ISSUE 9 - AUG/SEP 2015
Tuesday 29th September Article By Katie At Fox Medics
Garden Design Review
ASHBY’S FABULOUS THE MAGIC RETURNS The Town Is Transformed As Folks Dress Up & Windows Come Alive!
For Little Princess Trust Help Donate Today
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WELCOME TO YOUR AUGUST ISSUE This month sees us celebrating World Heart Day on the 29th September and it’s an important reminder of just how careful we need to be to look after our hearts, from eating healthily to making sure we get enough exercise. I know I’m as guilty as anyone for not exercising enough, especially since my injury, but I have decided it’s time to find something I can do to get my heart pumping! I’ve discovered that riding a tandem is possible with slight pedal alterations and canoeing is also a great way of exercising for me, whilst also enjoying great river views! So I challenge you all to do a little more this month, whether it’s an extra half an hour gardening or an extra 10km run, let’s give our hearts a little challenge this month! To help you along I’ve included some tips on staying healthy and also a lovely healthy recipe! You can also find out how your heart works and what happens when something goes wrong. We are also very lucky
to be supported this issue by NWL District Council who have donated a free family swim as a prize for our crossword and Norwood Press who have donated some personalised water bottles as prizes for our kids colouring competition, so there is no excuse! We also have a lifesaving article by FoxMedics, please do read it and cut it out as it may one day save someone’s life. As ever we are looking for advertisers to help us fund this valuable community publication. The funding from our advertisers enables us to print more community and charity news for free, so please do recommend us to any businesses you know. I hope you enjoy your magazine and next month we will be getting spooky with our prizes and recipes so get ready for a fright!!
To ensure that the highest standards of health, safety and enjoyment are achieved. To maintain the relaxed countryside in the town feel; Thank the majority of people who show respect for it and encourage everyone to do the same.
Unwelcome Behaviour – not wanted here The Friends ASB initiatives; • The Friends will continue working with police to ensure continued regular Police patrols • Continue to encourage reporting of ASB by public, by calling 101 • We would like to form a Bath Grounds Community Watch Group Would you for like to volunteer to help form a Bath Grounds Community Watch Group? We would like to build a network of Friends who can work together to keep the Bath Grounds safe and enjoyable, by reporting crimes, ASB or suspicious activity.
Dog Waste - Bag it and bin it The Friends Dog waste initiatives; • Temporary Stencilling to paths and walkways asking people to pick up and bin dog waste • Small flags stuck into the ground, asking people to bag and bin their dog waste • We would like dog owners to Pledge to pick up…always pick up and help others to do the same. Would you like to volunteer for the Bath Grounds Dog Responsibility Awareness Flag Group? By joining the Bath Grounds Dog Responsibility awareness Group you’ll be working together with others in your community, you’ll harness local support for ensuring dog mess is cleaned up and not left on the Bath Grounds
Litter - Bin it and Take it home. The Friends Litter initiatives; • We would like to work with local business to encourage responsible litter behaviour • We will continue to work with the police, NWLDC and TC to encourage people to bin their litter & take it home • We would like to form a Bath Grounds Community Litter Group (carrying out spring & autumn litter picks) Would you be interested in volunteering for the Bath Grounds Community Litter Group? Working together with others in your community you’ll harness local support for cleaning up litter. If you are interested in any of our 3 initiatives to tackle ASB, Dog Waste or Litter on the Bath Grounds. Then please contact the secretary Clare Birch Tel: 07958 232291 or email bathgroundsfriends@gmail.com
My name is Crissie, I am going to be having a sponsored hair cut on Wednesday September 30th at Locks and Looks in Measham at 10am. I will be donating my hair to the little princess trust. I like so many others, have been touched by cancer and have witnessed the devastating effect it has on peoples lives. Little princess trust is a charity that I hold close to my heart as it provides real hair wigs free of charge to children suffering hair loss...
August and September sees some unusual items on display in our two month “Objects from our Archives” exhibition in the Loudoun Gallery. Recently, three large colourful wooden boards, probably dating from the 1930s, encourage punters at the annual Statutes Fair in Market Street to partake of a goodly number of firkins at the Fayre and Firkin - seemingly held in a large marquee. These are the sort of local treasures which are often brought in to your Museum. Two of the three large books of Stevenson and Barrett Sales’ particulars from the 1940s onwards are also on display: they are fascinating, as they not only give particulars of local houses, business, farms etc. for sale, but often the price fetched and to whom the property was sold. A very early collection ‘bag’ from the Primitive Methodist Chapel in Burton Road; the Ashby TocH lamp; an Ashby £5 note metal printing plate from the 19th century; and skates used on the frozen lake at Willesley before the Second World War are also shown. These are only a tiny fraction of what the Museum holds in its ‘strong room’ upstairs. Most of these articles were kindly donated by individuals or groups. The
Museum trustees are always keen to preserve other mementos from the area’s rich heritage, so do get in touch if you have documents, photographs, programmes, posters etc. you feel would be worth keeping.
Friends of Ashby de la Zouch Museum Our next tea and chat will be at 2 p.m. on Wednesday September 16th, when Trevor Stewart will be talking about the Beaumonts of Coleorton. Trevor’s last talk on Coleorton was very popular so please book your place at the museum or call on 01530 560090. The cost is £3 and will include refreshments. Future events include a Bits and Bobs evening at Packington Memorial Hall on Friday 30th October and our AGM at the museum on Saturday 31st October at 10.30. Recently we have helped the museum to purchase a new scanner and printer from money raised at our events. Thank you to all who have supported us.
OCT 23RD TEMPLES,TIGERS AND A BEAR CALLED POLLY Pollyanna Pickering makes a welcome return to show how she worked hands on with tigers and elephants, trekking through remote jungles in Thailand and Vietnam. Admission -adults £4 children free. Tickets available from Margaret.
We are a friendly group which meets monthly for talks, visits, conservation work and social events. All talks are in the church hall of Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, and begin at 7-30, entry is £2 each
David Maltby on 01530 222934 Margaret Mabey on 01530 412410
Please help me raise money to support this wonderful organisation by donating as much or as little as you can afford at either: Looks and Looks on the High Street in Measham or on my just giving page www.justgiving.com/Christine-Wright3
ONCE A ROYALIST STRONGHOLD DURING THE CIVIL WAR, NOW UNDER INVASION FROM TRESPASSERS Ashby de la Zouch Castle, the backdrop to the famous jousting scenes in Sir Walter Scott’s classic novel, Ivanhoe, is now the backdrop for trespass and criminal damage. English Heritage is working with the police and local residents to ensure that these incidents are reported, logged and investigated in an attempt to reduce the damage caused to this Scheduled Monument by trespassers in the last few weeks.
top of the tower and interpretation boards and audio guides evoke the splendour of the castle’s heyday.
This summer English Heritage is asking that all parents remind their children about the importance of castle to Ashby de la Zouch and that damage to such an historical site can sometimes be beyond repair; losing significant and important local history forever.
“Ashby de la Zouch Castle is for everyone to enjoy. Unfortunately there seems to be a minority who use the site for recreational activity, which in some cases has caused irreparable damage to the walls. We want to ensure that the site is kept for future generations so they can understand the importance of the castle to the local community and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of this magnificent historical site. We have added further security measures and will seek a prosecution should we identify those responsible.” Steve Bax, Historic Properties Director, English Heritage.
The castle began as a manor house in the 12th century and reached castle status in the 15th century. Between 1474 and his execution by Richard III in 1483, Edward IV’s friend Lord Hastings added the chapel and the impressive keep-like Hastings Tower – a castle within a castle. Later, the castle hosted many royal visitors, including Henry VII, Mary Queen of Scots, James I and Charles I. A Royalist stronghold during the Civil War, the castle finally fell to Parliament in 1646, and was then made unusable. Today, visitors can still explore and underground passage from the kitchen to the tower, probably created during the Civil War. For fine views, they can climb to the
The castle has had a catalogue of trespass and damage in recent months and despite adding additional security measures the castle still seems to be a place for local children and young adults to hang out, play games and cause general disturbance after the site has closed.
Police Constable 1667 Mark Arjoo from the Ashby Neighbourhood team said “It is disappointing that a small number of people have been causing damage to an important local landmark. The police will investigate all offences and take action against offenders, including where necessary prosecution. If you have any information about incidents at the Castle please ring 101 or in an emergency 999.”
THE FLOORING AND BED COMPANY Dents Road, Nottingham Road Retail Park, Ashby-De-La-Zouch. LE65 1JS Tel: 01530 564 864
(We are next to ALDI, adjacent to Wickes & Pets at Home) Open 7 days a week for your convenience! Large free carpark.
We are Ashby and Coalville Lions, part of the largest service organisation in the world. We volunteer our time for community service and raise money to answer the needs of our community in all sorts of ways and we donate to humanitarian causes worldwide.
High St, Measham, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 7HR Tel: 01530 274061 Starts on Monday 7th September and runs every Monday 11:30am12:30pm with Robin. Cost is £25 per month on membership or £5.20 to pay as you go!
We are currently looking to recruit new members.
Ashby Fun House Comedy Club at Ashby Lyric Rooms, Lower Church Street, Ashby. LE65 1AB Tel 01530415039
If you think you would like to help your community, come along for a free coffee, with no obligation, to meet us and find out more about what we do.
Doors open 7.30pm Starts 8.15pm All Shows £10 advance (unless stated otherwise), food available 7.30pm to 8pm. Acts Include: Dominic..
Date: Monday 5th October Time: anytime from 7.30 onwards Place: The Bull and Lion, Packington, LE65 1WH
SAT 12 SEPTEMBER LIVE WIRE / LIMEHOUSE LIZZY - THE POKEY HOLE MOIRA The Pokey Hole presents: AC/DC - Live Wire Live Wire are a tribute to rock’s greatest band AC/DC, complete with trademark cannons, a wall of Marshalls and two hours of High Voltage Rock and Roll. Limehouse Lizzy. One of the very best bands to have played at The Pokey Hole, the much acclaimed Limehouse Lizzy are officially one of the hardest working bands in the UK. At Conkers amphitheatre doors open 6pm show starts 7pm. Tickets £23.50 Ticket Hotline 01283 760265 Credit Card Bookings available at Conkers - Tel: 01283 216633 ext 0
FRI 18 SEPTEMBER, 2015 FLOWER DEMONSTRATION Ashby Methodist Church are holding a flower demonstration Address: Burton Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire The Ages of Woman AN ENTERTAINING EVENING OF FLOWERS AND FUN Demonstrators: Kate Russell and Patti Dawson Tickets - £8.50 For further information and tickets please contact: Jill Baker 01530814805, Pat Puttock 01530467969, Rosemary Jameson 01530416720
Alternatively ring or text Lynda on 07735407637 No age limit. Men and women. Social events. Fund raising activities.
Visit their Facebook page to see all the entries, there’s so many! www.facebook.com/HeatherScarecrowFestival
HEATHER SCARECROW FESTIVAL 2015 THE RESULTS MAIN COMPETITION (VOTED FOR BY THE PUBLIC) 1st No. 46 - Room on the Broom (Prize £50) 2nd No. 54 - Will Sort It Crow (Price £40) 3rd No. 72 - Dalek Exterminator Crow (Prize £30) 4th No. 39 - The Nanny (Prize £15) 5th No. 35 - Mobile Crow (Prize £15) 6th No.38 - Dropped a Clanger (Prize £15) 7th No. 10 - Olaf ‘In Summer’ (Prize £15) 8th No. 25 - Red’s Lads Turns Out Bad? (Prize £15) 9th No. 47 - Strictly Crow Dancing (Prize £15) 10th No. 4 - Crow Money Supermarket (Prize £15) 11th No. 41 - Daisy the Old Cow (Prize £10) 12th No. 40 - Topsy Turvy (Prize £10) 13th No. 49 - “Hey you Crows?” (Prize £10) 14th No. 7 - Elsa Scarecrow (Prize £10) 15th No. 9 - Scooby Doo (Prize £10) SCHOOLS, PRE-SCHOOLS AND NURSERIES (JUDGED INDEPENDENTLY BY SPONSOR) 1st F - Newton Burgoland Primary School - Noah’s Arc (Prize £150 voucher) 2nd C - Holmsdale Manor Nursery - Goldilocks and the Tree Scares ( Prize £75 voucher) 3rd B - Heather Pre School - Crow Your House Down (Prize £50 voucher)
ASHBY VENTURE JAZZ CLUB The Club is a part of Ashby Dramatic Society and any funds raised go to help the Theatre contine. We have a monthly jazz session in a lovely cosy atmosphere much appreciated by our customers. We have been going for 32 years! We only book top quality bands and have a loyal following. The next event is on Sat 5th Sept at 8.00pm and features a band called The Jake Leg Jug Band. Tickets cost £10 and are available from Ashby Tourist Office Tel 01530-411767
Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile! It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Managing Director Martyn Kemp feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double
glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving people money, although that obviously helps. Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up
when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service Ashby and the surrounding area and Martyn is finding that his approach is a major factor in his success. ‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction
that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve done work for, which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Martyn a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!
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Garden Design Review
o far the weather has been pretty kind to us this year which has encouraged people out into their gardens and consequently I have been exceedingly busy designing, creating and managing gardens in the Charnwood and NW Leicestershire areas. Clients have contacted me needing inspiration, advice and designs for their gardens large and small, urban and rural.
Concept Plans
This month I thought I’d share with you a few of the projects I have been working on to give a flavour of what a I can offer as a garden designer and plantswoman to those with untamed, dull or lack lustre spaces. The Smart Front Garden – I was contacted by this client who had recently had a new driveway paved at their home and was now in need of a bespoke planting scheme to add colour and interest to the heavily landscaped area. Using dramatic foliage plants like Fatsia, Hosta and Euphorbia alongside structural Hebes and Box I was able to create a scheme which gives structure throughout the year brightened with perennials like Iris, Verbena, Echinacea & Verbascum for summer colour.
Planting Plan
The Wildlife garden – These clients got in touch when they had decided that their overgrown suburban garden had become a burden on their busy lives.
Reading For Planting
Living on a large housing estate overlooked by other properties, they had encouraged trees to self seed in their small garden to provide screening. The trees were now getting out of hand and the existing shrubs were overgrown. So I joined them for a day of hard pruning and clearing to get back to the structural bare bones. I then drew up a design plan to remove the Dandelion strewn lawn and install a brick pathway and seating area, which has been installed by one of my landscape contacts. I’ll soon be drawing and planting scheme to attract birds, bees and butterflies for these passionate nature lovers.
The English Country garden – Having suffered from health problems, I was contacted by the owners of a beautiful country garden when they were looking to reduce the maintenance required to keep the garden looking good. Working alongside the client I have been developing schemes which retain the key structural plants, eliminates the thuggish specimens and adds well behaved shrubs and low maintenance perennials to keep the country style whilst reducing the need for regular dead heading and trimming. This is a long term project which will develop over the next 2 years.
The Children’s Garden – this client had dreams of a garden where her children could have fun whilst being safe and visible from the house. She contacted me looking for ideas for the awkwardly shaped space to include play areas, contemporary planting and a grow-your-own area for the children. I drew up design concepts in the spring and introduced landscapers to the clients to assess the site and provide estimates for the decking and raised beds in my plans. With the hard landscaping now installed, I will be creating the planting schemes ready for planting in the autumn when we hope to look at developing a wild woodland like area in another part of the garden.
Further ongoing projects include: developing planting for a Water Mill, several garden rejuvenation projects, a design for bird friendly blank canvas, renovating and re-establishing a formal English garden, tackling a sloped embankment & managing a beautiful country garden. If your space needs a rethink, renovation or a splash of colour, give me a call we can discuss how I can tailor my services to your needs. Next month I’ll be looking at annuals which can be sown from seed in the autumn to provide early spring colour next year – planning ahead for 2016!
Bel Grierson
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Tuesday 29th September
oronary Heart Disease and strokes are the world’s leading cause of death and are known as Cardiovascular Disease. Cardiovascular Disease can be caused by blood clots or fatty deposits which can build up in blood vessels causing them to harden and narrow (atherosclerosis) and prevent the flow of oxygen filled blood to reach vital organs such as the heart or brain. Here in the UK in 2011 Cardiovascular Disease claimed the lives of nearly 160,000 people. From this number 74,000 deaths were due to Coronary Heart Disease with Heart Attack being the leading killer. 1 in 6 men and 1 in 10 woman in the UK will suffer from Coronary Heart Disease with the most common symptom being Angina (2 million people affected), Angina is when the blood supply to the heart muscle is restricted again due to atherosclerosis. Each year 110,000 people in the UK have a stroke. 85% of this number is due to atherosclerosis which causes a blood clot that then prevents the oxygen filled blood reaching the brain. World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year and is a chance for people across the globe to take part in the world's biggest intervention against cardiovascular disease. It aims to bring awareness of the seriousness of Cardiovascular Disease and how we can prevent the onset by simple lifestyle changes. This year’s World Heart Day Theme is creating a Heart Healthy Environment and ensuring a healthy heart wherever people live, work and play. Healthy Lifestyle. Make simple steps to improve your general health and wellbeing. Not only can changes be made to your diet and exercise but also find ways in which to avoid extra stress and strain in your life to ease pressure from the body, mind and heart. Stress surrounds us all on a daily basis, finding ways in which to relieve this can make a huge difference to your health. Make time for rest and relaxation. Life is certainly for living and should be done so in a
happy and healthy environment. www.mind.org.uk/informationsupport/tips-for-everyday-living/ stress Eat a well-balanced diet which includes up to 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables each day and NO this is not equivalent to 5 grapes or 5 chips. Start thinking about your daily meals and their fat content. Some foods that are high in fat includepastries, cream, mayonnaise/ oil based dressings, fried foods such as chips, cakes, puddings including ice cream, hard cheese, palm oil/ coconut oil based food. Be kind to your body and have these foods as a treat and not as part of a daily diet. Do not be fooled by Food Labeling. ‘Low in fat’ does not always mean a healthier option. For example a small 150gr fat free flavored yoghurt can contain up to 20.9g of sugar which is equivalent to 4 milk chocolate digestives. A popular children’s Fruit shoot drink advertised as ‘no added sugar’ contains up to 24gr of sugar but NO actual fruit. Children’s obesity levels are on the increase with a third of 10-11 year olds and over a fifth of 4-5 year olds overweight or obese, these figures provide an insight into the future of cardiovascular disease here within the UK along with many other health problems related to obesity. Fruit juice VS real fruit. A recent research found that 48% of 2000 people underestimated the amount of sugar content in fruit juice. Even some of the ‘Sugar Free’ juices contain concentrates of other juices such as grape or apple which then makes a glass of this so called ‘Sugar Free’ juice to contain 36g of the stuff! Remember to READ all the labels Avoid smoking. Smoking causes 80,000 deaths each year in the UK, this is 1 in every 2 smokers. One cigarette can often contain over 4000 chemicals, some of which are: Ammonia (common household cleaner) Arsenic (used in rat poison), Carbon Monoxide (poisonous exhaust fumes)
Tar (used for paving roads). All of these chemicals not only increase the demand on the heart but also increase the risk of atherosclerosis. This in turn doubles the chance of having a heart attack and a stroke, let alone the many cancers and lung diseases that the body will be increasingly at risk of. Within 20 minutes of stopping smoking the positive benefits to the body are noticeable with the heart rate and blood pressure lowering. After 48 hours your body will be clear of carbon monoxide and oxygen levels will be restored to a normal, healthy level, along with improvements to your taste and smell senses. Circulation improves after 2-12 weeks and lung function increases by 10% after 3-9 months. After 10 years of stopping smoking the risk of a heart attack falls to the same level as someone who has never smoked. Smoking does kill. For help and guidance on stopping please follow the link below. www.nhs.uk/smokefree Reduce Cholesterol (Saturated Fats), Sugar, Salt and Alcohol intake. This will improve and lessen the chance of the build-up of atherosclerosis within the blood vessels, becoming overweight and getting high blood pressure all of which put a huge strain on the heart and circulatory system. The Traffic Light System has been introduced as a guide for us to make healthier dietary choices easily. The system is on the front of food packaging so it can be quickly found and the information shown is provided by The Food Standards Agency so has no influence by the food manufacturer. Red means HIGH in fat, sugars or salt. Ok as a treat not a daily diet Amber means MEDIUM in fat, sugar or salt making it an OK choice Green means LOW in fat, sugar or salt making it a Healthy choice. www.food.gov.uk/ multimedia/pdfs/publication/ foodtrafficlight1107.pdf Alcohol units are always tricky to suss out especially when you’re
on the 3rd glass of red wine and everything is starting to be tricky to suss out. But basic facts are men are supposed to have no more than 21 units per week and woman are supposed to have no more than 14 units per week, MAXIMUM! Units are then dependant on strength of alcohol and size of glass. For a medium glass of wine that’s up to 12% in alcohol volume this would be 2.1units, for a pint of low strength beer this would also be 2 units but for a pint of high strength beer this would be 3 units. A full bottle of wine is 9 units! Now for the Sugar content in alcohol. A medium glass of wine on average contain up to 160 calories, that’s around 685 calories per bottle which is more than 3 Jam filled doughnuts. A pint of beer is on average 215 calories the same as a caramel filled chocolate bar. Alcohol can increase the chance of Cardio-vascular disease as well as other health problems such as liver disease and increase chance of vascular dementia. These serious health problems develop after a number of years so please consider the recommended daily units as a guide. Drinking alcohol is never safe so if you are drinking these alcohol units on a daily basis you are at a higher risk of developing further serious health problems. www.nhs.uk/livewell/alcohol/ Pages/Alcoholhome.aspx Take up regular exercise. This does not imply that you have to move into a gym or get a six pack that is not related to beer or climb Mount Everest! Exercise can be built into your daily routine whether at work at home or out with friends. The 10,000 steps challenge aims to encourage people to walk more in their daily lives to improve fitness levels, weight loss and overall health. On average people generally walk 3000 to 4000 steps a day so reaching the 10,000 mark is not such a challenge and can be monitored with aid of a Pedometer (small portable device which counts your steps and records the details)
Serves: 4 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cooking time: 20 mins INGREDIENTS
• Rapeseed or sunflower oil, for brushing • 1 yellow or orange pepper, deseeded and cut into strips • 8 spring onions, cut into short lengths • 12 cherry tomatoes, halved • 4 thick sustainable firm white fish fillets (skinless), each about 140–165g (5–5 3/4oz) • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
PER 100G LOW salt
PER PORTION / PERCENTAGE OF GDA Energy (kcal) 182 9%
Fat Saturated fat 4.3g 0.4g 6% 2%
LOW sugar
Salt Sugar 0.8g 4.4g 13% 5%
For extra steps consider: • Parking your car further away than need to
Take some simple steps to change your lifestyle to have a healthy heart environment.
• Getting off the bus 2 stops earlier
Remember Love your heart and it will love you back
• Walking the children to school • Using the stairs instead of the lift or escalator • Walking to the shops • Alternating walking pace from normal to quick pace every 3 minutes • Join a rambler’s society or other social fitness group. Exercise is always easier with a group to keep you motivated and also creating a social aspect to keeping fit. All of this can help you reach the target of 10,000 steps a day which in turn is the equivalent of the recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise. www.nhs.uk/Livewell/loseweight/ Pages/10000stepschallenge.aspx
Written by Katie Hateley Company Director of FoxMedics First Aid Training. Adapting First Aid Training that’s appropriate for your work practice or interest.
• Place foil parcels on a baking tray, (or on a BBQ) ; bake in oven for about 20 minutes or until fish is cooked. Carefully open up parcels (you can let your guests do this if you like) and sprinkle with coriander. Serve the steaming parcels with crushed boiled new potatoes (or mashed potatoes) and cooked green vegetables such as broccoli or green beans.
• Combine soy sauce, rice wine, chilli, garlic and ginger in a small bowl; drizzle a little of this mixture over each fish fillet. Bring up sides of each piece of foil and scrunch them together tightly to make four sealed parcels. (I recommend using a second wrapping of foil if you are cooking them on a BBQ)
• Make this dish gluten-free by replacing reduced-salt soy sauce with a reduced-salt or reducedsodium tamari, wheat-free soy sauce
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LOW saturated fat
• Preheat oven to 200ºC/180ºC fan/gas mark 6 (or light a BBQ and wait for the charcoal to turn white). Brush four pieces of foil with rapeseed oil; arrange some pepper slices, spring onions and cherry tomatoes on each piece of foil, dividing evenly. Season fish fillets with black pepper; place one fish fillet on top of each portion of vegetables.
*This is a charity donation service for the BHF. Texts cost £3 + 1 standard rate msg. The BHF will receive a minimum of £2.96 to fund our life-saving research. To opt out of calls text NOCALL BHF, or opt out of sms text NOSMS BHF to 70060, or call 0844 241 2263.
LOW fat
• 4 tsp reduced-salt soy sauce (or make this gluten-free by using a wheat-free, tamari soy sauce) • 1 tsp rice wine (or dry sherry) • 1 small fresh red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped • 1cm (1/2 in) piece fresh root ginger, peeled and grated • A little chopped fresh coriander, to garnish
M: 07429055402 E: Sean.Sheahan@leics.gov.uk
M: 01530 417736 E: andrew.bridgen.mp@parliament.uk
After receiving a number of complaints about the state of the speed bumps on Measham High Street and the uneven road surface on the mini-roundabout at the junction with Leicester Road, I arranged a site meeting with a Highways officer. He agreed that the speed bumps needed bringing forward for repairs and there was a chance that the roundabout would get done at the same time. There are now road markings down and it’s expected the work will start soon. The top of the High Street, including the mini-roundabout had been waiting in line for a more comprehensive repair for a couple of years, but when the surface gets patched, it drops off the list. Due to Government funding cuts, Highways are frequently presented with a choice between getting something patched up in the short term or waiting till it gets so bad that they have to do a full repair. This cannot be good practice and there’s a risk it will end up costing more money to maintain the roads in the future if proper repairs keep being put back.
MINORCA OPENCAST RESTORATION ON TARGET The Minorca Surface Mine just outside Measham is coming to the end of its life. At the last liaison committee, the operators, UKCSMR Ltd, confirmed their plans to cease coal extraction in January next year and complete restoration within a further eighteen months. Back in
ANDREW BRIDGEN April, there were fears that the restoration might be delayed, when UKCSMR revealed their intentions to open up a new opencast site, ‘Minorca North,’ and carry on coal processing at Minorca. The two sites would have been connected by a tunnel under Swepstone Road. The tunnel idea has now been dropped, according to David Bolton of UKCSMR, and the Minorca site will be restored according to plan. Although UKCSMR state they still have plans to try to open up another surface mine, there are doubts they can find a market for their coal, given the current low worldwide price.
HS2 UPDATE The HS2 saga rolls on, with no relief as yet for Appleby and Measham residents with homes or workplaces close to the proposed line. The Government are still not ready to make an announcement on the route, but because Toton is now considered the only option for a station in the East Midlands, the route is unlikely to change much either. It’s still not clear, two and a half years after the initial announcement, how the Government will achieve it’s journey-time savings targets for passengers in Derby or Nottingham travelling via Toton, rather than catching a train from city centres on existing lines. If the finance for providing fast connections to Toton has not been factored in, HS2 will either not meet the needs of the people it’s supposed to serve, or it will cost the taxpayer even more than the Government is letting on.
NOV 7TH ENJOY AN AUTUMNAL WALK IN SOUTH WOOD Dave Wroughton leads a walk around this ancient wood with many veteran trees and interesting things to see including fungi. Meet Staunton Harold car park 2-00 p.m.
Sam Lattaway reviews progress made on the development of this showcase scheme and its wildlife, as well as outlining future developments.
We are a friendly group which meets monthly for talks, visits, conservation work and social events. All talks are in the church hall of Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, and begin at 7-30, entry is £2 each
David Maltby on 01530 222934 Margaret Mabey on 01530 412410
s we head into the Parliamentary recess it has been an extremely busy month with the focus being on George Osborne’s Emergency Budget. The budget not only reiterated our determination to get the budget into surplus by the end of the Parliament but also the Introducing a new National Living Wage. Britain deserves a pay rise so we will introduce a new compulsory National Living Wage for all working people aged 25 and over. It will start next April at £7.20 an hour and we expect it to reach £9 by 2020. It will mean two and a half million people get a direct pay rise. Those currently on the minimum wage will see their pay rise by over a third this Parliament, a cash increase for a full time worker of over £5,000. This will benefit thousands of people in North West Leicestershire and highlights our commitment to making work pay. The other welcome consequence of this measure will be to further incentivise all employing organisations to improve their productivity. I was also pleased to see that George Osborne froze fuel duty once again despite the fall in the oil price and the price at the pumps. This is especially important for North West Leicestershire as 80% of those in employment commute by car, given the fact that we do not have a rail station. Which leads to neatly onto the Burton to Leicester National Forest Rail Line. I have had a series of meetings about the reopening of this line this month, most notably with the Rail Minister and the Leicester City Mayor. These have been the most encouraging meetings to date and I believe there is a real feeling that this scheme could get moving. The arguments are with us, our roads are getting more congested and we need alternative forms of transport in order to sustain our impressive economic growth record. Leicester’s prosperity many years ago was based on coal from North West Leicestershire and it is high time we had better transport links into the city. A new report into the viability of the scheme will be out in September and I will be meeting next with Network Rail to make the case for the scheme which is relatively affordable compared to major road infrastructure improvements. Another campaign I have been heavily involved in this month are in getting Justice for Sub-
Postmasters who I and many other MP’s believe have been wronged by the Post Office and potential faults in their accounting software. These are honest hard working people who have lost their saving, their houses and in some cases their liberty. I used my Prime Minister’s Question to raise this topic and seek assurances that we can have this matter resolved. This is a battle I will continue to pursue for the hundreds of people affected including people in North West Leicestershire. The Government this month published a Green Paper on the future of the BBC and the report into Decriminalising the TV Licence by David Perry QC. Although he understood the arguments such as people being sent to prison, a disproportionate number of whom are women, and getting convictions for being too poor to pay for a TV Licence, he somewhat inexplicably failed to come through with a recommendation to remove the criminal sanction. I do not intend to let matters rest there and I will be looking for more action to be taken to see that a better settlement is reached regarding this. I remain convinced that a funding mechanism for the BBC based on ownership of a TV and watching live programmes is not a sustainable method given the rate of change of viewing habits and the rise of on-demand TV. As this is holiday season, I am pleased my campaign to reduce Air Passenger Duty means that 3.5 million under 12’s will fly tax free this year and 4.5 million under 16’s next year. I would remind those of you going abroad to make sure you take out appropriate travel insurance to cover your journeys. Having seen the trauma caused in my casework from incidents abroad where the person was uninsured, please believe in when I say it is not worth the risk.
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Can you escape the maze?
Giant Part Rings INGREDIENTS
100g softened butter 100 caster sugar 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla essence 225g plain flour 350g icing sugar Food colouring
Pre heat oven to 180°C. Cream the butter and sugar. Add the egg and vanilla essence and mix. Sift the flour and fold in to create a dough. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 20 mins. Cover 2 baking trays with baking parchment. Roll out dough to 0.5cm thick.
Using an 11cm cutter cut out circles and with a 5cm cutter cut out the middle of each. Place on the trays and cook for approx. 15 mins. Leave to cool. Mix the icing sugar and 4 tbsp water to form a paste, split the mixture between 2 bowls and add yellow food colouring to one bowl and any other colour to the other. Spread the colour of your choice over each biscuit and pipe yellow stripes over the top. Drag a cocktail stick through the yellow stripes to create a feathered look.
SEND ENTRY TO: Kids Competition, Community Eye, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ - Closing date 28th September 2015
THE VENTURE THEATRE, NORTH ST, ASHBY The next play at the Venture Theatre, Ashby is ‘Neville’s Island’ by Tim Firth, which will be performed from Thurs 24rd – Sat 26th Sept & Weds 30th – Sat 3rd Oct. Tickets can be bought at Ashby Tourist Information Centre tel.01530-589268 The play can really be described as a ‘comedy performed in thick fog!’ The action revolves round four middle-aged businessmen whose team building exercise goes disastrously and hilariously wrong. Gordon, Angus, Roy and Neville head out on to the expe3dition, only to find themselves on an island. The quartet of unlikely explorers battle the elements and each other as corporate bonding descends into a side-splitting carnival of squabbling, French cricket and cagoules. Surrounded by mud and damp with no mobile phone signal to help them, they are well and truly on their own. Neville’s Island was originally commissioned by Alan Ayckbourn for the Stephen Joseph Theatre in 1992. It transferred to the West End to great acclaim and
has subsequently enjoyed phenomenal success, being in continuous production somewhere in the world ever since its première. Ashby Dramatic Society meet at the Venture Theatre on Monday nights at 8.15pm. The Society welcome anyone who would like the chance to get involved in a fascinating hobby. For more details ring Diane Crane Tel. 01530-412318.
GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: communityeye@ openboxpromotions.co.uk
Who swam the English Channel first? Thomas William Burgess.............................. Captain Matthew Webb............................... David Walliams.............................................. Charles Toth.................................................... Amelia Gade Corson..................................... Henry Sullivan................................................ NAME: ADDRESS:
SEND ENTRY TO: Kids Competition, Community Eye, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ - Closing date 28th September 2015
THE STORY BEHIND PETSTAY Having been with one employer for over 30 years, I had a lightbulb moment and decided I needed to set myself a new challenge in life, but what? I looked at a change of employer/career, starting my own business or franchise. I had always loved animals and have two spaniels. How could I utilise my existing skills and be involved with animals. The internet search began! In my current employment there was a lot of compliance to adhere to so I was well aware of following procedures how I could use this to help animals. I eventually came across PetStay, this called on my knowledge of dogs and their needs, customer service experience, telephone skills, marketing skills and a regulated business and logic. Dogs are very loyal animals and like routine, so at PetStay we take details to match to a carer who can replicate the dog’s normal routine, PetStay carers feed, walk and attend to the dog(s) as their owner would. If they have a treat in the afternoon, watch Vets in Practice on TV & go to bed at 10pm, the carers will make sure this is maintained. All the carers are dog lovers, this is reflected in the dog when their owner returns. I used my customer service and telephone skills, talking to potential carers and paying home visits. This ensures that their home and garden meet the high standards of PetStay and comply with the Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963, talking
to potential customers and taking details of their dog(s) and each individual dogs needs so that the most suitable carer can be found. Liaising with the customer and the carer to arrange the ‘first date’ where the dog goes along to meet the potential carer. Producing all the paperwork to ensure the booking goes smoothly form start to finish and the customer can go on relaxing holiday knowing their dog is in safe hands. Marketing skills – although PetStay is a National Organisation I am responsible for my own local marketing, so I had ‘fun’ creating adverts for local papers and magazines, negotiating the best deals available, setting up Facebook and Google accounts. Advertising for potential carers is always on going, looking for dog lovers who are at home during the day want the company of a dog. Regulated business, a lot of people are unaware that to be a Home Boarder you must by law have an Animal Boarding licence issued by the council, this is to ensure that a certain standard is maintained. The council look at the security of the house and garden, fire safety, cleanliness and how many hours care is provided, insurance requirements. All carers at PetStay have a current licence and insurance. Logic – this skill is very useful when trying to meet a dogs specific needs. I never realised how many dogs slept on owner’s beds, have a cup of tea or Marmite on toast!
THE TOWN IS TRANSFORMED AS FOLKS DRESS UP AND WINDOWS COME ALIVE! Saturday October 4th 2014 was a day to remember – even heavy rain in the morning couldn't dampen the excitement. Were you there when business people and shop keepers dressed up and windows in Ashby came alive? Were you there when the flashmob paraded along the street, led by the wonderfully talented saxophonist, Lewis Brierly? Unbelievably, almost a year has gone by and we're going to do it again. Even more windows will host live models, wearing outfits from Ashby fashion and accessory retailers with hair, make-up and nails by Ashby salons. Make sure you are in town on Saturday October 3rd 2015 and follow the magic trail through town. The key times will be 11am – 12 noon and 2pm – 3pm.
Join in, if you wish, by sporting your hats, feather boas or tiaras. Make sure you buy a tiara early; Shelbrook Toys almost ran out last year. The Ashby's FABulous facebook page will be up and running again from the 1st September, keeping you up to date with what's going on. See you all in Ashby on Saturday 3rd October.
PetStay Dog Sitting Service
A Loving & Caring Alternative to Kennels
Treat your dog to a holiday in a carer’s loving, safe home, so you can relax knowing your dog is happy and not stressed.
Dog lovers wanted as carer’s earn up to £112 per week.
Contact 01530 542142/07825325583 - jane@petstay.net I am surprised and saddened by some of the horror stories I have heard from customers about previous experiences Carer who lived in flat with no outside area Several dogs left to run in a yard – my customer had a Chihuahua and when collecting the dog after her holiday found her in a yard with 2 Alsatians and a Labrador! Carers who just take dogs in with not meeting them before hand Being told you can only drop the dog off before 8.30am or after 6.30pm as it is best for the dog to spend a whole day there before settling for the night for them to go straight to bed – the customer discovered that it was because the carer was at work all day. Ongoing to collect a dog at 11.00am, knocking on the door for several minutes, carer
eventually appears in dressing gown and says ‘Oh you have just woken me up’ Whilst the above scenarios are providing care in the home, more than one customer has said whilst Home Boarding is better than kennels for it to work it needs to be better regulated. Over the 15 months I have been trading, I have built up a loyal base of carers covering all of Leicestershire and Rutland and a good customer base with many customers coming back time and again, I have already had lots of bookings for 2016. It is very satisfying being your own boss knowing that I am making lots of dogs and people happy, the carers who are able to have ‘part-time’ dogs to fit in with their lifestyle and of course the dogs come to stay time after time!. The customers because they can go on holiday (sometimes the 1st in years) knowing that their dog is happy.
100% PASS RATE FOR A LEVELS On 12th August at Our Lady’s Convent School, Loughborough, students were joined by family members and staff to celebrate another excellent year for A level results. After a long wait over the summer students this morning discovered the rewards for their hard work. Happy relaxed laughter echoed round the Refectory as the majority of staff joined students and their parents in celebrating their achievements. Mrs Hawley, Headteacher said, “Once again the students have delivered an excellent 100% pass
rate with 71.4% achieving A* - C. We are all delighted for the girls, and I would like to thank them all and the staff who worked with them, for all their efforts and congratulate them on all they have achieved. It has been wonderful to see so many staff here today and I am sure they join with me in wishing everyone one well as they move on, well equipped for the next stage of their lives.”
Telephone/txt: 07787767103
Thursday Jnr’s 6-7pm Snr’s 7-9pm Sundays Variable
Our Lady’s Convent School will be joining the Loughborough Endowed Schools Foundation from 1st September and anyone interested in finding out more about the school is invited to visit Open Day on Saturday 3rd October, between 10.30am and 2.30pm.
We provide all the instruments, equipment, tuition, uniforms, no experience is necessary – all you need is the will to learn, have fun and perform.
Bright futures lie ahead as Loughborough’s independent schools unite Pupils and staff at Our Lady’s Convent School (OLCS) in Loughborough are gearing up for an exciting start to the academic year as they prepare to join the Loughborough Endowed Schools Foundation. OLCS educates boys from age 3-11 and girls from 3-18. From 1st September, it will become the fourth school in the Foundation alongside Loughborough Grammar School, Loughborough High School and Fairfield Preparatory School. All four schools have a long history of providing high quality independent education. They are situated on adjacent streets in the town and pupils will share a wide range of facilities and curricular and extra-curricular activities in addition to an extensive transport network which enables children to travel to the schools from across the East Midlands. A major upgrade of the IT network and computer facilities at OLCS took place this summer with further investment in facilities planned. Patricia Hawley, Headteacher at OLCS said It’s an incredibly exciting time for our School and for the Foundation. By joining the Endowed Schools family we will maintain our holistic approach to education and all that makes us distinctive, particularly our Christian ethos. At the same time we will benefit from the synergy created by uniting four successful schools, each with different strengths. We all have new opportunities to look forward to.
Families who are considering an independent education for their children are invited to contact OLCS on 01509 263901 to arrange an appointment, or to attend the Loughborough Endowed Schools Open Day on Saturday 3rd October. There will be an opportunity to meet staff and pupils, take a guided tour of the beautiful campus and specialist facilities, and find out more about the Schools’ future plans. Further details can be found at
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