• Establish partnerships and frameworks for current and future futsal providers to deliver opportunities for players, coaches and match officials to participate under NNSWF affiliation.
• Provide modified or introductory football programs in target areas.
• Establish and deliver the National Sporting Schools Program on behalf of Football Australia to enhance participation among young players across northern NSW.
• Deliver an annual participation survey to gather vital insights into the football experience.
88,000 registered players within northern NSW
65 per cent annual retention rate of match officials

Unlock a minimum of $3 million invested by the various levels of government into football throughout the region
• Appoint a centralised resource to boost our capacity in the area of Facilities, Government Relations, and Council Connection across the region.
• Update NNSWF’s local infrastructure strategies and present to relevant LGAs throughout northern NSW.
• Continue to update the facilities contact database with key council, state and federal government contact information.
• Expand the roll out of Football Australia's Club Changer Program.
• Update and expand the Northern NSW Facility Audit.
• Review and optimise the Northern NSW Football Facilities Fund to ensure maximum effectiveness and outcomes.
• Develop and deliver MPIO and Child Safe education and resources for clubs.
• Establish LMRFF Pitch 3 as a compliant NPL match venue that has the capacity to host high level senior matches and events.