October 2015 - Ashby & Packington Community Eye

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Choosing Garden Trees

ASHBY MUSEUM Latest News Update

Memorial Plaque For The Victims Of The Zeppelin Raid On Loughborough 31st January 1916

MEASHAM MUSEUM QUIZ Get Your History Knowledge Hat On


Christmas fayre @ Moria Village Hall





Room Hire - Agar Nook Community Centre A CHRISTMAS WREATH





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WELCOME TO YOUR OCTOBER ISSUE As Autumn is well and truly upon us thoughts are turning to Christmas and festive family gatherings. I know that Christmas can be a time of stress and anxiety especially for those of us with large families and for me, as mum to three boys, it’s all in the planning! Lists become my best friend and every hiding place in my house is full of bags and boxes. This month we have included a fun Christmas cake recipe which is perfect for family parties especially for those with children. Our competitions have also got a festive feel with a miniature Christmas wreath up

THE TREBLE ONE TRUST The Treble One Trust is a local charity launched in May this year by Leicestershire Police Sergeant, Stewart Sparling, who recently died of Motor Neurone Disease. Stewart was only 43 when this dreadful disease finally took his life. Having been diagnosed in September 2011, he lived life to the full, making the most of every day with his friends and family. However, during the latter stages of the disease, it was very clear to Stewart and his family that there was little or no support for the purchase of essential equipment needed to make the already daily struggle that little bit easier. Through a series of successful fundraising activities and events,

for grabs and also a stocking full of children’s gifts! Bel is helping us get our gardens ready for winter and we also have some lovely events happening across the town so do get involved and pop along to support our local groups. I spent some time last month talking to shop owners on the outskirts of the town and offering them our support to attract new customers from the town centre. It was so sad to hear quite how many customers are now not walking beyond the centre. Our Shop Local pages will offer low cost advertising

to them and enable you to see the wonderful array of independent shops just outside of the market place. I hope you all enjoy this edition and I shall prepare your Christmas edition ready for the end of November for you.

Stewart was able to purchase the mobility equipment he so badly needed but he was also very much aware that others were less fortunate and didn't have the support of family, friends or a supportive workplace such as Leicestershire Police. This prompted Stewart to launch his own charity, The Treble One Trust (named after Stewart's collar number) to help other local MND sufferers in the latter stages of the disease. Motor Neurone Disease is known as the silent killer as sufferers become unable to speak, eat, walk or even breathe unassisted. Sadly, there is little or no support, particularly in the latter stages when mobility is key to keeping a dignified independence for as long as is humanly possible.

Stewart has naturally left a huge hole in many people's lives particularly his wife, Angie, and two children, Caitlin and Lewis, who are still very much coming to terms with losing their beloved father and husband to this 'silent killer'. This week marks the launch of a brand new website to help raise awareness of both MND and the charity, so we would be very grateful if you could please promote this as widely as possible. To find out more please visit: www.trebleonetrust.org

Memorial to the Victims of the Zeppelin Raid on Loughborough 31st January 1916 The Loughborough Carillon Tower & War Memorial Museum and Charnwood Arts have commissioned a new memorial to honour the victims of the raid and to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outrage. The memorial will take the form of a large bronze plaque (40 x 48 inches) the artwork was done by Mr Paul Gent and the plaque will be cast by Taylors Bell Foundry. The cost will be £6000.00, Loughborough University have already donated £750.00 and the Carillon Museum have given £1000.00 towards the cost but we need your help to raise the remaining money. Want to help? Then please donate. Cheques should be made out to ‘Loughborough Carillon Museum’ Or you can donate through Paypal. Use our email address: carillonmuseum@gmail.com please leave your name. Our postal address is: Loughborough Carillon Museum, C/O John Storer House Wards End, Loughborough, Leics. LE11 3HA For further information email: carillonmuseum@gmail.com Loughborough Carillon Tower & War Memorial Museum. Charity No. 1063039



MOIRA MALE VOICE CHOIR Annual Celebrity Concert At Ivanhoe College Ashby De La Zouch On Saturday 14th November at 7pm Michelle Robinson Met. Soprano And Stuart Overington Tenor For Tickets Tel: 01283 550920 Or At The Door

ST JOHN'S CHURCH DONISTHORPE Christmas Fayre @ Moira Village Hall (Daybelle Roundabout) 21st November 2015 2pm until 4pm Lots of Stalls & Refreshments Come & Share the Spirit of Christmas Admission Adults £1 Children Free

BLACKFORDBY VILLAGE HALL DANCES 2015 Nov 21st Phil Brown Dec 19st Best of Sound Dec 31st Graham Darby (will confirm admission price nearer the date) Time 8pm – 11pm Admission £3 Bar/Refreshments/Raffle Details from 01283 213481 or 01283 819447

MEASHAM’S TOWER OF LIGHT Christmas @ Measham this year is again promoting the Tower of Light. The idea of this is to give anyone and everyone, no matter what Nationality or religion, the chance to remember a loved one at this special time, by sponsoring a light bulb on St Laurence Church tower at Measham. The loved one may be deceased, someone who has moved away or emigrated, in hospital, in the Armed Forces, or someone who is working away from home. The bulb can be sponsored by a donation (suggested £5), and that bulb, when lit, represents that person’s thoughts. There will be a display of the lights on the church tower, which will be visible from all around the village. Names of the sponsors and their loved ones to be remembered would be placed in the Church porch. (Please put a note on the application form if you do not wish to have a name displayed). The lights will be switched on as a separate part of the Christmas @ Measham ceremony which is taking place on Thursday, 3rd December, 2015 starting at 6.00pm.

The monies raised from this project will go towards helping purchase equipment for the Measham Welfare Junior Football Club. The MWJFC is a community football club providing a safe environment for young people to actively participate in football. It allows youngsters to get involved in local league competitions, on a weekly basis. This develops social skills, physical attributes, psychological awareness, and technical ability in young players from 8-16 years of age. The club consists of various teams ranging from under 8s to under 16s, both boys and girls, and presently has about 80 members.

Further sponsorship forms will be available from the Parish Office, which is now located in the Measham Leisure Centre, off High Street, Measham. DE12 7HR or can be sent to you. Contact

Dawn on 01530 589583 or email dawn@meashamparish.co.uk. Please make donation cheques out to MWJFC, and return, with completed application forms to the Parish Office.


_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ MY NAME AND ADDRESS NAME _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ POSTCODE ______________________ TEL _________________________ AMOUNT OF SPONSORSHIP £ _________________________________ Name of Sponsors and those to be remembered will be displayed in the Church Foyer and Council Offices. Closing date 22nd December 2015. Please make cheques/postal orders payable to MWJFC and send to: Parish Council Office, Measham Leisure Centre, off High Street, Measham, DE12 7HR


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ASHBY CIVIC SOCIETY HASTINGS FAMILY HOMES Work is continuing in earnest to catalogue properly our huge collection of Ashby Boys’ and Girls’ Grammar school ephemera. The collection includes such items as photographs, magazines, school play programmes, sports fixtures and programmes, speech day programmes, caps, badges, prefect and sports’ day medals and admission registers for the Boys’ Grammar from 1901-1955 and the Girls’ Grammar from 1894-1972. More of the Boys’ Grammar School items are to be found at the County Record Office in Wigston. Our current exhibition of fascinating artefacts from the Museum’s collection will remain until the New Year. Pudding Bag Productions have used the Museum for part of their exciting new film for the Bath Grounds project.

We welcome anyone who has a couple of hours to spare once a fortnight, to join the team of custodians who operate the front-of-house. New people have offered their services this year but we can always accommodate more and we’d love to hear from you if you are thinking of finding something rewarding to do and meet friendly new people.

Friends of Ashby de la Zouch Museum

Following our ‘What is it?’ evening on 30th October and our A.G.M. on 31st October our next event is an afternoon talk on Hathern Microbrewery on Wednesday 2nd December at 2 pm at the museum. The cost is £3, to include tea/ coffee. Please call the museum on 01530 560090 to book a place. Thanks to all who have supported us during 2015.

IS IT A BIRD? IS IT A PLANE? NO, IT’S THE NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE LITTER PICKERS North West Leicestershire District Council’s Street Cleansing team works tirelessly to keep the district looking its best but, with a small team it can’t reach everywhere. That’s where Ann and Dawn come in. Ann Brown and Dawn Ashmore are two of the district’s most loyal and dedicated volunteer litter pickers. They spend hours each week cleaning up the village of Measham from the litter that builds up there. They do it for the love of their district and to keep it clean. They also do it because it’s a great way to socialise and get out and about. Plus on top of that, it’s great exercise. The council currently has more than 160 volunteers who litter pick across the district, and recruits more every year. Ann Brown said “I do it because I take pride in where I live. I love Measham and want to see it looking its best and I don’t want to see it riddled with litter. It’s also a great way to meet people and have a chat. People stop and talk to me and drivers honk their horns in support. It’s great and of course, I got to meet Dawn.”

At this month’s Ashby Civic Society meeting, local archaeologist Peter Liddle explained to members how to build a castle. Firstly buy some oxen, then make a few carts and after 4 years and 1.5 million bricks you could build Kirby Muxloe.

consultation details for the Local and Neighbourhood plan. These plans will shape the development of Ashby and district for the next 15-20 years and are available to view at Legion House, Ashby and town council web site until 24th November.

This was just one of the homes of the local Hastings family and part of their grand design to maintain wealth and power in the East Midlands. Some of their other properties survived better than others but all fascinating to hear about.

Why not come as a visitor to our next month when we will flow down our local river Trent with an illustrated talk from Richard Stone and hear more about the future of our town.

Civic Society members also heard the latest on Saving Ashby Hospital campaign and the Money Hill development plus

8pm 10th November at Legion House. South Street. Also, book early for the ever popular Christmas Social! Call Susanne 01530 415654 or www.ashbydelazouchcivicsociety. webs.com

FRIENDS OF ASHBY BATH GROUNDS AUTUMN LITTER PICK 14TH NOVEMBER 2–4 PM The Friends of Ashby Bath Grounds have arranged their first litter pick on the Bath Grounds on Saturday 14th November 2015, in association with NWLDC Street Action Team and Ashby Town Council.

Dawn Ashmore said “I started doing it around four or five years ago. My husband was tired of hearing me complain about the litter and one day told me to do something about it then, so I did. I love it, it gets me out and about and I even lost two stone because of all the walking I do.” Councillor Alison Smith MBE, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Community Services at North West Leicestershire District Council, said: “Volunteers like Ann and Dawn are essential to the council and to the district. Their help keeping things clean is what enables the council officers to go about their normal jobs keeping the main routes clean. Without people like this the job of the council would be considerably harder and the district wouldn’t look as clean and green as it does. “We only have 13 people in the street action team and over 500 miles of roads to keep clean so we are always on the lookout for more volunteers to add to our team which currently sits at just over 160 volunteers that give their time to keep the district looking beautiful.” To get involved in volunteer litter picking contact: ruth.mulvany@ nwleicestershire.gov.uk

Volunteers are needed to help with the litter pick, which starts at the Bath Grounds Flower bed at 2.00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us, young people under the age of 16 will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. If you are interested in joining us please could you register your interest by; • Email - bathgroundsfriends@ gmail.com • or contacting A. Ingram, our litter pick co-ordinator, on 07525 339896

GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: communityeye@ openboxpromotions.co.uk

We can then ensure you have all the relevant H & S information before we start the litter pick and inform you of any last minute changes. Why Volunteer? • It’s enjoyable – you’ll get outside in the fresh air and meet other local people • Make a difference – you’ll see the effects and want to keep it looking good • Prevent further littering – it’s a fact that people are less likely to litter in a clean area (and they feel safer)

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Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile! It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Managing Director Martyn Kemp feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double

glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving people money, although that obviously helps. Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up

when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service Ashby and the surrounding area and Martyn is finding that his approach is a major factor in his success. ‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction

that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve done work for, which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Martyn a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!

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The first mention of Measham was in 1086 in the DOSDEMAY KOBO Measham was situated within the Kingdom of CREMIA In 1086 the Manor of Measham belonged to the King, later owners included 1119 Randolph des Meschinesthe de Measham family 1309 Wm de Bereford

We are a voluntary group and have been running the Museum since 1992 and are now based in the old Measham Railway Station. We are open Tuesdays and Saturdays 10-12 and 2-4.and Thursday 2-4pm. In 23 years,as a History Group ,meeting weekly, we have researched Measham History,collected,and been given an incredible numbers of artefacts and documents,which we conserve carefully to Registered Museum rules,We have an incredible collection of Measham Ware, Mining and local industry artefacts, and local people have been very generous in recording or writing their memoirs of the village. We have produced a number of exhibitions covering almost every subject of village history,and over the years have won a number of awards as part of Leics. Museums. Some of the exhibitions we have also put into ‘book/file form so that they can be seen at any time, these inc. Over 100 years of Measham (People)Weddings,still collecting, Education in Measham, Measham High Street (History of every property) Education in Measham. There is so much to see! We have recently purchased a Grandfather clock, offered to us over the internet made in Measham, in the 1850’s, something new we learned, and there seems to be something new to be learned all the time!

1400’s Sir William Babington 1633 LILWIAM LATONWOLS 1658 DORL FILEDHEFFS 1777 POJESH KEWILS The last owner of the Manor was the MARQUIS of Hastings, the ABNEY Family. NAME:


ADDRESS: SEND ENTRY TO: Measham Museum, The Old Railway Station, Off Mannings Terrace, High Street, Measham, DE 12 7HU


We are a friendly group which meets monthly for talks, visits, conservation work and social events. All talks are in the church hall of Ashby Methodist Chapel, Burton Road, and begin at 7-30, entry is £2 each

David Maltby on 01530 222934 Margaret Mabey on 01530 412410 Nov 20th The National Forest. Sam Lattaway reviews

Tick ets ju st

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progress made on the development of this showcase scheme and its wildlife, as well as outlining future developments.

1st Prize


Nov 27th Social evening-skittles and meal

Meet at 7-30 for a chance to meet your wildlife friends, have a good meal and play skittles in the enjoyable, traditional pub setting of The Odd House, Snareston. Cost £10 for main course, sweets extra, please book with David Wroughton.

2nd Prize


3rd Prize


Dec 18th AGM and “Walking with Wombats”

Anne and Andrew Heaton tell us of their recent adventures with Australian wildlife.


5 x £50

Jan 1st New Year’s Day walk at Bradgate Park.

Enjoy the delights of an historic setting, unique mammals and a wide range of flora. Meet at 1:00pm in main car park. N.B. Parking charge payable, car sharing suggested..

Jan 22nd Michael Jeeves LRWT looks at the future for wildlife in Leicestershire

He will explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the Living Landscape Projects, HS2 and increasing pressure from development.


rainbows.co.uk/superdraw Rainbows supports responsible gambling.

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It’s a great time to come along to your local group and realise you can really achieve your dreams the Extra Easy Slimming World way Tuesday 5:00pm & 7:00pm The Royal Hotel Station Road, Ashby de la Zouch Call Richard 07869 433 653 Wednesday 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:30pm & 7:30pm Measham Top Club Queen Street, Measham, DE12 7JE Call Joanna 07713 561 871 We look forward to meeting you!

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Bake to impress with this stunning edible centrepiece - perfect for a Christmas party buffet, or as an alternative to Christmas pudding FOR THE CUPCAKES


• 200g butter, softened • 200g golden caster sugar • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 2 eggs • 200g self-raising flour • 2 tbsp milk


• 300g butter • 525g icing sugar • 3 tsp vanilla extract • Green food colouring • Sweets, to decorate • Large white chocolate star • Edible gold spray • 24-hole mini muffin tin • 48 green mini-muffin cases • Small plant pot or mini bucket (roughly 13cm across the top) • 12cm foam cone (measured across base) • Cocktail sticks • Green paint

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line the muffin tin with the muffin cases. Put half the butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl, and beat until pale and fluffy. Add one egg and mix well. Add half the flour and milk, and mix with a spatula until combined. Use 2 teaspoons to distribute the cake mixture evenly among the cases and bake for 12 mins until risen and golden, and a skewer inserted to the centre comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Repeat to make another batch of 24 mini cakes. While the cakes are cooling, make the icing. Put the butter and icing sugar in a bowl and beat until smooth. Add the vanilla and food colouring, and blend again until evenly coloured. Transfer the icing to a piping bag fitted with a small star nozzle. Once the cakes have

cooled, use a skewer to make a small hole in the base of each cake. To decorate the cakes, pipe blobs of green icing over the surface of each one. Now you’re ready to start assembling your Christmas tree. Paint the foam cone all over with green paint and leave to dry – don’t worry about it being too neat. Push the cone into the pot. To build the tree, push a cocktail stick into the base of each cake and press it into the cone. Continue until the cone is covered in cakes, trying to keep them as close together as possible. You may have some left over, which you can serve alongside the tree. Spray the chocolate star gold and put on top of the tree, then decorate the rest of the tree with sweets. The cakes will last for about 3 days.


Recipe from Good Food magazine, November 2014


Who wrote How the Grinch Stole Christmas? How many points does a snowflake have? What is the name of the cake traditionally eaten in Italy at Christmas? What is New Year’s Eve called in Scotland? NAME:






SEND ENTRY TO: Adult Competition, Community Eye, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ - Closing date 28th November 2015

SEND ENTRY TO: Kids Competition, Community Eye, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ - Closing date 28th November 2015






Choosing Garden Trees We’ve had a fairly dry autumn so far although it is now cooling off with misty mornings and showery spells. The bonus of this time of year is the soil still has some warmth from the summer and the soil is moist without being waterlogged. It’s the perfect conditions for planting all manner of plants whether they are container grown, loose bulbs or bare-root.


We’ll soon see trees being offered by nurseries garden centres. Planted now whilst the weather is favourable, they have the opportunity to establish and settle in before the demanding spring and summer season is upon us. There are several forms to look out for: Bare-root plants - The term bare-root applies to plants which have been grown in a field for several years before being lifted and the soil removed from their roots. Although this sounds like a brutal treatment, the plants cope perfectly well and you’ll also find that bare-root plants are the cheaper option.


Container grown - Container grown plants are a more widely available option. They tend to be more expensive but establish well and can be a safer option if you’re not green fingered. Look for well rooted plants which look health and have no signs of dead branches or diseases on the stems.

Japanese Acers

Root-balled plants are also an option. These are grown in a field like the bare-root plants but when they are lifted the soil around the roots is kept intact and then wrapped with hessian to protect it. Root-balling is generally carried out for evergreens rather than deciduous trees. Ensure that the root-balls have not been allowed to dry out at the nursery or prior to planting, otherwise they will struggle to establish and may drop their leaves in spring. So beware!

jelly. Or try Malus ‘Golden Hornet’ which has masses of golden fruit in autumn and grows in a columnar habit.

With the options reviewed, what varieties are there available to fit small to medium sized gardens? Well there are lots to choose from, but I favour the following as they provide several seasons of interest.

Japanese Acers - There are so many varieties of these maples offered by nurseries, each with a different leaf shape, habit or colour. Ideal for growing in pots these prefer slightly acidic compost when planting. Heights vary but most are slow growing and make good trees for small – medium gardens. These are best bought container grown.

Hawthorn (aka Crataegus) - there are some lovely ornamental forms which are hardy, will tolerate less than ideal soil conditions and grow to make dense trees of around 12-18ft. Crateagus ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ has rich double pink blooms in early spring and golden foliage in autumn. Crataegus × lavalleei ‘Carrierei’ has large glossy leaves from March right through to December, white blooms in spring followed by masses of cherry sized orange berries in the autumn – a great tree for small gardens.

Ornamental Cherries (aka Prunus) – There are so many varieties available but I favour the simple forms like Prunus ‘Okame’ which flowers in Feb-March and the large ‘Tai Haku’ which is smothered in very large white blooms in spring. Both have fiery autumnal foliage colour.

It is surprising how the vertical structure of a tree can change the look of a garden. Visit your local centre/nursery to see what catches your eye. Christmas will soon me here so next month I’ll be looking at how to spruce up the home with festive table decorations.

Crabapples (aka Malus) - The popular Malus ‘James Downie’ is grown for its large golden-red fruit which make good Crabapple

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PRESCHOOL/NURSERY ROOM HIRE We have an amazing space, fully-fitted and bursting with resources, waiting for someone who cares about our community to run a nursery/preschool from Agar Nook Community Centre. Someone who wants to offer our children the future they deserve. If you are interested, please call us to arrange a viewing and collect your information pack.

Agar Nook Community Association, Agar Nook Community Centre, Belgrave Close, Coalville, LE67 4TN. Charity No: 515629 Nicholas Clarke Tel: 01530 813818 - Mob: 07891073391 - Email: agar.nook@emhhomes.org.uk - Visit our Facebook page! Structure

Agar Nook Community Centre is run by a charity called Agar Nook Community Association (ANCA). This charity is made up of people from the local community residents, centre users and local representatives who: • Help organise events like Fun Days and day trips • Support volunteers that work at the Centre • Help manage finance, health, safety and training • Promote the centre and encourage people to use it • Fundraise to make money to support the centre • Set up projects to help people in the community • Work with other agencies that offer advice • Provide a friendly, safe place for everyone to use • Help and support people dealing with problems • Provide lots of fun activities for people to try out • Provide activities that will help educate and train The charity is run by a Management Committee, who meets every month to discuss the progress of projects and make decisions about future plans for the Community Centre. Smaller teams work on other projects in between meetings. Although EMH Homes own the building the Management Committee leases the building from them. This means that the centre is managed by people in the community and

every care is taken to keep people who use the Community Centre safe and happy. Emhhomes have over three hundred properties on the Agar Nook Estate. They have a keen interest in supporting this community because it is in an area of high deprivation and houses many families with complex needs. As a result Emhhomes recognises the need to have a community venue that can be used by their residents. Emhhomes employ a part-time Development Worker and Caretaker that are based at the Community Centre and also offer a grant to ANCA to support young people’s activities. Under the terms of the lease agreement emhhomes also maintain the property, keep it secure and offer financial support and advice.

Preschool History

For over twenty five years a playgroup ran from the Community Centre hall as a Social Enterprise. However in 2012 the manager had to leave which threatened the future delivery of the playgroup. The proprietor of a childcare company offered to take over the running of the playgroup which became “Little Kangaroos Preschool”. In May 2013 the preschool was given ‘Satisfactory’ in the Ofsted inspection. As a result of the inspection, plans were put in place to move the preschool to a more suitable place with free flow outside space. The numbers of children attending

preschool remained stable for the first two years. The preschool operated five days a week, Monday to Friday 9 to 12 noon, term-time only. However, over the last academic year the number of children attending dropped, leaving only five children to start at the commencement of the academic year (September 2015-16). As a result, four staff were made redundant, with the intention that the proprietor and manager would run the preschool themselves. However, the proprietor has decided not to return, so ANCA are looking for someone else to take over Little Kangaroos.

of all parties concerned. ANCA have drawn up a (negotiable) draft SLA that should provide you with an indication of what we expect from the new proprietors. We have also included what you will receive from us in return for the hire charge.

During the summer holidays the preschool premises moved into a new area of the Community Centre, which has been purpose built for preschool provision. Over £10,000 has been invested in alterations by David Wilson Homes with extra work done by the Emhhomes building team to the new nursery/preschool which proves the commitment of both ANCA and Emhhomes to keep this valuable resource at the Community Centre.

What Next?


The closing date for the Expression of Interest is Friday November 6th at 5 pm. We will be short listing our applicants on Tuesday November 10th and if we feel we could work with you further we will invite you to come and showcase your proposed nursery/preschool on Saturday November 14th (time tba).

ANCA will seek to establish a good working relationship with the new proprietors of the nursery/preschool, one that will benefit everyone, but especially the children. We envisage that a room hire agreement and Service Level Agreement (SLA) will be established, based on the needs

We also hope that you will play an active role in the activities and associated fund raising of the Community Centre. We will look favourably on applications from room hirers that want to establish the nursery/preschool business as a Social Enterprise. Once you have seen the preschool, Community Centre and the Agar Nook Estate and are still interested in running Little Kangaroos, then please send us an Expression of Interest; a brief outline of what you have to offer and how you would like to deliver a nursery/ preschool from this setting. If we like what we read, we will ask you to deliver a presentation and discuss things further.



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It’s hard to avoid talking about cuts in services when writing about the County Council these days. It has become a recurring theme in this column and this month I’m focussing exclusively on a single issue, which is potentially the most damaging cuts proposal of all. In Leicestershire, the fire service is facing a reduction in Central Government Grant of around 50% over the period 2013/14 to 2019/20. This threatens to trigger severe cuts to front line services that will significantly reduce the capability of the Fire and Rescue Service to respond to emergencies. Under the proposals, two fire stations will close, eleven fire appliances will be taken out of service and numerous firefighters will be made redundant. Many readers will remember the battle over Moira Fire Station, seven years ago. That was a drastic loss to the local area, however these new cuts will make local fire and rescue cover even worse. The two fire stations up for closure are Central (Leicester) and Kibworth - neither of which are local, but the loss of eleven fire appliances, which is a third of the total, will have an impact across Leicestershire. The Fire Authority are proposing to replace some of the fire engines with Tactical Response Vehicles, which have a crew of two and a fire fighting device that for all practical purposes is no better than a pressure washer! Crew numbers on regular fire appliances will also be cut

ANDREW BRIDGEN from five to four, limiting the capabilities of the crew upon arrival at the scene, which will of course, on average, take longer than usual. If a second appliance is needed, that may have to come in from further afield, and in a house fire, which requires two appliances, if the second appliance is delayed, the firefighters with the first appliance may be putting their lives at risk if they feel they can’t delay attempting a rescue until the second appliance arrives. The County Council held an Extraordinary Meeting on 8th October to debate the proposals. There were some highly critical remarks made about the Fire Authority, and the Chief Fire Officer will no doubt face some tough questions when he briefs County Councillors on 2nd November. For example - why was the Fire Authority’s Scrutiny Committee, which could have looked carefully at the impact of these proposals, scrapped? Why were the Fire Brigades Union frozen out of discussions when the proposals were being formulated? Why are the cuts falling so heavily on front line services when there is a new, £11 million Fire Authority Headquarters in Birstall standing half-empty? The Fire and Rescue Service matters to all of us. The proposals are out to consultation until 4th December and can be found on-line at www.leicestershire-fire. gov.uk/images/pdfs/IRMP_Print_ FINAL.pdf The questionnaire is here www. leicestershire-fire.gov.uk/irmp Please take the time to respond and let Leicestershire Combined Fire Authority know what you think!

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We are all aware of the spending reductions that Local Authorities have had to make to help contribute to reducing the record deficit bequeathed to us by the previous Labour Government. It is unfortunate that because of historic funding settlements, Leicestershire started from a bad position, as we were one of the lowest funded local authorities in the Country. For years we have found ourselves bumping along the bottom of the Education, Fire and Police funding league tables. The County Council has been lobbying MP’s for some time for a fair deal for Leicestershire, and this is a campaign I and my colleagues have taken to the Government. In spite of what has been alleged by some members of the County Council, we have had some success for example winning a 5% increase in Education funding for every child in Leicestershire, with the assurance from the Chancellor of a fairer funding settlement for our schools to come from Government. However winning extra money for funding areas such as the Fire Service is difficult, when you consider the questionable decisions in the recent past, such as the financing of white elephant projects like the £11 million Leicester Fire Headquarters. It has always been my argument that local authorities should not have to go through this process of banging at the Chancellor’s door with their begging bowls, but should be allowed to keep the proceeds of local economic growth. At the Conservative Party Conference, George Osborne announced that local authorities will in the future retain their business rates, something I lobbied him on when he visited DHL and Norton in my constituency in recent months. This was a big announcement, and although the full detail of the policy has yet to be fleshed out, this funding change should be of great benefit to Leicestershire. We already raise almost double the amount in business rates than we get back through the block grant from Central Government. Although there may be some reallocation with other authorities at the beginning, George Osbourne said in the future, local authorities can keep what they make. As a fast growing economy that will be of great benefit to my constituency and the County as a whole, with numerous planning permissions being sought to develop businesses in the area. The move will mean Local Authorities will be more incentivised to encourage jobs

and growth and will have their destiny in their own hands rather than being dependent on Government. In order to maintain and grow our economy, we however need to make the right decisions on infrastructure, skills and economic development. There is a great commitment to the Northern Powerhouse under this Government and together with the might of the London Economy, it is essential that the East Midlands through the Midlands Engine is able to compete. It is a little known fact but the East Midlands has a higher proportion of our GDP created through manufacturing industry than any other region. This is something we need to build on. The Government is currently negotiating a process of devolving power to Combined Authorities, and our neighbours in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire are bidding together for a range of new powers including major transport projects, back to work projects and some health matters. I want Leicestershire to be part of this bid and have written to the County Council urging engagement with the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire bid. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has stated to me that he agrees with the promotion of an East Midlands equivalent of the Northern Powerhouse. Working with our neighbouring Councils will mean a far better chance of getting significant powers from Central Government and it is my hope that our Leicestershire Councils can deliver on this. On local issues, the draft North West Leicestershire District Council local plan is now out for consultation, and I would urge residents to register their views on this. The Council does need to allocate land for future housing need and is consulting on the land allocation areas and type of housing needed. The Consultation responses are being collected at www.nwleics.gov.uk/ localplanmysay until Monday 30 November 2015. November promises to be a busy month with the annual Remembrance Parades. For the first time since I became an MP, I will be attending the Service in Ashby this year as I am keen to support as many Remembrance events across the constituency during this Parliamentary term. My wreath in Coalville will be presented by Cllr John Cotterill in my place.



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