6,800 COPIES DELIVERED EVERY MONTH - RATBY, KIRBY MUXLOE & LFE - AUGUST 2022 YOUR LOCAL Save Our RoaringCampaignLibraryAhead! Barber & Ladies Salon Appointments & Walk-Ins Now Available Ladies Specialists In: Colour - Cutting - Bridal Packages Mob: 0790 8526 728 Visit Us 7 Wardens Walk, Leicester Forest East, LE3 3GF (off Braunstone Crossroads) Opening Times Mon & Tue Closed Wed 9am-5pm Thur & Fri 9am-6pm Sat 8am-2pm Kirby Muxloe Fun Day And Scarecrow Trail Saturday 10th And Sunday 11th September Kirby Muxloe Annual Village Show Sunday 28th AugustQuiz Night At LFE Parish Hall Saturday 22nd October Cat Sanctuary Project Leicester Animal Aid Natural ForTreatmentsEczema

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see you at one of our next events and more details will follow in future editions.
Our year starts in September and runs until June, with two moths off during the summer period.

Next Issue Deadline Date: Friday 2nd September Delivery Date: Friday 9th September Articles yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk 0800 6446 150 Distribution 07504634838andy@openboxpromotions.co.uk-AndrewLewis
Write To Us OpenBox Promotions Ltd 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe Leicestershire, LE9 2HQ Like & Follow Us www.twitter.com/openboxpromowww.facebook.com/openboxpromotions
The luncheon club is looking to increase its membership and welcome new members into the club. We are a lady’s group who meet monthly at Lindale Golf Club, Woodhouse Eaves, to enjoy excellent food, good company and entertaining after dinner speakers. Our membership is made up from ladies across Leicester and TheLeicestershire.yearlymembership fee is £20.00, lunches are £19.00 monthly and consists of a 3course set meal plus tea or coffee. Dietary requirements or special requests are catered for.
Kirby Muxloe Local Committee For Cancer Research Uk Article by Penny Rundle
We would be pleased to hear from anyone who wishes to join us or require any further Theinformation.contacts are; Jenny Dowling Membership Secretary on 0116 4291458 Irene Scott Committee member on 01455 823056.
Visit Our Website www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
Article by Jenny Dowling
Contact Us For advertising, leaflet delivery and articles, get in touch with the details below. Advertising sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk 0800 6446 150
The recent Jubilee Celebrations brought back memories for Mark Finnigan of a less happy street party in Groby 20 years ago to celebrate the Queen’s fifty years on the throne.
Mark’s appeal is that readers learn how to deliver CPR, and approach Take Heart, either as a patient or as a family with concerns, as there are members who have been where you are and, as we say “got the tee shirt.”
*Prices per magazine area. Free artwork design included. Artwork required in PDF format.
“It would be a pleasure to welcome new or potential members, their families and friends for a coffee and chat,” said Chairman Gerry Vora. “Our experienced volunteers would be most pleased to listen and help if anyone is worried or www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotionsVolunteerEmailContactsanxious.”:thl@takeheartleicester.co.ukServices:01162587221
Over time he has had several implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) and stents fitted, and is just fine and walks daily in the nearby Anwoodlands.”ICDisasmall device which can treat people with dangerously abnormal heart rhythms. It continually monitors and sends electrical pulses to regulate abnormal heart rhythms (specifically those that can be dangerous and cause a cardiac arrest).
We’re busy planning our future events and the next will be our Autumn Fair on Saturday October 1st in the Village Hall, Kirby Muxloe, from 10.30 am to 12.30pm. We hope to have Cancer Research Christmas cards and diaries for sale, along with many stalls such as tombola, cakes etc. There are still a few stalls left, so if anyone is interested in displaying and selling their goods, please contact Glen Graham on 2388018. We’d particularly love to have you there, if you’re selling something unusual and/or unique.
Newtown Linford Luncheon Club (NLLC)
Just like everything else the pandemic has adversely affected the work of Take Heart. “Our hospital ward visiting and publicity stall volunteers have still not been allowed to visit the hospital,” said a spokesperson. But the group is active in fundraising and this enables it to buy equipment for cardiac services at Glenfield. “We are still looking into funding systems which allow patients to be monitored from home, saving a long hospital stay, and blood pressure monitors.” One recent donation of £1000 was made by a local company who lost a colleague to a heart attack at work.
Read Online Scan the QR code below to read this magazine and our other magazines online. Not got a QR scanner or not working?
Later, the Newbold Verdon Christian Community Choir will be helping us all to get into the Christmas spirit, when they provide a medley of songs and Christmas Carols on Friday 25th
A lively talk on belly dancing by Roxanne, our well known local exponent, was on the agenda for the meeting on 6 August at Glenfield Hospital. From September to the end of the year the new venue for the meetings, on the first Saturday of the month, is likely to be the Clinical Education Centre near the South entrance car park accessed off the A50. Check the venue has not had to be changed before travelling.
“There were lots of cakes, drinks and bunting,” reflected Mark. “Terry, my Dad, being a part time club singer, took the microphone and sang to the large crowd. It was very much enjoyed by everyone, but shortly after, as he showed someone his Union Jack socks, he sadly fell down with a heart attack. Luckily there were several nurses from the Glenfield Hospital, and others around, who performed CPR. Dad died three times, but those ladies didn’t give up until the ambulance arrived.
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The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the original advertisers & contributors and do not necessarily represent OpenBox Promotions Ltd. OpenBox Promotions Ltd reserves the right to amend or refuse to publish articles or adverts submitted for publication. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. To see full terms & conditions visit Magazinewww.openboxpromotions.co.uk/termsprintedbyNorwoodPress, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU
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Of course, both the LRI and later the Glenfield Hospital helped him, and as a result he became a member and then a Committee member of the Take Heart. He often attended with Janet, my Mum, at the bookstall and the support group, where he particularly enjoyed talking to, and giving reassurance to anyone experiencing heart problems. Mum also helps the Take Heart Support Group, both in person and by selling jams, pickles and more.
My Dad Died Three Times And Has Supported The Take Heart Charity Ever Since
Following the disruption of the pandemic the monthly Support Group meetings are getting more and more attendees, though there are Committee gaps which still need to be filled.
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the Asbeneficiaries.thesurviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
The VILLAGE WRITERS group is looking for one or two new writers.
Monologue Homework
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
Well,Breathe!Mrs Angry, you are wrong! Everyone you encounter is wonderful! You may not like them but think about it – how did they come into being? That is a miracle in itself. And to grow into adulthood, survive all the pitfalls. Some survive better than others, of course. There is a theory about that but I’m not going to bother researching. I am going to try to appreciate and enjoy the miracle that makes us human. I am going to do my best to value my fellow human. Can I do it?
At the moment we meet via Zoom twice a month.1st & 3rd Wednesdays@7pm. (Members are sent a link)
Protecting Your Family Inheritance
All writing is done at the meeting.
Anyone who writes, enjoys writing, or who wants to get better at it is eligible. We read the writing we've done as homework & get helpful, creative 'feedback' from our friendly others.
That’s the third time this week I’ve had to switch the radio off! And it’s only Yes,Tuesday!yes, I know we all have to switch the radio off – when we leave the house or go to bed – that’s not the sort of ‘switching off’ I mean! I have to switch off because I cannot stand to listen for a moment longer! I just get so frustrated and angry about the effusive language that some presenters use. Everything is ‘fantastic’/’marvellous’/’wonderful’/’incredible’.
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you. Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.

But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
By Cherryl Read
Article by Klara Dixon
The Writers'WORKSHOP group is also looking for one or two members. It's an in-person group, and focusses directly on the many techniques of writing.(eg.description, dialogue, short story,memoir etc)
Really? Is everything that they encounter that good? Does that particular presenter actually love everyone she talks about, as she says? Is every piece of music her favourite?
I’ll give it a try… … though I may need to switch to a different radio station.
You don't have to have any standard of writing.
'The Village Writers' Article by David Schonveld
Rolls-Royce Retired Employees
Well,Phew!I’ve got that off my chest. I am feeling a bit calmer now I’ve put it out there. Calm enough to analyse why I become Mrs Angry at the over-use of Well…I’vesuperlatives.given it some thought. I think it stems from envy. Not everyone I encounter is wonderful. Some are not even nice! Take the driver who tailgates me dangerously because I won’t exceed the speed-limit. (No! Don’t! I feel another rant coming on! Don’t let’s go there!)
Find out more about either group: text or email David: 07552107461 or aschons98@gmail com
ArticleAssociationbyGraham Burton September events on the 2nd the walk & talk group will meet. The 9th members will meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm.New members would be most welcome to this event. Members will be going on a trip to the Birmingham Tattoo on 11th. 4 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

Domestic Appliance Spares & Repairs All Leading Makes Serviced - 20 Years Experience Washers ● Dryers ● Dishwashers Fridges ● Cookers GAS AND ELECTRIC David Preston - Mob: 0775 262 3885 www.1-4-all.co.uk NOW TAKING CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENT KNELLER & KNELLER LTD For All Your Electrical Requirements Contact Kevin for a FREE quotation T: 0116 2873404 M: 07836 734828 E: k.kneller@virginmedia.com All work guaranteed and complies to BS7671 Wiring Regulations. • Rewires • Extractor Fans • Wall Heaters • Garden Supplies • Showers • Central Heating Wiring • Burglar Alarms • Security Lighting • TV Points • Telephone Points • Emergency Lighting • Wall Lights • Storage • Heaters • Up-Grading Electrics To Present Regulations • Fire Alarms • Test & Inspections • Portable Appliance Testing DomesticIndustrialCommercial• Full central heating installations • Boiler replacements • System upgrades • Bathroom installations • General plumbing installations and repairs • All makes of boilers serviced andEstrepaired1988 Mobile: 07966 243312 Tel: 0116 238 7168 We Won’t Be Beaten On Price Landlord Safety Inspection £50 SpecialistsBreakdownBoiler 10 YearAvailableWarranty 5628 www.levlawltd.co.uk | info@levlawltd.co.uk 19 Kirkhill | Shepshed | LE12 9PA VAT Reg Number 376296455. *Our prices include VAT. Normal price for Standard Will £145. LPA if instructed without a Will is £119. LPAs registration fees apply. LevLaw Ltd is in association with LevLaw Wealth Protection Ltd. will only COST YOU £95* to make or update your Will. We are also Lasting Power of Attorney Specialists - ONLY £109* each LPA if instructed during the Will appointment. Regulated by AppointmentsProPropertytectionTrustHomeAvailableLaw Ltd | Focus | Freedom Our prices include home visit and Inheritance Tax Guidance.Call us now for a friendly chat on: 01163 191123 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 5

Bradgate Rotary Club is supporting us with advice and publicity materials. Look out for our leaflet through your door and see for yourself what you might lose. We're recruiting! Thank you to the nine new volunteers who came forward after our public meeting. You're joining a great team and will make us even stronger! The more volunteers we have, the more we can provide to our community. It's what we're here for.

Strong Support From Dr Luke Evans, MP and CC Ozzy O'shea
Quiz Night & Bingo! As ever our quiz night drew a large crowd this month and all enjoyed the evening, the new raffle being a popular extra. Steve hosts his next quiz on 19th August at 7.30. Equally popular was our very first Bingo! Night. Prizes donated by the Co-op were happily added to by our library team and the raffle was a generous one! Steve took off his quiz master hat and replaced it with his clever caller's patter. Dates to remember: Wednesday 10th and 24th August and 7th and 21st September at 7.30pm. Adults and older accompanied children welcome, so come along and enjoy the sessions.
On July 8th library trustees met with our local Member of Parliament Dr Luke Evans, MP and Ozzy O'shea, CC. Both were very sympathetic to our determination to keep our village library and community hub open. Luke was keen to do whatever lay within his power to help us and has offered to write to the utility companies with whom we are struggling to reach an agreement over an historic bill. He has put us in touch with grant opportunities and has generally offered real, practical support. We all felt the meeting was a reassuring and encouraging one and will keep you updated. Ratby Parish Council have also been approached for support.

The Co-op Comes Up Trumps! The trustees would like to shout out a huge thank you to our regional and local Co-operative Society. In the past month we have received a grant of £675 from the community fund to pay for a new fridge-freezer and microwave oven for our kitchen. It was really needed as our old equipment had suddenly 'gone' and the new one arrived in the nick of time. Not just that, however, we met with five members of the regional and local staff who were enthusiastic in their wish to do whatever they can to keep our village hub buzzing. Carl, Tracy and Julie from our local were full of ideas and offers of practical help and Karen from the regional office offered advice and committed to supporting us via vouchers and services. Thank you so much –your help will really make a difference! 16th December 2022 is when our lease ends unless our finances improve.
How Can The Village Help? Are you planning on a visit to The Bull's Head on Main St for one of their great meals? If so please consider adding an extra £1 to the bill as this will go straight to us. We are so grateful for their support as their team has made a real effort to help us increase our funds. Every donation counts.

Yoga chair based class starting soon. Clara, our experienced and very gentle leader, will be starting her classes in the library from 10.15-11.15 am on Tuesday 23rd August. The exercises will be mostly seated but Clara will be posting more about them on social media and in the library. I know I'm going to welcome the chance to stretch and bend without feeling that I should apologize for going too slow!

Not forgetting the children!
Children's activities this holiday have been popular: we've had Lego week, Collage week and we have more coming up! Take a look at 8 year old Francesca and 3 year old Jacob's 3D collage -brilliant job!

Look out for our Uniform Swap for new school year. Date not quite fixed as I write, but we will be organizing a swap of 'younger for older' clothing in clean, good condition. Don't buy everything new until you've had a chance to browse our stall.
6 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Visit The Little Shop And Cafe Local crafters have been so generous; by donating goods for sale we now have our own craft area with very pretty and useful goods for sale. Items include cards, coasters, wreaths, amazing wet bags and re-usable nappy holders. I love the Blind Date With a Book, offering too. Our popular cafe has extended into an outside area which we are busy turning into a pretty outside space! Very restful and comfortable thanks to the generous donation of tables and chairs. Specials this month have included delicious iced latte and cappuccino coffees, so good with a slice of cake... Fun and Games.

Opening Hours: Monday 10am – 12.30 & 2pm – 4.30pm Tuesday 2pm – 4.30pm Wednesday 2pm – 5pm Thursday 2pm – 4.30pm Friday 2pm – 4.30pm Saturday 10am – 12.30
Save Our Library Campaign Roaring Ahead! Ratby Library Community Group Charity Commission Number 1164252

The Headteacher, Staff and Governors warmly invite you to visit the school on: Thursday 29th September 2022 6.00pm to 8.00pm To arrange a tour of the school ‘at work’, please contact the Headteacher, Mr Simon Andrews on the number below or by email to office@southcharnwood.org Broad Lane, Markfield, Leics LE67 9TB - Tel: 01530 242351 www.southcharnwood.leics.sch.uk

We’re glad to say that the Library is really busy this summer, which is great news. We have a pretty constant stream of children coming to see us, with lots of them taking an active part in the Summer Reading Challenge. There is still plenty of time for more to join in so if you are looking for something to keep the children occupied, drop in and enrol. This is a free service. In brief, it involves children in reading a minimum of six books over the summer, and then rating them, with little rewards along the way. On successful completion, the children get a certificate and a medal. Children up to the age of 12 can take part. What’s not to like about that?
Article by Liz Collinson Here we are again and still no rain. It somehow seems a distant memory. How our gardens are suffering, poor things. We battle on regardless, ever hopeful of better things to come. It’s not often we moan about having too much sun, but that seems to be the name of the game right now. Still, the sunflowers are looking wonderful, are they not – what a wonderful idea that was.
We will have a second Family Activity morning on Wednesday 17th August from 10.00 – 12.00. We ran the first in July and were pleased that it was immensely successful. Children have the opportunity to take part in a range of craft activities, including Lego, Hama beads, and simple science. We have lots of volunteers on hand to help and encourage, and there are refreshments for sale, including our rather splendid stock of ice creams. Children must be accompanied.
If the answers are yes, then we would like to hear from you!
We are hosting two Open Meetings, to initially gather ideas for projects that could benefit Kirby Muxloe. If you have time to help with the organisation of such events, then please come along. We are sure that together we could make some of your ideas, big and small, a reality.

Would you like to see more social events held in our village?
Have you any ideas about how we could bring together our community?
Would you like to see positive changes made to our village environment?
The Community Hub already supports local events, including those run by the Parish Council; organises cultural events for adults and children; is a meeting place to hold committee meetings; and a central point for communications. We are ready to do more, but we need your help!
Contact by email to anthony.deakin@hotmail.com or phone Leigh on 0116 233 7699 to express interest or raise ideas.

Kirby Muxloe Library and Community Hub (KML&CH) is about so much more than books! We are launching a new community action initiative: Friends Of The Hub
At the KML&CH we wish to link local people together in order to galvanise and encourage volunteer involvement in all sorts of ways.
Please come to one of the open meetings to be held at the Library either on: Wednesday 7th September or Wednesday 14th September both 7.30pm
If you have an idea or project in mind but cannot attend, then please message us. If you have no particular idea in mind but would just like to support the community and hear what others have to say, then do come along. There is no compulsion to say anything, but it would be great to see you and gauge interest.

We will be supporting the Village Fun Day and Scarecrow Trail on Saturday and Sunday, 10th and 11th September. There is plenty of advertising for this around the village and we are hoping that, following the brilliant Jubilee event, this will have equal appeal. It would be really great to get an annual Scarecrow Trail up and running. We will be making a couple of scarecrows for the Library and hope to see lots around the village. Our contribution will be to have the Library open on the Saturday afternoon for refreshments and on Sunday afternoon for a sale of donated books, jigsaws and DVDs, and also lost property that has not been claimed.
8 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
We have at least three events planned for the autumn. Two we have done before – a Roger and Rosemary quiz, which will take place in the Library this time with a cheese-based supper and puddings (date to be announced), a gig with the ever-popular N’Ukes ukulele band (accompanied by a ploughman’s and puddings supper) on 29th October and an entirely new event – apple pressing! This latter is planned for 17th and 18th October to celebrate National Apple Day. Just bring along your crop of excess apples and turn them into apple juice. Now that sounds like fun! More details to follow.
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Leicester Forest East Parish Council Article by Holly Mann Grant Policy Reminder The Parish Council's Community Grants Scheme is now open! Applications from community groups, for a specific project, are welcomed. For more information please www.lfeparishcouncil.org.uk/uploads/grants-policy-1.pdfvisit: (or email clerk@lfeparishcouncil.org.uk) to discuss becoming a Parish Councillor Leicester Forest East Parish Hall, Kings Drive, LFE, Leicester LE3 3JE Supper is included consisting of assorted sandwich platters and nibbles to be served at tables Vegetarian or gluten free options available if requested at the time of booking Tea and coffee will be available and you are very welcome to bring along your own cold drinks and glasses Tickets £8 each – to be bought in advance Available by calling Rosemarie Nash Smith on 0116 482 9076 or The Parish Clerk in person at the Hall or calling on 0116 239 0039 Full payment is required at the time of booking please On the night arrive by 6.45pm for a prompt 7pm start Teams of up to six people. Tables will be allocated on arrival Individuals or smaller groups welcome to join with others to make up teams and share your combined knowledge All proceeds will be donated to Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham for Liver Foundation UK Please bring your own picnic! Ratby Brass Band from 3pm - 4.45pm Quorn Ukulele Orchestra from 2pm -2.45pm Free Entry – No Tickets Needed Picnic in the Park SUNDAY 21ST AUGUST 2022 2:00PM - 5:00PM Kings Drive Playing Fields, Kings Drive, Leicester Forest East, LE3 3JE (behind the Parish Hall) 10 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

THE RAVEL 800 HIGH EFFICIENCY GAS FIRE FROM £1499 The Ravel 800 High Efficiency gas fire features the latest in under-log burner technology and is sure to impress with it’s stunning fuel bed layout. The unique burner system allows the fire to be turned to low whilst still retaining an impressive flame picture. Shown here in the Asti Limestone surround. Portway Arundel £539.99 Cast Iron door and grate Large viewing window Simple operating controls Slim depth installation CLEAN BURN Ecodesign 2022 Stovax Sheraton 5 From £999 Output from 2.5kw to 7kw Multi fuel 80% efficient 5 year Stovax guarantee Guaranteed Lowest UK Prices! New Media Wall displays now in store with full installation service! NEW Esse 1 Ecodesign Ready 5kw wood burner with 10 metres 316 Grade Chimney Liner, parts & HETAS installation From Only £1499 T: 0116 3667766 E: W:info@allaboutliving.co.ukwww.allaboutliving.co.uk All About Living Ltd 68 - 72 Hinckley Road Leicester, LE3 0RD FIREPLACESSTOVESOFDISPLAYLARGESTMIDLANDSFIRES,AND Warm up your living area with a beautiful fireplace or wood burning stove. Over 50 years experience and a full installation service on hand to guarantee your project runs smoothly.

Summer Fair

Diwali Celebration – 29th October – 3pm to 6pm Details to follow Library Week – 3rd to 9th October 7th October @ 7pm – Meet an Author, tickets £6.50 to include Cheese & Wine

Quiz Night – 11th or 18th November Christmas Fair – 26th November, 11am to2pm
Leicester Forest East Community Library
School + SessionsNursery www.messymovers.co.uk Educational Messy and sensory play classes Messy Play Parties Each class has a wide range of themed messy and non messy stations Relaxed Childled Friendly We also run... Classes held in Leicester Forest East throughout the week 0116 2505 848 12 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

We can also loan out books but please remember the Coffee Mornings on the 1st Saturday of the month (10:00 – 13:00). Please make a note of the future events and contact us if you are interested or want to purchase tickets by using the QR code below.

The library held its summer fair on the 23rd July. The event was well attended and raised over £100 to support the library. You may had seen the details on social media previously. The stalls included crafts, cakes, samosas, tombola, a book stall and children’s activities. Pictured is one of the children who has made a model of a soft toy. All these events will help raise funds for the library. As we are losing our grants from Leicestershire County Council due to Government funding next year these events are vital to keep the library open.

Bingo Night – 9th September – 7pm for 7.30pm start Bring your own snacks and drinks - £6.00 per strip. Get tickets now.
Stafford Leys pupils – Book area and new books

Look out for the books marked up with blue stickers and an area at the back of the library is dedicated to the school.

Some Stafford Leys pupils have been visiting the library on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons which has been a great success for both the Library and School. In further co-operation the library has purchased some books (selected by the school) to support this activity and they are available for the Stafford Leys pupils to borrow. The books will be available from the start of term with further books supporting French and geography being added later in the year. For those parents look for further details on the school twitter feed.
Article by Paul Turner
Opening Hours Monday 2pm - 5pm Tuesday Closed Wednesday 8:30 - noon 2pm – 4:30pm 6pm - 8pm Thursday 10am - noon 2pm - 4pm Friday 2pm - 5pm 10am - noon * 1st Saturday of the month coffee morning 10am - 1pm

Future Events

Email:HelpingyouremainindependentinyourownhomeFormoreinformationpleasecall:01162184989or01162184965leicester@myhomecare.co.ukwww.leicester.myhomecare.co.uk My Homecare is a Care Quality Commission Registered service provider • Medication Assistance • Palliative Care • Respite Cover • Shopping Service • Laundry Service • Cleaning Service • Transportation Service • Live in Care • Personal Care • Companionship • Dementia Care • Food Preparation & Serving • High Dependency Care, two carers attending All our staff are fully checked, inducted, trained and certified in accordance with skills of care. “Need An Electrician?” “Do you find it hard to get someone to do your small jobs?” You’ll get value for money because our pricing is ReturningcompetitiveCustomers account for 74% of our work - that says it all about the quality of our work and the friendliness in our service We give you five years guarantee on our labour We’re NICEIC registered - so we’re assessed on a regular basis to ensure the highest standard of care are always met Always leave things clean and tidy All our team are smartly uniformed and we train them to always be prompt, polite and professional (and they smile a lot) We’ll turn up when we say we will • Rewires • Emergency Call Outs • Fuse Boards • Sockets • Lights • Showers • Extractor Fans • Led Spot Lights • Internet Cabling • USB Sockets • Outside Sockets • Fault Finding • Security Lighting • Testing Certificates • Smoke Alarms • Commercial Unit 5, The Mill Lane Industrial Estate, Mill Lane, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 8DX Email: info@glenfieldelectrical.com Website: www.glenfieldelectrical.com “If you can’t see what you want here we’ll probably do it – just ask” Amy our star apprentice For your FREE Quotation Call Us Today Call us NOW on 28732260116 Quality Fitted Kitchens, Bedrooms and Home Studies Local Family Run Business Tel (0116) 255 66 69 www.holmfields.co.uk 17 Carlisle Street Leicester LE3 6AH Showroom (Mon-Fri) 9.00am - 5.00pm Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm Plantation Window Shutters Now Available www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 13

Details of the dates of meetings, together with the topics that will be covered, are shown on the notice board in Kirby Muxloe Library and on our website, which is www.kirbymuxloelocalhistorygroup.org
Covid precautions will apply. For further details, please see our website. “Memories” meetings unfortunately remain suspended, pending our assessment of the effectiveness of our anti-virus procedures.
Article by Judith Upton
The Kirby Muxloe Local History Group generally meets 6 times a year, and membership is open to all.

Jan’s story My father Fred Clarke was born in Leicester in 1902, moving to Kirby Muxloe in 1926 when he married my mother. Fred, as a boy was lively and adventurous, who all his life loved to try new things. When Fred was nine years old and living in Oxenden Street, Leicester, his mother realised he was missing. His father was aware that Fred loved fire engines and having heard that there was a fire at St George’s Church (in the Curve area of the town), he went there to find him. Reports of the Great Fire of Leicester records that the fire engine from Asfordby Street Fire Station attended the fire. Looking at the street map it seems likely that Fred would have seen or heard the fire engine going to the fire and followed it! When Fred was 13 and living at Soar Mill, Broughton Astley, his parents left him in charge of his 8 year old brother and 4 year old sister May. May fell into the river and Fred rescued her. (I can see a trend forming here, Fred was obviously very adventurous and would always “have a go” no matter what the problem was J.U.).
This month our article is penned by Jan Timson (née Clarke). Jan, as many people in Kirby Muxloe will be aware, is now 90 years old and as sharp as a tack! Sometimes, I find it quite difficult to get my head around all her research, much of it going on at the same time as another project. I visit her quite often and there are always more stories to tell, more information to impart. Lately, Jan has been researching her father Fred’s time in the Sea Scouts during WWI. It appears that, although the Sea Scouts were invaluable to the coastal areas of Great Britain, especially during WWI, there is little information about them, as most records were lost in the bombing of London during WWII. Jan, as ever, not to be beaten, contacted various people, until at last she found the title of a book which charts the life of a Sea Scout during WWI and after. The book “Sea Scouting A History 1909-2009” was written by Roy Masini. Roy was born in London in 1941 and joined the Sea Scouts in 1949, spending many hours on the river Thames as a young boy. He became a life-long Sea Scout and held various senior positions in the Sea Scout movement. He is acknowledged as a “Sea Scout Historian”.
My father told me that when patrolling the cliffs with a coast guard on a moonlit night, looking over the edge of the cliff, they spotted a body spread-eagled on the beach below. This had to be investigated, which involved climbing down the cliff. I was never told more details; I can imagine my mother digging dad in the ribs before he said too much!
Fred Clarke, Sea Scout wearing his full uniform with badges c1914 14 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

The Kirby Muxloe Local History Group

I contacted the Local History Society of Rottingdean hoping that they would have some information about the Sea Scouts, but unfortunately, they did not.
During WWI, representatives of Leicestershire Scouts went to see if the Sea Scouts were being well looked after. In a report of the visit held by Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Record Office, it states that they were concerned to learn that some of the scouts had been on a destroyer in Newhaven Harbour – I wonder if Ernie Head facilitated the expedition?
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday September 20th when we will be given an interesting talk by David Ray entitled “William Morris and England’s Silk Road”. Our meetings commence at 7:30pm and visitors are always most welcome.
Fred joined the Sea Scouts, which had been founded by Warrington Baden-Powell with the encouragement of his brother Robert Baden-Powell, author of “Scouting for Boys”. The Scout movement was founded in 1907 by Robert and the Sea Scouts founded by Warrington in 1912, although by 1910 a uniform had already been approved. In 1911, the government gave permission for Sea Scouts to be recruited as Coast Watchers in time of war, to replace runners between coast guard stations. Fred spent some time as a Coast Watcher based in Rottingdean in East Sussex, between 1914 and 1916. Unfortunately, if he did write letters home they have been lost. I have two stories he told. One day he and a mate were tasked with collecting old newspapers on a hand cart. They were in Newhaven pushing the cart up the steep hill of Brighton Road in the pouring rain, feeling very sorry for themselves. A young woman saw them and invited them in to warm themselves with a cup of tea and a slice of gingerbread. Her name was Edie Head and she was married to a dock worker, Ernie Head. This started a friendship that lasted until Edie and Ernie died. As a family we had many happy holidays in Newhaven.
At present Jan is researching the badges seen on the picture of Fred in his Sea Scout Uniform. Now, with the help of the Scouts UK Heritage Collection, we have the details of the tasks that Fred had to undertake to earn his badges. A full list of tasks can be seen on our website.
Fred was a member of the Leicester scout band, playing the drums. One Sunday morning, marching through Leicester he wondered whether if he took the drum stick straps off his wrists, he could toss the sticks in the air and catch them again. The thought was father of the deed. but alas he failed – the sticks landed on top of an open-air tram! The Band Master was not amused.
Fred Clarke Sea Scout
Barber & Ladies Salon Appointments & Walk-Ins Now Available Ladies Specialists In: Colour - Cutting - Bridal Packages Mob: 0790 8526 728 Visit Us 7 Wardens Walk Leicester Forest East LE3 3GF (off Braunstone Crossroads) Opening Times Mon & Tue Closed Wed 9am-5pm Thur & Fri 9am-6pm Sat 8am-2pm Just cal our small, friendly firm - whether it’s one window or a full house - with approximate sizes, and we’ll give you a price OVER THE PHONE or a free call out if you prefer. There’s no need to replace the window - we will replace the glass unit for you G E GAMBLE & SONS INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS ESTABLISHED 1830 — 57 HIGH STREET SYSTON, LEICESTER, LE7 1GQ TEL: 0116 2607500 A FAMILY OWNED FUNERAL DIRECTORS OFFERING A PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY FUNERALS ARRANGED IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME OR AT OUR UNIQUE 17TH CENTURY THATCHED COTTAGE PROPRIETOR MR RICK MEwww.gamblefunerals.co.ukASTILLMBERSOFSAIFANDNAFD LET OUR FAMILY LOOK AFTER YOUR FAMILY FOR FREE ADVICE AND GUIDANCE Tel: 07751 631 893 Email: www.benchmarkfencing.co.ukjulian@benchmarkfencing.co.uk•AllTypesOfFencing&GatesErectedAtVeryCompetitivePrices•AllWorkCarriedOutByExperiencedTradesmen•FreeQuotes•SupplyOnlyAvailableCOMMERCIALGATESDOMESTICBESPOKE www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 15

Cat Sanctuary Project Article by Lucy Connor

The two new pens are fully secure with an indoor and outdoor section. They are also part roofed to protect from sun and rain and have two fully insulated indoor cat pods, complete with a heating and air-conditioning system. The pens will be used for cats who may find the existing cattery busy and overwhelming or those who are used to being outdoors and having more space to roam. Because these pens are bigger than the existing Cattery, there will be plenty of space for staff and volunteers to step into the pens to interact with the cats. This will be especially beneficial for nervous animals and those that have been straying and who may have developed trust issues with humans.
We have exciting news here at Leicester Animal Aid! Work is almost complete on the installation of two new cat sanctuary pens. Funding for this has been provided by the Pets at Home Foundation and a generous donation from a local family of animal lovers, the Proctor family.

The new cat pens will also be used to house Queens who are ready to welcome new arrivals. Over the summer months, we have had an influx of kittens at the Centre and the new pods will help kittens like Crumble and Custard who were born here this year. The new pens are insulated to ensure the cats and kittens will be kept warm, and they will be quieter than the existing Cattery. Having more space to play will also help the kittens to socialise and gain confidence.
Every year, LAA care for more than 400 dogs and cats who are lost, abandoned, neglected, unwanted or relinquished because their owners can no longer look after them. If you would like to see the new Cat Pens, as well as our other facilities, our Centre is open to visitors every Wednesday and Saturday. You can call in between the hours of 10am to 2pm for the Kennels, and 11am to 2pm for the MoreCattery.information is available at leicesteranimalaid.org.uk 16 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
• FREE home visit, quote and installation • FRIENDLY, reliable, local service • Vertical, Venetian Roller, Pleated and Roman • Pleated conservatory roof specialist,roof blind and shutter repair and cleaning service • Over 20 Years Experience Tel: 0116 239 0484 or 07976 572926 Email: gkent54@btinternet.com LANDLORDSDemandforrentalpropertyhasneverbeenhigher,whilsttherisktolandlordsisincreasingintheseuncertaintimesPlaceyourpropertyunderfullmanagementwithusandreceivefreerentguaranteeandtenantevictionprotectionfor12months*Weprideourselvesonourfriendlyyetprofessionalapproachandarepleasedtobecelebratingourtenyearanniversarythisyear,Contactusandseewhysomanylandlordsrecommendus*Termsapply,pleaseseeourwebsiteforfulldetailsContact Louise or Marianne for an information pack or to arrange a free property appraisal Call: 0116 287 0334 Email: lettings@oaktreelettings.co.uk 86 Faire Road, Glenfield, Leicester, LE3 www.oaktreelettings.co.uk8ED Extensions - Refurbishments Patios - General Building Works Get in touch today for your quote @CountyConcontact@countycontractorsleics.co.uk07734405374www.countycontractorsleics.co.ukCountyContractors,Groby,Leicester www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 17

To access any of these services type the following link into your computer. Or go to the County Councils www.leicestershire.gov.uk/cost-of-livingwebsite.
Support for Leicestershire residents

Road Works, Burroughs Road Ratby.
Holiday Activity Fund
Help with food and fuel Household Support Fund
To access any of these services type the following link into your computer.
A Section 50 licence application for Burroughs Road, Ratby has been approved from for dates 08.08.2022 to 26.08.2022.
The Household Support Fund runs until the end of September and offers vouchers to vulnerable pensioners and families to help with fuel and food costs. The £3.6 million fund will also pay for food vouchers for around 14,000 children who are eligible for free school meals, during the six-week summer holiday. From August, we’re planning one-off £100 payments for people in receipt of pension credit - you can find out more soon.
In order to try and prevent congestion / access issues they are using two way temporary stop and go boards for 3 weeks rather than a road closure for 6 weeks. When they are not on site working they will plate over the excavation and ensure that these plates will be suitable for HGVs and secured correctly. This will mean access can be maintained without positive traffic management being on site all the time. When they have to do the excavation across the entrance to the pub they have advised us that they can do this in 2 halves so access will be maintained for the pub.
First Contact Plus Our First Contact Plus service is an online tool which helps adults in Leicestershire find information about a range of services all in one place. Information and resources on housing, health, living independently, money advice, work, security, and other topics that assist the county’s residents can be found.
The Holiday Activity Fund provides free places at holiday clubs over the summer for children eligible for free school meals. We’re able to offer these as part of the Government’s Holiday Activities and Food programme, backed by footballer Marcus Rashford. The free sessions include sports, music, arts, and other exciting opportunities to learn and develop skills, alongside a nutritious meal each day.
Ratby Road Kirby Muxloe. A road closure commenced on the 8th August until 18th September 2022 to allow for connections to the site in Kirby Muxloe the installation of traffic lights and road resurfacing. Residents wishing to access Blood Hill and the A47 or Glenfield will need to follow the diversion route via Desford Lane into Kirby Muxloe Then left in to Main Street and right onto Blood Hill. Like Ratby Kirby Muxloe has been affected by new developments.
The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) is warning the public about the continued increase in reports about scams where victims are targeted on WhatsApp by criminals pretending to be someone they know – typically their Betweenchildren.3rdFebruary 2022 and 21st June 2022, there have been a total of 1235 reports made to Action Fraud linked to this scam, with total reported losses exceeding £1.5mn.
Supporting people Our teams help adults who need additional support because of increasing fuel and food prices - including older people where in many situations their care workers are the only people that they will see and interact with.
Help with home energy Warm Homes From grants and funding to supplying low-cost items, the Warm Homes Fund supports people to stay warm in their homes. Energy advice and switching support is also offered to residents to help them make informed decisions in the future.
Crisis support We support The Signposting and Community Support Service which helps people in hardship with furniture and electrical goods, as well as emergency short-term food and fuel support to people in crisis.
If you’re already receiving support from adult social care or children and family services, please talk to your worker about what help is available. Local area co-ordinators Our Local area co-ordinators and community recovery workers provide direct support on a range of issues including food, finances and fuel.
Community Fridges In Wigston, Coalville, Loughborough, and Hinckley, our volunteer-run Community Fridges are continuing to support their local communities by providing donated food for free to anyone who needs it.
The contractor working for Langan Homes originally wanted a 6 week road closure and were going to have to connect from outside the WPD asset all the way up to the park, across it and through the fields. Officers had a site meeting with them and asked them to rethink the proposals to reduce the duration / look at if there was a shorter route possible because of the impact on the local area. They undertook some investigation work and came back with new proposals which meant the connection point is closure to the pub and therefore the distance they need to cover is a lot shorter.
There are six community kitchens in Leicestershire helping people to not only reduce food waste but also save money. Learn more about the Love Food, Hate Waste programme.
WhatsApp scam costs victims £1.5 million
Highways officers have asked the contractors to contact affected residents and businesses including the pub on Burroughs Road again in advance of the works to explain this and so they are aware when deliveries etc are expected, they have also been asked to place out advance warning signs concerning the works.
We're doing everything we can to support families as cost of living rises bite. There are funds, programmes, and services to help you and your family get through this difficult time.
18 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Supporting our communities Helping people to lead safe and fulfilling lives is part of our job – and this includes support with rising prices.
Ozzy O’shea County Councillor T: 0116 2394336 M: 07808585825 E: ozzyoshea@hotmail.com
The criminal will provide bank details for the payment to be made to, with some coming back with further demands for money.
By teaming up with district councils, we’re securing money to install energy efficiency measures in those homes most in need of support. This means that over the next year, more than £3 million will be spent making Leicestershire’s homes warmer, and tackling the crucial issue of rising energy prices. Find out more about the Green Living Leicestershire home energy grant.
Find help with cost of living visit the County Councils website.
Love Food, Hate Waste
Green Living Leicestershire
Criminals will usually begin the conversation with “Hello Mum” or “Hello Dad” and will say that they are texting from a new mobile number as their phone was lost or damaged. They will then ask for money to purchase a new one, or claim that they need money urgently to pay a bill
Our children and family workers help people with cooking on a budget, budgeting, priority debts, and signpost families to the sources of support.
Detective Chief Inspector Craig Mullish, from the City of London Police, said: “If you receive a message like this from a friend or family member, don’t send any money until you’ve had a chance to call them and confirm their identity. Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.”
Lawns • Borders • Hedges Weeding • Pruning Planting & General Gardening Small Shrubs & Trees Taken Down Pressure Washing Mick GardeningMortimerServices Call Mick on 07850244454 Or e-mail mick-mortimer@hotmail.com COVID VACCINATED Martin Tibbles PAINTING SERVICESDECORATING& Excellent references available Interior exterior 0116 291 0489 07855 412 945 WorkmanshipQualityGuaranteed30YrsExp. Over 30 years experience in the electrical trade 29 Dalby Road, Anstey, Leicester Call Steve on 07724 057567 Re-wires - Extra Sockets - Lighting Burglar Alarms - Security Lighting or any other electrical problems Part P Registered Steve Goodger Electrical Services FREEandPersonalDELIVERYwithService“AskAboutourSameDay/NextDayInstallationRemovalService”We are pleased to announce that we are now agents for A.W.E Kitchens and Bedrooms Who specialise in Bespoke made to measure kitchen & bedroom furniture Please call in for further details ANSTEY ZWF845B4PWZANUSSI Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 8kg Load Capacity E Rated 2yr Guarantee 14 Programmes LWF174310WBlomberg Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7Kg Load Capacity 28 Min Fast Full Load 16 Programmes D Rated WAJ28008GBBOSCH Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7kg Load Capacity D ExpressRated Wash 15 Programmes WEC84P64E2WBEKO Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 8kg Load Capacity A Rated Fast WhiteWashes NSWE743UWSHOTPOINT Washing Machine 1400rpm Spin Speed 7kg Load Capacity D Rated 45min Rapid Wash White FAST FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Fitted KitchensBEKOCIFY81X Built-In Single Oven 5 AStainlessFan66FunctionsLtrOvenAssistedSteelRated How to protect yourself: STOP. THINK. CALL. If a family member or friend makes an unusual request on WhatsApp, always call the person to confirm their identity. You can report spam messages or block a sender within WhatsApp. Press and hold on the message bubble, select ‘Report’ and then follow the Neverinstructions.share your account’s activation code (that’s the 6 digit code you receive via SMS) Hotmail Email Scam. Note the email address it is sent from (hotmail.com user1@sintered.in) Not from YourDearMicrosoftMicrosoftWedTo:xxxxxxxxhotmail.commicrosoft<user1@sintered.in>13/07/202214:31Accountxxxxxxxxxx@hotmail.com,Microsoftaccounthasexceeded the limit and you may not send or receive new emails until you verify your email address. Verify your email Account security 2022 . Finally I would like to thank you all for your continued support and remind you that should you need my help or advice, I always pride myself on making myself available to residents. Remember I am only a phone call or email away. Ozzy AlwaysO’shea.Working for you www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 19

DM17 Highways and Transportation
A new press release has just come out from HBBC regarding an earlier collection this week starting on Wednesday that will mean a start time of 6am rather than 7am. This is because of the imminent heatwave but Ratby residents are not affected so far as our collection is on Monday's. Even so, we advise that residents put their bins out for collection on Sunday nights.

The development would have a significant adverse impact on the intrinsic value, beauty and open character of the area contrary to policy DM4 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD; DM10 Development and Design Developments will be permitted providing that the following requirements are met: It complements or enhances the character of the surrounding area with regard to scale, layout, density, mass, design, materials and architectural features. This application is contrary to policy DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.
Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD DM4 Safeguarding the Countryside and Settlement Separation
The case officer is Alex Jelley email objections to alex.jelley@hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk

Planning at HBBC.
ChrisRegards& WorkingOzzy.foryou.
22/00648/OUT Land South Of Markfield Road Ratby Leicestershire. Lagan Homes Ltd have submitted a further outline Planning Application for another residential development of up to 75 dwellings alongside associated site infrastructure and open space (All matters reserved except for access) This village has taken far more than its far share of housing forced up us by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. Reasons to object. Our Schools are full and will be from the current developments. Children will have to go to school in Groby to Martinshaw Primary School and those places will soon become full.
The development would have a significant impact on highway safety, generating a significant increase in traffic movements on an already busy road, particularly the junction of Markfield Road and Main Street and Groby Road, Ratby, contrary to policy DM17 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.
The Following are policy reasons that can be used to object to this application
Bin Collections.
Once again, we take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and remember we are only a phone call away.
Ozzy arranged a meeting which we both attended, at the Hinckley Hub with the new Director of Planning Sharon Stacey. We have both vented our dismay that (A) The Planning Department is not fit for purpose, ( B) that new planning consultants are not contactable ( C) that saved planning policies seem to be out of date when deliberating applications in the Rural Areas such as Ratby but not in the LibDem controlled areas such as Burbage which is fundamentally unfair but that is the hand that we have been dealt. On top of the original 267 dwellings in Ratby that have already got permission, We are still faced with a possible 75 homes by Lagan Homes north of Markfield Rd and 225 dwellings by Gladman Homes off Desford lane. We remain committed to level the playing field and we are confident that Sharon Stacey is happy to work with us and take the existing Officers to task and more importantly, the ruling Administration.
Ozzy O’sheaBorough Councillor T: 0116 2394336 M: 07808585825 E: ozzyoshea@hotmail.com ChrisBoroughBoothbyCouncillor T: 0116 2912796 M: 07306 390543 E: chris.boothby@hotmail.com BOUNCYCASTLE FOODGAMES CHARITY AUCTION Kirby Muxloe Annual Village Show 2022 ENTRIES WILL BE OPEN TO KIRBY MUXLOE & SURROUNDING AREAS. MORE INFORMATION AT - kmux.net/villageshow To be held at The Royal Oak & Garden Sunday 28th August IS BACK! 20 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news


esigner Bathrooms are family business with generations of experience based in the heart of Leicestershire. Tel: 0116 251 0363 - sales@ www.designerbathroomsleicester.comdesignerbathroomsleicester.com-74BradgateStreet,Leicester,LE4

With an in-house team of experts who are all fully trained and qualified to the highest standard, Designer Bathrooms can ensure total customer bespokeSpecialisingsatisfaction.inbeautifulbathroomsand en-suites, specifically tailored to meet their requirements,customers’theystrive to create a bathing experience second to none. Just walking around their exquisite showroom, you have the opportunity to see a variety of over 35 room settings, each perfectly showcasing many industry top brands, as well as a taste of the Mediterranean with Italian and Spanish wall and floor tiles. From speaking to the team at Designer Bathrooms it’s clear that they want everyone to be able to have a relaxing and inspiring bathing experience. As such they are proud of their quality of service, products and their single level showroom plus they also specialise in accessible bathing. Their displays include walk in level floor showers, fold down shower seats, grab rails, digital push button showers, lever taps and comfort height toilets. At Designer Bathrooms it is perfectly clear that they understand just how important it is to make the right choices, for what should be, one of the most relaxing rooms in your home. As such they listen to your requirements and will guide you through the entire process, from first thought to final tile. So when you’re next considering a new bathroom or en-suite make over, why not pay Designer Bathrooms a visit? You’ll receive a warm welcome as well as expert advice. Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm Private car park available They look forward to welcoming you soon….
• Our health is increasingly worsened (via insulin resistance) if our level of blood sugar constantly exceeds just one teaspoon of sugar.
• A breakfast of cereal, milk, toast and fruit juice equals 16 teaspoons of sugar. And that's without any extra sugar you sprinkle, or marmalade you add.
• A large baked potato is 15 teaspoons of sugar. A banana is about six. A medium chocolate muffin is ten. A medium bagel is 11, and a slice of bread is at least three teaspoons of sugar.
Sugar and carbohydrates especially tend to be highly addictive and 'gateways' to other addictions, which is hidden to most people.
A Longer Happier
When we know how something can be fixed then we can fix it. If we don't know what's actually causing the problem, then the problem is more Inflammationchallenging. is very damaging to our sleep and mental health, hormonal balance, hunger regulation, blood vessels and nervous system, and this is part of a feedback loop that worsens as we age, unless we fix things. Cancers, heart and lung disease, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer's and kidney disease are now the main causes of death, UK and globally. 200 years ago they hardly featured in mortality rates.
Changes in human diet and lifestyle have caused this health crisis, which we now understand better than ever, so the good news is that you can learn how to transform your own health, and dramatically improve your whole life wellbeing,in surprisingly easy ways!
We see this 'cascading' by inspirational transformation - via new leadersable to show and teach others, in a ground-upwards regeneration of people and communities. If you'd like to know more about your own health and to become part of our educational work please get in touch. A healthy lifestyle educational group is now being established in Anstey. We also work in the corporate sector with employers and can help you set up healthy lifestyle education groups in workplaces too.
Article by Alan Chapman all know that cakes, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks contain sugar, and too much sugar is bad for health. about other foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar and have a huge impact on our blood sugar (glucose) levels? So did you know?...
But what

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LiveWildLiveFree.org is a social enterprise founded in April 2021, based in Anstey, connected and operating much more widely.

Contact Alan Chapman (co-founder LiveWildLiveFree.org) - 07907 961408 Thishttps://livewildlivefree.org/contact/contentisofferedasinformation not clinical diagnosis. The main technical reference sources are PublicHealthCollaboration.org and LowCarbFreshwell.co.uk (whose free Freshwell app we recommend very strongly). These sources comprise highly qualified NHS practising GPs and dietary professionals, especially in the successful treatment and reversing of obesity and diabetes and other chronic illnesses. 22 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

Our aims are simple: • to help people become all they can be, • to be naturally healthy and fit, mind/body/soul, for whole life, • to help families and especially young people to rise above the challenges they face in today's ever changing world, and to achieve health and wellbeing in ways that inspire and cascade to others.
• A small serving of basmati rice is equal to 10 (TEN) teaspoons of sugar.
Processed carbohydrate foods and drinks, including grain/seed/veg oils/ margarines (except healthy olive oil) - especially since the 1980s - have increased human obesity and chronic preventable illness catastrophically.
Paul’s Decorating Service Painting & FullyCompetitivepaperingpricesinsured Family run business Reliable and conscientious Great eye for detail! T 0116 285 4279 M 07554 028116 E paul@paulsdecoratingservice.co.uk Contact Paul Spence now: We are a small local, friendly team, happy to carry out all aspects of garden work. GARDEN DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE S.A.S. LANDSCAPING Slabbing and Block Paving • Fencing and Turfing Hedge Cutting and All Tree Work Decking, Pergolas and All Timberwork All Types of Maintenance 25 Years Experience - All Work Guaranteed For a free quote and design call Sean on 0116 2121841 or 07856 516 335 Email: woolster1970@gmail.com 3 Easy Ways To Book AdvertisingYourPlanEmail sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk Call 0800 6446 150 Online www.openboxpromotions.co.uk Anstey, WoodhouseWoodhouseNewtownCropston,Thurcaston,Swithland,Linford,&Eaves 6,000 copies Shepshed & Hathern 7,200 copies Ratby, Kirby Muxloe & Leicester Forest East 6,800 copies 3 CirculationMagazinesLocalTotal20,000 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 23

My names Mary and I’ve been a member of the Ratby surgery PPG for over 6 years. I care deeply about the NHS and patient care. Myself and all my immediate family are cared for by the surgery, they’ve looked after everything from the birth of my children to the passing of my grandparents.

Message Form The Patient Participation Group At Ratby Surgery
Meet some of the members of your PPG
Natural Treatments For Eczema
For further information, visit Gary and his team at The Health Store, West Bridgford or call 0115 9814080.
What is the role of a PPG?
Hello, I am Lynda I decided to join the PPG because I was very impressed by the Surgery's future plans. I am deafblind and believe I can make a difference by raising awareness of disabilities and access issues. For example, I was able to advise the Practise that they could arrange to dispense NHS hearing aid batteries from our reception to save patients having to go to LRI The were very happy to action this This is an exciting time to be involved with Ratby Surgery.
At the top of this list? It has to be neem. Neem is a very valuable plant when it comes to treating skin conditions. The properties of the plant make it wonderful at relieving any discomfort or itchiness associated with dry, sensitive skin and it works quickly and effectively to ease inflammation and pain – making it a perfect option for eczema-prone skin. A. Vogel’s Neem Cream and Oil can be applied directly to the affected area as needed. A Neem Shampoo, with extracts of neem leaves, is also available for dry, irritated and flaky scalps. Do bear in mind though, that neem is not suitable for those with nut allergies or pregnant women.
Finally, calendula has been used for centuries as a soothing and calming remedy to help with skin inflammation, burns and cuts. As far is research into the effectiveness of calendula for eczema is concerned, more is needed, but anecdotal evidence does suggest it may help to keep skin hydrated and fight infection.

The purpose of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) is to ensure that patients and carers are involved in decisions about the range, shape and quality of services provided by their Practice.
Skin is typically red, dry and itchy.
Hello I am Joan and I am on this group because I am passionate about patients being involved in decisions that impact on their own care. I recently retired from the NHS after 48years of service My entire career was in Leicester I trained as a nurse and was a District nurse for a number of years before going into a management role and workinig in most services including mental health and learning disabilty services I led a number of projects which included patient participation .In this role as a member of the PPG I sit as a patient and hopefully use my previous knowledge and skills on this group This is a proactive Practice with Doctors who work very hard to continually improve services and like my colleaques I am excited about the future.
What can a PPG not do?
Therefore I have lots of reasons to want to be involved with the PPG group to shape the surgery for years to come. As one of the younger members, I also want to give a voice to my generation.
To explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to actions plans and help monitor improvements.
Itchy, dry skin? Eczema is the name given to a group of conditions that cause skin to become itchy, inflamed, or have a rash-like appearance. There are seven types of eczema but atopic eczema is by far the most common.
As a group of patients working with the doctors at Ratby Surgery we are very keen to recruit some more members in an attempt to get a better representation of patients registered with this practice We would particularly be interested in recruiting a younger and older gentleman and 1or 2 A level age students who feels confident enough to represent young people’s views. However, there are no other membership requirements except that patients must be registered with the practice.
What is a Patient Participation Group (PPG)? A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to improve the service.
Article by Gary Trickett
Topical steroids and prescription medicines can help with eczema symptoms, but they’re often not without unwanted side-effects. If you’re looking for a more natural approach to managing eczema, there are a number of plant remedies that can help to ease the itch and soothe irritated skin.
Evening primrose oil is a rich plant source of omega-6 fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid, which, when taken orally, may help to ease the inflammation characteristic of eczema. It’s also worth noting that many people with eczema seem to lack an enzyme that converts essential fatty acids into prostaglandins, anti-inflammatory compounds that help to counter an allergic response.
Hello I am Jackie I’ve never worked in the NHS but like most people I’m very proud of it. So when the chance came to be involved in a small way, I was pleased to join the PPG at Ratby Surgery. The new Medical Centre should be open some time next year and this is an exciting time for the local community to get involved and be part of it.
To provide a means for patients to become more involved and make suggestions about the healthcare services they receive.
To support health awareness and patient education.
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PPG patient members cannot provide any medical advice to other patients, or deal with personal/medical issues or individual patient complaints during the meeting.
Hello I am Jenny and have been a member of Ratby surgery's PPG for a number of years. My background is NHS, qualifying as a Nurse I held a number of specialist nursing posts before moving into senior management. My interest in joining the PPG was in helping develop and mould services which would benefit the local community. Working alongside the GP's and Practice staff I have been impressed with the future plans for our G.P services and opportunities for more developments following the completion of the new Medical Centre. As a member of the PPG I am pleased that this practice has a group of Doctors who are totally committed to the patients in their care.
Evening primrose oil can also be used topically to soothe irritated skin.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the PPG please contact: Nicky NHS.netRatby122RatbyOperationalTreendManagerSurgeryStationRoadLE60JPe-mail:nicola.treend@nhs.net
To give patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
Oatmeal can also be very soothing on irritated, itchy skin. Blend with lukewarm water to form a paste and then apply topically to the affected area. A less messy but equally soothing option, is to run yourself an oatmeal bath. You can use any kind of oatmeal but keep your ingredients natural. A top tip is to pour a cup of oats into the toe section of an old pair of tights and tie in a knot so as to not clog the bath.
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The fabric produced using a knitting machine is of a more even texture than flat knitting, hand-knitted fabric, which is particularly noticeable on large areas of plain stockinet stitch, and can be an advantage. Some stitch patterns (e.g., tuck stitches) are much easier to produce with a knitting machine. Others (e.g. garter stitch) can also be produced with machine knitting, but can take a little longer; however, this is still much faster than hand knitting. The standard gauge 200-needle machine can knit the finest yarns up to a good sport-weight (4ply UK), while the heavier yarns knit better on a midgauge or bulky knitting machine. Machine knitting saves a considerable amount of time but does require learning to operate the machines correctly. Most if not all hand knitting patterns can be worked up on a machine, either identically or in a similar design, but some are simpler to do by hand, whilst others are easier on a machine. Hand knitting patterns are designed to "flip" the fabric on every row so that the knitter consistently uses the dominant hand. However, machine knitting is consistently knit with the fabric facing the same way. Flat bed machines knit back and forth and circular machines knit continuously in the round. Leicestershire Machine Knitters are a group of ladies and Bob who meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month 10 am to 1 pm at Lcil West End Neighbourhood Centre, Andrewes Street (off Hinckley Road) Leicester, LE3 5PA. We have a planned programme where tuition and support are given. Perhaps you have a knitting machine in your ‘loft' and feel that it needs to be used again. This is an opportunity to dig it out and regain your skills from many years ago. Or perhaps it is a new hobby that you wish to explore; we can give advice about different types of machine and try the clubs machines before you buy. For further information, please contact Club secretary Susan Marlow 0116 www.leicestershiremk.org.ukorsusanmarlow47@btinternet.com2365789visitourwebsite
It is not too late to get involved! We have had a brilliant response to our appeal to you all to make scarecrows. If you would still like to make a scarecrow then please do –unfortunately your location will not be on the official programme but people will still be able to see it as they are walking around Kirby Muxloe. You can still help at the Fun Day by messaging us as below. By helping to run a stall, donating a prize or helping to set up or clear away on the day you will be doing lots to make the day run more effectively. Please look out for more information as the date gets nearer and share with your friends and family. To register support for the scarecrow trail and the fun day on September 11th or for more information please contact: Sue at 07725 023586 Amy at amymcdowall@live.com or Rosemary at rrmrsteady@aol.com 26 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Recital ArticleKnittersMachineLeicestershirebySusanMarlow

knitting to hand knitting
A knitting machine is a device used to create knitted fabrics in a semi or fully automated fashion. There are numerous types of knitting machines, ranging from simple spool or board templates with no moving parts to highly complex mechanisms controlled by electronics. All, however, produce various types of knitted fabrics, usually either flat or tubular, and of varying degrees of complexity. Pattern stitches can be selected by hand manipulation of the needles, push buttons and dials, mechanical punch cards, or electronic pattern reading devices and Comparisoncomputers.ofmachine
Friday September 2 2022 | 7pm markfieldmethodistchurch www.markfieldmethodistchurch.org Book in advance via website (preferred) OR / Tel 07979 607 099 Doors open at 6.30pm Tickets | £12 Adults - £6 ChildU16s Domonkos Csabay MarkfieldRecitalsMethodistpresents

Kirby Muxloe Fun Day And Scarecrow Trail
Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September

2 Triumph Road, Leicester,Glenfield, LE3 8FR 3 Easy Ways To Book AdvertisingYourPlanEmail sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk Call 0800 6446 150 Online www.openboxpromotions.co.uk Anstey, WoodhouseWoodhouseNewtownCropston,Thurcaston,Swithland,Linford,&Eaves 6,000 copies Shepshed & Hathern 7,200 copies Ratby, Kirby Muxloe & Leicester Forest East 6,800 copies 3 CirculationMagazinesLocalTotal20,000 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 27

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