Online courses offered during the fall and spring semesters may be in either an 8 week or 16 week format. All online undergraduate courses offered during the summer semester will be 8 weeks in length. An NCU student should be in good academic standing in order to enroll in online courses. Students who are currently on Probation should only register for online courses with the approval of their Student Success Center advisor. Any student on a Provisional Admit or Provisional Continuance academic standing are ineligible to enroll in online courses. Once a student has raised their cumulative GPA to the level required for good academic standing, they may take online courses once again. Any residential student who has previously failed a course may not retake that course in an online format without permission from the Student Success Center and the Registrar’s Office. Normal tuition rates (Block pricing) apply for “Online” online courses as described above. A course designated as “online” will be assessed a fee of $80 for technical & program enhancement as part of the registration process. A course designated as “hybrid” (as described above) will be assessed a fee of $40 for technical & program enhancement as part of the registration process. Normal technology fees and all other course fees apply to registering students as is the current practice. Attendance for an online course is recorded by student interaction with the course utilizing the designated online platform. In most cases, this will be the current learning management system (LMS) hosted by NCU. Each student enrolled in an online course must log in and interact with the LMS within 5 days of the start of the 8 week session. Each student login is evidence of attendance and thus can be used for financial aid regulations and federal/state required reporting. The last date of attendance will be the student’s last log in for the course.
Program Policies PROGRAM FEES In place of most individual course fees, students will be assessed a Program Fee each semester. Charges will be assessed based on programs declared at the time of Census and are not subject to refunds for changes of major requested after that time. Interdisciplinary Majors will be assessed a Program Fee based on their declared Field 1. Students pursuing double majors will be assessed the program fee (if applicable) for each major. Charges are assessed for declared programs and are never based on current term enrollment in classes that may only apply to one major or progress towards completion in either major. 27