Savvy September 20202

Page 1


Wedding Guide and photo spread featuring your pics!

Northland family in China with shotgun wedding enroute to NZ The race to the altar before borders close


health, beauty, fashion, art, fishing, Go Local, home trends & lifestyle




See pages 29-40

SARAHLEE STUDIO FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 6 Gift dad priceless family portraits that he will cherish forever; an amazing experience full of fun and laughter and images that will capture those he loves most. For young/adult families and multiple generations. Every photo shoot with us includes; pre-shoot consultation, multiple looks, professional hair and make up, full posing direction, individual and group options, A La Carte, fine art quality products. Gift Vouchers Available.

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NZ FUDGE FARM FATHER'S DAY / MONTH Spoil Dad All September. Who said it should be only one day ….

The New Zealand Fudge Farm Shop 3, Town Basin, Whangarei Phone 09 438 3327 Open 7 Days


SAVVY WEDDING 4 - Shotgun covid wedding runaway kids,


contents Editor’s note

language barrier & two bags of rice 6 - Love & marriage not exclusive territory for young & beautiful 9 - Timeless tokens of love at Global Diamonds 10 - Our new norm 11 - Tips for flawless wedding shoe shopping 12 - Head to the Hair Station - a boutique at Maungatapere 13 - Introducing Hydradermabrasion at Caci 14 - Photo spread featuring your pics!


e had a big response to our callout for Covid weddings. It seems many of our local brides and grooms-to-be were affected.

15 - Looking for a romantic night away?

Numerous wedding celebrations have had to be postponed, just waiting it out for a future date to be set. Then there’s the couple in our photo spread (pg 14) whose family had flown over from Australia for their late-March wedding, only to be told they had to return three days before the wedding due to borders closing. The couple, having just emerged from camping in the bush to the news, then had two days to frantically bring their wedding forward a week. The downsized ceremony went ahead but not without its dramas and the newlyweds have rebooked to have their ‘proper’ wedding next year.


Our lead story this month features a Northland couple who fled their home in China with their three young children and one bag between them, thinking they’d wait out the pandemic for a few weeks. That was January; and then realising it would not be over in a hurry, they managed a most unusual and random shotgun wedding in Thailand before arriving to New Zealand in March. Not only are they settling into their new home in the Bay of Islands with their possessions still locked up on the other side of the world, they have started a new business. You can read their extraordinary story on pages 4 & 5.

15 - Weddings at The Kauri Museum in Matakohe 16 - Positivity, grit and a creative flair

17 - How to say NO and feel good about it BEAUTY Our second wedding story is about a couple who met and married later in life. Their heart-warming journey just goes to show that, as the bride Trish put it: ‘Love and marriage are not the exclusive territory of the young and beautiful.’ And their romance got off to quite the unique start when John walked into the ‘Grab a Granny’ night at their local pub; one of Trish’s make-or-break questions for John that night was did he have ‘dust bunnies’ under his bed… His answer sealed the deal and you can read their story on page 6.

18 - Innovation meets inspiration 19 - What is dermaneedling? HEALTH 20 - Living with low vision PETS 21 - Springtime with pets The mighty Kauri Coast 22 - Our vision for the future 23 - Saving Mangawhare Wharf 24 - Naturally historic

Speaking of dust, it’s spring cleaning time and, if you’re looking for a bit of motivation, tune into how our Mindful Home columnist Alex Badham is tackling hers on page 30.

26 - Fishing tips & tales

Have a great September.

30 - Your mindful home

28 - Hangar Frames and Gallery SAVVY HOMES 31 - Diaries of a new home build 32 - Women in Business - Philippa Laurenson 32 - Why faking it when it comes to interiors isn’t a bad thing 34 - Timeless kerb appeal without spending a fortune


Jodi Bryant –


Jan Hewitt –


Bryce Zhang

Cover Photo

Claire & Darren Pace, by Adrian Lee

36 - Sleep safely and soundly with the experts Published by NZME Northland, 88 Robert Street, Whangarei.

37 - Clutter, trendy grey walls and urns, the décor that could be ruining your life 37 - Here’s to healthy homes this spring

Considering upskilling or retraining? If you have not studied for a while, deciding what to study, where and how can be daunting. Our experienced team can provide you with unbiased expert advice on the many study options available based on your interests, your personal circumstances and your career goals. We can also help with job search tips, CVs, interviews and much more. Let us help you develop a study plan that is right for you and will get your career moving! SAVVY | 3

WEDDING On the way to get married the first time … only to find the registry office shut.

SHOTGUN COVID WEDDING runaway kids, language barrier & two bags of rice ittle did they know, they’d have a shotgun wedding in Thailand with a wedding party of strangers off


When Sara Smeath and fiancé Christopher Saunders fled a covidridden China with their three young children and only one bag between them, they thought they’d return in three weeks.

as it was affordable to fly to last-minute. Sara remembers passengers were spaced apart, masks were worn and, arriving at the deserted

China and cities and towns around them were being closed off to stop the spread.

airport, Thailand had already put temperature testing and sanitising stations in place.

other side of the world. “We were only intending to wait it out in

“Ambulances were turning up with people in hazmat suits taking sick people from nearby

Checking into a hotel, they put themselves into a 14-day isolation period while keeping

Thailand. The messages we were being told was that everything would go back to normal

buildings. There was no test back then so fevers, coughs etc were not to be treated

watch on the news as the virus began to evolve around the rest of the world.

after a few weeks,” explains Sara. Northland-raised Sara, 36, met Chris, 32,

by your local doctor and you had to go to a special clinic.

Within two days, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia had put a ban on people who

the street, before finding themselves back in New Zealand with all their possessions locked away in storage on the

in Australia, his home country, nine years ago before moving to China following Sara’s career as a fashion forecaster. Chris worked as a web developer and they had three girls, now five But early this year, the world around them began changing at a rapid pace. “In January, we were already in lockdown in China - sanitising, wearing masks and staying

Beautiful Gifts your friends and family will love


“We also learnt that if you were suspected of having the virus, you would be put in isolation. With three small children, we didn’t want to take the risk.” After discovering one of their children’s passports was due to expire, they booked flights and left almost overnight with only one bag between them. Almost half their expat friends also left and

had been in China for the past 14 days. “We had no intention to go back to New Zealand and didn’t worry about the 14-day rule as we would be in Thailand longer than 14 days,” Sara explains. But, as their third week in Thailand approached with the virus affecting more countries and further flights and restrictions put in place, they took another precautionary step.


41 Cameron St , Whangarei, 0220 09 946 4156

the couple decided to head to nearby Thailand

various places,” Sara recalls. Flights were being cancelled in and out of

and two-year-old twins.

66F Kerikeri Road Kerikeri, 0230 09 407 6076

home. Our social media was full of fun isolation videos and a mix of virus information from

20 Heuheu Street Taupo, 3330 07 378 3417



WEDDING “We could see that the world was moving quite fast and we could see that if you weren’t a New Zealand citizen you wouldn’t be getting back in so we decided to elope as a precaution to keeping us together; we have

“There were a couple of times where Chris and I looked at each other and said ‘Wow, we are married!’ … only to be handed another round of Thai papers to be filled out. We got shown to another room and asked to take a

two different passports in our family and we knew, at some point, foreigners would be stopped from entering countries.” What followed was a series of failed attempts at getting hitched - much like the

piece of paper out of a bowl. I gave the paper to the person and they clapped and cheered

series of proposal attempts years earlier, as Sara explains: “My favourite was in Monopoli, Italy where Chris’s plans of a romantic boat trip, greeted by a band at a look-out which was to be set

got asked to take a photo at their display with large certificates so, guessing these were our

up for his proposal, then dinner in an amazing cliff-face restaurant were all ruined due to a storm. He tried to pull together a completely different plan B last-minute; a roof-top proposal on top of an old church in such windy

They celebrated with a couple of beers and a bowl of chips for the kids as they climbed the

conditions that my dress blew up around my face as he proposed with our two-year-old. We were then met at the bottom of the building by a guy holding a guitar singing ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles - the only English song he knew.

tried to make it really special but it was literally us signing papers in another language and

“‘Yesterday, when all our troubles seemed so far away’ became our laughable theme song. We missed our dinner reservation due to a wild bush fire on the road to get there so ended up just eating at a cafe near our hotel.”

Following their ‘big day’, the ‘Corona Refugees’ as they called themselves, turned

Islands where Sara lived until winning the first

New Zealand), New Zealand was heading

their attention to their next destination. While Covid-19 cases weren’t improving in China, they planned to travel to South East Asia, until the

Hundertwasser art scholarship almost 17 years ago and consequently embarking on university. “We always wanted to come back to the

towards a lockdown. We had already experienced what was going to happen before and we bought the digital tools

Sara says that Chris, being a romantic, promised to ‘propose better next time’ - that coming two years later in China with perfection … until he forgot the ring. The final proposal was the morning of the

news that travel insurance wouldn’t cover virusrelated costs. This prompted the family to ‘cane

Bay of Islands. We bought a home here three years ago - we just didn’t foresee the return

businesses were going to need - contactless ordering systems, traceability, the ability

back to New Zealand’. By then it was March. “Non foreigners were still allowed to travel and coming back to New Zealand

so soon.” Sara says losing their jobs and belongings, which have subsequently been packed up and

to count and limit people in venues, online sales funnels etc.

‘wedding’ in Thailand, at breakfast with the kids. As for the recent wedding attempts, the first time, the family got dressed up and arrived at the registry office, only to find it closed due to a public holiday. The second,

was like walking into a different world,” Sara recalls. “There was no sanitiser, no masks no

stored in China, and starting again has been challenging. However, they have hit the ground

precautions coming in and definitely no need for our marriage license.” Having travelled via Singapore and

running and put their combined skills and experiences together to start up a business. “We had to quickly adjust to our new life

they arrived to a mass wedding of hundreds of couples getting married at the one place, to be told it wasn’t for foreigners. “We were about to give up and decided to try one more place. We walked right in and

Australia, upon arriving in New Zealand, the newly-weds decided to put themselves into

here. As we started our tourism software business Te Kaupapa (an app aimed at

isolation again before heading to the Bay of

maximising travellers’ cultural experience of

and handed me a couple of bags of rice and a bus-shaped money tin - our wedding gift. We still didn’t know if we were married. Then we

marriage certificates and we were now actually married, we took the photo and left with our rice and money tin.”

furniture around them. “It was such a non-event,” Sara laughingly reflects. “It was definitely not magical. We

running round on the street trying to find a wedding party and chasing after three runaway kids while washing hands constantly.”

The unexpected wedding: ‘Sleeping kids, messy hair and no idea what’s going on’.

more than ever, we see the need for what we have built.” Meanwhile, the couple are still planning on having a proper wedding and most of their friends and family are unaware they have already wed. “When we returned to New Zealand in March, it was like nothing was going on so, with that, we pretended the wedding never happened and hoped to have an actual

they started the paperwork. There were no words as they didn’t speak English and we spoke no Thai. It was just forms being filled out. Then they said: ‘Witness?’ so, we realised, ‘Oh, this is our wedding, it’s happening!’ and

celebration with friends and family. Until we get it formalised here, it’s not actually a legal document anyway. “We’ve always wanted to have a wedding in New Zealand and, now that we are based here,

raced out to the street to try and find someone. Then they said: ‘Translator?’ so, again, Chris ran out to find someone who spoke English and Thai.” There were no ‘I do’s’ - just a pile of paperwork and three bored kids fighting over an iPad, so the pair took turns taking them outside for walks while the other signed endless paperwork.

“We were lucky to have had our software company in the pipeline for a while. It’s just made us work faster to make it happen. Now,

it’s easier to organise. I’d like it to be at one of the wineries in the Bay of Islands with a little more extended family than just our kids,” she laughs. “Having our families together is more important than a perfect wedding to us. “It’s been a huge adjustment but we are happy to be healthy and we feel safe here.”

The official ‘just married’ photo

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WEDDING When John Pollard and his friend walked into the ‘Grab a Granny Night’ at the Poenamo Hotel and sat at a table reserved for Trish De Mars’ friends, she had three questions to ask; Marital status, star sign and were there dust bunnies under the bed.


not exclusive territory for young & beautiful BY JODI BRYANT

forr all types of weddings, from traditional to beach or garden. Quality brands Boston, John Lennon, Berlin and more Mon – Thurs 10.00 – 4.30 Fri 10.00 – 4.00 and Sat 9.00 – 12.00 2 Rust Ave, Whangarei

Ph 09 438 8135 • 6 | SAVVY

was me who approached them as I had three important questions to ask if they were going to sit at one of ‘our’ tables, where other girlfriends would soon be arriving.” After passing the test and exchanging numbers, John called Trish the next day and they went on their first proper date the following night. They have been together since. Within a year, they had moved in together, were working in business together and subsequently formed a band Back in Time together. “John was in a band at the time, which impressed me,” Trish explains. “I love music, but, apart from early childhood piano lessons, had never really pursued it. Fast-forward about

he latter, according to Trish, is a sign of poor housework, but all questions were answered adequately and, by the end of the night, the two had exchanged numbers. That was in 2002 when Trish was 51 and John 49 and, 17 years later, the couple have married in Whangarei but let’s rewind back on their journey. “It was Valentine's Day,” recalls Trish, now 69. “The night we met was commonly known as ‘Grab a Granny Night’ at the Poenamo Hotel in Northcote. They used to have a disco there on Thursday nights for over-40s, and it was a lot of fun, great music and good crowds. “John walked into the bar and I immediately liked what I saw. He and his pal came and sat at a table very near my friend Diane and me. It

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

WEDDING “It is the best social life ever, as we meet lots of other musos and, of course, the public, who come to dance when we play.” a year, and I bought a keyboard just for fun. John had left the band after relocating north of Auckland, but he still played every night, just for ourselves. “One day he said we ought to start our own band and I thought: ‘Not in a million years!’. I knew nothing, literally nothing. But I learned, and, before I knew it, we were playing in RSA clubs all over Auckland.” Trish describes their music as ‘old-school’ - a mix of classic songs from the 50s, 60s and 70s incorporating country, rock & roll, ballads, Latin and ballroom - with John the singer and rhythm guitarist and Trish performing the vocal harmony along with some back-up. The couple moved to Northland ten years ago and on Valentine’s Day 2019, Trish

John and Trish played for their friends and family on their wedding night.

proposed to John. “We’d both had a few health issues and I felt like we needed something positive to work on.” The pensioners, who had both been married – John once and Trish twice - planned

huge ham, scallops, mussel fritters and salads prepared by family. The initial entertainment was performed by their good friend John ‘Scratch’ Grey before

was always afraid that, if we didn't make this happen now, it would be someone's funeral before our respective sons and daughters, grandchildren and, in my case, great-

“It is the best social life ever, as we meet lots of other musos and, of course, the public, who come to dance when we play.” Adds Trish: “Love and marriage are not the

their October wedding on a limited budget but, with all hands on deck with families and friends, managed to pull off their dream wedding with 120 guests at Urquharts Bay. The dress was purchased online and Trish’s

John and Trish took to the stage which Trish describes as a ‘hoot’. “Most of our families had never heard us before. They are all scattered throughout the country and the wedding was a wonderful

grandchildren could meet. “Just having both our families in one place meant everything to me. It was fun, it was emotional, it was perfect for us.” These days, although retired, the couple

exclusive territory of the young and beautiful. I will be 70 in December, two months after our first wedding anniversary. John is now 68, and now that we are wed, I can't call him my toy-boy any more, but he really is the love of

hair and make-up was done by her niece and granddaughter. As well as a bbq, there was a

opportunity for our combined families to finally meet and get to know each other. I

lead a busy life, learning and practising new songs and regularly performing.

my life, and I am sure he would say the same about me.”

The Perfect

Wedding & Social Venue in Northland

Your wedding or special celebration will be a walk in the park at Barge Showground’s Events Centre ... located on 64 hectares of beautiful green surroundings, everything is easy for you... • You can choose your caterer ... • You can bring your own beverages ... • You can have different room sizes and set ups • All on the one level - it’s easy access for everyone! • One place for the ceremony, photos and reception – easy for you and your guests.

Want a wedding venue to fit your budget? Ask about our mid-week and winter special hire rates!

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BRIDAL and BALL Since founded in 2011 our one stop bridal shop has been offering our clients an affordable touch of class. Fully Kiwi owned and operated, we provide for brides on an under $1000 wedding dress budget.

We go to a lot of effort to source good quality gowns and accessories at the best prices possible, from reliable producers all over the world.

The selling price of all our wedding gowns ranges between $295 and $995 - and all gowns are available for hire too. Visit us in store to experience our best personal service and advice. 227 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany Village, North Shore, Auckland. (2 minutes drive from the WestďŹ eld Albany Mall)

0800 Bridal (0800 274325) • Store hours: Wednesday-Sunday 11.30am - 3.30pm No appointment necessary. No Fees charged to try on ball and wedding gowns. 8 | SAVVY


Timeless tokens of love at Global Diamonds

Love is always in the air at Global Diamonds in Whangarei. he locally owned and run Northland jewellery store creates timeless

our designs as they create such a bold impact. We have national and international jewel

tokens of love that they hope will become cherished family heirlooms.

sources that we buy directly from, which allows for a competitive price point when it comes to

With an on-site workshop, Global Diamonds invites clients to explore their cabinet

sourcing stones. Our name might be global and we have international sources of stones,

collections or delve into the world of bespoke and custom-designed jewellery. The options

but we are very much local.’’ Global Diamond’s jewellery is made with

are endless, but the helpful team will guide you through the design process, helping you

passion and finesse, you can see the attention to detail and feel the pride they take in all of

to select the stones, the perfect metal and the perfect style so your jewellery tells your story.

their creations.

Manager Christine Price says the team at Global Diamonds encourage clients to choose jewellery that really sings to them. “We want our clients to follow their heart rather than follow trends, so we have a variety of diamonds to suit different price ranges and we also get coloured stones featuring in a lot of

As head goldsmith for the business, Christine is part of the project through from start to finish and she loves to see clients’ eyes light up when the finished piece is revealed. “That’s the best part of the job, knowing we have created a little bit of happiness,’’ she says. “We get to know all our clients as we go through the process with them and by the time their individual piece is complete, we consider them part of our Global Diamonds family.” As well as creating new engagement and wedding rings, remaking and updating jewellery is also hugely popular. If someone wants their old gold in a new piece Christine can add it to the melt ensuring the sentimental

value is not lost. Global diamonds are very particular about that as there is a lot of emotion invested in jewellery. One recent design project was a novel way to revamp a wedding ring as a necklace framing stunning natural tourmaline and diamonds. Your jewellery from Global Diamonds will become a treasure that reminds you of your most special times with each and every glance of your hand. Remember your romantic engagement. Remember your gorgeous wedding day. These memories will last a lifetime and your jewellery will become a family heirloom, to be cherished and enjoyed by generations to come. Global Diamonds – They are your locallyowned handmade jewellery specialist.


big day Check out our exclusive collection ollection of engagement and a wedding rings in stunning styles, colours and finishes.

- Our friendly jewellers will personally guide you to the perfect ring! 12 Cameron St, Whangarei • 09 430 2375 SAVVY | 9



OCCASIONS Want to look elegant and graceful on your special day? Polwarth Design is your one stop destination for special occasions. The dress, the jacket, the fascinator, the shoes and the accessories all under ONE ROOF... Cheryl, Karen and the friendly team have a wealth of experience in dressing Mothers of the Bride – Whatever your style is Polwarth Design have you covered!


How global we have all become. Living at the bottom of the world has made us such a transient race, with family members residing all around the planet. ocking up for weddings and special occasions from these four corners was a norm that we just took for granted!! Until, unbelievably, thanks to Covid, everything ground to a screeching halt. We obediently did the time, paying the price. We queued, social distanced, worked from home, did multiple zoom meetings, even downed a few wines and, in the 102 days that followed, life appeared to be back on track as we rushed to make up for the lost opportunities. Wedding venues threw open their doors frantically rescheduling, event planners were back in action, full attention was finally placed on the event wear racks and the disappointment felt over dashed plans was being replaced by the excitement of new. In all of the flurry, within that small ‘new norm’ window, a much-awaited family event occurred: Cheryl’s son, Sam’s wedding. The venue, like many, had been booked a year earlier for August 8 at the Makoura Lodge in the Wairarapa, just one weekend before the next lockdown. How lucky were we? Ironically, after dressing Mother of the Bride’s for over 34 years, the wedding required Cheryl, Sam’s sister, his three young nieces and the old aunts to wear, along with the bride’s family, traditional Indian saris. Pinned pleated and ever so tightly tucked, in vibrant colours, the bridal party, mother of, and family looked magnificent in Apiti’s sevendegree temperatures.


Okara Shopping Centre Phone 09 438 9697 Open Weekdays 9.30am-5pm; Sat 9.30am-4pm


78 Victoria Street Phone 09 439 7341 Open Wed to Fri: 9.30am-5pm

www. ww w.po w. polw po lwarth lw thde th design de gn.c .co. o. nz Like us on 10 | SAVVY

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Karen Matich and Cheryl Polwart happily attended a traditional Indian-styled wedding

Sam and Verona’s wedding at Makoura Lodge was the first since March lockdown and the owners were excited, they had 34 bookings that would take them through a busy summer until April 2021. As we write this, they, along with every other venue, are missing the presence of over a third of New Zealand’s population with Northland stranded and Auckland out of the picture for the next few weeks. Had our wedding been a week later, it wouldn’t have happened, like so many others previously. We are so grateful we had that small window. Our world has changed. Eventing and management have changed, hospitality and tourism are fragile, retail is pending and future planning is unpredictable. What will the latest norm look like? Who knows? But one thing is for sure, every event, be it big or small, will not be taken for granted; it will be a precious occasion, a wonderful time to enjoy and celebrate with loads of laughter to create great memories. It may be our new norm for a while yet. Karen Matich & Cheryl Polwart, Polwarth Design




Santreno Shoes


flawless wedding Shoe Shopping


Should I buy my dream velvet fuchsia pumps (that will probably get destroyed in the sand), Mexican embroidered wedges, or basic nude heels I’m going to kick off anyway? hoosing a perfect wedding shoe isn’t an easy task, it is, after all, the make or break for

dress, which means that you might want to find a wedding shoe that complements your dress and style.

all-day comfort – you surely don’t want to deal with sore feet.

Look at the elements of your wedding dress. Is your dress adorned with classic lace or elegant rhinestone

1. Always Buy Early Don’t wait until the last minute to find your wedding shoe! Create a Pinterest board of wedding shoe styles that you


embroidery? Does it have little blue detail embroidery? Look for similar elements in your wedding shoe to complement your dress, so that it matches your style and taste. You wouldn’t want a total mix-match.

love so that you have that at the back of your mind as you try on wedding dresses. If you get them before your

5. Get Them Worn In

wedding dress fitting, you’ll be able to wear them to ensure they match your dress and the hem is right.

Try, try and try them again! Wear them around the house (preferably on a clean, indoor and carpeted surface in

2. Venue Considerations

case you need to return if needed) to test the comfort of the shoe. It’s also fun to wear them before your wedding

Are you having an outdoor wedding? Garden? Ballroom? Church? Beach? Think about where you’re having your

in the house so you can truly imagine how you’ll look on your big day!

wedding when you’re choosing your wedding shoe. Garden wedding brides might want to consider wearing

6. Re-Wearability vs One-Time Special

a comfortable wedding flat which works better for the garden terrain. If you love a good heel, a low heel would

Sentimental Wear Are you looking for a wedding shoe that is sentimental or

suit the uneven surface. Wherever you decide to have your wedding, always ensure that your shoe choice works well

one that can be re-worn? If you’re looking for something sentimental, then

with the location.

look for one that is special enough to be passed down as an heirloom. If you’re looking for practicality, then

3. Comfort Is Key Think about your everyday style. Are you someone who

focus your search on shoes that you can re-wear after your wedding day. Instead of an ivory number, look

loves the confidence of a 4-inch stiletto? Then keep to your style and wear a stiletto for your wedding. Just ensure

for a nude heel, or go bold with a black beauty. Also, consider wedding sandals or even flats. Not only are

that the heel you choose has extra padding so that you’re comfortable all day.

they comfortable, but the style is usually one you can re-wear many, many times!

If you are a woman who loves sneakers or sandals, then stick to a lower shoe height for your wedding. Testing

8. You’re Not Limited To One Wedding Shoe

a new height on your wedding day is not recommended as all eyes will be on you. If heels are important, consider

Finally, remember that it’s totally normal to have a pair for the ceremony and another for the reception. If brides

a low heel option so you still get the experience of a heel without the ambitious height.

are allowed to change wedding dresses, then the same thing applies to wedding shoes! If you want to wear a

Also, choose shoes that have natural materials such as genuine leather to allow for stretching and breathability.

heel during the ceremony, then consider a wedding flat for the dancing which is more comfortable. Also, your

Just remember to stay true to who you are.

wedding day is all about you! So you have every valid excuse and reason to splurge on new shoes.

4. Choose One That Complements Your Style You’ve probably put in a ton of effort to find the perfect

So there you have it! Enjoy the fun of the wedding shoe hunting process.

Sandi’s pick of the month




Don’t Forget To Show Dad Some Love!




Gorgeous heels by Marco Delassi. Featuring stylishly designed straps that hold the foot beautifully. Available in two colours – sparkly black and my favourite, glittery gold. Sandi from Santreno Shoes

Made in Italy

The Mall, 69 Cameron St, Whangarei, Ph 09 438 2224

Locally Owned & Operated SAVVY | 11

Head to the Hair Station - a boutique at Maungatapere

candles and boxes are displayed alongside bracelets and necklaces. “I am always keeping an eye out for beautiful things.’’ Jo uses her extensive experience in the hairdressing industry to choose the best hair care products, especially brands that feature natural ingredients and are paraben and sulphur free and vegan-friendly. The products are Italian and Australian and

ut for Jo Landman of Hair Station, it’s the perfect spot for her businesses which operate out of the old petrol station on the

are pump sprays rather than using any gases that might be bad for the environment.

corner of the dairy factory buildings.

building features to make an intimate space for

Owner of Hair Station - Jo Landman

her clients to enjoy. In the almost five years in residence, Jo has

Jo is helped by stylist Shayla de Buisson and aims to run a friendly salon and boutique

built up a strong following of loyal clients and business continues to grow.

where people can get their hair done and pop next door to the Country Living Boutique to find

“There are a lot of families out here now and not everyone wants to go to town. This is

stunning gifts and home décor items. Always keen on interior design, having her

very convenient for anyone living west of the city with easy parking and a café next door,’’

own boutique is a long-held passion and she loves to share the beautiful and exclusive items

Jo says.

that she finds from all over the world.

12 | SAVVY

Jo says her eclectic range is constantly changing so visitors will always find something different to buy. Vintage chairs and baskets, mirrors,

The old Maungatapere dairy factory might seem an unlikely base for a hairdressing salon and boutique shop.

“That’s why I’ve called it the Hair Station,’’ she says. She’s taken advantage of the original

As well as home décor items, she stocks clothing, hats, bags and scarves. “There are lots of great ideas for Christmas presents or birthdays,’’ she says.

Jo and senior stylist Shayla de Buisson are dedicated to run a friendly salon

Her partner, Bevan Hunt, helped with the salon and boutique’s rustic look by making all the furniture and shelving. Despite a long career in the hairdressing

All of the soaps are wrapped and facial and body lotions and balms are sold in glass

industry, with many well-known salons that she has owned and managed in Whangarei over the years, Jo is not about to slow down and

bottles. “I like the soaps to be protected from people

says the Maungatapere salon and boutique is her favourite venture of all.

picking them up and smelling them. And I try to be eco-friendly as much as possible for my clients’ health as well as my own.’’ Jo has made her mark of beauty on the settlement’s hub with a stunning wall mural commissioned from the neighbouring artist Spike, who operates an art gallery out of one of the other old factory buildings. Other businesses have been encouraged to enhance their facades with murals as well.

Hair Station Corner of Mangakahia Rd and SHW 14, Whangarei Tuesday-Wednesday 9am-5pm Thursday 9am – 8pm Friday 9am – 4pm Saturday-Monday closed Book now: 021 438 550

Introducing Hydradermabrasion at Caci

Let's be real, nothing beats glowing skin. It's a worldwide skin goal that many have been striving to achieve for generations. ut in all seriousness, glowing skin is the epitome of skin health. It symbols a healthy and clean base — meaning the outer layers of our skin are stoked to be here. It's like they're signalling to the outside world: hey

How does it work? What can you expect? Hydradermabrasion is the more hydrating, soothing sister to popular exfoliating treatment, Microdermabrasion. If you've experienced a Microdermabrasion before, then

there, I'm feeling myself today! The only thing that can make glowing skin

you'll have a fair idea of what to expect. But for the sake of 'dermabrasion' newbies, prepare

better is when it can be achieved in a mere 30 minutes. And while we don't want to mislead

for ultimate relaxation with a mini massage while the prepping solution does its thing.

you — as long-term skin health should be maintained with regular treatments to keep

Plus you'll enjoy a cool, soothing feeling as the detox serum penetrates the skin while

that glow — Caci’s newest skin conditioning treatment will leave your skin glowing in

the diamond tip exfoliates.

just half an hour. Say hello to the glow with Hydradermabrasion!

What does the Skinsmiths Detox Solution do?

Hydradermabrasion is one of Caci’s most nourishing skin treatments. It deeply cleanses,

It cleanses, exfoliates and clarifies the skin! Skinsmiths specifically created this

exfoliates, and stimulates the skin through with their active Skinsmiths detox solution,

bespoke solution that is gently pulsed through electroporation to deeply infuse:

electroporation, suction and a diamond exfoliating tip. Leaving you with healthier

• Green Tea Extract: packed full of antioxidants that work against the effects of

hydrated and glowing skin.

ageing • Aloe and Chamomile: soothes and calms

So, what are the benefits? Aside from walking away with glowing, clean skin

If it’s your first time visiting Caci, you can try a Hydradermabrasion for just $70 – this is usually $120.

irritation while the treatment exfoliates and removes dead skin cells

straight after treatment — you can expect to: • Clear congestion

• Hyaluronic Acid: hydrates the skin and draws in moisture

• Increase hydration • Boost cell turnover for healthier skin

The result? Your skin is hydrated and soothed while gentle exfoliation rids of excess

• Calm redness

skin, dirt and grime. When will I see results? Immediately! Great, right? You will notice that your skin feels clean, glowing and hydrated immediately after treatment. Longer term results like less congestion and redness can take a few weeks. How do I know it's right for me? This treatment is generally suitable for all skin types! Book a free consultation to chat to one of Caci’s skin experts, who will be able to advise if Hydradermabrasion is right for you. Give the team in Whangarei a call on 0800 458 458 or visit to get yourself booked in.

SAVVY | 13


Chloe & Aaron Baker Venue: Copthorne Waitangi | Date: March 14, 2020 Photographer: Haley Adele Photography “Our day was absolutely perfect. It was so special sharing the day with our three children. Also, we now feel so lucky to have had our special day as, if it were the weekend after, it would not have been, due to Covid!”

Lisa & Shayne Lipsham Venue: Leigh Central | Date: March 22, 2020 Photographer: Jessica Jellick Photography

You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry someone you cannot live without.

“We were to get married on March 28, 2020. We had family (mum, stepdad and aunty) rush over to New Zealand from Australia due to the borders closing. A week before we were due to get married our family found out they had to return home three days before our wedding. Stressed out having just returned from camp in the middle of the bush, we had two days to bring our wedding forward a week to the Sunday. Our venue let us use their lawn, our celebrant ended up sick the night before so had to ask a friend and we had our cake and mini reception at the Sawmill Cafe with 25 of our closest family members and friends, including our Australian family who made it in time. We have rebooked our proper wedding next year in December. Hopefully the borders open so the rest of our Australian family, including our dads and brother and sister, can make it.”

Claire & Darren Pace Venue: Tuscany, Italy Photographer: Adrian Lee “Claire and I got married in a little village called Certaldo Alto in Tuscany, Italy. You had to get to the village by a cable car. The ceremony was a civil one and was held in the medieval town hall. After the ceremony we treated all of our guests to Gelato in the town square. The reception was held in a private castle overlooking the rolling Tuscan hills.” Claire and Darren are also featured on this month's Savvy front

Laura & Zippy Stanners Venue: Barge Park, Whangarei | Date: April 6, 2019 Photographer: Shelley Buckton “We planned our wedding over months and it was everything we dreamed of and more. Our day was filled with so much laughter and happiness. We wanted our day to be about celebrating our love and being surrounded by all the people closest to us. For us, this meant lots of great food, live music and lots of dancing! We really appreciated all of the help that our friends and family put into the day to make it the best day of our lives.”

14 | SAVVY


Weddings at The Kauri Museum in Matakohe

Looking for a romantic night away?

Bringing together the past, present and future

at the Hall the bridal party has a number of different options for photographs to remember the day. Totara House, an 1896 kauri villa, has

The Kauri Museum, and Matakohe, has

all the charm of the era and has been used for wedding photographs, taken in the house

milk and fresh herbs supplied) and a king-sized bed with a fantastic outlook

some very special treasures that will ensure your wedding day is unique.

and garden, by generations of the Smith family. Alternatively, you might like to have photographs

across rolling farmland to the Poor Knights Islands. Serviced by a modern bathroom,

Perched on the edge of the mighty Kaipara Harbour, Matakohe has brilliant

taken in The Kauri Museum itself. The fabulous kauri gum room, and the sweeping staircase

the tent extends out to a spacious covered deck and BBQ. Here you can enjoy a soak

views and all the facilities you will need for a successful day. Let’s start with the churches:

in the Volunteers Hall provide the perfect backdrop for you to create memories to share

in the outdoor bath while gazing at the spectacular sea views.

Matakohe has two; the Matakohe Pioneer Church built in 1867 and Coates Memorial

with friends and family. You might also wish to provide your guests

manuka forest and rolling farmland on the Tutukaka Coast, this new glamping site

Take a relaxing holiday at the gateway to many local attractions including coastal

Church built in 1950. Each offers a different atmosphere, but both are brilliant venues.

with unique kauri favours. The Kauri Museum can offer a range of kauri-themed products

on Tawapou Farm offers an outstanding location for couples seeking a luxurious escape with

walks, swimming, surfing, fishing, diving and golf – all within a short radius. Licensed

The Pioneer Church accommodates 70 within its beautiful glowing kauri walls. The

through their retail store. Matakohe has on offer plenty of local

peace, tranquillity and extra comforts. Three hours north of Auckland and just a

restaurants, cafes, gyms and boutique shops are minutes away, creating the

Coates Memorial Church speaks to a more contemporary aesthetic and can seat 120.

accommodation ranging from Bed & Breakfast to self-contained cabins in the local campground.

35-minute drive from Whangarei, Matapouri Glamping provides all the thrills of camping, but

perfect romantic holiday destination.

If you choose not to get married in a church, the award-winning heritage rose gardens are

The Museum heritage precinct provides the perfect Northland location for your wedding.

a wonderful alternative. The Matakohe Hall, which adjoins The

It will be a unique Kiwi experience bringing together the past, the present and your future.

Matapouri Glamping is just perfect for the new bride and groom. estled amid 120 hectares of lovely secluded native bush, revegetating

with none of the hassles. That’s exactly what glamping is all about – enjoy the simplicity of the great outdoors while being treated with hotellike hospitality and the creature comforts that you expect on holidays. Offering complete privacy with self checkin, your large safari tent is a delightful home away from home, with hot and cold running water, a fully-equipped kitchen (tea, coffee,

Priced from $290, Matapouri Glamping offers you the opportunity of a luxurious escape into the wilderness. Email: Phone: 027 344 3971 or visit for more information and booking.

Kauri Museum and is just across the road from the Pioneer Church, has a catering kitchen and capacity for your guests to enjoy a sumptuous wedding breakfast. You might choose from a range of local caterers or bring caterers in to prepare the feast. While your guests relax and share stories

Come and visit The Kauri Museum in Matakohe to explore the options. Contact: Dr Tracey Wedge Email: Phone: 09 4317417 or visit

Weddings at The Kauri Museum Bringing together the past, present and your future

Gift vouchers available

All you need for a romantic evening...

Priced from



Luxurious accommodation nestled amidst 120 hectares of lovely secluded native bush, outstanding views of the Poor Knights islands right here on the Tutukaka Coast Matapouri Glamping offers an outstanding location for couples seeking a luxurious escape with peace, tranquillity and extra comforts, featuring: •

Modern bathroom

King-sized bed with views of the Poor Knights Islands

Outdoor bath

Private covered deck and BBQ

Self Check-In ·

Visit The Kauri Museum to explore your options

Open daily: 9am – 5pm (Closed Christmas Day) • 5 Church Road, Matakohe, Northland 09 4317417 • •

SAVVY | 15


Positivity, grit and a creative flair – an owner’s guide to rolling with the punches Buying an existing business is always an exciting and daunting task – I was combining my love of interior design with my creative flair and becoming the owner of Cheers Party Hire. BY KYLIE SPRINGFORD was so pumped. This was late January and no one could have forecast what was on the horizon. Within just weeks of buying the business, a global pandemic was announced and we were headed for lockdown. Now I have never been one to duck for cover until the commotion died down – I am more of a scrappy, passionate fighter – and this fight would be no different. As soon as the lockdown was announced, I was faced with cancellations and postponements galore! But this made me want to do more, and do it well. You have to move with the waves, but buck against the trends –

16 | SAVVY

and I knew this could turn into a positive for me.

a new client, or chatting with someone about

those who had been financially affected, still

I spent time planning, thinking, creating new products for my business and figuring out how

weddings and events for 2021. Afternoons and evenings, fuelled by sweet treats, inspiration

had plenty of choice and could get what they wanted, and deserved.

to move forward in what was a stagnant and, at times, gloomy outlook. I prefer to add the rose-

would bloom and I would create great new packages, and ideas – like Party in a Box;

Where there is adversity, there is strength. I continued to network online, and grew my base

tinted glasses to life and was not going to lose my positivity now.

everything anyone needs for a party, a bridal shower, a baby shower and more – all in a box

of local contacts even more. I made bookings for the next wedding season – many of which

Not one day of lockdown went by when I wasn’t scheduling or making a ZOOM call to

for hire at a great price (and keeping it to 10 or under guests!). We created payment plans, so

are for under 100 people, “just in case”. I talked to people about vintage or whimsical theming; how to best work to a budget but make it look amazing; or calmed nervous brides ringing from afar for their much-hoped for wedding in our beautiful region for 2021. And I did it all with a smile. If it is one thing this pandemic has taught me, it’s that family and friends, and celebrating good times with great company, is just so important. Large events are off the calendar for now, but intimate, romantic weddings are back on the radar for many. Positivity just has to shine through, and for me, I am steaming ahead. Whangarei and Northland have an amazing business community, full of owner/ operators like myself, who are just doing the Kiwi thing – digging deep and keeping it moving. We appreciate your support. So, remember me, for events (big or small), for advice and for ideas. I am here for the long haul – pandemic or not!

How to say Health & Wellbeing NO and feel good about it


Sarah is an internationally-certified Health and Lifestyle Coach, passionate about helping you live your best life - a life that’s healthier, happier, and way more fulfilling.

ave you ever found yourself in a position where you said yes but internally your whole body was screaming ‘NO! Why the heck are you saying yes

right now!?’ I used to do this all the time. I’d say yes to: • Dinner parties, when all I felt like doing was going home

Is it because we don’t want to let others down? Do we have an innate need to be liked by everyone? Or is it that we want to prove we can do it all? For me it was a little bit of everything. But the huge ‘aha’ moment

to relax. • More work, when I’d already told myself I was going to

happened when I realised I was struggling to say no because I didn’t have clear boundaries around who I

commit to some hobbies. • Weekends with people I didn’t really enjoy spending time

was, and how I wanted to spend my time and energy. After this realisation I started exploring what my

with, and leave feeling strung out. Constantly saying yes when I didn’t mean it, lead me to compromise my own wellbeing and happiness for the sake of others, and it was exhausting. So, what is it about saying no, that we get caught up on?

boundaries could look like, and how to put them into action. I noticed a huge difference in the way I was being

I’ll help you reclaim your happiness, and discover how to live a more energised and fulfilling life. • Private Coaching • Group Coaching • Workshops & Events Once you have the clarity around what you want for your life, you can start creating it.

treated by others, and more importantly by myself. • I experienced greater amounts of energy. • I could quickly identify the relationships and situations that served me, and those that didn’t. • I no longer felt like a radio signal picking up on other's negative energy and drama, and • I experienced less self-doubt and second guessing. For me it became so much more than simply knowing when to say no. It became an exploration of what was truly important to me and my life, and how I wanted to live it. So, my invitation for you is this: where are you needing clearer boundaries, and how would this change your life for the better? With love, Sarah x

Needing more support and motivation to start living a life you truly love? Book your free 30-minute consultation with me today!

027 368 5969

Award Winning Clinic

Skin Health & Cosmetic Tattoo

Phone: 022 394 1184 | Email: | Address: 86 The Centre, Waipu Look us up on or follow us on Facebook & Instagram to see our latest work SAVVY | 17

Innovation meets inspiration


Dedicated to providing the highest quality hair products, Moroccanoil has grown into an iconic beauty brand in less than a decade.


oroccanoil began with the simple wish to share the transformative powers of the rejuvenating argan-oil infused formulas and adopted this tradition as the philosophy for the brand. All Moroccanoil products are infused with nourishing antioxidant-rich argan oil, offering a unique approach to hair care and styling for every hair type and need. Argan trees grow and tenaciously survive in semi-desert areas of the Mediterranean. The deep roots and small leaves of the argan tree allow it to resist arid winds and water loss, resulting in a nut with a unique oil profile. Vikki from Xtreme Shampoo Shop

Pure argan oil is a rare and precious oil that is harvested and extracted from the nut of the argan tree. For centuries, women across the Mediterranean have used argan oil in their beauty regimen for vibrant, healthy-looking skin and hair. Moroccanoil was inspired by the transformative power of argan oil. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this age-old beauty secret has many uses, helping to hydrate and soften your hair, face, body and nails. With its high content of antioxidants, essential fatty acids and Vitamin E, the benefits of argan oil naturally help revitalize skin, increase hair’s elasticity and consistently restore shine to dull, lifeless hair. It is a powerful antioxidant, UV-protector and freeradical neutralizer. Moroccanoil only sources the highest quality argan oil originating from argan trees grown in Morocco. The argan oil used in all the hair products are manufactured by a cold-press process. Continuing to be the leader in oil-infused hair products, Moroccanoil’s passion is to deliver argan oil-infused hair care, every day, with products that truly outshine the rest.

VIKKI’S PICK OF THE MONTH Pump Haircare now available at the Xtreme Shampoo Shop & Salon

As seen on social media, Pump is an Australian-made, plant and botanical-based, organic hair care range that actually works without the nasty ingredients. Sulphate free and paraben free. Curly girl approved.

Marriage Celebrant BEV WEBER Doubtless Bay, Northland



THE ORIGINAL IN OIL-INFUSED HAIRCARE Rediscover your hair’s natural beauty with the stunning haircare range from Moroccanoil – all infused with argan oil that instantly absorbs into hair to enhance manageability and shine without leaving residue.



Professional assistance and guidance, so that your special ceremony is everything you want This is your Special Day, your ceremony, and I would be delighted to help you make your wedding perfect and memorable.

A Moroccanoil Treatment Oil when you purchase any Moroccanoil product or book a salon service in September. *See in store for more details.

SHAMPOO SHOPPE Ph 09 438 1933

The Strand Arcade, Whangarei 18 | SAVVY

ber Bev We

Ph: 09 406 2088 Mob: 027 429 6100


What is

dermaneedling Skin specialist from Facedoctors Northland talks to Savvy readers about dermaneedling.


ermaneedling (also known as

Dermaneedling is a great treatment for

microneedling or collagen induction therapy) is a type of treatment that uses small needles to cause tiny

you if you have darker skin because it doesn’t involve peels or lasers, which can cause pigmentation issues. Treatments can be

punctures in the skin. These small contact points encourage the body to create a woundhealing response and renew the skin cells. As your skin repairs, the production of collagen

performed on the body as well as the face.

and elastin is triggered to give an almost immediate plumping effect. Dermaneedling creates micropore

Your dermaneedling consultation will be with a senior practitioner who will assess your condition and determine the most appropriate

openings within in the cell barrier to allow deep penetration of ingredients. This treatment should only be done in sterile environments. Not only is technique important, but it’s about

form of treatment. During your consultation, all your questions will be answered, your skin condition will be explained and personalised advice will be

quality of active ingredients At Facedoctors we offer all of the above in a pain-free solution with our staff being trained

given. If the practitioner decides your skin condition can be treated, the procedure inclinic will be carried out.


Two options on special

Its function is to improve texture of the

at Facedoctors Northland: • Dermaneedling with Vital P - Potent pigmentation stabilizer

surface of the skin, reduce wrinkles and increase hydration. • Patients can see 45 per cent reduction in

Great for age spots, melisma and post inflammatory pigmentation, this magic formulation uses multiple tyrosinase inhibitors as well as Vit B, E, C and retinol. Followed by

What to expect at your dermaneedling consultation

wrinkles at day 28 • 152 per cent increase in collagen 1 synthesis • 175 per cent increase in collagen 11

Red Light Therapy which stimulates collagen production and encourages healing of cells.

synthesis • 48 per cent MMP-9 inhibition Individual results will vary.

Dermaneedling with Vit W serum This treatment is ideal for correction of aging skin or a potent anti-aging solution.

This is followed by Red Light Therapy to promote healing and further collagen production.

As your skin repairs, the production of collagen and elastin is triggered to give an almost immediate plumping effect.

by our very own cosmetic doctor with 16 year’s international experience in advanced skincare. Benefits of dermaneedling Dermaneedling is most commonly used to treat the following skin conditions: • Dull skin: Rejuvenate tired and dull skin and combat the initial signs of ageing • Wrinkles: Fine lines and wrinkles on the face can be visibly reduced, as Dermaneedling triggers collagen production • Scarring: Scars from acne and Chicken Pox can be improved and an uneven texture can be smoothed out with Dermaneedling • Pigmentation: Can help to fade dark patches such as pigmentation due to sun damage or ageing.


Receive a FREE

Dermaneedling treatment When you prepay for 4 treatments for only $1400 • Look Younger • Improve Skin Tone • Reduce Fine Wrinkles • Reduce Acne Scars KERIKERI 3 Homestead Rd Ph 09 430 2201 • 021 385 186

WHANGAREI 8 Quality St Ph 09 430 2201 • 021 385 182

WARKWORTH 2 Kapanui St Ph 021 385 183 Follow us on instagram facedoctors_northland SAVVY | 19



Many people at some time in their life will experience a problem with their eyesight. If you start to notice your vision changing or you have any concerns about your eyesight, consult the Eye Centre PrimeCare.

What is low vision?

Managing your daily tasks

Low vision is sight loss, reduced vision or vision loss that cannot be corrected or improved by glasses, medicine or surgery and makes everyday tasks difficult.

1) Make things brighter and bigger •

If you have low vision, you may: • have difficulty reading and writing • have a loss of depth perception, making it difficult (for example) to identify if a step is high or low • have less contrast sensitivity, which


2) Re-organise •

Lighting If you have low vision, good lighting is really

Sit closer to the television, and at the front at concerts, presentations and performances. Many smartphones, tablets, e-readers and computers have

Eliminate hazards Make sure your home is safe. Secure mats and trip hazards. Make sure everything has a place, so you can easily find it.

important. Direct light on a task improves contrast. For reading, writing or other detailed tasks, use direct lighting from an

features that can increase text size and contrast. Some have a text-to-speech feature, allowing you to hear the text

Be organised Thinking ahead and being organised can make a big difference.

adjustable lamp positioned close by. Install extra lights over work surfaces.

spoken rather than read it, and most have back lighting. Use a photocopier to enlarge timetables, recipes, address books, menus, etc.

Use contrast

• Have designated spots for important items like your keys and wallet. • Keep work spaces clear. Have a place for everything, and put things back in

Strong contrasts can help you to see more easily. For example, pour coffee into white cups and put white plates on dark place

their place. Close cupboard doors and make sure floors remain clear. • Organise your fridge and pantry

• have problems seeing at distance, making it difficult to determine whether pedestrian crossing signals are on or off, or see street name signs

mats. Have a dark chopping board and a light one. Chop dark items (eg, meat) on the light board and light items (eg, onion) on the dark board. Contrast can be tactile

consistently, grouping similar foods together. • Before you travel, get any forms you’ll need (eg, departure cards or visa

• see spots that block your central vision, which make it hard to identify landmarks or notice obstacles

as well as visual. For example, you can use a rubber band to help you know the difference between similar containers, for

applications) and fill them out at home. • Ask your pharmacy about prepackaging medication into blister packs

• have a loss of visual field, which results in reduced peripheral vision; this makes it difficult to move around without bumping into things (such as coffee

example, shampoo and conditioner.

makes it hard to see a curb, steps, a hole in the pavement or pale or coloured print

tables or open cupboard doors) • not be able to see and identify faces, which can make communication more difficult.

with the right dose for the right time of the day. Also available are talking thermometers.

Control glare Wear sunglasses, or ones that fit over your glasses (fitovers) or clip-on sunglasses. A wide-brimmed hat or visor is another good way of controlling glare and light sensitivity.

3) Going out An important part of living with low vision is maintaining normal family/whānau, social,

Tinted glasses lens can help, particularly with glare from indoor lights.

leisure and work activity. When you go out, plan, and think ahead and allow plenty of time. Be prepared by visualising the route you will take and anticipating where you might

Some health conditions that may cause blindness do not have any symptoms early on, may only affect one eye and may not always be easily detectable except through an eye examination. Regular eye examinations are the best way to prevent a vision impairment. Have frequent eye examinations if you have a family history of eye disease or a medical condition such as diabetes or hypertension.

• Ophthalmic Eye Examinations


• Cataract Extraction and lens implant • Pterygium Excision plus conjunctive graft • Injection for wet age related Macular Degeneration • Glaucoma treatment


experience difficulties. Restaurants can send menus to you in advance, or you can look at them online before

Losing vision does not have to mean giving up your usual activities, but it can mean finding new ways of doing them.

• Cataract surgery Help is only a phone call away 0800 11 0030

you go.

More information and tips can be found on the Ministry of Health website.



David Dalziel and Andrew Watts Ph: 09-972 7022 12 Kensington Ave, Whangarei Fax: 09-972 7026 Email: Website:



Pets love springtime! There is no denying that everyone becomes instantly happier when spring rolls around.


e know that spring means warmer weather, more daylight and more time to spend with our families and pets! Spring is a dog’s best friend. It’s a great time for walking; there are smells all around, it’s a great time for playing fetch in the park or going to the beach… but maybe not for swimming just yet! Cats also love the spring time - their sun lounging hours dramatically increase, and the cat’s mortal enemy, the rain, has diminished and that means no more

hopping from dry ground to dry ground in case of wetting one’s paws. Cats are also avid explorers and spring brings more time for exploring before lounging. With the new changes of weather and humidity brings about other spring mainstays like the breeding season for cats, so if you have a kitten and haven’t had it spayed or neutered, then this is a time to make that booking with the vet. Also be aware that, with cats, the breeding season can be daunting to those cats who have had the appropriate de sexing, as this time brings tom cats out more, especially at night. This can be quite distressing for your house cat who is usually out at night so maybe keep them in at night if you are concerned that there may be tom cats in the area. Also, other things as a pet owner to look out for at this time is skin allergies and reactions, especially in dogs as they tend to come to the fore at this time of year.

SHAMPOO – Make sure you are using a dogspecific shampoo as human grade shampoo can cause allergic reactions. SPRING CLEANING – Spring cleaning is great but, if you are washing your pet's bedding, look at possibly using natural detergents. Also, cleaning is good as dust mites are another potential cause of skin reaction. FLY SPRAYS – Never spray when your pets are in the house and look at ingredients on them first.

POLLENS – Spring is a big time for pollen. Most pollen allergies appear like hay fever symptoms. PLANTS & GRASSES – Some dogs have reactions to certain types of grasses and plants so keep an eye on your pet when you’re out and check skin after walks etc. FLEAS – Fleas are something that we need to treat for consistently during the warmer times of the year. BEACHES – Some dogs can pick up rashes and itchy skin from being at the beach. Be sure to rinse your dog or wash them after a trip to the beach to lessen the chance of any itches. With any allergies, it is important to break the itch/scratch cycle. Dogs will quickly spread a rash over their bodies by the continual itching, licking and biting. To stop this, look at topical products that are designed to help with itches and rashes; there are many natural options on the market. If, however, you are really concerned, then contact your local vet!

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FOR THE FUTURE Dargaville is experiencing a renewed sense of invigoration to drive local growth.


ith new people moving in or returning and seeing the enormous potential we have locally, many are getting actively involved to be an integral part of our community. Key stakeholder groups are endeavouring to work more closely by increasingly collaborating on projects. The collective vision is to create a vibrant town that people are proud of. With this in mind, a more cohesive

with key community stakeholder groups, is developing an advisory panel to bring together further specialist skills and experience, to provide recommendations to the community on growing our local economy. • is a website developed by DCDB, it provides a centralised resource for all to utilise as well as a media tool to promote Dargaville,

approach is developing to strengthen business opportunities, community facilities, and quality of life. Below are some of the bigger projects involving collaborative community effort: • Kaipara District, Council, in consultation

attracting new residents and business interests. • The Dargaville Community Arts Centre and Muddy Waters Gallery in the historic Municipal Chambers and established by Dargaville Arts Association is developing

to provide a hub of artistic activity. • Sportsville brings together a number of sporting facilities in one location for improved accessibility and enjoyment. • A potential retirement village is being explored to address increasing demand from maturing population. • The Seed co-working space is now open to assist community organisations and business start-ups, providing a shared work space for all. With so many great projects on the go, we encourage you to keep a regular focus on our local media and enquire directly with a group that is of interest to you. Visit our Community Organisations page to get in touch with organisations that may interest you.

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We are very excited to bring you for the first time Exclusive designs to Snazzi Gifts our NEW LED 3D WARMERS. They go through 8 colour changes but can also be left on 1 colour These are New products to our range of warmers. We have many new exciting designs coming. The Scentchips melt in a little dish which sits on the top of the warmer

Snazzi Gifts For all your mystical needs and more See our website or instore for more choices 22 | SAVVY





MANGAWHARE WHARF Situated on the Wairoa River, at a distance of about 103 miles from Auckland, is the oldest established trading station in Hobson County.


angawhare wharf was built and used for river trading. It was also used by

the mill and steamships travelling to and from Auckland. It is steeped in the history of the area and is now in desperate need of restoration. Some of the history around this old wharf; Mangawhare is where the first policeman in New Zealand was killed. Police Officer Constable Neil McLeod became New Zealand's first serving officer to be shot and killed. This happened at the Mangawhare wharf, directly outside the hotel and the wharf was then owned by the hotel. McLeod wasn't even on duty; he was travelling on a steamboat 'Minnie Casey’ to Auckland with his family. A passenger named Henry Funcke was also supposed to be on the boat but was left on the wharf after a dispute over whether he could carry his rifle. Funcke was standing on the

wharf and fired his pistol at the vessel as it left, the bullet taking McLeod's life. To be part of this restoration to save this Wharf please contact John Hansen on 0212387869 Other recorded cases of interest to the community that occurred on Mangawhare Wharf: “While some cattle were being landed from a steamer at Mangawhare, a bull got loose, and wildly careered round the neighbourhood near the wharf, the light in the bar-room of the Mangawhare Hotel had attracted its attention”. Our Company Dargaville Rail and River now owns this piece of Dargaville history, the Mangawhare Wharf, and we are asking the public to rally around and help support the restoration of the wharf.


Dargaville Rail & River Ltd Come and join us on an amazing journey through country side on our guided self drive rail cars through places only accessible on the old Dargaville branch line, We cross farm land, through road tunnels and over rail bridges and now running through to Waiotira a 100k return trip

Phone 021 238 7869


Booking is essential SAVVY | 23

THE MIGHTY KAURI COAST Northland is a place where twin coasts become one, where two seas meet and where countless expressions of nature’s versatility almost beg for discovery.


oth coasts offer much of the unspoilt natural beauty for which New Zealand is

famous, but in addition, each coastline has a diverse but complementary aspect, making Northland a visitor’s paradise. And it is all connected through the Twin Coast Discovery Highway. The Kauri Coast here in the west offers a stunning scenic contrast to our eastern neighbours, known for its unforgiving

coastline and incredible history. Home to the world’s oldest and largest ancient kauri trees, our nation’s largest harbour and longest drivable beach, prehistoric rock formations, crystal clear freshwater lakes, kiwi in the wild and fantastic hospitality … the list goes on and all in the warmth of ‘winterless’

Enjoy a freshwater dip in the nearby Kai Iwi Lakes, and then disappear into the deep green of the Waipoua Forest – home to Tane Mahuta, the largest kauri tree in the world (over 2000 years old!). Waipoua Forest is the best preserved and largest of the remaining Kauri Forests in New Zealand where you can enjoy many short walks. As you exit the forest, the touring route climbs steeply to suddenly reveal the majestic beauty of the historic Hokianga Harbour. So much of New Zealand’s scenic beauty in just one easy to reach region... it's all right here.


Northland. Your Kauri Coast journey on the Twin Coast Discovery Highway starts less than two hours from Auckland. Stretching from Brynderwyn in the South to Hokianga in the North, it is recommended the Kauri Coast be travelled northbound to capture the best vistas – travelling south misses some truly awesome



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and stunning sights including the breathtaking first glimpse of the Hokianga Harbour at Omapere. Turn left at Brynderwyn and wind your way around the shores of the mighty Kaipara Harbour to the famous Kauri Museum at Matakohe. Just after the riverside town of Dargaville, take a left turn to Baylys Beach for your first encounter with the wild Tasman Sea.

The Kauri Coast Naturally New Zealand’s Ancient, Eco and Cultural Destination.




• Waipoua Forest

• Ripiro Beach

• Trounson Park

• Taha Awa Riverside Gardens

• Tokatoka Rock

• Kahuparere Adventures

• Kai Iwi Lakes & Tracks

• Bike the Kaipara Trust & Trailforks



RHODA MORRISON 027 480 0691

KARYN HODGSON 029 779 9019

CRAIG CLEMENT 021 461 668

GARY MORRIS 021 902 087

SHEILA BOON 027 4985651


JILL POWELL 021 505 712

SHAR SCHULTZ 022 046 4790



We put you first *T&Cs may apply

110 Victoria Street 143 Hurndall Street 24 | SAVVY

09 439 7295 09 431 1016

licensed under REAA 2008

Your guide to


Day trip in the Northland and understand why thousands of international tourists come here to visit…. Let’s play while they are away… Dargaville is a Northland river town with an interesting history. It is a great jumping off point from which to explore the Kauri Coast.

Dargaville was established by Irish businessman Joseph McMullen in the 1870s, during the heyday of kauri felling and gum digging. It was largely settled by Dalamatian immigrants, whose descendants still live there today. Dairy farming is the main local industry; the district also produces around two thirds of New Zealand’s kumara (sweet potato) crop.

Dargaville is built along the edge of the wide Northern Wairoa River, two and a half hours drive north-west of Auckland. Maori settlements and marae (meeting places) have been scattered around the area for hundreds of years. The township of

Northland’s west coast's long stretches of beaches, sparkling harbours and magnificent kauri forests offer a stunning backdrop to any west coast experience. There are some fantastic walking and climbing tracks to follow, including the Waipoua


Forest, the Waiotemarama Loop track, Arai Te Aru, Maungaraho Rock and Tokatoka Peak. Northland is a place where twin coasts become one, where two seas meet and where countless expressions of nature’s versatility almost beg for discovery. Both coasts offer much of the unspoilt natural beauty for which New Zealand is famous, but in addition, each coastline has a diverse but complementary aspect, making Northland a visitor’s paradise. And it is all connected through the Twin Coast Discovery Highway.



They have been in the business of satisfying their extensive customer-base’s needs and wants for DECADES. The Matich name is part of Dargaville’s history and Becky brings an ‘international’ flavour to the mix.

4 Murdoch St, on State Highway 12, Dargaville

Too good to throw away? Give it to the Sallies! The goods we sell make a huge difference to people’s lives and provide much needed relief in tight household budgets. Profits from goods and clothing sold through our Family Stores support our community work. Your generosity helps us make a difference by building better communities. How do you donate? We welcome donations of a variety of good quality goods, from fashion to furniture, toys and trinkets, CD’s to collectibles, books and bric-a-brac. Contact us about your donation. We can arrange to collect donated goods

Phone 09 439 4975 –

Phone 09 439 6802 –

Phone 09 439 8380 – 97 Victoria street Dargaville



Working studio and gallery of Master Woodturner Rick Taylor Touch, smell and experience Ancient Kauri at it’s very best Marvel at the range in the gallery featuring the amazing Ancient Kauri. Beautiful bowls, stunning platters, hollow forms, pens, candle holders, apples, pears and sculptures. You may get to see Rick at work in his studio. One day woodturning courses offered (bookings essential). Start a new hobby or improve your woodturning skills. Turning tools, kauri blanks and kauri slabs available

Weekend getaways, holidays and newlyweds: an ideal escape Overlooking Baylys Beach on the west coast of Northland NZ, Sunset View Lodge offers one of the best accommodation experiences in the Kaipara and Dargaville. Named for the stunning views of the Tasman Sea, and the west coast sunsets, the Lodge offers guests a swimming pool, so you can swim laps before relaxing with a cold beverage and a view of the setting sun.

A great way to recycle clothing, furniture, household goods, toys, books and support our work in the community.

Perfectly positioned where green rural land meets the ocean, this outstanding Northland boutique bed and breakfast hotel is proud to be an ENJO green clean premises, certified for its minimal impact on the environment.

Baylys Beach Holiday Park offers accommodation for every type of traveller – whether you are on a family holiday or you are travelling the world with your backpack. Baylys Beach Holiday Park is a short distance to walk down to the beach and a bit longer to walk back up. You will be stepping on the longest beach in the southern Hemisphere Ripiro Beach. 112kms stretches down to Pouto and up to the Manganui Bluff, Coastal settlements dotted along the way. Baylys Beach is the only settlement with a Takeaway Dairy Bar, Sharky’s which is open 7 days a week, 10 min drive and you are in Dargaville, half an hour drive and you are at the Kai Iwi lakes, not far further you are in Waipoua Forest to see the majestic Kauri trees and Kiwi country.

Phone 021 0537 577 –

Phone 09 439 6349 –

Jon and Becky Matich are the owners of Jon Matich Surfwear, nestled in the middle of main street, down town Dargaville.

If they don’t have what you want - they will search for it - with pleasure. Whether it be school uniforms, beach, street, casual or formal attire, Jon Matich Surfwear is a great place to start your search.

B’arch Wear “Northland’s Finest Funk Store”

You will find everything you need in this treasure trove of funky clothing, jewellery and accessories, tucked away down the McKays Arcade at 83 Victoria Road in Dargaville. There is so much choice of funky products including a great range of skin products made from the local Kaipara bees, plus perfumes, incense, and smoking accessories. When visiting Dargaville make sure you visit this funky store or if out of town browse their you will not be disappointed It’s your local 1 stop vape shop ‘support local businesses and take advantage of our loyalty program card for extra savings. SAVVY | 25


1948 Packard Henney Hearse



hearse is perhaps not a vehicle you would expect to see in an automobile collection, but at the Packard Motor Museum we have two on display. The first is the 1930 Packard Hearse

If they were set up as an ambulance, to change the car to a hearse, snap-on cover plates were added to the rear-quarter windows

and the second is our 1948 Packard Henney Hearse. The Henney Company built custom automobile bodies such as limousines, ambulances, hearses and

and the interior furnishings were switched over. The more expensive models, like ours, were built exclusively as a hearse.

other professional vehicles from their factory in Freeport, Illinois. Packard always had a cordial relationship with Henney and, under

On these vehicles, Henney fitted a system known as the Nu-3-Way sideservice feature. This allowed the loading

Packard direction, built many exclusive vehicle bodies for Packard. In 1936, Packard entered into an arrangement

and unloading of caskets at curb-side, eliminating the need for pallbearers to step into the street. Also, because the car was over twenty feet (six meters) long, side door loading was

with Henney to provide the bodies for all of Packard’s specialist automobiles through to 1954. Packard produced various models

more practical. A sister car to our hearse was used in the film, The Godfather. In 1942 a Packard Hearse was used to carry Henry

of hearse up to the 1950s. The rearloading base model could be used as an ambulance or a hearse. These

Ford to his grave. The Hearse is powered by a Packard side-valve straight eight-cylinder engine, rated at 160 horsepower and coupled to a Packard ‘Selective-Silent’ automatic transmission

were known as combination cars and were painted white.

for easy driving.

Fishing tips & tales Once again, the weather has reduced fishing opportunities, particularly for boaties, but I’ve had plenty of positive feedback from those who managed to get out on our few better days. Good snapper catches out off the Ruakaka Racecourse in 15 to 20 metres, drifting using baits with long traces below the sinker, slow lures and softbaits, are all working well. Snapper and kahawai have been caught along the ‘Mad Mile’; straylines, berley and patience are getting results, not in big numbers but some quite good-sized fish. Getting out deeper, tarakihi catches have been good with very decent-sized fish. They are usually fished on ledger rigs with 3 or 4/0 hooks, but some exceptional tarakihi have been caught using big baits on 6/0 or 7/0 hooks. Phil and his mates were on his


tarakihi spot getting a good feed, when a feeding frenzy occurred close

Hey all you keen fishos, the workups in the bay have been doing well

to his boat; gannets diving, a lot of surface disturbance and schools of

for snapper, kahawai and kingfish. We have been using softbaits to

dolphins plus a number of ‘Southern Right’ whales joined in. One whale

catch the fish in the work-ups and also micro jigs. There are plenty of

swam around Phil’s boat quite close. If you get out on the water often, every

legal snappers around going from 30cm up to 50cm. If you are fishing

now and then you will experience something truly amazing, this was

softbaits, try to use a colour similar to what the fish are eating. We have

one of those days, and... they caught some very large snapper from deep

been doing good with a pilchard imitation and also smell imitations.

water. I researched these whales and they are not seen very often and are

Try to use a light soft baiting set up with 15-20Ib line and trace. Also

known to show an interest in boats and humans.

there have been some nice kingfish lurking in these schools of fish as Kurt

There’s also been some good catches coming from around Hen

went out a week ago on his inflatable dinghy and hooked a really nice kingi

Island; snapper, tarakihi and a few golden snapper, from depths of

but sadly it got eaten by a massive bronze whaler right under his boat. All

around 40 metres. Roll on some good weather.

he got back were the remaining parts of his kingi’s body.

– John Vowless

A good winter's catch.

– Kurt & Reef

WOF ! REPAIRS SERVICES ! MAINTENANCE BATTERIES AND TYRES Your local garage for honest, friendly service



Proudly supporting y the community MALCOLM & SALLY MEEK rahi 1 Church Street, Onerahi

Phone: 09 436 5971 E: W:

26 | SAVVY

A range of trailers now in stock

SAVVY | 27

Supporting our community

Hangar Frames and Gallery

The current show is 'Hidden Gems', a group show of Hangar favourites.

Strahan Clarke is a Northland-based ceramic artist and painter.


is ceramic works are created on a potters wheel and are finely crafted vessels. The glaze is brushed on in a painterly fashion and each piece is unique. Strahan has a direct approach to making, looking for a quietness in his forms. He is tuned into the rhythm of throwing and simplicity of marks made by the turning of the bowl's outside form. There is an uncertainty of an elemental nature in specific types of firing used by Strahan. A fine balancing act plays out between control and chance. A selection of Strahan's work is available to view at Hangar Art and Framing. The gallery is run to showcase the diverse talents of

By Strahan Clarke

By Megan Corbett

By Michael Ayling

Northland artists. Hangar Gallery has many interesting and varied group shows as well as solo exhibitions of individual artists. Exhibition opening evenings have proved to be successful and entertaining with music, poetry and art performed.

WO M A N 03 SEPT - 26 SEPT



14 Cross St, Regent, Whangarei E Ph 4381260 | 28 | SAVVY

RICHARD CRANENBURGH 3 SEPT Thurs 10:30-4pm Fri 11-4pm Sat 10am -1pm 4 Rust Ave, Whangarei w:

m: 021 749 022

Savvy Homes is a regular feature in our monthly lifestyle magazine and this is where you will ďŹ nd everything home-related - from new builds, renovations, home trends and more... We have teamed up with local building companies and each month we will showcase one of their homes, outlining their unique design and style. If you would like to contribute or advertise within these pages or offer feedback, please contact:

A reputation for achieving premium results.




Sue Maich and Damien Davis 021 793 822 | 021 387 345 MACKYS REAL ESTATE, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT

SAVVY | 29

YOUR MINDFUL HOME Springtime is the time of the year where I start to feel the need to do a big clear out at home. Alex Badham, Designer and Co-owner of


he heavy wardrobes of winter start to feel a little cluttered and we all long for summer weather and ease of living. Although it’s a bit of a cliché, 2020 has me feeling ready for a new start, so I’m beginning my spring cleaning this weekend. I always like to start in the wardrobes as this seems to be the place where all the accumulated ‘stuff’ ends up. Clothing, sports equipment (multiple pairs of shoes for all sporting codes seem to multiply in our kids’ rooms), extra bedding and just general mess from the year. It is definitely too soon to be putting away the winter jackets just yet as we are known to have four seasons in one day here, but maybe a few of the heavier pieces can be stored away for next winter.

I’m an advocate for taking everything out, giving the space a good deep clean, and then only replacing with the things that you need. This way you aren’t tempted to leave all of the nasty bits shoved in there to ‘sort out another day’. This can apply to cupboards or even whole rooms. Over the years, I have found that this method is much more effective than putting a number on how many items you ’should’ have in your wardrobe. The kids enjoy helping out with their spaces too. We have always asked them to clear out any toys or clothing which they no longer love or fit, prior to Christmas. This year our oldest has asked if he could sell some of his toys and clothes to repurchase something else (probably another pair of football boots for the collection), so places like Facebook Marketplace or Trade Me can be a great place to lessen your waste from clearing out. Sorting out the bathroom and kitchen is generally the biggest part of our spring clean, but the same process applies. Take everything out, clean and then replace with the things that you love and use. Donate or give away useful pieces and try to minimize your rubbish output. I would love to hear if you have any other tips for your spring clean; Come say hello over @gatheredstore on Instagram or Facebook. Until next time, Alex








the Whangarei team..



Guthrie Bowron Whangarei are your local home decorating specialist. Whether it be paint, wallpaper, curtains, blinds, flooring or decorating accessories our locally owned and operated store has everything you need to your decorating project.


We offer expert knowledge, quality products and friendly service to help with all your home decorating needs. We also offer a free in-home measure and quote service for curtains, blinds and flooring!

Back Row: Kruger Venter (franchisee), Pam Kaaka, Lianne Tansley & Gavin Procter Front Row : Lynda Borrows, Mark Cowan & Sally Williams

Right now at Guthrie Bowron Whangarei, spend $500 on anything in-store before the 30th September, and go in the draw to win a Weber Family Q Premium Gas Barbecue.









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Hurry – sale must end September 30

Come in and visit your local Guthrie Bowron Team - we’d love to chat and help make your home decorating dreams a reality. guthrie_bowron



One entry per transaction of $500 and over in-store. A copy of the receipt from the corresponding purchase will be placed in the draw. Customers will be required to write their name and contact phone number on the receipt to enter the draw. This information will only be used to contact the winter. Entries close on 30th September, and the prize will be drawn on 1st October 2020.

30 | SAVVY

Master Bathroom Whangarei

137 Cameron St, Whangarei Ph 09 222 7088 Mon-Fri: 9am-5.30pm

Traders Welcome!

Diaries of a new home build BY ALEX BADHAM

This entry, we are sharing how we have made some of the bigger design and build decisions so far with our new build.


arthworks are starting this month so we will have lots of images to share over at @thegatheredhomenz if you would like to follow along. The flooring used in your home design is one of the major decisions you have to make early on as it can affect the engineering and finishes required for consenting. For our home, we have decided to go for a polished concrete finish in the main living areas and bathrooms

on grinding it to expose the aggregate. Trust us, the Pinterest wormhole for concrete floors is a deep one. Exterior cladding is another big decision which can affect the overall look you are trying to achieve with your home. We knew what aesthetic we both liked and have chosen to use Coloursteel as our roof and cladding and a red reclaimed brick look for the garage. The contrast in materials

and carpet in the three bedrooms. Polished concrete is becoming more popular for modern flooring and we can see why. There are almost endless colours and finishes and it gives a semi industrial look and texture to modern builds. It appealed to us as we have two young kids and a dog and the ease of giving it a quick vacuum and mop will suit our lifestyle perfectly. We are hoping to end up with a lighter toned finished result and aren’t planning

and textures will give an interesting look from the street as well as a modern and low maintenance aesthetic to our home. There are some amazing homes similar to this, designed by Mason Street Architecture, if you are looking for any local inspiration! We still have a long way to go but we are so excited to finally break ground on our build this month. Thanks for following along with our journey!

Cleo, 2, helping to sort and stack the rocks for the rock wall.

Design & Build Your Home

Our Complimentary Offer

• Comprehensive design consultation covering all your building requirements • Site visit and full sketch design • Personalised specifications and fixed price quotation SHOWHOME: 401 Western Hills Drive, Whangarei Open 6 Days: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm TUTUKAKA SHOWHOME: Admiral Way Open by appointment


0800 86 89 86 Everything you want in a Building Company SAVVY | 31


Philippa Laurenson Niche Interior Design & Home Staging


have always loved design, interiors and furniture, home renovating and DIY and have always had a passion for creating beautiful cohesive spaces. In 2015 I gained my Diploma in Interior Design. As a busy Mum of three children, one with special needs, a 9-5 job was not an option for me, I needed to work for myself. Not sure of the direction I wanted to take in terms of my design skills, in 2018 I saw a need for up-market, on-trend home staging/ styling here in Northland. With a gentle nudge from a friend, I printed some business cards and flyers and set out to approach real estate agents. Well, blow me down, I booked two jobs in one day and haven't looked back. The interior design side of my business has picked up purely from people viewing my home staging and word of mouth. I am an Interior designer who specialises in home staging, I bring an on trend approach here in the north. You can’t just fill a room with ‘things’ and expect it to work!

I view each property for sale as unique and tailor my furniture, accessories and soft furnishings accordingly. My business is successful as I am hard working, honest, trustworthy, punctual and real. I couldn't do it without my husband either.

Customer feedback: ‘I, 100 per cent recommend Philippa and her service. I used her to stage my home to sell and she made the process from start to finish, so, so simple. Thanks Philippa.’ ‘Words can’t express how happy I am with Philippa. I used her to stage my home for sale and she completely exceeded my expectations. From my first point of contact with her to the very end, she went above and beyond. Highly recommend her and her team!’ ‘We engaged Philippa's services to stage a property on behalf of our vendors. From the initial communication through to the staging and finally to the removal, we found her service to be flawless. The furniture was beautiful, of exceptional quality, as was the design placement of each room. We had numerous comments throughout the open homes about the presentation of the property and we believe the staging was a huge contributor. The property sold under the hammer at auction last week for above where the market feedback had been. We would highly recommend Philippa and Niche Staging and we will be using her again soon.’ – Sue & Damien's Property Team Website: | Phone: 027 330 7525 Instagram: niche_interior_design | Facebook: Niche Interior Design

STAGED HOMES SELL FASTER – AND FOR MORE! Every home has potential – and Niche brings this to life through creativity and exquisite styling – offering instant appeal to prospective buyers! Niche offers a complimentary consultation so you can discover more about the benefits of home staging, and the potential to gain a larger profit!

Philippa Laurenson

027 330 7525 32 | SAVVY

Why faking it when it comes to interiors isn't a bad thing BY: VIVA.CO.NZ

Capture a Moment in time

Watchmakers & Jewellers Finest selection of clocks in Northland Two watchmakers on premises Specialist in watch, clock and Jewellery restoration

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Phone: 09 435 2145 |

531 Kamo Road, Kamo, Whangarei

Design editor Melinda Williams looks into why more and more people are faking it when it comes to interiors — and why that’s not a bad thing.


uthentic. Genuine. Natural. Decorating our homes with the “real thing” — solid wood floors, granite benchtops, stone tiles and lush indoor plants and vases of flowers — has long been a symbol of luxury. But many of us aspire to these materials without understanding the impact

that each has on the environment — the ones that the materials come from, and the environment within our homes. Take plants, for example. Lush, jungly living rooms have become popular over the last few years, driven in part by the often-repeated “fact” that plants help to “clean the air inside our homes”. But while it’s true that plants have been shown to filter certain chemicals from the air, the Nasa-led study that this fact traces back to tested the air-filtering abilities of plants in extremely controlled atmospheres, completely unlike a home, where windows and doors are opened and closed all day. What’s more, it concluded that the air-filtering benefits of plants were limited, at best. If you suffer from allergies, your houseplants could be doing you more harm than good. Not only can pollens released inside the home be irritants, every time you water your plants, the plants eventually release that moisture back into the atmosphere. If you have a few large fiddle-leaf figs and maidenhairs in your living room, you could be adding several litres of water to the air inside your home each week. In New Zealand’s typically damp, poorly insulated and poorly ventilated houses, that’s a recipe for mould growth, another source of allergens. Jan Mason, product manager for Adairs, says imitation plants have become “incredibly popular over the last few years. Indoor plants are notoriously fickle and the whole idea of ‘set and forget’ has certainly appealed to a lot of people.” For those with lifestyles too busy to spend time tenderly ministering to plants,

Cost-wise there isn’t anything to be saved on the choice — in fact it’s generally more expensive, albeit significantly longer-lasting — but environmentally, it reduces demand for marble and granite quarrying and felling of rare, slow-growing hardwoods. Iain says that some of the more specialist types of stone and marble are likely to become unavailable in time, due to demand exceeding natural supply. “I would foresee that the more unusual colours like oranges and greens will run out at some stage.” Engineered wood flooring, also known as wood laminate, also out-performs

imitation plants give a botanical look without the time commitment. “You can go on holiday and not have to worry about finding someone to plant-sit or risking them dying while you’re away,” says Jan. The quality of imitation plants has improved considerably, and when placed

solid wood when it comes to green credentials. “For an engineered oak floor, the wood laminate would have a top layer of 4.5mm of natural oak instead of the 14-

in a pot with bark or even mixed and matched with real plants, they can be hard to tell apart from real ones without touching them. A US-based company, Slightly Browning Fake Plants, has even taken this commitment to realism to new heights,

Engineered wood is made of several layers of wood glued together, including a layer of rubber-tree wood — which is cut down after the rubber is extracted

selling a range of plants that look like they’ve been mildly neglected. But isn’t plastic the ultimate environmental sin these days? “We don’t find that our plants being made of plastic puts people off buying them, as they know they’re getting a great quality product that’s going to last a lifetime. They’re definitely not for single use,” says Jan. “The lifespan for artificial plants is very lengthy so we hope our plants continue to be enjoyed and passed along for years to come.” Flooring is another area where material technology has come far enough

Well-made artificial plants can be difficult to tell apart from real ones.

Fancy a masterpiece on your wall? This one is courtesy of Te Papa’s collaboration with Samsung, which allows flat-screen owners to ‘hang’ famous artworks on their screen.

20ml of oak that you would need for a solid wood floor. So a single tree goes a lot further,” Iain explains.

and then replanted — and a layer of fast-growing pine. It’s typically quieter to walk on than solid wood, and can be installed either glued down (which assists with the quietness) or floating, which means that if a piece is damaged then it can be pulled up and replaced without the entire floor needing to be redone. Cork is another wood substitute that can be effectively laminated for a result that even experts struggle to tell apart from the real thing. Warm, quiet and drawn from a renewable natural resource (cork is the harvested bark of a tree that does not need to be felled, but regrows the bark for subsequent crops), it’s

along so that laminate and engineered products sometimes perform better than the solid materials that they imitate. Iain Stevens, business manager for Jacobsens Flooring, who has just returned from the international tile fairs Cevesama and the Porcelain Osa Fair in Spain, says there’s been a surge in the

touted as the eco-material of the future. Unlike the orange-tinted square cork tiles of the 1970s, modern cork comes in a vast range of colours and shapes.

market of people wanting materials that are manufactured in a sustainable way, and that reduce extraction of rare natural materials. Porcelain tiles that are laminated with photorealistic finishes that imitate

or marble benchtops, but today the quality of finish is close to natural. Perhaps more significantly, reports of serious human rights abuses, miner health issues

everything from polished concrete and stone to wood are becoming increasingly popular. Unlike concrete, stone and wood, porcelain tiles are almost non-porous, so don’t need sealing or refinishing, and are practically chip-proof, says Iain. “The surfaces are printed using ink-jets and the porcelain tiles have dips and hollows that follow the wood grain, so they look authentic and feel authentic when you run your hand over them,” he says. “Some people can’t believe that it’s not wood.” Porcelain — which is fired at higher temperatures than standard ceramics, and made of finer clay, making it denser — also resists water damage and staining far better than wood or stone.

Benchtop technology, too, has progressed significantly. Engineered stone and composite solid surfaces used to be regarded as inferior products to granite

and child labour issues in the granite quarrying industry, which is largely based in India, has led to some major retailers dropping granite from their product catalogues. With the evolution of materials technology and increased understanding of sustainability issues, it’s time to re-evaluate our criteria for what we describe as a luxury material. While natural materials have an inherent beauty and in some cases cachet from their rarity, perhaps true luxury comes from exchanging “authenticity” for freedom from the ongoing care and maintenance of these materials, or the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home isn’t contributing to the degradation of the planet, or causing issues for your health.

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without spending a fortune Much is made of the importance of street appeal when it comes to selling or renting your house, because as we all know, first impressions matter.

H New

Show home in ParklanDS eState

come along

aving an investment property that looks smart and well maintained from the first glance is far more likely

The obvious place to start working your kerbside appeal is the exterior of the building itself. Keeping the exterior paintwork up-to-date and well maintained will make the property look smart and appealing, and of course any maintenance costs are tax deductible. There are also some quick and easy ways to refresh the look of your house. Firstly, give it a proper wash. This will remove any water-staining, cobwebs, mould and moss from the exterior and can instantly take years off its appearance. Once your house is clean, give it a close-up inspection for any areas of peeling paint, split weatherboards or discolouring that can be easily touched up. Also take a look at your window frames and lintels. Giving these areas fresh coats of paint

to draw reliable tenants who will look after it, or potential buyers who will make a strong offer. You might be surprised at the difference you can make to your property exterior without investing lots of time or money. Here are five

the exterior. Think about a shade that will really make a statement of your main exterior colour

key areas of the property to consider for maximum kerb impact, for minimum outlay.

choice, whether it’s a bold complementary colour or a crisp contrasting neutral.

can really brighten up the house, for far less expense and effort than completely repainting


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The right colour choice around your windows will also make them look larger.

Fences A sharply-painted and well-maintained boundary

maintained, free of loose boards, mildew, moss and peeling paint.

If you do want to re-paint the whole exterior, the world is your oyster when it comes to

fence adds everything to the kerb appeal of your home. It will also appeal to tenants for the

Paths and landscaping

colour choices. Warm grey-stone colours such as Resene Tea or Resene Napa remain hugely

security, privacy and safety it provides. Most boundary walls and fences need to be

Think about how people get from the street to your front door. Make sure there is at least

popular on the exterior of homes, as do bluegrey shades like Resene Hermitage, because

functional first. The trick is balancing effective security or animal control, with being inviting

one clear pathway and think about how it may be improved with the addition of colour

they are neutrals but with depth and interest. These colours work well surrounded by leafy

to tenants and pleasing to the eye. If you’re working with brick, concrete or stone, drape

or lighting. You can tie paving stones back to the colours you’ve chosen for your porch or

foliage, and look great with bright white trim, but they can also take the addition of some

it with plants that will grow over both sides. Concrete and some brick can be painted in

house or paint them to use as the key colour focal point.

bold contrasting colours from dark forest tones to fuchsia pinks.

darker neutral, shadow colours that will recede into the plants to become almost invisible.

Of course, the key to keeping your garden, and by extension your whole property looking

Going dark is another trend that’s back for house exteriors as it will make most buildings

For a breezy contrast, pale sky blues create a lovely contrasting backdrop to plants.

smart, is keeping it well-maintained, clean and tidy; lawns mowed, mildew water blasted,

look contemporary and dramatic but make sure you use a Resene CoolColour when you

You can treat a partially enclosed front

If you’re dealing with steel or wood fences, colour is the simplest easiest way to smarten

whether you hire someone to take care of it, or make it the responsibility of your tenants.

opt for dark shades as it reflects more of the sun’s heat so helps minimise damage to the

porch or a veranda much the same way as an interior room, with good colour and useful

them up. Pick colours which will complement your home exterior from the street view. But

Pots and planters

paint and the cladding underneath. Other areas to think about painting in

accessories. Add a new welcome mat, a light fitting or built-in storage for shoes and coats.

you can also be a little creative and give your neighbours something pleasant to look at with

Adding pots and planters to your section is the quickest, easiest way to add interest and

contrast or highlight colours are soffits, drainpipes and guttering, and shingled areas

The porch is the perfect transition space, and with a bit of thought it can tie the

a stencilled design or a splash of dramatic colour. Dark colours such as Resene Pitch

street-appeal to your front garden. Pots are also one of the easiest ways to let tenants add

around bay or dormer windows. Once you have a colour scheme you’re

exterior of your home with the interior, and make your home seem exciting and inviting

Black wood stain are always popular. And, of course, the key thing once you have

their personality to their new home. Use different shapes and size pots to add

happy with on your house, any other colour or design feature you add to the

from the street.

your fence or wall spruced up, is to keep it

different heights and levels to the planting. Paint them in bright bold Resene colours that

rest of the exterior section is about adding complementary or contrasting features.

pick up the contrasts in your house colour scheme and the plants themselves.

Front doors and porches

If you have a large group of pots together, make sure they are a mix of sizes, shapes and

A brightly-coloured front door is an easy way to make your home look bold and interesting from

colours to add an extra dimension for the eye.

the street. Think bold red, greens, oranges or yellows or go bold and dark, with black, or

Top tip: Light it up Clever use of lighting, from bold fittings to fairy

dark charcoal greens. Try Resene Pohutukawa, Resene Away We Go, Resene Turbo or Resene

lights, can create a beautiful looking entrance, while also being practical. A well-lit entrance,

Porter. Use gloss Resene Enamacryl to bring out the colour.

for example, is an important security feature for both tenants and potential buyers.

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Being the experts in sleep comes with great responsibility. The responsibility to continue providing Kiwis the best sleep possible – no matter the challenge, no matter the time.


t BedsRus, we’re prepared to do whatever it takes to deliver a good night’s sleep, and we understand the importance of needing to feel

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duties and localised support should anything go wrong. You’re also supporting small business, local jobs and NZ manufacturing. Choose carefully – if it doesn’t say NZ-made,

families in your neighbourhood. Some of our sleep experts have been looking after your local community for over 30 years. Buying from someone who knows their beds adds ease to the purchasing process, and you’ll always have a

it probably isn’t.

contact should you need continued assistance.

bed manufacturer, Sleepyhead – one of New Zealand’s most trusted brands, seven years running. And as the largest Sleepyhead bed specialist in the country, we match their

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✔ Trusted and quality brands All our mattresses are sourced from New Zealand’s largest

Relationships aren’t built overnight and through our years as the experts in sleep, we have established market leading buying power to ensure you’ll always get the best value, every time. Our nationwide footprint also means no

commitment to ensuring Kiwis get the highest quality products for the best quality sleep.

matter where you are, you’ll always have access to the best deals in town.

Catching your 40 winks can be difficult in challenging times, and it’s also when you need it most. Make sure you visit our #SleepBetterNZ campaign, where we’ve collaborated with

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Clutter, trendy grey walls and urns The décor that could be ruining your life BY ERIN REILLY / ONEROOF.CO.NZ

During lockdown, most of us spent the best part of seven weeks stuck at home.


ome of us loved the change in tempo alert level four restrictions afforded, using the time to improve our lives and relationships. Others found that seven weeks of sitting on the couch simply highlighted all the imperfections in their homes. With the whole family at home all the time and at the same time, many people realised that their homes just weren’t big enough. Professionals who worked through lockdown also realised the value of a dedicated office space that wasn’t just one end of the dining table. Now with international travel off the cards, homeowners are spending more time and money on home improvements instead. A focus of post-lockdown home improvements is a home office space. While the doors of most businesses are open again, many Kiwis have relished a flexible way of working. Perching your laptop on your lap while sitting on the couch doesn’t work for everyone, though – least of all, your back. “In an ideal world, you’ll have a room where you can work undisturbed with a supportive, ergonomic desk and chair,” says Suzanne Roynon, the British author of Welcome Home:

How Stuff Makes or Breaks Your Relationship. “If you have the luxury of a home with room to spare and you create a welcoming private office environment, you’ll certainly benefit longterm if working from home becomes a regular part of daily life.” Of course, many of us don’t have a spare room – or even a spare nook. Roynon suggests reviewing every space in the house as office potential. This might mean setting up a table in the bedroom. You might have an extra-wide hallway or landing between floors where you could add a table or desk. “I’ve even seen a large walk-in closet reconfigured to provide a successful working from home space … although you’d have to empty it first!” Roynon says that post-lockdown home improvements shouldn’t revolve around work. “I always start with asking who will be using the space most. Once you have a realistic understanding of who needs to do what and where, it’s possible to be realistic about the available space and what you can do about it,” she says. Home improvements don’t always equal a full renovation or reconfiguration of a room, though. Post-lockdown, Roynon says that some people have realised the concept of home

British interiors therapist Suzanne Roynon: “Think really carefully about what you’re keeping in your home.

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hasn’t been satisfying their needs so now’s the perfect opportunity to create a haven that they actually want to come home to. “Residents are looking for ways to change their home so it genuinely feels good to be there. If you’re happy at home, happiness ripples into other parts of your life. If you aren’t happy, the opposite happens. It definitely makes sense to feel good about your home.” Instead of busting down a wall or forking out hundreds of thousands of dollars for an extension, looking at the little things could be the answer to creating a happy home. “Never underestimate the transformative impact of a clear counter and great organisation. Declutter everything you don’t use, need or love and get the space sparkling clean. Do cosmetic repairs. Fix dripping taps and leaky, grimy shower cubicles. Tidy the backyard, repair damaged fences and refresh exterior woodwork. Take pride in your home and fall in love with it all over again.” A fresh lick of paint is an inexpensive way to completely transform a space, and Roynon suggests using light, inspiring tones; but not grey – even if it is fashionable. “What looks fabulous in a coastal mansion is just plain dreary in a small single storey

on a quiet street. I’ve written a lot about the bleak and depressing impact of grey rooms on people who had previously lived their lives to the full. Fortunately, many are repainting or toning down the 50 shades that have been so dominant over the past few years.” The impact of clutter and organisation can impact the overall feel of a home. Roynon says that overhauling your stuff creates room for positive energy. “Think really carefully about what you’re keeping in your home. Aside from the obvious detrimental impact of clutter, ‘dead items’ like dried flowers and the ashes of deceased pets and loved ones are best returned to the earth. They create stagnation and amplify the feeling of loss, which doesn’t generate a healthy, happy place to live.” Organisation is key too, particularly around how you use your home. “Humans are creatures of habit and just because your mother kept mugs by the sink, does that really make sense for you when the kettle is on the far side of the room?” Post-lockdown many of us want to be at home more, and want to create a space where we feel happy and comfortable. “Lockdown has given people the headspace to really think about how they use their home in order to make it work for their family and lifestyle. With the uncertainty of our post-COVID world, it makes sense to stay put, get savvy and make it happen.”


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Here’s to healthy homes this spring


Now more than ever we find ourselves being mindful of how to keep our family healthy. One way we can work towards a healthy home is by choosing window furnishings with ‘green’ attributes. Consider some of the following:

than 100 substances known to be harmful to

Sanitized® Antimicrobial Protection

human health.

Stands for odour management in textiles. The Sanitized® hygiene function protects textiles from the formation of fungi and algae, reduces

Oeko tex Certified If a product is labelled as Oeko-Tex certified, it is free from harmful chemicals. To attain Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, the fabric has been tested and certified to be free from harmful levels of more

The GREENGUARD Gold Certification standard

Greenguard Gold PVC Free Lead-Free

dust mites and odours, and provides longlasting material protection. That’s enough of the technical stuff. What

requires lower total VOC* emissions levels to help

we now want to know is where can we get products with these attributes? Call into the

ensure that products are acceptable for use in environments like schools and healthcare facilities.

Frazerhurst Showroom and we will talk through your options. *Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids.

Roller Blinds and Sunscreens Weathermaster have a range of ‘healthy’ fabrics you can choose for roller blinds. They are inherently dust-resistant and easy to clean. Some have mould and mildew protection. JAMES DUNLOP - ANTI-MICROBIAL / HEALTHCARE James Dunlop strive to work with mills and fabric suppliers that adhere to the highest possible environmental criteria. They offer linings with low allergen silicone coatings and Okeo tex rated fabrics.

Warwick, high performance fabric. HealthGuard™— for a cleaner, healthier home — hygienically protected against dust mites, mould, and bacteria. HealthGuard also maintains odour-free surfaces by inhibiting the moulds which produce the smells.

Hemptech is committed to sustainability and best environmental practice within all aspects of its business. All dyes used in Hemptech's fabrics comply with the strict European REACH-regulations. Hemptech fabrics are 100 per cent chloride free and are bleached by the environmentallysound alternative peroxide.

These are just a few of the options available at Frazerhurst Curtains and Blinds, Whangarei.

Looking for a healthier home? As we are living through a rapidly evolving global health crisis, it is important to keep your family healthy. The right window furnishings not only retain heat, protect furniture and offer privacy, they can help protect your home against dust mites, mould, odours, harmful substances and bacteria.

Explore your options with a free consultation!


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