North Leeds Life Magazine. December 2017. LS7, LS8, LS17 Edition

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NORTH LEEDS Life F R E E D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 7 | LS7 | LS8 | LS17


Leeds Winter Moments A Victorian Christmas At Harewood

These Northern Types At Leftbank

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DEC | 2017 NORTH LEEDS Life F R E E D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 7 | LS6 | LS16 | LS18


Leeds Winter Moments A Victorian Christmas At Harewood

These Northern Types At LeftBank


Christmas is almost here and all over Leeds people have been preparing all kinds of shows, exhibitions, fairs, and concerts to enhance Christmas in the city.

started on BBC1, and her first musical ‘Fat Friends’ at Leeds Grand Theatre is an absolute must for all fans of the TV series – it has a great cast and is hilarious. This is a time of year when many people may also feel down and alone – so do keep an eye on friends, relatives and neighbours and include them whenever you can.

Leeds Winter Moments - created and

Our January edition goes to press a little earlier than

funded by LeedsBID - is creating moments

usual so please get all news and notices to us as soon as you

of wonder, magic, joy, surprise, escape and

can (1st Dec at the latest & 4th Dec for advertising). The

beauty around the city centre; there are

deadlines for our February edition are 3rd January for news

Christmas shows and pantomimes galore;

and Notices and 12th January for advertising.

Opera North is presenting a wonderful programme at both the Town Hall and

Thank you for your support through 2017 and we look forward to bringing you lots of news in 2018.

Howard Assembly Room; and Harewood

Pictured: The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe. Photo: Anthony Robling



House is hosting a Victorian Christmas.

Have a Wonderful Christmas!

Kay Mellor’s new television series set in Leeds, ‘Love, Lies, and Records’, has just


06 Sing Freedom Bringing true stories of the anti-apartheid movement to life with the Free Range Choir.

11 Leeds Winter Moments Adding sparkle, originality and innovation to the festive season.

12 Opera North Provides a Seasonal Soundtrack for the City A packed month of orchestral and choral spectaculars for all the family.



Kind regards, Carole, Jack and the team.





14 The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe….and Puppets -

44 The Recipe for a Reggae Christmas - Levi Roots and GSAL

Musicians, circus performers, wonderful characters, animals and fascinating puppets

record Christmas song in Meanwood

18 A Victorian Christmas at Harewood House - Award winning designer Michael Howells showcases the Victorians’ love of Christmas.

24 These Northern Types – An exhibition at LeftBank Leeds

48 New Study into Improving Management of Type 1 Diabetes - Leeds Beckett University is seeking volunteers to take part.

54 Sport Scholarship for Young Horsforth Weightlifter - GSAL student wins a place on the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme.


Life & Style

Sing Freedom Brings True Stories of the Anti-Apartheid Movement to Life

EDITORIAL Carole Carey-Campbell

Set against the background of apartheid South Africa, Makor Jewish Culture presents ‘Sing Freedom’, the powerful, political and courageous story of Rusty Bernstein, anti-apartheid campaigner and supporter.

0113 293 4303

DEPUTY EDITOR Brendan Campbell brendan@northleedslife.

DESIGN Kyle Harvey


0113 274 8776


Rachael Stafford rachael@northleedslife. 0113 293 4304

he evening is presented by Rusty’s daughter, Frances Bernstein and the 25 strong Free Range Choir. Frances’s talk guides us through her time growing in up South Africa and being the daughter of parents who were both antiapartheid activists. The emotive African protest songs performed by Free Range Choir helped sustain the anti-apartheid struggle in its darkest times.

1963, and charged at the famous Rivonia Trial. At the

David Smith

end of the trial, the remaining men were all found guilty


and sentenced to life imprisonment. Rusty was the only one found not guilty and was discharged, however life was still not simple. Don’t miss this fascinating evening on Sunday 3rd December, 7pm at Weetwood Hall Otley Road, LS16.


Tickets (£6) are available from Makor at 0113 268 0899


or, or on the door.

Rusty and ten other prominent ANC leaders, including Nelson Mandela, were arrested on 11th July

0113 268 6012 07738 058 957


Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all editorial, advertising and directory listings are accurate, the publisher is not liable for any errors, omissions, statements or opinions provided. The publishers accept no liability of any nature arising out of or in connection with the contents of this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the express permission of the editor.

Life & Style



n 9th May 1888, led by a brass band and a banner reading ‘Down with Sweating,’ three thousand Jewish clothing workers marched on strike to a mass rally outside Leeds Town Hall. Trapped in unbearable working conditions, treated ‘little better than slaves’, they were asking for a 58 hour week, living wages, tolerable conditions. They heard stirring speeches from the strike leaders and the Socialist League and then an emotional address from the one employer who supported their action – the lone voice of Jewish workshop master David Lubelski.

later reported that local shopkeepers had been persuaded not to give the strikers credit and to ‘let them all starve’. Reports of the strike helped to raise public awareness of the garment workers’ shocking conditions. In 1889 David Lubelski risked his livelihood by giving compelling evidence before

David Lubelski had arrived in Leeds

a House of Lords select committee set up to

from Warsaw in 1866 when he was just 17,

investigate the sweating system: ‘The workers

the forerunner of many others escaping the

live very wretchedly and are very poor…the long

restrictions imposed by Russia on the Jews of

hours they work are abominable’. He described

Poland. Leeds offered work opportunities in the

in forthright terms the bribery system and its

newly developing clothing industry, where he

inequalities, the pressures and irregularity of

could use his skills to build a new life. His first

work, the terrible strain on women having to

job was as machinist in a Jewish workshop

work at home overnight. His passionate concern

making jackets and coats for John Barran’s

for fairness and justice in the workplace shines

flourishing clothing firm. This system of sub-

through. The Leeds press called for improvement

contracting – straightforward garments made

but progress was slow.

in the factories, mostly by women workers,

He gained respect for his stance, and by the

skilled work sent out to Jewish tailoring

1890s had become well established as a clothing

workshops – supported the massive growth

manufacturer. His sons joined the firm, which

of the Leeds clothing industry over the next

expanded rapidly, moving to a larger factory in

decades, fed by a huge influx of impoverished

Holbeck described in 1896 as ‘spacious, well-lit,

Jewish immigrants. The industry became the

clean and comfortable’. He was now a man of

city’s major employer, but its success was built

wealth and standing: President of the Jewish

on men and women condemned to sweatshop

The clothing

conditions. When he was 23 David Lubelski found the

industry's success

funds to set up his own workshop. He had just married Leonora Deutshman, a machinist from the Jewish quarter in the Leylands. By 1881 they had moved to St Columba Street (under the inner ring road now) with their growing family, including his mother from Warsaw, and ultimately eleven children. He became a British citizen in 1887. By then he was running a large workshop in Cross Park Street near the Town

was built on men and women condemned to sweatshop conditions

Young Men’s Association, President of the Leeds Great Synagogue, active in a range of charitable and sporting interests. He moved to a fine detached house at 51 Louis Street, Chapeltown, reflecting his hard-won success and status. It was there that he died suddenly in 1903, aged only 53. He left a legacy. The firm he founded was carried on by the family into the 1920s, and as the Utilus Coat Co. survived into the 1970s. His son Jack was elected as Leeds’ first Jewish Councillor (Liberal) in 1904; his youngest son Walter won the Military Cross in WW1; later generations gained

Hall, employing 60/70 hands. But life was still a constant struggle, with his large family to support

distinction in various fields. Still treasured as a

and workers dependent on him to put food on the table. There was cut-throat competition for work

family heirloom is a magnificent silver tea service

and corruption was rife – the workshop ‘middlemen’ had to bribe the factory foremen for orders,

presented to him on his Silver Wedding in 1897

squeezing wages and hours of work to breaking point.

by his employees, a mark of their respect and

As a radical advocate of workers’ and women’s rights he was distressed by the injustice of

a poignant reminder of the remarkable role he

this system, and was moved by the terrible conditions of the tailors and the women workers, ‘old

played in fighting corruption and standing up

and bent before they were 30’. He encouraged and supported their strike action. He alone had the

for the oppressed and ignored.

courage to stand up against his fellow masters, resisting insults and threats of legal action. But after three weeks the strike failed for lack of funds: hunger forced the defeated tailors back to work. He

Eveleigh Bradford

Christmas in Leeds is always something special. Leeds Winter Moments is lighting up the city; pantomimes and Christmas shows are busting out all over; choirs are singing their hearts out; and Harewood House presents a fabulous Victorian Christmas.

Leeds Winter Moments With the arrival of immersive art and light installations around the city, Leeds is all set for an exciting run-up to Christmas. The installations are bringing added sparkle, originality and innovation to the festive season and will encourage people to create and experience their own special moments. Leeds Winter Moments - Christmas In Leeds is creating moments of wonder, magic, joy, surprise, escape and beauty and guiding people around the city centre, whilst also showcasing some incredible talent. From Lanterns in Park Plaza to the scandi-inspired Arctic Bazaar (11 – 23 Dec) at Art Hostel on Kirkgate, complete with a marketplace, hot chocolate bar, sweet bites, and (bizarrely) a mobile sauna; the magical draping of white lights on the Queen’s Hotel; and the playful performance of ‘Illuminate Us’ on the Platform Building above Leeds Station - this is a hugely ambitious project created and funded by LeedsBID (Leeds Business Improvement District).

There is also the welcome return of some favourites from last year, including the wonderful, huge flying figure ‘SPIRIT’, this time flying high in a new location in Victoria Quarter, the delicate tree lights in Park Square and the festive light projections on the lifting tower in Wellington Place. LeedsBID has worked with several key partners, including East Street Arts, Leeds Arts University, NEWSUBSTANCE, Lumen, Alison Smith, David Shearing, David Lynch, Cefn Hoile and Suzie Cross, Raf Bogan and Helen Russell Brown, The Glass Cyphers, Leeds City Council and key retailers, to create the installations and bring something a little different to the city for Christmas. You can pick up maps detailing all the installations from key locations across the city centre, including hotels and the Visitor Information Centre (Visit Leeds & Art Gallery Shop) as well as from

Opera North has a packed month of orchestral and choral spectaculars for all the family. In Leeds this includes, a Festive Box of Delights at Leeds Town Hall on 9th December with the Orchestra of Opera North who join forces with Leeds Festival Chorus, featuring seasonal classical favourites, plus excerpts from Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana. The Snowman and Cinderella return to Leeds Town Hall on 17th December, with the Orchestra accompanying the Raymond Briggs’ film. Narrator John Savournin opens the evening with Prokofiev’s Cinderella Suite, accompanied by spellbinding illustrations. Then on 31st December, Viennese Whirl, a musical trip through a world of waltzes, polkas, marches and song is at Leeds Town Hall. Wishing on Stars on 16th December features Christmas pieces from around the world performed by a chamber group led

by violinist David Le Page in matinee and early evening concerts. The evening concert opens with a performance of classic festive pieces by the Christmas Chorus, an afterwork vocal workshop run by Opera North’s Education department. For younger audiences and their families, Babushka and the Russian Doll with Other Tales of Winter Wonder offers atmospheric folk tales, live music and a Christmas decorations workshop on 18th December. For more information and to book tickets for any Opera North performances, visit or contact Box Office on 0844 848 2720. For tickets for Leeds Town Hall contact 0113 376 0318 or For Howard Assembly Room contact 0844 848 2727,

The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe ….and Puppets ‘The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe’, West Yorkshire Playhouse’s eagerly awaited Christmas production, hits The Quarry stage on 29th November. As one has come to expect from The Playhouse, this will be no ordinary production. First of all the theatre will be completely transformed into a theatre-inthe-round with the audience surrounding the stage, and you will be pulled into the adventure from the minute you walk into the theatre.

"This will be no ordinary production"

As designer Rae Smith told us last month, exciting things will be revealed. There will be musicians, circus performers, wonderful characters, animals and costumes….. and absolutely fascinating puppets – from glove puppet mice to a magnificent Aslan, through ghouls and monsters, plus shadow puppetry. Puppetry director, Craig Leo, who worked on the fabulous War Horse, says that it will be a very exciting space to work in. “Everything becomes important”, he told us. “When working in the round you have to be hyper aware of the audience all around you. You’re sharing information with everyone. You keep moving, always aware of the audience – even when your back is to them. You are very aware of how you use your body.” As Craig pointed out, we are all in it together – on an imaginative, magic journey with the puppets helping the observer to easily enter the story and create this fantasy. The skilled puppeteers breathe

Photos: Anthony Robling

life into the manipulated objects, exploring what it means to be alive. Puppets make us believe in impossible transformations and it is that intellectual interactivity with the audience that makes it possible. They give the audience a greater role to play. Of course, not all actors have acted with puppets before. It takes a little leap of faith to completely accept these inanimate objects. “It is just lovely to see that little light come on”, said Craig, “when an actor suddenly understands the process and the joy of sharing the story with another object.” In the last 20 or 30 years puppets have emerged from puppet theatres and invaded nearly every area of theatre and entertainment with fantastic success, building on tradition and expanding a wonderful art form. Long may it continue! Playing until 21st January, The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe is a West Yorkshire Playhouse, Elliott & Harper Productions and Catherine Schreiber co-production. For tickets, call 0113 213 7700 or book online at

Jack and the Beanstalk: A GIANT of a Pantomime! Kids’ TV star and all round funny man Jez Edwards returns to his ‘home from home’ at the Carriageworks Theatre, delighted to be performing in the family favourite ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. “It is fantastic to be back for a ninth year!” said Jez. “The creative vision of the team here means the shows just keep going from strength to strength every year. I can’t wait to show you what madness and mayhem we have in store for you this year!” Singer Danny Colligan, fresh from this year’s BBC singing competition Let it Shine, plays Jack. Danny made his West End debut in ‘The Book of Mormon’. He also starred in ‘Thrill Me: The Leopold & Loeb Story’ at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2014 “It’s been an unbelievable year for me with so many unforgettable moments”, said Danny. “Playing Jack in my home county in panto at Christmas is just the icing on the cake. I can’t wait to join this great cast and perform in Leeds.” Pantomime Producer Paul Holman said: “Danny is a talented young musician and performer with the right fun, energy and talent to play the adventurous and slightly cheeky

chappy character of Jack. With his singing talent and with Jez Edwards taking charge of the comedy once again, this year’s pantomime has something for everyone.” Tickets (from £10) for Jack and the Beanstalk are available 0113 376 0318 and

Fri 1 Dec 2017 – Sat 6 Jan 2018 BBC Let it Shine’s


Leeds’ Favourite

Tickets from

JEZ EDWARDS as Simon Trott

With a bag full of magic beans, colourful characters, creative costumes and a set straight out of a fairy tale book! Jack and the Beanstalk promises to raise the roof at Carriageworks Theatre with bucket-loads of laughter and the classic triumph of good over evil. Our fast paced story will grow quicker than our magical beanstalk, with a dame to add confusion and comedy capers. And if that’s not enough, there’s Daisy the cow to bring cuteness to this enchanting tale! Carriageworks Theatre, The Electric Press, Millennium Square, Leeds, LS2 3AD

simcha galleryleedscornexchange

MYRA DUBOIS as Dame Trott

ELLIE SHARPE as the Fairy

A Victorian Christmas at Harewood House Harewood House is opening its doors for a very special five-week Christmas celebration from 24th November to 31st December. ‘A Victorian Christmas at Harewood’ takes its inspiration from the ITV drama ‘Victoria’, which was filmed there. Award winning production designer Michael Howells, who produced stunning set designs for the ITV series, will bring ‘A Victorian Christmas at Harewood’ to life as he transforms the beautiful house to showcase the Victorians’ love of Christmas. “Harewood has been an incredible place to work while filming Victoria for the last two years and has provided us with some fantastic inspiration”, he said. “It’s a special place, filled with history and wonderful stories.”

Harewood’s magnificent State Floor, one of the principal locations for Victoria, will be beautifully dressed with Victorian decorations, while ‘below stairs’, visitors will get a sense of the hustle and bustle of a stately country house, with a cornucopia of traditional Christmas foods being prepared. Ilkley Toy Museum has lent toy soldiers, rare dolls from the era, board games and dolls houses for the display.

of exploring the gardens - usually closed throughout the winter months - until 3:30pm daily. Tickets cost £16 adult/ £8 children (4 – 17)/ £43 Family (2 adults/ 2 children). For full details, call 0113 218 1000 or visit

Visitors will also be able to enjoy other events and activities, including wreath making, twilight tours, floristry workshops and Fireside Father Christmas. Plus they will have the rare opportunity

A VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS AT HAREWOOD Designed by the award winning Michael Howells

Christmas with The Salvation Army In support of The Royal British Legion Featuring :

The Military Wives Choir (York) The Salvation Army Band and Choir Gospel Roots Brass Band 3pm Sunday 3rd December Leeds Town Hall

Tickets £5.00 available from Eventbrite and Leeds Town Hall Box Office Tel : 0113 376 0318

With thanks to our supporters Blacks Solicitors, Epiphany and Med Den

Stunning Victorian Christmas scenes in the beautiful rooms at Harewood House designed by Michael Howells the set designer for the ITV series Victoria, much of which was filmed at Harewood House. Walks, tours,displays and demonstrations. Christmas food and drink, shopping, musical performance, craft and activities. Meet the animals, feed the penguins and enjoy the playground, gardens and grounds. There are a number of bookable events such as Christmas Wreath Making workshops, Fireside Father Christmas and Twilight tours.

- YO R K S H I R E -



24.11.17 - 01.01.18


Find out more & Book at







Art The Spirit in the of Christmas Park

Photo: Chris Midgley

Once again, Leeds Male Voice Choir presents The Spirit of Christmas, the choir’s popular yuletide extravaganza, at St Anne’s Cathedral on Saturday 9th December. This year it will also feature the Horbury Singers, the female choir directed by Edward Whelan, and will again support St George’s Crypt. Once again, Roundhay Artists are holding ‘Art in the Park’ at the Mansion Conservatory, Roundhay Park on Saturday 2nd/ Sunday 3rd December, 10am – 4.30pm. The exhibition will have a fantastic range of work for sale to suit everyone’s pocket. There will be paintings, cards, pottery and glass on show – all of which could make very special Christmas presents! But, even if you are not shopping, drop in and see the exhibition, chat with the artists and find out more about their art and what motivates them.

The evening looks set to be a fun filled affair with free entry for children. “Christmas is always a favourite time of the year for the choir and a time to celebrate as we lead into our one hundredth year”, said Tim Knight, the choir’s Musical Director. “We’re looking forward to a fabulous, fun filled festive evening for the whole family.” The Spirit of Christmas comes at the end of a successful year for the choir, which has included a tour of Belgium. At home, the choir has supported a number of charities, including St Gemma’s Hospice, Leeds North and West Foodbank and Chernobyl Aid UK. The choir is always keen to introduce audiences to a wide range of music, mixing less familiar festive pieces from as far away as Canada, Spain and Austria with traditional songs. The Spirit of Christmas is on Saturday 9th December at St Anne’s Cathedral, Great George Street, at 7.45pm. Tickets are available from 0113 243 1605 or

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Art & Culture

‘Love, Lies & Records’ – the Latest Series from Kay Mellor

Pictured: Ashkey Jenson

If you’re lucky, you will have already caught the first couple of installments of Kay Mellor’s new series for BBC1 ‘Love, Lies and Records’. If not, catch up quickly! ove, Lies and Records hit the ground running – the first episode threw storylines at you at a heck of a pace – some of which wound up by the end of the episode, and others that you knew were going to run and run. The programme is all filmed in Leeds (“Why not”, said Kay. “It’s where I live!”), and the intertwining stories revolve around the Registrar’s Office (based in the Leeds City Museum in the show), an endless source of stories and situations that will keep you avidly watching for the whole six episodes. And, what a great cast! Ashley Jenson is the newly promoted Superintendent juggling the new job with children and a rather complicated private life; Adrian Bower is her partner and Kenny Doughty is a colleague and one of the complications in her life. Rebecca Front plays a disgruntled colleague (who could have believed that Rebecca could be so nasty!), and Mark Stanley, another colleague, is having gender issues. All of this revolves around the daily dramas of births, marriages and deaths. “This is a gift of a part”, said Ashley. “Kate is a real character and a day in her life can be exhausting. Learning the dialogue was easy because Kay writes the way people talk and feel. It is so real – though I did

try putting the script under my pillow and hoping that it would go in by osmosis! The show captures the brilliant messiness of what we call life. It is so well observed.” You really do get that feeling of everyone just gelling. “The thing with brilliant writing is how to make it real – and Kay Mellor is very real”, said Kenny. “it is very much in the vernacular. When a script is as sublime as this you just need to trust it.” Mark’s character ‘James’ is in a really difficult position – married with two children he is transitioning. “This is not close to

anything I have lived through”, said Mark. “It has been truly eye-opening. I attended a support group here in Leeds to try to understand this incredible journey. People were so accepting and so open to each other.” More than anything ‘Love, Lies and Records’ captures the diversity of Leeds. It is a multicultural drama. We go on a journey with the cast – one thing becomes another, there are twists and turns along the way, cultures and sexualities are thrown into the mix. It’s real. Another great story from Kay Mellor.

Art & Culture


These Northern Types: Exhibition Explores Regional Identity ‘These Northern Types’ is an exploration of what Northern Identity means today, with an exhibition and talks happening at Left Bank throughout December and January.

li Bentley, Director of Split Design, and his team of artists, writers, poets, academics and philosophers are on a yearlong journey to understand how our relationship to place affects our identity. The project aims to get under the skin of our northern identity in an increasingly globalised community. It examines our culture, rituals, myths and truths: from the origin of our famous Yorkshire grit, making do and

mending, and our love affair with chip shop gravy (or curry sauce). It also looks at the potential a strong sense of regional identity offers in creating cultural division, and if where we live even matters that much anymore. Oli and his team have been working with community groups, industry leaders, metal workers, manufacturers, students and others to create a series of typographic artworks that explore the contrasts and contradictions within our

identity. The collection combines the art of typography with traditional and experimental production methods, celebrating the North as a place where ‘stuff gets made’. “’These Northern Types’ is a year-long project, so at this stage we welcome input from anyone who would like to contribute”, said Oli. “This might be an opinion in response to one of the works, taking part in the Q&A, which we'll be recording for a sound installation, or getting in touch about writing a piece for the project. The book we publish in the Summer of 2018 will include all sorts of different writing – from interview quotes, to poetry and academic essays. All voices are welcome about any of the issues in the project." The exhibition is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am4pm throughout December and January (except when Left Bank is closed for Christmas and NYE). The opening event is on Thursday 7th December. All are welcome. It is free to attend but please RSVP via Eventbrite: https://tntopeningnight.

Panel Discussion A panel discussion on Thursday 11th January will explore some of the topics raised within this project, including identity, place and social division. To register attendance, please see

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Art & Culture


The Small College with the Giant Heart The Yorkshire College of Music and Drama has a long, fascinating history and an admirable reputation as a leading centre for music tuition.

A Royal Audience for Masterworks Chorale Leeds’ Masterworks Chorale recently returned from its fifth international tour, which took them to Vaduz, Liechtenstein, the birthplace of composer Josef Rheinberger, whose works include some elaborate organ compositions as well as sacred music for mixed choirs. The performances were in Vaduz Cathedral, next to Rheinberger’s family home where he played the organ as a young boy. A representative from the Rheinberger Association and Rheinberger’s great, great granddaughter attended the first performance, and the following day the choir sang the Rheinberger’s Missa St. Crucis in the presence of the crown Prince

ocated on St Mark’s Avenue, opposite the Parkinson Building of the University of Leeds, it provides tuition in huge variety of instruments, together with singing, music theory and composition, for all ages. It also hosts a number of music groups and choirs. Its charitable trust status means that many of its lessons are heavily subsidised – making them accessible to even more music students. It also operates a successful outreach programme with a number of local primary schools.

The college recently held a highly successful open day to encourage more people to get involved and make music part of their lives. “Music has the ability to change lives for the better”, said Tim Knight, composer, choral director and principal of the college. “It is our duty as a music college and charitable trust to try to reach as many people in our community as possible.” For full details of the courses available at Yorkshire College of Music and Drama, call 0113 243 1605 or visit

and Princess of Liechtenstein. The church gave the choir over £500 which had been collected after the two performances, with which it purchased the music for next year’s tour to Prague. The 2018 season will include travelling to Richmond, North Yorkshire on 10th March; Haxby, near York on 23rd June; Ripponden on 8th September; Pudsey on 15th September; a tour to Prague in November; and as special guests of Leeds Male Voice Choir in their Festival of Remembrance.

GIVE A MAGICAL GIFT THIS CHRISTMAS Has someone you love always wanted to learn to play an instrument? Did they play an instrument as a child and now they’re nostalgic over their lost skill? Does someone you love, simply love music? Music is magical and incredibly powerful. It unites, it moves, it heals and it inspires. This Christmas, give someone you love the powerful, magical gift of music and help them achieve their musical goals, dreams and ambitions – no matter how big, or how small.

MUSIC LESSON VOUCHERS AWAKEN OR REIGNITE A PASSION FOR MUSIC Special Offer Christmas Vouchers: 3 Lessons = Was £60.00 Now £51.00 5 Lessons = Was £93.00 Now £86.00 10 Lessons = Was £185.50 Now £172.00

Lessons are available in a wide range of musical instruments, including piano, guitar, clarinet, flute, saxophone, ukelele, recorder, violin and music theory. Singing lessons are also available.

Please contact The Yorkshire College of Music and Drama on 0113 243 1605 for more details or to order your vouchers in time for Christmas. The Yorkshire College of Music and Drama, St Mark’s House, 1 St Mark’s Avenue, Leeds, LS2 9BN We are a non-profit making charitable trust, registered with the Charity Commission no. 0529220, run by a Board of Trustees on a voluntary basis *Vouchers at the Christmas offer price are available to buy until 31 January 2018. *Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion *Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash

Christmas Trees 27


at Crag House Farm

Choose the best NORDMAN FIR NON DROP CHRISTMAS TREE from 27th November. Range of sizes and prices, cut and potted. CHRISTMAS WREATHS made here on the Farm with our own home grown willow and Fir foliage. Pre-order to avoid disappointment! Priced from just £10

A great range of home grown CYCLAMEN varieties and colours from £2.50. Seasonal star POINSETTIAS from £3.50 and HYACINTH bowls from £4.99


Food & Drink

Convive is Just Waiting to Impress A visit to Convive was certainly convivial and the food wasn’t bad either!

t’s easy to forget that Convive is poised to welcome diners as it is effectively hidden from view. Nestled at the back of Weetwood Hall, just off the Ring Road, the hotel’s restaurant has undergone a complete transformation recently, more doubling in size and adding a lovely outdoor, heated terrace with retractable roof. A dark, blustery night in October mightn’t have been the best time to enjoy the terrace, but one could imagine that on a bright, sunny day it would be really lovely. The restaurant was bustling and the staff very attentive, ensuring that we were warm enough – believe me, those heaters were very effective. The new ‘Mediterranean inspired’ menu presented plenty of choice too. There was a selection of tapas at just £4.50 a plate – including King Prawns in garlic and chilli,

tortilla, spicy chorizo, Manchego croquets, and deep fried sardines, calamari, and Iberico ham. We opted for the Smoked Salmon with crème fraîche (£6.50) and a delicious Heritage Tomato and fluffy (yes, fluffy!) Mozzarella salad – so nice and fresh. The Mains’ choices, which ranged in price from £14.50 to £21, included a marinated Mediterranean Chicken Burger in a brioche bun; Slow Braised Shoulder of Lamb Confit; local venison; steak; and

a variety of risottos, pastas, fresh fish and hand stretched pizzas, including a rather delicious sounding Crab Ravioli in a Lobster Bisque sauce. Our choices were the tasty Pan Seared Halibut with buttered white asparagus, lemon and olive crushed potatoes in a lemon butter sauce – despite the halibut being ever so slightly overcooked, it was still delicious; and the intriguing Pappardelle with a rich Braised Wild Boar Ragu with porcini mushrooms. The portions were substantial too. It was good to see that there were a number of dishes that were gluten free and others that catered for vegetarians. There were also Sharing Boards featuring artisan meats from around the Mediterranean with sun blushed tomatoes and artichokes, served on an olive wood board; Hand stretched stone baked garlic and rosemary or tomato and basil bread; and others with San Manzano and Mozzarella – great to accompany cocktails from the bright, sparkly bar. Convive is also the perfect venue for a nice, relaxed Sunday Lunch and they put on a great spread. The good news is that they currently have a special deal where all children under 12 eat free.

Convive Restaurant, Weetwood Hall, Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS16 5PS. To book a table, call 0113 388 5700

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Community News

St Gemma’s Christmas Tree Collection

BAME Wellbeing Hub Opens in Chapeltown

s people’s thoughts turn to Christmas trees….. St Gemma’s is one step ahead and already planning their disposal! All you have to do is register to have your tree collected by one of their volunteers in return for a donation. It’s the perfect way to give back this festive season while avoiding the hassle of going to the tip. Trees will be collected between Tuesday 9th and Saturday 13th January 2018. Simply leave your tree in the location you’ve specified on Monday 8th January and St Gemma’s will do the rest. These collections are run by volunteers and with the help of businesses like Paragon Software Systems, who provide the routes to ensure all the trees are collected quickly and efficiently, McCarthy’s removals and storage, Leeds Commercial Vehicle Hire and WCS Group who are providing vans for the collections. This is the fourth year St Gemma’s has run this service and so far it has raised over £34,000 towards patient care.

Register to have your tree collected by one of their volunteers in return for a donation Due to a high demand for this service, the only postcodes where collections will take place are: LS6, LS7, LS8, LS9, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LS17, LS18, LS19 and LS28. If you could lend a hand on one of the collection days, with or without a van, please contact Alice on 0113 218 5570 or alicec@ You can register your tree online at

Councillors Eileen Taylor, Mohammed Rafique and Jane Dowson are delighted that the new BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) Health and Wellbeing Hub has officially opened. Based in the heart of Chapeltown, this vital service will play an important role in supporting the physical, mental and social needs of all communities across Leeds. The service has been established with input from service users, carers and local organisations, and aims to build on the strength of communities to create crucial networks, helping people with care and support needs and tackling issues such as social isolation. This new Hub will make a real difference to the lives of communities across the city and will help to ensure that people have the best quality of life possible, regardless of the challenges they face.

Random Acts of Kindness ver the last year, LASSN (Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network) volunteers have helped asylum seekers and refugees to learn English, find somewhere to stay, and make friends in the community. At a recent LASSN celebration, held at All Hallow’s Church in Leeds, refugees, asylum seekers and volunteers made flowerpots decorated with messages of friendship and planted with Spring bulbs to give to friends, neighbours and complete strangers – little ‘random acts of kindness’. “It’s inspiring to see how ordinary people have changed the lives of asylum seekers and refugees for the better”, said Pete Tatham, from Leeds gardening charity Hyde Park Source who helped with the project. “When these ‘little pots

When these ‘little pots of welcome’ flower in Spring, we’ll be reminded of that friendship and kindness

of welcome’ flower in Spring, we’ll be reminded of that friendship and kindness.” LASSN was established in 1999 in response to the needs of refugees and asylum seekers living in Leeds. It currently has around 200 volunteers and supports about 600 refugees and asylum seekers each year. For more information, visit


51 Street Lane, Leeds LS8 1AP Open Mon - Sat 9.00 - 5.30pm Sun 11.00 - 3.00pm 0113 266 1667

Community News


Holiday Hunger Affects Over 30,000 School Children Pictured : Pip Goff, Leeds Community

eeds Community Foundation, in partnership with Leeds City Council, is launching Holiday Hunger Campaign to support healthy holidays for children across the city. Some families are struggling to meet the costs of feeding their children during the holidays, which can have a hugely detrimental impact on children’s mental and physical wellbeing. This campaign focuses on exploring practical solutions to reduce the impact of Holiday Hunger, and will give grants to projects that run activities during the school holidays, that give vulnerable children access to food, fun activities and learning, together with support for families.

Leeds City Council has committed £75,000 and the campaign is looking for key corporate donors for more support. Businesses and their employees are also encouraged to take part in the #LeedsFoodFuddle – a fun, seasonal activity based on friends and families making and sharing food with all proceeds going to the Holiday Hunger Campaign. “For us to really have an impact, we need to attract and raise more funds to ensure the scheme reaches the families that need help”, said Kate Hainsworth, Deputy CEO Leeds Community Foundation. “I know this is a busy time for individuals, families and business, but we hope that people can find the

Foundation, Tom Riordan, & SallyAnne Greenfield, Leeds Community Foundation

time to take part in the #LeedsFoodFuddle or raise money for Holiday Hunger through other planned Christmas activities.” Tom Riordan, Chief Executive, Leeds City Council said: “We want to ensure that we can help families next year, that’s why we have allocated a substantial sum to kick start the fund. We now need businesses to get on board and do what they can to help young people across the city to fulfil their potential.” For further information, visit www.

CHURCHES TOGETHER IN ROUNDHAY Wish Everyone a Very Happy Christmas Immaculate Heart of Mary (R C) Lidgett Park Methodist Church Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) St Andrew’s Roundhay U R C St Edmund’s Roundhay C of E

Please see individual websites above for full details of Christmas Services

HELP Harehills English Language Project, a registered charity, is a voluntary organisation whose aims are to teach English to immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees and others for whom English is important in their daily lives. We are needing extra volunteer help in the following areas: •


• Teaching • Admin support If you are interested in helping in any of these functions please contact Rev Diana Zanker for an information pack, if possible by 16th December, so that we can make appointments early in the New Year.


News From Your Councillors Cllr

DAN COHEN Alwoodley

oth Christmas and Chanukah (starting the evening of 12th December) are literally just around the corner. As well as the German Market in Millenium Square (a must for gifts with a difference), a whole host of Christmas parties have been organised for local residents – Moortown Social Club’s Over 60s’ section and Moor Allerton Residents’ Association to name but two/ Feel free

Community News to get in touch with me directly for more details. For those wanting to join in with Chanukah Celebrations – including the giant candelabra outside Leeds Town Hall – there are now candelabras around Alwoodley too. To join in a candle lighting (and perhaps have a donut or two) get in touch with me for dates and times. While the festive season is a truly lovely time to spend with friends and family, there are many in our community for whom this is an especially lonely time. If you know of a neighbour or family member who is alone over this period, it would be lovely to reach out and say hi. Isolation is a growing problem. In a world where we are all so connected electronically, in terms of face-to-face contact we are that much poorer. If you are aware of neighbours who may be struggling with loneliness – feel free to get in touch with me as there are local organisations that are willing and able to help. My colleague, Peter Harrand, regularly says the key to avoiding

loneliness is the one to the front door (knowing where to go helps). Plans have been released for further 20mph speed limits in the Alwoodley Ward to the east of the A61. There are no plans to include traffic calming measures in these proposals (which has been met with horror by some and relief by others). If you would like to see a copy of the proposals, or wish to have a chat about them, do get in touch. Remember, for any and all local issues, Cllr Neil Buckley, Cllr Peter Harrand and myself are all here to help. May I take this opportunity to thank you all for reading my column each month and for regularly letting me know your thoughts on my scribblings (mostly positive!). May I also wish each and every one of you a truly Joyous Festive Season, Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and a Peaceful, Healthy, Successful and Prosperous 2018.

Tel: 07711 647 849 Email: Shadow Spokesman for Culture & Skills

Samaritans Cruse Grateful for Bereavement Garfield Weston Care over Support eeds Samaritans are very grateful to Garfield Weston Foundation for its support. Their services are in ever greater demand and, in order to be there for everyone, they need to ensure that they have sufficient numbers of trained volunteers and the technology appropriate for the challenges they face. The Garfield Weston Foundation, a grant-making trust, was established in 1958. Since then, it has donated over £960 million to charities across the UK. In the last financial year, the Foundation donated over £60 million. It supports a broad range of charities and activities that make a positive impact on the communities in which they work. Over 1,500 charities across the UK benefit each year from the Foundation’s grants.


hristmas can be a lonely time for some, especially when thoughts turn to loved ones and Christmases past. Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading national charity for bereaved people, offering support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. Cruse’s national helpline - 0808 808 1677 - will be open over Christmas at the following times. Sat 23/ Sun 24 Dec - 9:30-5pm; Mon 25 – Thurs 28 Dec + Sun 31 Dec - 9:30-8pm; Fri 29/Sat 30 Dec + Mon 1 Jan – 9.30-5pm Normal cover resumes on 2nd January. For details, visit www.

FABIAN HAMILTON Member of Parliment

Synagogue vandalism in Leeds North East he recent vandalism at the Etz Chaim synagogue in Alwoodley was particularly hurtful for me on a personal level, but for it to happen in my own constituency was even more of a disappointment. It is important that we treat anti-Semitism the same way that we oppose all forms of hate, regardless of religion – and respond by promoting tolerance, love and unity. This was not only vandalism, but also an anti-semitic hate crime and an attack on an entire community. Make no mistake, there is no place for this hate in Leeds North East

Make no mistake, there is no place for this hate in Leeds North East – a constituency that prides itself on multiculturalism – a constituency that prides itself on multiculturalism, where people of all faiths, and none, work and live together peacefully. Police are appealing for anyone who witnessed anything suspicious to contact the Inner North East team via 101 quoting crime number 13170471135 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

As well as both editions of North Leeds Life, you’ll also find many more interesting stories and events on our website, that have either arrived too late for inclusion, or we simply ran out of room in the magazine. We are adding new stories nearly every day. So don’t miss out!

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Home & Garden


wenty years ago, sightings of this lovely member of the heron family were quite rare in the UK, but, as it has expanded its range northwards, the little egret has become a more regular feature of our lakes, rivers and coasts.

Photo: Ben Hall RSPBimages.

com It is much smaller than the grey heron with all white plumage, a sharp black bill, long slender neck and two fine plumes on the back of its head. It feeds on small fish, amphibians and (on the coast) crustaceans, often spearing its prey with its dagger-like bill. It sometimes stirs up water and mud

to disturb its prey, and can both stand motionless and chase after prey, when necessary. Although they tend to feed alone, little egrets will roost and breed communally in trees, bushes and sometimes reedbeds.

The breeding colony can include other species of water bird, especially on the continent where it may have night herons and cattle egrets. In the nineteenth century, the craze for egret plumes in ladies’ hats led to widespread hunting of this species, and it had virtually disappeared from the UK by the beginning of the twentieth century. Protection for egrets has led to their comeback, with 700 pairs now breeding in the UK, and many more spending the Winter here.

Leeds RSPB Group

ROXTON TREE SERVICES ALL ASPECTS OF TREE AND HEDGE WORK UNDERTAKEN • Crown lifting & general pruning • Large & dangerous trees safely removed

Festive Events 2017

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Wigton Moor & Alwoodley Apple Day A celebration of all things appley took place at the end of October at the Wigton Moor Community Orchard in Alwoodley – just one of 20 Apple Day events that took place across the city and the first to be held in Alwoodley.

he orchard was planted by volunteers in February with the help of Helping Britain Blossom, the UK’s largest co-ordinated community orchard project, a partnership between HEINEKEN and The Orchard Project that creates and restores community orchards. People of all ages joined in the fun, which included apple pressing, bobbing and printing. The project’s ambition is to have over 200 community orchards by 2019, which would produce almost half a million pieces of free fruit annually by 2026. Helping Britain Blossom has helped to create eight new community orchards in Leeds, bringing to 55 the number of community orchards in the whole Leeds area. “We saw how popular apple pressing was at Leeds Light Night”, said Debbie Whittaker of Friends of Wigton Moor. “We wanted to do something similar at our new orchard. Holding our own Apple Day was a great way to increase awareness of the orchard and the free fruit available on residents’ doorsteps. People have already been picking gooseberries and other fruit from the edible hedge we planted. In the next couple of years, they’ll be able to do the same with the fruit trees.” Ten fruit trees with different blossoming, pollination and ripening times were planted in February, including apple, pear, plum damson, mulberry and cherry, and an edible hedge made up of a selection of 15 soft fruit bushes including raspberry, redcurrant, white currant and gooseberry. “The fruit trees are all thriving, much to everyone’s delight”, said Alan Thornton, Leeds project manager for Helping Britain Blossom. “They’ll soon be producing fruit, but in the meantime, they’re reconnecting people with healthy food and with their communities. That’s worth celebrating!”

Festive Fundraising for St Gemma's Hospice... Sign up for our Santa Dash on the 10th December in Leeds City Centre

Have your tree collected & recycled with our Christmas Tree Collection Service

Buy a ticket for our fabulous cash prize raffle

To find out more information about any of our festive events call 0113 218 5555 or visit Christmas Fundraising.indd 1

Visit our Christmas Mark at the Hospice on 1st & 2nd December

Registered Charity No. 1015941

Attend our Christmas Gift Sale at the Hospice on 3rd, 4th, 5th, 17th, 18th & 19th November

Take part in Wear It Festive at work, school or home Buy your non-drop Christmas Tree from our Christmas Market

Visit our stmas Market he Hospice 1st & 2nd December

09/11/2017 13:26

Home & Garden


A month of short days and winter weather can limit gardening time, but it does give gardeners an opportunity to spend some time indoors to plan the year ahead.

When the weather is too poor to be outside you could clean and sharpen some of your garden tools

The Fruit and Vegetable Plot

Dreaming of Gardens and Far Away Places

Stake your Brussel’s sprouts to protect against windy weather, and cut down autumn raspberry canes, now that they have finished fruiting. Freestanding apple and pear trees can be pruned now too, to keep them to the desired shape. Kale, Cabbages, Leeks, Sprouts and Herbs can be harvested. It’s also a good time to think about crop rotation and plan out where you will plant your seeds and plants next year.

Why not explore the possibility of some exciting garden visits in 2018? Garden themed holidays are the perfect way to see several gardens on one trip with all the accommodation, travel and entry fees taken care of. Some companies also offer access to private gardens that you would simply not get to see independently. Visit the bulb fields of Holland, Cruise along the Seine stopping off to explore Monet’s garden at Giverny, or see the Cherry blossom in Japan, spectacular wild flowers of South Africa or enjoy some winter sunshine in the gardens of Madeira and the Canaries.

Maintenance Jobs On fine days you can keep your paths and patios clear and free of slippery algae by giving them a good sweep with a stiff brush and washing with a patio cleaning product if necessary. When the weather is too poor to be outside you could clean and sharpen some of your garden tools to get them ready for the Spring. First give them a scrub in warm soapy water and dry them, then rub off any rust with wire wool or sandpaper and rub the edges with a sharpening iron, adding a drop of oil to any moving parts.

Why not explore the possibility of some exciting garden visits in 2018? Visit the bulb fields of Holland (Pictured)

Tracy Foster www.tracyfostergarden

Sound & Vision





CERT: 12A RUNNING TIME: 114 MINS his latest adaptation of Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery comes boasting a stellar cast and Kenneth Branagh directing himself in the central role of ‘probably the greatest detective in the world’, Hercule Poirot. Perhaps I’ve been missing something, but I wasn’t aware of the world crying out for a new version of this well worn and familiar whodunnit but clearly enough people thought it a good idea as to make it a reality. And, to be fair, the outcome isn’t half bad, though it does seem to function chiefly as an exercise in classy nostalgia. The title itself serves as well as a plot synopsis as I can provide here, but to elaborate slightly: while on an intercontinental rail journey one of the passengers aboard the Orient Express is murdered in the dead of night. With no way for the murderer to make an escape they must surely still be on the train. While the locomotive’s progress is temporarily stalled due to an avalanche, ample time is afforded the master detective, Poirot, to grill his suspects and bring the full weight

Although a tad unnecessary, it's a handsomely mounted production with keen period detail and costumes.

of his outstanding deductive prowess to bear on the case, ultimately revealing the culprit. Along the way the plot thickens and red herrings abound, as one with even a passing knowledge of Agatha Christie’s oeuvre would rightly expect. If it might feel a tad unnecessary, there’s no question that Branagh’s Murder on the Orient Express is a handsomely mounted production with keen period detail and costumes, beautifully photographed landscapes and some nifty camerawork. Oh, and then there’s the moustache. If you’ve glimpsed the trailer or poster art for the film, you’ll be aware that Branagh as Poirot is sporting some truly extraordinary facial hair. Of course, Poirot’s ‘tasche is a detail as central to his character as his myriad eccentricities and apparent O.C.D. but Branagh seems to have really gone off the deep end here. Though at first impressive, even magnificent, the moustache in time becomes somewhat distracting and ostentatious to an irksome degree. Unfortunately, the same could probably be said for Branagh’s performance. The director/star’s reveling in his character’s delightful quirkiness seems to crowd the rest of the cast out of whatever scene he’s in, which is most of them. Which is a shame, as there’s a wealth of acting talent here who just aren’t really

given space to breathe. It seems there’s little point in casting Judi Dench in a film if she is given so little to do that it scarcely registers as a performance. See also; Derek Jacobi, Olivia Coleman, Penelope Cruz

and Willem Defoe. Of a formidable ensemble cast, who are mostly reduced to little more than extra scenery for Branagh to

chew, it’s perhaps Michelle Pfeiffer who acquits herself best with vampy turn denoting star quality and conjuring an air of old Hollywood. Which raises another point; it might be due to the nature of the source material, but there does seem to be an odd, slightly stilted quality to the proceedings, evident in many of the performances. This is, after all, a period piece but the production as a whole feels like a loving homage or recreation of the films of the period in which it’s set (the 1930s) albeit with modern technical capabilities. The result is that the drama has something of a stagey quality which seems at odds with the film’s cinematic ambitions. Murder on the Orient Express isn’t a bad film by any stretch. It’s very competently made with flashes of inspiration. It’s reasonably engaging and perfectly watchable even if it does start running out of steam before the final denouement. But, overall, for a film with so much talent involved, it ultimately adds up to less than the sum of its parts.

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Sound & Vision


Levi Roots & GSAL have the Recipe for a Reggae Christmas ason Brooks of Beat Street Studio in Meanwood is aiming for the UK’s first ever reggae Top 10 Christmas hit with his song ‘Reggae Reggae Christmas’ recorded by Levi Roots and The Source, and with the festive sounds of brass and children’s voices provided by young musicians from GSAL. Jason came up with the idea for a reggae Christmas tune and had Levi in mind as the singer. Thanks to Facebook he was able to contact Levi, who was on board as soon as he heard the demo. Apart from recording the vocal in London, due to Levi’s busy schedule, and a trip to GSAL to record the choir, all the tracks were recorded and mixed at Jason’s studio in Meanwood. “Levi loves the finished record and we both agree that the pupils bring just the right Christmas brass band vibe we were looking for”, said Jason. “They were all so professional, easy to work with and did exactly what I asked.” The record features a choir of Years 7 and 8 pupils, and instrumentalists from Year 11 and Sixth Form. The musicians are Charlotte Murdoch, Phoebe Brown, Abbie MacLeod and Manasvi Tyagi on saxophone, Nathan Rockley and Charlie Wu on trumpet, and Daniel Cockburn on trombone.

Pictured: Sax players Charlotte, Phoebe and Abbie

Pictured: Jason Brooks and Levi Roots

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Simon Mayor & Hilary James. Fri 1 Dec Seven Arts £10. A diverse repertoire combining poetry, humour & virtuosity with the honey dripping voice of Hilary James. From The Jam Fri 1 Dec, Leeds University

Union, £24.75. Led by Bruce Foxton from the original Jam. Expect to hear classic The Jam hits such as Going Underground, Town Called Malice and The Modern World.

Happy Mondays Sat 2 Dec, O2 Academy, £33.75. Original Madchester hedonists play their greatest hits accompanied, as ever, by Bez!

Duncan Mcfarlane & Sabrina Piggott Sat

2 Dec, HEART Headingley, £7/ £5. A master class in folk-rock

Benjamin Clementine Sun 3 Dec, O2 Academy, £22.50. Charismatic poet, pianist & affecting songwriter.

Sueli Gil Sun 3 Dec, Seven Arts, PAYF.

Innovative, up & coming singer from Portugal performing chilled out Bossa nova, Brasilian Carnival & Angolan Semba.

Leeds College of Music Chamber Orchestra Mon 4 Dec, Leeds College of

Music, £8.80. G. Rossini:The Barber of Seville (Overture), F. Poulenc: Sinfonietta, L. v. Beethoven:Symphony No. 6 in F “Pastoral”, Op. 68. Natalia Luis-Bassa conductor.

Wolves In The Throne Room Tue 5 Dec,

Brudenell Social Club, £16.50. Re-imagining black metal as an ode to rain storms, wood smoke & the wild energies of the Pacific Northwest. One of the most potent, highly regarded bands in extreme music.

Chorded & Waikikamukau Tues 5 Dec,

HEART Headingley, Donations. Traditional & contemporary Irish music.

Queen Wed 6 Dec, First Direct Arena, £79.

Sound & Vision

beautiful & romantic, drawing on a bygone age whilst resonating in the present.

Seven Live Fri 8 Dec, Seven Arts, £8.

Presenting 'The Best of The Best'; Tempo Feliz, Sabrina Piggott, the Graham Browning Trio & Steve -Chapman-Smith.

Mark Lanegan Fri 8 Dec, Church Leeds, 6:30pm, £24.75. Formerly the vocalist for the Screaming Trees, his collaborations and solo work highlight his love for singer/ songwriters, Americana, folk & blues

Jesca Hoop Sat 9 Dec, Brudenell Social Club,

£14.30 Quirky folk with an indie twist from a startling singer of complicated melodies that beguile with their lightness of touch.

The Roman Empire Sat 9 Dec, HEART Headingley, Donations. Gentle harmonies & humorous melancholy.

Jazz Leeds - Xmas Party: Tom Sharp Jazz Orchestra, Kate Peters Septet Sun 10 Dec Seven Arts 1:30pm. Music from across the big band repertoire of the twentieth century, focussing on the big swingers of the 50s, & exciting arrangements of standards

Lunchtime Organ Series - Advent And Christmas Music Mon 11 Dec, Leeds Town Hall, 1:05pm. Featuring: Senior Choirs Of Leeds Cathedral, Choir Of Leeds Cathedral Choir School, David Pipe. Advent & Christmas Music including carols for all to sing!

Bums Rush Tues 12 Dec, HEART Headingley, Donations. Three-piece folk band.

The Tiger Lillies Wed 13 Dec, Howard

Temple of Boom, 12:30pm, £6.60. Melodic punk rock outfit with an anthemic sound a dark yet uplifting mood, combined with vocal harmonies & huge hooks.

Mrs Porter’s Old Time Music Hall Sun 17

Dec, Seven Arts, £8. The music & songs of Marie Lloyd, Lily Morris,Florrie Forde, Billy Williams, Vesta Victoria & more.

Shed Seven/ Cast Mon 18 Dec, O2 Academy, £33 - £60.50. Britpop era indie.

Halfway 2 Nowhere Leeds Xmas Party: Young Amphibians Tue 19 Dec, The Library, £5.50. Infectious, catchy Alt-Rock anthems.

Don’t Feed The Peacocks Tues 19 Dec, HEART Headingley,Donations. Contemporary arrangements of Scottish & English folk tunes.

The Cribs Wed 20 Dec, Brudenell Social Club,

£39.99. Masters of addictive, wiry indie pop.

Absolute Kinks Thu 21 Dec, Seven Arts, £15. Meticulous recreation of the classic Kinks look & sound. Expect the hits!

Jools Holland & His Rhythm And Blues Orchestra Fri 22 Dec, First Direct Arena,

£44. One of the UK's most proficient jazz & blues pianists & one of the nations most respected, well-loved, musicians.

Andre Rieu Fri 15 Dec, First Direct Arena,

Dec, First Direct Arena, £26.20 - £50.20. The ultimate 50’s and 60’s extravaganza featuring the world’s finest tribute artists. Elvis, Bill Haley & The Comets, Buddy Holly, Ray Charles & Eddie Cochran – an incredible family night out.

The Charlatans Thu 7 Dec, O2 Academy,

Tall Ships Fri 15 Dec, Brudenell Social Club,

Club, £16.50. A unique live show mixes an old gramophone with passionate vocals, piano & the occasional fiddle scrape. The songs are

Oxjam Christmas Party: Elessar Sun 17 Dec

The Petty Heartbreakers Sat 23 Dec, The

Much loved band perform idiosyncratic, theatrical rock with Adam Lambert standing in for Freddie Mercury.

Duke Special Thu 7 Dec, Brudenell Social

£10. Duo delivering guitar & harmony driven textures of folk, Americana & pop. Also appearing: Bella Gaffney, Boss Caine.

Assembly Room, £22. A mixture of pre-war Berlin cabaret, anarchic opera & gypsy music, echoing the voices of Bertolt Brecht & Jacques Brel. £45.55 - £99. The Dutch violinist, composer & conductor, known for his part in bringing waltz music to the masses with his Johann Strauss Orchestra.

£32.85. Indie stalwarts keeping it interesting.

Plumhall Sat 16 Dec, Headingley HEART,

£11. Eclectic, multi-instrumentalist trio fusing math-rock, pop & a range of other influences.

Chantel McGregor Sat 16 Dec, Brudenell

Grove Inn, Free. A celebration of the great Tom Petty, with & without The Heartbreakers.

Let's Have A Rock N Roll Party Wed 27

The Boss & The Beeston Street Band Fri

29 Dec, Brudenell Social Club, £8.80. A tribute to Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band.

Social Club, £15.75. Outstanding blues guitarist and singer.

HAR Nort

HAR North Leeds Life 240x167 v3 AW.indd 1

10/11/2017 10:19


Health & Fitness

Volunteers Sought for New Study into Improving Management of Type 1 Diabetes

Pictured: Dr Matthew Campbell

esearchers at Leeds Beckett Un i ve rs i t y a re s e e k i n g volunteers with Type 1 diabetes to take part in a new study designed to determine whether Omega-3 supplements can improve day-today management of the condition. The study is led by Dr Matthew Campbell, and conducted by Lauren O’Mahoney, both researchers on the Diabetes Research Team at the Institute of Sport, Physical Activity, and Leisure at Leeds Beckett. They are currently recruiting male and female volunteers living with Type 1 diabetes, using insulin injections or an insulin pump, and aged between 18 and 65.

They are currently recruiting male and female volunteers living with Type 1 diabetes

“People living with Type 1 diabetes can often find it a challenge to manage their diabetes at mealtimes, especially when eating some of their favourite foods”, said Lauren. “This can have a negative impact on their cardiovascular disease risk, so it’s important that we investigate new, cost-effective and pragmatic strategies that are accessible. “Previous research has revealed that Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce cardiovascular disease risk in people living with Type 2 diabetes. However, there is simply not enough evidence to say with confidence whether these positive effects are transferable to people with Type 1 diabetes; this is what our study seeks to discover.” Participants will be allocated to one of two groups: one group will take an Omega-3 supplement for six months and the other will receive a placebo for six months. Participants will be asked to visit a laboratory at Leeds Beckett University’s Headingley Campus on four occasions: at the start of the study and then once every three months for nine months. Supplements will be taken for the first six months of the study. During each visit, participants will receive a breakfast and lunch meal with blood samples taken over an eighthour period. For more information please contact Lauren O’Mahoney on 0113 812 2059 or L.Omahoney@leedsbeckett.

Ten Challenges, Two Charities, One Amazing Grace! Sian Cartwright, Health Development Manager at Carers Leeds, said: “Grace’s achievements have been phenomenal. She has been a great advocate for how exercise can help to improve someone’s mental health and we will take that message forward in our work supporting carers. She should be immensely proud.” To follow Grace’s ye ar visit: www. stepintomyshoes2017.

ra c e P u r n e l l re c e n t l y completed ten challenges and raised over £7,000 for two charities – Carers Leeds and Swindon Interactive Arts Service that supports adults with learning difficulties. The events Grace completed included a 100 mile bike ride and a marathon! “This year has been fantastic”, she said. “I’ve reached above and beyond my own expectations and the support I’ve had has been unimaginable. The money will help reach isolated carers to improve their mental health, and will keep SwIAS running for another three years.”


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Health & Fitness


Kate Ball Shortlisted for NATWEST Everywoman Awards Having started as a sole trader, Kate saw the potential for growth and incorporated the business in April 2015 with a view to franchising. Mini First Aid now has 40 franchisees and the model has gained interest in the USA, Australia and Dubai. Selected by a judging panel of 18 of the country’s most successful businesswomen, including Chrissie Rucker, Cath Kidston, Rosaleen Blair and Poonam Gupta, this year’s finalists were chosen for the drive, ambition and tenacity they demonstrate in the face of adversity. The Winners will be announced at a ceremony 6th December at The Dorchester Hotel, London. NatWest Business research shows that female entrepreneurs have contributed 77,000 new jobs and over £3.5 billion to the UK economy, via 100,000 new businesses over a 12-month period.

ate Ball of Mini First Aid, based in Chapel Allerton, was recently shortlisted for the NATWEST Everywoman Awards, which celebrate the achievements of female entrepreneurs. Kate was chosen in the Aphrodite Award category, which focuses on women who founded their businesses whilst raising children aged 12 or under. She set up her business in 2014, offering quality baby and toddler first aid classes to parents and carers. The company now offers a range of classes for the whole family, including children as young as three, training them in basic and life-saving first aid.


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Moortown Presents Ryder Cup to the R&A The Ryder Commemoration Cup, presented by Samuel Ryder to the ladies of Moortown Golf Club in 1929, is to go on show at the R&A’s British Golf Museum at St Andrews. The solid silver trophy was given as a thank you to the Moortown lady members by Sam Ryder himself for their help in hosting the first ever Ryder Cup to be held on British soil.

Moortown’s Lady Captain Glynis Webster was delighted to hand over the Cup to Museum Director Angela Howe at St. Andrews, where it is to be on display in a special Ryder Cup collection, along with a letter from Sam’s daughter recalling her memories of the event and reiterating her father’s thanks for the ladies’ help. The historic match in 1929 resulted in a victory for British Captain George Duncan and his players, over a strong USA team, which included Walter Hagen and Gene Sarazen. “We are delighted that our Ryder Cup will be on display for all golf enthusiasts to see, instead of being stored away in a bank vault”, said Glynis. “The British Golf Museum is a fascinating place to visit for both golfers and non-golfers, and we’re happy to loan them this special piece of memorabilia.”

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Health & Fitness

Rotary Enables Purchase of Rowing Machines for Leeds Rowing Club

otary Club members decided that a portion of the profits should be invested in the local community. A conversation with Leeds Rowing Club, identified a need for two new rowing machines. The criteria for providing the funds were that the machines had to be accessible for those with disabilities, and be part of a sustainable project that benefits young people in the city.

“These machines will be of huge benefit to the club as we can teach youngsters rowing techniques before they take to the water”, said David Cottrell, Leeds Rowing Club. “Also, we can use them for training and indoor competitions when the weather doesn’t permit us to use the lake. Since they arrived youngsters have been queuing up to use them. They can download the results of their rowing practice onto smartphones and keep a record of their progress. “If we had more coaches we could make better use of the machines and take on more youngsters. We currently have a one year waiting list for young rowers. Anyone interested in helping should contact me. You don’t have to have a training certificate, just commitment.” Gurminder Singh, current President of the Rotary Club said: “This is just one of the local organisations to benefit from our Beer Festival and it was a delight to see the enthusiasm of the youngsters at the Rowing Club.”

Leeds Rowing Club, based in Roundhay Park, recently benefitted from The Rotary Club of Roundhay’s North Leeds Charity Beer Festival, which took place earlier this year at North Leeds Cricket Club.

Pictured: David Cottrell (Leeds Rowing Club) & Gurminder Singh (President of The Rotary Club of Roundhay)

Pictured: Thomas White & Harriet Pask

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Younger Life


Sport Scholarship for Young Horsforth Weightlifter

o Dobson, a Year 13 student at The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL), has won a place on the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS). The scheme is a Sport England initiative that supports athletes aged 16 plus still in education in managing their academic and sporting commitments without compromising either.

Acceptance onto TASS is a significant achievement, as athletes must be nominated by their sport’s national governing body before they can apply. Jo, who trains 5-6 times a week with Leeds City Weightlifting, was put forward for the scheme by British Weight Lifting (BWL). Already a national weightlifting champion, Jo won her most recent title

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at the BWL British Junior Championships last month. She became U20 champion in the women’s 63kg class despite being the youngest in the category. As well as defending her title next year, Jo has her sights set on future international competition including the Commonwealth Games and Olympics. TASS will help her work towards her goals by providing access to services including physiotherapy, psychology, nutrition and lifestyle support. There will also be regular supervision and a £500 grant to help with expenses such as travel, equipment and competition entries. After sitting her A-levels at GSAL, Jo aims to study physiotherapy at a university with suitable facilities for her to continue her training. “TASS will be a huge help with balancing full-time study with my goal of elite sport and enabling me to get the best from both”, said Jo. “I have to be very good at time management; it’s all part of being a sportsperson.” TASS is funded by Sport England, and is a partnership between talented athletes, educational institutions and national sports governing bodies.

A Motor Racing Rising Star On day one the 65 candidates were whittled down to just 24 – and Moh was through. Driving the course with less and less instruction, and ultimately no guidance, helped the selectors find their shortlist. The assessment also included a gruelling fitness test run by Richard Chessman, fitness instructor to many racing drivers, and two media interviews conducted by TV broadcaster Richard Neil. Moh progressed to the next stage too and only narrowly missed a place on the podium. He now intends to build on this experience and find himself sponsors and a team to help him advance his Junior Racing career.

lthough he had been karting for years, the only time Moh Ritson (15) had been behind the wheel of a full-size car had been just weeks before, on a deserted beach in Wales. Next thing he was on the track at Blyton Park, Leicestershire, exceeding speeds of 120mph in a bid to win the coveted Ginetta Cars Junior Scholarship. With the full backing of his school, Woodhouse Grove, he fulfilled his dream of training with some of the country’s best British touring car drivers like Jake Hill, competing alongside 65 other kids aged 14-16. The competition was tough with UK and European Karting champions in the mix. The competition, with competitors across Europe, is run by Garforth-based Ginetta Cars.

Pictured: Moh with Richard Neil


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Community Notices

Community Notices ACTIVE Chapel Allerton Snooker & Social Club 19 Town St. LS7 4NB. Four competition class snooker tables, food nights, live music events, games & competitions all year. Social membership from £5 pa. Details: 262 4269, www.

North Leeds Leopards Junior Rugby League Club, based at Far Moss Sports Ground Alwoodley, offers a superb environment for children aged 6+ to learn, play & enjoy the sport. Emphasis is on skill development & fun. The club has a number of age level teams. Details: Madeleine 07813 561090

FREE FOR charities, churches, social clubs & non-profit community groups

Stainbeck Art Club meets 2nd & 4th Tues, 1.45 – 4pm at Methodist Community Centre, Town St. Chapel Allerton. 12 Dec: Christmas Fuddle – bring a Secret Santa gift & 2 paintings for ‘member’s choice’.


Leeds Judean Table Tennis Club Stonegate Road, LS17 6EL (opp. fire station). Play table tennis. Open to all ages & ability. Details: Doug Fern 267 0342,

Ivan Lewis 07966 236969

Leeds Shotokan Karate Club Mon/ Wed, 6.30 – 8pm at Roundhegans RFC, Chelwood Dr. LS8 2AT. Classes for all abilities from age 7+. If you are looking to keep fit, develop your karate skills or a family activity for you and your children.

Details: Steve Cuddy 0777 980 097,

Leeds University Staff Walking Club organises country walks (5-14 miles) every weekend. Everyone welcome. Details:

David Shaw 285 7480,

Meanwood Boxing Club Boxing &

PHGC Snooker Club at Oakwood Clock Friendly, community focused club keen to welcome new members. Open Mon - Fri, 5 -11pm. Three tables, licensed bar, social events throughout the year. All abilities welcome. Coaching available. Details: 212 0194,, www.

-12 noon at Hope Pastures (corner Ring Rd & Weetwood Ln). Meet friends for a toasted tea cake & a chat & meet the ponies. Details: office@hopepastures.

Mondays. £7 a session. Open to juniors aged 8 – 16. Expert snooker coaching from World Professional Coach Lionel Payne who has coached many successful junior players. Current coach of Kelly Fisher, six times snooker world champion. Details:

Oakwood Farmers’ Market Third Sat, 9am – 12.30pm at Oakwood Clock.

Details: www.oakwoodfarmersmarket. com


Lionel 07767 636646

ARTS & CRAFTS Life Drawing Sessions 7.15pm at Otley Cricket Club. Friendly & informal group who draw from live model, male & female. Bring own materials, no tutor. Cost £6-£8, depending on numbers. Details: Anne-

Cunningham 07784 998799, www.

Roundhay Art Group Meets Mon

John Stancliffe 294 9327

Coffee Morning Tues 5 Dec, 10.30am


Marie 07427 679035

Rd LS17 6EL (opp. fire station). Snooker players for social & league play welcome. 2 tables & bar open every evening. Details:

at St Edmund’s Parish Church, Lidgett Pk Rd, Roundhay. Stalls, refreshments, games, make your own crafts.

PHGC Snooker Club Junior Snooker Academy 90 minute sessions 4pm

fitness classes Mon, Tues, Thurs. Juniors (9 – 16) 5.30 – 6.30pm £1; Seniors (17+) 6.30 – 7.30pm £2. Prince Philips Community Centre, Scott Hall Ave. LS7 2HJ. Details: Head Coach Wayne

Moor Allerton Snooker Club Stonegate

Christmas Fayre Sat 2 Dec, 11am – 2pm

7.30 – 9.30pm at St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Pk Rd. Roundhay LS8 1JN. A group of principally watercolour painters who meet to share skills. Regular demonstrations by local artists. New members with some experience welcome.

Details: John Irving 293 1465

Alwoodley Chess Club meets Wed, 7pm at Alwoodley Community Centre, The Avenue, LS 17 7NZ. New members welcome. Details: Paul Gelder 269

7111,, www.

Friends of Gipton Wood meet 10am last Sat of month, & some Sunday afternoons. Join them for a fun & interesting hour including wild flowers, birds, toadstools, tree recognition & archaeology. Details: Chris 266 7569 &


Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods Action Mornings Meet in meadow at end of lake on Gledhow Valley Rd. Activities to include meadow cutting & litter picking. Provisional date: Sun 10 Dec. Details:

Friends of Roundhay Park organises regular volunteer working parties to help with maintenance of this beautiful park on 2nd Sat & 4th Thurs each month. Members can enjoy a variety of outdoor work & meet new friends. Details: secretary@forp.

Leeds Microscopical Society Meets two Thurs per month. Talks, demonstrations & practical evenings. Enjoy the microscopical world of nature. Visitors welcome. Details: Mike Smith

Anne 07530 040349 or Facebook

Gardening for Health with The Conservation Volunteers Thurs am in Oakwood. Want to learn new skills or just meet people & get some fresh air. Refreshments & gloves provided & some bus fares reimbursed. Details: Jess Kandola 274 2335,

Leeds Decorative and Fine Arts Society Talks, visits, study days. Meets 3rd Wed at Castle Grove Masonic Hall, LS6 4BP. Details: 808 6313, www.leedsdfas.,

Leeds Hospital Alert Small group campaigning for preservation of NHS. Next meetings: 5 Dec & 9 Jan at Muir Court, St Michael’s Rd. LS6. Details: 278


293 5991,

Welsh Society Welsh lessons to suit

Leeds Photographic Society meets

all levels, plus a varied entertainment programme. Details: 269 4268 & 286 8660


Friends of Wigton Moor Woods meet monthly at Wigton Moor UR Church Hall, High Ash Dr. Varied programme of activity days with litter picks, tree & bulb planting, nature quizzes & walks. New members welcome. Details: Debs 07943 277867,

Slaid Hill in Bloom meets 1st Sat at 10am outside The Dexter, Wigton Ln. for 2 hours. Followed by lunch. Details: www.

Tues, 7.30pm at St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Pk Rd, LS8 1JN. New members welcome. Details:

Leeds Probus Club, for retired professional/businessmen, meets 2nd Thurs, 10.30am – 12 noon at St Matthew’s Church Meeting Room, Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton LS7 3QF, for social gatherings with speakers. Details: 269

White Rose Speakers Club meets every 2nd & 4th Mon, 7.30pm at Horsforth Museum, LS18 5JB. Helping people improve their public speaking skills, boost their self-confidence & have fun. Everyone welcome. Details: Pauline 269 3542



Alwoodley Singers Christmas Concert

Leeds RSPB Group Sat 9 Dec, coach

Sat 9 Dec, 7.30pm Alwoodley Community Association Hall, The Avenue, LS17 7NZ. Entry £4 incl. refreshments.

trip to Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust reserve at Martin Mere. Depart 8.10am Roundhay Park, 8.30am Leeds Infirmary St. All welcome. Details: 07722 120540

National Trust Association Leeds Tues 5 Dec 10am: ‘Women at War- Barnbow’ £3; Thurs 7 Dec10.15am: Christmas Coffee Morning. £5; Tues 9 Jan 10am: ‘Nostell Priory’ by Jenny Layfield. £3. All at St Chad’s Parish Centre, Otley Rd. Details:

Phil McShane 225 1166, committee1@ or

Shadwell Horticultural Society meet 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm in Methodist Church, Main St. for interesting talks on gardening topics. Details: Susan Frost 273 8821

Cantabile Chamber Choir Small, friendly chamber choir based in Chapel Allerton. Broad repertoire & regular performances throughout year. Rehearse Mon 7.30 – 9.30pm in Chapel Allerton Methodist Church. Enquiries from new singers welcome (especially tenors). Details: uk

Christmas Classics Fri 8 Dec, 8pm at St Edmund’s Church, Roundhay LS8 1JN. An Operatic & Christmas music concert performed by singers Katy Kelly, Beth Mackay & special guest, with Ewan Gilford on piano. Festive treats will be available. Tickets £10 on door www.katykellysoprano. com


Community Notices

Christmas Concert Sat 16 Dec, 7.30pm

Leeds People’s Choir meets Wed, 7.30

at St Andrew’s Roundhay LS8 1DS. Featuring a concert band playing festive music. Tickets £5 from 212 0279/ 07876 281119 or on door.

- 9pm, at Swarthmore Centre, Woodhouse Sq. Singing songs of joy, peace, struggle, liberation from around the world. Open to anyone who enjoys singing. Details: Ruth

Christmas with The Salvation Army

Bell 07984 352157, sruthbell@gmail. com,

Sun 3 Dec, 3pm Leeds Town Hall. Featuring The Military Wives Choir (York), Gospel Roots Brass Band & Salvation Army Bands & Choirs. In aid of Royal British Legion. Tickets £5 from Eventbrite or Leeds Town Hall Box Office 376 0318

CoMA Leeds Interested in playing contemporary music with a difference? Friendly, enthusiastic ensemble is looking for musicians to take part in a Leeds event March 2018 (part of a nationwide festival). Monthly rehearsals at Harehills Lane Baptist Church LS8 4HE. Details: phone/

Andrew 887 3595 8 – 9.30pm at Lidgett Park Methodist Church Hall, Lidgett Pl, LS8 1HG. All abilities welcome. £6 per session.

Details:, www.

SENIORS Chapel Allerton Town St Lunch Club

text 077421 96622

Leeds Youth Opera Singing & drama

2513, Jenny & David 266 1502, paul_


Fading Cells 4-piece electro-acoustic ukulele combo offers free easy listening/ sing-a-long entertainment with wellknown pop tunes from 60s onwards, for charity work, fundraising etc. Details: Bob

Bond 07800 982156, baldeaglejones.

Don’t Act Your Age a social improvisation group for the over 50s, meets Tues 10.45am – 12.45pm at Seven Arts, Chapel Allerton. No experience necessary. £6 per session. Details: Ron

at Yorkshire College of Music & Drama, LS2 9BN. A relaxed group of enthusiastic folk musicians it welcomes new members on any instruments, violinists especially welcome. No previous experience with folk music necessary. Details: Iveta 07547


Sporting Memories Thurs 11am – 12 noon at The Tiled Hall Café Central Library. Listen to & share Sporting Memories with older sports fans. Tapping into passions for sport helps people connect with others & their past, reawakening positive emotions that otherwise remain hidden. Details: Megan

07769 178998.

The Tea Cosy+ Dementia Café. Specifically for people with dementia & their carers. Open 1st Wed each month, 11am - 1.30pm, Lidgett Lane Community Centre, LS17 6QP. Tea & coffee, homemade sandwiches & cakes, support for carers, Singing for the Brain. £2.50 per person.


266 7722

Leeds Coeliac Group Fri 1 Dec,

Lunch & Chat First Monday of each

Gluten Free Christmas Dinner at The Midnight Bell, 101 Water Ln. Holbeck, LS11. Details & to book: 07941 667 865,

month, 1pm at Tree Tops Centre (next to Thackrah Court, Shadwell Lane). Details:

268 9844

Leeds Healing Centre Fri noon-2.30pm Moor Allerton Elderly Care

Folk Fiddle Group meets Thurs 7pm

65 at their clubs - Mon, 2pm at Oakwood Church & Thurs, 1.30pm at Lidgett Lane Community Centre. Wide range of entertainment, activities, speakers, trips & other special interest clubs. Details:

Roundhay Ukulele Group Meets Wed

Tues 12.15 – 1.45pm in the Methodist Centre. Hot Meal £4, friendship & chat. Transport can be provided. Volunteers welcome. Details: Vivienne & Paul 268

for 12 - 25 years. Rehearse Sat a.m. in central Leeds for staged shows in Feb & July. Junior LYO (8-12) meet Sat 3 4.30pm. Details www.leedsyouthopera.

RVS Community Action for Roundhay Elderly welcomes people over

(MAECare) aims to reduce social isolation & improve quality of life for older people. To do this they need volunteers who like older people & can visit them at home, support social events or offer lifts. They welcome volunteers of all ages (16+) & from all walks of life. Details: 266 0371,, www.maecare.

Leeds Guild of Singers Confident

at Burley Lodge Centre, 42-46 Burley Lodge Rd. LS6 1QF. Highly trained team offers healing to aid relaxation & promote wellbeing. No appointments necessary. Cost £5. Details: 07985 121810, www. Natural Healing Centre Thurs 7 - 8.30pm at 136, Street Ln. Roundhay, LS8 2BW. Details: 07949 972690

Leeds Samaritans Confidential, nonRoundhay Tea & Chat Club meets Tues

sight-reader? Like to sing renaissance & contemporary music in a small friendly choir? New members in all voice groups welcome, especially tenors & basses. Rehearsals Tues 7.30 – 9.30pm at Leeds University. Details: secretary@

afternoons, just off Street Lane. Varied programme of speakers, music, meals out & theatre, but mainly opportunity to socialise & make new friends, Current membership is 70 - 96. Details: Carole

07808 030 702

judgmental support 24 hours for those experiencing distress or despair. They listen for as long as you need. Details: 245

6789 or 116 123, branches/samaritans-leeds

Parkinson’s UK (Leeds) provides support

Chapel Pie WI Meets 2nd Mon of every

for all affected by Parkinson’s disease. Wed 13 Dec: Festive Lunch Westwood Hall Otley Rd. Wed 10 Jan: 2pm St Chad’s Parish Centre, Otley Rd. Talk about Wiltshire Farm Foods Details: Carol

month, 7.45pm at St Mathew’s Church Hall, Chapel Allerton. Non members £4, annual membership £37.50

01943 513607/ cookcarolann55@gmail. com, Harry

Wharfedale General Hospital Cardiac Club For former cardiac patients. Friendly, evening exercise classes with qualified Phase 4 instructors. Details:

07949 307955, wghcardiacclub@gmail. com, uk

TALKS Cafe Economique meets at Seven Arts, 31A Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, LS7 3PD. Tues 5 Dec: ‘In Defence of British Rail’ with Oliver Lewis, Campaign to Bring Back British Rail £4.

Darling Roses WI Meets 2nd Sat, 11am - 3pm at St John’s Church Hall, Harrogate Rd, LS17 7BZ. Learn new skills, meet new friends, get involved in your community & have lots of fun. Details: debbie@ / Facebook

Leeds Ladies Coffee Club meets 1st Thurs, 10.30am at Leeds Church Institute, New Market St. Details: Joan McShane 225 1166

Roundhay WI meets 2nd Thurs, 7pm at St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Pk Rd, LS8 1JN. So much more than Jam & Jerusalem! In addition to monthly meetings, they run a wide range of activities & social groups (day & evening). Visitors £4. Details: Pauline 268 6704,, Facebook

Royal Meteorological Society (Yorkshire) Monthly informal public talks on all aspects of weather & climate at School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds. 12 Dec: A Look Back at 2017 Weather & Christmas Photo Competition judged by Keeley Donovan. Free & open to all. Details:,

Soroptimist International of Leeds

Carols by Candlelight at Crag House Farm Sat 2 Dec (Salvation Army Brass

Yorkshire Historical & Archaeological Society (Family History Section)

Band), 9 & 16 Dec (Vocal Assembly Choir) 7pm at home of Caring for Life, Otley Old Rd, Cookridge, LS16 7NH. Carols & Christmas dining. 3 course meal £28.50. Booking essential. Details: 230 3618 www.

meets 2nd Mon, 7.30pm at Weetwood Hall Hotel, LS16 5PS. Visitors welcome. www.


Sat 9 Dec, 11am at Swarthmore, 2 – 7 Woodhouse Sq. LS3 1AD, a lecture by Eddie & Charissa Lawler entitled ‘Tracking the Bröntes’. Visitors welcome


Family Dining at Crag House Farm

Alwoodley WI meets 3rd Wed, 7.30pm at St Barnabas Church Hall (off The Vine). Learn, chat, laugh, make friends & help the community. Aged 18-180 – you are more than welcome. £37.50 a year or come as a guest for £4. Details: Facebook/

Alwoodley WI

Fridays 15 – 22 Dec, 7pm at home of Caring for Life, Otley Old Rd, Cookridge, LS16 7NH. Special Christmas family dining with balloon artist & magician. 2 courses £17 adults/ £12 children. Booking essential

Details: 230 3618 www.craghousefarm. com

Free 4 Week Raja Yoga Meditation Courses running over four consecutive Tues, 7 - 8.30pm, starting 9 Jan. Booking required. Details: 275 7727,, www.

Otley Christmas Tree Festival Wed 6 Dec (12 – 6pm) + 7 – 9 Dec 10am-6pm at Otley Parish Church, Kirkgate. 40 trees beautifully decorated by local charities & community groups. Free entry with bucket collection by charities.

Pony 1 to 1s & Family Fun Wed 20 Dec, 10am -12 noon at Hope Pastures (corner Ring Rd & Weetwood Ln). Meet & groom the ponies. Refreshments & fun activities. £3 for grooming, no charge for the fun!

Details & Booking: office@hopepastures. org

Pony Day Thurs 21 Dec,10am - 2pm at Hope Pastures. Children learn to care for ponies under expert supervision. The emphasis is on fun & building confidence & skills. Includes leading & grooming, feeding & mucking out, + quizzes, games & puzzles. £20. Details: SERENDIPITY Sat 2 Dec, 2.30pm at St Andrew’s Roundhay, LS8 1DS, Serendipity present ‘Queen Elizabeth 1 & her Court’. Tickets £7.50 includes afternoon tea with festive music & drama. Details: 212 0279/ 07876 281119


Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile! ADVERTISEMENT

It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Manager Joel Skinner feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving people money, although that obviously helps.

Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service the Alwoodley, Chapel Allerton, Moortown & Roundhay areas and Joel is finding that his approach is a major factor

in his success.‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve done work for,

which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Joel a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!

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St Luke's CARES is a registered charity (109772) and runs projects supporting vulnerable young people living in inner city Leeds.


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FOR A FREE QUOTE AND ADVICE CALL JOHN: 0113 217 1940 • 07751 845 167

SS Joinery, Plumbing & Building Services Ltd For a high quality, reliable & professional service in all aspects of home, maintenance, renovations & building work.

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Licensing Act 2003 Notice is hereby given that I, MARIA BROWN, have made an application under section 17 of part 3 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a premises licence for the premises know as: Ready Steady Store, 66-68 Roseville Rd, Leeds LS8 5DR

Contact me for more infromation & a no fee first consultation! Gracias Iván Email: ivan@


“Our sales therefore increased quite significantly so it has really worked.” ✳✳✳✳✳ St. Gemma’s Hospice

I intend to conduct the following licensable activities on or from the premises: Sell online of a small range of craft alcohol which is part of a bigger ‘local food’ offer. Orders are placed in advance and delivered to the customers home address (along with other items) from the above location during daytime hours only. Subject to the following terms: Proof of age policy Responsible authorities or any other person may make written representations to Leeds City Council about this application until 20th December 2017 which should be sent to Entertainment Licensing, Leeds County Council, Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact Entertainment Licensing on 0113 3785029 or email It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is an unlimited fine.




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