Varanger 2012/13 - ENGLISH

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2012 2013

Your guide to


Welcome to Varanger In the far north and as far east as you can go in Norway, where the sky meets the sea, lies Varanger, bathed in the midnight sun and the northern lights of winter. Here the wild landscape meanders through bird-nesting cliffs, fishing villages and rugged headlands – out to the end of the world. Nature offers rivers teeming with fish, snow-clad plains, exotic king crabs, birds breeding in spring, leaping salmon, the shining sea and dancing northern lights. People and traditions make Varanger an Arctic melting pot of communities and cultures. Varanger is a different experience. Scenery and settlements, the light, the colours, the lofty sky and the wide horizon, exciting activities – and the open people. This brochure covers the stretch from Bugøynes (South Varanger) to Hamningberg (Båtsfjord) and also includes the municipalities of Unjárgga/Nesseby, Vadsø and Vardø.


Destinasjon Varanger assumes no liability for possible errors/omissions in the information or for the products presented. Reservation is made for changes to information regarding specific offers, prices and activities in the brochure. Changes may have been made after the brochure went to print. Prices stated are for guidance only.

Photos: Bjarne Riesto: pages 1, 2, 6, 9 and 14. Asbjørn Nilsen: pages 1 and 7. Hugh Harrop: pages 5 and 6. Tormod Amundsen, pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20. Kathrine B. Green: page 12. Varanger samiske museum: page 3. Jarle Wæhler: page 16. Knut Åserud: page 10. Steve Rogers/ pages 9 and 13. Mari-Ann Nilssen: pages 1, 15 and 18.


Activities in Varanger

About Varanger



Varanger Peninsula National Park

Fishing and marine activities

Nasjonal Tourist Route

Winter in Varanger


Bird Watching

Vadsø Ekkerøy Vestre Jakobselv Bugøynes/Pykeijä GRASBAKKEN

Vardø Hamningberg

Activities in Varanger

Bird watching When it comes to bird watching, Varanger is the most exclusive destination Norway has to offer. Here the list of exclusive species is longer than anywhere else in Norway and the number of birds is incredible, both in summer and winter. The most popular species include Steller’s eider, King eider, little stint, red-throated pipit, Siberian tit, sea eagle, Temminck’s stint, red-necked phalarope, curlew sandpiper, knot, longtailed skua, Coue’s redpoll, bar-tailed godwit and shore lark, plus twite and purple sandpiper. Varanger is so far north and east that the rarest species can turn up here.

« Varanger is so far north and east that the rarest species can turn up here. »

Varanger Sami Museum in Varangerbotn has a bird-watching hide on the shore. Nesseby Church Nature Reserve and Mortensnes are good places to see sea birds and waders. In Vadsø you will find ducks and seagulls in the harbour, waders in the area between the edge of town and the island, in Salttjern and on the east-facing beach and bay on Ekkerøy. Persfjord, Sandfjord (Coue’s redpoll!) and Hamningberg are also good locations. At Ekkerøy and Hornøya in Vardø there are impressive bird cliffs with exciting birds. There are bird hides on Hornøya and at Barvikmyra outside Vardø.


Hiking Varanger has good, easy hiking terrain suitable for both short and longer walks. There are signposted hiking trails for those who want to experience the beautiful scenery and also a number of paths and bridleways which you can explore freely. If you want a longer walk you can either cross the Varanger Peninsula or walk the length of it. The large area of state-owned land and the relatively flat terrain make this possible. If you need accommodation on the way you can just pitch your tent wherever you want. Maps are available from tourist information offices or at bookshops and service stations

Fishing and marine activities

There are countless good fishing rivers and lakes in Varanger, together with rich fjord fishing. The Vesterelva and Bergebyelva rivers can be found in Nesseby. There are also fishing locations at Gornitak and near Mortensnes on the fjord. Vadsø has the Jakobselva and Skallelva rivers, while Vardø has the Komagelv, Kibergselva and Sandfjordelva (towards Hamningberg). Rules associated with fishing in Finnmark are available from tourist information offices.

Winter in Varanger

Nature photographers will appreciate the dramatic polar nights with their magical light, accompanied by the flaming Northern Lights. King eiders, Steller’s eiders, snowy owls and vast numbers of sea birds make this an exciting tourist destination for bird enthusiasts in the winter. Skiing enthusiasts can take the Tana-Varanger trail, which is more than 90 kilometres long and has been selected as one of Norway’s seven best ski trails. If you are looking for something faster you can try ski kiting or a snow scooter safari. The winter is also a good time for hunting and fishing. The “Yukigassen” snowball fight in Vardø and the king crab festival show both people and nature in Varanger at their best.


Om Varanger «Varanger has a long history influenced by the meeting of three cultures – Sami, Norwegians and people of Finnish descent. »


Varanger Peninsula National Park The Varanger Peninsula National Park stretches across the Varanger Peninsula between Syltefjord and Varangerfjord. The park was established in 2006 to preserve the most Arctic area of the Norwegian mainland. Special, unique landscapes and topology formed in the Ice Age can be found here, along with flora and fauna with eastern and Arctic features and a key area for Arctic foxes and unique Sami cultural artefacts.

National Tourist Route The stretch of road from Varangerbotn in Nesseby Municipality to Hamningberg has been chosen as one of eighteen national tourist routes that will be furnished with picnic areas, viewpoints and works of art. The project will offer journeys that take in the fjords, coast, mountains and waterfalls, where time stands still and past and present merge into one. A journey that embraces Norway and Norwegian nature and offers tourists from home and abroad world-class nature experiences. The Varanger national tourist route was designated in 2012 and you can get a taste of it at the picnic site in Gorg etak/ Gornitak (Nesseby) and the memorial to the witchcraft trials in the 17th century which can be seen in Vardø.



Unjテ。rga/Nesseby GRASBAKKEN

The first people to settle by Varangerfjord arrived some 12,000 years ago. The oldest documented settlement is from around 10,000 BC and this type of settlement can be found in the cultural history area at Ceavccageaト組e/Mortensnes in Nesseby. Rich archaeological finds from more recent eras have also made this a key area for research into the emergence of the Sami culture. Graves from the pre-Christian Sami religion can be found here. Intense missionary work was conducted from the 17th century. The first church/chapel was built on Selesnjテ。rga/Angsnes in 1719. Today, Unjarga/Nesseby is an important coastal Sami community where many people make a living from traditional occupations such as reindeer farming, agriculture and fishing. Unjarga/ Nesseby currently has a population of more than 900 people.

Coastal Sami collections in Byluft

Vesterelvjenta M/S

Grasbakken hytte og båtutleie


Exhibits unique collections of everyday

Vesterelvjenta offers sea fishing in

Cabins for eight, five and three persons

1 September 2012 in Varangerbotn.

articles from coastal Sami life.

Varangerfjord, which holds a wealth of

to rent. Boat hire. Please contact us for

A distinctive market with a Sami profile

+47 78 95 85 68 / +47 918 52 513

different species. In the mighty Arctic

prices. NB! Subject to weather condi-

selling home-made goods from the

Ocean you can fish for cod, coalfish,

tions. Advance reservation required.

local area such as various natural prod-

Varanger Sami museum

lumpsucker, halibut and the exotic king

ucts, handicrafts and food.

The museum records and displays the

crab, or just enjoy the unique Arctic sur-

cultural history of the Coastal Sami in Finn-

roundings. In summer the open marine

+47 934 99 166 / +47 934 12 272 ÞÞ

mark, Sami prehistory, Sami life today and

landscape offers the midnight sun and

Varjjat Ferie og Fritid

“duodji” (Sami handicrafts and applied arts).

nights as light as day. In winter you

Varijat Ferie og Fritid is newly built and

Experience the beautiful Arctic summer

Open 1000-1800 every day from 17 June-

have a view of fjords and snow-clad

has a light, cosy atmosphere influenced

and visit our atelier and gallery on

19 August and 1000-1500 Monday to

plains in the fantastic blue light which is

by its location next to the fjord. Here

the shores of Varangerfjord, where

Friday the rest of the year. Varangerbotn.

only found in Finnmark.

you can rent rooms or the whole

traditional Sami handicrafts and modern

+47 78 95 99 20 ÞÞ

+47 481 74 775 ÞÞ ÞÞ

building. The house is fully fitted with all

design meet.

facilities. Sauna for hire. Activities at sea

In our gallery you will find traditional and

and on the lakes, salmon rivers and

modern Sami design, handicrafts and sil-

hunting are some of the recommended

ver jewellery in an idyllic historic area by the Arctic Ocean. Stop for a few hours

The Mortensnes cultural heritage area

Atelier-Boutique Gorgŋtak, Nesseby, Nature Co & Duddjon

Nesseby Church

activities. Boat hire.

Ceavccegeađge/Mortensnes cultural heritage

Nesseby Church is a church with a long

and get to know about traditional

area, which is unique in Europe and contains

nave, consecrated in 1858 and de-

traces of prehistoric man dating back 10,000

signed by the architect Christian Heinrich

+47 926 53 086 ÞÞ

years. If you follow the designated cultural

Grosch. The church has a magnificent,


We are located in the old post office at

trail you can see and learn more about the

distinctive location on a headland which

Hot and cold dishes based on tradi-

the rest area in Gorgŋ tak.

foundations of houses, Sami sacrificial sites,

juts out into Varangerfjord.

tional foods. Varangerbotn.

Opening hours:

+47 78 95 85 54

Monday-Saturday 10.00-18.00

Guided tours and information about the

graves, sacrificial stones, etc. The “Luondo”

handicraft techniques and learn about Sami accessories and make your own.

exhibition – a holy landscape covers Sami

Fjord Fishing Festival

Trattoria Capri

Sunday 12.00-13.00

beliefs and mythology and in particular the

14 July 2012

Serves Italian food and offers a selec-

mythical landscape and the Sami interpreta-

Festival centred on fishing in the fish-

tion of good wines. Varangerbotn.

Or by arrangement. ÞÞ

tion of nature. Open 1000-1600 from 17

rich Arctic Ocean. Grasbakken Village

+47 478 66 781

June-19 August.



Vadsø is known as “kvenbyen” (“the Kvennish town”) and had a Finnishspeaking majority in the 1860s. The Kvens are a Norwegian ethnic minority descended from Finnish farmers and fishermen who emigrated from northern areas of Finland to Sweden and Norway in the 18th and 19th centuries. Other significant Kvennish/ Finnish communities in Eastern Finnmark are Vestre Jakobselv (Vadsø), Bugøynes (South Varanger) and Neiden (South Varanger). Bugøynes in particular has managed to retain

Finnish as an everyday language. In 1833 Vadsø was awarded the status of market town, with its citizens having a monopoly on trade in the area, and the population of the town grew. In the autumn of 1944 large parts of central Vadsø were bombed and burnt and half of its buildings were destroyed. Today Vadsø is the administrative centre of Finnmark. The municipality has a total population of 6,000, with 5,000 people living in the town and around 1,000 in the surrounding communities.

Hiking through history in Vadsøya Culture Park Vadsø museum – Ruija kvenmuseum

Here you can see traces of Vadsø’s multi-

Tells the exciting story of north Varanger. Visit

faceted history, such as the remains of a me-

the museum’s Toumainengården farm and the

dieval town, the airship masts from voyages

Esbensen estate in the outer town, both of

made by Roald Amundsen and Umberto Nobile,

which date from the 1850s.

war memorials and rich bird life. Admission free.

Open weekdays 1000-1500. In the summer sea-

Open wooden shelter and barbecue area.

son 1000-1700 weekdays, 100-1600 weekends.

+47 78 94 28 90 ÞÞ

NOK 50/30 per person, children free. +47 78 94 28 90 ÞÞ

Vadsø Days

«Airships and boats»

8.–11. august 2012.

Exhibition on the Coastal Express quay in Vadsø,

Alle butikkene i byen bobler over av gode tilbud,

every day June-September 0715-0800 when the

det arrangeres også moteshow, auksjoner, kon-

Coastal Express docks, otherwise by contacting

kurranser, oppvisning, underholdning for barn, m.m.

Vadsø Museum.

The Varangerfestival

Arntzen Arctic Adventures

Vadsø Fjordhotell

Rica Hotel Vadsø

8 –12 August 2012.

A rental apartment in central Vadsø with two

This cosy hotel lies in idyllic surround-

A cosy hotel with 68 bedrooms, five of

Vadsø International Jazz Festival is

bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. A small

ings on an island in Vadsø. Vadsøya

which are junior suites which can be used

being held for the 30th time. Around 30

house by the sea 1 km east of the centre

culture park is our nearest neighbour

as family rooms. All bedrooms have wireless

concerts, art exhibitions, street parades,

of Vadsø, with kitchen and bathroom. Large

and there are wonderful views of the

internet, TV, shower, WC, parquet flooring,

outdoor concerts and much more are

cabin in Vestre Jakobselv. Salmon fishing in

sea and the town centre from the

telephone and minibar. The hotel has a

held over four days. The Varanger Festi-

the Jakobselva and Skallelva rivers. Sale of

hotel. A fantastic starting point for bird

restaurant, bar, conference room, sauna and

val turns Vadsø into a seething oasis of

fishing permits. Varanger bird park, feeding

watching or simply for a morning stroll

bicycle hire. The hotel’s restaurant, Oscar

music and hot rhythms, by day and night.

grounds, bird boxes, tour guides. Opportuni-

on historic land. The price of the room

mat og vinhus, is a member of Arktisk Meny

+47 78 95 38 51 ÞÞ

ties to stay overnight in large cabins, with sauna and outside toilet. Access to floating

hotel was renovated most recently

to offer. Oscarsgate 4, Vadsø.

Varanger king crab festival

bird hides in areas with large numbers of

in 2012. 23 rooms, conference room,

Arrangered for 4 - 6 October 2012.

Steller’s eiders. Self-guided system for bird

function rooms, bar, separate barbecue

+47 78 95 52 50

We celebrate king crab fishing with this

watching available for guests. Trips to the

cabin and good parking.

I Galleri

festival. Here you will be able to wander

mountains in military jeeps from 1 July.

Gallery with art and entertainment from

through Varanger’s culinary treasures in

+47 907 60 412 ÞÞ

Tel: +47 45 060 345 ÞÞ

Bjørn Gunnar Johnsen

Finnmark and the rest of the world.

the town’s eateries, through cookery courses and other food-related events.

includes breakfast and supper. The

and uses the best ingredients Finnmark has

north to south. We specialise in pictorial art, handicrafts and food products from

Påls Matopplevelser

House to rent in Lille Salttjern, 8 km east of

Our gift shop is full to the brim with art,

safari, children’s events, etc., are other

Lunch and dinner. Uses many local

Vadsø and 25 metres from the sea. Two

food products, jewellery, glasswork,

exciting things taking place. ÞÞ

ingredients. Hvistendahlsgate 6, Vadsø.

bedrooms sleeping a total of seven, bath-

ceramics and handicraft products of

+47 78 95 33 84 ÞÞ

room, kitchen, sitting room and outdoor

high quality. We feature many local

seating area with fireplace and barbecue.

artists and photographers who have produced souvenirs of Varanger for

Concerts, theatre, exhibitions, king-crab

Vadsø Apartments

Vadsø Bed&Breakfast

House in Hamningberg which sleeps 5 also

long-term rent. All rooms have a kitch-

Apartment in Vadsø with kitchen, bath-

available. Fishing boats can be rented in the

you. Open Monday – Friday 1000-

enette, shower and toilet, plus access

room and indoor sauna. 2 beds. Internet

summer, and in the winter guests can also

1630, Saturday 1000-1500.

to washing machine, tumble drier and

connection. Self-catering option. Break-

take part in a snow scooter safari in search

Hvistendalsgate 1, Vadsø

cable TV. Tiberveien 2, Vadsø.

fast can be ordered. Dallavaraveien 6.

of the Northern Lights on the Varanger

+47 78 95 44 00 / +47 920 68 603

+47 46862232 / +47 97147664 ÞÞ

peninsula. Boat hire: NOK 750 per day.

+47 928 32 926 / +47 901 10 906, ÞÞ

Single and double rooms for short or

+47 48182381



Ekkerøy AS

Ekkerøy Feriehus

Two cosy houses in the old buildings on Ek-

Ekkerøy Feriehus is a certified ecotourism com-

Ekkerøy is one of the oldest fishing villages in Finnmark. Previously a typical old Sami settlement along Varangerfjord, Ekkerøy became one of the new “Norwegian” villages. Residents typically lived off a combination of fishing and agriculture. The fjord was particularly rich in fish and later became attractive to Finnish settlers. Today there are around 40 permanent residents in Ekkerøy. As the “øy” in the name implies, it was originally an island, but people were gradually able to walk over to the mainland at low tide. Nature gradually created a wide isthmus with fine sandy beaches on both sides. There is a large nesting cliff on Ekkerøy, Flåget, which faces south to Varangerfjord and has around 20,000 nesting pairs.

kerøy, each sleeping up to five people. Beds

pany and offers a self-catering house and two

made up and all modern facilities for self cater-

self-catering apartments.

ing, washing machine, electric sauna. Rented out

The house is newly refurbished and the apart-

all year. Guests in these houses have a superb

ments are modern, with tiled showers, washing

starting point for bird watching on Ekkerøy, the

machines and cable TV/DVD. A wood-fired

bird cliffs, the shoreline and the wetlands in the

sauna close to the seashore is included in the

area. Guidance on observation points and loan

price. There is a fantastic view of the sea from

of detailed maps of the area.

the accommodation. Ekkerøy Feriehus also

+ 47 78 94 00 10 ÞÞ

offer guests interested in birdlife a self-guiding

Havhesten on Ekkerøy

in Varanger. This gives a good description of the

We make the most of locally-sourced ingredi-

birds you can expect to see in various places.

ents: the legendary king crab, cod, wild salmon

+47 908 91 558 ÞÞ

and other types of fish. We get our meat from the Varanger peninsula or Finnmarksvidda.

system consisting of a GPS navigator and information book with 45 pre-programmed bird sites

The restaurant may be closed in the summer

Kjeldsenbruket on Ekkerøy

of 2012 - please contact us to see if we are

Exhibitions, former shops, prawn-processing

open. We also rent out one large and one

factory and cod-liver oil factory. Fresh waffles,

small newly-restored fishing shack at the quay

coffee and ice cream. Open every day 1100-

in Ekkerøy. The fishing shacks sleep 6 and 3

1700 during the summer season. ÞÞ

people respectively and have a modern shower and WC. +47 905 06 080 (restaurant) +47 78 94 00 10 (fishing shacks) ÞÞ

Vestre Jakobselv


The village of Vestre Jakobselv, テ]nejohka, Annijoki, which has around 800 inhabitants, is situated in the middle of Varanger. The village is a historic multicultural community, strongly influenced by Kvennish/Finnish settlers. One of the best salmon rivers in Norway, Jakobselva, runs into the sea here. The river is worth visiting not only for fishing but also as an exciting hiking area. The most northeasterly golf course in Norway is also in Jakobselv, and on warm summer days you can sunbathe on the beach and take a dip in Varangerfjord. It is also a superb starting point for bird watching in both summer and winter and for hiking in the Varanger Peninsula National Park..


Pikkuskitsi Gjestehus

Vestre Jakobselv Camping

Two-room apartments with kitchenette

Located 20 kilometres west of the cen-

in guest house next to the Jakob-

tre of Vadsø. Four, five and six-person

selva river, plus a small house for rent.

cabins, camp site and power points for

Traditional Kvennish wood-fired sauna

camper vans and mobile homes, plus a

next to the fjord. Guided tours along

family room which sleeps up to seven

Jakobselva and in the national park.

people. Breakfast and dinner are avail-

Superb starting point for bird watching in

able, kiosk in reception, activity room.

eastern Finnmark. Vestre Jakobselv

Free access to PC and internet, plus

+47 905 50 073 / +47 78 95 61 48 ÞÞ

laundry room and showers.Feeding site

Esso Vestre Jakobselv

tackle and other activities.

Fishing tackle, etc.

Lilledalsveien 6, Vestre Jakobselv.

+ 47 78 95 45 60

+47 913 65 856

Varanger golfklubb


Finnmark’s first and the world’s most

Varanger Fjellstue

reindeer meat. You can see king crabs

northerly nine-hole course. The course

Overnight accommodation, conference

in an aquarium on the cafe’s terrace.

has been approved by the Norwegian

room, function rooms.

+47 916 42 028/ 78 99 02 47

Golf Federation (“sloped”). On our

+47 414 313 54 ÞÞ

Neiden hotell

course you can play golf in Arctic surroundings, on the world’s most north-

for owls and other woodland birds. Sale of fishing permits, disinfection of


This idyllic village at the mouth of a fjord is one of the few places in Finnmark which was not burnt down during the war, and as a result the village has retained its Finnish architectural style from the time of immigration in the 1800s. Most of its 300 residents are of Finnish descent and Finnish is still a living language in the village.

Egnebuloftet kafe og Pub Serves food made using local ingredients such as king crab, cod and

Located 30 km from Kirkenes aiport and 10 km from Finland. The hotel lies right

erly nine-hole golf course. Sandmo golf

by the Neidenelva river, which is one of

course is a very exciting course and

Norway’s best rivers. Fishing permits are

we offer very good training facilities.

for sale at the hotel. We offer salmon

Golf clubs/trolley for hire. Kariel, Vadsø..

fishing and sea fishing in the Varangerfjord.

+47 477 51 742 / +47 901 36 548 ÞÞ

The hotel has a large café with a bar and serves a wide variety of good food. +47 916 42 028




Pomor Museum in Vardø

Founded in 1789, Vardø is the oldest town in northern Norway. The first settlement in Vardø dates back to the 1330s, when Håkon Magnusson had Vardøhus Fort built to defend Norway’s eastern border. Today’s fort is the most northerly in the world, and was completed in 1738. In the 17th century some of the worst witch trials in northern Europe were held in Vardø. Almost 80 women were sentenced to death by burning for practicing witchcraft and magic. In August 1944 the Allies bombed the town. Although much of the town burnt down many buildings did not succumb to the flames. Pomor trade was conducted from 1740 until the Russian Revolution in 1917. Vardø was often called the Pomor capital. Today Vardø has around 2,100 inhabitants.

between Norway and Russia in the north. Open 15

Gives an insight into the close historical connections June – 15 August (every day) 1100-1700, 1600-1700 in spring and autumn when the Coastal Express docks. Open on application. NOK 50/30. Guides for groups must be reserved in advance. Contact Vardø Museum.

The Partisan Museum Kiberg Gives an insight into Finnmark’s war history and the Norwegian resistance in Finnmark. Open 15 June to 15 August (every day) 0900-1800. Open on application. NOK 50/30. Guides for groups must be booked in advance as the museum is not staffed. Contact Vardø Museum.

Steilneset Memorial The monument is a memorial to those who were found guilty of witchcraft and burnt at the stake in Vardø. The monument is the result of a partnership between sculptor Louise Bourgeois and architect Peter Zumthor. It stands on the site where the witches were burnt, Steilneset on Vardøya.

Vardøhus Fort The world’s most northerly fort. The fort was built between 1734 and 1738 and stands today as it was originally built. Open every day. NOK 30. +47 78 98 85 02 / +47 909 22 813

Vake 2013

Skagen bo og havfiske

VAKE (Varanger Arctic Kite Enduro) is the

Skagen bo og havfiske rents out three

world’s toughest kiting competition. Two-

double rooms on the lower ground

man teams set off with kites and skis across

floor. There is a communal shower,

the Varanger peninsula from Berlevåg to

toilet, kitchen and separate entrance.

Vardø. The unpredictable Arctic climate, three

Opportunities for activities such as sea

overnight stops and 200 km set huge chal-

fishing. Wireless internet is available and a

lenges for both participants and equipment.

sauna can also be hired.

The competition will act as the World Cham-

+47 789 87 933 / +47 416 75 777 GRASBAKKEN ÞÞ

pionship in long-distance kiting in 2013. ÞÞ

Arctic Gullfest 2013

Boat trip til Hornøya

The spectacular bird life in Varanger

Hornøya island off Vadsø has one of

is celebrated by the international Arctic

Norway’s largest seabird colonies. More

Gullfest festival in Vardø. Bird enthusiasts

than 40,000 pairs of razor-bills, common

gather over several days to take part in

guillemots, kittiwakes, Atlantic puffins,

photo safaris, trips with local guides

Brünnich’s guillemots, cormorants, black

and informative seminars. April 2013. ÞÞ

guillemots and shags breed on the steep

Vardø Hotell

Hornøya,. Departures every day at 0900,

Vardø Hotell has an idyllic location with

1030, 1130 and 1330, 1200 at weekends.

beautiful views across the harbour and is

NOK 300 per person.

just a short distance from the “Hurtigruten”

+47 78987275/ +47 90179585 ÞÞ

quay, the cinema and the town centre. We have an outstanding fish restaurant and a large gym in the building. +47 78 98 77 61 ÞÞ

cliffs. Vardø Havn has daily crossings to

Hamningberg Hamningberg is described as the place with the most complete pre-war fishing village in Finnmark. Hamningberg was a significant fishing village from the 16th century and has buildings from its boom years in the 19th century, before boats were motorised and better harbours were needed. In 1964 Hamningberg was abandoned, following a decision by the Norwegian parliament not to extend the harbours. Despite the town being abandoned many Hamningberg people retained their houses and homes. Today Hamningberg is first and foremost a recreation centre and the cosy general store in the middle of the fishing village is worth a visit. When you visit Hamningberg we recommend that you use the car park up from and left of the village. This will make your visit more enjoyable and reduce the impact on the environment.




Varanger Sami Museum Varangerbotn Tel: +47 78 95 99 20 Open: 17 June – 19 August Every day: 1000 –1800

Vardø Harbour, INFO-building Tel: +47 78 98 69 07 Open: 4 June – 12 August Monday - Friday: 0900 – 1730 Saturday - Sunday: 1100 – 1730

Vadsø Vadsø centre Tel: +47 78 94 04 44 Open: 1 June – 21 August Monday - Friday: 1000 – 1800 Saturday - Sunday: 1000 – 1600 /

Tourist Information

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