11 minute read
Happily Ever After Means Communication (Face to Face)
Great communication is the basis of any fulfilling relationship. But most of us will choose someone who communicates differently than we do. Those who need to verbally process often choose those who need to get away and think about it. In the end, it is often not the issue at hand that causes stress in a relationship, but the manner in which each partner communicates. Knowing how to communicate with this person, who is put together differently than you, is essential for a happy relationship. This FUN, small investment will take your relationship to the next level. ALL adult couples of all ages are welcome. Register one
individual from each couple so you pay the fee only once (price is $129
per couple). Mon., Oct. 4 6-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Julie Chai $129/couple
From Mad to Glad: The Wonderful Art of Transforming Anger (Face to Face)
We all experience anger, and most of us unknowingly carry some with us from our pasts. Explore this taboo topic in fun ways through stories, exercises and discussion with transformational specialist Julie Chai, MDiv. Discover why we get mad and how outside events and people are simply triggers, not causes of anger. Cultivate presence, understanding and kindness for yourself and others. Come away empowered with the tools you need to begin transforming anger, to promote personal growth, and to make the world a better place. Julie is a healer, teacher, artist, poet and ordained minister with a certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction. Bring
your partner at no extra charge.
2 Mon., Oct. 11 & 18 6-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Julie Chai $99
Reiki as a Personal Practice (Livestream)
Original Japanese Reiki balances the body, mind and spirit. Join Reiki Shihan (Master Teacher) Dr. Sally Littleton and develop a powerful personal practice for yourself and to share with others. You will receive at least 4 attunements/reiju. Learn original and modern Japanese Reiki methods, including foundational Reiki principles, meditation and hands-on-healing. Earn a Reiki Level I certificate. This introductory-level course requires no prior experience. Recommended text, A Modern Reiki Method for Healing by Hiroshi Doi (available on Amazon, ISBN: 1-886785-33-3). 5 Tues., Sept. 21-Oct. 19 6-8 p.m. Livestream via Zoom Instructor: Dr. Sally Littleton $129
Reiki Tapping: Energy Work to Impact Your Life and Health (Livestream)
Want to reduce stress? Tapping is an energy protocol that works with acupressure points, meridians and thoughts to reduce the fight, flight, freeze response to stress. This calms the nervous system, which signals your body to relax. Use the techniques in this class to open the flow of energy and allow your body to naturally heal itself both physically and emotionally. Each participant will leave empowered with personally meaningful techniques and the ability to create more protocols to address future needs. Recommended text, The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living by Nick Ortner (available on Amazon, ISBN: 1401939422). 5 Tues., Oct. 26-Nov. 23 6-8 p.m. Livestream via Zoom Instructor: Dr. Sally Littleton $115
Forever Fit (Hybrid)
For all ages and fitness levels
It’s time to make a commitment to yourself, FOR yourself
Cultivate joy and wellbeing with this engaging friendly fitness and wellness group. Now offering both Face to Face and Livestream options!
Join Maggie Quinn and her team of compassionate and experienced instructors for a fitness program that includes an UNLIMITED number of classes a week for a total of 13 weekly FUN and FLEXIBLE fitness and wellness options for you. Customize your workouts, set achievable goals, and enjoy working out with friends. Classes meet Monday through Friday with both virtual and face to face options. If you miss a virtual class, you can watch it later. Designed for all ages and fitness levels, let us help you achieve a new level of personal joy and wellness. The daily schedule is subject to small changes. After you register, please email instructor Maggie Quinn (maggiequinn357@gmail.com) to get started.
Daily schedule for all sessions: 14 weeks, Sept. 13-Dec. 17
It’s OK to join late and double up on your workouts! All Face to Face sessions meet on NMC Main Campus: Phys. Ed. Bldg. Dance Room Phys. Ed. Bldg. Gym NMC Fitness Center $249
8-8:55 a.m.: Fitness Ball - Ginny Mello (Livestream) 8-8:55 a.m.: Weight Strengthening - Maggie Quinn (Face to Face) - Fitness Center 9-9:55 a.m.: Jacki Sorensen Step Aerobics - Jennifer Dykstra (Face to Face) Dance Room
8-8:55 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance with Props - Maggie Quinn (Face to Face) Dance Room 9-9:55 a.m. : Gentle Pilates - Maggie Quinn (Face to Face) Dance Room 9-9:55 a.m.: Yoga - Diane Samarasinghe (Face to Face) Gym
8-8:55 a.m.: Weight Strengthening - Maggie Quinn (Face to Face) Fitness Center 9-9:45 a.m.: Vin/Yin Yoga - Leslie Simonescu (Face to Face) Dance Room
8-8:55 a.m.: Total Barre Endurance with Props - Maggie Quinn (Livestream) 9-9:55 a.m. : Gentle Pilates - Maggie Quinn (Livestream)
9-9:55 a.m.: Continuing Pilates - Ginny Mello (Livestream) 9-9:55 a.m.: Jacki Sorensen Step Aerobics - Jennifer Dykstra (Livestream) 9-9:55 a.m.: Yoga - Diane Samarasinghe (Face to Face) Gym
See class descriptions [ [ [ on the next page and sign up now at nmc.edu/fitness
Forever Fit class descriptions (see sign up details on opposite page) Fitness Ball
Are you noticing that your balance is challenged? Integrate the principles of pilates while using a large fitness ball to increase your body’s awareness in space while working in three dimensions. Increase your balance, strength, stabilization and endurance. You will need a stability ball (double ply preferred) and fitness mat. Both face to face and livestream options available. Instructor: Ginny Mello
Continuing Pilates
Continue with the Pilates you love! Like to work with bands, foam rollers and fitness balls? Ready to improve your balance and coordination? Join this fun, action packed class where we will learn some new exercises and deepen our understanding of old ones. Results include improved flexibility, mobility, core strength, balance and overall well-being. You will need a fitness mat, yoga block, red squishy ball, fitness circle, handheld weights (1, 2, or 3#) and long and loop Therabands. Both face to face and livestream options available. Instructor: Ginny Mello
Gentle Pilates
Restore the natural curves of your spine and rebalance the muscles around your joints with emphasis on pelvic and scapular stabilization. Results include improved flexibility, mobility, core strength and overall well-being. You will need a fitness mat, long and loop Therabands, red and orange balls, long foam roller, ankle tubing, 2 black discs, long narrow towel. Both face to face and livestream options available. Instructor: Maggie Quinn
Total Barre™ Endurance with Props
This high-energy program focuses on strength, flexibility, stamina and dynamic stability. It combines elements from Pilates, dance, cardio and strength training choreographed to music. Kitchen counter or bannister can be used for your ballet barre. You will need a fitness mat, barefoot, thera band, ankle tubing and red ball. Both face to face and livestream options available. Instructor: Maggie Quinn
Vin/Yin Yoga
The balance of movement and stillness. A slow moving Vinyasa creating balance, strength and stability through a dynamic flow of postures leading into a blend of yen postures focusing on connective tissues building flexibility and strength through stillness. A balance of energy in the physical body, soft and strong. You will need a fitness mat, blanket, yoga strap or hand towel. Instructor: Leslie Simonescu
Jacki Sorensen Step Aerobics™
Jacki Sorensen’s StrongStep™ is a low-impact, high energy, fitness class that is fun and easy! Subtly choreographed routines for a headto-toe workout include resistance and core training. Exercise with or without a step while keeping your heart rate elevated. Bring a fitness mat. Both face to face and livestream options available, some steps available if needed for home use. Instructor: Jennifer Dykstra
Yoga for 50+
You’ll love these exercises that are designed specifically for those age 50+. Yoga improves flex ibility, strength, posture and balance, and provides a sense of physical and spiritual wellness. Designed for people of any level of physical ability who prefer a more mindful and mild approach. Instructor: Diane Samarasinghe
Weight Strengthening
Aerobic exercise is not enough to keep the body well-conditioned; research shows the need for the addition of weekly weight strengthening. We will focus on all major muscle groups resulting in increased strength, better posture, greater mobility, improved metabolism and a slowing of the development of osteoporosis. Instructor: Maggie Quinn
Intro to Deepening Connection and Breathwork (Livestream)
Chances are that you are breathing and moving right now. So why take classes on how to breathe and move? The short answer is because you will begin to live your life more authentically, from the core of your being, centered in your body rather than from your “monkey mind.” Join Hilary Lake and Will Michael as they guide you through experiential learning of how conscious movement and breathing will enhance the quality and depth of your life and cultivate an ability to choose how you relate to your life experiences. Wed., Sept. 29 7-8 p.m. Instructor: Will Michael & Hilary Lake FREE
Deepening Your Connection with Life (Livestream)
Diminish your stress, boost your immune system, and be more alive and present in the moment. Join Will Michael, PhD, an expert breather, and Hilary Lake, expressive arts community minister and somatic movement educator, to learn simple concrete techniques that will assist you in cultivating more balance in your life. Be guided through gentle movement and breathing exercises that will support you in deepening your understanding of your body through the human body systems (science!) as they relate to the natural systems of the Earth. Have you noticed that blood vessels look like maps of rivers? Our bodies mirror the Earth; with the 5 basic elements that create all bodies (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ethers). We look forward to helping you move and breathe more easily; to feel more connected to your own life - like you did in the beginning. 5 Wed., Oct. 6-Nov. 3, 7-9 p.m. Instructor: Will Michael & Hilary Lake $125
Manage Your Breath – Manage Your Stress (Livestream)
Worldwide interest in the importance of breathing and breathwork has increased by 500% since 2018! Join instructor Will Michael, PhD Clinical Hypnotherapist and Advanced SOMA Breath Instructor, and learn to manage your stress and your life through a variety of breathing techniques. Review the latest scientific insights, major philosophies, benefits and contraindications of working with the breath. Breathing techniques will be gentle yet informative and closely guided to ensure safety and comfort. The intention is to assist you in building your own “toolbox” of breathing practices; some to enhance energy, aliveness and immunity; some to enhance relaxation, release and healing; and others to create coherence, balance and alignment both within and without. Breathing was the first thing you did, and it will be the last - let’s work on all of those important breaths in between! Thurs., Nov. 11 7-9 p.m. Instructor: Will Michael $39
What will I need? For these classes you will need a space in which you can move, lie down, and relax; any device on which you can use Zoom (you’ll need to see your screen, but you can have your camera off); comfortable clothing; and a blanket or yoga mat. Is this an exercise class? No, these classes offer some gentle movement, breathwork and guided relaxation. Mostly, we’ll practice mindful self awareness, you will be in a relaxed state. Some standing, sitting, and mostly lying down. Options are provided. This is not physically strenuous, but you should check with your doctor to make sure you do not have any contraindications with breathing exercises. How will this help me manage stress? By learning breathing and moving techniques, you’ll learn to let go of that “monkey mind,” and to truly live in the body in which you occupy. You’ll learn the “secret switch” for controlling your autonomic nervous system (your autonomic nervous system is the system that you normally don’t think about, but with this class, you can learn to be aware of it, to learn to work within the “fight or flight” mode, as well as the “rest and digest” mode).
Coffee Chats: Transform Your Stress with Movement and Breath (Livestream)
Breathing is something that we do automatically. But we don’t automatically do it well, at least not most of us adults. Join Will Michael and Hilary Lake as they share their experience and knowledge surrounding breathwork and stress management. Will and Hilary explain how conscious movement and breathing can enhance the quality and depth of your life and cultivate an ability to choose how you relate to your life experiences. This Coffee Chat begins with an interview of the speaker followed by a live zoom session to continue the conversation. You are invited to participate during the live Q and A portion if you choose. Fri., Oct. 1 10-11 a.m. Speakers: Will Michael & Hilary Lake $10 Life After Death: Discussion Group (Face to Face)
Is there life after death? Join Sharon Neumann, SPMC AdvGRS, advanced grief recovery specialist, who has worked with thousands of individuals who report profound personal experiences evidencing the continuation of life after the passing of a loved one or a personal near death experience. Sharon will facilitate this meaningful discussion in a way that allows all who want to share their experiences to do so, and those who wish to listen and learn to also feel welcomed. Mon., Sept. 20 3-5 p.m. University Center Rm. 208 Instructor: Sharon A. Neumann $29