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Article by Maureen Walbey
Mondays 9.45 am – 11.45 am Prayer Time in Church
2.30 pm & 7.45 pm Zoom Bible Study
7.30 pm Prayer Meeting
Little Lambs Toddler Group and Wednesday Fellowship from 9th April
Article by Nigel Holmes
10.30 am Morning Worship including Sunday School and creche
6.00 pm Evening Worship
Thursdays 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays Term time only
10.00 am Ladies’ Bible Study (fortnightly)
2.15 pm Ladies’ Fellowship
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Girls Brigade from 21st April
Article by Debora Slingsby St Botolph’s Church, Shepshed
1st Sunday of the month 8.00am, Holy Communion 10.00am, All Age Worship
2nd Sunday of the month 10.00am, Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of the month 8.00am, Holy Communion 10.00am, Morning Worship
4th Sunday of the month 10.00am, Holy Communion
5th Sunday of the month
Joint Benefice Service with St James the Greater
• House Groups also meet Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.
• • Mother's Union (2nd Wednesday of the month), Tuesday Club (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month).
• • Cheeky Chops Toddler Group every Friday, during term time, 10am-11 30am in the Church Hall.
10.30 am-2.00 pm Day Centre for Senior Folk
Thursdays 9.30 am-11.00 am Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group)
Fridays 7.30 pm-8.45 pm Youth activities plus Christian message for around year 7/8
For more information visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@ shepshedwordoflife.org
We are situated off Forest Street, at the entrance to the Iveshead School site.
As a small group of Christians who "Seek to know Jesus Christ & to make Him known" we gather for worship at 3pm on Sundays & for Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesdays at 2.30pm.
You are invited to our meetings & will be sure of a friendly welcome. Enquiries to: 01509 829166 (Ian) or 01530 223625 (Malcolm)
Article by Maureen Walbey
Sundays 10.15 am Morning Worship & crèche
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Please contact the Parish Office for further details, 01509 502255
St James the Greater, Oaks in Charnwood
Sunday 16 April 8.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 23 April 8.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 30 April 8.30am Holy Communion
Please contact the Parish Office for further details, 01509 502255
Mondays 9.15 am-11 45 am Prayer time in church (come and go as you please)
10.00 am-2.00 pm Warm Hub with refreshments
Tuesdays 2.30 pm & 7.45 pm Bible Study on Zoom
Wednesdays 9.00 am-11.00 am Little Lambs Toddler Group (Term time only)
2.45 pm Wednesday Fellowship
Thursday 7.00 pm Lent Course
Fridays 6.00 pm Girls Brigade (Term time only)
Article by Brenda Snape
Presentations of £1,000 grant funding made by the Chairman of Shepshed Town Council, Councillor David Northage on Wednesday 15th March, 2023 to both Passion Youth Project and Shepshed Cricket Club.
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you.
Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries.
As the surviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
Article by Graham Burton
The 19th April members are going on a day trip to Bath. The coaches leave at 8:30am from Rolls-Royce Leisure. May events on the 2nd our walk & talk group will do a walk round Ticknall. The 9th May members meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure also it will be our AGM. Any new members will be made welcome to this event & to see how the Association works. On the 11th May members are going on a day trip to Harrogate & Ripon markets. Call Anthony Norton 01332 703996 Email anthonynorton@outlook.com. Email: Graham Askew hazelburton44@gmail.com
Photographed left to right below are Steve Chantrill (Chairman Shepshed Cricket Club), Councillor David Northage (Shepshed Town Council Chairman) and Ken Large (Shepshed Cricket Club). Photographed left to right below are PASSION Victoria Gould, David Northage (Shepshed Town Council Chairman) and Katie Duncan-Brookes.The clocks have gone forward and winter is officially over, but don’t tell anyone, there is still a nip in the air. Easter that moveable Christian feast is upon us and the first Bank Holiday come knocking with its where to go agenda.
March for Al’s project has been manic in all aspects people to see and stuff to do. It was good to be involved with some Passion fundraising with ‘Al’s pound for a sound’ which we raise what we aimed for. In the evening I went along to the concert which was very entertaining and enjoyable.
April 1st saw me back in Passion with a ‘Facebook LIVE’ podshow to promote not just my project but Passion as well. We are still finding people who do not know about the weekend cafe Sat/Sun. Sunday is a proper cooked meal and Saturdays snacks andTeas, Coffees. The Cafe will be closed over the Easter break and one weekend every month, but Passion Facebook page will give you and I all the details.
Sharing with our different projects is so important and give everyone involved satisfaction and an understanding of each other and any problems. In the case of Passion and the Young People they may get a glimpse of community, lets hope so.
I met with and interviewed Olly E who is a young musician from Shepshed with his music on Spotify, the interview and a glimpse of some of his music will be on the poddy this month. Look out for Olly locally he does cover versions called the Oddie Show, and if you go onto my project page you will find out his local gigs.
If you didn’t get down to the live podshow in the Passion hub then you can find a piece I’ve put together with a narrative and some people I spoke to.
You don’t know this and why would you, but I thought I'd written and supplied this article until I received an e-mail from Ryan. Well I hadn’t, so thanks to Ryan for the reminder. Back next month with a new alert to remind me. Al
Here’s the Passion catch up for this quarter, yes we are into the first quarter of the year, frightening I know. Its been a busy time at Passion with fundraising at the fore, this is an are that all charities have to consider throughout the year. Large grants are rarely given to groups who do not fund raise on their own, So don’t think for one moment your favourite charity is solvent and it doesn’t matter, it can change very quickly and often does.
In Passion we have kicked of the year with 3 great fundraiser for our many Shepshed supporter to enjoy. I did a ‘sound for a pound’ where I asked people to sponsor just One Pound for their favourite piece of music.
In the evening there was a concert with a programme of music from Stage and Screen. This was aptly put on by the Loughborough Concert Band and the Caroline Sharp Singers with a varied list of music we all knew. All in all a fantastic evening was enjoyed by those attending and for only six pound. To finish this round of fundraising many enjoyed the Little India evening which was again tickets only. Thanks to everyone who supported Passion in any way, big big thank you. More news l
Marketing Al.
A hilarious and very entertaining meeting was enjoyed by members of the Shepshed History Society on Tuesday 14th March when Gareth King came to narrate many Medieval folk tales. Dressed as a Medieval serf he not only related the tales but acted them out as well and got the members to join in. It was an amusing evening as well as a glimpse into bygone days so all in all it was a great evening that was enjoyed by everyone.
The April meeting will be given by Mr Mel Gould, who will be bringing Military Memorablia for the group to have a light hearted quiz on old war time effects and if anyone has anything of interest to bring along, (as long as it is not live ammunition) they will be most welcome to.
Newcomers always welcome, for further info please contact 07563164315
At the Community Centre Shepshed Town Council
Held fortnightly throughout the year.
Coffee morning the last book sale of each month. All proceeds raised, keep our much loved and needed Community Bus moving
Spring is finally here and gardens are showing early flowers and plants are sprouting everywhere. Our fundraising event Shepshed Open Gardens will take place on 1st and 2nd July 1-6pm, if you would like to enter your garden please contact the office 01509 508040, you can register over the phone. There is no entry criteria or fee to enter, you can open both days or just one, it is completely up to you. We are now collecting raffle prizes for this event, donations can be dropped off at the Volunteer Centre, 9a Charnwood Road. If you are a local business who would like to sponsor our raffle by donating the cash prize please email jayne@jscharnwood.org.uk. All profits will go to Shepshed Volunteer Centre and Shepshed Special Community Bus.
From the 20th April our Wellbeing garden will open again for Shepshed residents to come and do gardening activities helping our gardening volunteers, to register please ring 01509 508040 as spaces are limited.
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd July 2023
Share your beautiful garden, large or small, with the community and raise funds for Shepshed Volunteer Centre and Shepshed Special Community Bus
Contact Shepshed Volunteer Centre 9a Charnwood Rd; 01509 508040
To enter your garden is free and can be done over the phone
Article by Keith Bailey
Sunday Services
10.45am Morning Worship on: No morning Service on 16th 23rd April 30th April 7th May
6.00pm Evening Worship on: 16th April
Coffee Mornings: Every Friday 10am until 12 noon
Article by Stephen Woodcock
We are an independent, nondenominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people. We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
• Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
• Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
• Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm.
Contact: info@ shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
Article by Chris North
Many people would benefit from a more serene state of mind, and meditation practice can help in developing this. On 30th April Central Meditation Group is holding a "Meditation Super Sunday: Developing Serenity" event from 2pm until 6pm at Charnwood Road Community Centre in Shepshed: guided meditation, discussion, teaching, and free tea and coffee! The cost is minimal, and everyone is welcome - just come along. The Group also holds meetings every Wednesday from 10am until noon at the same venue. More details can be obtained from Chris on 01509 506585.
Trains are returning to the full length of the award winning Great Central Railway. Visitors will once again be able to depart from Loughborough Central, Quorn and Woodhouse, Rothley or Leicester North stations for a full round trip of the line hauled by a heritage steam or diesel locomotive.
The line was partly closed in March, while 2 bridges - each around 125 years old and both near Quorn and Woodhouse station - had to be replaced. This meant temporarily lifting the track, removing old structures and craning in their replacements. Instead of travelling over the main line, passengers have still been able to ride trains, but over the much shorter Mountsorrel Branch Line, to the heritage centre near the village.
“Our Mountsorrel trains have proved extremely popular,” said the Great Central Railway’s new General Manager Malcolm Holmes, “and they have helped bring in visitors and income while the main line was shut. Our railway was built 125 years ago so it’s absolutely vital we continue to keep everything in good condition. Investing in the line means it can be a vital asset to the East Midlands for years to come."
The Great Central Railway has replaced 4 bridges in the last 12 months, a major undertaking for the visitor attraction. One of the bridges is essential for the Reunification scheme, a project to link two separate halves of the GCR back together. The other 3 were all on the main line between Loughborough and Rothley. The main line is reopening in time for a vintage fair talking place at Quorn and Woodhouse station over the Easter weekend.
"I would like to thank so many people," continued Malcolm. “Our staff and volunteers have worked really hard to complete these works on time and meanwhile keep trains running on the branch line. It’s an honour to be part of such a great team. Much of the finance has been provided by the David Clarke Railway Trust, the official supporting charity of the GCR, so I’d also like to thank everyone who has donated over the years. Together we’re keeping heritage alive and welcoming new generations of families to Leicestershire.”
We are a group of local people, male and female of varying ages, who meet on Wednesday evenings at Shepshed Community Offices to play Bingo and enjoy a sociable evening together. We provide our own drinks and (nibbles if you wish) and the evening starts at 7.30pm and finishes at approximately 10.10pm.
Currently, we are looking to welcome a few more members to join our group who could commit to attending on a regular basis each Wednesday. The venue is situated on the ground floor for easy access and disabled toilet facilities are available.
For more information and to book your place to join us for the opportunity to meet new people and play Bingo, please telephone 07944609415.
For those enquirers who are interested, places will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis.
Monday 24th
April 2023 10am til 1pm & every fortnight after this date
St Botolphs Church Hall, Shepshed
Come join us for our Brunch mornings
Serving freshly made waffles
.....plus a range of craft stalls
Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark team for a guided hike through the amazing 600 million year old history of the Shepshed area. Discover some of the oldest rocks in England, and travel back in time to when Leicestershire lay at the centre of a giant sandy desert!
SUNDAY, 21 MAY 2023 AT 11:00
4 miles, 3 hours, 2 stiles
STARTING POINT: Morley Quarry Car Park LE12 9EU
For this event no booking is necessarymeet us at Morley Quarry Car Park
Part of the National Forest Walking Festival
Shepshed Dolphin Swimming group is a swimming group with a difference. Swimming for anyone with a disability, need or health condition. We run every Saturday morning from Iveshead Community Pool in Shepshed, 10.30am12.30pm, with an AquaFit class at 11.15am included in your swim fee, £2.50 adults £1 under 18's.
Do you suffer with hayfever? As many as 20% of us do, and this number’s on the increase.
An allergic reaction such as hayfever can be explained as an excessive reaction to a normally harmless substance. The immune system identifies the harmless substance, in this instance pollen, as dangerous, and produces an antibody called IgE, which triggers the production of histamine. Histamine is an inflammatory chemical that causes an array of unpleasant symptoms, including running nose and eyes, itching and burning in localised areas such as in the throat, nose and eyes, puffiness, swelling and mucus formation.
Pollen counts can be high any time from March through to September, BUT, if you are prone to hayfever, there are a number of measures you can take to stay one step ahead.
Do your homework! stay up to date with the latest pollen information in your local area by checking your 5-day pollen forecast.
Lighten your toxic load by avoiding junk, keeping your caffeine and alcohol intake low and avoiding nicotine. Simple steps, such as drinking plenty of water and keeping your bowel moving daily, can also help.
Avoid dairy foods as they cause mucus formation that can exacerbate hayfever symptoms, and keep your intake of refined sugar low. Sugar can trigger surges
Article by Guru Singh
and drops in blood sugar levels that cause adrenalin production to kick in, which involves the production of histamine - just what you don't want.
Make sure you’re sleeping well. Whilst scientists are still trying to figure out the exact relationship between sleep and the immune system, studies show that sleep helps to shift the balance of anti-inflammatory proteins so that the immune system can recognise and respond better to bugs and allergens, which may help to reduce the severity of your symptoms.
Plant remedies can also help. Approximately two weeks before your usual symptoms kick in, take Luffa operculata twice daily. Pollinosan Hayfever Tablets from A.Vogel contain seven tropical herbs, including Luffa operculata and Galphimia glauca, to help with allergy to grass and tree pollen. They are non-drowsy and so will not affect your ability to drive or use machinery.
If your eyes are particularly sensitive to hayfever try Pollinosan Hayfever Eye Drops. With hyaluronic acid and chamomile, they provide a soothing solution for red, itchy eyes as a result of hayfever-causing allergens, and can be used with contact lenses and glasses.
For further information contact Raj Sheladiya and his team at Health & Glamour, 17 Leicester Road, Wigston, LE18 1NR or call 0116 288 9424.
At its next meeting on Thursday, 20 April the Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club will welcome the experienced NAFAS Area Judge and qualified teacher, Sharon Badger from Market Harborough, with a demonstration entitled ‘A New Lease of Life’.
Sharon’s inspirational demonstrations include a variety of designs in traditional, modern and contemporary styles, with something for everyone. A keen gardener, she likes to use seasonal plant material wherever possible.
Meetings are held at the Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm on the third Thursday of each month. There is parking within the school grounds, and the venue is warm and spacious. All the audience has to do is just sit back, relax and be entertained by an expert, and perhaps buy a raffle ticket to win one of the many displays produced during the evening.
Visitors and new members can be assured of a very warm welcome, and are charged a small entry fee. Particularly welcome are those who are new to flower arranging.
If you would like to know more, please ring 01509 853740.
I would like to thank your readers for generously sponsoring me for the London Marathon on 23 April 2023. I am raising donations for Brain Research UK to enable them to fund important research into all forms of brain illnesses including dementia, Alzheimer’s, strokes, brain tumours, brain injuries, epilepsy and many other degenerative illnesses of the brain like Parkinson's.
As we age we are all prone to many of these conditions or know a loved one who has suffered. In addition to this, it is not widely known that brain tumours are the commonest cause of death from cancer in children and young adults under the age of 40.
My own severe brain injury in 2017 has made this charity very close to my heart. Since my accident I have tried to remain as active as I can. I took up running and ran the London Marathon last October, along with my wife Val. It is heartening that many people have taken the simple message of regular exercise to maintain good health. Walking is one of the easiest and most enjoyable of activities almost anyone can take up.
There are less than 4 weeks to go until the marathon. Many thanks to everyone that has sponsored me already. I am utterly grateful for people’s support and kindness. Sponsorship raises funds for ongoing research facilitated by BRUK from which we all benefit. By supporting this research we are leaving a hopeful legacy for future generations.
The link for online sponsorship and my story is https://2023tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/guru-singh Donations in cash or by cheque payable to Brain Research UK can also be left at Ryatt's Optometrist in the Bull Ring or at Livio's Italian restaurant in the Hall Croft in Shepshed.
Background artwork by Barbara Bagley Art © www.barbarabagley.co.uk
Andy will be familiar to you as he has been delivering the Your Local magazine single-handedly every month for many years. He completed his fundraising challenge which took place on Saturday 25th March, which was in aid of Leicestershire Action for Mental Health Project (LAMP).
Starting with the Braunstone Park Run, he then walked to Fosse Park, Everards Meadow, The Black Horse in Aylestone via the Great Central Way. Then he adventured off to Grace Road, King Power Stadium and Welford Road Stadium before crossing Victoria Park to take in some culture at the De Montfort Hall, New Walk Museum, Curve and Phoenix. To finish the walk he headed off to the home of more Leicester sporting heroes at the Morningside Arena, before gently strolling around Abbey Park and eventually ending up at Jubilee Square. A huge well done to Andy from us all.
With warmer, longer days on the horizon, the beautiful bright colours of your garden are best enjoyed alongside a lush, green lawn. As the centrepiece of your garden, GreenThumb Lawn Treatment Service will ensure your lawn reaches its full potential as a weed-free, healthy, and well-loved lawn.
Our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is applied between April and June and features a fully coated fertiliser designed to give your lawn a timed release of nutrition over several months, feeding your grass and stimulating growth. This sophisticated treatment also includes a weed control to help eradicate those which are unwelcome on your lawn, keeping your lawn looking its best ready for summer.
An added benefit of our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is that you’ll also receive an application of our fantastic water conserver,
Oasis. Now is the perfect time for an Oasis Treatment as it helps your soil to make the best use of any available moisture, meaning you’ll need to water up to 80% less. Our popular Oasis Treatment now features an innovative, highly concentrated seaweed extract which has proven to have an almost immediate visual effect on the colour of your lawn.
At this time of year, we also recommend implementing a regular mowing regime to help your lawn be the best it can be. Dry, sunny days are the best conditions for mowing, however it’s important that your mower blades are kept sharp or replaced when needed to avoid causing damage to the grass plant. It is also important, especially during the summer months, that your grass isn’t cut too short as this will weaken it, attracting unwanted weeds. When dry, we advise raising the height of your cut from 1” up to 2” and give it a good drink the day after mowing.
Let’s create the lawn we both love. Contact your local GreenThumb branch today 0116 269 4019 or email leicestershirewest@ greenthumb.co.uk
Please call Val on 07970059250 for bookings this is a door-to-door service
April 28th - Boundary Mills, Grantham, designer outlet fashion, home, restaurants - £12
May 12th - Long Eaton Shopping, lots of shops, café, restaurants - £10
June 9th - Bakewell, delightful little market town on the banks off River Wye plenty to see and do - £12
July 7th - Cherry Lane Nursery, gardening, indoor furniture, homeware, clothing and a wonderful café - £10
August 11th - Melton Mowbray Shopping Trip, lots of shops and cafés - £10
September 1st - Notcutts Wheatgrofts Garden Centre, gardening, home and gifts, pets and wildlife, restaurant - £10
October 20th - Trentham Gardens, a unique outdoor shopping village, garden centre, high street of timberlodges, cafés - £12
November 10th - Gates, so much more than a garden centre, with lots of choice. There is a well stocked farmshop, restaurant, coffee shop and a wonderful Christmas shop - £10
When the coronation of King Charles III takes place on 6th May at Westminster Abbey, the ceremony – which will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury –will be rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry. However, it will also reflect the monarch’s role today, and look to the future.
Then and now
The Queen’s coronation on 2nd June 1953 was one of the greatest events of the twentieth century. More than 8,000 guests filled the abbey to witness the crowning of the young mother, while crowds lined the route that took her and the Duke of Edinburgh to and from the abbey. Millions more were lucky enough to watch the event on the still novel phenomenon of television, this being the first time the event had been televised.
It has been speculated that King Charles will have a toned-down affair with reduced costs, with suggestions of it lasting just one hour and with around 2,000 dignitaries in attendance.
The date of 6th May was reportedly chosen in consultation with the government, the Church of England and the Royal Household. However, the date does have some symbolic references to family members:
• Firstly, the coronation of George VI, the King’s grandfather, was in May.
• 6th May is also the birthday of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son, Archie Harrison MountbattenWindsor, the King’s grandson, who will be turning four on the day.
• It’s also the same date as the late Queen’s sister, Princess Margaret, was married in 1960. During the ceremony the King will be anointed with holy oil, receive the orb, coronation ring and sceptre, and be blessed and then consecrated by the Archbishop. Monarchs traditionally sit in the fourteenth-century King Edward’s Chair, and Charles will be crowned with the St Edward’s crown, becoming the fortieth British monarch crowned at the Abbey since William the Conqueror in 1066.
Camilla, Queen Consort, will also be anointed and crowned, as was the Queen Mother when George VI was crowned in 1937.
Charles will be 74 at the time of the ceremony, the oldest ever new monarch. In 1953 the then-Prince Charles was just four years old when his mother was crowned.
As with royal ceremonies, there had been behind-thescenes preparation and practices in the lead up to the big day. Charles’ boyhood memories include how, the night before, the Queen came to say goodnight wearing the St Edward’s Crown as she was trying to get used to its 5lb weight. He also recalled being kept awake by the “thousands of people gathered in The Mall outside Buckingham Palace chanting: ‘We want the Queen’”. Royal author Robert Jobson says: “Charles has adapted to his new role very well and is out connecting with people, which sadly the late Queen wasn’t able to do towards the end of her life.”
Bring out the bunting and celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. These colourful homewares will help you mark the occasion – and will become mementoes to keep long afterwards.
Six individual pennants of hand-embroidered pure wool depict the King’s CR insignia, the Crown and the Union Jack, joined to form a beautiful piece of commemorative coronation bunting. Coronation bunting in navy, £125, janconstantine.com
This tea cosy is made from a heavy, goldenyellow cotton drill with a striped lining and a design in freestyle machine embroidery. Coronation tea cosy, £75, poppytreffry.co.uk
Add a royal touch to any dining occasion with this limited-edition printed tray, made from birch, dishwashersafe and suitable for use with food. King’s Coronation tray, £22.50, sophieallport.com
Hang it on your Christmas tree when the time comes, or use it to embellish your party atmosphere –this elegant decoration combines pearls, glass beads and gold embroidery. Coronation orb decoration, £12.95, shop. westminster-abbey.org
Made from pure wool felt, this hand-embroidered pennant is appliquéd with His Majesty the King’s insignia and the royal crown, and is stitched with antique gold thread. Coronation pennant in duck-egg blue, £65, janconstantine.com
Designed and made in the UK, this quirky cushion is based on artist Catriona Hall’s paintings and features His Highness’s beloved Jack Russells, Beth and Bluebell, within the royal coat of arms. Commemorative cushion, £70, doganddome.com
T: 01509 557701
E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk
I have so far failed to pay due tribute to the doughty group of volunteers who have transformed part of the allotment site off Shepshed Road into a wildlife area. Dave Neville, Sean Hale, Catherine Hand, Graham Patient , Roy Dann and others has worked various bits off creating a pond, woodchip paths (which has now been colonised by the fungus Tubaria furfuracea, known to non-Latin scholars by the quaint name Scurfy Twiglet), a wildflower meadow and raised beds with top soil kindly donated by a resident on Wide Street and carted up by Chris on his truck. These beds will produce plants for the meadow areas throughout the parish. They are refurbishing a shed to serve as something or other undecided as yet, maybe a visitor centre or viewing area. The volunteers meet twice a week Tuesdays 1012 and Sundays 2-4 and would be delighted to receive visitors, especially those who want to get stuck in and help. You can park in the entrance if you insist on not using legs or bikes and the area is at the far end of the site. If you want to put your wellies where your mouth is, contact Dave on 07518 034493 or email daveneville1947@gmail.com
My big mouth again. I volunteered to get a sponsored walk going to raise funds for the library. We had to postpone it last year due to the near universal and inexplicable reluctance among villagers to walk a mere 35 miles. Come on, guys. It was over 2 days with pub visits. What’s not to like? So we have reduced the distance to a much less gruelling 10 miles, (any less than that and my cheeky potential sponsors would take the proverbial), route and date yet to be determined. There will be a pub involved, promise. So, watch for details when we have worked them out. Please join in and have a lovely day in great company and help to keep our wonderful little library and community hub going. And you could buy a lottery ticket while you’re at it.
Next Council Meetings
Mon 15 May 19:30
Mon 19 Jun 19:30
Mon 31 Jul 19:30
During every one of my shifts I am discovering at least one person who is unaware of the countywide distribution system for books. I wrote about it recently. You can search the entire county stock and have any book transferred to Hathern for a pound. Children’s books are free! Jill Bentley recently read volume 19 in a series of novels and I showed her the catalogue. She placed a hold on the first volume and picked it up shortly after. Now she is reading that and has volumes 2 and 3 on order and can read them all in order. A couple came in recently with a young boy who wanted a particular kind of book which was beyond our limited storage capacity and were amazed that they could find what they wanted and get it delivered to the village and didn’t even have to pay. And you can do it on your sofa. You will have to get off it to fetch the book but hey. Here’s the linkemlib.ent.sirsidynix.net.uk/client/ en_GB/leics/. There is also a fabulous array of ebooks, which you can borrow and download to any device if you really don’t want to leave that sofa. Go to the Borrow Box website, cryptically called borrowbox.com, and download the app.
Don’t forget your Voter ID when you go to vote on May 4th. There is a long list of documents you can use, including a bus pass and a disabled document. As long as you are lucky enough to still look like the image on the photo, you can present an out-of-date document like an expired passport.
The HVA heroes running Hathern Club are asking for volunteers to give an hour or so to help do chores like cleaning. They have revived the place with refurbishment, enthusiasm, volunteer bar staffing and entertainment. They need your support.
Have a lovely Easter and don’t eat too many chocolate eggs.
Clerk: Maureen Spencer
Tel: 01509 842813
Jane HuntMember of Parliament
T: 01509 262723
E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
Recently, the Chancellor delivered the Spring Budget, setting out the Government’s plan to drive forward economic growth and support households.
The Spring Budget builds on the strong foundation laid by the Autumn Statement last year and introduces a clear and fully costed plan to deliver on three of the five key priorities set out by the Prime Minister in January: to halve inflation; grow the economy; and get debt falling. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of how the Budget announcements will positively affect you in Shepshed and Hathern.
The cost of living is something that I know residents are concerned about, so I welcome that the Government will deliver a £94 billion cost of living package. This includes capping the Energy Price Guarantee (EPG) for all households and adjusting it to end the premium paid by those on prepayment meters. For the next three months, the price households pay for their energy will continue to be capped at £2,500, increasing to £3,000 from 1st July and remaining in place until 31st March 2024. The EPG will also be adjusted from 1st July 2023 so that the over four million households using prepayment meters will no longer pay a premium for their energy, saving customers £45 a year. For further support, fuel duty will be frozen for the thirteenth consecutive year at current levels for the next 12 months, delivering a saving of around £200 for the average driver since the record 5p cut was introduced. This support comes alongside the substantial support already announced.
In addition, a focus was placed on making it easier to meet our ambitious, world leading climate goals through the use of nuclear energy, with the launch of Great British Nuclear and a competition to build Small Modular Reactors in the UK, which I hope many of the talented people we have in Loughborough and Shepshed will have the opportunity to be
Email: clerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk www.hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: @hathernparish
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
involved in.
I know that many residents who have young children can sometimes find it difficult to balance their career with the cost of childcare. It is, therefore, fantastic news that the Budget placed a strong emphasis on improving childcare. As part of this, 30 free hours of childcare per week will be available for children from 9 months to 4 years, which will be worth £6,500 per year per child from 2025. In addition, the hourly rates paid to providers of free childcare will be increased, and reforms to minimum staff-to-child ratios introduced to give providers more flexibility. Alongside changes to existing childcare, childminders will be able to access grants of up to £1,200 to support them with start-up costs. The way in which Universal Credit childcare costs are paid will also be changing and more details about this can be found on my website: www. janehunt.uk
Furthermore, there were measures announced to get people into employment, and help them remain in it. As part of this, the Government will increase the annual pension allowance to £60,000 and abolish the Lifetime Allowance. A new Universal Support programme will also be launched so that disabled and longterm sick individuals who want to work can be matched with existing job vacancies and supported by tailored mental health services and an ambitious programme of digitation for the management of long-term health conditions.
A new Draught Relief will also benefit 3,140 public houses and bars in the region, helping the hospitality sector with higher costs, and £3.1 million will be provided to Leicestershire to fix potholes.
The measures announced by the Chancellor today will make a real difference to the lives of residents in Shepshed and Hathern and so I am pleased to be able to give them my support.
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Can YOU discover the missing words?
After the huge success of our first Supercars event in 2022, we are set for an even bigger & better event in 2023!
We are so excited for a wonderful day full of Supercars and Hypercars, ranging from Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches, McLarens to Aston Martins and Lotus’s etc- and this year Classic Cars too!
Set in the beautiful grounds of Whatton House, an English Country Garden in the heart of Leicestershire, with its stunning back drop with spacious viewing of the cars, the stunning garden of Whatton House is also open all day for you and your family to enjoy also.
There will be breath-taking displays from the Dako Flying Angels, a Leicestershire based children’s gymnastics display team, an F1 car simulator, Porsche Racing cars by Parkers Classics, with amazing raffle prizes.
There is a Street Food Courtyard full of many tasty Street Food Stalls, Stone baked Woodfire Pizzas, Al’s Hot Dogs, Stacie’s Bubble Pancakes, Toris Burgers, Ice Cream, Project D do-nuts, Childrens Sweets etc
The gate opens from 10, for the opportunity to have some breakfast and relax in the garden and surrounding areas, ready for the event to open from 11am.
Alex Hallam and his family will be present, from Alex Wish.
Alex’s Wish was set-up by Emma and Andy Hallam (parents to Alex) in late 2012 to help raise vital funds to help bring about effective treatments and ultimately a cure for this devastating condition. The Charity is named after their son Alex who was diagnosed with Duchenne in April 2010, 2 weeks before his 4th birthday – the diagnosis came completely out of the blue.
Alex’s Wish is now an awardwinning Leicestershire based charity set-up to eradicate Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, an aggressive form of Muscular Dystrophy that affects 1 in every 3,500 boys born.
Our mission is to help bring effective treatments to help slow down or even stop devastating muscle wasting and help save lives of thousands of children and young adults. Together we will save this generation of children.
By attending this great event, you will be supporting Alex’s Wish and bring hope to every single family affected by Duchenne.
Tickets cost just £10 per adult or £25 for a family ticket https:// alexswish.co.uk/event/supercars/
A community group which engages and works with young people across the borough has been awarded a £5,000 community grant from Charnwood Borough Council.
Shepshed based, Passion Youth Group, helps develop young people’s skills to make them more employable and also offers them a safe space to meet.
The Council awarded £60,000 worth of community grants in its latest round of funding to 15 fantastic community, voluntary and facility projects across Charnwood, including Passion.
Charnwood Community Grants worth thousands of pounds are awarded every year by the
To find out more about Alex’s Wish and see the photos from our fabulous day last year https:// alexswish.co.uk/supercar-sunday/
A huge thank you to The Supercars of Birmingham and Ryan Maddison for organising all of these wonderful cars.
Council as part of its commitment to create healthy communities.
Cllr Leigh Harper-Davies, the Council’s lead member for communities, said: “We are delighted to be able to support Passion and the work they do to help young people."
Passion engages with over 100 young people a week, offering them advice on issues they may have and helping them to become more employable. They are an open-door service that helps to empower young people to realise their potential.
Victoria Gould, youth work manager at Passion, said: “This money has enabled Passion to keep the heating on. As a charity we have to pay business prices for our electric. It has also allowed Passion to employ local people to maintain the services we provide. We are very grateful that Charnwood Borough Council values young people in the community.”
The £5,000 community grant will be used to help employ paid youth workers and allow the group to keep running and offering their helpful services to young people across Shepshed and the surrounding area.
Also, a huge thank you to our main sponsors Lamborghini Bentley, Berkley Insurance, Janine Edwards Wealth Management and Lumbers.
The Alex’s Wish team and family hope to see you on Sunday 11th June.
To find out more about Passion and the service that they offer, visit their website: www.passionshepshed.co.uk
The Council offers a wide range of community grants to Voluntary and Community sector organisations across Charnwood. A number of organisations supported in the latest round of community grants are helping residents with any cost-of-living concerns.
To receive information on when the next grant rounds for 2023/24 open please email vcsupport@charnwood.gov.uk and request to be added to our VC Support Email Alert Service.
In recognition of International Women’s Day, the Rotary Club of Leicester decided to host an event that would highlight this special occasion and raise funds for a local charity.
Diana Esho, the Chair of the Rotary Impact Group, planned a networking fundraising event in the form of an afternoon tea and auction.
Local business people and representatives from the universities totalled the 85 attendees who each paid £30 for a ticket.
When Diana was asked to find a speaker whose talk would embody the aims and values of International Women’s Day, she immediately thought of Rosemary Conley.
Diana said “Rosemary was the obvious choice. She is so hands on with everything that she does and with all of the organisations that she is involved with. Rosemary has achieved so much in her life and she inspires us all!”
The event was a huge success and Diana was thrilled with the donations for the auction from a whole range of people and companies.
Leicester Tigers donated VIP game tickets, dinner for two and a signed rugby ball. These prizes, together with many others, resulted in a cheque being presented to a charity that is very close to Rosemary’s heart, the Steps Centre in Shepshed.
This charity, approaching its 30th year, provides a free service for children with conditions that primarily affect their movement such as cerebral palsy and Downs syndrome, together with a range of chromosome disorders.
Rosemary said, ‘I have been involved with this wonderful charity since its inception and continue to be so touched by the stories of parents who describe Steps as being their lifeline. The improvements they see in their children following the incredible work of the practitioners is so often nothing short of a miracle.’
The donation of £1300 was gratefully received and will go towards the £220,000 that must be raised every year to pay for the running costs of the centre.
Steps doesn’t receive any government support and relies solely on donations. If you are a local or regional business that could help Steps with its fundraising, please contact the manager, Natalie Roberts on 01509 506878.
Every penny really does count and Rosemary’s recently published autobiography entitled ‘Through Thick And Thin’ is helping Steps as the royalties have been donated to help the charity continue its valuable work.
If you would like to find out more about Steps, please have a look at the website www.stepscentre.org.uk
First conceived in 2008 with just three houses taking part, Art House had grown into a hugely popular local event and a permanent fixture in Leicester’s art calendar, until COVID and all the associated restrictions meant the 2020 plans were put on hold. Both the organisers and the artists who had signed up were extremely disappointed, as no doubt were all the regular visitors.
The gap of three years has brought with it a few changes. There have been two people at the heart of Art House since the early days, Kathy Klein and Sue Ryan. After many years of hard work and unstinting dedication, they decided it was time to pass the baton onto someone new. Fortunately a willing volunteer stepped up in time to ensure that 2023 would see Art House resurrected.
The ethos remains the same: extraordinary art in ordinary houses. This art trail gives artists the opportunity to display their work in the informal atmosphere of a domestic setting and promotes the idea that original art in any medium enhances a home and can be appreciated outside a gallery or commercial setting. Whatever floats your boat, how much more enjoyable to have something you’ll not find elsewhere and to know its provenance. Many visitors love talking to the artists about their ideas, their processes and the techniques involved. Many exhibitors are also happy to discuss the possibility of commissions.
This is very much a joint venture dependent on local householders and participating artists coming together and being fully committed to making this a unique and enjoyable experience for visitors. Spread between properties of different architectural periods, the houses themselves are of interest and demonstrate that across diverse styles of homes there is always a spot for a piece of original art of some kind. This concept is at the heart of the
weekend. Our hosts will soon begin to store away their own treasures to make room to show, between them, the work of over 50 artists.
If you’ve been before you’ll know the event stands out as one of the best showcases for original art in a wide variety of media in the city and by introducing new artists on a regular basis, each year will offer something new. Whatever your particular passion may be - paintings, prints, ceramics, textiles or jewellery - there will be something here to appeal to anyone interested in individual craftsmanship.
So if you’re interested in original art and you’ve never managed to make it to Art House Leicester, then get the date in your diary for an exciting new experience. Friday evening, 9th June from 6 pm to 8.30 pm is the first opportunity to look at what’s on offer. On Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th of June venues will be open from 11 am to 6 pm.
There are nine properties opening their doors but with the usual abundance of quality items you will certainly need a whole day to really appreciate the event. To make life easier, a hopper bus will operate between venues on Saturday and Sunday.
Art House has always supported various charities and Tart House on Holmfield Road is the main fundraiser for the charities. On Saturday and Sunday they will once again be organising a wiling band of volunteers to serve drinks and home-made cakes in the garden to weary art seekers. Local musicians will provide an accompaniment of live music. Profits raised through the hard work of the Tart House hosts will go to Bone Cancer Research and Mind. Music and refreshments will also be on offer on Springfield Road where Gelato Village will be serving their award winning ice creams.
Art House wishes to record its sincere thanks to Stoneygate and Knighton wards for their continuing support for this event.
For more information please see our website www.art-house.org. uk. Also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
The Rotary Clubs of Ashby de la Zouch have long been supporters of a Shepshed charity that provides a free service for children with movement-limiting conditions.
When it came to deciding who should receive some of the proceeds raised from the collections made during the Santa’s Sleigh events of last December, Steps was one of the chosen charities.
A total of £8,100 was raised and Steps received a share of this.
The manager of the Steps Centre, Natalie Roberts, said, “We were really touched to learn that that the Ashby Rotary Clubs hadn’t forgotten us! Every penny donated will be spent on continuing to provide invaluable support for parents who are potentially facing a lifetime of problems, when they are told that their child may not walk, talk or reach many other expected milestones. Here at Steps, we provide practical solutions, with individualised programmes based on the principles of Conductive Education, that enable each child to reach their potential and beyond. Equally important, we are able to give hope to families who all too often, simply do not know which way to turn.”
The centre was founded in 1994 and the patron is Rosemary Conley, who was invited to receive the donation at a recent presentation evening.
Rosemary thanked the Rotarians for their unswerving support of the Steps charity, explaining that the centre can only continue because of the donations that are made.
Rosemary explained, “The centre doesn’t receive any government funding and we have never charged anyone who attends Steps to access our services. We need to raise £220,000 every year just to cover the running costs. We are all so grateful for your generous donation and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
Chris Knight, the Honorary Secretary, thanked all of the Rotarians who had given up their time to help with their fund-raising events and Rosemary was thanked for speaking with such knowledge and passion about the charity that is very dear to her heart.
If you would like to know more about Steps, please head to the website: www.stepscentre.org.uk
To see Autumn playing you wouldn’t think that she is dealing with health issues! She was recently taken into the care of Leicester Animal Aid, a re-homing centre for dogs and cats, when she was found as a stray at around 18-months old. She is very loving and sociable, both with other dogs and humans and is very quick to bond with new people.
Autumn currently suffers from a kidney condition, which means she is on medication and has special food as well as needing regular reviews and health checks to monitor her kidney function. Leicester Animal Aid is appealing to find Autumn a loving home under their Medical Foster Scheme. The scheme will fund any current and future veterinary investigation/care with the charity’s veterinary practice for this pre-existing medical condition including blood testing. Autumn is currently fit and well and receiving a special diet. However, as a result of her kidneys not functioning effectively, her health could deteriorate in the future which means the charity would wish for her new owner(s) to feel resilient enough to provide her with a loving, kind home and a great quality of life for however long that may be.
Autumn would love home comforts, and in the winter months she enjoys being cosy and warm, but also loves her walks, toys and football. She is always looking for new adventures! Autumn would prefer to be the only pet in her new home and to live with adults. Perhaps you feel you could provide a home for this lovely girl and help her discover new places and live her life to the fullest? If you would like to enquire you can visit the charity’s website leicesteranimalaid.org.uk where you will find more information on how to apply. You can also phone the centre on 01455 888257.