History of the Norwich Chameleon by August Tirone Norwich University has provided students with an opportunity to publish creative works for publication since the mid 19th century. The first publication at Norwich was The University Regulator. Founded in 1853 by The Regulators, a secret society on campus, the student paper published content that stemmed from the mission of The Regulators: “Justice to whom Justice is due.” The Regulators believed that Norwich cadets and faculty should be held to a higher standard and made those standards known in the publication. This paper died out shortly after The Regulators disbanded and the last issue was in 1856.
Another short-lived paper was The University Owl, found in 1854. The University Owl and The Regulator were often in disagreement with each other. The University Owl folded in 1856 after releasing only two issues (one in 1854 and one in 1856). The Reveille, established in 1860, was the first university newspaper and published pieces about the Corps of Cadets, campus and academic news, events on campus, short stories, and advertisements. During The Reveille’s first five years, it was published regularly, but after 1865, it published intermittently until 1882 when publication picked up again. The Reveille was published regularly until