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The Latimer Players first performed a nativity play in 1952, followed by ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ in the Memorial Hall, Thurcaston, the following year and ever since then we have either done a play, music hall or pantomime every year, usually twice a year. On the anniversary of our seventy years we are pleased to announce that we will be presenting an entertainment looking back over the past years. We are delighted to perform for you extracts from pantomimes, music halls, plays and sketches all of which we have performed before over the years and have been much enjoyed by our audiences. We are also lucky to be including in the cast most of our membership. Some have even come out of retirement to join in.
On 24th, 25th and 26th of November we will perform ‘Three Score Years and Ten’ at the Memorial Hall, Thurcaston. Following popular request, the audience will be seated at tables and invited to bring their own drinks and nibbles. We hope we can get our loyal friends and followers in the mood for a real birthday celebration with the emphasis on laughter.
Tickets are available from: Christine Deavin Tel 0116 237 6855
Email christinedeavin@gmail.com
On the 11th members meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm.
On Tuesday 30th August 2022 at a service lead by the Bishop of Loughborough, the Rt Revd Saju Muthalaly, Revd Matthew Gough was Instituted and Inducted as the Rector of the Joint Benefice of St Mary Anstey and All Saints’ Thurcaston with Cropston.
Matthew addressed the congregation and said how much he was looking forward to his new role as rector and meeting all those in his benefice. He was warmly welcomed by a large congregation including civic and community leaders. We all look forward to meeting him at regular community and worship gatherings around the benefice. Please see details of services and church events at https://www. achurchnearyou.com/church/5502 Thurcaston
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A healthy eating lifestyle is much cheaper than the lifestyle that big corporations advertise and sell to you.
Sugary processed carb-heavy diets cause addictions and illnesses. Addictions and illnesses make £billions for the pharmaceuticals and addictions industries, e.g., alcohol, nicotine, gambling, social media, etc. Did you know?...
• Over 250 different names for sugar are used by 'big food' companies to hide sugars in processed foods and drinks.
• Sugar is the gateway drug to other addictions and many of us get addicted to sugar as children.
• In most people sugars and carbs cause inflammation, obesity and anxiety, which wreck sleep and natural life balance - emotional, physical, spiritual.
• Last month we listed some of the foods and drinks with massive amounts of hidden sugars, e.g., rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, breakfast cereals and sweet fruit.
When we were all shocked by the death of our beloved Queen, the Anstey Gala committee had an additional concern. The annual gala was less than two days away. Should it go ahead?
A flurry of messages later, we were all of one mind. The Queen had stood for community; for bringing people together; for “carrying on”. We should carry on with our gala, which does so much for the community, but we should start with a two minute silence.
Two minutes silence is a long time, particularly when it is taking place on a large recreation ground packed with scores of community stalls, fairground rides, sideshows and thousands of people.
The rides stopped. The stalls stopped trading. Dako Flying Angels, the first act in the arena, stood in a military line, hands behind backs. Everyone stood still. You could have heard a pin drop.
We sang “God Save the King” and the gala started. The sun shone; much of Anstey was there to stroll around, buy a burger, beer or cup of tea and visit the stalls; the dancers, acrobats and steel band performed magnificently; the Dog Show was a great success; and the wheelbarrow races were a laugh.
We had a great Gala. Bless you, Queen Elizabeth.
The Gala committee would like to thank Anstey Parish Council and Anstey Town Charity for their support, and the many local businesses who donated to make Anstey Gala a success:
Richard E Smith Garage
Sykes Jewellers
Bosworth Wright
Crown Inn
Ulverscroft Large Print
Barton Knott Travel
Old Hare and Hounds
Beanies Softplay
Slimming World Londis
Sturgess Hyundai
Anstey Chippy
Anstey Gynsill Tennis Club
Anstey Shoe Repairs
Co-op Anstey
In Stitches
Nook Corner Coffee Shop
The Stadon
Dance Academy Thurcaston Menspire Leicester Barbers
Barrie Stephen Coach & Horses
Anstey Hardware Passage to India
Whitfields Greengrocers
Broughtons Lighting & Ironmongery
Gemini Moon
Mr Whippy Dipak Davda
For more information see/use the free Freshwell app and website founded by two practising NHS GPs in Essex in 2018: LowCarbFreshwell.co.uk. Their work is reversing, healing and preventing chronic illnesses, notably obesity and diabetes type 2, and the terrible killer diseases caused by diabetes, notably of the heart, liver, brain and most cancers.
If our level of blood glucose (sugar) constantly exceeds just ONE TEASPOON, our life balance suffers, especially:
INFLAMMATION is a feedback loop: brain to body. It causes anxiety, depression and worse. It damages tiny blood vessels, leading to most modern chronic illnesses.
ADDICTIONS switch and connect destructively - very profitably for big business - for example smoking to 'comfort eating'; gambling (to debt); shopping (to debt); drugs to dependency; over-exercise, overwork, social media to stress and poor sleep.
Blue light from screens before bedtime is very damaging to sleep. Poor sleep upsets hormonal balance, hunger regulation, mental health, healing and much more.
The good news is that when you know how something can be fixed, then you can fix it! Carbs and sugars do not satisfy hunger for very long. Ultraprocessed foods are very unhealthy. Information enables you to make your own healthy lifestyle decisions. LiveWildLiveFree.org is a social enterprise founded in April 2021, based in Anstey, connected and operating much more widely. We are now trained Practitioners for HealthResults.com. The website offers a free app and vast free resources about health. Contact us if you want extra pointers to information besides the websites and apps in this article.
We also work with employers to help you set up your own healthy lifestyle education groups, offering vast improvements in staff health and organisational efficiencies.
Contact: Alan Chapman (co-founder LiveWildLiveFree.org) - 07907 961408 https://livewildlivefree.org/contact/
This content is information not clinical diagnosis. Main reference sources: PublicHealthCollaboration.org, LowCarbFreshwell.co.uk, HealthResults.com (whose free)
Freshwell and Health Results apps we recommend). All the information is from highly qualified NHS practising GPs and dietary professionals, especially in the successful treatment and reversing of obesity and diabetes and other chronic illnesses. If you are under treatment/on medication, discuss this with your GP. Show your doctor the resources here, especially Freshwell.
The Annual Anstey Gala was an enjoyable event thanks to the hard work of the Gala Committee who provided a great afternoon of entertainment and amusements. Our thanks go out to all those who contributed to the event including the entertainment in the arena, the dog show which has become a firm favourite at this event and the good sports who took part in the wheelbarrow race.
needs to follow. The chains of office are not to be worn by the Chairman and it was not considered appropriate to carry on business as usual.
we await the outcome of this funding bid the work continues to bring about this much needed community facility.
Transfer of land at Groby Road
The day started with some very heavy rain before the official opening of the gala and we were pleased that the sun came out. The gala was very well supported this year and it was also good to welcome the police and fire brigade to the event. This is such an important village fixture raising money for local charities and bringing the community together.
On what was an emotional weekend for the Country a two-minutes silence was held at the beginning of the Gala to remember her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II, led by the Reverend Matthew Gough supported by Judith Lincoln the Minister at Anstey Methodist Church.
One very nice event did take place, the Chairman of the Council, Councillor Glyn McAllister was able to hand out an award to the winners of Anstey in Bloom Competition.
Meetings have been held with Davidson Homes about the transfer of the land at Groby Road, work will be starting in September to lay out the allotment plots. Davidsons solicitors have contacted the parish council about the transfer that we are hopeful will now take place this year. Davidson Homes are carrying out remedial works at the play park on the public open space at the top of Burgin Road.
The parish council are disappointed that this work has been delayed. New costings have been approved and co-ordination, with the parties involved in this work, needs to be organised.
parish council is via the website, by telephone, email or at the parish office in the Jubilee hall this is open to calls each weekday morning. If you would like to talk to a Councillor do let us know and we can put you in touch with them.
Grants will be available for local groups who need an injection of cash to help maintain their groups. If you would like apply for a grant, the guidelines and application forms are available on the Parish Council website. The Council will be particularly interested in hearing from groups who have a specific need for extra cash. Grants applications are now open and completed application forms need to be received at the parish council by Tuesday 30th November 2021.
The Parish Council did not have a stand this year and kept a low profile at this event, during National Mourning there are specific duties that the Council
Proclamation of King Charles III Sunday the 11th September was a formal occasion, Councillor Glyn McAllister read the proclamation of King Charles III recognising the start of his reign. The formalities for this occasion start in London, the proclamation was read at Charnwood Borough Council offices in Loughborough at 2pm and then at Anstey War Memorial at 3pm. The wording for the proclamation is given by Buckingham Palace. Arranged at very short notice it was good to have a crowd of people attend this event.
During the period of National Mourning some of the work of the parish council needed to change and there was some disruption to the schedule of meetings, this will be back on schedule with the Council meeting being held on the 4th October.
A quick update on the work of the parish council.
Extension to the Jubilee Hall
This project has been delayed by drainage concerns. A survey is required to establish the direction of pipe work under the ground and the depths and easements associated with pipes. When the survey work is completed amended plans will be submitted for approval. Amendments are required so that the extension can incorporate a larger hall than first envisaged with the majority of the Jubilee Hall facilities remaining the same. An application has been made to Charnwood Borough Council as part of the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund and whilst
The work towards the Neighbourhood Plan continues, theme groups have been meeting to consider the housing, environment and sustainable aspects of the plan. The help of volunteers within these groups has been invaluable as the plan moves forward.
The Council is committed to being available to the residents of Anstey and have opened an Instagram account that is running alongside the Facebook account. Other ways that residents can contact the
Parish Council Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Jubilee Hall starting at 7.30pm. Details of meeting are shown on the website, the agendas for meetings are published on the website at; www.ansteypc.org.uk/ council-meetings.html all members of the public are welcome to these meetings.
Scan the QR code to visit our website.
Your Councillors can be contacted through the Parish Council Office:
Tel: 0116 2362646
Mobile: 07458 305025
Email: clerk@ansteypc.org
Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey, Leicester, LE7 7AY
Anstey WI had a busy month in September. Their stall at the Anstey gala was busy. Pouring rain during the set up in the morning did not bode well, but it cleared up before the gala opened to the public, and the fear proved ungrounded. A good amount of money was raised.
A week later came our SOS Fashion Show, which was better attended than initial ticket sales suggested. We had a good age range among the models, from members’ grandchildren to members themselves. It proved an enjoyable social occasion, with the refreshments including home made cakes much appreciated, and to our surprise raised more funds than the gala itself.
A refugee from the war in Ukraine has found a new life in Leicester thanks to the Home Office Sponsorship Scheme and a chance meeting with successful local businessman, Barrie Stephen.
Roman Radchenko, aged 24, was a professional basketball player in Ukraine. From the industrial city of Kremenchuk in the Poltava Oblast region, at the age of 18 he earned a small wage as a trainee barber alongside his sporting career. He wanted to develop the skills to earn a reliable living away from the fickle world of the basketball court.
When war with Russia broke out, Roman moved to Poland with his girlfriend. They were able to enrol on the government scheme to bring them to the UK as there was no possibility for them to return home. They have been taken in by a local couple who have provided them with a welcoming home and assistance to get all of their paperwork in order.
Arriving on 12th August, Roman was quick to look for gainful employment, as participants on the Ukrainian Sponsorship Scheme have the right to work in the UK. He walked the streets of his new city looking for a “good-looking barber shop” and came across the Sid Sottung Barber Shop on Hotel Street. He had come to the right place. The barbers is a joint venture of industry leaders Barrie Stephen and Sid Sottung. Barrie took Roman’s details, gave him an interview, and within just a few days, Roman had a job.
“I always have my eyes open for new talent,” Barrie said. “Roman’s story made an impression on me because he is so enthusiastic to make a new life for himself and willing to work hard to achieve his goals. He has the right to claim Universal Credit, but he chose to be proactive and find a job – I like his attitude as well as the skills he can bring to our barbers.”
Roman is already settling in with the team and increasing his skills. He describes the job as a “big new step” in his life despite the big challenges he and his girlfriend are facing. Roman says that a career as a barber is his calling: “It’s very nice to give people some happiness in their life. I was always looking for a job that will make people happy, to try to change their life. I won’t ever be a doctor or cure a disease, but I can change someone’s life for the better in a small way and make a bad day better with a good haircut.”
A group of our members travelled to Shropshire to visit Wildegoose Nurseries and their spectacular garden. It was the wrong time of the year to see their famed viola houses but the garden was a wonderful sight. They specialised in tall plants, especially grasses and autumn-flowering plants such as rudbeckias, which towered above our heads. The lunch was excellent too with large helpings of gooseberry sponge!!!!
From there we travelled to Windy Ridge, a private garden which opens under the National Gardens Scheme and raises money for charity. It is a splendid garden with over 1000 different plants, laid out in compact areas so there was always something new to see round the corner. We discovered that people living in Shropshire had been blessed with rather more rain that we have, which made us rather envious.
There are still a few tickets available for our celebrity evening on Tuesday October 25th in the village hall at 7.30pm. James Alexander-Sinclair is one of the best-known personalities in horticulture and often the right-hand man to presentations with Monty Don at events such as Gardeners’ World Live. We feel very privileged to welcome such a high-profile celebrity and are looking forward to his talk called ‘Dancing with Borders. Tickets may be obtained from the secretary on 01530 242452 or on 32couling@gmail.com. Anne and David Couling
After a three-year absence we welcomed back our Annual Garden, Craft & Produce Show, which was held at the Richard Hill Primary School on Saturday 3rd September 2022.
It has been a very difficult year for all gardeners. The extreme weather conditions had tested everyone and trying to grow produce, especially for Showing, has been a huge challenge. Competitors had done their best in the vegetable, fruit and flower classes and there were lots of excellent entries. The Arts and Crafts classes were very well supported and these classes were bursting with top quality items.
Although the number of exhibits in each of the sections were slightly down on pre-pandemic years, we were delighted with the totals after such a long break.
Top honours went to Lesley Day and Meg Grant who were joint winners of our two major trophies, the Sedgwick Cup awarded for the ‘Highest Overall Points in the Show’ and the Jubilee Challenge Trophy awarded to the ‘Garden Club member’ with the highest overall points.
The Orton Cup for ‘Best Exhibit in Show’ went to Andy Holyoake for his wonderful wood carving of a ‘Vase of Daffodils’.
A ‘special’ class was added into the Craft Section this year in honour of our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – “Scarecrow with a royal element”. Although there were only five entries, the class produced some creative results, and the judges praised their ingenuity. Full marks to the winners, Geoff and Rachel Davison for their inventiveness.
For each of the three age group classes the children were asked to make a “3D Crown” and special thanks to the Brownies for their splendid efforts.
Other trophy winners were; Jane Westby (Vegetables & Fruit), Alison Briggs (2 trophies in the Flower Section), Rita Richards and Geoff Davison (Floral Art), Rita McRobie (Pot Plant & Vegetable), Anna Lacey (Preserves & Wine), Lesley
Day (Home Baking), Meg Grant (Photographs), Annette Spurr (Arts & Crafts) and Rachel Davison who won our Novice Trophy, awarded to the person with the most points who has never won a Show trophy before.
The cups and trophies were presented by Josie Hutchinson, a well-known local ‘celebrity’ in horticultural circles.
Congratulations go to all our winners for their efforts and hard work.
Seven excellent prizes were won from a very successful raffle, and to round off the day there was many a bargain bought from the after the Show ‘market stall’ sale.
Thanks to all the exhibitors and visitors and everyone who contributed towards the smooth running of the Show.
The Gardening Club meets in the Thurcaston and Cropston Memorial Hall
Whether an experienced gardener or an enthusiastic beginner we are sure you will find something of interest in the remainder of this year’s programme. New members are made most welcome.
For more information, please contact
Dave Haddon (0116) 235 9758: david.haddon20@ntlworld.com Or Richard Elks (0116) 236 8313: cropston161@hotmail.co.uk
The next Club events are:
Wed 12th October, 7.45 pm Running a Nursery Alan Dayman
Wed 9th November, 7.45 pm Brighten up the Shade Jeanette Merilion
Top honours went to Lesley Day and Meg Grant who were joint winners of our two major trophies.
Jane Westby with entries in the Vegetable classes.
Venue: Anstey Methodist Church, Cropston Road
When: Thursday evenings from 7pm Web: www.ansteychessclub.co.uk
Chapman Cup (Slower format) **Winners**
I am delighted to report that we won the Chapman Cup with a game to spare with a brilliant win at Braunstone. Superb wins for Julian Tarwid and Matt Connor - despite being outgraded and a draw for John Robinson secured a deserved win. The last game against Loughborough was drawn 2-2.
Wylie Cup (Rapid play)
We managed to avoid the wooden spoon in the Wylie Cup by the narrowest of margins on board difference (the equivalent of goal difference) with the win over Kirby in earlier rounds. The final round of the Wylie Cup was a loss to Loughborough by 5.5-2.5
Harrod Cup (Rapid play) **Joint Winners**
I am also delighted to report that we shared the Harrod Cup with Ashby 2 as joint winners. In the end it all came down to the final match and we drew! We could not be separated on the night, by board difference, wins or losses so it was agreed that the cup should be shared.
A couple of our chaps will be out and about playing chess in Anstey. We will soon be playing in Peppercorns Café on Saturday mornings. If you see us out and about, then do feel free to say hello to us - we are a friendly bunch. We should be easy to see - me and Boris have ordered some Anstey Chess Club T-Shirts with 'El Presidente' (me) on the back and Boris has 'The Toaster' on his back, along with our website, Facebook and Instagram account addresses on.
We are also very grateful to or members for helping us to fund the chess this year. Applications will be submitted for funding to the Anstey Town Charity and the Anstey Parish Council - two organisations that have helped us in the past to fund your chess club.
Myself, The Toaster, Mr Engine and El Capitan - Ben, Boris, Julian and Oskar - all played a part in delivering what was a very successful Anstey Gala. Not only was it a success for the club, to see the Gala so well populated was a delight to see and the sun stayed out for it too.
We were very pleased to receive numerous enquiries from new members young and old and some friends of the club popping over to see how it is all going. The club night after the gala was thriving with a total of around 20 or so people at our venue. We welcome people of all ages and abilities - please pop along to a club night if you would like to have a game or two with our members.
Great news everyone! The Junior Chess lessons at Beanies Soft Play (above Potters Carpets), will re-commence on Saturday 24th September from 9am11am. As always, the cost is £3 per child for your children to play up to 2 hours of chess. Please ensure that you pay Beanies on entry. Thank you to Kellie and the team for agreeing to host us again. I'm really looking forward to seeing some old and new faces.
Anstey Chess Club
ansteychess@hotmail.com 07469 207548
The Orton Cup for ‘Best Exhibit in Show’ went to Andy Holyoake for his wonderful wood carving of a ‘Vase of Daffodils’.for rental property has never been higher, whilst the risk to landlords is increasing in these uncertain times
T: 01530 244804
E: cllr.david.snartt@charnwood.gov.uk
The Mayor of Charnwood, Councillors and Officers of Charnwood Borough Council are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen. The Mayor of Charnwood, Councillor Jenny Tillotson said: This is a very sad day for our nation and on behalf of the Borough of Charnwood, I would like to express our sincerest condolences to the Royal family.
Queen Elizabeth selflessly served our country for so many years and earned the respect of not just this nation, but of those around the world, we should remember her with pride and affection.
I attend a Thanksgiving Service for the life of Her Majesty at All Saints’ with Holy Trinity, Loughborough, also a Commemoration service marking the death of Her Late Majesty at All Saints’ Newtown Linford.
Her Majesty was an inspiration to so many people, we will greatly miss our Queen Elizabeth.
Proclamation of King Charles III.
I attended the reading of the Proclamation of King Charles III at the Carillon Tower, Queens Park, Loughborough on Sunday 11th September. This historic moment was witnessed by hundreds of people who attended the service.
The mayor of Charnwood, Councillor Jennifer Tillotson, read the Proclamation before the crowd were invited to say God Save the King, sing the national anthem and give three cheers for the King.
Later that afternoon I attended the Proclamation service, which took the same format in front of All Saints’ Church, Newtown Linford. Again local residents and visitors to the village attending the service witnessed the Proclamation reading, delivered by the Vice Chairman of the Newtown Linford Parish Council, Tim Porte. The nation was in mourning for Queen Elizabeth, but this was a special moment to recognise the ascension of King Charles III.
This application is for outline planning for the demolition of 287 Markfield Lane, Newtown Linford and the development of up to 150 dwellings on land south of Markfield Lane. I understand the end date for submissions to the consultation to Charnwood Borough Council has now been extended to the 7th October 2022. I have already ‘called in’ this application to be determined by a Plans Committee, stating the reasons to oppose this proposal. This along with County Councillor Deborah Taylor and Parish Councils. I would be grateful, if residents are minded to send a submission to the council by e-mail to development.control@ charnwood.gov.uk, or writing to Development Control, Charnwood Borough Council, Southfields Road, Loughborough. LE11 2TN.
This is yet another parcel of countryside land within Newtown Linford Parish that developers are proposing to build upon. There is currently another planning application at appeal for 93 dwellings close to this site. In my view, this latest proposal would not integrate well with the two nearest villages of Newtown Linford and Markfield. Therefore the dwellings would be detached from both villages and not be part of the two communities. This proposal would also be detrimental to the character of this part of Charnwood Forest, not relating to existing adjacent development which is mainly low density ribbon development. This proposal would cause a substantial change to the appearance of this site in the countryside. In my opinion, the proposal is unsustainable with the car being the preferred option to travel to essential services and retail shops.
Last month I alluded to Government announcements about help with the rise in the cost of living and energy bills.
Further Government announcements have now been made to help with the rising cost of energy. I understand a typical household will pay no more than £2,500 a year for two years. The Ofgem price cap will be replaced with a two year energy price guarantee.
I am concerned about the rising costs for local businesses. I also understand a scheme for businesses will be given support but lasting for six months. We are very lucky to have a good selection of businesses within my Forest Bradgate Ward, offering a wide range of retail goods and excellent food and drinks. Please support your local businesses during this difficult time.
Installation of a New Defibrillator.
Through the Members Grant Scheme at Charnwood Borough Council, I was delighted to help in some small way in helping to provide some of the finance to install a new defibrillator at the Newtown Linford Cricket Club ground. This will be an excellent addition to the already installed defibrillators within the Parish. It will provide additional support to both the cricket and tennis clubs.
The Member grant scheme at Charnwood Borough Council enables Councillors to provide small grants to a wide variety of community and voluntary organisations within the Borough. Each Borough Councillor is allocated an annual budget of £500 which can be used to support projects that bring benefits to the Councillor’s Ward.
In the past I have been able to help other groups and organisations within my Ward, which include Woodhouse Good Neighbour Scheme, Newtown Linford Tennis Club, Woodhouse WWII Wellington Bomber Project and Newtown Linford Brownies More information about the Member Grant Scheme and other grants available at the Council, please go to the Charnwood Borough Council’s website.
Spotlight on Licensing.
I received some interesting information from Charnwood Borough Council about the Council’s Licensing Team, which I thought you may be of interest.
The Council’s Licensing Team currently have over 3,500 licences on record, that covers everything from taxis and scrap metal sites to premises selling alcohol and betting shops. There are over 50 different types of licences handled by the Team and while the most common ones relate to taxis and pubs, there are more unusual ones. One of the more unusual types of licence, you would need a licence if you are a hypnotist and want to put on a show in Charnwood Borough. The licence is for the person and entertainment only and not medical procedures or therapy.
The Teams core purpose is public safety, for example, the public needs to have confidence when they step into a taxi, the driver is a fit and proper person and the vehicle is in a good condition, or when they visit a pub or event where alcohol is on sale, they are operated by fit and proper people. If things are not being done correctly, the Team can take action to promote public safety. The purpose of the Licensing is very simple, it’s to keep people safe.
If you need to contact me on any issues please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH, e-mail cllr.david.snartt@ charnwood.gov.uk or telephone 01530 244804.
- so we’re assessed on
All our team are smartly uniformed and we train them to always be prompt, polite and professional (and they
a lot)
Monday 12th September 2022
Our meeting was opened by the Leader, Jenny Kennington. She outlined the programme arranged for the rest of the year, and then introduced our speaker for September, Lesley Meachem, who told us about the small local charity Adapt, which supports the families of premature babies or newborns with health problems.
Lesley told us that she trained as a midwife and neonatal nurse. In 2007 she became a family support worker for the charity, and is now on the management team. It was set up in 2004-2005 by parents whose son was on the unit for 9 months, and she got to know them very well. The staff at the hospital were amazing, but there was no emotional support available for parents at that time, except from others in a similar situation. One person works on the wards and another in the community, and there is also a co-ordinator. These people receive a salary, to ensure commitment. There is no Government or NHS financial help, and the charity has to raise all the money needed itself. Supporters have taken part in fund-raising events such as marathons and the Great North Run, and a climb up Snowdon was planned but not yet done. Companies like the McCain Family Fund occasionally help too. Some years ago Adapt received a grant from the Health Lottery.
Lesley worked at both the Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital, and also visited parents at home where needed. The LRI tends to be more clinical, for the babies who need a lot of support, and at the General the babies are often those born at 33 weeks' gestation or above, and they simply need to grow and develop. There is an Intensive Care Unit, a Special Care unit with a nursery, and a medium ground for babies with high dependency. It can be a very emotional and traumatic time for parents, whether the baby is earlier than expected, or is perhaps ill in some way. Not all outcomes are happy, of course, and Adapt support the family throughout. Sometimes Lesley went to meetings of the Consultants, where she was able to express the worries of the parents, who may feel unable to approach them directly.
The charity currently makes up packs for parents which contain a leaflet about their work, and a teddy bear toy, nappies, cotton wool and a set of knitted triangles. These are included because it has been recognised that smell is a very important part of the relationship and bond between a mother / father and the baby. The parent can wear the triangles next to the skin, and leave them with the baby when they go back home, or the baby can wear them and the parents take these with them. It may even help a mother produce breast milk for her child. Any siblings also receive support, such as playtime with a worker from Adapt whilst the parents are occupied visiting the baby. Adapt can also put families in touch with other helpful agencies.
Babies may come into hospital from a much wider area than Leicestershire, but the charity still keeps contact with the family when the baby is allowed home. There is online support available, and the website is currently being upgraded. Lesley herself has kept in touch with families whose babies are now grown up and having babies themselves.
The members then enjoyed a cup of tea and biscuits, and bought produce from the Harvest Festival table. Meanwhile, a collection was made which the Club donated towards the work of Adapt, in lieu of the normal speaker's fee.
Our next meeting starts at 2.15pm on 10th October, when a representative from the RSPCA Woodside Animal Centre will talk to us about their work and the new veterinary centre which opened in June this year. On 14th November we shall have a talk about South America and the Galapagos Islands (BUT please note this will take place at All Saints Church, Thurcaston, for technical reasons). All visitors and new members are welcome. We also look forward to a pre-Christmas meal which will again be at Birstall Golf Club (pre-booking is required). Menus and cost to be confirmed.
Regular indoor meetings are held in Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall, Main Street, Woodhouse Eaves, on the second Wednesday of the month from September to May, starting at 7.30pm. Admission is £2.50 for LRWT members, £3 for visitors and children free.
Wednesday 12th October
Sea Shells- Killers or Curers – Brian Hammond Brian has collected shells all his life and the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow now houses around 10,000 specimens from his unique collection. This talk is about these fascinating molluscs in the family “Conidae”. These venoumous and carniverous snails hunt their prey, including fish, and some species have been known to kill humans. Their venom is very complex and is used in drug research.
Wednesday 9th November
Beacon Hill- Past, Present and Future – Head Ranger, James Lovatt James will be discussing the past, present and future of Beacon Hill Country Park. A brief overview of its history and management and how conservation grazing is used to restore and develop the heathland landscape.
Wednesday 14th December – David Lindo, the Urban Birder David takes us around the urban world of birds. Over 20% of the globe's bird species have been recorded wihin our towns and cities, sometimes without us noticing. You will be surprised as to some of the variety of species David will be featuring. To see some of these great birds all you have to do is open your hearts, minds and importantly, look up! Check website to see details (online)
For more information about the Trust check the website www.lrwt.org.uk
September saw the Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club’s 70th Platinum Anniversary of its founding in 1952. Club records show that such was the success of its first meeting, membership had swelled to 169 by its second in October that year.
Members and friends celebrated with a dinner at the Queen’s Head, Belton, starting with a fizzy welcome and finishing with the cutting of a beautiful celebratory cake by Pat Clarke, President, and Pat Billing, Chairman, made by committee member Wendy Saley. The evening was enjoyed by everyone, and deemed such a success it was suggested that every year should be celebrated in a similar fashion!
The Club has made a good recovery from lockdown, and is hoping to get back to full strength before long. New members and visitors can always be assured of a warm welcome.
The October meeting will feature a demonstration entitled ‘East Meets West’ by Minh Lane, while Dean Sharpe, a Chelsea medal winner, will entertain with his ‘Winter Wonder’ floral creations at the annual Open Meeting in November. All are held on the third Thursday in the month at the Amherst School, formerly Our Lady’s Convent, on Gray Street, Loughborough, where there is parking within the grounds.
President Pat Clarke and Chairman Pat Billing, watched by committee members L to R Lynne Peebles, Wendy Saley, Treasurer Adrynn Carrington, Heather CakeDiscount retailer QD – QualityDiscounts.com in Anstey is giving one lucky customer the chance to win everything they need for Christmas with a 60 second trolley dash.
The competition is now open, giving customers the chance to win this fantastic festive prize. To enter, customers simply need to pop into the store at Cropston Road and scan their QD Reward Card every time they make a purchase. The more scans each customer does, the more entries they get into the competition, providing an even greater chance to win. Customers can sign up for a free Reward Card in-store to enter, plus they’ll also receive 10% off their next shop and other special deals including treats on their birthday.
The trolley dash will take place within QD’s Christmas department, which is packed with everything customers need for a great value Christmas, including sackfuls of trees, decorations, lights, gifts, food, seasonal treats, toys and homewares, all at amazing prices with value guaranteed. QD will be running 30 trolley dashes in total – one in each of its 30 stores within the QD Group. All entries close on 23rd October, with each winner completing their trolley dash in-store at the start of November.
Mary Hand, manager at QD Anstey, said: “Christmas is going to be tough for many people this year with the cost of living crisis and increased heating bills. Here at QD, we wanted to do our bit to help spread some cheer and give one lucky customer an early present from the QD family to theirs. Our trolley dash has been very popular in the past and we’re delighted to bring it back for 2022. Our store team has been busy stocking up the Christmas department with everything you need for a fantastic festive time. We can’t wait to welcome our customers and get the trolley dash competition rolling!”
QD is one of the original high street discount retailers, providing great value and quality for customers with unbeatable prices and ever-changing deals and promotions. It is part of the QD Group, which is East Anglia’s largest independent, family-owned chain of High Street value retail outlets. There
are currently 30 QD stores across the country.
The original concept of ‘QD Stores’ quality discounted retailing was first established back in 1985 by the company’s CEO Nick Rubins’ father, and current Chairman, Danny Rubins. The aim was to offer customers a wide range of constantly changing, quality products at discounted prices, which led to the stores’ name QD – short for Quality Discounts.
For more information on the competition, see in-store or visit www. qualitydiscounts.com
T: 0116 2350126
E: cllr.deborah.taylor@charnwood.gov.uk
We sent this report to print just after Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's funeral. It has been a very sad time for the nation and for us personally.
You cannot fail to be moved by the outpouring of grief from across our nation and the world and the kind words expressed in appreciation of her work over the last 70 years.
Across the Borough and County, we have attended many thanksgiving services and events, whilst keeping our social events to a minimum.
Paul attended King Charles III's Proclamation in Queen’s Park, Loughborough on Sunday 11th September, and Deborah attended the Thanksgiving Service at All Saints Church, Loughborough on Friday 16th September to represent our residents.
All council meetings were suspended during the national period of mourning and both Paul and Deborah spent a quiet day at home to watch the Queen’s funeral on television.
A series of projects have been chosen to form part of a £4 million investment plan in Charnwood to help the area level-up.
Charnwood Borough Council has been allocated the funding under the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and has developed the Future Charnwood Investment Plan.
The Council appealed for projects to come forward earlier this year and more than 50 applications were made. Following a selection process, 10 projects have been identified in the Investment Plan which has been submitted to government.
The projects range from improvements to community facilities and parks, to town centre upgrades and support for young people. They meet the plan’s aim to bring a range of improvements for future generations.
We are both delighted that Anstey Parish Council submitted a project to be considered, for funding improvements to Anstey Community Facilities.
Anstey Parish Council wants to
extend the Jubilee Hall in the village to increase its usage by community groups. The hall is already regularly used by all sections of the community from mother and toddler groups, training events to lunch clubs for the elderly. This project will provide a second community hall which will double the capacity for community facilities. There will be a particular focus on activities for young people in the area.
The Council must now await confirmation from the Department of Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities that it can proceed with the investment plan and funding will be released. We are keeping our fingers crossed that Anstey will be awarded the funding from the Government in due course.
There has been yet another planning application submitted for Anstey. This application is for an extension to the Bloor Homes estate on Cropston Road. This application is for 48 houses by Jelson Homes and is proposed to be accessed from Greys View.
Please could we encourage as many residents as possible to send in their comments to the email address provided later in this paragraph.
We are very concerned about the applicant’s total disregard for the impact of this development on Cropston Road congestion which will increase traffic in this area and into The Nook. We are also against the loss of the area of separation between Anstey and Cropston.
When reading through the documents, it is clear that this proposed development is in fact nearer to Cropston than it is Anstey. In our view this clearly means that any residents living in this area will have to rely on a private car to access essential services and employment.
You can send in your comments via email to: -development. control@charnwood.gov.uk quoting the reference number P/22/1394/2.
You can also write in to:Charnwood Borough Council, Southfield Rd, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2TN quoting the reference number above.
T: 07977 178869
E: cllr.paul.baines@charnwood.gov.uk
You can view all the documents for this application on Charnwood Borough Council’s website:https://portal.charnwood.gov.uk/ Northgate/PlanningExplorerAA/ Home.aspx again, quoting the reference number above.
We also have a link on our website with updated news on this proposal: -
clean up after your dog and help us keep the village clean and tidy for everyone to enjoy.
If you see dog fouling and can identity the owner/where they live/the usual time and place they walk their dog, can you please report it here: www.charnwood. gov.uk/pages/dog_waste via the online forms so the enforcement team can take action to prosecute these irresponsible dog owners.
There have been some successful prosecutions in the past by the council, using information provided by local residents who report dog fouling to the council.
We are seeing an increase in dog fouling across the village. Not only is this unpleasant to see, and a health risk, but it makes it difficult for pedestrians, pushchairs, wheelchairs, mobility scooters etc. to enjoy the village and to use the footpaths and jitties.
I know we have many responsible dog owners, who clean up after their dogs, around the village but we have a few that are spoiling the village for others to enjoy.
Can we please issue an appeal to dog owners in the village, please
We also have dog owners that bag up their dog waste but then throw the bags into hedges and trees rather than putting it into litter bins. Any dog waste in a bag can be placed in any litter bin.
If you have any issues or concerns, we are here to help. Deborah and Paul
Scan here for updated news:
“The Duke” will be shown on October 14th and lasts 96 minutes. Our October film is a delightful U.K. comedy crime drama, starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. This is an uplifting true story where an idealistic old-age pensioner, in 1961, steals a Goya masterpiece which he hides in his wardrobe! He sent ransom notes, saying that he would return the painting on condition that the government invested more in care for the elderly. You will return home smiling.
Downton Abbey - A New Era” will be shown on November 11th and lasts 124 mins.
At last, we can show the new “Downton Abbey” set in the 1930’s when Lady Mary opens the door to a film crew. Meanwhile, the Dowager, played by the indomitable Maggie Smith, reveals that she has mysteriously inherited a villa in the South of France, where the Crawley family are delighted to holiday.
“Death on the Nile - 2022 Version” will be shown on December 9th. You will be able to use the tickets already purchased. Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5, which includes a lucky prize draw and refreshments during the interval. You can pay for tickets at the door, if there are any left or pay in advance from: Richard 0116 2363 066 or Diana 0116 2362 619
Tel: 0116 251 0363 - sales@ designerbathroomsleicester.com www.designerbathroomsleicester.com - 74 Bradgate Street, Leicester, LE4 0AW
With an in-house team of experts who are all fully trained and qualified to the highest standard, Designer Bathrooms can ensure total customer satisfaction.
Specialising in beautiful bespoke bathrooms and en-suites, specifically tailored to meet their customers’ requirements, they strive to create a bathing experience second to none. Just walking around their exquisite showroom, you have the opportunity to see a variety of over 35 room settings, each perfectly showcasing many industry top brands, as well as a taste of the Mediterranean with Italian and Spanish wall and floor tiles.
From speaking to the team at Designer Bathrooms it’s clear that they want everyone to be able to have a relaxing and inspiring bathing experience. As such they are proud of their quality of service, products and their single level showroom plus they also specialise in accessible
bathing. Their displays include walk in level floor showers, fold down shower seats, grab rails, digital push button showers, lever taps and comfort height toilets.
At Designer Bathrooms it is perfectly clear that they understand just how important it is to make the right choices, for what should be, one of the most relaxing rooms in your home. As such they listen to your requirements and will guide you through the entire process, from first thought to final tile.
So when you’re next considering a new bathroom or en-suite make over, why not pay Designer Bathrooms a visit? You’ll receive a warm welcome as well as expert advice.
Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm Private car park available
They look forward to welcoming you soon….
Designer Bathrooms are a family business with two generations of experience based in the heart of Leicestershire.
T: 0116 2350126
E: deborah.taylor@leics.gov.uk
Following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I have attended many civic events to share my grief with friends and colleagues and give thanks for the life of the Queen.
Along with the Lord Lieutenant, The Chairman, and the Leader of Leicestershire County Council, I opened the Book of Condolences at County Hall on Friday 9th September. On Saturday 10th September in the morning, I attended the very poignant wreath laying in Green Dragon Square, Leicester by senior community leaders. In the evening, I attended the service for Prayer and Reflection remembering the late Queen at St Mary de Castro Church in Leicester.
billions of other people to pay our respects.
As I respected the period of national mourning, I did not attend any social events. I am very sorry to those organisers who decided to continue with their local events, that I was unable to give my support and attend.
As we head into the Autumn and the colder weather, I know residents will be concerned about the cost of living crisis. The government has provided support with energy bills, which is welcomed by all, but we still have high inflation and rising costs for our families. I just wanted to share again, the support that Leicestershire County Council offers to support families as the cost of living crisis bites.
There are funds, programmes, and services to help you and your family get through this difficult time. These include: -
• Help with food and fuel
• Help with home energy
• Help with transport
• Help with employment, skills, and opportunities
Leicestershire County Council held an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on Tuesday 13th September to witness the signing of the scroll, pledging our support to King Charles III. After the official business, many members paid their own personal tribute to the Queen.
On Friday 16th September, I attended the Thanksgiving Service for the late Queen at All Saints Church, Loughborough. I was joined by fellow Borough Councillors at this moving service.
On the eve of Her Majesty’s funeral on Sunday 18th September, I attended St James the Greater church in Leicester for my final service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving. This was also attended by many civic leaders from across the city and county and it was a very moving service.
I managed to get to London for the day during the period of national mourning to lay flowers for the Queen. It was a surreal experience to be with so many other people sharing their grief and paying their own personal and private tribute.
I spent the day of the funeral with my family at home, quietly watching the television, along with
• Supporting our communities.
There are further details on the Leicestershire County Council dedicated cost of living website:www.leicestershire.gov.uk/leisureand-community/find-help-withcost-of-living
Please take a look to see if there is any support available to you and your family.
SHIRE Grants 2022
Round 2 of the SHIRE Environment Grant is open and accepting applications.
Leicestershire County Council is committed to improving the local environment through waste prevention and reuse to minimise the amount thrown away, reducing carbon, and improving biodiversity. In order to help eligible community based organisations achieve this, the Council is offering up to £3,000 in the form of SHIRE Environment Grants.
They are particularly interested in funding new and innovative projects that will meet one or more of the grant scheme outcomes:
• To reduce the amount of household waste produced in Leicestershire
• To reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions within communities
• To improve biodiversity and support the creation, protection, enhancement, and management of sustainable green spaces
• To raise awareness and understanding on the above outcomes as well as providing necessary training and skills to manage and support projects.
• Deadline: Round 2: Friday 28th October 2022 with decisions made by Friday 25th November 2022.
Round 3 of the SHIRE Community Grant is open from 5th October. The SHIRE Community Grant programme enables VCSE (Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise) sector organisations to deliver community-based projects, services and activities which help to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Leicestershire.
Eligible organisations are able to apply for grants for community based projects and activities that are specifically focused on supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities.
They are particularly interested in funding services, projects and activities that will:
• Improve the lives, health, and well-being of vulnerable or disadvantaged people and communities in Leicestershire
• Provide community-based early intervention and prevention solutions which help to reduce demand on Council and other public services
• Complement existing services already being delivered.
Deadline: Round 3: Wednesday 30th November 2022 with decisions made by Friday 25th November 2022.
You can find further details of the grant scheme (guidelines and application form) at Leicestershire Communities website: -
www.leicestershirecommunities. org.uk/grants/environment-grant. html
An appeal has gone out for more people to come forward and volunteer as tree wardens to help protect and maintain trees and wildlife.
Tree wardens are volunteers for the Tree Council and are appointed by their parish council or other organisation to be a contact and support for all things tree related in their local area. They help protect trees by reporting pests, disease and vandalism and help look out for opportunities to plant more trees in the local community,
They also campaign for grants to help fund more local tree planting and campaign to raise awareness about the key ecological role of trees and woodland.
Leicestershire currently has 93 tree wardens around the county, and the county council has now launched a drive to encourage more people to come forward and volunteer for this rewarding role.
Leicestershire County Council is aiming to plant 700,000 trees - one for every person in Leicestershire over the course of the next few years. So far, more than 100,000 have already been planted.
Anyone who would like to find out more about becoming a tree warden or to apply can also contact their local parish council or email treewardens@leics.gov.uk
If you have any issues or concerns, I’m here to help.
For updated news scan here
October 2022 10am to 12 noon
Cancer Research UK
On 24th September Anstey Rugby welcomed Market Bosworth 2nds to our Link Road Ground for our third League game of the season in Leicestershire B following two difficult games earlier on the month.
Despite being down to 14 players for the second half, your village Rugby Club secured a well deserved 31-5 Win.
Back on the first Saturday in September our squad travelled over to Melton Mowbray for a pre League Season Warm up. Mix and match teams including Old Newts played each other with Anstey winning the first session by 25 points.
On to 10th September for our first league encounter of the season with Shepshed being our visitors.
Played well in the first half taking a healthy lead into the break.
But the next quarter we allowed the opposition to overturn our lead until we woke up and fought hard, but just a little too late ending up loosing 29-34
The following week it was time to travel over to one the County’s bigger clubs, Hinckley, where we were playing their Hunters (3rd) Team.
Certainly a strong outfit with a full set of replacements and a winger who was recently released from Leicester Tigers. He scored six tries!
Unfazed, Anstey battled hard scoring a very credible 26 points.
But, in the end Hinckley ran out winner 78-26.
Over the August bank holiday weekend our long delayed President’s Day took place on the Saturday with fun and games at the pitch followed by celebrations at the Coach & Horses later in the afternoon.
Bouncy Castle for the little ones, BBQ and booze for the bigger ones with karaoke later.
The 2021/22 Awards were also finally presented.
The Winners:
• First Team Player of the YearJack Smith
• Young Player of the Year - The Dorothy Partridge TrophyAsher Smith
• Most Improved Player - The Mick Kenny Award - Luke Brookes
• Clubman of the Year - The Danny Mead Trophy - Chris Apperley
The 2022/23 season fixture list is now on our website www.pitchero.com/clubs/anstey/ teams/41334/fixtures-results or via the QR code below
If you would like to get involved and start playing rugby, contact either our Chairman Shane Frear on 07725 642525 or Captain Graham Waring on 07764 461961 Ages 17-77 all welcome.
Visit www.pitchhero.com/clubs/ anstey
Our first meeting of the autumn season was something a little different. Instead of a speaker, we invited long-term residents of Thurcaston and Cropston to come and share their memories of life in the two villages. It was lovely to see and hear from a good number of visitors in addition to our own members, which led to some lively discussions and one or two reunions between people who had not met for many decades.
The evening was led by our own Sylvia Cole, assisted by Colin Hyde from the East Midlands Oral History Archive. Colin kicked off by playing a couple of recordings on the subject of healthcare and he asked what provision there was in our parish before the NHS. The villages had no doctor but one who lived nearby could sometimes be persuaded to stop on his way home! Those who contracted infectious diseases would isolate for several weeks at home or would go to a sanatorium at Markfield. An infant welfare clinic was held each week in the Memorial Hall. For mothers in childbirth, a midwife had to be fetched from Rothley, though up to the 1960s a Mrs Garner in Cropston could be called on to deliver babies or to lay out the dead. When the Co-op in Thurcaston closed (where Tebbatt’s now is), villagers campaigned for it to become a surgery but were told there was already sufficient local provision.
Each village formerly had its own post office, where you could also buy some groceries. In Cropston, meat was supplied by Bunny’s, who slaughtered their own cattle on site. “Butch”, who worked there and also at the garage, was skilled at preparing any cut you
wanted from the hanging carcasses but he gave up the business when hygiene rules were brought in. It was not unknown to see him cycling back from Bradgate Park with a deer across his shoulders, while another character would tout pheasants and rabbits of dubious origin round the villages!
Many of our guests had been to school in Thurcaston and there was general agreement about which teachers were inspirational and which ones they hated.
Pupils – including those from Cropston – would walk home for lunch then return in the afternoon. Later, lunches were delivered to the school in aluminium trays but they were not remembered fondly! When numbers outgrew the Old School Rooms opposite the church, the Memorial Hall was used as an extra classroom until the new Richard Hill School was built. The best students could win a scholarship to go to the grammar school at Quorn but most finished school at 14 or 15. One option for the boys was then to move to an apprenticeship at the Rolls-Royce factory in Rothley.
The various pubs provoked a lot of memories. You could play “devil among the tailors” (a type of table skittles) at the now-vanished King William IV. There was a mynah bird at the Wheatsheaf in the 1960s, while one landlord at the Reservoir Inn had a pet fox, which would sit on his shoulder. He was not too particular about the drinking age, being willing to serve you in your scout uniform! Freddy King, who cleared glasses at the Bradgate Arms, would steal sweets from Cropston Post Office to give to the barmaids, who, knowing they were stolen, would bring them back again.
There were also many memories of the youth club held in the Memorial Hall and of the various people who ran it. The favoured spot for sledging was at Wallis’s Hollow, opposite the Wheatsheaf, but on a good run you had to
jump off to avoid ending up in the brook. People leaving the pub would join in the fun late into the evening. The hill on Anstey Lane beyond the church used to be steeper so cars needed to be pushed up it in snowy weather.
Cropston was served by police from Anstey but Thurcaston had its own village policeman, who lived on Leicester Road. One guest remembered receiving a visit from him after he was caught placing pennies on the railway track to be squashed flat by passing trains.
We heard of some rivalry between the villages – residents of Cropston were thought to look down on Thurcaston – and of a divide (not felt by everyone) according to whether you went to the church or to the chapel. There is clearly much more to find out, including about the many local clubs and societies, and this event was much enjoyed so we hope to hold another one along similar lines in future.
Meanwhile, our next meeting will revert to a more usual format, when Janet Spavold will explain to us how to “read” a house.
Please join us on 18th October, at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall as usual. The fee for visitors will be £4.
Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th November 2022
30 130 230
Thursday 17th – Sunday
20th November 2022, NEC Birmingham
Christmas isn’t just about buying gifts, it’s making sure every corner of your home looks fabulous and your table is set for a festive feast! All of which can be found at this much loved Christmas Shopping Fair returning to the NEC, 17-20 NOVEMBER for its 26th year!
Often the most time-consuming part is finding unique presents but there’s no need to be stuck for ideas this year! Get your Christmas off to a cracking start at THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR and you’ll see how fun and easy Christmas shopping can be!
From the moment you arrive, you’ll be caught up in the excitement of the day, exploring 300 stalls (over 100 NEW stalls this year!) overflowing with thousands upon thousands of clever gift ideas and decorations at affordable prices. The variety is HUGE, with something for everyone.
To get you into the Christmas spirit, while you’re shopping at the fair, you can enjoy a whole line-up of fantastic musical entertainment to get your toes tapping!
Back by popular demand is David Julien, finalist of The Voice UK, The Grinch, The Stilt Jazz Band, choirs and more! And of course, Santa will be there along with his fabulous sleigh… plenty of photo opportunities!!
It’s no wonder THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR is the most popular Christmas shopping event in the heart of the country… here’s a little sneak preview of some of the goodies you’ll see …
Christmas is the one time of year when everyone can over indulge a little. At THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR you’ll find a whole array of delicious artisan food and drink to sample, before you buy.
NEW! The Panettone Store will be selling mouthwatering panettone in beautiful Dolce & Gabbana designed tins. A perfect dinner party gift.
NEW! Add a little heat to your
cooking with Leithal Hot Sauces … hot, tangy and fruity sauces and even a mojo rub!
NEW! Beautiful gift sets from The Cherry Tree – pick your own chutneys, jams and curds from a huge selection of flavours ranging from Christmas pickle with mead to Cherry curd, plum and mulled wine jam to bloody mary chutney.
NEW! Not just for your table but great present idea from Drury & Alldis…build your own gift of bottle stacked oils and vinegars…black garlic vinegar, oak smoked oil and mango vinegar are many more!
NEW! Put your feet up at the end of the day and enjoy a glass of Moonshine…you’ve earned it! O’Donnell Moonshine, as seen on BBC Dragons’ Den, will tempt your taste buds with roasted apple moonshine, wild berry, tough nut and blood orange …wow!
HOME DECOR… Deck you home for Christmas.
Seasonal dried fruit wreaths, swags and garlands from the Natural Cone & Fruit Company are a tradition to adorn any home.
From gonks galore to magical unicorns and Christmas stockings the 1 Stop Christmas Shop has it all!
NEW! Colourful, beautifully crafted handmade mosaic table lamps and ceramic wall décor to brighten any home available from Turan Mosaic Arts & Craft.
GIFTS FOR THE KIDS… You’ll find loads of clever stocking fillers, toys and games to keep tots, school children and teenagers amused for hours!
For over 15 years now the ever popular Lanke Kade are back with their fair trade wooden toys and gifts. Their distinctive range offers bright, bold colours and natural wood finishes from Noah’s Ark to Nativity sets - a great heirloom for any family.
NEW! Head to the TwirlySkirts stall for a special party dress for your little Princess!
Cuddly and fun plush toys and inflatables for boys and girls available on The Little Shop stand.
NEW! 1000’s of books for kids from fiction to fantasy available from Books 2 Doors.
NEW! Discover the inner artist in you by assembling beautiful crystals on canvas using a new amazing technique called diamond painting available on the Diamond Art Studio stall.
Competition closes on Monday 31st October 2022.
Please send entries to: Festive Gift Fair Competition, Norwood Press, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU
Venue - This ticket is for the Festive Gift Fair at NEC, Hall 5, Birmingham, B40 1NT
Promoter - The organiser of this event is Orchard Events Limited. If you have any queries regarding your ticket please contact 020 8332 9595 or email info@orchardevents.co.uk
Data Protection - Please note that your contact details may be passed on to the event organiser. They may be used if, in the event of a query or an emergency, they need to contact you. Your details will not be used by the third party for marketing purposes. Visit www.festivegiftfair.co.uk/terms-conditions
PERSONALISE YOUR GIFT FOR A TRULY UNIQUE PRESENT… Buying presents is often quite a challenge but at THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR you’ll find decorations and gifts to treasure forever.
NEW! UK Print Studio will personalise your family prints.
Have your choice of name on a huge selection of baubles… Delightful Decorations will again be offering their personalised service at the fair for you.
Using pyrography, Spinney Cottage can personalise a huge range of wooden items from keepsake boxes to bookmarks and stools to keyrings
HEALTH AND BEAUTY TREATS… Let’s face it we all want to look good for all the Christmas parties and there’s nothing like a bit of pampering once the busy season is in full swing!
The Perfume Shop, have a range of 130 brands of women’s perfumes and men’s aftershave at affordable prices.
NEW! Feel Good CBD offer a range of sports recovery aids, flavoured oils, creams & lotions …drift away at the end of a busy day!
NEW! Beautiful home fragrance and candle gift sets available from Rock Home & Leisure – there’s even a Passion Fruit Martini scent!
NEW! Indulge in some self
pampering from Rokamar with their whipped body butters…put your feet up and relax!
FASHION & ACCESSORIES… Always a popular stall, The Handbag Company offer a huge range of genuine leather bags, purses and wallets at great prices!
NEW! Head to the Twilly & Hyde stall for hide bags, fedora hats , ladies jumpers and gloves.
NEW! For the magic of Disney, Kingdom Threads have a range of embroidered Disney themed apparel.
Ready for winter…Lucido Boutique offer a gorgeous range of knitwear from casual to smart.
BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW! and get ready for a brilliant, fun day Christmas Shopping.
The Fair is open daily 9.30am-5pm daily from Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th November at National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. Adult tickets from just £6
For much more information, list of exhibitors, video, show highlights and the musical entertainment programme, visit www.festivegiftfair.co.uk
Book tickets online at www. theticketfactory.com