decoratingneeds underone roof
ock in amazing show-only deals, sample delicioustreatsandgetsomedesign inspirationat theNorthlandHome &Lifestyle Show,returningtoWhangarei’sMcKay StadiumfromFriday30September toSunday2 October. With130companiesinvolved,thisisa shownottobemissed!
ReneeMurrayfromNZMEEvents,organiserof theshow,says“Weare sopleasedtobebackin Whangareiwiththebestbusinessesfromallover NewZealandexhibitingbesidethebestofourlocal Northlandcompanies.Comealongandsupport greatkiwibusinessesandseewhat’sonofferfrom ColthurstFlooring,ASB,Resene,SilverSpas,Millen MasterBathrooms,HelloFresh,Batch10,Oxleys Furniture,InnovativeInteriorsandsomanymore.”
Areyou renovating?Building?Decorating?Or simplyshoppingforthehome?Whateverstage youareat,theHome &LifestyleShowisyour eventoftheyear.Withexpertsonsitetodiscuss yourindividualneedsyoucanspeakdirectlytothe peopleyouneedto –bookinquotes,lookatnew
housedesigns,askquestions,feelfabrics,compare prices,takehomesamplesandbeinspiredwith newideas.Manyexhibitorshavespecialshow-only specialsandsomenationalcompaniescanonlybe seenatthisshow.
Apopularpartoftheshowistheunique shoppingavailable,fromluxuryitemslikespapools andnewcars,tooutdoorfurniture,ornamentsand uniqueartwork.Understandingthatshoppingand planningcanbehardwork,therewillbeanarray ofgourmetfood,treatsandbeveragesonhand. Sampleeverythingfrombourbon,whiskyandgin, toboutiquecondimentsandsweettreats,andtake homewhatyoulove.
Dates:Fri30Sep –Sun 2Oct, Venue: McKayStadium,Whangarei
&Sat10am –5pm,Sun10am –4pm
Abouttotackle arenovation,DIYprojectorlookingfor somehomedécorinspiration? We’vegot yousortedwith over130companiesshowcasing everythingfromkitchens andbathrooms,toheatingandinsulation,artisanfood, lifestyleandhomewareproductsandmore.
Plus,don’tmisstheamazingshow-onlydeals acrossthe weekend!
Fri30Sep -Sun 2Oct McKayStadium,Whangarei Openinghours: Fri&Sat10am-5pm,Sun10am-4pm |Door Sales$5 2-FOR-1 TICKETSON Dealends29Sep! NORTHLAND HOMEAND LIFESTYLE SHOW2022: Allyourhome&
Tickets:DoorSales$5orget 2ticketsfor$
Whangarei’sPremier BATHROOMWARE SUPPLIER 137CameronSt,Whangarei • 0226543394 • 0226306241 Mon-Fri:8.30am-5pm;Sat:9am-12pmMasterBathroomWhangarei TOILET SUITE HEATEDTOWELRAILS SHOWER SHOW ET ITE TAPWARE BATHTUB LEDMIRROR Whetheryou’rebuilding, renovating orlookingforinnovativeideas,we inviteyoutochattoourfriendly teamattheNorthlandHomeShow. With alargerangeofbathroom essentialsavailableinourshowroom, wecansolveyourprojectsneeds! Tradersdiscountavailable -seeusatstall71 NoPower intreatmen Natures AcWve ‘Bio-system’ Odourless,quiet opera\on Extremely low maintenanceneeds Modular with lowsiteimpact FreeOnsiteAssessments AreYOU WanWng PowerFree Sewage Treatment? NZ’SLEADERSIN PowerFree SewageTreatment men d Seeusat Northland HomeShow Stand075 100%local andkiwiowned Rats &Mice •Ants •Spiders •Wasps •Borer •CarpetBeetle Flies •Cockroaches •Fleas •Bed Bugs •SilverFish •Mosquitoes COMMERCIAL Offices •Retail•LargeIndustrialPremises •Supermarkets Transport &Storage Warehouses •Hospitals •Pharmaceuticals Hotels/Motels/Lodges •FoodProcessingPremises Pubs,Bars &Restaurants •Schools •RetirementVillages One-offtreatments,annualpestcontrolorongoingmaintenanceprograms COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL | DOMESTIC SOLUTIONS THROUGHOUTNORTHLAND FREEPHONE: 0800262626 Mob: 0210718490 PEST CONTROL % pgr COMEVISITOURSHOWROOM COMEVISITOURSHOWROOMAT: AT: Unit30/50KioreroaRd,Whangarei|094300878 |094300878 •Laminate •NaturalStone •EngineeredStone •Porcelain SeeyouattheNorthlandHomeShow standnumber17 BespokeKitchenBenchtops Splashbacks,Landries, Vanities Wednesday,September28,2022 3
1EnviroproPest Management
3Jennian Homes
4Tevo Heater
5Avohaven Foods
7Filters and Fountains
8Northland Specialty Glass
10 OneRoof
12 Diamond Fusion
13 NZ Home Loans
14 Generation Homes
15 Trade Flooring NZ Ltd
16 Home Keri Keri
17 Norther nBenchtops
18 Integrated Electrical& Solar
19 Polished Concrete Ltd
20 DVS
23 Inkwell 4u /Miracle Whisk 4u
24 Nor man Kitchen Design
25 V-Revive
27 TherMac Limited
28 Colthurst Flooring
31 Design Builders
32 JD Landscape Architecture Limited
33 Wash Rite
34 Woll Cookware
35 Window Treatments
36 World Travellers Whangarei
38 Guthrie Bowron
39 Wave Refrigeration
42 TEBO Massage Chair
42 Bambillo Beds
44 Cambridge Homes 48 Argus Pest Control Limited
50 Resene 52 Prism Lighting 53 Fireand Emergency NZ
54 Bioptron 55 SCP
56 Casada Hilton II Massage Chair
58 Silver Spas 59 Zen-teQ Health Jewellery
60 Innovative Interiors
61 Studio YInterior Design
62 Hellofresh
64 Signature Homes
66 Harvey Fur nishings
67 Abode Evolutions Ltd
68 Stopdigging Northland Ltd
69 Blind Ideas
70 Fowler Homes
71 Millen Master Bathroom Ltd
73 MetroGlass
74 Eves Whangarei
75 WaterflowNZ Ltd
78 Wardrobe World 79 Flooring Design Ltd
80 The Outdoor Room Company 83 Northpest Limited 85 Batch 10
86 Inversion New Zealand Ltd
87 Edwards &Hardy 89 Oxleys Fur nitureNZ
91 DHS Construction
93 T8 Tree Services
94 HRV 96 Coastal Kinesiology
97 Generate Investment Holdings
98 Enjo 99 NZ Life Ltd
100 Natural Pest Control
101 DUZZ-ALL Beeswax 102 SnapHappyMarketing
103 Tullen Snips 103a Popped
Art1 Alan Squires Photography
Art2 Jo May Design
Art3 Sarahlee Studio
104 Fryair
106 Sarah Burrows Design
107 Make AW ish
108 GJ Gardner Homes
109 Beds 4U
110 ASB
111 Wild West WorcesterLtd
113 Genie in aJar
114 Solartive
115 EasyBuild
116 Tigerdrops Hemp CBG /CBD
118 Life Assure
119 Heart Foundation Lottery
121 Jardin Salon Fur niture
122 Canvasland
123 Pet Essentials
125 TuiChiropractic
126 Alpine Tubs
127 Smith &Sons
129 Norther nKitchens
130 Ther momix
131 PBS Advisers
133 Oh Bubbles
134 Adjusta Mattress NZ
138 Iron moa
139 Northland Treeworks
140 Winter Gardenz
141 Carpet Mill
144 LeisureTimeTours Ltd
145 Authentic Flavours
146 Davis Electrical &Solar Limited
147 Natasha Wheeler Artist
149 Classic Builders
151 Kawa Health
152 Harcourts Optimize Group
T01 JT Enterprises Limited
T02 Cannon Hill Gour met Foods
T03 Yummy Mummy’sCheesecakes
T04 Castle Rock Fine Foods
T05 Tamco Condiments Ltd
T06 Soultime Skin CareLtd
T07 Made with Love
T08 Sweet Temptations Northland
Cars Northland Autos
oo2 Karaage Chicken &Twistix
Outside1 The Kiwi Outdoor
Outside2 EuroCabinsNZ
Outside3 BackyardGames NZ Ltd
Outside4 Garden Friends
Outside5 Rapid Dry Towels Limited
Outside6 High VoltageCustom Metal Art
Rotary Rotary Club of Whangarei Sunrise
Truck1 Ugly Mug NZ
MARQUEE Site Plan and Exhibitor’slist correct at time of printing and may be subject to change MARQUEE
$»º¬JÈÖ›FÎ ôIºÎ¬ %Ö›o:Ö[¬oºEº »: R•)" (I›F»<Î Ö›F Õ»»ºÎ (((¶SpÃr%L"¶"œ¶$Á › rEFo[EF "»›FE›ÎÖ£»› › rEFo[E JEÖ£›sH [»»ÈI›s [»Î¬Î › $» "»ºº»ÎI»› › pIsJ Ö[»oΣ[s Eº:»ºfiÖ›[E › &»< %ÖI›¬E›Ö›[E › ÛJÖ›[EF qE[oºI¬Ò › qoάÖI›Ö\ÈE %Ö¬EºIÖÈÎ "»fiEÖ›F ÎEE oÎ Ö¬¬JE $»º¬JÈÖ›F p»fiE · &I:EάÒÈE qJ»< qE ¬ EG¬J 6 œ[¬ F›F ‡ %[ÍÖÒ q¬ÖFIofi AbodeEvolutionsLtd -YourLocalFlexiroofAgent Call Damon-02059001866 Stand #67 Comeandseemeatthe NorthlandHomeShow! 0211513121 GetitrighttheFIRSTtime,withprofessional advicefromaqualifiedInteriorDesigner andColourConsultant. YvetteisyourexperiencedandfriendlyInterior Designerwhowillguideyouthroughthe processandmakeitfunalongtheway! BUILDING? REDECORATING? OVERWHELMED? UNSUREWHERE TOSTART? HOMESHOWSPECIALS Keepyourhomecool VISITOUR STAND andbeinthedrawtowin either afreeheatpump (excludesinstallationcosts) or aDaikinairpurifier* . We arelocatedat: 4TotaraStreet,Dargaville P: 0800928733 M: 0274547722 E: Free measureandonsite quote. *Conditionsapply. 6 Wednesday,September28,2022
YEARS WINGUARANTEE DRATING 150K/HR BLOWOUTS NO PANEL QUALITYMATERIALS MADERESISTANT GREENHOUSES Affordable,award-winning,qualityGreenhouses,designedand manufacturedinNewZealandfortheconditions here.From backyardkitsetgreenhousestolargerarchitecturalgreenhouses, we have agreenhouse forevery gardenandlifestyleblock. WWW.WINTERGARDENZ.CO.NZ 0800946837 *8ftx8ftgreenhouseispictured 094388835 –32aCommerceStreet,Whangarei DiscoverPhoenix Food andNZ madetreatsfor yourpets,plusenterthe drawto win cool prizes! Visit us at the NorthlandHomeshow! Get yourpet’snametag updatedthankstothe Pet Essentialsengravingmachine!!! Visit World TravellersatStand 36 andGuess Where To WIN! Prizesupforgrabsincluding a$500.00 Travel Voucher... World TravellersWhangarei Areyour100%locallyownedandoperatedexperienced traveladvisorsandcruiseexpert. OurMulti Awardwinningteam, tailormakeyourtravel experiences nearorfarsoyoucantravelwithconfidence. OurupcominghostedVIPtriptoWOWhasonly 3SpacesLeft! Talktoyourlocaltravel advisorsonthedayor 0508200000 35RathboneStreet,Whangarei Fri30Sep -Sun 2Oct McKayStadium,Whangarei DOOR SALES $5 Wednesday,September28,2022 7
8 Wednesday,September28,2022 ONTHISWEEKEND! Abouttotacklea renovation,DIYprojectorlookingforsomehomedécorinspiration? We’vegot yousortedwith over130companiesshowcasing everythingfromkitchensandbathrooms, toheatingandinsulation,artisanfood,lifestyleandhomewareproductsandmuchmore. Plus,don’tmisstheamazingshow-onlydealsacrossthe weekend! Doorsales$5andkidsunder12are free. 30Sep -2 Oct |McKayStadium,Whangarei Openinghours: Fri&Sat10am -5pm,Sun10am -4pm 2-FOR-1 TICKETSON Dealends29Sep