Focus june 2014

Page 1


from Kawakawa to the Cape

June 2014

Matariki. A New Year begins


Inside this Issue


e listened fascinated as an old soldier spoke at the Anzac Day commemorations and were honoured when he subsequently told us more of his amazing story. We mark the arrival of Matariki, the little ‘necklace’ of stars that appear in our mid-winter skies and heralds new beginnings both real and mythical. We welcome a new business initiative to the Far North, we examine the growth of an

Published by A Division of Northern Publishing Circulation of over 15,000

For all enquiries, please contact Editorial: Phone 09 408 0330 Email: Sandy Myhre Office: 09 407 3285, Mobile: 021 516 764 Kerikeri (Bay of Islands Office)

established one and discover what the International Piano Competition means for performers, the audience and the town. Plus we look at upcoming events, including the Birdman Festival in Russell, in our regular Blah Blah pages. If there’s one sentiment that covers all these things it’s that the Far North seems to be in good heart and that, like Matariki, is worth celebrating.

Kaitaia (Far North Office) Sharon Adams, Shirley Williams, Nicola Walters, Samantha Kokich Phone: 09 408 0339 Email:

Publication Design:

Harko Brown, Verbina Kopa and Ria Bright with traditional kites made to celebrate Matariki. Photo: Kate Crawford. Front Cover image - Matariki at Pehiaweri Marae. Photo: John Stone.

Nico-Mari Jamieson, Media Services Creative

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8&9 3&4

Peter Gill discovers musical expressions with the Kerikeri International Piano Competition


Lest we forget. An old soldier tells his story


Blah Blah – Birdman Festival and Chit Chat

Plus :

Bowling for Kerikeri

Feature Story




Arguably the biggest international event the Far North stages is the two-yearly Kerikeri International Piano Competition. Sixteen classical piano students from numerous countries and New Zealand will vie for a slice of the $30,000 prize money. All are under the age of 28. The competition has been running since 1987 and is increasingly recognised on the global classical music calendar. Back stage, the constant musical narrative is intense.

THE PIANOS……… A number of contestants were asked to reveal their favourite brand of piano and the answer was consistent - a Steinway.

The Turner Centre’s beautiful ninefoot Steinway will be the finely tuned instrument the contestants will play on. Focus Paihia have the Far North’s funkiest piano. The old honky-tonk upright gets wheeled out onto the seafront promenade every fine day and Focus Paihia’s Grant Harnish says everyone is welcome to play it. Organisers of the competition hope that at least one entrant can be found who will spare a couple of hours away from practice, to entertain on the Paihia Blue. Most of the sixteen contestants stay in the homes of Kerikeri locals and surrounding area and many hosts

Upright and fun in Paihia

have a suitable piano for contestants to practice on. But if they don’t, other practice pianos can always be located around the town.

THE ROMANCE……. Imagine being proposed to by way of a Beethoven Sonata played on a Steinway and being accepted via Schubert on another piano. A newly-married couple from the USA did just that and both have won places in the finals of the Kerikeri International Piano Competition. “Cole noticed me in music history class at a College Conservatory in Ohio,” says Siyuan. “He introduced himself and we discovered we were both pianists. The next day in class he sat next to me and asked me if we could play for each other. In the practice room he played Beethoven for me and I played Schubert for him. And then we kissed. The Turner Centre’s beautiful nine-foot Steinway will be the finely tuned instrument the contestants will play on. Photo Keith Williams.

Concerned about your child’s crooked teeth? At the Kerikeri Dental Centre we offer early orthodontic treatment for your child from the age of 7. We recommend early assessment and prompt treatment. We offer a range of orthodontic techniques to produce a great smile, healthy airway and correct jaw function.


Says Cole: “We have been married less than a year. We happily listen to each other playing and critique each other.


Cole Anderson and Siyuan Li, the first married couple to contest the Kerikeri Piano Competition




436 Kapiro Road Kerikeri Ph 09 407 9603 Private Confidential & Exclusive

Dr Joanna Romanowska will be at Peaches on Monday June 16, 2014


Feature Story

We both find it very helpful. I am slightly introverted. Siyuan is more outgoing. Our professors say that we learn as much from each other as we do from them. They say that we are like two sides of a coin.”

THE STRESS……. Xuan He was brought up in Jiangjou, China and is currently based in the USA. He persuaded his mother to buy him an electronic keyboard but when he heard piano music being played where he was to have keyboard lessons, he immediately exchanged the keyboard for an upright piano. “Do I get nervous before an important recital? I certainly do. So when I am at The

Past winner, Yeh Shih Hsein, on the Turner Centre’s Steinway. (Photo – Keith Williams)

Winter is coming.

So follow these fire-safety tips to keep you and your family safe and warm.

Seven Simple Safety Tips Ashes can take up to five days to cool – always empty fireplace or woodburner ashes and ashtrays into a metal bin and pour water over them before disposal. Remember the heater-metre rule - always keep furniture, curtains, clothes and children at least one metre away from heaters and fireplaces. Clean chimneys and flues before your first fire of the season. Don't overload clothes dryers and clean the lint filter after each load cycle. Don't overload power points - use multi-boxes with circuit breakers instead. Keep an eye on what you fry - unattended cooking kills. Smoke alarms save lives - buy and install working smoke alarms today.

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92 KERIKERI RD KERIKERI | Ph 09 407 7794

The indefatigable John Jackets ponders what the 2014 Kerikeri International Piano Competition will reveal both onstage and back stage.


Turner Centre I hope to find a place to lie down, close my eyes, and do deep breathing. To de-stress myself afterwards, and because I am very interested in New Zealand, I plan to back pack round the country.”

AND THE FINAL NOTE: This year sees a record 54 entries from 15 different countries from which the 16 contestants were chosen. Event Organiser, John Jackets, says the district benefits greatly from the competition with visitors coming from so far afield and which adds to the town’s growing reputation as a centre of artistic talent.

The Best Deal Guaranteed 85 Cobham Road, Kerikeri 09 407 8590 | 021 281 9966

Kerikeri International Piano Competition. 3 – 6 July 2014

William Witstyn



he Anzac Day morning service at the RSA in Kerikeri commemorated 100 years since World War I began, like so many other venues around Australasia. In this Far North town a lone piper played “Mist Covered Mountain” before those assembled were introduced to World War II veteran, 97-year-old Mr William Witstyn.

was free. Thinking he was going to be shot, William’s first reaction was to cry.

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He spent the next few months ‘dodging bullets between the Allies and the Germans’ working in the Resistance and eventually coming across the 9th Battery Toronto of the 11th Regiment Artillery First Canadian Division under Major Osler and became a sergeant in the He spoke of his pre-war youth, of being Sniper Protection Group. At war’s end involved in the theatre and of his war in Europe he did some jungle training in time experiences and during his detailed Britain, of all places, before heading to account of joining the Dutch Resistance, Sumatra in 1947. It was still the Dutch of capture, torture and subsequent East Indies then and their war had yet to release from detention that lead him conclude. The only thing this small group eventually to the Canadian Army, you were told not to do was shoot tigers could have heard the proverbial pin drop. and honey bears. They ended up doing both but that is another “My sister and I were story from the life of this dancers but after the “In the final remarkable Far North Germans invaded France in man. choice a soldier’s October 1939 my parents pack is not decided we should move Back in The Netherlands back to The Hague because he fell in love with a so heavy as a as foreigners in France we girl called Willie and prisoner’s chains.” could be considered spies. although they tried to DwiGht D. eisenhower immigrate to Canada “We carried on in the they discovered it was theatre and the Germans quicker to immigrate to New Zealand. said if we didn’t belong to the Culture They arrived in Wellington on the 8th Chamber we couldn’t perform. I refused May 1952 and caught the train to so I joined the Dutch Resistance instead. Auckland for an 18-hour journey. And In 1944 I was captured and put into there they settled but what remained solitary confinement, without light, for with William Witstyn was the notion two months until one day, two SS men there was unfinished business, a task came in, pulled me out, made me run to that needed to be completed, and in the ablution block and put me under a 1962 he went back to Europe. shower before starting to question me. “I wanted to forgive the Germans for “I’m not a hero but I hated them so much what they did to me and I wanted them – they had raped our women, took the to forgive me for what I did during the art away from the country, put people in war where you do things you wouldn’t prison – and that hatred protected me. normally do.” They knocked my teeth out and when I He has a few mementos from his war fainted they turned on the shower and days like a helmet from a Japanese started again and again and again. In soldier in Sumatra and a leather jerkin the end they gave up and grabbed me the Canadians gave him when he under my armpits and dragged me wet enlisted in England and which he still and bleeding into a cell and told me that wears, even today. The former atheist in six days’ time, I would be shot.” became a devout Christian and, lest Three days later one of the German we forget, has written his memories guards took him to a back door, opened in a brochure compiled as part of his it and told him not to come back. He personal ministry with the Baptist Church.

William Witstyn during World War II...

...and now of Kerikeri

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What’s happening at Far North REAP this month

The courses listed below can be run any time, in any venue when sufficient participants register and a suitable date is set. Ng Waiata o Ng Tamariki-Children’s M ori Songs Tutors: Peter Visser and Carolyn Taueki-Stott Carpentry in Early Childhood Education Settings Tutor: Peter Visser Effective Communication Tutor: Kaylene Delaney Interpersonal Skills Tutor: Kaylene Delaney The Power of Google: Understanding Internet Security Tutor: David Partis Youth iWananga Starting in July Runs for three days a week for three weeks Marae based youth leadership course Tutor: Kaylene Delaney

Music to Enhance Community Cohesion Tutor: Sonny Harrison Workplace Skills Tutor: Kaylene Delaney Smarten Up to the Smart Phone Tutor: Kade Hunter Reading and Writing in te Reo M ori Primary to Tertiary Level Tutor: Sonny Harrison Essay Support Tutor: Si n Evans The Basics of Microsoft Word Tutor: Si n Evans Smarten up with Smartphones and Androids Tutor: Kade Hunter

Restricted Licence Course Dates: Tuesday 24th June Times: 9.00am-11.00am Tutor: Angelene Waitohi COGS Pre Allocation Meeting Date: Tuesday 10th June Where: Internal Affairs Office He Kahu Kaumatua-Nga Tupuranga Taonga Grandparents Raising Mokopuna Date: Wednesday 11th June Where: Pawarenga Facilitators: Tania Henderson , Dale Johnson and Mercia Smith Beginners in Guitar Date: Wednesdays Time: 3.30pm-4.30pm Intermediate Guitar Group Date: Tuesdays Time: 3.30pm-4.30pm Learning the Ukulele for Enlightenment How to tune, play and enjoy the ukulele Date: Monday 9th June Time: 12.30pm-2.00pm

Genealogy: Date: Saturday 7th June Time: 9.00am Relieving Teachers Database Far North REAP is currently updating our relieving teacher’s database. If you would like your name added to the list please contact Mercia Smith at Far North REAP Matariki Celebrations coming up early July Dates: Tuesday to Thursday, 1st – 3rd July Where: Te Ahu Centre Far North Board Gamers Date: Friday 20th June Time: 4.30pm-9.00pm Learning Spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel How to create, format, edit, save spreadsheets Date: Thursday 5th June to Thursday 17th July Time: 10am-12.30pm Te Reo me na t kanga for beginners Basic Te Reo lessons for beginners Date: Monday 16th June to Monday 21st July Time: 10am-12.30pm Korowai Tumanako Date: Monday 23rd June

Did you know that we also process driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations? Pop in and see our friendly staff at AA Driver and Vehicle Licensing. To register or for further information please contact Far North REAP on Phone: 09 408 1380 or email: | website:

Food For Thought




hen Marie Price describes how she started growing mushrooms to fill a perceived gap in the marketplace she makes it sound simple. She ‘just looked on the net’

she says which totally belies the effort and research required.

It all began in 2004. She and her husband Graeme had acquired a block of land near Ohaeawai and Marie was looking for

something to do, something that meant she didn’t have to manhandle heavy equipment and yet at the same time could still be with the children because she was home schooling them. “We trialled both button and oyster mushrooms and chose oyster because they were the better ones. I had had discussions with the Grower’s Market in Whangarei and we were involved in the early meetings of the Farmers’ Market in Kerikeri.

Phone 408-0210




In celebration of 10 years of the BOI Farmers Market we are launching the Young Growers Competition. This is an opportunity to encourage our youth to get involved with the rewarding activity of growing fruit and vegetables.

“I went to visit chefs to see what they wanted and went online to do a New Zealand-based website course on growing mushrooms.” These high-end mushrooms take more looking after than your general garden variety that are, so the saying goes, kept in the dark and fed on crap. The family cars were relegated to outside to make room in the garage for the cylinder-shaped bags that hang from the ceiling. These were packed with straw and a few other secret ingredients, a water filtration plant was set up in a shipping container outside, the room was temperature controlled, spawn was bought from a laboratory and they were literally in business. At first the production scale was small but after a year of receiving a good response from chefs and the public through the markets, they decided

to upsize to a commercial operation. It’s highly labour-intensive. The oyster mushrooms are ready every 28 days and are picked twice a day, seven days a week and that means Marie and Graeme, if they take time off at all, have to do so separately. Someone has always to be there. In 2010 and as demand grew, particularly from restaurant chefs, Graeme decided to stop working as a joiner and to come into the business, to work from home. He slowly took over the mushroom side of things as Marie began growing micro greens; early-leaf herbs and vegetables which, again, are preferred by chefs. They grow 20 varieties of herbs and veggies and now sell to customers from Fiordland to the Far North, plus to a ‘scattering’ of other places around the country and including the markets. They also sell ‘a few’ sprouts and mushroom compost. If they have to use a spray, it’s non-toxic. This couple say if they’ve achieved anything it‘s to educate the public into eating oyster mushrooms, particularly the older generation who perhaps were used just to the button variety. And to eat fresh. It seems to be working. Considering how light each mushroom is it’s staggering to learn that Mighty Mushrooms today produce 150kg per month. The market gap is being well and truly filled.

Judging date for entries is Sunday 7 October 2014 Rules: Must be grown by entrant. Entrants 17 years old or younger. Must be present at Sunday 7 October market.

Entry Form Name

Prizes: Heaviest cabbage - $100 Largest potato - $100 Weirdest potato - $50 Largest carrot - $50 Weirdest carrot - $50 Best looking bunch of carrots - $50

Age Address Mobile ph. number

Bring completed entry form with your potato or carrot to the market between 9am and 10am. Finalists will be announced at 11am.

Kerikeri - Every Sunday 8.00am - noon Post Office Carpark Paihia - Every Thursday 2.00pm - 5.30pm at The Village Green

Dr. Brian V. Lonsdale Please visit our website for growing tips and to download entry-forms.

394 Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri Phone: 09 4077 722

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BOWLING FOR KERIKERI park, the prospects for Waipapa are looking strong.” The anticipated time line will see the footings down this month and the bowling alley is expected to open in January 2015. It will be called Phat Choppies named by Bradley, the 16-year-old son of the Greenwood family, and yes, there’s another story in that name.

KERIKERI CARS LTD SALES 09 407 1456 SERVICE 09 407 9252 AFTER HOURS 09 407 8857 1986 SH 10, Waipapa - Opp. The Warehouse

Artist Impression of the new Klinac Lane development.


ot everyone wakes up in the morning and decides to create a bowling alley, a laser strike facility, a café, bar and restaurant and nine retail shops. But Gary Greenwood from Kerikeri says he likes a challenge. It sounds like a vast understatement even if he comes with project development experience and, as he was about to discover when formulating plans for the Waipapa development, he still had things to learn. The first and arguably the harshest lesson was that the Far North District Council were sticklers for bureaucratic rules and regulations with one Councillor going as far as saying she thought a bowling alley was ‘too soon’ for Kerikeri. “Council said we needed to have 160 car park spaces which is 60 more than was there,” says Gary Greenwood. “And they wanted $5,000 per car park to make it happen. That’s $350,000 over and above the development fees. I felt like it was blackmail and they killed it.” That was six years ago. With Council under new management and the acting CEO publicly stating he wants Council to be ‘business-friendly’ have things changed? Mr Greenwood arranged a meeting with Mayor John Carter, CEO

Colin Dale and Councillor Di Maxwell. They were keen for him to proceed and while there was talk of a flexible approach to the granting of various permissions, in reality Council couldn’t readily comply with some requests. It stymied progress for a while but at least this time the project has been allowed to move forward. Next up was a round table meeting with five of the Council team and The Klinac Lane development is back on track. The land has been purchased from Auckland property developers, plans have been drawn up and the colour scheme has been chosen.

majority of the building materials will be supplied by Bunnings. Harcourts in Kerikeri have been chosen to market for prospective tenants for the ground floor. The commercial agent handling that is Hayden Clarke who says the calibre of existing tenants will generate confidence in the development over the coming years. “With Mitre 10 still retaining 8,980 square metres of land across the car

In the meantime Gary Greenwood is out shopping for fittings and believe it or not one can buy a bowling alley almost off the shelf. He visited most of the bowling alleys in Auckland before choosing the Brunswick pack – which is essentially a turn-key supply. He says laser strike equipment is a bit harder to choose because there are so many options and the hardest of all to pick is the style of the children’s play area. He has yet to make that decision although whatever he chooses he says must be ‘homely and comfortable’. A café tenant has already been signed and the


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Blah Blah Chit Chat!

John Booker from Whitianga. The winner of the first ever Mitre 10 Bath Tub Classic in Paihia.

Old soldiers remember the fallen – Kerikeri Anzac Day parade at the RSA.

Cam Colkoen (left) ParaAthlete and ambassador for YES (Youth Enterprise Scheme) with Gary Larkin at the Northland Youth Development Trust gathering in Kerikeri

The Pear Tree what’s happening Every Wednesday Night – It’s Hump Day! Live Music 6.30 - 9, JPG or Scarlet Fever, Drink Specials, Sharing Platters, Homemade Ribs! Celebrate the End of the Week - Every Friday – Happy Hour Live Music 5.30 - 7.30, Drink Specials and Complimentary Nibbles 5 - 7 Brunch is served every Saturday and Sunday 10 – 2

5th July – Irish Night – All things Irish! Music, food and drinks! WINTER OPENING HOURS; Wednesday – Sunday Tea, Coffee & Cakes 10am – 5pm Lunch 11am – 2pm

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he Russell Birdman Festival is in its eighth quirky year and is now recognized as the largest winter festival in Northland.

Those originally involved include Toni Ball, Bridget Hughes (now Chair of the Birdman Charitable Trust), Peter Stuart, Gary Hoosen and Pania Sigley

The main Birdman event sees adults leaping from the wharf with bird-like grace and poise dressed as Elvis Presley or a Can of Baked Beans. Or anything really. And several other unique-to-Russell events have become part of the draw of this three-day festival.

Local business people were drawn in to generate support and a date was set for mid-winter 2006. Flyers and posters were issued, prizes were allocated and volunteers roped in to help and with only a week to go, there was one solitary entry.

The Drag Race – men dressed as women with handbags at fifty paces to tackle an assault course - is pure spectator enjoyment on The Strand and has become as popular as flying off the wharf. There’s a spaghetti eating challenge and a mini Ironman along the way and this year sees the introduction of a street party on the Friday night of the Drag Race. How on earth did it all begin? “The idea was to have some fun in winter and generate some business during the quietest time of the year,” says Phil Ball, one of the original organizers. “We threw the idea around and nurtured it over a week or so until it took hold. Then, at the end of the wharf and with arms waving drawing imaginary scenes, the idea well and truly blossomed.” “Within a day we had gone from convincing a few local characters to jump off the wharf to a week long winter festival!”

“Pressure was applied to family, friends and any other likely candidates and Russell being Russell, on the day before the event we had an incredible twenty-one entries!” Russell Birdman is now a registered trust funding a scholarships to Russell Primary School and in 2013 the festival became a three-day event attracting around 5,000 spectators. Kind weather has contributed to the success of the Birdman Festival and now, eight years after the first event, Birdman pumps as much business into the town as a busy summer weekend. Blah Blah Marketing became involved a few years back and have marketed the event in Auckland and elsewhere by encouraging visitors to make a holiday of the multi day festival. There are plans to orchestrate a national competition (Queenstown and Auckland both have birdman festivals) and perhaps to ultimately tie in Russell Birdman to Bognor Regis in the UK for a truly international fly off.


1st July – Short film festival: a variety of historical movies about Waitangi and the Bay of Islands 6.00pm – 8.30pm.

Every Wednesday! – The Pear Tree – Hump Day fun! Live music & ribs on the menu!

3rd July – Last film of the Short film festival 6.00pm – 8.30pm.

Every Friday – The Pear Tree – Happy Hour, live Music 5.30pm – 7.30pm drink, food specials 5pm – 7pm

5th July – Cultural Performance at the carved meeting house Star gazing 5.30pm – 8.30pm

20th June – Smokefree Rockquest Far North Final – 7pm The Turner Centre

5th July – The Pear Tree – Irish Night – All things Irish! Music, food and drinks!

22nd June – Newmans Engineering Baylys – Dargaville Run Walk Series 6.8 km or 12km

11th, 12th and 13th July– Russell Birdman Festival - fantastic, free family fun action packed event with activities for all ages over 3 days in the school holidays cut out and save the program on this page!

28th June – 6th July Waitangi Treaty Grounds Matariki Festival – 28th June – Family Kite Day at the Waitangi Sports Field. 10am – 8.30pm Cultural Performance at the carved meeting house. Star gazing, weather depending. Short film festival: a variety of historical movies about Waitangi and the Bay of Islands 29th June – Cultural Performance at the carved meeting house Star gazing: learn more about the Pleiades. Weather depending 5.30pm – 8.30pm


July 11th, 12th& 13th – Russell Birdman Festival Can you build a flying machine? Are you creative and crafty? Do you like to perform? $’s and other prizes up for grabs for different category winners. Enter now only $30 (earlybird!)

FESTIVAL 11, 1 2, 1 3




Midday The Northland Age Mural Painting 1.30pm The Duke of Marlborough Kids Mini Ironman 4.30pm do.Ltd Kids Fancy Dress Competition – new this year! 5pm The Drag Race, The Strand 4.30pm – 9pm The Russell Street Party, The Strand – new this year!

Saturday All Day - Market Stalls – Music – Entertainment 09.30 to 13.30 Kids Zone Memorial Hall 9.30am – Russell Four Square Beach Dig 10.30 Dinghy Races with the Russell Boat Club 10.30am Waterfront Café’s Eggstravaganza 10.30 & 11.30 & 12.30pm The Wharf Restaurant Wok Cook Off 11.00 Bay Four Square Spaghetti Eating 1.30pm Birdman Contestants Parade 2pm The Russell Birdman Jump 3.30pm Singing Pirates Captain Festus McBoyle, Sir William and Ida Crumpet - main stage 4.45pm Birdman prize giving at The Duke of Marlborough Tavern 7pm Elvis Ball at The Duke of Marlborough Tavern

Sunday 10am Sally’s Restaurant Cake Baking and Decorating 10.30am Sally’s Restaurant Musical Chair Madness 11.30am The Great Russell Race sponsored by R.Tucker Thompson and Pompallier Mission 1pm – Kids Fishing Competition – sponsored by Belfast Boat Charters and Russell Info Centre – new this year!

Japanese tv presented Ayako Imoto bolts down the wharf as a flying Ninja.

Russell’s Tim Grant (Flaxman) was named crowd favourite 2013. Photos: Peter de Graaf

Project Island Song “Fly My Pretties” – Fri - Sat - Sun - it is just a matter of finding our birds dotted around businesses in Russell! Fun for all ages! For Full Details on the Programme visit


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orthTec’s Foundation Studies and Horticulture courses are an opportunity to study close to home. They are designed to prepare for further study and judging from the feedback, are proving popular.

Students can choose from Foundation Studies at Levels 2-4 in Whangarei, Kaitaia and Kerikeri (Level 3 only). Since the primary sector is one of Northland’s largest employers, horticulture study is available to diploma level at NorthTec through a partnership with Lincoln University. The Diploma in Horticulture (Lincoln University) is offered in Kerikeri with part time and full time study options. Two women who have recently completed courses relate their story:

Melanie Russell - Horticulture “I’ve gone from nails and heels to muck and gumboots. I love the physicality of horticulture. My tension and stress have gone.” Melanie had been book keeping in a corporate environment for years. “But I’m a farm girl. I wanted to get back to my roots. I came north because my then five year old daughter was here for Christmas with her grandparents and wouldn’t come home!”

really enjoying it and find it quite easy. My son has just started college so I feel I’m learning alongside him. Balancing class time, home study, and four children is a challenge but the youngest has just started school so I can go to the gym in the mornings now.” Sonja has set physical challenges to match her new study habits. “Last year I completed the 160km Taupo cycle challenge and a week later completed a half ironman A.K.A. Ironmaori. Doing these challenges helped me to get my confidence up and get to where I am now.”

Enrol now for July


Do you want to study but need to combine your le learning with other commitments? Then study close to home at one of our friendly regional campuses or learning centres in Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Keri Kerikeri or Räwene. Stay near to whänau and get all the support you need to succeed. You can learn from tutors who are leaders in their fields and embark on a new career or create employment opportunities for yourself without leaving the north.

“Having to speak up in the course has been a challenge for me because I like to hide behind others. As a result though, I am a lot more self assured.”

Courses oon offer in your area for July 2014 include: • Agriculture • Business Administration and Computing • Business Management • Elementary Construction • Enviornmental Studies • First Line Management • Forestry ENROL NOW • Foundation Studies for JULY • Health and Safety • Horticulture • Mäori Arts • Mental Health & Addictions • Professional Hunting and Pest Control • Sport & Recreation • Sustainable Rural Development • Youth Guarantee

“The tutor is a brilliant role model and leader. She listens, pays attention, is supportive, and is one of the team.” “I want to work in either a nursery or garden to get more experience when I finish, and maybe later study landscaping. Ultimately doing horticulture is a lifestyle thing for me. I want to provide good organic food for my family and live in a natural environment.”

Sonja Holloway - Foundation Studies “I did well at school then had children so was a long time out of study. Last year I decided I wanted something more for my future options than just working at a supermarket. I didn’t want to fail by aiming too high so this foundation course is perfect because it’s helping me recover study skills I had forgotten.” “I’m shocked at how well I am doing! I’m

“I’ll probably go on to study applied science or environmental science. My dream is to be a micro-biologist.”

Join us at NorthTec

“Horticulture level 2 was my entry point and my plant passion has grown from there. I’m surprised how physically capable I still am.” “We all muck in together – literally. We have a great group of people aged from 21 to 54. I’m in the nursery strand so we get the advantages of being out in nature but with a glasshouse to tuck into in bad weather. The downside is the paperwork.”

“I wasn’t confident at school. When I passed my first exam I could start to believe in myself and build confidence. Being part of the NorthTec class is also helping. It’s a cool group with a family feel. I notice the older ones who have been away from study are more motivated than the young ones.”

Enquire about Student Loans and Scholarships

Freephone 0800 162 100 For more detailed information visit: Refer to our website for terms and conditions

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