Northland Age Anzac Day feature - April 2023

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Thedateitselfmarkstheanniversary ofthelandingofNewZealandand Australiansoldiers–theAnzacs–on theGallipoliPeninsulain1915.Theaimwas tocapturetheDardanelles,thegatewaytothe BosphorusandtheBlackSea.Attheendofthe campaign,GallipoliwasstillheldbyitsTurkish defenders

NewZealandershavemarkedthelandings atGallipolisincenewsoftheeventfirst reachedthiscountry,andAnzacDayhasbeen apublicholidaysince1921.Onthisday,the peopleofNewZealandhaveacknowledged thesacrificeofallthosewhohavediedin warfare,andthecontributionandsufferingof allthosewhohaveserved.

Overtimetherehavebeenchangesinthe waythatthedayhasbeencommemorated, reflectingthechangingfeaturesandconcerns ofoursociety.DuringtheSecondWorldWar, forexample,therewasincreasedinterestand aheightenedsenseoftherelevanceofAnzac Day;inthe1960sanddecadesfollowingitwas fromtimetotimeusedasaplatformforantiwarandothersocialprotest

Today,atatimewhenitseemsNew Zealandersareincreasinglykeentoassertand celebrateauniqueidentity,werecogniseAnzac Dayasacentralmarkerofournationhood.


AnzacDayeventsinNewZealand,andat Gallipoli,isincreasing.Forsomeyounger people,thesombrefocusofthedayreceives lessemphasisthandothemorecelebratory aspectsofanationalholiday.Formost,though, thedayisanoccasiononwhichtoformallypay tributeandtoremember

AnzacDaynowpromotesasenseofunity Peoplewhosepolitics,beliefsandaspirations arewidelydifferentcanshareagenuinesorrow atthelossofsomanylivesinwar,andareal respectforthosewhohaveenduredwarfareon behalfofthecountrywelivein.


The Maheno and Marama weretheposter shipsofNewZealand’sFirstWorldWar effort.Until1915thesesteamershadcarried passengersacrosstheTasmanfortheUnion SteamShipCompany,butascasualties mountedatGallipoli,thegovernmentpressed themintoserviceashospitalships.

WiththeencouragementoftheGovernor, LordLiverpool,amassivepublicfundraising efforthelpedensuretheshipswerefittedout ingoodtimeandtothehigheststandards.

OfficiallyknownasHisMajesty’sNewZealand HospitalShip(HMNZHS)No.1andNo.2,these state-of-the-artfloatinghospitalswerecrewed byamixtureofcivilianseafarersandarmy medicalstaff,includingnurses.

DuringtheGallipoliCampaignthe Maheno carriedthousandsofwoundedsoldiersfrom AnzacCovetothenearbyGreekislandsof LemnosandImbros.The Marama entered servicejustaftertheAlliedevacuationfrom Gallipoli.Fortherestofthewar-apartfrom aseriesoffranticdashesacrosstheEnglish

ChannelduringtheBattleoftheSomme-both shipsweretaskedwithcarryingincapacitated menbacktoNewZealand.

Bythewar’sendthesedistinctivelymarked ‘whiteships’hadtransported47,000patients.

Source:Ministry forCultureand Heritage

Thursday, April 20, 2023 11 Far North Kaitaia RSA 18 Matthews Avenue, Kaitaia Phone (09) 408-0423 Muster at Kaitaia RSA, 5.45am Dawn Service 6am Remembrance Park, opposite Kaitaia RSA. oppositeKaitaia ThedaycommemoratesNewZealanderskilledinwarand honoursreturnedandservingservicemenandwomen.



Alotofreadersmaybe unawareofPurplePoppy day andwhatitrepresents. ThisyearIwroteaboutitasIfelt itwasimportanttorememberall theanimalsthathadservedin wars.Infactwestillhaveanimals thatareservingtothisday

Beingfromafamilythathashad alifelongailiationwithhorses,I feltastrongsenseofsadnessin knowingthatoutofthe10,000 horsesthatleforWorldWar1,to carrytroopsandsuppliesinto battle,onlyfourreturnedtoNew Zealand.

Allfourhorsesthatmadeithome belongedtoofficers. Beauty tothelateCaptainRichard Riddiford,BesstoCaptainCharles Powles,DollytoMajorGeneral SirAndrewRussell,andDigger tothelateLieutenantColonel GeorgeKing,whowaskilledat Passchendaele.

Theinitiativetobringhomethe fourhorsescamefromMajor GeneralSirAndrewRussell. Beauty,Bess,andDolly,hadleft thecountrywiththemainbody oftheNZEFin1914.

Diggerhadleftin1915or1916. Thehorsesarrivedoffthe passengerfreighter,theSS Westmeath.

Thetriphadbeentraumatic. Firehadbrokenoutinthehold whentheshipwassixdaysout fromPanama,destroyingallthe horses’feedandmanyofthe soldiers’possessions

Thesoldiersfedtheirbread rationstotheanimalstokeep themaliveuntiltheyreached NewZealand.

BessandBeautyheadedonto BullsandFeilding,whileDolly andDiggerweretransportedto TunaNuiintheHawke’sBay

Dollythewarhorsewhocame homewithhighlydecorated MajorGeneralSirAndrewRussell, knownas“TheGeneral”,ofTuna NuiStation,wasabletoliveout therestofheryearsenjoyingthe beautifulpasturesofSherenden inHawke’sBay,untilshediedin 1932.

WhileAnzacsoldiersare rememberedandcelebratedon AnzacDayandArmisticeDay, theirhorseshavehadno recognitionotherthanone statue,TeUtu,inHamilton.

So,aDollytheWarHorse TrusthasbeensetupinHawke’s Baytofundraiseforalife-size remembrancestatueinbronze,of Dolly,toeventuallybeexhibited nexttoMajorGeneralSirAndrew Russell.

Foranyonepassingthrough Hastings,alife-sizebronzestatue ofTheGeneralstandsinthe HastingsCivicSquarenearthe cenotaph.

Thestatuedepictshimin uniform,holdingaswaggerstick AndrewRussellleNewZealand in1914ascommanderofthe MountedRiflesBrigade.

AfterbeingmadeaKnight CommanderoftheMost DistinguishedOrderofStMichael andStGeorge(KCMG.),hewas promotedtoMajorGeneral andledtheNewZealandand AustralianDivisionduringitslast weeksontheGallipoliPeninsula. RussellcommandedtheNew ZealandDivisioninFranceand BelgiumfromMay1916untilthe endofthewar.

Ifyouarewishingtoseefurther informationaboutDolly,theWar HouseTrustcheckout

Thursday, April 20, 2023 13 andwha andwha-nauviolence * *
Photos supplied from Writes Kem Ormond Major General Sir Andrew Russell and Dolly
14 Thursday, April 20, 2023 Lest We Forget 11 North Park Drive, Kaitaia Ph.(09) 408 0906 09 408 2915 |28MATTHEWS AVE, KAITAIA Proud to Support our Anzacs Lest We Forget PHONE 0800 408 HIRE 134 North Road, Kaitaia Lest We Forget STIHL SHOP™ Kaitaia 134 North Road, Kaitaia P. 09 408-2770 Cnr Matthews Ave&EmpireSt Kaitaia 09 408 2660 Proud to Support our Anzacs Supporting OurLocal RSA Professional Chambers, 131 Commerce Street,Kaitaia P.(09) 408-1600 ForeverRemembered 2Redan Rd,Kaitaia Phone (09) 408 9366 Accountants & business advisers Proud to Support our ANZACS 91 Commerce Street,Kaitaia 09-408 0404 SHACKLETON’S PHARMACY Remember Them Phone: (09) 408 0751 Lest We Forget 190Pukepoto Road, Kaitaia Ph 0800 738 763 ANZACDAY Lest We Forget Phone (09) 408 9453 CHARITABLE TRUST We Will Remember Them 09 408 1950 |33-35 MatthewsAve |Kaitaia e:
Thursday, April 20, 2023 15 Lest we Forget Kaitaia 5EmpireStreet Ph. 408 0347 Ph. 408 0347 Lest We Forget 2Bank St,Kaitaia 0410 (09) 408-0744 Lest we forget 6Redan Road, Kaitaia 09 408 0950 11 Allen Bell Dr,Kaitaia Phone: 09 408 6162 Proud to Support our Anzacs Kaitaia Lest We Forget 127North Road, Kaitaia P.(09) 408 0535 37 Commerce St, Kaitaia Ph 408 0150 FarNorthMobileLocks (027)475-2779 (09)406-7507 LestWeForget Remember Them 190 Pukepoto Road, Kaitaia (09) 408 1092 ForeverRemembered Maple Court, 5Puckey Ave, Kaitaia Ph.(09) 408-1000 Lest we forget Phone: (09) 408 1340 Larmer Road, Kaitaia Supporting OurLocal RSA 111 North Road, Kaitaia Ph 09 408 6222 ANZACDAY
16 Thursday, April 20, 2023 We Will Remember Them 34 Matthews Ave, Kaitaia Ph. 0800 765270 We Will Remember Them 34 Matthews Ave, Kaitaia Ph. 09-408 1450 LestWeForget 3MelbaStreet Kaitaia Ph 09 4082866 We Will Remember Them 10 Allen Bell Drive,Kaitaia P: (09) 408 0020 •F:(09) 408 0021 E: We Will Remember Them 169North Road, Kaitaia Ph 09 408 0670 ForeverRemembered 85 North Road, Kaitaia 09 408 6071 20 EmpireStreet, Kaitaia Ph 408 0405 LestWeForget Lest We Forget 46 Matthews Ave, Kaitaia Ph 09 408 2400 Proud to support the RSA and ANZACDay 77 North Road, Kaitaia P.(09) 408-1570 We Will Remember Them O800 ROOFWZ 0800 766399 We Will Remember Them ANZACDAY ANZACDAY ForeverRemembered 1North Park Drive, Kaitaia Ph.(09) 408-1660



Extremeweatherandprimitiveliving conditionswaswhatlifewasfortheNew ZealandsoldieronGallipoli.Tosumit up,itwastough!

Theyspenteightmonths enduringextreme weatherconditions.JunetoAugustwas summerandthetemperaturessoaredand thewintermonths(NovembertoJanuary) broughttherain,chillingwindsandsnow,it wasmiserable.

Itonlytookafewmonthsoflivingin crampedconditionsonthepeninsula,before thesoldiersbegantoenduredysentryand typhoid.Conditionswereunsanitary,there wereunburiedbodiesandswarmsofflies.

Ashortageofwaterandpoorfood,along withextremeexhaustion,reducedthemen’s resistancetodisease.

TheareaoccupiedbyNewZealandersand AustraliansatAnzacwaslessthansixsquare kilometers.Withnonaturalwatersource,water shortageswereacommonthing.Theonlyway togetsuppliestoAnzacwasbyshipthatwere landedonthebeachwithgreatdifficulty

Oldsalvagedoilsheetswereusedtomake aroofthatwouldkeepthesunoutduringthe dayanddewoffthemenatnight.Sandbags andoldovercoatsweretheonlyonlyavailable

furnishings,alongwithacutdownpetroltin forabath.

Licebecamefulltimeresidents,infact bodylicebecameanepidemic,plustherewas alwaysplentyofcentipedes.Troopslivedona stapledietoftinnedbullybeef,armybiscuits andjam,withnofruitorvegetablestobeseen.

With25,000menpackedintosucha crampedspace,latrinesfilledupfastand therewaslimitedspaceforanynewonesto beerected.

Swarmsoffliestormentedthemen turning whatshouldhavebeensimpletasks,suchas preparingfoodintohorribleordeals.

Poorplanningandthesharescaleof thecasultiesoverwhelmedthemedical resources.Theadvanceddressingstations wereofteninexposedpostionsandtheyoften cameunderfire.

Thewoundedmenwerethentransported fromthefieldambulancesandclearing stations andtakenbyboattohospitalships waitingoffshore.Duetopoorcoordination andmismanagementmanymenwereleftfar toolongonthebeach andonceonboard theboatsfoundthattheconditionswere appalling.

Thursday, April 20, 2023 17 Lest we forget the sacrificemade by so many, on ourbehalf 42 Matthews Ave|09408 0280
ANZACDAY APRIL 25th We Will Remember Them 5Bank St,Kaitaia St, Kaitaia Ph 09 408 4320 backyard eatery Lest We Forget 191Commerce St,Kaitaia Ph (09) 408 0210 We Will Remember Them •Kaikohe •Kawakawa 0800 424468 We Will Remember Them State Highway1,Awanui Ph 09 406 7317 We Will Remember Them 9Matthews Ave, Kaitaia Ph 09 408 6026 Lest we forget 58A Matthews Ave PO Box690,Kaitaia Phone: (09) 408-0092 Lest We Forget •Mangonui •Kaitaia •Kerikeri (09) 406 0087



Horses and mules played alarge part in World War1 and they also played avital part in New Zealand ‘s Field Artillery.

In fact the artillerywerethe second largest component of the New Zealand ExpeditionaryForce,after the infantry. Those horses must have come from tough stock ,ashorses and mules wereused to towvehicles stacked with shells and this wasno light feat

They transported them from shell dumps behind the lines to the gun positions.

Gunners, as theywerecalled, were the young men that played avital role in the First World War, working in teams on field guns, usually grouped in batteries, to deliver aconcentrated barrage. It wasadangerous and demanding job.Not only werethey being targetedbyenemy batteries, the work wasphysically punishing, and theywerealso at risk of shells exploding prematurely in the barrels of their guns.

Soldiersinthe trenches were always in constant danger and the prolonged bombardment really shook the nerves of these young

men. Theyoften emergedfromthe trenches numbed and hardly able to be audible from fear of imminent death by shattered shell fragments or from being buried alive.

The artileryunits used wheeled cannons,known as field guns to destroy enemy forces. The New Zealand forces on Gallipoli initially included asingle artillerybrigade, with asecond added in July 1915. Each brigade comprised three or four batteries,each of which had around 185 men operating three or four field guns.

In early 1916 the artilleryexpanded to four brigades,including by the addition of three trench mortar batteries.

Cloth patches wereworn by by the NewZealand Fields Artillery’s divisional ammunition column. The cloth patches weresewnonthe back of the uniform jacketsand this commenced in October 1916 as away of identifying which unit or part of a unit an individual belonged to.

The Anzac Biscuit “Biscuits! Army Biscuits! Consider the hardness of them. Remember the cracking of your dental plate, the breaking of this tooth, the splintering of that.”

(From“Army biscuits” by Ormond Burton in “The ANZAC book”)

Does this bring to mind images of our troops at Gallipoli eating the Anzac biscuits we know and love today? Contrarytowidespreadbelief therewerenoAnzac biscuits at Gallipoli. The standardArmy biscuit at this time wasarock-hardtooth breakeralso called aship’s biscuit

Although it is amyth that Anzac biscuits weresent and eatenby troops in Gallipoli, some evidence suggests arolled oat-based


biscuit wassent to troops on the Western Front,although this is not widespread.

The majority of rolled oats biscuits wereinfact sold and consumed at fetes, galas, parades, and other public events at home, to raise funds forthe wareffort. This connection to the troops serving overseas led to them being referred to as “soldier’sbiscuits.”Fundraising was coordinated by local Patriotic Funds, raising 6.5 million pounds forthe New Zealand wareffort.

The basic ingredients forarolled oatbiscuit wererolled oats, sugar, flour,butter with golden syrup,not eggs, used as abinding agent.This made them not only nutritious and full of energy but also long lasting. After WWI, the most popular rolled oatbiscuit had the name and association of Anzac applied to it and thus the legend of the Anzac biscuit began.

SOURCE: NZ Army Museum

18 Thursday, April 20, 2023 “Bridge to GoodHealth” Community HealthService Te Kao Clinic: (09) 409-7880, Fax (09) 409-8086 Te Hapua Clinic (TeReo Whare Ora): (09) 409-7874 Pukenui Clinic(Tohoraha):(09)409-8287,Fax (09) 409-8574 Email: Lest we Forget ANZACCivil Community Service AC Civil CommunitySer Tuesday, 25th April 2023 At 11am Hosted by Virtue Christian Centre (not areligious service) 36 Commerce Street, Kaitaia All Welcome

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