North Idaho Wellness Magazine | May + June 2023

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MAY | 2023 | JUN
plus Healthy Foods FOR WOMEN detecting early BREAST CANCER getting to know your local lifestyle resource
north idaho
Sarah Hamilton
owner of Sarah Hamilton Face
Kevin B. Strait, DO Dr. Kevin Strait specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the lungs and respiratory system.

Be Smoke-Free in 2023!


Northwest Specialty Hospital is partnering with the American Lung Association to offer the region’s first in-person smoking cessation class. The Freedom From Smoking® program offers a structured, systematic approach to quitting, and its positive messaging emphasizes the benefits of better health.

• Classes are FREE to the public

• Small group in-person classes offer support from other members in a comfortable classroom environment

• Trained facilitators are certified Tobacco Cessation Educators and respiratory therapists

• Follow-up support, resources, and tools to keep you on your successful quit path


Pre-registration is required. Call 208-618-2570 for registration details.

Classes are located at Northwest Specialty Hospital – 1551 E. Mullan Ave., Ste 102 in Post Falls.

• SESSION 1: January 5–February 16

• SESSION 2: March 9–April 20

• SESSION 3: April 27–June 8

• SESSION 4: June 22–August 3

• SESSION 5: August 10–September 21

• SESSION 6: September 28–November 9

All classes are held Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm–8:00 pm.
CHANCE TO WIN A BRAND-NEW CRUISER BIKE! 100+ Health and Wellness Booths! W W W . N O R T H I D A H O W E L L N E S S . C O M W W W . N O R T H I D A H O W E L L N E S S . C O M F r e e e v e n t & p a r k i n g ! Mark your calendars for the largest Health and Wellness Fair in North Idaho! May 10th, 2023 | 4pm-7pm HEALTH & HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR WELLNESS FAIR KOOTENAI COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS
Giveaways • Raffles • Samples & More! Chiropractors • Naturopaths • Acupuncturists • Essential Oils Local Gyms • Golf Courses • Massage Therapists • Mental Health Specialists • Weight Loss Specialists • Financial Wellness • Skincare Nutrition Experts • Personal Trainers & MORE! Free mini acai bowls & cold pressed juice from The Wellness Bar!

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may | 2023 | june
to know
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HEALTH detecting breast cancer
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FOODS for women
TABLE OF CONTENTS Health.............................................................18 Fitness............................................................20 Beauty............................................................22 Balance..........................................................24 Nutrition.........................................................26 Wellness in Business......................................28 Calendar of Events.........................................30


Monica Lang Engebretsen


Jennifer Miller


Aimee Ewert


Brady Campbell


Betsy Shaver


Elizabeth May

LOCALLY PRINTED BY Century Publishing Co.



Sarah Hamilton, R.N

Megan Beach • Jennifer Miller

Laurie McBride, RD, CSOWM, LD

Elizabeth May • Sarah Burk

Nikki Parquette, PA-C

SOCIAL northidahowellnessmagazine


wellness north idaho fitness • health • beauty • nutrition • balance
educational and informational
practitioner or health care pro-
Magazine is copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Copyright
The information provided in this magazine is for
purposes only. It should not
used as a substitute for the advice of your
vider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Lang Design LLC., or its
Information in
Idaho Wellness
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letter from the team

HOLDING SPACE. Ashley Hobbs said “Sisterhood is holding space for one another to be our full selves - whatever that looks like. Messy or not. It’s loving each other while we figure life out.”

Judgment of others is a natural human behavior. Most judgment stems from our own insecurities and feeling like we’re not enough. As women, we have it tough enough being moms, wives, partners, career women, bosses, and every other hat we’re called to put on daily. Instead of passing judgment on the mom with the screaming toddler in Target or the mom who missed a baseball game because she’s working late, or your friend who didn’t text you back right away because she’s busy with her start up company, or the girl who has never been to the gym- take a breath and remember your life isn’t picture perfect either. Offer to put the Target mom’s cart back, take pictures of your friends kiddo at the game, bring your hardworking friend a coffee and invite that girl to your gym and workout together. We are all in the same boat, those boats just may look different, you could be a life raft for someone.

Once again, this issue is packed full of some amazing local women and we are honored to be in sisterhood with them and share some of their stories.

Cheers to love, health and happiness!

Sarah Hamilton, wife, mom, grandma and owner of Sarah Hamilton Face in Coeur d’Alene and Liberty Lake.

Cover Photography by Brady Campbell

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SUMMER CAMP Get Ready (208) 765-8228 (208) 415-0555 VISIT PARKER TOYOTA & PARKER SUBARU

SARAH HAMILTON getting to know

Prior to being asked to share my story for this article, I haven’t taken much time to look back, but it has been a fun challenge and I understand that one of the ways to give back to my community is to share my story so, here we go! I hope you enjoy…

Today I find myself with an amazing family composed of a husband, three adult children and two grand kiddos. My work family is 140 strong and is spread across two businesses, three locations and two states. My husband and I started Pilgrim’s Market on 4th street in CDA in 1999 and then we started Sarah Hamilton Face in 2015. Pilgrims started in a 1,300 square foot building with 1 employee and today has 120 employees, spans an entire city block and then some. The Sarah Hamilton Face Med Spa with 21 employees now has two locations; one in Liberty Lake and one in CDA.

Pilgrim’s Market was the perfect business to start since my first love was community nutrition. That’s where my passion led me right out of high school and my husband’s father owned 5 nutrition stores in Spokane. Working at Pilgrim’s Nutrition, getting my nursing degree as well as becoming a certified nutritionist laid the foundation for the next few decades of pursuit. Starting a family very young gave us plenty of opportunity to be immersed in food preparation for a growing family as well as incentive to make the best choices with food quality and nutritional supplements. After a few years my husband naturally began spending more time at Pilgrims and I began working as a nurse in the N.I.C.U. and O.R.

After spending a number of years working in the hospital and surgical settings, I took a job with a couple female plastic surgeons in Spokane. Their approach was very holistic and prioritized making their patients feel comfortable and confident in their skin over working with those looking for big lips and frozen faces. Those were the early days of Botox and they gave me my first chance to become trained and work directly with my own patients. For nearly a decade I worked for surgeons as an aesthetic nurse doing laser treatments, injections and in the O.R. assisting surgeries. I received countless trainings and tons of experience.

Once my third child was about to leave the home, I decided that it was time to strike out on my own. I had worked with an amazing cosmetic surgeon a few years prior, but he had moved his practice to Moscow, Idaho and was looking for a way to get back into Eastern Washington. The timing was perfect because I needed a Medical Director and Dr. Stiller needed a small office in Eastern Washington to do consults and follow ups with his surgical patients. That was the beginning of Sarah Hamilton Face and he remains our Medical Director to this day.

I named the business after myself because, when I started, I had just left another aesthetic clinic and had a non-solicitation agreement that I had to respect. Since I couldn’t contact any of my patients, I figured that if my business name was my actual name, that they would find me when they searched for me while looking to

Photo by Brady Campbell
I love what I do and always have. 11
Photo by Sydney Baye
“Money or notoriety have never been my driving force but rather the feeling I get from delighting patients and from being part of a great team.”

re-connect. I was lucky to have so many patients that wanted to stay with me since I had been working with some of them for over 10 years already.

I can’t believe that I have had my own clinic for 8 years now. Time flies when you’re having fun and it has definitely been great. I love my patients and I love the amazing team of other professionals that have decided to work with me. Thankfully, my husband and the team at Pilgrims, has been able to assist with the hundreds of administrative tasks that come with owning a small business and I have been able to focus on patient care and team development.

My professional pursuits have come full circle and caught up to my earliest passions because today, having other providers in the office allows me to not only work the aesthetics, but I also get to pursue my nutrition and longevity passions. I spend a ton of time listening to podcasts, and developing my own wellness lifestyle, diet and supplement program, but I also get to share these passions with my social media and industry family. I have close to 50,000 followers on Instagram and I am on numerous boards and think tanks for industry companies like Allergan, Galderma, Skin Better Science and Sciton lasers which means I get to learn from and speak with colleagues from all over the world.

Now I even share tips and tricks with colleagues that attend professional trainings at the CDA Sarah Hamilton Face Med Spa location.

At the end of the day helping others is what drives me. I love seeing others feel better about themselves from the work we do in the clinic but I also love to see them benefit from making better diet and lifestyle choices with organic foods and supplements. Amazingly, I get to stoke the fires of my passions while at work. I just don’t know how a person can go wrong by finding a way to pay the bills while pursuing a passion at the same time. My patients and my team “float my boat” so to speak and reading

reviews from patients on Google as well as comments from my team inspire me to work even harder for them.

Money or notoriety have never been my driving force but rather the feeling I get from delighting patients and from being part of a great team. I have always prioritized things that last like friendships, integrity and authentic relationships.

I would have never asked one of my team members to contribute to an article like this, but my husband did and when I read this sweet statement from Christina Fisher DNP, it brought tears to my eyes.

I didn’t want to share this statement below but my husband made me do it. He says that it demonstrates the benefits of working hard for others. Sometimes people approach business with a win-lose perspective and they always want to be on the winning side. I believe in win-win relationships and getting this kind of love from a co-worker is definitely how I define success.

“When I think about writing just how Sarah inspires me, I don’t know where to begin because Sarah is inspirational in so many ways.

I think the first place to start would be with her genuineness. She’s an amazing mom, wife, sister, friend, business owner and boss! She’s a skier, surfer, athlete and baker of the best gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. She’s not afraid to share who she loves and who she is. She’s absolutely authentic. Her realness directly transfers to how she runs her business, builds her brand and guides her team. She is kind, caring and considerate to every person a part of the FACE team and to every person that comes to Sarah Hamilton Face. She genuinely cares about others and wants to support others to be the best, healthiest, most beautiful versions of themselves.

When I think about how I want to be a leader, I think about Sarah and how she leads. She leads by being genuine. She leads with love. She leads by setting an example.

Sarah is an inspirational human. I am so grateful and thankful to have her as a leader in my life.” 13

How Can You Treat Cancer You Cannot See?

How one random Google search changed my life forever.

Have you ever had a Google search change your life? Well, I have. 2020 was a year full of unexpected change for all of us. But in addition to the Covid craziness, I also found myself thrust into a new world of breast cancer awareness and early detection. All because I had providentially stumbled upon the amazing technology of Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound during a random google search on a related topic. This option for supplemental breast imaging has the potential to save thousands of women from the ravages and the impact of late-stage breast cancer diagnosis. I now find myself dedicating the next chapter of my life to educating women and bringing this technology to our beloved community.

It all started with Natalie...

Really my journey started with my beautiful friend Natalie. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer a few years earlier after feeling a lump. She felt this lump just several weeks after being given a clean mammogram report. You see, Natalie had dense breast tissue. For women with dense breast tissue a mammogram alone isn’t always effective at seeing early stage cancers. In fact, a mammogram alone fails to catch cancer in women with dense breast tissue over 50% of the time. The statistic is appalling and one I was not familiar with prior to watching Natalie grapple with its reality.

Most women don’t know if they have dense breast tissue. Or if they do, they don’t know what to do about it or how to supplement their yearly mammogram with the proper screening tools. I was surprised to find out that nearly 50% of women fall into this category. That is a big number! This isn’t a small portion of women who fall into this high risk category for proper early detection. This is nearly half of all women! This number is even higher for women of African and Asian descent. Even more alarming is the fact that women with dense breast tissue have a greater chance at being diagnosed and dying of breast cancer. The risk increases with increasing breast density.

Alarming Statistics Regarding Dense Breast Tissue (DBT):

• Every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.

• Nearly 50% of women have dense breast tissue.

• Women with DBT are 30% more likely to die of breast cancer.

• Mammograms can miss cancer detection in DBT up to 50% of the time.

• DBT increases your risk of getting cancer up to 4 to 5 times.

These numbers plagued me…these numbers kept me up at night knowing my friend had been the victim of these statistics and had not been offered appropriate supplemental breast screening as an adjunct to her yearly mammogram. Had she, she likely would not have been facing a Stage 4 cancer diagnosis. It could have been caught earlier so treatment options would have been more effective and less invasive. After learning about Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound and how it can make a massive difference in finding small cancers in women with DBT or with breast implants, I had to do something.

Who Would Benefit from a SonoClne AWBUS Screening?

• Women with DBT

• Women with breast implants.

• Women who want their entire breast screened. SonoClne thoroughly scans ALL of the breast tissue. This includes the upper chest wall, underarm and lymph nodes while mammography only images the breast tissue compressed between the plates.

• Younger women who want to map their breast tissue prior to age 40 when a first mammogram is recommended.

• Pregnant or nursing mothers who cannot get a mammogram due to radiation. Men with a risk of breast cancer.

Sadly, Natalie lost her battle with cancer last year. It is painful to know that had she had access to this screening, her outcome may have been different. I am grateful that her legacy lives on in the mission of KVINNA. She is the reason and the heart behind all that we do.

We look forward to collaborating with practitioners and people in our community who care about taking a holistic and integrated approach to women’s health. 15

Why does Mammography mask cancers in DBT?

Breast tissue is made up of both fatty and fibrous tissue. The more fibrous a woman’s tissue is, the whiter the tissue appears on a mammogram (x-ray). Because cancer also appears white on a mammogram, a deadly masking effect makes it incredibly difficult for radiologists to see breast abnormalities. With ultrasound, there is no high contrast between DBT and any possible abnormalities. With ultrasound, there is a high contrast between the two ; making it much easier to spot small or early cancers in these women. Often cancers are not caught in women with extremely dense breast tissue until a palpable mass is felt and often is then a late- stage diagnosis.

In March 2023, the FDA updated mammography regulations to make breast density reporting a national requirement. Now women must be notified of the density of their breast tissue, and how it can affect the accuracy of a mammogram and their need for supplemental imaging.

So, in the middle of a pandemic, I flew to California to meet with the doctor who had developed the machine that the FDA has approved for over a decade. I had to see for myself the power of this technology. I received

my screening at his Pasadena office and to my surprise, I found out that I too, had DBT. This was news to me! At 48 years old, and after receiving regular mammograms for years I was just now learning that I fell into this highrisk category. I already had concerns for the safety and efficiency of a mammogram due to my having a breast augmentation. This sealed it for me… I was determined to bring this technology to our community.

In February of 2021, we opened the doors of KVINNA Breast care + Imaging Clinic in beautiful Liberty Lake, WA. We have built a space that is warm, inviting and spa-like. We want women to feel like they are being pampered by getting their yearly breast screenings. We have a heated bed, warm lavender infused wash clothes and a staff that makes you feel seen and valued. This screening is radiation free, compression free and safe for women of all ages. It is also safe for pregnant women or those with breast augmentation.

Angela Barnes is the President and Co-Founder of KVINNA. For more information about KVINNA or to book an appointment please visit our website at www. or call the clinic at (509) 960-5550.

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Free the Bleed!


If you’ve been on social media at all in the last year, consider yourself a little bit of a hippie, or are a person who bleeds once a month, chances are you’ve heard of “free bleeding.” Menstrual cycles, or periods, have long been something not talked about or danced around using a code name like Aunt Flo. In reality, if you have a uterus, most of us spend 5 to 7 days a month in pain, in and out of the bathroom and you’ve probably spent a small fortune on menstrual products.

So, what is free bleeding and is it for you?

First of all, it is important to understand what free bleeding is. Free bleeding is the practice of menstruating without any menstrual products, such as pads or tampons. It involves allowing the menstrual blood to flow freely from the body, often onto clothing (like period underwear) or other surfaces. This practice is seen as a way to challenge the stigma and shame associated with menstruation and to promote body positivity and self-acceptance.

One of the main positives of free bleeding is that it can help to break down the societal taboo surrounding menstruation. Menstruation has historically been seen as something shameful or dirty, and most women have been taught to hide or disguise their menstrual blood. Free

18 may + june // 2023

bleeding challenges this idea by openly acknowledging and accepting menstruation as a natural bodily process. This can help to reduce the shame and embarrassment that many women feel about their periods, and promote a more open and accepting attitude towards menstruation.

Another positive of free bleeding is that it can be a more eco-friendly option. Many menstrual products, such as tampons and pads, are made from non-biodegradable materials and can take years to break down in landfills. By choosing to free bleed, women can reduce the amount of waste they produce and contribute to a more sustainable environment. Additionally, it can also save women money in the long run, as menstrual products can be expensive. If you know, you know.

Free bleeding can also promote a more positive and accepting attitude toward women’s bodies. Women’s bodies have been subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism for centuries, and many women feel immense pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards. By embracing free bleeding, women can learn to love and accept their bodies, including the parts that are often

seen as shameful or unclean, not just the pretty parts or the parts society deems worthy.

Many tampons, pads and tools like menstrual cups can also contain things like bleach, dyes, plastics, fragrances and pesticide treated cotton. The vagina is highly permeable meaning anything put inside of it can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Chronic exposure to these toxins can increase the risk of cancer, contributing to reproductive and immunity issues.

In conclusion, free bleeding can have many positive effects, including breaking the stigma around periods and removing unnecessary toxins from day to day life. However, it is important to acknowledge that free bleeding may not be a suitable option for everyone and that menstrual products can be necessary for some women. It is a privilege to have the space and opportunity to free bleed without it causing too much interruption to day to day life during your cycle. Ultimately, the choice of whether to free bleed or use menstrual products should be left up to individual women, and they should be supported in whatever decision they make. May we love our bodies no matter how we bleed. 19 Written
by Jennifer Miller


boring work outs!

Find an exercise buddy

We all know that exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but let’s be honest, working out can be tough and some days it’s the last thing you want to do. It can be difficult to find the motivation to get up and move your body, and even when you do, it can be hard to enjoy it. However, there are ways to make your workouts more enjoyable, so that you look forward to exercising rather than dreading it. Here are some tips to help you make your workouts more fun.

One of the best ways to make your workouts more enjoyable is to exercise with a friend. Not only will you have someone to talk to, but you can also motivate and support each other. Having someone to share the experience with can make exercising feel less like a chore and more like a fun activity. Call your bestie and head out for a walk or book a dance class together.

Mix it up

Doing the same workout routine day in and day out can get boring. Mix it up by trying new exercises or activities. Take a spin class, try pilates, or go for a hike. By switching up your routine, you will keep things fresh and interesting, and you might even discover a new passion.

20 may + june // 2023

Listen to music

Music can make all the difference when it comes to working out. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and let the music hype you up. Not only will the music make the time go by faster, but it can also help you push through tough moments. No time to make a playlist? Spotify has something for all music tastes.

Set goals

Setting goals can be a great way to keep yourself motivated continuously. There will always be another goal to set after you hit your last one so it’s a great way to help yourself stick to a program. Whether it’s running a certain distance, lifting a certain weight, or mastering a new exercise, having something to work towards can give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Reward yourself

Give yourself a reward for reaching your goals or sticking to your workout routine. It could be something small, like a favorite snack or a new workout shirt, or something bigger like a massage or a weekend getaway. Knowing

that there is a reward waiting for you can help you stay motivated and make your workouts more enjoyable.

Make it a social activity

Incorporate exercise into your social life by joining a sports league or taking a group fitness class. Not only will you get a workout in, but you’ll also get to spend time with friends or make new ones. Our area Parks and Rec leagues have some great options!

Change your Perspective

Friendly reminder: the number on the scale does not equal your worth. You’re working out for your health, to feel good, to play with your kids, to bump up your immune system, to be stronger. Stop downplaying your hard work because of a number.

Remember to listen to YOUR body (not your neighbors), take breaks when you need them, use your workouts as time for you and most importantly, make it fun! 21

Goddess You Are Glow like the

Gaia. Earth. Terra. Mother Goddess. Liquid Light CBD believes that Mother Earth provides us with everything we need to live healthy and fulfilling lives, and that our physiology has been prepared to receive the great gifts she has provided to us. That’s why they created a line of organic CBD oil and skin care products that harness the power of the hemp plant in its purest form. This is a women owned, grassroots company, based in the Pacific Northwest, with the vision of replacing pharmaceuticals with organic CBD products, shedding light on all goddesses.

Liquid Light’s founder, Aracelis Vidal, was inspired by the homeopathic qualities of hemp. She began taking CBD as a multivitamin and liked what she felt the plant was doing for her body, particularly for her skin. Upon further research, she happened upon Rick Simpson and his unique extraction method that cured his own skin cancer. Aracelis was determined to share this with the world. It was then that Liquid Light was born. In 2017, Aracelis built her i502 cannabis processing facility in Spokane, Washington, where she could harvest the plant for its healing properties, focused on extracting only concentrated, real ingredients. All Liquid Light’s products contain familiar, organic ingredients, with absolutely NO preservatives and NO pharmaceuticals.

Inspired by Simpson’s novel extraction method, Aracelis created a highly concentrated CBD formula, Liquid Light’s flagship product, the Goddess 115 mg Full Spectrum CBD Oil. It was originally designed as a beautifying topical, but after a customer with extreme psoriasis used it, Liquid Light realized it additionally had incredible

healing properties for several skin ailments, as well as calming and soothing the skin. The formula is all natural, allowing for complete absorption into all the layers of the skin, healing, regenerating, and correcting abnormalities at the cellular level.

The product line then expanded to include the Nectar of the Gods, a 750 mg CBD isolate deep soothing muscle rub. This formula combines organic menthol crystals, warming black pepper, and spearmint oil to penetrate sore, tired, strained muscles, joints and tendons with relieving CBD.

Continued work with clients in the beauty industry, research, and through the work of her own holistic esthetician, Aracelis has just recently introduced Blue Sapphire Fusion 300mg CBD, a isolate facial balm. Blue Sapphire is a magical formula of exquisite homeopathic essential oils disbursed with yummy coconut oil and shea butter. The elixir leaves your skin glistening with a healthy, supple, and beautiful glow.

Liquid Light CBD is an all natural skincare brand committed to quality and consistency. They work with a single grower to source their hemp, and cherry pick the flowers to ensure the highest quality for customers. Join their mission to foster holistic CBD wellness globally, one goddess at a time. Trust in the power of Mother Earth with Liquid Light CBD.

Liquid Light is available locally at Pilgrim’s Fresh Market, at an array of local spas, and online.

22 may + june // 2023 23

IN YOUR BREATH Finding Clarity


techniques to promote physical, mental, and emotional healing. It involves focusing on the breath in order to regulate the nervous system and create a sense of calm and relaxation. Breathwork has been used for centuries in different cultures and traditions and has recently gained popularity as a holistic and alternative therapy.

There are many different types of breathwork practices, but they all involve intentional breathing techniques that are designed to create a specific effect on the body and mind. Some types of breathwork focus on slow, deep breathing, while others involve rapid, intense breathing. Some practices involve breath retention or specific patterns of inhaling and exhaling.

Breathwork can be done in a group or individual setting and can be guided or self-directed. Some practices involve physical movements, such as yoga or qigong, while others are done while lying down or sitting in a comfortable position.

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The benefits of breathwork practice are numerous. Some of the physical benefits include improved circulation, increased oxygenation of the body, and reduced muscle tension. Breathwork can also improve digestion, boost the immune system, and lower blood pressure.

In terms of mental and emotional benefits, breathwork can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and emotional regulation, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. It can also improve focus and concentration, enhance creativity and intuition, and increase selfawareness.

One of the key principles of breathwork is the connection between the breath and the nervous system. When we breathe deeply and intentionally, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and rest. This is in contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight or flight” response and is activated in times of stress or danger.

By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, breathwork can help to reduce the effects of chronic

stress on the body and mind. It can also help to regulate the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for many of the body’s automatic functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and breathing.

Breathwork can be especially beneficial for individuals who struggle with anxiety or trauma. By regulating the nervous system and creating a sense of safety and calm, breathwork can help to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can also help individuals to process and release traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Breathwork is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. It can be used as a standalone therapy or as a complementary practice alongside other forms of treatment. While there are many different types of breathwork, they all share the common goal of promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to reduce anxiety, improve your physical health, or deepen your spiritual practice, breathwork can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals. 25

Food for the Heart


Heart Disease is the number one cause of death for women in the United States and it’s estimated that 44% of women in the U.S are living with heart disease. There are many lifestyle factors that contribute to heart disease like excessive chronic stress, tobacco use, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, and an unhealthy diet. The ideal diet for the prevention of heart disease is a diet rich in plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts, but also includes healthy proteins like fish and poultry. Follow these nutrition recommendations to keep your heart healthy:

Consume fish twice weekly for omega-3 fatty acids. Omega- 3 fatty acids are unsaturated fats that can decrease triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, reduce

the risk for blood clotting. Fish that are rich in omega-3’s include salmon, cod, canned tuna, mackerel, and herring.

Choose whole grains. Recent research suggests that including whole grains in your diet can reduce your risk of heart disease by 30%. They are protective of your heart by lowering your cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, and helping individuals with weight management. Whole grain foods include whole wheat breads, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat tortillas, barley, and oats.

Bet you didn’t think I’d say: Eat your fruits and veggies! I’m sure you were expecting this, but fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants that can decrease

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your risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases. More specifically, they are rich in both vitamin C and beta-carotene which are both known antioxidants that promote long term health. Recent research suggests that eating as much as 10 servings (5 cups daily) of fruits and vegetables can decrease your risk of heart disease by 28% and premature death by 31%.

Include nuts and seeds for a healthy heart. It’s recommended to eat 3 - 4 small handfuls per week (not per day!) of nuts and seeds to decrease the risk of heart disease by 20%. You can include these foods by adding them to salads, roasted vegetables, homemade sauces like pesto, or pre-portion them out as a healthy snack between meals.

Limit the added sugar. It’s currently recommended by the American Heart Association for women to limit their added sugar to no more than 6 teaspoons daily. This is easy to calculate when reading food labels. Simply take the number of grams of added sugar, divide it by 4, and this equals the number of teaspoons of added sugar in the food product. Utilize alternative sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit to sweeten your coffee, oatmeal, or other beverages.


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North Idaho TMS and Brain Center is an integrative brain health facility that provides interventional psychological modalities to help those suffering with depression, anxiety, OCD, PTS, and mental health issues achieve long term healing and lead happy, fulfilling lives.

Founded in 2022, by Nikki Parquette, PA-C, a boardcertified physician assistant with extensive experience in treating patients with depression and other mental health conditions. Nikki saw the need for an integrative and comprehensive brain health center in the North Idaho area and she assembled a team of experts to bring this vision to life. The facility provides innovative treatments such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy to patients suffering from depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. North Idaho TMS & Brain Center is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure that their patients receive the best care possible.

They specialize in non-invasive, safe, and effective alternatives to traditional treatments such as medication and psychotherapy. This includes non-invasive neuromodulation (transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS), functional near- infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) neurofeedback, vibroacoustic therapy (Frequency therapy), and photobiomodulation (Red Light Therapy).

As the only integrative interventional psychology center in North Idaho as well as the first and longest running TMS provider, North Idaho TMS & Brain Center is the area leader in mental health healing. With innovative treatments such as TMS therapy, a commitment to patientcentered care, and a focus on wellness, their clinic is wellpositioned to provide effective and compassionate care to individuals suffering from mental health conditions.


Free Consult

First, you’ll meet with our TMS Coordinator who will review your goals and your personal history along with what TMS therapy can and cannot do for you.

Next, you’ll meet with a North Idaho TMS & Brain Center provider for an evaluation which includes questions

Pre- Treatment
WELLNESS BUSINESS in 28 may + june // 2023 NORTH IDAHO TMS & BRAIN CENTER 9321 N Government Way Suite E Hayden, ID 83835 (208) 268-6966

North Idaho TMS and Brain Center

Brain Health is Mental Health

Founded in 2022 by Nikki Parquette, PA-C

about your history and symptoms. If the provider has determined that you are a candidate for TMS therapy, and you are ready to move forward with the first treatment, a personalized treatment plan will be developed for you.

First Treatment

During this appointment, we will identify the correct coil positioning and magnet strength for you to ensure we effectively administer your individual treatment. This is a very important component to the overall effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, the visit may last up to 90 minutes. But don’t worry you can just sit back, relax in a spa-like setting and let our skilled experts do the rest.

Ongoing TMS Treatment Sessions

During the treatment, you’ll relax in a spa-like environment and remain awake as the NeuroStar TMS device delivers magnetic pulses to the specific areas of your brain that regulate mood. After treatment with your healing process underway, you can return to your normal daily activities WITHOUT any downtime.

To get started or see what else North Idaho TMS & Brain Center has to offer (like IV therapy and health coaching) visit their website: 29 Our Wellness in Business feature is a spotlight on your neighbors, local businesses who support not only their clients but our community.
above: client doing neurobiofeedback below: treatment room

WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2023 AT 11:30 AM Herbal Hour; EO Immune Support: LHG of West Barn 31 1908 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls

Join LGH of West Kootenai as we spend an hour each month discovering more about herbs and Medicinals, how they can be used, and an herbal make & take for FREE!!

Please RSVP to ensure we have enough materials. We’ll bring extra supplies for last-minute guests but can only guarantee materials for those who have RSVP’d. (208) 618-1961

SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023 AT 9 AM – 1:30 PM

Opening Day at our Saturday Market!

Kootenai County Farmers’ Market

Corner of Hwy 95 and Prairie, Hayden

Join us for our first market of the season! In addition to your favorite regular farmers, producers, and artisans, we have some new faces joining us. Did we mention that Bill Bozly will be on stage playing for you, too? It’s going to be a wonderful season and we are ready to kick it off with a big first day. You’ll find fresh early season produce, garden starts and tomato plants, food to enjoy there or take home including a food court, locally made crafts, and so much more!

SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 AT 12 PM – 2:30 PM Kite Festival

Broadmoore Park in Hayden

Join us for our Annual Kite Festival on Saturday, May 21st from Noon-2:30pm. Registration from noon1:30pm, and awards at 2:15pm. There will be prizes for Highflyer, Best Homemade, Best of Show & More! Kites sponsored by Aspen Homes in support of Child Abuse Prevention Month.

SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023 AT 6 PM – 7:15 PM

Mothers Day Restorative Sound Bath

Hayden Yoga & Massage

$45 per person


9th Annual Health and Wellness Fair (FREE)

Kootenai County Fairgrounds | Jacklin Building

Join The Wellness Bar and 100 other local health and wellness businesses for the largest wellness fair in the area. All the local vendors will be there promting their business with samples, raffles, knowledge and more. Chance to win a brand new cruiser bike -just in time for summer!

The Wellness Bar will be there giving away free mini acai bowls and cold pressed juice!

Mimosas and strawberries will be provided. Join us as we honor Mothers and the feminine energy at this Mother’s Day Sound Bath. All are Welcome at this inclusive event, You don’t have to be a Mother to join. Relax on your yoga mat as you journey inward, guided by the sounds of Quartz crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, chimes, and other ancient instruments. This is a 60-minute signature event, and a reservation is required as space is limited. Please bring the items you need to lie down comfortably for an hour, including a yoga mat, pillow, blanket, and eye mask. You must prepay to save your spot. Give Hayden Yoga and Massage a call to book this wonderful event! (208) 696-1330

THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023 AT 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Community + Cocktails - Community Meet Up

Beyond Bones Chiropractic

2362 N. Old Mill Loop, Coeur d’ Alene

Community + Cocktails is our monthly community meet up (aka open to absolutely anyone, of any age) where you get an opportunity to meet new people, mingle, and connect over a featured cocktail or mocktail. Each month we feature a different local non-profit in need of support and recognition and hope that we can help you find you a cool place to donate, volunteer, or support in some other way.

MONDAY, MAY 15, 2023 AT 4 PM – 8 PM

Meet a Farmer Dinner at the Kootenai Fairgrounds

Dinner is $40.00 per person (limited to 21+ please)

Come meet local farmers who will help you understand what it took to produce the food that will be served for your dinner that evening. Each will share their farming story and answer your questions during short interactive workshops. Sit with local farmers to visit and learn about their families, operations and what they produce while enjoying a wonderful farm dinner. The Kootenai County Fairgrounds is excited to be housing this event as the History of Fairs are based on agriculture - a place for farmers to show off their livestock and crops!

continued on next page 30 may + june // 2023 31 Dawn Stiefeld: Certified Foot Reflexologist PRIVATE AND BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. CALL TODAY! 760.558.9646 HEAVEN ON EARTH FOOT REFLEXOLOGY AND MASSAGE ------------ MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE $ 5.00 OFF! --------------Located in a serene area of Cougar Gulch • All sessions are private and detailed to your feet Let's start out 2023 on the right f t! You deserve it or you know someone who does! Mention this ad and receive $5.00 OFF your booking and gift card purchases 90min-$60 60min-$40 30min-$20 Open: 11am-4pm M-F 10am-7pm S-S the best gift! one on one se ions Cash, Venmo and Zelle accepted at time of service. FROZEN YOGURT & SMALL BITES follow us! follow us! follow @32belowfroyo @32belowfroyo IIV V & INJECTION SERVICES & INJECTION SERVICES Mobile Mobile Katiuska Brewer, Registered Nurse We come to you! immunity fat burner recovery detox prenatal migraine & more! USE DISCOUNT CODE: CDA208 USE DISCOUNT CODE: CDA208 For 10% off your first booking! 208 254 1423 www cdawellness208 com FOR MORE INFO & ONLINE BOOKING: CALL : Serving Coeur d'Alene Idaho and surrounding areas in the comfort of your own home! CUSTOM IV'S: CUSTOM, CONVENIENT AND AFFORDABLE WELLNESS!

WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2023 AT 4 PM – 7 PM

Opening Day: Wednesday Market now at Riverstone! Riverstone, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

This is the day that we’ve been waiting for: the first market day at our new location in Riverstone! Our entire market has moved from the old location downtown to Main Street in Riverstone. You will find your favorite farmers, food vendors, artisans, and producers, plus some new faces. Did we mention there is lots of parking available, too? We will still have live music each week, and the popular Echo Elysium will be entertaining you for our grand opening day. Stop by and enjoy the fun vibe of Riverstone, say hi to friends old and new, and enjoy a bite to eat while shopping at the Kootenai County Farmers’ Wednesday market!

SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2023 AT 5:30 AM

Coeur d’Alene Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k & 5k

McEuen Park: 420 E Front Ave, Coeur d’ Alene

The Coeur d’Alene Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k & 5k is May 28th, 2023 benefitting the North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation. Run one of the most scenic & spectacular courses in the country! You’ll enjoy the beautiful resort community of Coeur d’Alene and running along the Lake. Every runner will earn a coveted finisher shirt, finisher medal & a great time on event weekend!

FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2023 AT 12 PM – 6 PM Family Day in the Park 2023

Coeur D’Alene City Park and Independence Point Kick off your summer with this amazing family event! Dozens of vendors, games, activities, music, beer garden, food court, discounted museum admission, interactive displays, and more!

SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2023 AT 10 AM – 3 PM

CDA Flea Market

The Roosevelt Inn: 105 E Wallace Ave.

Your original neighborhood Coeur d’Alene Flea Market! Come on down *Second Sundays* from 10am - 3pm, May through October for a funky & fun local community event.

CDA Flea features 40+ creatively curated vendors dealing all sorts of vintage finds, handmade crafts, slow-method goods, and small batch eats & drinks. Enjoy entertaining and family-friendly live music along with other amusing interactive arts.

32 may + june // 2023

FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 AT 6 PM – 9 PM

SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2023 AT 8 AM – 4 PM


Presented by Mike White Ford

Downtown Cd’A (FREE)

Jump back in time at Car d’Lane! Experience the largest classic car cruise in North Idaho Friday night! Then, get up close at the show on Saturday and take a look under the hoods of these one-of-a-kind classics. Fun for the entire family will be taking place all day Saturday including a Poker Walk, People’s Choice Voting, Young Builders Alley and more! Join us for a full weekend of classic fun with in Coeur d’Alene!

Cruise Friday, June 16 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Show Saturday, June 17 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Awards Saturday, June 17 3:30 p.m. at 5th & Sherman Avenue

f a l l a g e s a n d w a l k s o f l i f e . L e a r n t o r e c o g n i z e m u s c u l a r p a t t e r n s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h s t r e s s D e v e l o p a c o n s c i o u s n e s s a r o u n d h a b i t u a l p a t t e r n s a n d r e s p o n s e s L e a r n t o r e g u l a t e i m p u l s e s

SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023 AT 11 AM – 2 PM

Dog Days of Summerfest 2023

Stoddard Park, Hayden

We are partnering with the Kootenai Humane Society and ICCU to bring you and your dog lots of fun with dog vendors, bouncy houses, food, and more!

SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2023 AT 6 AM – 11:59 PM

Ironman Coeur D’Alene 2023

Downtown Coeur d’Alene

At IRONMAN Coeur d’Alene, you’ll exchange ease for beauty, average for iconic. In 2023 we celebrate 20 years of racing in Coeur d’Alene. Twenty years of spectacular Northern Idaho views. Twenty years of memories and inspiration. Twenty years with the Lake City faithful. Swim 2.4 miles in pristine Lake Coeur d’Alene, ride 112 miles through challenging yet scenic Idaho terrain, and run a spirited 26.2 miles through Coeur d’Alene, finishing at one of the most festive finish lines on the circuit

Visit for more events, recipes, articles and more! 33
A L E X A N D E R A L E X A N D E R T E C H N I Q U E L E S S O N S T E C H N I Q U E L E S S O N S w i t h L i i s T o d d A m S A T c e r t i f i e d w i t h L i i s T o d d A m S A T c e r t i f i e d B y i m p r o v i n g o v e r a l l c o o r d i n a t i o n , t h e A l e x a n d e r T e c h n i q u e o f f e r s a u n i q u e t o o l f o r s e l f - c a r e a n d p r e v e n t i v e c a r e , w h i l e i m p r o v i n g p e r f o r m a n c e o f p e o p l e o
C A L L T O B O O K A T 2 0 6 . 7 0 8 . 4 4 5 3 • L I I S T O D D @ G M A I L . C O M L O C A T E D I N R A T H D R U M , I D V I S I T O R E G O N A L E X A N D E R C O M F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N

locally influenced follow Megan and all her adventures at @musemavenboutique @megbbeauty

Megan Beach

Spring has sprung and there has never been a better time for fresh fashion and a little self care!

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This time of year always inspires me. The warm sunshine, late sunsets and blooming florals make me so happy! I have created a list of some of my favorite things I believe every woman needs. I think you will love these selections for your Spring must-haves!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

34 may + june // 2023
Xo Megan

1. Frenshe Body Oil This amazing product is one of many from the new health/ wellness brand Frenshe, founded by Ashley Tisdale. You can find toxic free products to use in your home and on your body. This yummy body oil is one of my current favorites. It’s so versatile! You can use on your body to moisturize after showering or in your hair to tame those flyaways. There is also a body spray for your hair, body and linens. Amazing scent selections as well. Available at Target // $16.99

2. Schutz Enola Sporty Leather Sandal Sometimes a girl needs a comfy sandal with a touch of glam. This flatform style is one of my favorites for Spring/Summer. The gold buckle elevates this shoe and is sporty yet chic. Wear with flowy wide leg pants or athleisure wear for a casual cute vibe. Available at // $138

3. Rolling With It | Ice Massage Roller This tool is your new favorite friend. Reduce the look of skin puffiness with this cooling stick. Place it in the freezer and grab it in the mornings to keep your bags at bay. Available on Amazon // $12

4. Love Wellness | Bye Bye Bloat These little nuggets keep me feeling my best! If you suffer from digestion issues or discomfort, this healthy pill contains organic herbs and digestive enzymes to help calm and balance your gut. I take two every night or before a heavier meal and it works absolute wonders! Available at Target or Walmart // $24.99

5. Terry Cloth Clutch/Crossbody Bag This terry cloth material is trending this season and I am here for it! I am loving this bag from my boutique Muse + Maven. It is a clutch style but can also be worn as a crossbody. It is a medium size which is perfect for carrying your essentials for a fun lake day and then to dinner after. Available at (use code welcome10 for 10% off your first order)

6. Luggage Travel Packing Cubes These have been a game changer and made my packing so much easier. Not only do these help organize my outfits but it helps me pack more efficiently. The aesthetic is also a plus for my stylish ladies. You can choose from different packs, sizes and colors. Available on Amazon // $24.99 - $38.99

7. Melinda Maria Jewelry If you appreciate quality jewels and a little bling for a reasonable price, then this line is for you. A collection of gorgeous modern and classic styles that you can collect for yourself or give as a gift. I wear this brand religiously because of the amazing quality and unique styles. Available at Sarah Hamilton Face in Cda or Liberty Lake or online at

8. Caudalie Resveratrol Lift Instant Firming Serum This anti-aging serum has completely changed my skin. I have noticed such a difference in fine lines and elasticity. With power packed ingredients such as Resveratrol, Hyaluronic Acids, Vegan Collagen Alternative, Peptides, this product is 2x more effective than Retinol. Your skin will thank you. Available at Sephora // $84

9. Fujifilm Instax Camera One of my favorite creative expressions is photography. It’s so important for me to capture memories and snapshots of my kids and fun moments and milestones. I love this polaroid camera in a funky terracotta color. Throw it in your beach bag or travel tote and snap photos of your adventures. Make sure you save them to add to an album you can keep forever. Available on Amazon // $119.95

10. Rare Beauty Liquid Blush If you appreciate a natural rosy sun-kissed look for the warmer months, this product is for you. The matte formula is so pigmented you only need a tiny amount. Dot on your cheeks and blend with your finger or sponge for a gorgeous finish. Available in a collection of shades at Sephora // $23 35
7736 N Government Way Dalton Gardens, ID w w w . C A M F I T C D A . c o m 2 0 8 - 9 6 4 - 4 0 7 6 CONTACT US . 3 Convenient Locations + Food Truck Post Falls • 900 Hwy 41 • 208.773.6444 (with a drive thru!) Downtown CDA • 312 North 4th St • 208.665.9098 Hayden • 8110 N. Govt Way • 208.772.8201 (with a drive thru!) acai + pitaya bowls • super f d sm thies ginger shots • cold pressed juice quinoa bowls • fresh salads toast + bagel bar • baked goods loose leaf tea • coff & more! DOOR DASH! monday-friday 9am-3pm ORDER TODAY! NOW ON WB_NIWM_Ad.pdf 1 12/22/21 4:52 PM NOW OPEN!!! Check out our newest location! APPLEWAY & 4TH STREET CDA • POST FALLS • HAYDEN OUR FOOD TRUCK IS @ THE FARMER’S MARKET EVERY SATURDAY! Coeur d’Alene • 271 E. Appleway • 208.966.4028 (with a drive thru!) 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS + A FOOD TRUCK!

May 10th, 2023 | 4pm-7pm



Mark your calendars for the largest Health and Wellness Fair in North Idaho!

Chiropractors • Naturopaths

• Acupuncturists

• Essential Oils

Local Gyms

• Golf Courses

• Massage Therapists

• Mental Health Specialists

• Weight Loss Specialists

Nutrition Experts

• Financial Wellness

• Personal Trainers & MORE!

• Skincare

• Samples & More!

Free mini acai bowls & cold pressed juice from The Wellness Bar!

W W W . N O R T H I D A H O W E L L N E S S . C O M W W W . N O R T H I D A H O W E L L N E S S . C O M F r e e e v e n t & p a r k i n g !
100+ Health and Wellness Booths! HEALTH & HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR WELLNESS FAIR
Giveaways • Raffles

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