Macee Latimer
acee Latimer is in her first year of Whangarei A&P Society’s Farm Intern Programme. She is
enjoying connecting a love of farming with her education and is planning to take over the family dairy farm one day. Macee’s best friend on farm is her dog Digger, who is busy learning to be
What is your favourite thing about
job. And it doesn’t matter if you didn’t
a top-class farm dog! Macee is proud
living and working on farm? On my
grow up on a farm, there are people
to be living and working on farm in Northland while completing her Level 3
farm the owners are really cool. When I have made the odd mistake, they
doing the course that don’t have any experience. I really love going to class
NZ Certificate in Agriculture.
always say mistakes are part of the
too at the start the week, networking
learning journey. I also love cows, well
with all the other likeminded students.
How did you find out about the intern programme? I connected with the
animals of all kinds and I REALLY like
programme in several different ways. I first heard about it because my friend
driving tractors. What is the most important thing
home? Living away from home did feel a bit strange at first, but it has been
How have you found moving out of
Tamsin started last year and loved
you have learnt so far this year? I have
good to get some independence and
it. Then I saw the A&P Society at the
learnt that the best way to learn is to
learn some new skills.
Northland Field Days and had a good
give everything a go and to always ask
chat with our course coordinator where I thought yes this is for me!
lots of questions. Would you
Why did you want to get your Level 3
recommend the
in Ag? I’ve never wanted to do anything
programme to
but farming, so I thought this would be a
others? Yes
good place to start. I really liked the idea of being on farm and learning on the
definitely. If farming is what you want
job. I was already doing Ag at school,
to do, follow your
well Primary Industries, which gave me
dreams and sign
some good basic knowledge and I grew
up! This is a great
up on a dairy farm, so I’ve been farming my whole life.
way to get into farming while learning on the
And finally, tell us about your dog Digger! He is very cute but a bit of a menace! Great for us to be learning on the job together
for study? Apply for Whangarei A&P Society’s agricultural scholarship
Whangarei – Barge Showgrounds Event Centre
Far North - Pamu Farms Kapiro Station
barking at the cows to help move them along and he loves running alongside the quad when we’re off on a farm job. education/our-scholarship
The Find Your Future Expo is an interactive career expo that allows students to explore career possibilities in Northland’s professional primary industries.
though! He’s just started
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