4 minute read

Doyou continuously make choices that you know don’t serve your health?

Do you continuously make choices that you know don’t serve your health?

We all know someone who regularly complains to us about something and then does nothing to change it.


It can be frustratingtolisten to that person – or offer themadvice –andwatch as they continuetoengage in whatever it is that is causing them discomfort. While it may not be immediately obvioustous, we areall that person– inone way or another.

Froma daily chocolatefixtoescalating screen time,spending beyondour meansto havingporous boundaries –all of us do things that we know inour heart are notserving us.Yet, for variousreasons, many peoplefeelpowerless tochange these habits that detractfromtheir health and happiness.Lifeistoo busy, or the idea oflivingwithoutwhatever itis just feels unbearable, or making the change feels too hard. Soweputit off… until it becomes untenablefor us. And then, oftenwegosofar theother way that we can’t sustain whatever it is we change, and end upback where we startedfeeling defeated and ashamed.

Pausing to reflect on the habits and behavioursthat aren’t serving us is incredibly important. Otherwise, they can add up and takea significanttoll on our health. And when itcomestokicking them, theway to make the change stick, is to take small, incrementalsteps that feel manageable within your lifestyle. Many people alsorespondwelltochallenging themselvestoa break from whatever it is.

Takingfourtosixweeks away from something is sucha short period of time in the scheme ofyourverylong life.

If the idea of going without something for awhile or trying something new fillsyou withterror, that is wonderful fodderfor your growth. Through myworkovertheyears, I have mademany asuggestiontoclients that they trial an elimination period ofa substance I suspected may have been impacting on their healthina lousyway.Quite often theresponse was aflat out, “I couldn’t possibly!” If this feels relatable,I encourage youtobring curiosity tothe scenario andconsider what might be behind this strong emotionalresponseto takinga break from whatever it is. Sometimes, what we avoid with the greatestforce is what weneed most.

So, as we move into spring,consider: what habit or behaviour couldyou benefit from kicking?Whatever it is,I encourage youtotake stepstowards change soonerratherthanlater.

Feel like youcould do witha little support kicking the things outofyour life that really aren’t servingyou?Join the Bio Blends Kicktember challenge and we’ll helpyou to kick out the things that aredetracting fromyour health and happiness while ‘kicking in’ somegoodnesstotakeits place!For more info or to sign up, head to https://kicktember.co

It’s time to live your life, YOUR way.

“I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself.”

This is the #1regretpatients spoke of when sharing their final days with nurse Bronnie Ware. In her book TheTop 5 Regretsofthe Dying, she highlights that when peoplerealise that their life is almostover,it’s easytosee how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. She shares that most of us don’t honour halfofour dreams duetochoiceswe do or don’t make across our lifetime. Pheew, doesn’t that land like a tonneofbricks!

It's afactthat our time here on earth is finite,yet mostofus live as thoughwe’ve gotanother shot at it. We shy away fromgoing afterwhat we trulywant, making upreasonsfor why it’s notthe right timing, going through the motions and allowing ourfears to drive us to settlefor far less than what we’re capable or deservingof.

Fear that we’llfail and look silly.

Fear that we’llrock the boata littletoo much.

Fear that we’ll disappoint our loved ones, bosses, and ultimately ourselves.

Don’t let this beyou! It’s timetostart livingyour life YOURway,andtopursue what’s calling youforward whether it’s in yourcareer, yourrelationships, hobbies, or simply inreconnecting more deeply withyourself.

Spacesfor 1:1coaching have opened upfor the second partoftheyear, so this isyour invitation.Togetherwe'll... • Identify where youwanttodirect your energyand attentiontoward. • Work throughkey road blocks that areholdingyou back. • Setrealistic actions and daily habits that willget you moving. • And mostofall… ensure you’remore loyaltoyour dreams thanyourfears.

Jump onover to thewebsite – sarahtrass.com today, to book inyourcomplimentary consultation.

With love,

Sarah x

Sarah is an internationally certified Life and Wellness Coach, who supports you in rediscovering who you are and how to bring greater joy, health, and fulfillment to your life.

Step into the confident woman you know you can be

A woman who’s

• comfortable in her body, • no longer held back by the critical voice of shoulds, have tos, and musts, and • ready to trade in all the people pleasing and habits that burn you out, with ones that energise you and allow you to do more of what you love.

If you’re ready to rediscover that version of you, then it’s time to start life coaching with me.

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