or unless they have received sufficient training. A tractor is not a toy. The following illustrations show safety features that should be included on a tractor, as well as components that assist in its safe operation.

1. Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) 2. Flashing yellow light for towing on roads 3. Rear tail and work lights 4.Fender 5. Side light 6. Seatbelt 7. Posture designed seat 8. Manual override power steering 9. Maximum visibility 10. Hazard warning decals 11. Hydraulic power for heavy lifting 12. Three point hitch to prevent rear-rollover 13. Draw-bar located low to minimise back-flipping 14. Protective PTO shaft cover 15. PTO shield 16. Controls conveniently located 17. Skid-resistant platform and footrest 18. Neutral start switch with safety interlock 19. Shroud and shield for fan and alternator 20. Weights for greater stability and traction 21. Canopy to reduce risk of skin cancer 22. Headlights















Find the safety words underlined above in the word search puzzle.

The content above has been reproduced with the permission of WorkSafe Western Australia and adapted to North American terminology.

February 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


National News Congratulations! A special congratulations to Marlene Burns of the Sawyerville 4-H Club who was chosen as the Quebec 4-H recipient of “Leader of the year”! Thank you to 4-H Canada and the Co-operators for making this award possible. In 2014, Marlene also celebrated 10 years as a 4-H volunteer. \Thank you Marlene for your commitment and great work with 4-H!

Congratulations also to these 4-H’ers and Alumni: Congratulations to Rachel MacFarlane 4-H Alumna from Howick Québec. She will be representing Canada at the Ayrshire international youth activity in Finland from January 25 to February 1 2015.

Congratulations to Shinae Hartley from the MAC/JAC 4-H club who was chosen to attend a Going Global Exchange to Finland this summer through 4-H Canada.

Congratulations to Amanda Bushey, a Richmond 4-H Alumni who was selected as to be one of the artists in the YES Art Expo.

Awed by Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers By Lorelei Muller Thanks to the generousity of CIBC, national sponsor of both Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers and 4-H Canada, Quebec 4-H received invitations to attend the COYF gala on November 28. Unfortunately, none of our provincial directors were able to attend due to school and other commitments but staff member Chelsea Daniel and I made the trip out to Quebec City to learn more about the program. Celebrating 34 years of identifying great agricultural successes, Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers’ program is an annual co mpetition to recognize farmers that exemplify excellence in their profession and promote the tremendous contribution of agriculture. Open to participants 18 to 39 years of age, making the majority of income from on-farm sources, participants are selected from seven regions across Canada, with two national winners chosen each year. The program is sponsored nationally by CIBC, John Deere, Bayer CropScience, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and by national media sponsor Annex Publishing. OYF is supported nationally by AdFarm, BDO, and Farm Management Canada. Thanks to COYF for covering our registration fees for the day, we were able to get a true appreciation for their amazing organization. The morning started with an entertaining presentation by motivational speaker Carol Alain who provided insight into “The Clash of the Generations”, amusing and informative food for thought for farming families working on succession planning. The highlight of the day was the OYF presentations. Honorees from each of the 7 regions (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and NWT, BC and Yukon) had a strictly timed 15 minutes for those presentations followed by a five minute period for questions from the audience. For the most part, couples presented together. Their passion for agriculture was clear as they demonsrated the growth of their enterprises, innovation, and commitment to community. Several honourees acknowledged involvement in 4-H including AJRQ alumni Bruno Soucy who operates a dairy, pork, and cash crop farm at Saint-Édouard-deLotbinière with his wife Hélène St-Pierre. It was a pleasure to run into Lynn Bryson who was national winner with husband William in 1987 as well as Sylvain Gascon and Frances Brunet, 1997 regional winners. These COYF alumni gushed about the organization, refering to the bond amongst alumni, learning and networking opportunities. We were warmly welcomed by CIBC Executive Director of Group Enterprises, Jean-Hughes Latreille, a native of Huntingdon, QC, who sat at a neighbouring table along with four members of the AJRQ. We enjoyed an incredible meal of home grown produce alongside producers from Quebec, CIBC Director of Specialized Segments Darryl Worsley, 4-H Canada President Valerie Pearson and her husband Jamie. Finally, the 2014 national winners were announced. Congratulations to Myron and Jill Krahn of Manitoba and Andrew and Heidi Lawless of PEI. To learn more:


Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

La Jeunesse Ruruale du Quebec Young Farmers in Québec concerned about land grabbing Things are moving fast as winter approaches in Québec! Young farmers are mobilized on a controversial issue as small groups of investors like PANGEA started buying large amounts of acres at a high cost. This phenomenon dubbed “land grabbing” is driving the market value of farmland even higher for young farmers who already struggle to own their piece of land someday. The Fédération de la relève agricole du Québec (FRAQ) launched recently a national campaign to inform its members about this important issue and plans to come out strongly in the media and raise awareness on land grabbing among politicians, citizens and farmers in the next months to counterattack and defend its rights. Stay tuned! On a more positive tone, the FRAQ is glad to announce the arrival of a second interregional coordinator who will be in charge to mobilize young farmers’ unions and local groups in the following regions: Québec city and its surroundings, Côte-Nord, Mauricie and Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. The latter region is presently dealing with land grabbing issues that concern young farmers in the region willing to own their land and manage their own assets and fate. Marc Lebel-Racine took office at the end of November this year and is enthusiastic to join a dynamic group of young people eager to learn and work in an environment that represents their values. “It is an honor and a pleasure to join the FRAQ team as a lot of political and social issues are on the agenda for young farmers in Québec”, said Marc. He will be responsible of social media and regional issues with FRAQ. Welcome on board Marc! This spring, the thirteen regional unions will head east and gather on March 5-6-7 in Carleton-sur-Mer, in the Gaspé Peninsula, for the 33rd Congress of FRAQ’s still-young history. There will be defining debates about land grabbing and financing of agriculture issues and the federation’s strategy for the upcoming year obviously, but also opportunities to take it easy, enjoy the beautiful scenery, chat with folks from all across the province and have some fun. On the first day, the FRAQ delegates will show their manual skills during a farm-duties challenge called DéfiFRAQ. This is when the teams will innovate in their costumes, chants and their tactics. If it looks anything like the past years, they will be in for a lot of pleasure and good company!

Assemblée générale annuelle AJRQ 28 février et 1er mars 2015 Hôtel Le Granbyen 700, rue Principale Granby (Québec) J2G 2Y4 Les activités débuteront par un brunch pour les participants samedi le 28 février. L’assemblée générale de l’AJRQ se déroulera dans l’après-midi. Par la suite, lors du banquet nous dévoilerons les gagnants Tout-Québec Jeunes Ruraux, les 2 personnalités AJRQ seront connues et le meilleur cercle de la dernière Classique sera divulgué. La soirée se poursuivra sur un air distingué sous le thème : «Gatsby». La journée du dimanche sera consacrée à deux visites d’entreprises agricoles de la région de la Montérégie. À surveiller plus tard au printemps se tiendra dans la région des Bois-Francs notre activité provinciale, l’AJRQ-Génie. Ateliers pratiques et classes d’expertises se succèderont pour mettre à l’épreuve les connaissances des participants. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter l’AJRQ ou nous suivre via notre page Facebook.

Association des Jeunes Ruraux du Québec 65, rang 3 Est, Princeville, Qc, G6L 4B9 Tél : 819-364-5606 / Fax : 819-364-5006 e-mail : Site web :

February 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


Featured Member Mathieu Rouleau, Howick & MAC JAC 4-H Norma Tolhurst, Office and Communications Assistant wasn’t long before his peers recognized his His Favorite 4-H Memory leadership abilities and passion for the “Thinking back to my younger 4-H years, organization, as in 2011, he was nominated attending Junior Camp in 2006 is an exas Quebec 4-H President. perience that stood out for me, but overall I would have to say the Youth Ag Summit in The leadership skills he has learned and Calgary, I met so many amazing people continuous involvement in 4-H has since and some who have remained my very led Mathieu to many other amazing opporclose friends.” tunities. While he is attending university, Mathieu was also nominated as MCSS (Macdonald Campus Student Society) event brought together many 4-H’ers, but president, and is very involved in the Farm also many other youth from all over the to School project, which involves a youth world who shared a same passion: to feed camp focusing on agriculture held during the world. The opportunities he had as well the summer on Macdonald Campus. as the life-long friends he made from this experience were things he will never forIn 2012, he was re-elected as president, get. and led the association through many wonderful activities during the 2013 centennial While his time as a 4-H member may be of 4-H Canada. Since he has served his 2 soon coming to an end, the leadership skills and large network of friends from across the province and the country will only bring him great things in the future. Already this spring, Mathieu will embark Mathieu and his first calf ‘Butterfly” in on his next adventure as he travels to 2002. Qatar, Hong Kong and Indonesia as part of a trip organized by McGill to learn about From very humble beginnings, to some life international business practices. -changing experiences, Mathieu’s 4-H Upon completion of his schooling, “career” has been nothing but eventful. Mathieu hopes to pursue a career as an Originally a member of the Howick 4-H Agronome and continue to be involved Club, Mathieu joined 4-H the year he with youth and agriculture. turned 9 years old, and he hasn’t looked back since. 14 years later, and Mathieu still remains very involved with the MAC/JAC 4-H Club, at the provincial level as past president and Chair of the Advisory com- In 2012 Mathieu received the Queen’s mittee, and as a volunteer for various acDiamond Jubilee medal, alongside tivities with youth. Robert E. Ness who has also been a longIt all began with his first project, a baby march Holstein named butterfly. Before too long, he began participating in most of the projects the club had to offer including gardening, and square dancing. Throughout the years he began participating in more activities at the Provincial and National levels including Citizenship Seminar, National Conference, and 2 interprovincial exchanges, as well as becoming involved in his own club’s executive. It

Cool fact about Mathieu: On his bucket list is to travel to a new country every year.


time member, volunteer and supporter of 4-H. year term as President of Quebec 4-H, Mathieu has remained involved at the provincial level as past-president. His frequent visits to the office simply to see how everything is going, are a true testament to his passion for the organization that gave him so much. One of the highlights of his time in 4-H , Mathieu is still involved with the was the opportunity to participate in the Youth Ag Summit alongside other 4-H’ers MAC/JAC 4-H Club as he studies at Macdonald College in Agro-economics. and participants from around the world. Held in 2013 in Calgary, the Quebec 4-H News Spreader

February 2015

FIND ORION HEY JUNIOR MEMBERS! While we already explored Space at “Out of this World” Junior Camp last summer, now is the perfect time to spot many constellations in the night sky as the winter nights are cool and crisp. For this reason, we are challenging you for this edition of Junior Junction, to explore the night sky and see what you can find! Since Orion is one of the easiest constellations to find, we hope our instructions will lead you on the right path, but if you know other constellations and are able to find them too, don’t be shy to send us your findings!

Good Luck!

WHAT IS ORION? When the ancient-Greeks saw Orion, the shape reminded them of a hunter. The bright star in the four corners were his shoulders and feet. The 3 horizontal stars in the middle were his belt. The Greeks told a story about Orion. He was a brave but proud hunter who was killed by a scorpion. When he died, the Gods put him in the sky to remember him. How to spot him: Beginning in December, Orion is visible during the evening hours. This great constellation is at its most impressive during the crisp cold evenings of the winter when it is high and easy to spot in the sky. Orion remains visible in the evening until around the 1st of May. The easiest way to find Orion is to look for the three stars in his “belt” there isn’t another group of stars in the sky that are spaced so evenly and so easy to find. Once you have spotted his belt, the rest of the giant constellation is easy to spot.

Let us know when you saw Orion: Date: ________ Time of night: __________ Orion was over:  Our barn  Our house  Field  Road  Other: ________ When I looked to the □ North □ East □ South □ West Send in your reply (email or snail mail) to be entered in a raffle for a prize.

Special thanks to Sears for making Junior Junction possible. February 2015

Quebec 4-H News Spreader


AGTOUR Innovative


Hosted by the Lachute 4-H Club

March 6-8 Visit a variety of farms and agribusinesses in Lachute and the surrounding area! A great opportunity for anyone looking to pursue a career in agriculture or learn about different practices across the province!

Open to members 13-25 For more information or to register visit:

Quebec 4-H 514-398-8738 | | 514-398-8652 (FAX)

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