ISSUE 26: May 2013
Shepshed Community
FREE Monthly News and Information Magazine for Shepshed
Brownies Help Out At Oxley Primary School After eating lots of chocolate over the Easter holidays, girls from 4th Shepshed Brownies got down to work by doing some gardening at their local primary school. They spent a whole evening digging and weeding the garden at Oxley Primary School, Thorpe Road, as part of the challenge for their Gardener’s Badge. Following an extremely generous donation of £50 worth of plants, shrubs and bulbs from Hathern Nurseries, the Brownies were able to plant their newly dug garden. They also grew cress, beans, basil, strawberries and nasturtiums after planting them in a variety of ways at their meetings. The girls managed to complete their Gardener’s Challenge Book, writing everything they had learned about how to care for their garden, what tools are needed and how to take care of them. They had to write down the progress of each of the plants they grew from seed at home too. Lastly, the Brownies planned their miniature gardens which, when they have completed making them, will be entered into a competition at the Shepshed Show in June. Their leaders were very impressed with how well they worked in their small teams; it was extremely tiring doing the digging, but they managed it and the garden looks superb! The Brownies wish to say a BIG “Thank you” to Hathern Nurseries for providing the plants to enable them to achieve their badge. The photograph shows one of the team of Brownies: Charlotte, Ella, Grace and Grace, planting their grape hyacinths in the school garden.
New Head Teacher For Newcroft Primary School Newcroft Primary School in Shepshed is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Head Teacher, Mr Alex Smythe with effect from the Autumn Term in September, following the retirement of the current Head teacher Mr. Phil Goulding. Mr Smythe is currently Head teacher at Huncote Community Primary School Academy Trust in Leicestershire and also interim Head teacher at Griffydam Primary School. Both these schools are rated good by Ofsted. Newcroft Chair of Governors Bill Gilmour said `` the governors and school are absolutely delighted that Mr Smythe will be leading Newcroft into a new and exciting future. We would like to thank Mr. Goulding for his work at the school and wish him a long and happy retirement.`` Alex Smythe said ``I very much look forward to being Head of Newcroft School and to leading the staff and children into a bright and successful future.`` Parents of prospective pupils are very welcome to visit the school, by arrangement with the School Business Manager, Diane Lane on 01509 503214.
15th June at Shepshed High School 11am-4pm
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