WHETHER YOU’RE STILL CHOOSING A PATH, OR YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT LIES AHEAD, NKU IS HERE TO LIGHT YOUR WAY. HERE, YOU WILL TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE. YOU WILL CHALLENGE YOURSELF ACADEMICALLY. YOU WILL EXPLORE YOUR INTERESTS. Located in Highland Heights, Kentucky, NKU is just minutes from the vibrant city of Cincinnati. You will extend learning in the classroom to real-world situations through co-ops, internships, student teaching, clinical rotations and service learning.
we’re also a
stone’s throw
from other major
metropolitan areas like
chicago and nashville
do it all in the college of arts & sciences.
Find a cure for a disease. Dig up remnants of ancient civilizations. Sing and dance your way to Broadway.
spark your inner business leader in the Haile/US Bank College of Business.
This publication was prepared by Northern Kentucky University and printed with state funds (KRS 57.375). It is Northern Kentucky University’s policy to ensure equal employment opportunity for all persons and to take the necessary actions needed to recruit, employ, train, promote and retain qualified faculty and staff, including members of protected groups. Discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic or veteran status, is prohibited. MC170201
nku.edu/admissions beanorse@nku.edu (800) 637-9948 (859) 572-5220 HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KY 41099 OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS/LUCAS ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER
There's always something going on. For a complete list of upcoming visit options, find us online at nku.edu/visit. WELCOME WEDNESDAYS. Rising seniors can kick off their college search process by exploring the admissions process, touring campus, hearing from faculty and attending a student services browsing fair. BLACK & GOLD DAYS. Attend a browsing fair of departments, majors and student services. You'll also hear from the Office of Admissions and go on a campus tour with a student guide. NORSE DAYS. You'll hear from the Office of Admissions, tour campus and have the opportunity to experience life here at NKU.
If you like what you see, schedule a visit. We can’t wait to meet you.
Bachelor Degree Programs Anthropology Biological Sciences Chemistry Criminal Justice Electronics Engineering Technology English Environmental Science French Geography Geology German History Integrative Studies International Studies Mathematics Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mechatronics Engineering Technology Neuroscience Organizational Leadership Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology Spanish Statistics
Foster entrepreneurial spirit through new businesses and opportunities.
light the flame for others IN The College of Education & Human Services.
Offers degree programs in athletic training, counseling and human services, exercise science, social work and teacher education.
Your future in healthcare starts in THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS. The new Health Innovation Center—coming in 2018—is going to transform healthcare training to solve regional health challenges.
THE FLICKER OF CREATIVITY MEETS THE SPARK OF INVENTION IN the college of informatics. Learn everything from protecting businesses from computer hackers to producing a highly advanced digital newscast.
Bachelor Degree Programs Business Information Systems Communication Studies Computer Information Technology Computer Science Data Science Electronic Media & Broadcasting Health Informatics Journalism Library Informatics Media Informatics Public Relations
Bachelor Degree Programs Athletic Training Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Exercise Science Human Services and Addictions Middle Grades Education Physical Education Secondary Education Social Work Special Education
Bachelor Degree Programs Accounting Construction Management Economics Entrepreneurship Finance General Business Global Supply Chain Management Human Resource Management International Business Management Marketing Sports Business & Event Management
Pre-Professional Programs Pre-Dentistry Pre-Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician Assistant Pre-Veterinary Medicine Pre-Wildlife Management
School of the Arts (SOTA) Music Music Education Theatre Visual Arts Visual Communication Design
Bachelor Degree Programs Health Science Nursing Radiation Therapy Radiologic Science Respiratory Care
SHINE BRIGHT in the HONORS college.
FRESHMAN SCHOLARSHIPS NKU’s merit-based scholarship program is designed to recognize academically outstanding and creatively talented students. NKU awards more than $6 million in academic scholarships each year to the incoming freshmen class. The university awards scholarships to highly motivated students who demonstrate strong academic performance. Students who achieve a 2.5 GPA and a 21 ACT or a 1050 SAT or greater are considered for academic scholarships. The university offers numerous scholarship levels.
HOUSING AND RESIDENCE LIFE • 11 living and learning communities. • NKU has been recognized as having the most affordable housing in the region.
SEE THE FLOOR PLANS NKU offers six residence halls with traditional double, single rooms and suites. nku.edu/housing
The Honors College provides curious, motivated students like you the opportunity to become University Scholars with challenging courses and independent capstone projects.
(Coming in Fall 2018)