North Idaho Wellness Magazine | July + August 2022

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SU M M E RTI M E VI BE S in BEAUTIF UL NORTH IDAHO inside >> summer dating ideas • midwifery 101 • why walking works


table of

jul | 2022 | aug

page 8 // LOVE THROUGH THE STAGES page 16 // WHY CHOOSE A MIDWIFE? learning about your choices for childbirth page 28 // ACUPUNCTURE 101 the benefits of acupuncture page 36 // SUMMERTIME GRILLING





healthy living and whole food momma shares healthy ideas + recipes each issue!

in every issue

Health.......................................................................22 Fitness.......................................................................24 Beauty........................................................................26 Balance......................................................................28 Nutrition...................................................................30 Wellness in Business......................................................32


Ask the Expert...............................................................34 Local Eats.......................................................................36


north idaho


fresh. local. organic.






— YOUR — Summer Snackin’ Headquarters Healthy & Delicious Snacks. Grab N’ Go Meals & Sides. Gourmet Beer & Wine. 1316 N. 4TH ST. COEUR D’ALENE, ID


4 july • aug 2022

IN-HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHER + DIGITAL MEDIA CREATOR Aimee Ewert COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Brady Campbell DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Betsy Shaver LOCALLY PRINTED BY Century Publishing Co. --------CONTRIBUTORS Jennifer Miller • Kara Hicks Kimberly Palmer, LM CPM Joya Kennedy • Jennifer Watson, MN,FNP-C Holly A. Carling, O.M.D.,L.Ac.,Ph.D Josh and Jessi Armstrong • Amy Wearne Josh Blakely • Amanda Ament, RD --------SOCIAL northidahowellnessmagazine northidahowellnessmagazine The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of your practitioner or health care provider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Lang Design LLC., or its affiliates. Information in North Idaho Wellness Magazine is copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Copyright © 2020.

letter from the team

Allow us to wax poetic for a moment to our favorite place on Earth…NORTH IDAHO... you are magic, especially in the summer months when the sun sparkles off the blue green lakes like diamonds and when the moon hangs high over the mountains. You allow us to enjoy your beauty while still having all the comforts of city life. Your fresh air and winding rivers are healing and life giving.


Sleep Apnea Can Affect

Weight Loss

We’re so lucky to live and love in this special place. We hope this issue not only provides you with information from some of the most

Lack of Sleep

knowledgeable locals in this community but also with a new summer bucket list featuring our favorite places in the area.

• • • •

Frontal Cortex Dampened Reward Center Enhanced Poor Decision Making Increased Ghrelin (Tells us we are hungry hormone)

• Dereased Leptin

(Tells us we are full hormone)

• Increased Cortisol • Decreased Insulin Sensitivity

May your summer be long and full of love and sunshine. And to our favorite place - we love you North Idaho. Thank you for always loving us back.

Body’s Reaction

cheers to your health and happiness! Monica + Jennifer


• • • •

Choose caffeine late in day Choose high sugar foods Increased desire to relax Choose to exercise less

Fat Gain

Ready to Sleep Better? Call today to schedule your consultation.




Newlyweds Brett and Tabitha Bonner Picnic Provided by Coeur d’Alene Picnic Co | @208dates

S N O R I N G,


on the cover



208.773.4579 313 N. Spokane Street Post Falls, ID 83854


Cover Photography by Brady Campbell 5


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Written by S. Michal Bennett | Photo by Brady Campbell Custom Date Setup by Coeur d’Alene Picnic Co.

Tabitha & Brett

NEWLYWEDS • Anniversary: March, 2022

Their Story: Brett and Tabitha met by chance in a cigar bar in Las Vegas. Tabitha and a friend were drowning their sorrows after watching Gonzaga lose a basketball game, and Brett was hanging out with co-workers on a business trip. For two years, they dated long-distance, going back and forth between Coeur d’Alene and California or traveling together on business. Their first official in-person date was dining at a Mexican restaurant in Miami, and then driving to Key West. From the start, their relationship could be called one big adventure, and it’s the adventure that keeps them growing together.

What are your hopes and goals for your future relationship? T: More adventures and exploring. Professionally, we want to grow together too. We can get caught up in the busyness and needs of the world around us, so, I hope we can push that aside sometimes and just focus on us and how we can make a difference right here and now.

What was it that made you think, yeah, this is my forever person? T: Brett calms my chaos and busyness. He grounds me. B: She always says “yes” to my adventures.

What is a marriage cliché that you’ve broken or want to break? T: You always hear that the first year of marriage is the hardest. That’s 100% false. I know we’ve only been married a few months, but it just got better. If this is our first year of marriage, this is pretty rad!

How would you define “love”? T: Yes, it’s a feeling, those butterflies in the stomach, but when you feel comfortable with someone and can be authentic and real, be yourself, I feel like that’s love. B: I think it’s also a lot of trust and patience. What are some words you’d use to describe your partner? T: Kind. Patient. B: Adventurous.

How are you investing in your relationship on the daily? T: We like to have a trip planned or something to look forward to. B: We keep intentionally dating each other.

What is your advice for two people considering marriage? T & B: Communication. Even with little things you think are dumb. What’s your favorite personal date spot in North Idaho? T & B: We’re lucky to live downtown and at the end of a busy day, we can walk out the back door and take a 3-mile walk around Tubbs Hill. 9

Young & Michal Bennett 18 YEARS • Anniversary: June, 2004

Their Story: Young and Michal met at a tumultuous time in their own lives and the lives of their families. They didn’t really have any healthy relationship models in their lives at the time, and both families were strongly opposed to their relationship. The three years they dated spanned months of geographical distance, time spent working side by side, and eventually eloping to the courthouse in a kilt and Banana Republic dress. Through opposition and outward struggle, they chose each other and established a new family of two committed to the long haul. What was it that made you think, yeah, this is my forever person? M: On our first date on a sunny afternoon in Garden of the Gods in Colorado, Young mentioned he wanted a partner who would walk with him through whatever life threw at him. At that moment, I wanted to be that partner, helper, completer. Ironically, it is the number one thing I struggle to walk out every day. Y: What I found attractive was also annoying. It was very attractive that she could pursue things from a place outside of the stuff that her family had gone through. You were in your own world and always have been. I find part of myself wanting her to be more aware, but then the other side of me feels that if she is more aware, then she’s more aware of the hurt that I create too. How would you define “love”? M: When he looks at me, sees who I truly am, good and bad, and still reaches out for me with an open, vulnerable heart. That’s love. Y: The enduring part of love is what I know and understand more than anything. What are some words you’d use to describe your partner? M: Loyal. Authentic. Generous. Y: Sincere. Forgiving. Trusting.

10 july • aug 2022

What are your hopes and goals for your future relationship? Y: More oneness. I think that comes with time. I won’t understand all the idiosyncrasies, triggers, intricacies of who Michal is until we’re older. It takes time to get past your expectations of who a person is or what you think they should be. And all those little moments are what create change, development, movement. How are you investing in your relationship on the daily? M: Taking each day as a new, fresh day. But also, pausing to see the person walking beside me. I get so caught up in dayto-day tasking and dealing with my rambling emotional self that I have to make sure to remind myself that I’m not alone. There’s this heartfelt person here with me. Y: I’m doing this, participating in something uncomfortable and vulnerable to see my wife succeed. What is a marriage cliché that you’ve broken or want to break? Y: I’m not an expert in what men think, but there seems to be a perception that men don’t understand, realize, or experience the subtle nuances of emotional sensitivity in relationships. In my experience, the complexity of a man can be and often is far greater, more diverse, and more intricate in a relationship than anyone gives them credit for. What is your advice for two people considering marriage? Y & M: Don’t do it unless you’re willing to be something other than selfish, self-centered, or in pursuit of self-recognition. What’s your favorite personal date spot in North Idaho? M: An urban hike and sitting in our camp chairs on the driveway during the summer. Y: Getting out of North Idaho, especially in the summer.

Bill & Bonnie Crain 58 YEARS • Anniversary: June, 1964

Their Story: Every day for over a year, Bill would walk through the lunch line at his Indiana college and say to the little lunch girl and dining room hostess, Bonnie, “If you love me, smile!” It made her smile every time, so, convinced she loved him, he finally asked her out. Her response: “I don’t even know you! Why would I go out with you?” But a few minutes later she came back and asked if she could change her mind. On their sixth date, he asked her to marry him, and she said yes. Their wedding cost $5, and that night – and every anniversary since – they enjoyed pizza and watermelon for their wedding meal. In the beginning, they had nothing, but this country girl and city boy found their way together to a cozy home and wealth of family and community. What was it that made you think, yeah, this is my forever person? Bon: I thought he was cute, and he still is! That was what you did when you graduated from high school back then: found a guy, got married, and had kids. Also, he was a college boy, and that was a plus. Bill: I thought I was in charge of my life, as most 20-yearolds think. But I was just lucky. Bon was the first person I met that I truly enjoyed being with all the time. She was special, and I recognized it. She still makes all the meals, does all the housework, and in fact, if I start to wash the dishes, she gets nervous and pushes me out of the way! Bon: My mom taught me how to take care of my husband, and I carry on her traditions. How would you define “love”? Bill: The ability to always see good in the person that you’re with and that good is so significant that it creates an emotional reaction in you. I’m a firm believer in using your feelings to tell you about everything. If you want to know how you feel about a person, when you’re with that person, what is the feeling that you have? What are some words you’d use to describe your partner? Bon: He’s cute, he has my back, and he’s my protector. Bill: Adorable, funny and the hardest working person I’ve ever known.

What are your hopes and goals for your future relationship? Bill: We would like to keep our health for as long as possible! When a new relationship is beginning, people try to judge each other by what each one needs and wants out of the relationship. You’re constantly adjusting to make things comfortable for both. We passed that stage decades ago! Now, at the risk of sounding sappy, there is a blissfulness that is part of our relationship, and it doesn’t require any work. Bon: And I know you really love me, so there’s no question. It’s easier than young people think, but it also takes time. What is your advice for two people considering marriage? Bill: Make sure that that person makes you feel good all the time. If there are times when you don’t feel good, you should probably question whether this is what you want. Bon: And don’t think that you’re going to get married and then fix it. That doesn’t happen. What’s your favorite personal date spot in North Idaho? Bon: Oh, don’t say it’s in bed watching TV! Bill: We very seldom go out to restaurants for one reason – I’ve never have a meal at a restaurant, even a good one, that’s as good as her meals. Why would I go out to breakfast somewhere when breakfast at home is better?! 11



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Summer Lovin’ in NORTH IDAHO Written by Jennifer Miller

As I sit to put the finishing touches on this issue, I am happily seated on my back deck on what feels like the first warm and nice day of the year. It’s no coincidence that today is also the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. I am happy to live in a part of the country with four true seasons but summer has my heart. There is something so magical about summers here in North Idaho. It makes me feel giddy with nostalgia and excitement like something wonderful could happen at any given moment. Nostalgia for summer’s past is something I think most people that have lived in North Idaho for more than a moment feel around the beginning of July every year. There was a time, not long ago, that parking was plentiful downtown and so were spots on the beach, you could always find a spot on Sherman for the Fourth of July parade and Silverwood never had lines. Over the last few years, our little secret is not such a secret anymore. Parking spots are full, lines are long and sometimes tempers can be short, especially in the summer heat. Summer’s around here may be changing but the magic that is North Idaho is unwavering. We can still find the peace in the crowds, the magic in the chaos and the feeling that anything can happen still nudges us in the wind through the trees down at the City Park and in the gentle lapping of the lake on to your toes.

Summer is best shared with someone you love so the rest of this article is dedicated to our favorite “think







Because summer memories are made to be shared. Here’s to another summer in North Idaho filled with more magic and love.

PIRATES AND PUTTERS You’re never too old to swing your mini putter at a pirate ship. Mini golf has a special way of reminding you that your inner child needs to come out and play once in a while! Try Putt’n Around in Post Falls for an inexpensive and fun date. It’s an 18 hole course, easy to play and the lively music and friendly staff doesn’t hurt either. The course plays quick so make it your “in between “ drinks and dessert stop. For a more one stop shop, hit up Triple Play Family Fun Park in Hayden. You have a choice between an outdoor course (18 holes ) or if it’s the AC you’re looking for, they have a black light lit 9 hole indoor course. With a full service food court and countless other fun activities, date night couldn’t be more fun. GAME NIGHT WITH A TWIST Game nights at home are fun but add in some serious ambiance, your favorite beverage and maybe a few game choices you’ve never played before and you have yourself a date! Grab your favorite opponent and hit up one (or both!) of these summer hot spots. WINE HOUSE CDA Located in the up and coming East Sherman area, Wine House is locally owned and operated. Grab your favorite glass of wine (or whatever summer drink you’re feeling, their menu has something for everyone) and then duke it out over one of their lawn games while listening to live music or people watching. Hungry? You can’t go wrong with their ever popular “Chootie Board” or a delicious flatbread.

THE BLUE SHELL It’s one of a kind and our favorite spot for both arcade and tabletop games. They have over one hundred board games in their library as well as NES & SNES games systems built into the bar. With sixteen taps of local PNW beer and ciders, a great selection of wine, seltzers, and even espresso, you’ll be having the time of your life in no time. GET OUTSIDE Our summer weather, as we all know, won’t last forever. So, make the most of it, and plan a date your partner won’t soon forget with the backdrop of beautiful North Idaho. COEUR D’ALENE PICNIC CO. Let the Johnson family, longtime locals and husband and wife team, set up your romantic picnic date at your favorite spot. The Centennial Trail, Tubbs Hill, your favorite beach hang out, they can do it and with style. They’ll tailor it to you and your partner, so whether it’s a cozy morning breakfast date or an evening watching the sunset with sushi and champagne, let them take care of the set up. All you have to do is bring your snacks or meal and drinks and enjoy the moment. Know a couple deserving of an hour or two to themselves? Nominate them on Instagram! @208dates Make sure you look at their eye to detail on the front cover of this issue! COEUR D’ALENE WATERSPORTS Beating the heat? Or a little more adventure, more your thing? Check out Coeur d’Alene WaterSports conveniently located right on the dock at Independence Point in the heart of town. They don’t take reservations so make sure to plan ahead for a two person kayak rental or a paddle boat. If morning dates are your thing, you’re in luck. Grab your favorite coffee and take advantage of their Early Bird Special, two hours for the price of one from 9 am to 11 am.

“The dreamy days and sticky nights of summer

were already calling, as if anything could happen.” - C.J. Carlyon 15

Why Choose a Midwife? When I was asked to write an article for this publication asking “Why Choose a Midwife?” I was hesitant. I’m operating a thriving, fast-growing birth center in CdA and immediately decided I was much too busy to write an article. But after some reflection, I realized that there are many folks in our community who don’t know what a midwife is. How could anyone make an informed decision to have an out of hospital birth if they don’t know what a Certified Professional Midwife is. Please allow me to enlighten you just a bit. Written by Kimberly Palmer, LM CPM | HazelTree Midwifery

A CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL MIDWIFE (CPM) is an extensively educated, skilled, and professional primary maternity care provider who helps families deliver their babies outside of the hospital. We are trained and credentialed to offer expert care, education, counseling and support to women for pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period which includes newborn care. CPM practice as autonomous health professionals, often developing working relationships with other maternity care providers who can provide consultation and collaboration when needed. All Certified Professional Midwives meet the standards for certification set by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM).

While CPMs are nationally accredited, each state has their own rules and regulations that midwives must abide. Idaho Midwifery Laws allow healthy, low risk women who are carrying a healthy, low-risk baby to choose out of hospital birth with any of our qualified CPMs. Kootenai County, as well as our neighboring Spokane County have several CPMs to choose from. If you are interested in knowing more about these rules, you can find them at under the Midwifery tab. Women deserve choices in childbirth. HazelTree Midwifery’s primary goal is help provide pregnant women with more options, more access, and better models of care.

In the United States, CPMs provide unique and critical access to normal physiologic birth, which profoundly benefits mothers and newborns. Currently in the U.S, healthy women with healthy pregnancies have better outcomes for themselves and their newborns if birthing with CPMs than those birthing in hospital. Although qualified to practice in any setting, we have particular expertise in providing care in homes and freestanding birth centers. As of this date, CPMs own or work in over half of the free-standing birth centers in the United States today. Why Choose a Certified Professional Midwife for your Birth? Certified Professional Midwives are the only nationallycredentialed midwives in the U.S. with special training in providing community-based care, offering services for home and midwife-owned birth center care. In a maternity care system that has come more and more to rely on medical interventions, some that are not proven to benefit healthy women during childbirth, women in ever-greater numbers are turning to CPMs and home and birth center care to give birth to their babies. More and more women are seeking care that reflects their pursuit to give birth naturally, knowing that it profoundly benefits them and their babies. Women want to be full and respected partners in their own care, and to have the time, education, attention and company of a midwife they have come to know during pregnancy for themselves and their babies. CPMs provide a model of care that meets the needs and wishes of women seeking this kind of high-quality childbirth experience. 17

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18 july • aug 2022

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Here’s what women are saying about “Why Choose a Midwife?” “Now that I have had 3 midwife assisted births, this is how I like to describe it to my newly pregnant friends. Midwives are like inviting your favorite aunt and her friends over to help you have a baby. They love on you and care for you the way it should be and the way that child birthing used to be when we lived in tribes and family groups. You aren’t treated like a number to be pushed through a process. You are empowered to labor and birth in the way that you want to, in a loving environment with skilled help if needed.” “For a birth team to cheer me on and walk the journey, not a provider who rushes me out so they can move on with their day. For a relationship, not an appointment slot. For someone who will find answers to all of my questions, curiosities , concerns, as opposed to someone who is too busy for that. For a bigger connection. For food during labor! I didn’t know this until after: for amazing women I often think of and miss dearly, who made a major impact on my upbringing into Parenthood. Not only was a baby grown and born, so was a mother (in large part with guidance of the wonderful midwifery team!).” “Because the midwifery model of care is completely incomparable to the OB model of care. It is holistic, centered on the whole person and extending focus to their whole family- mind, body, spirit, etc. It requires and fully expects an educated person, and offers honest, well-rounded education. It offers full autonomy when practiced correctly. Because I personally experienced care with OBGYNs and felt like something important was missing. Because experiencing is believing, and the difference is massive. Because statistically speaking, it is as safe or safer for uncomplicated pregnancies and birthing people.” “The individualized care. You’re more of a person than a patient. The holistic approach. Becoming educated about my body and birth and feeling confident in the process, because I came to understand that under normal circumstances birth is a natural process and not to be feared. The ability to bring my other kids to appointments if I wish them to be involved and to have them at my birth. Being in a comfortable and safe space to have my baby. Recovering in my own bed with my new baby and family. Friendship. Trust. Love.” References: International Confederation of Midwives, National Association of Certified Professional Midwives, Evidence Based Birth, Idaho Dept of Professional Licensing 19

If you know me, you know I LOVE an amazing Farmers Market. Doesn’t matter if I’m right here at home or traveling around the country, you can find me at the local Farmers Markets seeking out the best and the freshest the area has to offer. We are so very lucky to have the amazing Kootenai County Farmers Market here in Coeur d’Alene and Hayden Idaho. They have been making it fun and easy for locals and visitors of the area to round up the best of the best that Kootenai County Farmers, Makers and Artists proudly create since 1986. You can find them at the Saturday Market in Hayden on the South East corner of HWY 95 & Prairie Ave from 9:00am to 1:30pm from May through October. They are also located in Downtown Coeur d’Alene on Wednesdays from 4:00-7:00pm on Sherman Ave & 5th Street beginning in May through September. It is so very hard for me to narrow this down to highlighting just a few of my favorite spots at the market because there are so many amazing vendors at both locations. My hope is that you not only go and visit these few vendors I mention, but that you also find your OWN favorites from the many more vendors that are proudly bringing their best to the markets. 20 july • aug 2022

kara’s corner

On a journey to feed me & my family whole food and live a more natural lifestyle & inspire YOU too! @kara_thewholemomma

Ramstead Ranch >> If you are looking for some of the best quality local meats, Ramstead Ranch is your stop for Grass Fed Beef & Lamb and Pasture Raised Pork & Poultry. You can snag a great deal at the Market from their Discount Cooler or sign up for their local deliveries right to your doorstep! There is nothing better than personally knowing the farmer that is raising your meat! I love that the Market is such a great opportunity to make that connection. The Wellness Bar Food Truck >> The Wellness Bar has several locations around the area but in recent years they have become a great starting spot for your Hayden Market trips with their Food Truck on location. They offer the best Acai Bowls, Pitaya Bowls, Smoothies, Protein Shakes and Cold Press Juices in the area! We like to start our Market trip with a Cold Pressed Juice to sip on while we browse the rest of the market. Kerr Microgreens >> This is a really fun new spot at the Market! You will find the owners of Kerr encouraging your kiddos (and you!) to come and sample all of their freshly cut microgreen varieties. If you haven’t experienced the flavor bomb that is a beet or radish microgreen, you need to make it a priority. The sweet owners have a heart for education, community and getting much needed nutrients into our bodies via delicious microgreens. I would say this is a MUST at your next Farmers Market trip! You won’t be disappointed! Mak Bread >> They have been offering the most delicious loafs of freshly baked bread (if you can get one before they sell out!) for a few years but this year they started offering

Toast and Bagel options to eat right there at the Market! Everything is delicious, but you definitely don’t want to miss out on the Everything Bagel with their homemade veggie cream cheese! Killarney Farms >> Stop here for your organically grown local veggie starts for your garden, beautiful seasonal produce and farm fresh eggs. But be warned, this is another vendor that you will find a large group of eager customers lined up before the market bell rings promptly at 9:00am on Saturday mornings. But I promise you, it is worth the wait! You simply can not top the freshness, superb flavor and nutrient density of local organically grown greens and veggies that were harvested just hours prior. Shopping here is another amazing opportunity to make that priceless connection with your local farmer! I hope this quick highlight of just a tiny handful of amazing local vendors at our Kootenai County Farmers Markets will encourage you to make Saturday morning and Wednesday evening Market stops and mainstay in your Spring, Summer and Fall routine. And if you try any of these highlighted vendors I mentioned, I’d love for you to tag me in your market find pics on Instagram @kara_thewholemomma! I’d love to know YOUR favorite Market finds! Happy Farmers Market Shopping!

kara 21


Sniffling THROUGH SEASONAL ALLERGIES Written by Jennifer Watson, MN, FNP-C

Pollen allergy season is well underway. In our area, tree pollen season starts early to mid-March with cedar trees pollinating. Cedar is cross reactive with the all familiar Arborvitae which is frequently used in landscaping. Then trees like Cottonwood, Poplar, Birch, Alder, Oak, and Maple pollinate. Currently we are in the middle of grass pollen season. While we can see the abundant, all too familiar, yellowgreen pine pollen, fortunately this pollen is not very allergenic. That being said, when we see pine pollen, rest assured there is a cause for your allergy symptoms: grass pollen. Northern grasses are highly cross-reactive. So, if you’re allergic to one northern grass, you will very likely react to all northern grasses including Kentucky Bluegrass, Timothy grass, Meadow fescue and Orchard. Grass pollen season is mid-May to mid-July. Another way to know your symptoms are due to grass pollen season is when we see Cottonwood seed flying about. The Cottonwood seed is just that - seed. Cottonwood trees pollinate earlier, in about April. Grass pollen cannot be seen by the naked eye, but Pine pollen and Cottonwood seed can. So when you see these yellowgreen pine pollen and Cottonwood seed, know that grass pollen is out and likely the cause of your allergy symptoms.

22 july • aug 2022

Weed pollen season starts middle to end of July and ends in the fall after we have a few good frosts. While avoidance measures are key to limiting exposures to allergens, this is a challenge given most of us enjoy being outdoors. When you come in from being outside, it’s helpful to change your clothes and shower to rinse off any pollen from your skin and hair. Pollen counts tend to be highest in the early morning hours, so if you sleep with your windows open it may be helpful to close the windows by 4am and go on your jog in the cool evening hours. There are a variety of medications available over the counter to treat allergies. Nasal steroid sprays are best effective when taken consistently on a daily basis. One common brand is Flonase. Ideally this medication would be started a week ahead of when pollen-related allergy symptoms typically begin. For example, if grass pollen season is your most problematic time of year, then start the nasal steroid spray no later than the last week of April. OTC less/non-sedating, 24 hour, antihistamines are available brand name and generic and include Zyrtec, Clartin, Allegra and Xyzal. Benadryl can cause sedation and is best effective when taken every 4-6 hours, so I generally advise use of a 24 hour low to non-sedating antihistamine such as Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra or Xyzal.

Eye drops are helpful for itchy, watery eyes, Pataday and Zaditor are great options. Allergy evaluation can include lab work to determine which allergens a person is allergic to and better guide treatment. The standard laboratory allergy panel looks for allergy to dust mites, animal dander like cat and dog, mold, and pollen (tree, grass, weeds). Allergy specialty clinics can apply skin prick tests as another modality of evaluation. Small amounts of allergen are introduced to the patient’s skin and a positive reaction will look like a mosquito bite. Long term control of allergies can be obtained with allergen immunotherapy, commonly referred to as “allergy shots.” This is a desensitization process which is quite effective at reducing symptoms when one is exposed to allergens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Jennifer works at Active Family Healthcare and is a certified family nurse practitioner through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and has over 20 years of serving our local community. 23


Why Walking Works Change Your Life, One Step at a Time Written by Josh and Jessi Armstrong

Walking is the most UNDERRATED form of exercise that you are not doing enough of. You may be thinking “hold on, walking isn’t exercise.” That’s where the majority are mistaken. Walking may be one of the most effective tools for weight loss and maintenance, general health, and longevity. Let’s discuss the numerous ways walking benefits each and every person. Let’s start with the general fitness benefits walking provides: • Strengthening and activating core and leg musculature. • Bone health and strength. • Heart health. • Joint support and movement. • Boosts immune function. Working our muscles, and moving our joints often is key to maintaining mobility, and ability for all ages. Movement through our joints allows them to stay well lubricated, strong, and pain free. This is important for all ages, but 24 july • aug 2022

becomes particularly important as we reach advanced age. Getting your steps in also provides a benefit to the muscles of the core and legs, maintaining muscle mass, strength, and increasing muscular endurance allowing us to perform activity longer. In addition to our muscle and joint health, walking is great for our cardiovascular system and has shown to reduce risk of heart failure, heart attack, and heart disease. For anyone seeking the keys to dropping those last few pounds. Our first response is always, “how many steps are you getting each day?” While it isn’t a flashy, body-burning, sweat-dripping class in the gym, walking can be more helpful and more effective for most people seeking to lose a few pounds. This is for a number of reasons: • Low impact, low stress. • Minimal equipment needed, easy to do. • Easy to get steps throughout the day, at work, at home, grocery store, etc. Weight loss requires us to intake less calories than we burn. Many people see a hard workout as a good way to

burn calories, or dramatically increase their daily calorie burn, it’s not. Go for a walk or find a way to increase your daily activity, many more of our daily calories are burned in the hours we spend outside of the gym performing daily activities, we call this NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Increasing daily steps and daily activity will be the easiest way to start seeing a big difference in your waistline. Here are a few ways we can increase our NEAT. • • • • • • •

Go for a walk. Perform household chores. Work in the yard/garden. Park farther from the entrance to work or the store. Take the stairs. Take a lunch-time walk. Walk around your living room.

For weight maintenance and weight loss, it is all about our energy (calorie) balance. Adding in more movement throughout our day, no matter what it may be, will only help reach your goals sooner than later. Taking that daily stroll can provide more than just physical benefits. The mental health benefits of walking are numerous: • • • • •

Decreased anxiety. Increased creativity. Less risk of depression. Decrease in negative thoughts and feelings. Elevated mood, attentiveness, and self-confidence.

This suggests that maybe we should be spending less of our time scrolling the ‘gram, and more time getting those steps in. Social media has shown to increase our negative thoughts, increase depression, and destroy our self-confidence. Instead, use that time to take a walk, decompress, refresh, take in some sunlight, and allow yourself to clear your mind. You’ll thank yourself later! So strap on those walking shoes and begin changing your life one step at a time!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Josh and Jessi Armstrong are the owners and operators of Metamorphosis Personal Training in Post Falls. 25

nighttime routine

FOR A MORE BEAUTIFUL MORNING Written by Jennifer Miller

It’s summer. We’re barbequing, drinking spicy margaritas on the patio, and swimming in the lake. By the time bedtime rolls around, the last thing we want to do is our night time routine. And we wake up with yesterday’s activities written all over our faces. This is why it’s important to carve out a few minutes for yourself before bed time so you wake up fresh as a daisy ready for another fun summer day! The routine doesn’t have to be in depth, and doesn’t have to take up too much of precious time you could be sleeping. A few easy changes will have you waking up to a more beautiful morning in no time!

skin --------------------------------------------------------------------------If you don’t have an already established nighttime skincare routine and you remember being told to be home before the streetlights came on, it’s time to get one. If you see an esthetician or dermatologist on a regular basis, they are your best resource for establishing a nighttime skin routine that is best suited to your skin type, needs and goals. If nothing else, here’s a quick 4 step routine that’s easy to incorporate. Double cleanse! Grab your favorite oil based cleanser and massage into your face. This helps remove all sunscreen (if you’re not wearing it, you should be.) makeup and dirt from your face. Oil and cream based cleansers can be rinsed or wiped off. Next, grab your gentle cleanser and wash your face again. This gets anything that may still be left after the first cleanse and helps get deep down into your skin and pores. Tone & Exfoliate. Toning can be done daily and exfoliating should be done at least twice a week to help remove dead skin. Serums & Retinols. Retinols should be used only at night, as they can cause the skin to be more sensitive to sunlight. Moisturize! Heavier moisturizer is best at night as it gives it more time to absorb. Overnight masking also helps the skin hold in moisture from those dry, hot summer days.

hair --------------------------------------------------------------------------Your hair needs as much attention as your skin. Especially in the summer, when we expose it to sun, heat, and chlorine. 26 july • aug 2022

Try not to go to bed with excessively wet hair and ditch the elastic hair bands for a silk scrunchie. The scrunchie will help reduce overnight breakage. Invest in a silk or satin pillowcase. These won’t absorb your skincare like other fabrics and also help reduce facial lines and tames frizzy hair when you wake up!

nails --------------------------------------------------------------------------Often the most forgotten body part to care for. Your nails and cuticles need love too. I find it easiest to keep a thick hand cream and cuticle oil on my bedside table so it’s in easy reach. OPt for a heavier lotion and cuticle treatment at night as, just like your skincare products, it has ample time to absorb. body --------------------------------------------------------------------------If you don’t like showering at night, consider a quick rinse to get rid of the sunscreen layers, sand, and sweat. And then moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Especially places like your lower legs and feet, which have the least amount of oil glands and are generally the first place on your body to get ashy and dry. For those of you who love a spray tan, nightly moisturizer is an important part of keeping it lasting a little longer. mind --------------------------------------------------------------------------All above can help you wake up looking refreshed but you need to feel refreshed too! Set yourself up for sleep success by trying for a consistent bedtime during the week. Swap your social media scrolling for a book which reduces blue light exposure and helps you sleep deeper. Trouble falling asleep? Spend 10 minutes doing a night time meditation, or journal all the things rolling around in your head so you’re not going to bed with so much on your mind. Lastly, fill up a diffuser with your favorite calming essential oils and drift off to your favorite scents.


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WHAT IS IT AND HOW DOES IT WORK? Written by Holly A. Carling, O.M.D., L.Ac., Ph.D.

Acupuncture is a mode of healing that dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) where it was formalized as the main body of medicine. Archeological evidence shows its use much earlier than that. The first book is dated 100 BC. Why is this important? Because acupuncture has withstood the test of time. Things that don’t work fall by the wayside, not hang around for over 2,000 years! Acupuncture in most countries of the world is regulated the same as medical doctors, chiropractors, dentists, etc. Acupuncture needles are regulated by the FDA. Schooling for a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) or Doctor of Oriental Medicine (O.M.D., or D.O.M.) - which includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and other treatment modalities - is rigorous with in depth training on nearly the same courses of study medical doctors take (such as anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, histology, chemistry, biology, etc.). The number of hours varies – for instance, acupuncturists don’t focus as much on medications because though we need the knowledge to understand what our patients are taking, we are not licensed to prescribe. Rather those hours are spent on studying herbal medicine and nutrition. Likewise, rather than focus on surgical technique, we focus on acupuncture technique. 28 july • aug 2022

Acupuncture integrates a philosophy of health referred to as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. TCM holds that there is energy in the body that when disrupted, leads to disease. That energy is referred to as “Qi”. The aim of acupuncture is to balance the qi, restoring function to the afflicted organ, tissue or system. Most acupuncturists rely on both TCM and modern understanding. Modern study reveals that acupuncture works on centers in the brain and other organs stimulating a response, mostly chemical in action. For instance, when an acupuncture point in the hand is stimulated, it releases hormones that suppress pain. Why the hand and not the head? We don’t know. There are still areas of acupuncture we don’t understand. However, these effects are consistent. Acupuncture needles are very fine, like that of a hair, and solid, more like a filament than a needle. Nothing is injected, so there is not the pain of being cut with a hypodermic needle, or the swelling accompanying something injected. It simply slips in between the fibers of the skin like a broach in a jacket. Acupuncture is unique in many ways. When a person comes in for an evaluation of their complaint, acupuncturists look at all symptoms combined, looking

balance for commonalities between all the symptoms and treating the whole picture, the whole person. So you may come in for headaches, but your digestive problems, your energy, your sleep and your hormones all improve as well. Acupuncture is effective for a wide range of conditions. Pain from most sources - arthritis, trauma and chronic conditions. It supports healthy immune functioning, improves digestion, balances hormones, improves brain fuzziness and fatigue, balances blood sugar, and the list goes on. If you are considering acupuncture, I am confident that you will be happy with the results.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with over four decades of experience.

Holistic Dentistry NW NATURAL DENTISTRY 8382 N Wayne Dr. Hayden, ID (208) 214-8489 29


30 july • aug 2022

Pantry Essentials FRO M A NU T R I T I O NI S T Written by Amy Wearne | Photo by Katya Higgins

Can you relate to this scenario? It’s a Wednesday and you just got home from work. Your kids are impatiently waiting for you (and dare I say spouse, too), you have a birthday party at 7pm, and you haven’t given dinner an ounce of thought. These busy summer nights aren’t helping you achieve your nutrition and fitness goals, are they?! AIM Nutrition can help! If you’re rallying home only to turn right around and leave again, you’re most likely not going to commit to preparing a Julia Child dinner for the family. Realistically, you’re searching for the quickest, easiest way to feed your humans and yourself before heading back out the door… This is exactly why it’s so important to set up your food environment for success. Controlling our environment makes decisions easier so we do not have to rely on willpower. Here are 3 simple steps for setting up a successful food environment. Step #1: Stop buying foods you don’t want to eat Step #2: Move or Remove tempting foods out of eyesight Step #3: Stock your kitchen with foods you do want to eat When we stop buying the foods that we’re trying to avoid, we save ourselves the willpower required to abstain from eating those foods. Realistically, when you’re tired or short on time, you’re naturally going to search for the easiest option. Eliminate unsupportive foods from the grocery list and save yourself the stress (and calories) from eating them!

FATS: Sardines Guacamole Cups Hummus Cups Nut Butters Nuts & Seeds Avocados Light Mayo Olive Oil Cheese

SNACKS: Dried Fruit RX Bars Rice Cakes Protein Powder Hard Boiled Eggs Deli Meat String Cheese Nuts

GRAINS: Lentils Quinoa Rice Packets Tortillas Banza Noodles Sourdough Bread English Muffins Granola

As for those red light foods that you already have in the house… Remember this motto: we eat what we see, not what we don’t. Examine the counters. Are there tempting treats clearly visible? Limit how many times you have to flex your willpower muscle by moving the treats out of eyesight. Open your fridge. Which foods do you see first? Do you see foods that fit within your nutrition plan or ones that you struggle to eat in moderation? The goal is to make the healthiest choice also be the easiest choice. Now check out your pantry. The same tips apply here. What do you immediately see? Make the first foods you see also be the ones that align with your nutrition plan. Have kids? Try setting up a designated “kids’ cupboard” that’s off-limits to you. Make it somewhere that requires time and effort to access – which gives you time and space to think before grabbing your kids’ treat. Now that you’ve set up your kitchen for success, it’s time to tackle filling it with supportive foods. Check out the sidebar below with tons of macro-friendly foods we recommend you stock up on! Amy Wearne is the founder and head coach of AIM Nutrition Coaching and the owner of Wildland CrossFit.

FRUITS: Berries Tomatoes Plums Bananas Peaches Pineapple Apples

PROTEIN: Lean Options Canned Tuna Chicken Breast Rotisserie Chicken Deli Meat Bone Broth Canned Chicken Canadian Bacon Salmon

VEGGIES: Brussel Sprouts Cauliflower Rice Broccoli Asparagus Cucumbers Zucchini Peppers Carrots 31

wellness in business

the holistic ape Written by Josh Blakely | Owner of The Holistic Ape

The Holistic Ape was born out of morals and values that were broken and ignored. Our company started out as ‘Ape Movement’ which sold physical products like foam rollers and yoga blocks. It was a way to make money fast and travel the world. It was supposed to be an amazing selling machine. We discovered that was everything we did not want to be. It took us a patent infringement and a lot of money to learn that. The mistakes that brought us back to our true selves.

to listen to their needs. She helps women who have lost their intuition with their menstrual cycle and have been put on birth control. Women who want to find what spirituality means to them and create grounding rituals. She also helps women navigate confusing nutrition advice. What women want is to be heard, healed, and feel confident in their bodies.

We are Josh Blakley and Taylor Abrahamson, the cofounders of The Holistic Ape. We sit alongside our other coach, Jake Casey. You may know all of us from dipping in the lake throughout winter doing the Wim Hof Method.

Josh is the only Chek Practitioner in Idaho! He’s a Functional Health Coach with a special twist! He has the ability to help you from a whole-body perspective like focusing on what is causing your gut dysbiosis, physical ailments, postural imbalances, and poor nutrition. His background in these areas of movement such as Anusara yoga, and parkour gives him the ability to work with all levels. A Chek Practitioner is usually the last professional help that people end up needin because the practice is heavily valued in the root cause of illness.

Taylor is our Women’s Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Her passion is to help women whose doctors don’t seem

If you’re reading this you probably know Jake! He is certified through the Kettlebell Kings, On-nit Academy,

Our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and happiness. We believe that we are the most well-rounded health coaching team in the Inland Northwest.

32 july • aug 2022

Living.Fit as a Kettlebell Specialist and most recently certified as a Fascial Stretch Therapist. His passion is helping people connect to their breath, and stretch safely, he is a wizard with words; specifically teaching you how to speak to and about yourself. He uses tools like the kettlebell, battle ropes, and steel maces to help build strength within his clients. --------------------------------------------------------------------------“Incredibly knowledgeable team! I was really impressed with their constant pursuit of new and better techniques to help both myself and my patients. 101/10, highly recommended!” —Dr. Ryan Bones, Owner of Beyond Bones Chiropractic --------------------------------------------------------------------------All of our passions and knowledge revolve around one thing; you. We create incredibly specific plans based on your story using an assessment method to evaluate the important parts of your life such as your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional being. We don’t do cookie-cutter template programs. Contact us if you are ready to make a life change at 33

ask the expert

HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? Benefits and tips of Urban Gardening Written by Jennifer Miller

Gardening has become even more popular during the last year with so many spending most of their time at home. Aside from being a hobby, gardening is a great way to grow safe, sustainable food. And bonus, it may even save you a little money next time you head to the grocery store. The list of the benefits of growing your own food would be endless but one of the things I love the most about it is the sense of empowerment you get. The first time you make a meal with your own produce is pretty gratifying. And you know, without a doubt, what you are feeding your family is safe and healthy. No room for a garden? No problem! Get creative with your space and your containers. Start small. If you’ve never put spade to soil before, start with a small windowsill herb garden. Pick your favorite and most used herbs, find a spot that gets enough sunlight (typically 6 to 8 hours) and plant seeds in a container with appropriate drainage. My favorite herbs to plant are Basil, Oregano, and Thyme. These can all be used year round and in your favorite dishes. Make sure your planter is somewhere you walk by everyday. That way tending your little garden becomes part of your day to day routine.

My dream garden is a sprawling space with veggies and plants abundant. Overflowing with honey bees and butterflies and growing enough produce to feed my family of three. In reality, I live in a small house with a small backyard covered by large pine trees. In North Idaho, where we spend most of our year bundled up in a parka. However, none of this means I can’t grow my own food. Whether you have a green thumb or not, you can make a garden happen even in a small space.

Ready to expand to the great outdoors? The best time to plant in our area is mid to late May. Putting your plant babies outside too early could expose them to frost. Make sure your containers are big enough to accommodate your plant as they grow bigger. Potting soil and fertilizer are key in helping your garden grow. If you are keeping your garden organic, be mindful and research your soil and additives first. Tomatoes and strawberries grow great in smaller containers and can be used in so many different recipes. Strawberries can even be hung in hanging baskets to save space. It’s always best to research how much water your garden needs. Most of the time, the plants don’t need to be watered until the soil is completely dry. Over watering is the fastest way to kill a plant. Your containers will need drainage so make sure if you’re not using a traditional planter, you’ll need to drill holes in the bottom. No matter how small the space, I hope you get out this season and get your hands a little dirty and enjoy the magic of gardening!

34 july • aug 2022 35

becoming a Grill Master Written by Amanda Ament | Registered Dietitian of Heritage Health

Once upon a time, I walked into Costco for a specific item and came out having only purchased the intended item.… said no one ever. My recent transgression was walking into Costco for a pair of $30 running shoes and walking out with the running shoes… and a brand-new pellet grill from a very popular brand. Oops. What can I say? This brand is only featured at Costco a few times a year and I happened to stumble upon one of their events when I only get to the store once every 2-3 months. It was fate! I also justified it because my husband and I have been looking for a new grill for a while now. We’d been comparing prices, features, longevity, ratings – the whole gamut. Now, we have this fancy grill that we get to bring in BBQ season with!

effects. Season your pork chops with cumin, paprika, and chili powder to get in some extra vitamins, minerals, and flavor. Sprinkle cinnamon onto the fruit of your choice and take advantage of its anti-clotting and antimicrobial properties. Get creative with veggies. Make some skewers with a rainbow of color – red, orange, yellow, and green bell peppers, red onions… mix it up by adding some pineapple chunks for a dash of sweetness. Halve a head of romaine lettuce, brush with avocado or canola oil (these have higher smoke points than olive), lightly grill, and end by topping it with your favorite salad fixings.

That got me thinking about some of my favorite grilling go-to’s that are both delicious and healthy. Here are some tips and ideas to add and build off of that little something extra to your meal.

Don’t forget the dessert! Grab your favorite stone fruit (peaches, apricots, or nectarines), cut in half, throw on the grill for 3-4 minutes until you see some beautiful grate marks, remove, and top with a dollop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Slice up watermelon, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic reduction, season with salt, and leave on for about 10 minutes or until you see grill marks develop.

Season your grillable with items that have other health benefits. Rub fresh minced garlic onto into chicken and take advantage of the positive cardiovascular side

While making delicious things is important, it’s no good if you end up getting sick from it! Food safety is critical. Be sure things are cooked to the minimum safe internal

36 july • aug 2022

temperatures to minimize the chance of foodborne illness. I like my medium-rare steak as much as the next person, but know that it does come with a higher risk. Plant-based proteins, fruits, and vegetables do not have a minimum temperature requirement.

Dirne Foundation

FOOD MINIMUM INTERNAL TEMPERATURE Whole or ground turkey, chicken, and duck; precooked ham; leftovers 165°F Ground beef, veal, and lamb; egg dishes; pork 160°F Fresh beef, veal, and lamb steaks, roasts and chops; fresh pork (including ham that isn’t pre-cooked); fish 145°F and rest for 3 minutes to finish cooking Shrimp, lobster, crab, and scallops Cook until flesh is opaque and pearly or white Clams, oysters, mussels Cook until the shell opens Minimum cooking temps are according to Lastly, some research studies have shown that consuming charred (partially burnt/blackened) meats frequently can increase the risk of cancer (especially pancreatic). To summarize in the most basic form, this is because carcinogenic compounds called HCAs and PAHs are formed as a result of animal protein being charred, burned, and overcooked. This can especially occur in items like hamburgers, processed meats (hot dogs, brats, bacon), and smoked meats (pulled pork, pork ribs). To lower this risk, trim off excess/visible fat (including chicken skin). Cook items to avoid charring (center items on the grill and ignite only side burners or use coals to the side). Be conscientious of choosing to eat items that aren’t charred most of the time. To eliminate this risk (at least based on current research), try choosing plant-based items such as veggie burgers, portobello mushroom caps, or black bean burgers, as these don’t contain the fats or proteins that cause the known issues. I hope some of these ideas spur your creativity while keeping you safe and healthy!

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Joya, owner of Sweat Nourish Bloom,

is a nutritionist and personal trainer who’s passion is helping people become all they were created to be. She believes that by incorporating sweat (movement), nourishment (mind, body, and spirit), then you will B L O O M in every area of your life. ----------------------------

sweat nourish bloom

---------------------------I have created a training ebook called SWEAT that incorporates weight lifting and high intensity interval training in only 20 minutes or less a day. I think many of us can become overwhelmed with the thought of adding an hour of exercise every day after everything else going on in our lives if we want to see any progress which is just not true! I used to be that person who thought they needed hours of exercise to see progress until I became a mother and that simply was just not possible.. at least without sacrificing sleep, which wasn’t going to happen!! This is why I created this program, for mothers and other people who are busy! It can be done at home or the gym which is also convenient for mothers. 20 minutes of HIIT and weightlifting will help you get your SWEAT on so that you can get back to snuggling your babies, and/or grinding in all the other areas of your lives.

setting up your home gym WITH JOYA!

The thought of setting up a home gym

can be overwhelming to some, but it doesn’t have to be. Working out from home can be the one missing key to success. There are many benefits to working out from home like being able to save time by skipping the commute to the gym and by saving money. A gym has so many amazing benefits that I, myself love to utilize but for some, working out from home can work better for their schedules and budgets. If you are feeling intimidated on how to get started, I am here to tell you that it is much easier than you might think. Setting up your home “gym” or workout space can be as simple and inexpensive or as extravagant as you want. Here are the steps to create your best home exercise space. Step 1: Designate a space This could be your bedroom, your office, living room, garage, etc. You only need a small amount of space to exercise. I exercise in my bedroom and it works best for me. Step 2: Follow a plan Whether going to the gym, or working out from home it is very important to follow a plan to ensure success. It’s so easy to just start lifting weights and take lots of breaks, but you’re going to make it a lot further by following a specially designed plan for whatever you’re trying to accomplish. This is where my 20-min-workout ebook would come into play. There are also hundreds of online plans to choose from. Choose one and complete it. Then, do it again, or choose a new plan to follow. Step 3: Prepare/ Get appropriate equipment After choosing a plan you will want to make sure you have the proper equipment to complete it. Most plans

only require a few items and some only require your body weight. For my SWEAT ebook you will need a pair of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells. Step 4: Stick to the plan After choosing a plan, commit to following the plan without missing a workout. For example, if the plan has 3 workouts a week for 8 weeks, complete the 3 workouts a week for 8 weeks. Being consistent will get you results. Make sure to do proper warm up and cool down exercises to ensure safety such as: WARM UP 10 body weight squats 10 body weight lunges each side 10 inchworms 10 arm circles forward and back 10 jumping jacks COOL DOWN 30 sec down dog 30 sec child’s pose 30 sec seated toe reach 30 sec butterfly stretch 30 sec standing hip flexor stretch each side 30 sec quad stretch each side I hope these tips for setting up a home workout space are helpful! Happy exercising! Joya Get your SWEAT ebook here > 39


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