Peripheral Neuropathy Journeys

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Real Stories of How Peripheral Neuropathy Sufferers Finally Found



TRI-STATE Neuropathy Centers

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90% Satisfaction Rate from our over 9,000 patients since 2013


Spring 2022 |

TRI-STATE Neuropathy Centers

There is HOPE Once thought to be untreatable, peripheral neuropathy sufferers can find hope and relief with Tri-State Neuropathy Centers. Over the past nine years, they have been able to give hope back to thousands of sufferers who felt there was nothing that could be done.


ith the progressive research, experience, and knowledge, Tri-State Neuropathy Centers have been able to provide a solution that addresses the cause of the disease rather than the symptoms. With a 90% satisfaction rate from over 9,000 patients, they are confident that they can help improve most anyone’s life who has been affected by peripheral neuropathy.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is the death and destruction of small sensory nerve fibers located in the top layer of our skin that tell us about our environment. For example, these sensory nerve fibers tell you how hot a surface is or whether you should feel pain after cutting your foot or bumping your toe. Over the course of several months to several years, more and more of these fibers die, leading to constant symptoms, which may include numbness, burning, tingling, stabbing pain in the hands and/or feet, difficulty walking, balance issues, painful cramping and even interruption of sleep. But as with most things, there is more to the story. These small nerve fibers have their own tiny blood supply called a capillary. For many different reasons, these capillaries lose the ability to fully open and deliver the necessary oxygen and nutrients to these nerves. Like any living tissue such as your skin, brain, or heart muscle, oxygen and nutrition is necessary for survival. Without these components, the tissues simply die. Advanced cases of peripheral

Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms can include: • Numbness and Tingling or Pain in the Toes, Feet, Hands, Arms and Fingers • Sharp Pains or Cramps in the Feet or Legs • Burning Pain in the Legs, Feet or Hands • Extreme Sensitivity to Touch • Loss of Balance or Coordination • Feelings of Walking on Pins and Needles • Weakness in the Arms and Legs • Dependency on Medications

| Spring 2022


It is time to start living again… Call to schedule a free consultation: Janey C. “It seems like it became noticeable about 20 years ago. At first my feet would ache from time to time, then my feet would ache so bad that I had to limit my time standing or walking. In the last two years I have had to change the way I have lived my life. I could no longer go hiking with my husband or just take a walk. I knew it was just a matter of time before I would need a wheelchair. I heard about Tri-State Neuropathy Centers and went for my free consultation to see if I was a candidate. To date, I see a significant improvement. I can take short walks, cook and I have even been gardening. It feels like a miracle. I plan to get back into volunteer work.”

Vince M. Vince M., McCandless, had back surgery two years ago, but he was left with burning feet and legs. He tried physical therapy to no avail. When someone suggested seeking help at the Tri-State Neuropathy Centers, he thought why not give it a shot? “It took a while to see improvement, but now I’m 90-100% better. It was life-changing for me. In fact, as I was thinking about coming here today, I realized, at that moment, I had no pain at all!” “The best part,” said Grace, his wife, “is that he enjoys going there.”


Spring 2022 |


neuropathy often lead to falls, which can cause major injuries such as broken bones or permanent soft tissue damage, and sometimes that can result in a fatality. Some people even become dependent on canes, walkers, or wheelchairs to perform their daily activities, which can spiral them into depression.

Who gets it?

Some of the common reasons we get nerve damage to these areas are: • Diabetes • Statin medications • Chemotherapy and radiation • Low back issues, and • Past surgeries.

While many people have one or more of these risk factors, it is important to realize that having one of these conditions is not necessary. Many people simply have what is referred to as idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, meaning that there is no known or specific cause. Whatever the reason or reasons for your peripheral neuropathy, we can help.

“It always amazes me how devastating this disease affects a person’s life but it makes me happy to let them know now there is a solution.” – Dr. Shawn Richey Founder of Tri-State Neuropathy Centers

Journey of patients / false hope

Unfortunately, with peripheral neuropathy, if nothing is done to treat the disease, it simply gets worse over time as it is a progressive disease. We find that the journey that leads patients to our offices is often the same. Most patients logically start by mentioning their peripheral neuropathy symptoms to their primary care physician or family doctor. Often, they will be met with responses such as “You have peripheral neuropathy; there isn’t anything we can do,” or “This is common with aging and is something you will have to live with.” As time passes, the symptoms frequently worsen and become more apparent, affecting daily life with more consistent pain, balance issues, trouble sleeping,

-940-9000 or even problems feeling the floor or a gas pedal beneath their foot. Along with this progression, they never seem to uncover the cause. The next time the condition is mentioned, the family doctor will either recommend prescription drugs such as Gabapentin, Neurontin, Lyrica, or even opioids. Rarely do any of these solutions provide long-term symptom relief. In fact, with the progression of the neuropathy, the dosages of the medication will increase leading to more life-altering side effects. When these drugs fail, the next referral point is to a specialist called a neurologist. In most cases, neurologists will simply provide a similar course of treatment of prescription medications, possibly physical therapy, and then send you for a test called a nerve conduction velocity test that can be very painful to confirm the presence of peripheral neuropathy. The problem with this course is the same, the medications and physical therapy do not slow the progression of this disease and nerve conduction velocity testing only looks at large nerve fibers, while peripheral neuropathy is a small nerve fiber disorder. The worst part of all of this is while they are trying to treat peripheral neuropathy in this fashion, the disease process often worsens due to the progressive nature of the disease. On top of that, these medications often come with unpleasant side effects such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, and so on. But what if I told you there was a way to address the cause and give your body the ability to restore tissue without drugs, surgeries, and that was painless?


Now more than ever there is hope for those suffering with peripheral neuropathy because of the profound advancements in technology. Tri-State Neuropathy Centers uses a non-invasive, painless, drug-free approach that addresses the cause rather than the symptoms. In 1998, Dr. Louis Ignarro was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his cardiovascular research and his discovery of how important nitric oxide is to the human body. His research revealed that nitric oxide is produced in our blood vessels and signals those vessels to expand and contract, thereby controlling blood flow. Unfortunately, as we age our bodies produce less nitric oxide.

Bob F. “After my back surgery, my feet were totally numb with a constant thumping and they felt tight. It was progressively getting worse making it difficult to walk. My PCP gave me medication to deal with the symptoms. I went to Tri-State Neuropathy and it has changed my life. I am walking again and feeling myself. I never thought I would feel this much better. ”

Mary “I suffered for 12 long years, starting in my mid 40’s. My legs were numb almost to my knees. I couldn’t understand how you could have numbness and such pain at the same time. The leg and feet cramps were horrible too. I was walking around the house and unable to sleep most nights. The neurologist kept increasing the number of pills at each visit and told me there is no cure. I was told that I would need a cane soon and eventually be in a wheel chair. I really hit the jackpot when I found Dr. Shawn Richey! I started my treatments in May, 2014. I was skeptical at first, but found relief after a few treatments. I talked with other patients and found they were healing as well. Getting rid of the neuropathy is one of the best things that happened in my life. I am now pain free 98% of the time and I now have my life back! Dr. Shawn has opened a satellite office in Monroeville. He has trained me to heal others. I have taught him a few tricks too! Make an appointment and talk about neuropathy with me!”

| Spring 2022


If you know anyone suffering from peripheral neuropathy, please let them know there is hope! Combining this knowledge with FDA-approved, non-invasive, and pain-free technology has been a gamechanger for treating patients with peripheral neuropathy. One of our treatments allows our skin to absorb light by photoreceptors in our cells, which stimulates various processes. One of which, is the release of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and allows oxygen and nutrients to reach damaged nerves, providing pain relief and repair to tissue and nerves. “The technology we use is by far the most powerful and effective on the market today. Most of the systems out there lack the frequencies and power

“It’s incredible how much technology has advanced for treating peripheral neuropathy since we began seeing patients in 2013.”

Total Radiometric Output

– Dr. Shawn Richey Founder of Tri-State Neuropathy Centers

mW Light Measurement 0

Our Technology








Total mW Output = 2964 Missing Frequency

Other A Other B

Low Power Frequency Priority Fault

Other C Other D Other E Other F




Visible mW


Infrared mW

Spring 2022 |


to provide actual results, leaving patients struggling to see improvements. We are proud to say that over 90% of our patients will see a 50-100% improvement and be able to maintain that the rest of their lives” said Dr. Shawn Richey, founder of Tri-State Neuropathy Centers. “In addition, there are other components that are used to support nerve health, increase micro vessel blood flow, and improve the range of motion for better balance. We have found that falls are common with our patients, which is not good as this can lead to fatal consequences. Our entire program works together utilizing the best technologies to optimize our results to help patients get back to doing the things they loved to do” said Dr. Richey. “Every patient is different, and each treatment plan is individualized for their stage of peripheral neuropathy. Our initial consultation is free to determine if we can help them. We do that by completing a health history, performing a painless sensory nerve exam and if qualified, doing a treatment that day. When a person does not meet our qualification, we try to direct them to someone who can help. But for those who can be helped, our treatments offer a chance to get your life back.” said Dr. Richey. n

Our Doctors Dr. Michael Scarton Dr. Michael Scarton is a proud graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and a 1997 Cum Laude graduate of Life University in Marietta, GA. Dr. Scarton spent the early years of his career at a family chiropractic clinic in Harrisburg, PA. He experienced great patient results first-hand and quickly knew that he wanted to operate his own clinic where he could treat patients with everything from everyday back pain to chronic diseases such as peripheral neuropathy. During this time, Dr. Scarton acquired certifications designed to serve his patients including certification in Spine Neurology, MRI Interpretation, Active Release Technique, and many more. He believes that the key to solving a case is being an excellent clinician in all aspects; history, exam, triage, and treatment. Dr. Scarton now focuses his clinical practice on helping patients suffering with peripheral neuropathy. With his passion of living an active lifestyle, Dr. Scarton understands the importance of helping patients to achieve and enjoy their passions of life. He believes that there is nothing more rewarding than helping patients get back to the activities that they love and are missing out on due to their condition. He brings his thirst for life to TriState Neuropathy Centers and applies his tenacity, clinical knowledge, and enthusiasm supporting his mission in restoring the lives of peripheral neuropathy sufferers.

Dr. Shawn Richey Tri-State Founder

Dr. Shawn Richey was born in Pittsburgh, PA and completed his undergraduate studies at University of Pittsburgh. In August 2003, he graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology. Dr. Richey opened Chiropractic Family Health Center and focused on optimizing the health of families to athletes utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and techniques. Holding educational seminars from sport injury prevention to overall health and wellness to the community led him to becoming the official Chiropractor of the Pittsburgh Passion and provided team care during their national championship reign. In 2013, Dr Richey redirected his practice to focus primarily on helping those who have been afflicted with Peripheral Neuropathy. Realizing that nearly thirty million people suffer from this devastating disease and have been told there is no hope, he has devoted his studies and research to develop a program that utilizes a combination of brand new technologies that addresses the cause rather than the symptoms. These painless treatments are safe, FDAapproved, non-invasive and proven to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in most cases. He has seen thousands of patients in his five locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia and has a 90% satisfaction rate. His main goal is to help peripheral neuropathy sufferers get back to living and enjoying their life.

Dr. Michael Scarton, Dr. Shawn Richey, and Dr. Jared Yevins

Dr. Jared Yevins Dr. Jared Yevins has been delivering cuttingedge care to his patients since 2006 after graduating Summa Cum Laude and valedictorian from Logan University of Health Sciences. His patient-centered approach to care focuses on disease and injury recovery, as well as optimization of wellness potential. Dr. Yevins emphasizes a gentle and personal approach to health care and believes that through effective communication and evaluation with his patients, that any case can be solved. Dr. Yevins spent much of his career as the Clinic Director at Sewickley Chiropractic Center. During this time, he became an expert in the triage and treatment of patients injured in automobile and on-thejob injuries. He proceeded to become certified as a medical-legal expert and received numerous credentials in MRI Interpretation, Neurology, and Spinal Biomechanical Engineering. Dr. Yevins has been the keynote speaker for multiple legal seminars throughout the state of Pennsylvania where he taught neurology and physiology to plaintiff and defendant personal injury attorneys. Dr. Yevins is excited about applying his clinical skills, extensive educational and speaking background, and his passion for improving his patients’ lives to Tri-State Neuropathy Center. He believes that the skills that he acquired through his demand for clinical excellence, as well as his public speaking engagements allows him to effectively diagnose and communicate with every patient that he meets. Dr. Yevins’ unique credentials inspires confidence in those he strives to help.

| Spring 2022




2591 Wexford-Bayne Road, Suite 207 Sewickley, PA 15143

As heard on KDKA, WJAS, WHJB, WCDK, WWVA, WKBN. As seen in Pittsburgh Fifty-Five Plus, Northern Connection, Tribune Review, Vindicator, Observer Reporter, Herald Times

Six Locations: Wexford

2591 Wexford-Bayne Rd., Suite 207 724-940-9000



4314 Old William Penn Hwy, Suite 105 724-814-1896

Washington, PA

1385 Washington Rd., #100 724-229-5266


701 5th Street, Unit 302 Beaver PA 15009 878-313-3019

Weirton, WV

3350 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite A, Weirton, WV 26062 304-224-1333

Poland, OH

70 West McKinley Way 330-953-3339

| Fall 2021

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