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North West Museums Federation
If ever there was a time for radical thinking by museums, it is now. In partnership with Renaissance North West, MLA and National Museums Liverpool, the North West Fed argues that museums must take bold steps to show they have the understanding and capability to deliver to local and national government priorities. If museums are to survive it is not an option to stick with traditional ways of working. An explicitly radical document, Rethinking the Museum encourages a management culture that embraces change rather than accepts decline. A series of commissioned essays or ‘insights’ chart the new agendas and language of the time. Research, case studies and weblinks have been made available as a resource library and toolkit. ‘Seeded Questions’ kick-start what we hope will be a dynamic debate and we urge you to respond with your own ideas and case-studies, to inspire the sector to look beyond cuts, redundancies and closures. Piotr Bienkowski. Chair, North West Fed. December 2010