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@6' F'/#7. ?4949 The Seeds of Tomorrow Comrie Park Kindergarten aims to grow and develop lifelong learners -"/1,#" !-. 0"!=1.10"; 1$ +8#5 :5>421 70'0' 9 ("% )%%&. 1$ (131//1<*6 A kaupapa of environmental sustainability is embedded in the heart of the Matarau-based kindergarten, one of the attributes that saw it recently judged Supreme Award winner at the Northland Regional Council’s inaugural Environmental Awards.
Despite having just 44 pupils, the kindergarten’s commitment and learnings spill well beyond its daily activities, out into the wider Matarau community and beyond, 1&/&7+!/# /.+ <*,+ !+, ("!;'-&/5 1*+ +"&!- :"4/3* and hopefully those of future generations too. “We’re extremely proud of the programme we provide here for ")- +'$'-*(* '#! %,&#') '#! +" be recognised with these awards is truly humbling.”
Co WINN mr E Th ie Pa R'S O RS u 18 rk K PEN VP J i nrc ul, 1p nder DAY .go m gar te vt. nz 3pm n /ev en ts
In just a few years, Comrie Park – which also won the awards’ ‘Environmental action in &'*(3+!./ (3+&#.-9) 8 "3, 3;-&3'9 !/6*&/(&' the lives of hundreds of Northlanders, young and old alike. A month on from the awards themselves, head teacher Anna Alexander, the kindergarten’s team and the rural community it supports are still thrilled by – and coming to terms with – those wins. Anna says, given the impressive standard .$ +"& 3;0.,+ %2 .+"&- 7/3;!,+, 3(-.,, &!#"+ categories, the Supreme Award win was extra special to Comrie Park.