wellness northfitnessidaho•health • beauty • nutrition • balance PUTTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH FIRST SEP | 2022OCT amy gates hobson of align yoga • brain based healing • post pandemic hair loss

Jeanna Padilla, PNP, PMHSMarty Williams, FNP

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in every issue LocalAskWellnessNutrition...................................................................30Balance......................................................................28Beauty........................................................................26Fitness.......................................................................24Health.......................................................................22inBusiness......................................................32theExpert...............................................................34Eats.......................................................................36 contents sep | 2022 | oct page 8 // FINDING THE COURAGE to choose joy page 12 // BRAIN BASED HEALING with specialist Dr. Amy Spoelstra page 16 // SEARCHING AND SEEKING Amy Gates Hobson of Align Yoga Studio page 26 // POST PANDEMIC HAIR LOSS 16 268 20 table of KARA’S CORNER healthy living and whole food momma shares healthy ideas + recipes each issue!

wellness north idaho•health • beauty • nutrition • balance The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of your practitioner or health care provider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Lang Design LLC., or its affiliates. Information in North Idaho Wellness Magazine is copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Copyright © 2020. PUBLISHER + DESIGNER Monica Lang monica@northidahowellness.comEngebretsen MARKETING + EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Jennifer jennifer@niwellnessbar.comMiller LEAD WRITER S. Michal Bennett IN-HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHER + DIGITAL MEDIA CREATOR Aimee Ewert COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Brady Campbell DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Betsy Shaver LOCALLY PRINTED BY Century Publishing Co. - - - - - - - -CONTRIBUTORS Jennifer Miller • Kara Hicks Joya Kennedy • Amy Gates Hobson Dr. Amy Spolestra • Travis Ewert Lauryn Rogers • Megan Ryan Jeanna Padilla, PNP, PMHS - - - - - - - -SOCIAL northidahowellnessmagazinenorthidahowellnessmagazine www.northidahowellness.com fresh. local. organic. Organic, delicious produce. Seasonal baked goods. Gourmet Beer & Wine. 1316 N. 4TH ST. COEUR D’ALENE, 208.676.9730ID pilgrimsmarket.com 4 sep • oct 2022

The beautiful Amy Gates Hobson Owner of Align Yoga Studio in Coeur d’Alene www.alignyogacda.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Cover Photography by Brady Campbell www.bradycampbellphotography.com letter from the team Mental health conversation used to be taboo. It wasn’t something discussed or talked about in polite conversation. Depression and anxiety could easily be cured by “looking on the bright side” or by simply changing your attitude. Nowadays, discussion of mental health and talks of treatment like therapy and counseling is much more commonplace. As it should be. The world is a different place and over the last few years, we’ve all dealt with a lot. Our children included. In this issue, you’ll find resources and massive amounts of information from some amazing locals geared towards taking care of your mental health and especially in this back to school season, our childrens too. May we never be afraid to talk about how we’re really feeling and seek the help we need. Monica + Jennifer Cheers to your (mental) health! northidahowellness.com 5 on the cover sleepbetternw.compostfallsfamilydental.com How Sleep Apnea Can Affect Weight Loss N O R T H WE S T STOP SN O R ING, START LI V I N G 208.773.4579 313 N. Spokane Street Post Falls, ID 83854 Ready to Sleep Better? Call today to schedule your consultation. Lack SleepofBody’sReactionBehaviorFatGain • Frontal Cortex Dampened • Reward Center Enhanced • Poor Decision Making • Increased Ghrelin (Tells us we are hungry hormone) • Dereased Leptin (Tells us we are full hormone) • Increased Cortisol • Decreased Insulin Sensitivity • Choose caffeine late in day • Choose high sugar foods • Increased desire to relax • Choose to exercise less

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Sometimes I find it hard to get up in the morning. To open my mouth and say hi to a friend. To vacuum the floor or clean the bathroom. To take a much-needed walk. To sit here and write words. Maybe these sound like small things. Maybe I sound like I’m a whiny first world resident. But my head continues to take me back into these spaces, and I’ve been looking for ways to escape them. I can stand in front of a mirror and speak mantras to myself that I don’t feel or believe. I can take more of the pills that my naturopathic doctor prescribed. I can adjust my hormone supplement. I can find comfort and motivation in food and drink. But, my mind still lies in wait for an unsuspecting moment to fold me up again in those dark, soft, tragic arms.

northidahowellness.com 9
There’s a sadistic pleasure in being miserable, in focusing on the things that go wrong in our lives, on deeply feeling wronged in a general sense and seeking that negative connection in others. For a moment, it makes us feel special, but that never lasts, since we have to find the next misery to wallow in to feel that way again. Then, when others care only about their own suffering and are tired of hearing about ours, we are left alone and isolated with our miserable selves. Myself. Feeling sorry for myself. And my brain says, “It is good.” But it is not good. It brings me back around to feelings of guilt and bitterness for not getting up when my alarm went off. For not saying hi. For having a constantly messy home. For feeling the physical aches that I could have avoided. For procrastinating on writing these words. For being such a whiner when so many people in the world have EVERYTHING so much harder than I do. For feeling sorry for myself. A lot of couples I know have had children in the past couple of years. I look at these little girls and boys, new and fresh to the world, and I see them beam at a mere smile from me. The simplest things bring them uninhibited joy. I watched a video of a parent testing their baby with a choice between a toy and things like a wooden spoon or a roll of toilet paper. The baby chose the everyday mundane item over the toy every time, and they picked up that item with a look of wonder and joy on their face. I think that may be what I’m looking for, what I’m yearning to get back to, what my heart remembers from when I was a child. That joy and wonder seem more real and deep and natural than this lovely, warm misery. This space that cluttered, callous life has relegated me to. And then my phone reminds me, “You have a choice, new creation.”
Written by S. Michal Bennett
Introvert Brené Brown writes, “Joy is vulnerable – that’s why we’re afraid to let ourselves feel it. Don’t squander joyful moments…Lean in and practice gratitude.” What is more vulnerable than a baby, dependent on their caregivers for everything to sustain life and happiness? They accept what is given to them without question, with aplomb and satisfaction. As adults, it takes courage to first recognize joyful moments and then choose the gratitude that more often than not induces perfect and imperfect joy. But it’s still joy. Finding that courage usually starts with caring – about yourself and about others. Turning your gaze away from the captive space inside your head and looking around you at reality and the people living there. Facing the wonderful and the painful with the same determination to live and breathe and love. Remembering that you’re not alone, for good or bad. And choosing to let gratitude for what and who you do have, softens your heart and brings you back into your world. Today, as I write this, I take a deep breath, take pleasure in the glow of the morning sun on my skin, and choose the courage to be grateful for the time I was given to sleep an extra hour, the friend who shared their vulnerable thoughts that lead me to write these words, and a partner who takes the time to talk to and understand me. I remember all the moments that have supported me into this one vulnerable moment. And I choose to let joy fill this space. by Tanner Olson May we remember our courage and may we remember courage shows up in many ways. Like, getting out of bed. Like, saying hello. Like walking through a new doorway. Like, staying. Like, standing up for what is right. Like, praying when it is painful. Like, recalling beauty. Like, saying “I don’t know.” Like, asking for help. Like, beginning again and again and again. Like, believing this is not the end. This is not the end…
Remember Courage 10 sep • oct 2022

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healingBRAIN BASED Written by Dr. Amy Spoelstra 12 sep • oct 2022

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In July 2022, nearly 90% of public schools reported negative impacts to the socio-emotional development of kids due to the pandemic. Of course, parents and adults alike are struggling too. We are all trying to figure out what life looks like in this new not-so-normal world. But imagine navigating the massive changes the world has been going through over the last two years while still developing. Our adult nervous systems aren’t meant to handle it, yet we expect our still developing kids to return to life like nothing has happened? That’s a tall order for a 6-year old. While behavioral issues are new for many American families, at our office they are our specialty. I’ve dedicated my career to helping families and creating training programs for other doctors to help care for kids with learning, socialization and behavioral challenges.
All of my work comes down to understanding the nervous system, adaptability to stress and the impact on the trajectory of growth and development. It’s important we remember the fact that there are no “bad kids” and there are no purposeless behaviors. In fact, behaviors and challenges are windows into the brain. Now, don’t get me wrong, these behaviors can certainly be HARD and are not always appropriate and I’m not suggesting we ignore or encourage them from a parenting perspective. My work focuses on using a brain based lens to determine some of the “why” behind the challenges we are observing. It then becomes our jobs as parents, educators and supporters to determine how to best provide the correct clinical, brain-based and educational tools to encourage a better expression of life for our kids and in turn families.
Before we can identify a dysfunctioning nervous system, we need to understand how it should function under normal conditions. The command system that controls our entire body, our autonomic nervous system, is divided into three parts- parasympathetic, sympathetic and enteric. We like to think of the parasympathetic as the “brake” pedal in this internal engine that keeps us alive. You might have heard it described as the “rest and digest” system. It is responsible for digesting food, relaxing muscles, lowering heart rate and other functions that help us relax and Whenrecuperate.thereisa brake pedal, there must also be a gas pedal. This is our sympathetic nervous system. It is often described as our “fight or flight” system. When activated, it increases heart rate, moves blood from our internal organs to our muscles, halts our digestive system, and spikes glucose for quick energy.
THE EARLY YEARS // FUN FACT: babies are born with all the brain cellscalled neurons- that they need for life. These cells require connections to each other in order to create the complex processes required to navigate human life. It is a massive undertaking and in fact, 90% of a child’s brain development happens before the age of 5. The teen years are another very important time for development and more complex processes are developed. This connection forming process is based on a combination of our genetics and the environment around us. Babies are like little sponges that are constantly absorbing and reacting to the environment around them. You can see this with children as they develop- they’ll begin to track you with their eyes, mimic the way your mouth moves to make silly noises, and eventually begin to parrot your words and Developmentactions.iscomplicated by the fact that different areas of the brain develop at different rates and timesand all children are unique in how they develop. It is a process where each stage builds on the one before it.
Our kids are struggling.
Finally, the third part of our autonomic nervous systemthe enteric system, is responsible for controlling our intestinal tract. It is capable of working with the other two systems, but can also function independently. These systems control everything we do. They take information from our external and internal world and then respond accordingly. It’s a delicate balance that requires millions of connections in our nervous system circuitry. When emphasis shifts too far to one side for too longit can create differences in the way we are processing, engaging and connecting with the world. This may result in missed or altered connections and may create long term challenges. There is an entire field dedicated to the changes that occur as a result of our experiences called epigenetics. More and more research is coming out every year discussing this connection between chronic stress and changes to our internal environment- and in fact, a 2021 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found that toxic stress causes changes in the human body response systems which can be temporary or long lasting. The study implored pediatricians to be aware of these mechanisms and their consequences and seek to prevent them, thus promoting the health, well-being, and quality of life of children in order to contribute to their full development.
The unique problem we face now is persistent stress on the nervous system. Our nervous system was designed to respond to short-term, life threatening stress and prolonged stressors are triggering an unbalanced response. It is important to remember that stress comes in different forms such as increased exposure to chemicals and environmental toxins in our food and environment,
The gas pedal is being pressed to the floor and remaining unchecked and it’s leading to chronic health issues in adults and children alike. When the outside environment causes changes in the way we behave, communicate and use our bodies- I call these Deflective Behaviors (™).
First, babies learn how to control their head, trunk and extremities so they can begin to move through space. As they gain control of their physical body, other essential processes begin to take shape. Eye movements become more accurate, language and speech begin to develop and processing skills sharpen. Eventually, as more brain cells start to connect together, you’ve got a curious, walking, talking toddler on your hands.
If the brain and body are focused on survival, it reroutes energy from growth and development. For a child, this can manifest in different ways. There might be developmental delays or the emergence of defective responses like avoidance, frustration and anxiety. Young brains are able to adapt to their environment much faster than adult brains, a concept known as plasticity. When a child or adolescent is in an environment where social, academic or developmental demands exceed the level of development a young person is in, it can impact the plasticity of of their brains resulting in long-term consequences.
These behaviors can manifest in a variety of ways in your child. Some of the common things we are seeing more of in today’s kids are poorly developed executive functioning skills, lack of self regulation, reduced impulse control, maladaptive behaviors, and poor stress management.
scientific research
It is important to remember that this is a normal response to stress. The body is doing what it was designed to do back when our biggest threat was being eaten by lions or shunned by our tribe. Now, the threats look a little different but the response is still the same.
Higher-level abilities like self- motivation, self regulation, problem solving, communication and self- esteem are all formed in these early years. However, if these processes are interrupted and somehow altered, it is much harder to develop them later on in life.
Scientific research has shown that the quality of a child’s experiences in the first years of life - positive or negativehelps shape how their brain develops. These experiences have lasting impacts on their health, socialization and ability to learn. One of the negative experiences that affects the typical development process is stress.
life changes associated with the pandemic and family life as well as less movement, play and socialization for prolonged periods.
Kids who experience these deflective behaviors for a prolonged period may have difficulty learning, trusting adults and forming meaningful relationships, and have a higher chance of developing mental and physcial health disorders as adults. has shown that the quality of a child’s experiences in the first years of life... positive or negative...helps shape how their brain develops.”
14 sep • oct 2022
The last few years have created a massive imbalance in our internal operating system. When our mind and body sense a threat, rational thought goes right out the window and we go into survival mode. For some, this looks like aggression or anxiety. For others, it can look like overworking or avoidance. All of us, at some point, have experienced these survival instincts but we forget it happens to our kids too.

You may be asking “what’s my next step?” It can feel overwhelming. I want to encourage you that by beginning to view challenges and behaviors as a window to the brain and not simply seeing a “bad kid” or hopeless trajectory, you will now be able to ask different questions, connect, parent and advocate for your child ( or self) in a slightly different way. This in itself will be surprisingly impactful as you move forward. The biggest take away here is that there is hope and you are not alone on this journey.
A BRAIN BASED APPROACH TO HEALING // We discussed above that stress affects adults and kids alike on a brain level. Thus, we need to take a brain based approach to healing. When we use a brain based lens to understand challenges, we can determine best clinical, educational, parenting and mentoring approaches to care. A strong foundation of WHY behind behavioral challenges helps nurture and guide healing and not create more demand on your child. This is exactly the work that I, and the doctors I help train, do. First, we ask the question “how is this child processing their world? What tools have they developed and are they using?” This gets us away from only talking about the deficiencies and asking “what are they doing wrong?” and moves us toward curiosity and understanding.
My deepest passion, and those that I work with, is supporting families who are struggling. It can be hard to know the next steps when creating a plan to help a child who has behavioral, learning or social challenges. Our goal is to work with families to create an environment of understanding and help you distill information to find the path forward and ultimately help your family thrive.
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Dr. Amy graduated cum laude from Sherman College of Chiropractic and is the founder of the FOCUS program, Spoelstra Family Chiropractic, FOCUS Academy, The Brain Blossom, and Brain Blossom Educational. She teaches chiropractors, educators, occupational therapists, and parents internationally about encouraging a brain-based developmental approach to clinical care and mentorship. She participates in research with the ICPA and Sherman Colege and works collaboratively with providers of all types to develop a “whole child” approach to care.
So what do we do? How do we help discover and correct the underlying stressors causing so much turmoil in our kids?
Parenting is hard enough as it is and when you add in a kiddo who is struggling with imbalance in their mental and physical body, it can seem impossible. It’s important to realize that the issues your child is facing are not your fault. Scientists still don’t fully understand the brain, how it develops and the connection between mental, emotional, social and physical health. So when a child is struggling with their development- it’s often not a clear, one solution answer.
The second question is “ are there measurable clinical indicators that indicate changes, challenges or inefficiencies in the way the brain is processing, receiving and sending information?” We look at clinical indicators such as heart rate variability, postural and tonal changes in the body, primitive reflex persistence, pupil reactivity to light and more. We start with these questions and then deep dive with a specialized and comprehensive exam and consultation. We observe, interview parents and caregivers and look beyond diagnoses and deficiencies. From there, we decide together if our program is best or if we need to bring in additional resources. Sometimes this means recommending or collaborating with other providers in the community to develop a co care team to best serve the needs of the families we work with. Once we gather all the information, we can start to fill in the gaps in the neurodevelopment and heal from stressors that may have contributed to them. We created a brain based program called Brain Blossom which includes online and home based brain and body exercises in order to help the developing brain catch up. Our program teaches kids how to play and experience freedom and safety by incorporating early life movements, multisensory processing activities and cognitive games.
“A strong foundation of WHY behind behavioral challenges helps nurture and guide healing and not create more demand on your child.”
The first step is recognizing that you are dealing with a whole- albeit little- person so helping them requires a whole plan. It is not one- dimensional and often takes a multifaceted approach. The traditional medical model consists of a variety of diagnoses and medications that serve to treat symptoms of a dysfunctioning nervous system. While this can be helpful for “right now” approaches, I find most parents and providers experience more success when we support struggling children with a “whole person” approach. This typically involves discovering the underlying impacts that stress has had on the trajectory of development and overall function and adaptability of the body in addition to any “right now” strategies that are needed to keep a child safe.
searching seeking Written by Amy Gates Hobson | Photography by Brady Campbell and

The moment I heard those words, my heart cracked open revealing layers of pain. It was then that I began the journey back to myself. I have been a searcher and a seeker my whole life. From the time I was very young, I wondered what life was all about. I wondered what my purpose was on this Earth. My heart and soul yearned to find meaning and I attempted to make sense of it all. I pursued a relationship with God and took a deep dive into spirituality. My thirst for knowledge and understanding has spanned my entire life.
I was 18 and a student at the University of Washington when I experienced my first yoga class. I found a great teacher in a funky old building. I can clearly remember the upwelling of joy, peace and love in my heart that I felt during the practice. The profound contentment filled me with awe and wonder. I fell in love with yoga and from that day forward it has been a guiding light in my life. When I was in my mid twenties a string of life altering events happened in quick succession. In five short years, my grandfather and two brother in laws committed suicide. This caused my family extreme grief and suffering. In those same years, I also lost one of my best friends from UW to cancer. I married and moved away from my family, friends and the area I grew up in. I quit my job and walked away from a budding career and a life that I had worked hard for and really enjoyed. I had to navigate great loss and change as a new mom in a new environment. All that had transpired was too much to digest; I lost my foundation and began to drift. I remember one day I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, I did not recognize the person looking back at me. I felt like a stranger to myself. I had always sought to grasp meaning in life and find depth but this was different. I was overwhelmed. I found myself in an unfamiliar space with no direction. I sought a trajectory and enrolled in teacher training to earn certification. As I studied yoga and began to teach, I found renewed purpose. I jumped in heart and soul. My yoga practice helped restore my foundation and navigate uncertainty. Even so, there were times when I would go to my mat and the stillness and raw feeling was too much to bear. Times like these it was easy to avoid my practice but inevitably I would follow the thread and my heart back. From the poem “The Way It Is” by William Stafford. “There is a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it, you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding. You never let go of the thread.” I held onto the thread and settled into life. I was set adrift when I became devastated by difficult times. My heart was broken and I searched for answers and healing. I can say many of those answers and my healing journey began again on my yoga mat. In an address to the class during a teacher training, my beloved teacher Karen Sprute-Francovich, said “You are not a problem to be solved, you are not a mistake on planet Earth among millions of other mistakes. You are worthy simply because you exist.” The words that have resonated with me all these years are “You are not a mistake.” “You are worthy.”
It has become clear to me that, at times, I turned outward in search of myself. I sought something or someone to make me happy. I searched the various marketplaces and sought a crystal ball to assure me that it was all going to be ok. But no-one can find the answers for you. The practice of yoga (and life) cannot be done for you. In yoga this is called “the Work” (the capital W work). You get on your mat and again and again you do “the Work”. The word abhyasa means practice. Defined by B.K.S. Iyengar, “Abhyasa is a dedicated, unswerving, constant, and vigilant search into a chosen subject pursued against all odds in the face of repeated failures, for indefinitely long periods of time.”
Yoga is often referred to as The Great Path of Return. It is a homecoming to your true nature. Your deep heart center. The place within that is promised to be ever present, never absent, full of light and always supporting you. Karen inspired me to study Anusara yoga which I have been doing for the past several years. Tantra is a non-dual philosophy that underpins Anusara yoga and teaches that we are all innately good. You would not think that I needed to be told that, but I did. Perhaps many of us do. Hearing Karen’s words all those years ago initiated a great undoing in me. I began to peel away the accumulated layers. I love the quote “I do not do yoga, yoga undoes me.” Yoga philosophy teaches us that we have everything that we need, it’s already inside us. The practice of yoga asana, meditation, and pranayama (breath practice) are reliable ways to return to this vast place of peace and understanding within our own hearts. In Anusara Yoga we open each practice with a chant: Om Namah Shivaya Gurave Satchitananda NishprapanchayaMurtayeShantayaNiralambayaTejase
“There will always be voices that promise you greatness and glory: They call out from the worldly marketplace; They call out from the spiritual marketplace; They call out from the fill-your-holesmarketplace; They call out from the bigger-bettermore marketplace. Do not buy their false promises, or purchase their ephemeral wares; What fulfills for a moment is not worth the price of your soul. There are heights that will lift you, but not when you try to ascend them; There are powers that will fill you, but not when you make them your own. There are treasures, and there are imitations of treasures. If you have lost your true gold, at least turn away from the glitter. Want only what is true. This will lead you to the well of your deepest sorrows. Follow that passageway, all the way down; Become the dark emptiness of your absent core. Be still. Don’t measure the waiting. Be still. Let the waiting become a fire. Be still. Let the fire show you its secret heart: A strand of clear light running through you. Gather yourself there, and the luminous universe opens. In that vast expanse, fathomless, infinite ocean of light, Lose yourself, and find yourself, and become what you already are.”
One of my favorite poems is Renunciation by Jennifer Welwood, a teacher of Tantra. These words resonate deeply with me and are a beautiful summation of my journey.
18 sep • oct 2022
Translated: “I bow to the goodness within myself, the true Eternal Teacher. This essence inside of me takes the form of pure joy, pure awareness and bliss. Always present, luminous and full of peace. This essence is my true nature. Independent in its existence, full of light and always supporting me.” This sums up what I felt all those years ago during my very first yoga class. The upwelling of contentment that I experienced was a return home to the place inside me that is whole and at peace. A reliable place I can return to in times of uncertainty to help guide me as I navigate this multifaceted life on planet Earth. Anusara yoga opines that there are 2 reasons to practice yoga, to remember our true nature and to celebrate that remembrance.
Amy Gates Hobson is the owner of Align Yoga, mother, wife, teacher and forever seeker. teaches us that we have everything that we need, it’s already inside us.
northidahowellness.com 19
yoga philosophy
The effort put forth on your mat is carried over into life and it is important not to turn your back to “the Work”. This is one of the teachings from the Bhagavad Gita, a widely known and profoundly significant Hindu scripture. Your svadharma is your life’s work. It takes hold of you like a strong current and directs you through the winding river of life. Yoga teaches us that we should not swim against the current. Instead, hold the middle, stay tethered to your center, and turn toward the light filled space within that offers a constant source of joy, support and peace.
Yoga is a journey inward toward what is real. It teaches and reminds me to soften and to root into my foundation. From that gravity laden root I am able to open to potential and possibility. I am encouraged to relax and release the parts of myself that are overly contracted and holding on too tight. Yoga shows me how the fire within can digest and transform emotion and impressions left by experience. As I rely on my foundation and the central fire of love, I align and become more capable of receiving Grace. Yoga has taught me that I do not need fixing or changing. I am whole and worthy in the eyes of The One. I do not need to be perfect or to have all the answers. Life can be messy. Earth school is hard. My yoga practice is a part of who I am and who I strive to be. For me, yoga is tough love and a soft place to land. In the stillness, I find knowing. The key is to “remember to remember” the beautiful and powerful light that lives within and to sit at the altar of my heart center again and again. As I honor and bow to the Universal source of love and align myself with The Highest, I am able to resource and restore the light within. Life continues to unfold. This past year brought the death of my Dad, a new business, a move to a new home and a college send off for my first born. Within these monumental life changes and milestones, there is both heartbreak and joy in new beginnings. I know with great certainty that the teachings from my mat carry over into my life. I can see and feel them at work. As life turns up the heat, yoga encourages me to “stand steady in the fire of my transformation”, as my dear teacher has said, and to trust the practice. Nothing can stop the unfolding of time. However, I know as long as I remain tethered to my practice and hold onto the thread, I will not get lost and even if I do, I know how to find myself again.

I stumbled upon this by accident, but oh my, how glad am I to have found this wonderful addition to my evening routine. Just a few ounces of pure organic tart cherry juice an hour or two before bed time has improved how quickly I’m able to fall asleep. Not only that, I’ve also found that it is improving the quality of sleep and my ability to stay asleep all night long. It’s definitely worth a try if you’re struggling with sleep and can hold other awesome health benefits as well.
The vast majority of us are deficient in magnesium. It can be quite beneficial to get it in multiple forms, but a magnesium lotion has quickly become an evening routine essential in our household. It’s something my 3 kids have come to love as well. It can be tricky to find one that is a good fit for you, but my wonderful friend Christy of Pure Coeur has mastered the most luxurious formula for a magnesium butter that smells amazing, absorbs well and doesn’t burn your skin like some sprays and lotions I’ve tried. But if you want to get your hands on it, be sure to check her website often (www.purecoeurhome.com), as it sells out quickly! I truly hope that this encourages you to prioritize good quality sleep for your overall and mental health. If you are able to take just one or all 3 of these things that have greatly improved my quality and duration of sleep I believe you will see an improvement in your sleep as well!
Getting sunlight directly in my eyes first thing in the morning (and before 9am) has had a huge positive impact on my natural circadian rhythm. I have really struggled in the past with being able to fall asleep at night. Lying in bed, knowing I NEED a good night’s sleep but taking over an hour or more to actually fall asleep is SO frustrating. Consistently getting that morning natural light in my eyes has really cut down on the amount of time that it takes for me to fall asleep at night when my head hits my pillow. I’ve learned a ton about this from my friend Ashlee of @ simplholistic on Instagram. Definitely look her up to learn more about this! On a journey to feed me & my family whole food and live a more natural lifestyle & inspire YOU too! corner
I LOVE THAT THIS ISSUE of North Idaho Wellness Magazine is focused on mental health. With all the pressures and distractions that this world can hand us on the daily, I always welcome moments to step back and evaluate what practical things we can all be doing to improve our mental health.
Cheers to good sleep and mental wellbeing!
One of the very first things that comes to mind when I think about my own mental health is how incredibly important good quality sleep is for my overall wellbeing, but especially mental wellbeing. I’ve written past articles about the importance of eating quality, nutrient dense whole foods as well as hydration and the positive impact that has on my mental health, but I have found that quality sleep is a HUGE factor that is often overlooked. Adequate amounts of sleep as well as quality sleep can be quite the challenge. If sleep has been hard to come by, it can take some time to make it a priority. But I promise it’s worth it! I’ve found that when I implement and prioritize these 3 things, I experience a huge improvement in duration and quality, which directly impacts how I’m able to successfully navigate challenges and stresses in my day.
20 sep • oct 2022

northidahowellness.com 21 Family Wellness | Well-Child Visits | Bio-Identical Hormones Counseling | Sports Medicine | Flu Shots | Men’s Health | Nutrition | Wellness + Prevention | Women’s Health Mental Health Evaluation + Treatment 919 W Canfield Avenue | Coeur d'Alene | www.activefamilyhealthcare.com Schedule a counseling or primary care appointment today! // 208.758.0560 Accepting most insurances and excellent cash pay prices! Kendyl Kissell MA | LPC | LMHC COUNSELING ACTIVE FAMILY HEALTHCARE OFFERS At Active Family we are very passionate about mental health and helping others. Our counselor Kendyl’s practice is built on forming a genuine relationship with her clients. She believes everyone’s experience is unique and most mental health symptoms were born with the intention to protect us somehow. She would love to work alongside you to help bring awareness to your ways of being that are no longer serving you in a positive way. D o w n t o w n C D A ’ s o n l y f u l l y e q u i p p e d , p r e m i e r P i l a t e s s t u d i o 1 1 8 N 7 T H S T C O E U R D ' A L E N E , I D 8 3 8 1 4 ( 2 0 8 ) 8 1 9 2 4 0 1 B A L A N C E D P I L A T E S C E N T E R C O M I N A W O R L D F I L L E D W I T H E X T R E M I S M , F I N D Y O U R B A L A N C E A T B A L A N C E D P I L A T E S C E N T E R .

22 sep • oct 2022
health the onslaught of information (most of which is not screened for accuracy) is overwhelming to an adult brain. Imagine the effects on the teenage brain!
3. Volunteering // Get them to do something outside of themselves. This could be school activities or locally like food banks or the humane society. This helps them focus their attention externally on helping others.
4. Extracurricular activities // Teenagers need self confidence. They need something they are good at whether it is sports, school, or art. Keep in mind, this needs to be balanced. They shouldn’t be so busy they can’t focus on anything else or not be able to handle the expectations.
Here are 7 ways to help your adolescent with anxiety:
2. Limit screen time // Especially video games. Many teenagers “make friends” through gaming. The problem is, they’ve never met these people. Aside from the danger that people can be posing as children, it is also a false sense of friendship. Screen time also affects the developing brain negatively and can become addictive.
5. Community // Humans need community. This can be a group of friends, a team, family members, a crisis you can cope with
1. Social media // Ideally we would keep them away from social media. If they are on it, this will be a little harder. It’s well established that social media use negatively affects mental health. It significantly contributes to both anxiety and depression. The constant comparison of ourselves to others and
MENTAL HEALTH. ANXIETY. DEPRESSION. Saying these words out loud can cause stress. Now add the word teen in front of it. It gives a whole new level of angs. In 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry declared a national emergency in adolescent mental health. Our teenagers are facing things we can’t imagine. Increased burden of academics, competitive extracurricular activities, social media among many other things competing for their attention. They are constantly overstimulated and most teenagers have few, if any, coping mechanisms.
You’re probably thinking, “Yes, I know there is a mental health crisis, but what can I do about it?”
Written by Jeanna Padilla, PNP, PMHS

Finally, know when to seek help. If your child expresses a desire to hurt themselves or others, professional help is imperative. If your child’s anxiety is affecting their ability to do daily activities like go to school or spend time with friends, schedule an appointment with your medical provider. we can help our teens through this mental health journey and give them tools to last a lifetime.
Jeanna Padilla is a board certified pediatric nurse practitioner with an additional certification in pediatric primary care mental health at Northwest Pediatrics in Hayden. She is the cofounder of SPARK Coaching for teenagers.
northidahowellness.com 23 anyone who is supportive of your teen. Know who this community is and be involved in it too. 6. Exercise // The benefits of exercise on physical and mental health are well established. Walking, running, yoga, or anything that gets your teen moving for 20 to 30 minutes a day. 7. Encouragement // Encourage your teen (and lead by example) useful everyday coping techniques like healthy eating and sleep habits and relaxation techniques. You may also consider teen life coaching to help develop these skills.

When March of 2020 came in hot with a pandemic and school closures and lockdowns, I was in a groove. I was working out consistently, walking daily, eating healthy, all the things. I was feeling the best I had since I had my son. I was able to keep it up through the first months of the pandemic, in fact, I liked it. The slower pace allowed me to set a routine and create a space at home where I could keep up with my workouts. However, the novelty of that wore off quickly and it was much easier to binge watch Netflix every day then work out. The weeks turned into months and the next thing I knew, it had been almost two years without a consistent workout routine.
Tips for Getting Started or Beginning Again
Thankfully, this past spring I met some amazing women who encouraged me to try something new and over the last few months, I’ve been able to get back into a routine and take better care of myself. Shout out to CycleBar CDA! If I am honest, starting over was one of the hardest hurdles for me to overcome. Mentally more than physically. I knew my body could do it but my mindset was hesitant and doubtful. What if I looked stupid? Or had to take breaks? Or came in dead last? The first few weeks were tough but I can proudly say that as I write this article, I am well on my way to 100 rides and have changed my outlook on myself and my worth. I am worth taking care of, my body is worth it and so is my mind. And so are you. So, if you find yourself in a place where you’ve gotten out of a routine and don’t like where you’ve ended up, find the courage to begin again. It may be tough at the beginning but you will thank yourself for it sooner than you think.
Written by Jennifer Miller or begin again
• Set achievable goals // Start small with weekly goals before you shoot for the stars. Maybe your goal is to just take one class, or go on three walks, or use your lunch breaks to get some extra steps in. Up the goals the following week and soon it will be a habit and more firmly ingrained into your life.
• Planning and Scheduling is Important // We’re all busy and it’s easy to find excuses to not workout because life can get so hectic. I find it’s easier to make my classes work when I schedule them like I do a work meeting. I book them at the beginning of the week and add them to my Google calendar and treat them like a commitment. Need more accountability? Schedule workouts with a friend so you’ll be less likely to skip out or cancel.
24 sep • oct 2022

The way I feel when I leave my cycle class is nothing short of a high. I am proud of myself for getting up early and getting there and while every class may not be better than the last, I still showed up. I am showing up for me not just physically but also mentally. My 45 minutes to an hour of movement gives me time that is just mine. One chunk of my day with no emails, phone calls, laundry or dishes. That is my “why”, to have that time each day for me allows me to be a better mother, wife and employee.
Try Something New // The easiest way to get going again is try something different like that new hot yoga studio or pilates reformer class. The novelty of a new experience will take away the daunting feeling of starting over and you’ll feel excited especially when starting with a friend or partner which makes it a bonding experience.
northidahowellness.com 25
Remind yourself Why //
Move Everyday // It doesn’t have to be big or hard or heavy. It can be small, controlled and slow. But finding some kind of movement every day, will keep building a habit which will slowly become a lifestyle.

Written by Lauryn Rogers | Owner of The Copper Label | Photo by Amy Lynn Photography
Covid-19 presents a a double blow because the body is dealing with not only the physical stress the of the illness but also the emotional anxiety that comes with it There are so many potential stressors brought on by the pandemic, whether it’s finances, school shutdowns, loss of employment, health issues and the generalized fear and anxiety felt by so many. The great news is this isn’t permanent, but it can last up to 6 months.
I can’t count how many women have sat in my chair over the last two years who’re dealing with the after effects of COVID-19. Post pandemic hair loss has become increasingly common unfortunately. it’s not COVID-19, that is causing hair loss, but rather the stress your body is under when fighting it. To truly understand what’s happening, it’s important to understand the hair growth cycle. Hair follicles go through three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen, also known as the growth or transitional cycle, and resting or shedding phases. At any given point in time, all the hairs on your head are in different phases. Let’s dive into exactly what is happening and what you can do to help support your body and hair during this time. The reason so many people are experiencing post pandemic hair loss is because of Telogen Effluvium or “shock” hair loss. Stress that triggers telogen effluvium can be physical or emotional. Postpartum hair loss is a common example of telogen effluvium. When our bodies experience a major shock like this it prematurely shifts up to 80% of our hair follicles into the telogen (rest)phase of the hair cycle. The Telogen phase is when our hair starts to shed. Normally our post pandemic hair loss hair is in this phase less than 10% of the time. This process is usually delayed and can take up to 3 months after the initial “shock” for your hair to start shedding longer than usual which can feel like hair loss.
26 sep • oct 2022
As a hairdresser, I see every kind of hair loss from internal disruption, hereditary or environmental factors. First, I was to clear up some misconceptions around hair shedding related to COVID-19. Hair loss, also known as alopecia, typically refers to baldness in certain areas because of hair no longer growing. This can be permanent. There are many different types of hair loss and a multitude of factors that can

+secondary.Oribe’sAlchemy and Goldlust collection are the perfect foundation to have healthy, strong hair. The Serene Scalp thickening treatment spray works wonders for stimulating hair growth and halting hair loss.
+ Use a quality brush! This is a must for me and why I swear by the VujaDe V1 Detangle (I carry these in the salon).
Diet // Eating nutrient dense food will give your body the extra support it needs. Your gut health affects everything, and it’s close to impossible to have balanced hormones without it. Eating clean and local isn’t difficult in a community like ours. Local markets like Pilgrims and Super1 offer an abundance of foods made by local and regional farmers and makers. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet is important to helping support your hair follicle that is made up of mostly protein. Also, L-lysine is an amino acid that is found in eggs and meat that is present at the hair’s root and is responsible for the shape and volume of your hair.
+ Try heatless hairstyles (The Sway by Mane Label Hair Co.) unless you have a high quality styler that won’t contribute to cuticle damage (Beautytech Bioprogramming devices can be ordered at The Copper Label). Dyson devices are also a great option if using styling devices.
Products // + Washing your hair less but also not going too long because this can create build up and clog your hair follicles.
+ The other supplement line I would recommend is Nutrafol Hair growth Nutraceutical. This company is amazing and specifically targets the six main reasons women lose hair. I have seen countless clients and friends see success using their supplements.Many women find success with stopping the shed, when using supplements with ingredients like Cynatine HNS among many others. Cynatine is Keratin, which is the protein that your hair is made up of and it is clinically proven to shorten the time the hair follicle spends in the telogen or rest phase.
+I also suggest and personally supplement with extra Vitamin C, D, and a good probiotic. All of these are supplements made by Thorne.(Best local spots for supplements: Pilgrims + Sarah Hamilton FACE) The Copper Label is always researching and testing new products, resources and lifestyle improvements to help best serve our clients and community. Always remember scalp and hair health is part of your overall health and wellness.
Styling //
northidahowellness.com 27 beauty contribute to the issue. Shedding doesn’t always necessarily mean balding or permanent alopecia. The hair loss that’s seen post COVID-19 is usually Telogen Effluvium and is not only triggered by viruses, it can also be a side effect of certain medications, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal abnormalities, and stressful events. Shedding is a result of a bodily stressor, in COVID-19’s case, usually from a fever. This is good news! If you’re experiencing abnormal shedding after an illness, stress, hormonal imbalance, or even a trauma, you will most likely see a full return of your hair as the follicle remains able to produce more hair. This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook though, your mane still needs some hand holding to get through this tough time. The mental game that hormones already play on us hard enough, let alone when you add what hair loss can do to us. You need to continue, if you have not started already, using high quality products that are right for your scalp and mane needs. This coincides with brushing your hair, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of rest. Be gentle with your body when it’s healing. Recovering from an internal trauma can take much more time than the illness itself unfortunately. You may be completely recovered from your COVID-19 infection, feeling back to normal, and then a few months later your hair may start falling out. Ignoring it and thinking your body will “figure it out” on its own will only prolong the recovery. I see firsthand what works with clients when recovering from hair loss. I only share products or methods that I have seen actual results with a large number of my clients. Drink Your H2O // Keeping your body well hydrated is vital for a healthy scalp, a dry scalp halts your hair growth. Water also stimulates the nerve endings on your scalp making your roots more active and able to grow.
Overuse of aerosol dry shampoos in lieu of washing can also cause buildup and eventually hair loss.
+ Using high quality and clean products that will heal and protect your hair should be your priority and styling
+ DO NOT use regular hair ties or pull your hair up in tight buns or ponytails. Anything that creates tension on your hair and scalp can cause Traction Alopecia which affects those who have chronic follicular tension from wearing hightension hairstyles consistently or for long periods of time. Only use scrunchies and clips being mindful of any tension (I carry a variety of both in the salon).
Vitamins + Supplements //
+ One of the best all around collagen supplements on the market is Modere’s Liquid Biocell. I have personally been taking the Biocell ``Life” for two years. The science and technology they’ve patented is beyond the collagen powders and other filler supplements that go in and out of trending.
Written by Jennifer Millerhow tapping can change your life
EFT, like yoga and meditation, is mind body connection centered. Similar to acupuncture without the needles, it relies on the body’s energetic pathways. Simply put, tapping gently with 2 fingers on certain points on the body results in improved energetic flow. Sounds hokey right? What sets EFT apart from other self help techniques is that it asks you to focus solely on the anxiety causing issue while doing it. Tapping sends a calming signal to your brain letting you know you are safe and can relax. If your physical body feels relaxed while thinking about
28 sep • oct 2022
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT was created in the 1970’s by doctors who began stimulating pressure points to help patients deal with stress, fear and phobias. It was simplified in 1995 and published by Gary Craig in 1995.
We’ve all felt that feeling of flight or fight. Your heart starts racing, your palms sweat, your stomach turns over and you can only focus on the problem or situation at hand. That feeling can be immobilizing and sometimes uncontrollable. Panic or anxiety attacks can sometimes hit out of nowhere. Triggered by something so small, a moment, a word, a glance, can send you reeling. Even if you have some control over your anxiety either by medication or alternative therapies, it’s not always fool proof. Anxiety is a silent thief taking not only your sanity for a moment but also sometimes your ability to reason. In the midst of it though, it can be easy to forget coping mechanisms. There is one so simple, that even in a full blown panic attack, you can manage to fight off the flight or fight the urge.

northidahowellness.com 29
something causing stress or fear, you won’t feel hijacked by those anxious emotions. EFT has been documented in lowering heart rates, blood pressure and cortisol levels.
And is used across the board to help treat multiple issues such as anxiety, depression, phobias and PTSD. When you feel that fight or flight feeling start to rear its ugly and persistent head, sit with the feeling. EFT encourages you to be honest with yourself and asks you to come up with a “set up statement”. The set up statement is you acknowledging your emotions or the problem at hand.
Let’s try it out!
To start, take your pointer and middle finger and start gently tapping on the web space between your thumb and index finger of the opposite hand. After 10 or so taps, move to the other hand. From your hands, you’ll move to your brow bone, under eye, bridge of your nose, underneath your cheekbones and down to your collarbone. You’ll repeat this process as long as you need. Next time the anxious feelings tighten their grip, try EFT. You truly have nothing to lose. Below you will find the most effective tapping points.
As you tap through the pressure points, use your set up statement as a reminder of the issue to help you stay focused and present.

Caffeine can change your brain’s chemistry over time. Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine molecules which are what give you a relaxed and sleepy feeling. It also stimulates your body into producing more natural stimulants like dopamine and boosts their effects. This explains why midway through your favorite Pumpkin Spice latte you feel like you can conquer the world.
Written by Jennifer Miller is coffee actually
You wake up every morning to the smell of your automatic coffee pot brewing a fresh pot. You make your way to the kitchen, pour the freshly brewed coffee into your favorite mug, top with some cream and make your way to your favorite chair by the window to drink your first cup. Later, after your morning routine, the coffee has taken full effect and you feel ready to head out into the world and tackle the day. But how much caffeine is too much caffeine and is it truly addictive?
In short, according to the ADA , the answer is no. Most experts are wary of labeling caffeine as an addictive substance. Most addictions or addictive substances have 3 identifying characteristics, one of which is “continued use despite harm to themselves or others”. Most of us wouldn’t hurt someone over our morning cup of coffee even though some days we would like to. Caffeine is a natural stimulant also found in chocolate, tea and sodas. The average 8 oz cup of coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine. Caffeine is quickly absorbed by your gut and then travels to your brain where the effects like mood boosting, higher concentration and motivation start to come to their peak in 30 to 60 minutes. These effects generally last 3 to 6 hours.

northidahowellness.com 31 HydrafacialSignaturewith FREE Booster of Your Choice! (expires: 10/31/22) get GLOWyourON!only$149 Call NOW to book with Kelli! 208.610.5375 206 East Indiana Avenue • Suite 118 • Coeur d’Alene lashes | facials | hydrafacials | brows | waxing | nails | hair
However, most experts will argue that caffeine is more behaviorally addicting than physically. The ritual itself of morning coffee, or pulling up to favorite coffee stand and having the crew know favorite drink, can be more addicting than the boost of stimulants. While cutting back on your daily intake is easy for some, others may experience headaches, lack of concentration, drowsiness and irritability. Thankfully these “withdrawal” symptoms only last about two days. While caffeine may not be considered addictive, it can worsen anxiety, insomnia and cause temporary heart palpitations. So, if you’re looking to cut down on your daily consumption, which experts say should not exceed 400 mg a day, but will miss the ritual of your morning cup of joe, you’re not alone. Try swapping your second or third cup for decaf coffee, or herbal tea. Having trouble sleeping? Ditch the afternoon cold brew for a fruit smoothie which is full of antioxidants and helps you stay full until dinner. No need to give up your daily doppio, but if you find yourself feeling more anxious or losing sleep, try cutting down on caffeine.

HEAL 32 sep • oct 2022
Our favorite reviews are the ones where patients tell us we feel like family. We treat your pain or dysfunction, yes, but we hope that you always leave the clinic feeling happier than when you walked in. We are small -- every practitioner at Elite knows every patient -- our staff works as a team to help restore function and capacity to our clients during hour long 1 on 1 appointments.
Elite Physical Therapy A FUN PLACE
We take pride in our laid back and fun atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable. There’s always sports or trivia on the TV, and entertaining stories from staff and patients. We love having fun while our patients get the help they need. We offer specialties and services you may not find in other offices. We recognize that a holistic approach can be helpful in your recovery, so we offer massage and personal training here on sight. TO
wellness businessin

Angelo’s sports performance expertise allows our patients to continue strengthening and return-to-support progression after they graduate from physical therapy. We love youth athletes and have a passion for helping every person be the best in their chosen sport. We offer group and 1 on 1 training in order to help you reach your goals.
We have a clinical massage therapist on staff with over 10 years of experience. Kala gets rave reviews from everyone who has the privilege of being in her capable hands.
northidahowellness.com 33
We have a fitness facility, manned by our personal trainer and former professional baseball player, Angelo Songco. Our 8500 square foot facility offers a huge turf space, a gym, and a batting cage. The space allows our patients to practice movement in a large area, where PT’s can observe and correct form or weakness.
Our owner, Ryan, loves golf and has a TPI Level 2 Medical Certification from Titleist. That education allows him to pinpoint the dysfunction in a person’s golf swing and help them play pain free. He also has specialized certifications for treating orthopedic injuries and back and neck problems. Troy is Champion Sport Certified, meaning he has education specific to sports performance. He has coached both high school football and baseball - he loves helping athletes. In addition to their expertise - Maddy is also a competitive tennis player. Lexie and Maisie are both former track and field athletes. You can see why we love sports and athletes! We hope that you’ll trust us with helping you get back to the things you love! We’d love to have you be part of the family!
Massage complements your healing by relaxing muscle tension and promoting tissue healing. It can help speed recovery times, prevent additional pain, relieve pain, and restore mobility and range of motion. Your physical therapist will apply a variety of hands- on manual therapy techniques, but adding massage therapy sessions can help. Let us check your insurance plan and see if it covers clinical massage - many do!
Our physical therapist, Maddy, specializes in helping people who have sustained head injuries. She has specific certifications that allow her to assess and treat concussions. Being in her care will allow for a safer and faster recovery. She offers baseline testing for athletes who are in contact sports, or anyone who is at risk of concussion. With a baseline established, the care team is able to make better decisions when concussions occur .

how to help your student succeed
Don’t get me wrong, even now, beginning my eighth year, those are my go to’s because they are easy things parents can participate in and feel confident they are doing right. Because as parents, we want to be right. We want to know what we are teaching our kids is the right thing. As I’ve gotten older, become a father myself, and had parents come back to me well after their student has left my classroom; I’ve found that that answer simply doesn’t cut it. It helps students academically, but it doesn’t help them with all the other challenges that come with being a student today.
I’ve wracked my brain to come up with an answer as to how parents can help their students in school, connect with their child on a personal level, and provide advice about not only success in the classroom, but success as a person. And although nothing will ever be a fix all, nothing in life ever is that simple unfortunately, there is a common thread that I see between my students who are present in class and the ones that aren’t.
The possible underwhelming and fairly simple truth is, Communicate with your kids. Tell your kids stories. Eat a meal with your kid(s). Sit at a table, no phones, devices or TV allowed and make them tell you about their day. Don’t let them off easy. Ask them to be specific about what they’re learning and what their friends are doing
ask the expert
34 sep • oct 2022
Written by Travis
As a teacher, I often get asked, “What can I do to help my student?” and in my first couple of years teaching my answer was always the same: ‘Make sure they know their math facts, and make sure they are reading at home.’

northidahowellness.com 35 Relaxation & Deep Tissue Massage m o n t h l y m e m b e r s h i p ms o n t h l y m e m b e r s h i p s a v a i l a b l e a t aa v a i l a b l e a t a d i s c o u n t e d r a t e d! i s c o u n t e d r a t e ! 2415 N Government Way Suite 6, CDA 208 274 4424 ONLINE BOOKING AVAILABLE! www mendingmuscles com Personalized for your unique needs. $10 OFF mention this ad for your first massage! at school. Care about the drama and the gossip. Tell them about what you were like as a kid. Tell them stupid things you did in highschool (PG of course), or about the tree you tried to climb when you were 12 and fell out of and broke your arm. Tell them about the bullies you dealt with in middle school, how you felt alone at times and you didn’t know what to do. Be real. Communication is a two way street, listen to them and really listen. You can’t know what they’re really struggling with if you don’t give them a chance to open up and a safe space to do so. And it starts small, know their friends names, know the video games they’re playing or the YouTuber that they’re into. As hard as it seems, invest in the things that you find silly that they find value in. Too often kids feel alone and don’t realize their parents were their age once too. Now I am sure that people will think that the internet, phones and social media makes it all different. It doesn’t. Bullying is bullying, depression is depression, anxiety is anxiety. What the internet does is magnify those issues and open communication is more important than ever. We’ve all dealt with challenges and for our kids to know that we’ve been in similar situations and they aren’t alone is huge! Show your kids that you’re human and understand that they are too. It’s really hard to solve a problem you don’t know exists, so communicate. I’ll leave you with a revelation I had as a new father and one I find increasingly relevant the more I teach: When my son was just starting to walk, he fell (shocker). When he landed, he had bumped his arm and had a red mark and small bruise, but by the way he screamed you would have sworn his whole arm had fallen off. At first I thought, “ Really? Dude, you fell like 3 inches, you’re fine.” But then, it hit me. Up until that point in his year of life, that was the absolute worst thing to have ever happened to him. He had never experienced worse pain in his life. It’s easy to forget that for kids, in this moment, that test, those bullies words, that heartbreak, could literally be the worst they’ve ever felt. It doesn’t mean they’re soft, they just haven’t been through as much as adults. So next time you’re at the dinner table and you talk with your kids, share a story, listen to one of theirs and start connecting.
Travis Ewert is a local elementary school teacher, husband and father of 2.

I decided to travel to Ukraine to raise money to help the Ukrainian people who were directly impacted by the war in early March. This decision was made with a belief that my experiences as a mental health counselor, combat veteran, and former military contractor would bridge the gap between my community in North Idaho and the people in Ukraine. My objective was to raise money and show my community how their donations were making an immediate impact. Not knowing anyone in Ukraine or being able to speak the language, I traveled completely on my own. The plan was to meet a pastor in Ukraine who I found online and begged
Heritage Health counselor committed to helping people in Ukraine
a mission of mercy

To donate, www.gofundme.com/victoryukraine
northidahowellness.com him to allow me the chance to travel there and help. It was terrifying to make this trip into an active warzone, but it was a calling. Putting fear side, I left my wife and young children to spend one month in Ukraine. The response from not only my community, but communities across America was nothing short of a miracle. We raised nearly $200,000 and received medical supplies worth thousands of dollars more. Donations started coming in from Day 1 and we were able to start a shelter for displaced families in L’viv. During this trip, I was able to bring medical supplies to areas that needed them most, evacuate civilians from cities that were being invaded, and teach a mental health seminar on PTSD and trauma. As the fighting still rages on, I have had to process the devastating impact of this war. Being inside the buildings that were recently destroyed with the smell of burned flesh still in the air still haunts me. Experiencing rocket and artillery attacks in Kyvi is unsettling to say the least. Helping young children who were so traumatized they could not speak is unforgettable. Dozens of individuals who survived the occupations of Bucha and Irpen shared their horrifying stories. The mass grave site in Bucha where innocent people were murdered during the occupation is very real. These experiences and memories are what drive me and to remember that what we have been able to achieve in less than six months has far surpassed even my expectations. Our communities have stepped in and shown such passion toward the people in Ukraine. People wanted to help; they just needed a way to do it. We are bringing more surgical supplies requested by doctors to the frontlines, including an EKG machine. We are partnering with the National Police of Ukraine to help sponsor children who have lost a parent to the war. These children creating wish lists, including school supplies, hygiene items, food, and some small toys. Preparing to embark on this third trip, the support we have received is nothing short of amazing. There are no words to describe what our communities have been capable of. But we need more. Every human life is worth saving.
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Jared Malone is a mental health counselor for Heritage Health. The formerly enlisted Marine served two combat tours in Iraq in his 20s and later he served as a military contractor in Iraq for three years. Jared and his wife live in North Idaho and together they have two children. Talent to Heal. Heart to Care.

Exercise is known to have positive effects physically, but did you know there is a positive mental aspect of exercise? Yes, we can improve our mental health by following an exercise routine… but it can also be beneficial to switch up your routine and try something new and less regimented. It can feel like a breath of fresh air (literally) to get outside and have some fun with getting some movement in. Doing this can break the routine cycle and give your mental health a reset. Here are some ways I like to get outside and get moving to create space in my mind and create a mental reset in the summer/ fall seasons: paddle boarding, wake surfing, swimming, hiking, running, gardening, walking around the farmers market, chasing your kids around at the park… and these are just to name a few! Doing these fun activities with your kids and/or significant others can create a bond and show them just how fun exercising can be. I challenge you for the rest of this season to switch up your mundane routines and allow yourself to have a little fun and reset your mental health.
northidahowellness.com 39
Tag me @sweatnourishbloom_ to show me what you are doing!
Rather than sharing a workout this issue, I wanted to share other ways to get your body moving. Oftentimes we can get into a cycle of strictly exercising, and we don’t like to “miss” a workout or else we might lose progress. As beneficial as it is to consistently exercise it can be just as beneficial to dig a little deeper into the meaning of movement and become aware of what your body needs at different times.
sweat nourish bloom
Written by Megan Ryan
On November 3rd, from 5:30 to 7 PM at our Community Services Building, Dr. Ira Byock will present to the community “What Mortality Can Teach Us About Living”
For our community //
community happenings about living
While we are right to pursue happiness, even when we succeed, it is impermanent. Death teaches us a lot about living – if we let it. One crucial lesson involves ways to mend even our most troubled relationships and nurturing our cherished connections to the people we love. Through stories drawn from years of clinical practice and his personal life, Dr. Byock illuminates how these four simple statements – Please forgive me. I forgive you.
40 sep • oct 2022
Hospice of North Idaho is pleased to host Dr. Ira Byock, a Fellow of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, a leading palliative care physician, author, and public advocate for improving care through the end of life. Dr. Byock has been involved in hospice and palliative care since 1978. His research has contributed to conceptual frameworks for the lived experience of illness that encompasses a continuum from suffering to wellbeing, related measures for subjective quality of life during illness, and effective life-completion counseling methods. He has been a featured guest on numerous national television and radio programs, including NPR & All Things Considered; Talk of the Nation, ABC, Nightline, CBS, 60 Minutes and PBS; The NewsHour.
For our community healthcare professionals //
On November 4th, from 9 AM to 12 PM at our Community Services Building, Dr. Ira Byock will present “Lighting a Path to Authentic Healthcare Transformation’’ to the professional community. Under the strain of Covid-19, the pandemic stress fractured our healthcare system, revealing how vulnerable we are and how pressing the need is for authentic transformation. From meeting basic biological needs, and skillful use of science and technology to honoring human wellbeing through the end of life, core values and principles of hospice and palliative care, along with humancentered design, offer a path for transformation. In this presentation, Dr. Byock will examine how the professional field contributes to redesigning healthcare systems. His approach to change employs person-centered standards, monitoring performance against those standards, innovating health records and streamlining workflows ;to make the right way the easy way,and giving clinicians and patients a common language to craft highly personalized care plans. After this presentation, please join Hospice of North Idaho’s Community Palliative Care team to discuss what they can offer the community during a Q+A. Breakfast will be provided by Basic Kneads Catering and 2.75 continuing education credits are included in the event registration fees. Please visit our Facebook and Eventbrite for more details and reserve your ticket today! If any questions or need more information, please call (208) 772-7994 or visit our website www.hospiceofnorthidaho.org
Thank you. I love you. – can transform relationships and lives. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to: Distinguish between being happy and ;living fully, and be prepared to explore their use as a tool for wellbeing in their lives, recognize the importance of staying open to the possibility that even deeply fractured relationships can heal. Participants will recognize that assuming healing is impossible can be self-fulfilling and describe; emotional economics; of forgiveness – asking and granting forgiveness are ways of getting free of emotional debts one owes and is owed. This event offers 1.5 continuing education credits and is a free event, but donations are encouraged.

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