THE HOLIDAYS ARE ABOUT TRADITIONS. Things you look forward to all year round, waiting patiently for the season to start. Whether it’s going to a specific tree farm to cut down your tree or baking your favorite recipes to host a special dinner, that familiarity is comforting and cozy. Just like the holidays should be. But it’s also time to look forward to the future and what the new year will bring.
There is beauty in change and growth. You’ll be seeing some growth from us in the New Year as well. We’re excited to bring you the same local and knowledge filled publication with some new twists. Be on the lookout for some serious local powerhouses on our covers and some fresh digital content as well. While we can’t wait for what the new year brings, we hope you take the time to slow down and really enjoy this special time of the year with the ones you love.
The Green Family Jamie, Robert, Sophia (15), Scarlett (12) Sam (10) and Sullivan (8).
Is this your first holiday season in North Idaho? Or maybe you’re looking for some local, family friendly activities? Starting a new tradition or building your families from the ground up, our community is full of fun events this season. On the next page are a few of our favorites. Make sure to check out our center feature to read all about the Green’s favorite family traditions and check out our website for more information and more local events.
Each winter, beginning in November and going until as late as February, around 200 bald eagles will return to Wolf Lodge Bay on Coeur d Alene lake to feed on the land locked Kokanee Salmon. Eagle watching can be done easily from Higgins Point or the Mineral Ridge Boat ramp. Bundle up your family, grab some binoculars and spend the afternoon mesmerized by these majestic creatures.
Get in the holiday spirit with North Idaho’s favorite event. Beginning at 5pm, watch the parade come down Sherman Ave, followed by caroling and a firework show on the front lawn of the Coeur d’Alene Resort ending with the flip of a switch illuminating the 1.5 million lights around downtown and the Boardwalk! Friday, November 25 from 5pm to 7:30pm. More information can be found at: www.cdadowntown.com
The much anticipated 34th annual Kootenai Health Foundation’s Festival of Trees will be benefiting the Heart Center Expansion Project. Take a stroll through the expertly decorated trees or put on your best holiday wear for the gala event. More information can be found at: www.kootenaihealthfoundation.org
Join North Idaho College and talented chorale and instrumental performers in the music of the season. Held both the evening of Saturday December 10th and a matinee time on Sunday, December 11th at Boswell Hall, it’s a perfect new tradition. More information can be found at: www.nic.edu
Visit the shops on the downtown corridor every Friday through Sunday beginning Friday, November 25th. Santa’s favorite scout elves will be on the lookout, hidden in your favorite shops. More information can be found at: www.cdadowntown.com
North Idaho’s newest holiday tradition is opening for its second season on November 4th. Take the family down for ice skating and loaded hot cocoa or look into renting one of their igloos for a special event.
More information can be found at: www.cdaonice.com
Take a day trip to Schweitzer Mountain in Sandpoint to go snow tubing. Hermit’s Hollow is located at the base of Schweitzer just beyond the village. After you get your fill of the slopes, warm up inside the yurt.
More information can be found at: www.schweitzer.com
A favorite tradition among local families. Board a cozy cruise ship off the Resort Boardwalk and take a fun filled ride out to the North Pole to see Santa. He’ll even let your kiddos know if they made the nice list!
More information can be found at: www.cdacruises.com
Make the holidays even more magical by cutting down your own Christmas tree! Head up to Rathdrum to Miller’s Tree Farm for your locally grown tree.
More information can be found at: www.millersfamilytreefarm.weebly.com
“Celebrate as if holidays are a reflection of your dreams, desires, traditions, and values all wrapped in happiness and joy.”
-- Debasish MridhaMeet lifetime locals, Robert and Jamie Green.
After over 22 years together, 4 beautiful children and a business or two, surviving law school and years of trial, error and triumph, they’re here to share their stories, holiday memories and tips and tricks for not just surviving the season but making unforgettable memories along the way.
Robert and I started the summer going into my senior year of high school. We both worked at Dockside, me as a hostess and Robert as a prep cook and Gooey Chef. He lured me in with mini M&M’s that I would take when his back was turned (so I thought). After high school, we both moved to Boise to start college at Boise State University. We bought a home outside of the city and commuted to campus and back. We worked almost full-time through college, which was bittersweet. Self-reliance was nothing new to us.
After graduation, in 2005, we tied the knot at the Hayden Lake Country Club and I moved back home to Coeur d’Alene. We sold our Boise home and Robert moved into the dorms to finish his final year of college. His double major in political science and philosophy from the Honors College which would take an extra year. Back in Coeur d’Alene, I had opened a bilingual kindergarten school and was flying back to Boise on the weekends (usually to sleep on a tiny twin dorm room bed). Those were fond memories of Chinese takeout, terrible sleep, and sharing a bathroom with a bunch of young college kids.
Just two weeks before Robert started law school at Gonzaga University, we welcomed our first daughter, Sophia. The last semester of law school, we brought Scarlett into the world. Juggling law school as parents was a surefire way to prioritize our lives. Robert graduated during the recession and was one of only 10% of his graduating class who had employment upon graduation at the Kootenai County Prosecutor’s Office where he had spent his internship. In 2008, I started a business that produced baby accessories and leveraged the growing e-commerce industry and was quickly wholesaling products globally.
Fast forward to 2015 and our family had grown by two more with Sam and Sullivan. We knew it was time to pivot, so Robert decided to “hang out a shingle” and start his own estate planning law firm. Kootenai Law Group was born from the grassroots up. As the business grew, we learned the hard lessons of business ownership, raising a big family, and figuring out our own selves, which had mostly taken a back burner over the last decade. In 2017, I sold my business and began working alongside Robert
with marketing and office management. I have served on the Board of Directors for the Children’s Village for 5 years, which has helped guide my passion to work on my Masters of Social Work degree with goals of becoming a licensed therapist.
The last few years have been fueled by a will of determination to find balance. For over 10 years, we never really stepped back to look at all we’d built. We were in the arena of parenting four babies and toddlers, cutting coupons, hoping we could give ourselves a paycheck after taking care of staff and paying office rent and a mortgage. It was and still is, alot, but with years comes wisdom. We’ve learned how to slow down and how to play. We rest and don’t feel guilty anymore.
We still scramble and try to figure out the best way to simultaneously juggle high school, middle school and elementary school along with 6 afterschool sports, but somehow there’s a little more breathing room then there once was. We’ve learned to say no and prioritize where we spend our time and how we spend our money. We don’t go to all the community events anymore. Being seen isn’t a priority… our family is. Rest is. Supporting our public schools and athletics is a priority. Traveling with our children and letting them experience diversity is a priority. Spending time with family and dear friends is a priority. Enriching our own selves with books, podcasts, healthy foods and exercise is a priority. Even after 22 years, Robert and I are still getting to know each other. We basically grew up, side by side in a constant state of go-go-go. Now, we make time to unpack a lot of that and focus on who we are now. Checking in with each other on a weekly basis has become a priority for us. We usually wake up before the kids, make coffee and go on a walk or lay in bed and unpack the week and demystify the stories we’ve created in our heads, what worked, what didn’t work, what was learned, what was helpful, and how our own mental health is holding up.
As our marriage changed so has our dating expectations. We’ve had to let go of our dating ideals. It’s not the typical “go out to a restaurant and have a drink”. Most of our evenings involve cheerleading, football practice, volleyball, gymnastics, and baseball. Our date nights might be a 20 minute walk or putting a puzzle together while listening to a travel podcast. As our children become more independent, the freedom “to date” becomes more reachable. Finding childcare for 4 kids has never been an easy feat. We definitely have goals
JAMIE // “When I was 6 or 7, my Aunt Melanie lived up on the Highlands in Post Falls. Some years we would stay the night on Christmas Eve and have a big fondue party. I’ll never forget being a bit troubled about being anywhere but home on Christmas Eve. Would Santa be able to find me? All worries were cast aside, when I saw with my very own eyes, Santa and his reindeer flying through the sky! Being the only grandchild on my dad’s side of the family, I was immensely spoiled. Waking up Christmas morning with new Little Mermaid bedding and new Barbies was nothing short of magic. One of those years, my dad found a used bicycle and spray painted it the most perfect shade of neon pink. Even though times were tough growing up, my family always knew how to make it special.”
ROBERT // “One of my favorite holiday memories is of a Christmas spent with my dad when I was young. My mom and dad divorced early in my life and most Christmas celebrations with my dad took place the week before or after the holiday. One year, my dad didn’t have the extra money for a tree, so instead he brought in a giant tumbleweed from outside. Strange as it sounds, that tumbleweed has always been my favorite Christmas tree. We spent the day watching Christmas movies and decorating the “tree” with popcorn, play-dough and paper ornaments and anything else we could find that would pass as an ornament. I learned then that Christmas was about being with family, not material things.”
SOPHIA (15) // “My favorite Christmas memory happens every year when we open our pajamas on Christmas Eve and listen to my mom read the Night Before Christmas.”
SCARLETT (12) // “My favorite Christmas tradition is dressing up in our Christmas pajamas, getting hot cocoa and driving around to see everyone’s Christmas lights.”
SAM (10) // “Hot chocolate, playing Yahtzee in Leavenworth, building snow forts with my brother and decorating the Christmas tree.”
SULLIVAN (8) // “I love going to all the shops and looking at all the lights in Leavenworth.”
and aspirations that involve traveling and exploring together, but we are also realistic and know this phase of our lives is short and so we appreciate the small things and moments we have together.
In the last year, we’ve been able to take the girls on a trip and the boys on their own trip. This was a new experience for all of us and we can’t wait to do it again! As much as we would love individual dates with our children, this season is just busy. Something we have come to value over the years is one on one time in the car. We’ve had some powerful conversations with our children on the way home from practice. There is something to be said about the ease of vulnerability from the backseat of the car. Once again, the small, everyday moments are where life happens.
To say the holidays are stress free would be the most outrageous lie. We have a very large family and trying to make everyone happy is impossible, which can lead to unmet expectations and stress. There is a reason my favorite holiday is Halloween!
Over the years, we’ve tried different “new traditions” to change things up and potentially alleviate stress. In the last few years, we decided to stop hosting Thanksgiving dinner, because we host both Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner for different sides of the family , it was just too much. For several years, we rented a room at the Resort for Thanksgiving and the day after for the Lighting Ceremony. This was our Christmas present to our children. We have a lot of good memories of those days, but we shifted directions and have been going to Leavenworth for Thanksgiving. We rent the same cozy, Christmas cabin, bring air mattresses with Christmas sheets and pillows, play lots of Yahtzee, eat peppermint ice cream in Christmas pajamas while watching Christmas movies, and waltz into Christmas town, which is just a few blocks away. It’s magical, puts us in the holiday spirit, and is mostly stress free! If the purpose of Thanksgiving is to celebrate gratitude, yet the very holiday brings overwhelm and anxiety, it’s time to switch up traditions and figure out the most meaningful way to celebrate.
We start decorating for Christmas in early November. When it comes to expectations, this is where our children hold us accountable. If we could travel back in time, we would probably eliminate a few things (ahem, a certain elf wouldn’t be invited). Each year, we display a 36 square foot Christmas Village and every year it seems to grow. We always make an ornament at Hands to Art with Grandma Patty and make our annual pilgrimage to River
Park Square for pictures with “our Santa”. Each year, we find a way to give back to our community. Last year, we adopted a single mom of four through Safe Passage and paired each of our four with our adopted children and let them choose gifts. Philanthropy is woven into our family’s manifesto and is a guidepost for wholehearted living.
As much as holiday traditions, obligations, and even decor can be overwhelming, we remind ourselves that these are memories our children hold near and dear. We will miss the chaos and clutter in a future that seems closer with every passing holiday season.
My family has a time honored tradition of eating a big crab dinner or fondue feast on Christmas Eve. Of all my childhood traditions, this one is my favorite. The anticipation of Santa coming, along with a festive and hearty meal stirs up all the emotions for everyone. It’s a magical night. My dad, Mike, also lives with us during the winter months and brings his childhood traditions into the mix. He loves bringing fresh cedar and pine bows that he gathers from his property in Priest River which makes the house smell lovely. He also ensures that every stocking is filled with fresh fruit come Christmas morning.
Robert loves a cozy, Christmas movie night with everyone huddled together next to the Christmas tree with a giant bowl of popcorn (M&M’s a sprinkled on top are a must) Falling asleep under the tree was his childhood tradition and our kids usually find themselves doing the same.
It’s been our longstanding tradition to be at home for Christmas Eve and never in a rush on Christmas morning. Not having to leave our home with children who want to stay in their pajamas and play with their new toys all day has been a tradeoff we make by hosting either brunch or dinner on Christmas Day. My mom, Patty, comes over to help with cooking and bringing a lot of the food. By the end of the night, we are all pretty exhausted and last year, we hardly got out of bed the day after Christmas! The kids survived on leftovers and candy from their stockings. We might just make that a new tradition!
Our gift to our children for Christmas has always been an experience, either a night at the Resort or the trip to Leavenworth. Santa stuffs the stockings with curated trinkets and as of late, brings one big gift for the kids to experience together such as a concert, tickets to a sporting event or a travel experience. We’ve realized over the years that, not many of our children have remembered their gifts, but they will remember an experience we share with them.
We talk a lot about how to lay a foundation that keeps our children close to each other as they age. We will not always be here, but we hope our children will always have one another for support, for shared experiences, and for a good laugh. The greatest legacy we could have would be four children who stand together even as they grow apart and remain brave enough to be vulnerable with each other, strong enough to be kind to each other, to their families, and to this wild and wonderful world.
the invisible load
ofThey say the greatest gift a woman is given is that of motherhood. And it is, even with the unseen burden that comes with it.
The Invisible Load of Motherhood. No matter what form of motherhood you embody: newly pregnant, adoptive mother, step mother, single mother, grandmother, first child or your fourth, this unseen force will weigh on you, some days and seasons more than others. Sometimes it is completely forgotten about, especially when they reach for your hand in the street, gaze up at you during a late night feeding, and laugh at your jokes even though they’re too old to think you’re funny.
Written by Jennifer Miller + Aimee EwertOther times it looms heavy, like a dark cloud or unwanted visitor who just won’t seem to take the hint and leave. The guilt, the fear, the stress and the loneliness of being a mom can consume you some days. The guilt that comes from forgetting picture day, losing your temper, or choosing a bottle of formula over breastfeeding. The fear that comes from the unknown of a first time mom, or from having a sick child. The stress of all the things no one else seems to think about like remembering to restock the diaper bag, making the doctor’s appointments, arranging for the babysitter and buying the birthday presents. The loneliness, the big one that we all hate to admit. If you’re a stay at home mom, sometimes the days are endless. Especially with young children, it’s easy to forget how to talk about anything but Goldfish crackers or the new season of Coco Melon. It can be disheartening to watch your partner go to work each day, envious of the most simple things like their opportunity to get ready without little people in the bathroom or the fact that they get to have adult conversations. You quickly begin to mourn the person you once were. Before. Before grocery lists, helping with homework, and dirty diapers. And you miss the adventures and outings that now rack you with guilt if you’re gone more than an hour.
From all these invisible emotions, it can be easy to breed resentment. Especially toward your partner. Most of the time, we as mothers, are the primary caregivers. Our partners generally don’t keep a running grocery list in their heads or remember what the three year old’s favorite snack is this week. The truly freeing moment is when we realize that people can’t read our minds. We do not have to carry this load ourselves. Asking for help from partners, grandparents, friends, support systems is not a weakness. It is communicating our needs clearly so our heavy load is no longer invisible. Asking for help may not come easy to you, but the feeling of relief that will come from asking for help from your partner or support system instead of building the bitterness or telling ourselves a story about how much we have on our plates and others have it so easy, is worth it.
Any form of mothering is incredible and we all deserve help. We deserve time to ourselves and the space to pursue goals and dreams outside of motherhood. We are not just our children’s mothers. We are human. If you are suffering, know first of all, you are not alone. Reach out to someone and communicate your needs. Ask for help. Even something as simple as texting your partner before they get home “ It’s been a hard day here, I could use 1 hour to myself to take a bath and read my book or take a walk alone.” The more you practice asking for help, the easier it will be and the load of motherhood a little lighter. Keep going mama. You’re doing great.
What is low toxic living anyways? How can we implement knowledge we acquire through study and research on organic and safe products so we can best protect our families without feeling overwhelmed? How do we combat greenwashing fatigue and prevent ourselves from going down a deep dark rabbit hole of basically thinking everything is poison? Balance is key my friends. Let me share a little of my own journey and offer some words of encouragement to you.
It all started in 2016 when my first daughter was born. Well, technically it started when I was born and my own skin sensitivity issues. I would break out in rashes often and took daily oatmeal baths as a young child. Flashforward to adulthood and soon motherhood, where I was making decisions on what products to use for myself and my family as well. I have always struggled with eczema flare ups and was covering my symptoms with cortisone creams but I wasn’t addressing the underlying issues. I was determined to not struggle with this condition forever.
I started to connect the dots that my body wash, laundry detergent, shampoo & conditioner, what I ate and how much I exercised combined together was what was flaring up my eczema. I swapped out all my products, learned and am still learning to read labels and stay far away from any product with the word fragrance in it. My husband and I both have swapped traditional body wash
for goats milk bar soap we purchase at the local farmers market. I’ve cut back on soy, dairy and gluten in my diet which can cause gut inflammation. I am proud to say I haven’t had a flare up in 4 years and have thrown out my cortisone cream!
When my first daughter was born, it became even more important to me to find safe and effective products for her as well and to really equip my family to live a healthy life. I am still learning as I go but with finding the right products and making my own ( check out nopoodryshampoo. com) I am in better control of what goes in mine and my family’s bodies.
None of this happened over night. It has taken years of research, trial and error, and figuring out what works for me and mine. We are all bombarded daily on social media with an all in perfectly curated lifestyles of influencers who are paid to use certain products and then swear by them. What is important to remember is, what works for someone else may not work for you. And just because it’s trending on social media does not mean it’s a quality product. You are the gatekeeper of your own home. Doing your own research is the key to overall health. Make one swap at a time and before you know it, you’ll be living a low toxic life.
Erin Davis is the owner and creator of No Poo Dry Shampoo.
• swap scented dryer sheets for wool dryer balls.
• swap bleach for vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and lemon oil.
• swap plastic water bottles for reusable.
• swap your laundry detergent to Free & Clear detergent.
• swap deodorant for natural and aluminum free.
Staying active as a family is one of the best ways to pass down health and longevity to your children. Children love to be active. They love to be outside and play and both children and adults alike were made for activity but sadly the overuse of tv screens, tablets, smart phones and video games tend to keep us inside and sedentary… pair those with snacking on ultra-processed foods can lead to detrimental health impact. Some healthy screen time is completely normal and I don’t think I would survive motherhood without it…ok I would survive but incorporating a little Disney definitely makes things a little easier. Screen time isn’t all bad but don’t let it steer you and your family away from what they were made to do- being active!
The cool thing about activity is that it can be anything from going to the park to hitting the slopes. There are so many activities that can be fun for the whole family while still getting some exercise and fresh air. Seasonally there are great family activities that can be something you all look forward to each year and create traditions!
For example, during the fall season some family fun activities to do are going to the pumpkin patch, getting your steps in looking for the perfect pumpkin, lifting them, putting them on a wagon and pushing the heavy wagon to the car. This is all exercise without even realizing it’s exercise. Another fun fall activity could be going for a hike to see the beautiful North Idaho scenery and fall foliage.
In December, when there’s snow on the ground, some family friendly activities include downhill skiing or snowboarding, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing. Hiking to find the perfect Christmas tree is a great way to start a new healthy and memorable family tradition. The winter season might also be a good time to find some indoor activities like hitting up a trampoline park, parks and recreation team sports, or making a family trip to the indoor water park.
No matter what activities you and your family love to do, do them often and make it fun!
Tag me @sweatnourish_bloom to share what activity you’re doing this season.
Just as we modify our clothing choices depending on the season, our skincare ritual also needs to be modified. What causes our skin to feel dry as we head into Autumn and Winter? To understand why, we must look at the root cause. When the weather cools and Earth tilts away from the sun, we tend to spend more time indoors in the dry air of our heaters. When we do go outdoors, the air here in North Idaho lacks the humidity necessary to keep our skin plump and hydrated. What can we do?
First, let’s talk about skincare and treatments. Our skin is designed to protect us by holding water in our tissues and naturally moisturizing itself by producing oil. Exfoliation services such as chemical peels and hydra-facial services, derma-planing, microdermabrasion, and even frequent exfoliation at home, all do more harm than good to our skin health. Removing the protective barrier leads to dry skin, ages our appearance faster, and can be the cause of acne breakouts. We want to make sure to nourish and feed our skin barrier and keep it intact at all times. Less is more when it comes to a skincare ritual. 3-5 products is all anyone should ever need, 3 being the basics,
and 2 more specialty products if needed. Cleansing removes dirt, sweat, debris, and bacteria. Toning with a hydrosol or facial mist adds water to our skin tissues and acts as a vehicle for moisturizer to be carried to the layers of our skin that are lacking in hydration. Moisturizer improves skin hydration by boosting the naturally occurring components that make up our skin, and by providing a protective layer to keep water in. These steps should be performed twice a day, morning and night. If you still feel dry after your moisturizer, apply a facial oil as your last step to provide another layer of protection to prevent water loss. Lip care and a moisturizing eye cream or gel can be used during this time of year, to provide further hydration to these thinnest parts of our skin.
As for treatments and services, approaching the skin holistically will aid in far better results long term no matter what skin condition or issue you are trying to target. Stimulating circulation and lymph flow through facial massage, gua sha, facial cupping, and facial reflexology, all help our skin to function optimally and remove harmful toxins.
There are non-skincare related ways to care for your skin health in the colder months too. Invest in a good humidifier. This will add moisture back into the air, making your skin feel less dried out. Avoid hot water on the skin, as it leads to dryness and dehydration. Easier said than done when we’re craving warmth, so if you do expose your skin to hot water, blast yourself with cold water at the end of your shower. This helps to tighten connective tissue and stimulate adrenal hormones that activate the oil production that naturally moisturizes the skin. Finally, eat warm and moisturizing foods, think soup season! Warmth stimulates healthy digestion and aids in raising our core temperature to keep our body systems functioning well.
Skin health is bio-individual and needs to be approached internally and externally, and everyone’s needs are different. Save yourself time and money by visiting your licensed esthetician who has access to quality skincare and will know exactly what products and services will benefit your skin health most.
Lindsey Marcella is a corneotherapist, licensed esthetician and owner of Salt of the Earth Skin.
A well run company thrives on a few things: goal setting, appreciation and teamwork. A family is no different. Making goal setting a family priority is a great way to help instill values in your children and also create greater family happiness. Even children as young as 3 or 4 can benefit from intentional family goal setting or manifestation practice.
Goal setting, sometimes referred to as manifestation is, simply put, creating a vision for the future and putting energy and intention into making that vision a reality by aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions accordingly. It’s not necessarily about material things or making “wishes”. It is less about wanting things and more about
creating the best and happiest life you and your family want to be leading. Setting these goals as a family unit and putting a plan together to get you there just strengthens your family bond through teamwork. This also improves communication between family members, especially kids and parents. Active family goal setting teaches children self discipline, collaboration, the importance of thinking ahead and most importantly, that their opinions and actions matter and make an impact.
So, how to get started. It can be daunting as parents to add one more activity to an already overly booked calendar so these following tips and tricks can be easily implemented into your daily and weekly routines.
It doesn’t need to be long, shoot for 30 minutes on a Sunday afternoon. Have everyone pitch ideas for tangible family goals. It can be any category, like short term (more quality time together), Long term (planning a yearly vacation), financial, physical (taking a walk every night after dinner) or household (like implementing a family chore chart). These goals should be attainable and specific. Then come up with a list of actions you can start doing right now to work to achieve those goals. Just like a business, having these family meetings or “checkin” is what can keep you on track for achieving those collective goals.
Making your goals visible is a method often used in manifestation. It is a visual way of keeping your goals on the forefront of your mind and reminding you what you’re working towards. Plan a family craft night. Gather old magazines, a poster board, glue sticks and scissors and get to work cutting out pictures or words that remind your family of the goals you’ve set. Hanging this in a visible to everyone spot in your home will keep the whole family excited and working for set goals.
It’s important when working towards bigger goals that you take time daily to express specific current things you are grateful for. This practice is not just for Thanksgiving either. Try doing “Pickle and Peach” at the dinner table. Each family member takes a turn to say one thing they were grateful for that day (Peach) and one thing they struggled with (pickle). This not only puts a family gratitude practice into play but opens up the line of communication between everyone by allowing all family members to share a bit of their day.
Don’t wait to celebrate once you’ve achieved the big goals. The small wins are just as important! Did your child manage to get their homework turned in on time for a month after struggling with it? Did your toddler help with the toy clean up everyday for a week? Did the whole family make it out for a walk everyday? These are all wins worth a celebration! Even something as simple as a family movie night with their favorite treat or a trip to the park counts as a celebration. These small moments are what our children will remember years from now when, as adults, they are setting their own goals. They will know they are worth the celebration of any size win and no dream or goal is too big to achieve!
A festive pick me up for the holidays!
There is no denying that the holidays are busy. Your calendar is booked with parties, Christmas concerts, shopping, present wrapping and that darn elf on the shelf. Keep your energy level up with these tasty (and festive) protein balls!
RECIPE: (yields 12)
• 1 cup oats
• 8 pitted juicy medjool dates
• 1/3 cup cashew butter
• 1/4-1/2 tsp peppermint oil (found in the baking section) depending on how much peppermint taste you desire.
• 3 twists pink Himalayan salt
• 3 Tbsp cocoa powder
• 2 scoops vital proteins collagen powder
• 1/4 cup almond milk- (only if needed)
• 1/4 cup enjoy life mini chocolate chips
First blend together oats and dates until dates are pea sized. Add in the rest of the ingredients besides the choc chips and blend until combined. Add the almond milk lastly with just a little at a time to get the correct consistency (just enough for the batter to stick together). Add chocolate chips and blend again just until combined. If the batter is too sticky, place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes before working with the batter. Roll into balls and eat right away or place in the fridge for up to several days.
Lakeside Integrative Headache Center was born in 2022 after recognizing a need in the community for access to headache care with a whole person approach. So, what is a headache center and what would an appointment look like? Read on to find out!
• A clinic that specializes in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of several types of headaches.
• Patient centered care with ample one on one time.
• Looking for root causes of persistent headache symptoms to include nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress management and supplementation.
• Personalized health plan: emphasizing an integrative approach through diagnostics, prescription medications, procedures, and lifestyle modifications. Your treatment outcome is important to us!
Our typical patient is female, often in their reproductive years, as it is usually these years that headaches and migraines become persistent and impact daily life, especially career and social life. Some patients have tried multiple medications and alternative treatments while others are naive to medications.
Your first visit will include an extensive intake of your medical, surgical and lifestyle history. Also, an in depth discussion of your types of headaches, triggers, and available treatment options based on your individualized experience. We will optimize your lifestyle as an adjunct treatment - your sleep, exercise, stress, and vitamins and supplements. The next steps would be patient centered and tailored to your unique situation. We will provide frequent communication to continue to optimize your headache treatment to meet patient specific goals.
We also provide nerve blocks, Botox for migraines (non-cosmetic), trigger point muscle injections focused on headaches. We also have a collaborative network of other multidisciplinary providers such as acupuncture, physical therapy, massage, integrative health, and migraine specific nutrition coaching including lab testing for specific food triggers.
We hope to provide improvement in intensity and frequency of headaches and a dramatic impact into quality of life especially missing less work, family events, sleeping better and improved mood.
WHAT ARE THE LEADING CAUSES OF HEADACHES AND HOW CAN PEOPLE TREAT THEM ON THEIR OWN? Most chronic headaches are caused by genetics, hormones, and environment. Sleep and exercise can also be significant contributors. Some patients are triggered by alcohol, cheeses, chocolate, weather changes and sun sensitivity.
Anytime you are suffering from migraines with an impact on your daily life. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will be on your way to a better quality of life!
Please call or email for an appointment. wellness@lakesideheadache.com Phone (208) 261-2560 8827
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As parents, grandparents, teachers and caregivers, one of the most important tasks is keeping our children safe. With so many things that could potentially be dangerous, it’s hard to know where to start. Below you’ll find our top infant and toddler safety tips and where you can find local experts and resources to help you along the bumpy and sometimes treacherous road (don’t forget to wear a helmet!) of our children’s well-being.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants sleep Alone, on their Backs, in a Crib and in a Smoke free environment. Learn evidence based safe sleep recommendations from local organization, Safe Start Northwest. You can take a free safe sleep class, along with a multitude of other child safety classes, in person or online via Zoom. Visit safestartnw.org for more information and class times.
Did you know that swimming lessons can reduce the risk of accidental childhood drowning by 88%? You can start parent/tot swim lessons as early as six months which not only solidifies your baby’s skill early on, but also provides a positive experience in the water. Visit our friends at SafeSplash to learn more from their trained professionals and instructors and to see the variety of classes offered. Learn more at www.safesplash.com
4 out of 5 car seats are installed incorrectly which makes sense as you seem to need a degree to get them in the car nowadays. Which is why Kootenai Health has
formed a team of Car Seat Specialists. Proper use and installation of car and booster seats can decrease the risk of child injury by 70%. The specialists at Kootenai Health offer free car seat inspections by appointment. The inspection takes about 30 minutes by appointment only. Visit www.kh.org/community for more information.
75% of all bike fatalities involve head injuries. North Idaho is an active community and it’s safe to say that most of our kids are either biking, hitting the slopes, or showing off at the skatepark, or even all three. Choose a helmet for your child that meets the safety requirements of the sport. Ski and snowboard helmets are different from a biking helmet. Always test for a proper fit. The helmet should fit comfortably, feel level and solid on your child’s head. And always model good behavior by protecting your head too! Shop locally for winter sports helmets at Ski Shack in Hayden skishackhayden.com and for bike helmets at Trek on 4th street in midtown. www.trekcda.com
CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a tool no caregiver ever wants to use but not a tool you should ever be without. 7,000 children a year suffer from cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. The most common causes being choking or unintentional suffocation. CPR techniques are different for infants and children than adults so learning from a professional is key. Alert CPR & First Aid is 100% instructor led and hands on giving you the most knowledgeable training. Visit ezytrainingsolutions.org for more information and classes.
Maybe it’s Friday and it’s your family’s day to eat out for that week. You choose Prairie Pavilion because your kids are picky, your husband is on a cleanse and you’re meeting up with your best friend and her family who are gluten free. There is truly something for everyone at Prairie Pavilion and it just got even better. Enter Northwest Taps.
Bought early this summer by the owners of Las Brasas Mexican Grill, Jim, Ivan and Dana, have been in business for six years and thought this was the perfect time to expand and take on a new venture. Being that they’re both located inside Prairie Pavillon makes the commute a little easier and the opportunity a little sweeter.
At Northwest Taps, you’ll find rotating craft beers and ciders from around the Northwest along with canned cocktails and wine. Not sure what or where you want to eat yet? Grab your favorite beverage and stroll around the pavilion. In the mood for some elevated pub food? Stay put at Northwest Taps and order their best seller, Fish and Chips. They are deliciously crispy and paired with a homemade tartar sauce that will make your mouth water. Looking for something different? They also have delicious wings that come in seven different flavors of rubs and sauces. Taco Tuesday more your thing? Be sure to swing by Las Brasas on Tuesdays for a dollar off your beer purchase when you grab your favorite tacos. Because who doesn’t like tacos and beer?
Northwest Taps likes tacos and beer so much that they’ll be opening a mobile bar soon so they can provide their services at events, weddings and parties alongside Las Brasas.
Heartland and Prairie.
it’s a warm early fall evening.
“What could just be another meal has become a family tradition that my kids adore and that I hope they pass onto their own families when they are older.”
On a journey to feed me & my family whole food and live a more natural lifestyle & inspire YOU too!
kara’s corner
Every year in late September or early October my kids will begin talking about their favorite holiday memories and the traditions that surround them. It warms my heart so very much hearing them reminisce so fondly of our special family time together.
When our three kiddos were still quite young my hubby and I decided that we wanted to start some new family traditions. One of my very favorite traditions that is at least 6 or 7 years strong is making homemade pizzas together on Christmas Eve.
Our first year started out quite humbly. Just some store bought pizza dough, sauce and a few toppings. The kids were still pretty young, so there were definitely stools involved as well as help from mom, dad, grandma or grandpa to be sure the cheese and sauce ended up actually on the pizza and not just in their mouths or on the floor. Several years in and we’ve progressed to making homemade sourdough pizza dough and even homemade pizza sauce with roasted tomatoes, onions, garlic, sweet peppers and spices. The kids are making their own creations without help, and their creativity is pretty fun to witness! But my very favorite thing is having our whole family in the kitchen - creating, laughing and making memories together!
What could just be another meal has become a family tradition that my kids adore and that I hope they pass onto their own families when they are older.
So as we enter this new Holiday Season, I’d love to encourage you to savor the family traditions you already have OR to create new ones that will be passed down from generation to generation!