DIRECTED RESEARCH This independent study program is designed to enable seniors (more than 90 credits) in residency to complete major core degree requirements when suitable alternatives cannot be found. General education core and minor requirements are not eligible for directed research. Students must be in excellent Academic Standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to be eligible for this independent study option. Students should work with their advisor and the Registrar’s Office to find an alternate course substitution if the required course will not be offered again prior to graduation. Directed Research is intended only for circumstances when a course variance is not a viable option. For all directed research requests, the Dean’s approval is required. Students are limited to a maximum of 12 DR credit hours in their total program, and 6 DR credits in any single term. Juniors participating in NCU-sponsored Study Abroad programs may be permitted to complete courses via Directed Research while overseas, provided that on-site or online alternatives are not available to them. Registration becomes official once the Directed Research application form, with all necessary approvals, is approved by the Registrar. The form is available online, and must be submitted no later than the last day of the Add Period. Tuition charges plus Directed Research fees of $100 per credit will be added to the student’s account at the time of registration. All course work must be completed within the time frame of the semester in which it is initiated. Directed Research fees are non-refundable.
Course Policies PREREQUISITE COURSES Course prerequisites must be completed. Prerequisites are listed with each course description in the catalog. See course descriptions for additional details. Prerequisite waivers require Dean approval. COURSE VARIANCES Variance implies "a substitution of coursework taken at North Central University" whereby permission is granted by the Dean for one course to equivocally take the place of another in one’s prescribed program. To be eligible, the course taken must meet the following requirements: •
The course taken must meet the minimum course level of the required courses. Only upper level courses (300-400) can be varianced for upper level degree requirements, such as BIBL 335 for BIBL 472. Lower level courses (100-200) can be varianced by any level course (100-400).