Wellness Happily Ever After Means Communication (Face to Face) Great communication is the basis of any fulfilling relationship. But most of us will choose someone who communicates differently than we do. Those who need to verbally process often choose those who need to get away and think about it. In the end, it is often not the issue at hand that causes stress in a relationship, but the manner in which each partner communicates. Knowing how to communicate with this person, who is put together differently than you, is essential for a happy relationship. This FUN, small investment will take your relationship to the next level. ALL adult couples of all ages are welcome. Register one individual from each couple so you pay the fee only once (price is $129 per couple). Mon., Oct. 4 6-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Julie Chai $129/couple
From Mad to Glad: The Wonderful Art of Transforming Anger (Face to Face) We all experience anger, and most of us unknowingly carry some with us from our pasts. Explore this taboo topic in fun ways through stories, exercises and discussion with transformational specialist Julie Chai, MDiv. Discover why we get mad and how outside events and people are simply triggers, not causes of anger. Cultivate presence, understanding and kindness for yourself and others. Come away empowered with the tools you need to begin transforming anger, to promote personal growth, and to make the world a better place. Julie is a healer, teacher, artist, poet and ordained minister with a certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction. Bring your partner at no extra charge. 2 Mon., Oct. 11 & 18 6-8:30 p.m. University Center Rm. 209 Instructor: Julie Chai
Reiki as a Personal Practice (Livestream)
Reiki Tapping: Energy Work to Impact Your Life and Health (Livestream) Want to reduce stress? Tapping is an energy protocol that works with acupressure points, meridians and thoughts to reduce the fight, flight, freeze response to stress. This calms the nervous system, which signals your body to relax. Use the techniques in this class to open the flow of energy and allow your body to naturally heal itself both physically and emotionally. Each participant will leave empowered with personally meaningful techniques and the ability to create more protocols to address future needs. Recommended text, The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living by Nick Ortner (available on Amazon, ISBN: 1401939422). 5 Tues., Oct. 26-Nov. 23 6-8 p.m. Livestream via Zoom Instructor: Dr. Sally Littleton $115
Original Japanese Reiki balances the body, mind and spirit. Join Reiki Shihan (Master Teacher) Dr. Sally Littleton and develop a powerful personal practice for yourself and to share with others. You will receive at least 4 attunements/reiju. Learn original and modern Japanese Reiki methods, including foundational Reiki principles, meditation and hands-on-healing. Earn a Reiki Level I certificate. This introductory-level course requires no prior experience. Recommended text, A Modern Reiki Method for Healing by Hiroshi Doi (available on Amazon, ISBN: 1-886785-33-3). 5 Tues., Sept. 21-Oct. 19 6-8 p.m. Livestream via Zoom Instructor: Dr. Sally Littleton $129
Fall 2021
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