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7 Laser HairRemoval Myths Busted

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Born of theearth

Laser Hair Removal Myths Busted

Laser hair removal is an effective way to move hair permanently from your body. It’s popular for a reason - it’s affordable, long-lasting and convenient!


Whetheryou're aseasonedveteran lookingtolaseryour nextarea, or you're acompletehairremoval newbie—we're debunking those laser hairremoval myths, as the Laserexperts. Didyou know that Caciwas one of the first clinicsto offer laser hairremoval—in theworld?

Don’t let amyth holdyou back! Here are 7 laser hairremoval myths debunked.

Myth 1: Laser Hairremoval willremovehair on the firsttreatment Generally, most peoplecan expect to seeresults within 1-2weeksfollowing their firsttreatment, as some hairs may begintofall out. However, it isreally afteryour second or third treatment you will likelystart toseeresults. Laser hair removal worksbytargeting the hairfollicles todelay further hair growth. Our lasers target multiple hairfolliclesata time, butyou may needa coupleof treatments to seea reduction in growth. Keep in mind that everybody is different andresults willvary. Ourteam will recommend the best treatment schedulefor you to treatyour hair in the Anagen 'growing' phasetoget the best results. While it may takea fewtreatments,results last longer than traditional hairremoval methods like shaving andwaxing, whichremovehair in one treatment but quickly growback.

Myth 2: Laser hairremoval is painful This myth isfalse- forthe mostpart, laser hair removal is notpainful.Mostpeople describe itas uncomfortablerather thanpainful, andwetake extra precautionstomake it as comfortable as possible. AtCaciweusea Diode Laser that has a cooling tiptoreduce uncomfortable sensations. AtCaciwepride ourselves on performing the treatments quickly and safely, so it is over in no time. All of ourRegistered Nurses and Skin Therapistsare qualifiedand trainedatour Caci Academy soyou canrestassured you’re in the hands of theexperts.

Myth 3: Laser hairremoval requires lotsof treatments Laser hair removalrequiresfewer treatments than your average annual waxing appointments!For best results,we recommend8 treatments, spaced5 to 6 weeks apart. This is because we know goodresults taketime.Plusit’simportant we treatyour hair when it’s in anagena.k.a its growth phase. We havea membershipcalledFreedom—it's just like agym membership, butfor working offthat unwantedhair!Our team will put togethera treatment schedule and payment plantoo,soyou canpay offyourtreatment where it is absorbedbythe pigment in the hair shaftandfollicle. Thisgenerates heat, which loosens the hair and disables thecells involved in growingyour hair. This is whywesee the best results with dark hair—as the treatment istargeting the pigment. Blonde,red and greyhairs aremore difficulttoremove. Some underlying medicalconditions or medications mayexcludeyou from treatment as they can make theresult hardertopredict.However,we recommendcoming infor afreeconsultation so wecan assessyour suitability. You may be able totreat some areas but not others depending on the hair pigment.

Myth 7: Laser Hairremoval is expensive Didyou know that shavingtakes approximately 10.9 minuteseach time, assumingyou shave three timesa week—that adds upto58.4 days of shaving! And thecost?Calculating the average price of shaving productslike disposablerazorsand shaving cream, that's approximately $10,207 spent on just shaving productsinyour life! Laser hairremoval can costaround less thana quarter of the price of what itwouldcosttoinvest inshaving productsover your lifetime. Not only are you saving financially butyou’ll have more time todo the thingsyou actuallywanttodo. Like not worrying aboutforgettingtoshave before headingtothe beach! Thecost of laser hair removal at Caci isbased on the areayou are lookingtotreat.Pricing beginsat$19 per week on ourFreedom Laser HairRemoval membership. Youcan choosetopay offyour treatmentover 11 months inweekly, fortnightly or monthly installments. Plusyou getthe exclusive member-only benefits too.

over 11 months in weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments. Plusyou getexclusive member-only benefits like free facials, product discountsand more!

Myth 4: Laser hairremoval isn’t safe This myth is alsofalse;laser hair removal is safewhen done in the clinic,by a professional. That’s why it’s importantto ensure you’retreated only by an experienced laserhairremoval technician.AtCaci our skin therapistsandregistered nurses are fully trainedsoyou canrestassured,you’re ingood hands. While there aresome risks, as with any treatment,wehaveprotocols in placetolook afteryou in theevent something may happen. Thisisveryunlikely as laser hair removal is usually safeand effective for most people. Thereare minimal side effectsthat you mayexperience aftertreatment such as skin irritation and redness. Thesesymptoms usually subside aftera fewdays. Ifyou have anyconcerns, youcan alwayscallyour clinic. They’re on handtohelp and supportyou throughout yourlaser journey.

Myth 5:You can’tget treatments during spring or summer Whileyou needtoavoid sunexposure before and after laser, treatments canhappen allyear round. Unfortunatelyyes,you needtoavoid tanning in the sun orfaketanning (including sunbeds and artificialtanning products), while you’rehaving laser hairremoval treatments. This is becausetanning darkens the skin, making it harderfor the lasertodistinguish between the pigment in the skin and the pigment inyour hair. The bottom line is it can disrupt your treatmentcycle and make yourresults less effective, so it’s best to avoid tanningfor the duration ofyour treatments. If you're ever unsure—askyour Caci Therapist!

Myth 6: Laser hairremoval works the same for all hair types The nature of laser hairremoval worksby passing light beams through the treatment area

Readytoenjoy being hair-free without the hassleofshaving andwaxing? Bookyour freeconsultation now to learn more about Freedom, our laser hairremoval membership, designedto getyou the best possible longlastingresults. Bookyour freeconsultationat Caci Whangārei today!

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