7,200 COPIES DELIVERED EVERY MONTH - SHEPSHED & HATHERN - SEPTEMBER 2022 YOUR LOCAL DESIGN & PRINT SOLUTIONS 01530 www.norwoodpress.co.ukinfo@norwoodpress.co.uk262020 NorwoodPress @norwoodpress Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU Scare Sheep Festival And Garage Sale 17th & 18th September Best Allotment For 2022 ChequeWinnerPresentations Mondo GNAO1 UK Charity Event News From Als Electronic Shepshed Experience

Station Leicestershire,LoughboroughAvenueLE11 5DZ Tel: 01509 264711 Fax: 01509 264723 www.prbuildingsupplies.co.uk info@prbuildingsupplies.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 5.00pm Saturday 7.30am - 12 noon Brunel Way Stephenson Industrial Estate Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3HF Tel: 01530 812128 Fax: 01530 830158 Huge Range of Building Materials Large Selection of Facing Bricks Landscaping Materials Well Staffed Trade Counter & Yard Large Vehicle Fleet Fast & Efficient Delivery Service NEW STORELOUGHBOROUGHNOWOPEN NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESSHERE’S HOW IT WORKS To visit our showroom just ring 01509 212 333 to make an appointment and the showroom will be opened just for you. 78 Leicester Road, Loughborough, LE11 2AG. Free Parking directly opposite 2 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

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Article by Debora Slingsby
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11.00am, 3rd Sunday of the Month Family Service
Family Service, 1st Sunday of the month at 10.00am with Holy Communion Children take a central role at this service which has crafts, action songs and much more!
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Article by Nigel Holmes
Delivery Date: Saturday 8th October
Wednesday Fellowship 2.45 pm Prayer Meeting 7.30 pm
• Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
Friday 29th September 10.30 am McMillan Coffee Morning Cakes and Bring and Buy
2.15pm Ladies’ Fellowship
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10.45am Morning Worship on: 11th September 25th September (Harvest Festival) 2nd 6.00pmOctoberEvening Worship on: 18th EveryoneSeptemberiswarmly welcome at all of these services.
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For more information on any of these activities please visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org and click on ‘regular meetings and activities’, or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@ shepshedwordoflife.org
St.Winefrides R.C. Church, Charnwood Road Shepshed
10.00am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion Possible to join on www.shepshedandoaks.co.ukline:
We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
Next Issue
10.00am on Wednesdays, Holy Communion
Sundays 10.30am Morning includingWorshipSunday School for children. 6.00pm Evening Worship
Regular Events Monday 2.00pm Holy Rosary in Annexe Last Tuesday of the month 7.30pm St. Winefrides Ladies group in Annexe Wednesday10.15am Toddler Church
Little Lambs Baby and Toddler Group (Term Time Only)
• Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
ArticleShepshedbyStephen Woodcock
OpenBox Promotions Ltd 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe Leicestershire, LE9 2HQ
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Weekday Services Monday, Tuesday Thursday 9.00am Mass Wednesday, Friday 12.30 Mass
St James’ Church, Oaks in Charnwood Services: 8.30am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
St Botolph’s Church, Shepshed Services: 8.00am, Holy Communion (except on the 2nd Sunday of the month)
Everyone receives a warm welcome to any of our services
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Magazine printed by Norwood Press, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU
Wednesdays 9 am – 11 am
7.30pm Prayer Meeting
Wednesdays 10.30am-2.00pm Day Centre for Senior Folk Thursdays 9.30am-11.00am Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group) Fridays 7.30pm-8.45pm Youth Club for 11+
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Saturday 6.00pm Mass Sunday 10.00am Mass Children's Liturgy on 1st and 5th Sunday of the month for children aged 4 to 8 years
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Tuesdays 2.30 pm and 7.45 pm Bible Study on Zoom
Contact: info@shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297
Mondays 9.45 am - 11.45 am Prayer time in church Come and Go as you please
For further information please visit www.shepshedandoaks.co.uk or ring the Parish Office on 01509 502255.
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Shepshed Word Of Life Church, Kirkhill
Church Of Christ
Tuesdays Term time only 10.00am Ladies’ Bible Study (fortnightly)
For further information, any enquires and to see the newsletter published each week, please visit the Parish website, www.stwinefrideshepshed.org and Facebook
*Prices per magazine area. Free artwork design included. Artwork required in PDF format.
St Botolph’s & St James’ Church Services
Sundays 10.15 am Sunday worship and crèche Sunday 25th 10.15 am Harvest Celebration
Weekend Services
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
Article by Brenda Fox
We are an independent, non-denominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people.
Shepshed Baptist ArticleChurchbyMaureen Walbey
• Edge hair and beauty

• Pizza Mia
Serenade are hugely grateful for all the support from their family, friends and the local community and are looking forward to performing again. For more details, see their Facebook page, website or email serenadeshepshed@ outlook.com
Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
• Spice Lounge
Article by Klara Dixon
• The Urban Farm Shop
Protecting Your Family Inheritance
partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
Serenade, the much-loved Shepshed Women's Community Choir, is now back in full swing and has returned to rehearsal room choir practice following the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.
4 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
On the 13 August 2022, the Bull & Bush hosted a charity event in aid of local charity Mondo GNAO1 UK, www.mondo-uk.co.uk

• Andrea McDonald
• Elaine Robinson
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
We’d like to thank the following for their generous donations:
• Jo’s Uppercuts
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you.

Mondo GNAO1 UK Charity Event

Local band Dirty Duvets played the event and donated their fee to the cause and local business also contributed towards the raffle.

• R Twigg Family butcher
• Nez & Laura at the Bull & Bush
New members are always welcome so if you fancy finding out more, they meet weekly on a Monday evening from 7.30pm – 9.00pm at Christchurch Methodist Church, Shepshed. You will be sure of a very warm welcome.
Serenade’s next concert will be held on Saturday 8th October 2022 with a wide-ranging programme. They will be singing all their favourite songs including Skyfall, Can you feel the love tonight and a Les Misérables Medley.
Article by Lynne Atkin
• Lizzy Viles
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the
Lee & Emma Marks (parents of Zakk Marks, GNAO1 patient)
Serenade Are Back In Full Swing And Singing Again!
• The Horse
• Maureen Marks
A total of £615 was raised, thank you to all of the Shepshed residents that came to support the day.
The choir was established 10 years ago in March 2012 after two local ladies, Keleigh Atkin and Angela Bogie, had been inspired by the Military Wives Choir. They have enjoyed tremendous success over the years bringing much joy, not only to those listening to them, but also to those who belong to the choir, with some members being there from the very first rehearsal!
The past 10 years has seen the choir perform many concerts locally and raise a staggering £21,272 for many charities including Shepshed Volunteer Centre, Steps, Shepshed Food Bank and Admiral Nurses. This year the choir are fund-raising for BeatTN which aims to raise money for research into a cure for Trigeminal Neuralgia, an excruciating facial pain condition. Two of the choir’s members are closely related to a sufferer of this terribly debilitating illness. For more details see BeatTN.org.
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
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Shepshed Community Café - It has been nearly a year since we opened our Shepshed Community Café. This is open to any member of the public to come in and partake in barista style coffee and delicious cake, including our sought-after waffles!
Volunteers to help with fundraising – Passion is completely self-funded so is in constant need of funds. At the moment Vicky organises every fundraising event that Passion holds as you can imagine this is time consuming. She needs some HELP.
The Club is currently in its summer break and meetings will start again on 20th September 2022 with a Social Evening. New members are always welcome and further information, including the programme, can be found on the club’s website. www.shepshedcameraclub.co.uk
Since opening the young people have made many changes to it. This café is unique as it is managed by Grace (who is nearly 15) under the guidance of Vicky the Youth Work Manager. The whole café is run by young people for the community. They decided to keep the prices low to allow anybody to enjoy it. They all volunteer their time for the café to open. The café is open 12-4 on Sat and Sun. Come and give us a try!
We are also in the process of employing more youth staff to increase capacity and enable Passion Drop-in to be more sustainable. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the Project. Not necessarily a front facing role. Currently we are looking for the following:

Passion offers the following services: Passion Drop-in – This is open to any young person 11-18 years old. We are open Fri 7-9 over the summer then Thurs and Fri 7-9 from Sept onwards. There are no forms to fill in as we want to be an open access provision. We offer help and advise to young people as well as a place just to BE. Passion has games consoles, pool table, table tennis, board games, and we also offer free food and drink. The Hot Chocolates are apparently to die for!
Volunteer Secretary to the Trustees – in its most basic form this is minute taking at the minutes but contact Vicky for a chat about other things you could get involved with.
Hope to see you soon
Article by Brenda Snape
I would give you a few updates about what has been happening at Passion recently.
Article by Kevin Moore
Passion Youth Project Update
Article by Vicky Gould
The Shepshed and District Camera Club will be holding an exhibition of printed photographs taken by club members. The exhibition will take place at the Shepshed Library from 30th August to 13th September. Come along and have a look.
Trustees – These are people that help to shape the charity.
Pictured Shepshed Volunteer Centre Cllr David Northage (Chairman of Council) and Jayne Curnock (Shepshed Volunteer Centre Co-ordinator)
Pictured SSCB – l – r Christine Hallam (Chairman of Shepshed Special Community Bus), Cllr David Northage (Chairman of Shepshed Town Council) and Anne Collier (Secretary of Shepshed Special Community Bus)
Hi Justall,thought
@PassionYouthPr1 passionyouth_shepshed @passionyouthshepshed 6 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Cheque Presentation For Shepshed Special Community Bus And Shepshed Volunteer Centre
Cheque presentation by the Chairman of Council, Cllr. David Northage to Shepshed Special Community Bus for £4,000 and also Shepshed Volunteer Centre for £7,000.

Volunteer Caretaker – to oversee the building and complete odd jobs when required.
Shepshed And District Camera Club Exhibition
Passion 1-2-1 – This is a bespoke service offered to young people and their families if they need extra. A time to either talk about issues, find resolutions, mediate but mainly time to listen to either the young person or family members when they need it. There is no referral process, all you need to do is contact Vicky using the details below. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
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Taking everything down and putting it away on the Sunday was exhausting in 33 degrees. I went home completely shattered at 7pm but the HVA people were still going and they had to go to work the next day. This year we had many new volunteers. They enjoyed the wonderful camaraderie and banter greatly and made a huge difference. There will be another chance to join in at the end of October when we set up the Fireworks event.
Borough Councillor for Hathern

Nobody would argue that the main recent event was the latest Wicked Hathern Fest, which rose magnificently from the ashes caused by the pandemic and bloomed despite the multiple obstacles of the construction of the roundabout and very high temperatures while we were setting it up. The weather at the event was scorching but lots of people had a lovely time under their gazebos and parasols. However, the numbers were a bit disappointing. Having Lulu as headliner was a major coup. I want everybody to be aware that the abrupt truncation of her set was not caused by the organisers. Lulu’s team refused to allow the HVA’s excellent sound team to set the system up and insisted on doing it themselves. I know how disappointing it was, but it was a shame that they didn’t use the system which had been working perfectly all day. At least we got to see her perform her most famous songs. I don’t know what she’s on but I hope I look as fit as that at her age.
I have been talking to some residents about solar panels. Our panels in the house we are about to move into have produced 1,550 kWhs since June 7th. We are not living there yet and so haven’t used any energy. However, with our amazing export tariff with Octopus we have received over £300. Even if we had been using some energy, we would have had a hefty surplus after paying the bills. This tariff pays the going rate on the market and has consistently been over 30p a unit recently. The last company gave us 4p! Combined with a battery to store energy to use in the evening, the investment is a must if you can spare the up-front costs. At present prices, you can expect to get your investment back in about 6 years. With the 80% increase announced today and projected increases next year, even less. After that it is more savings and a great contribution to the grid and to combatting climate change.
T: 01509 557701
Stay safe and use water sparingly. We are in no way out of the woods yet with the drought.
Member of Parliament
T: 01509 262723
be of any assistance on any matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
I hope you all had a pleasant summer break and enjoyed the warm weather. I was pleased to join in with some of the summer activities taking place locally. In my last column, you may remember me mentioning the Summer Reading Challenge. The Challenge was aimed at children to encourage them to read and learn over the summer break. The theme of this year’s challenge was the ‘Gadgeteers.’ The characters used their curiosity and wonder to understand the science behind a whole range of interests from fashion and technology to cooking and music. I was invited to join in with the Summer Reading Challenge at Shepshed Library recently, where the National Space Centre in Leicester put on a very special interactive talk to local children about how gadgets are used to get into space and how they are used in space. It was wonderful to see so many children there, all of whom were fascinated by the display! I also loved meeting the staff and volunteers at Shepshed Library who helped to make it a warm and welcoming place to visit. The Library has a number of activities for all ages all year round, so it is well worth visiting their website for more information: www.leicestershire. Igov.uk/leisure-and-community/libraries/find-a-library/shepshed-libraryalsoenjoyedmyrecenttriptotheShepshedLearningCentre,whichis an alternative education provision based in the town. The Shepshed Learning Centre helps vulnerable students engage within an educational environment and helps all those who are struggling in mainstream education or those who are missing education altogether. This was a particularly interesting visit for me; regular readers will know that one of my key priorities as your MP is to promote skills locally and ensure that everybody, no matter who they are, has the chance to succeed in life. It was nice to meet the team who were passionate about ensuring that all students have an opportunity to succeed.
Jane Hunt
The library had a successful Invention Convention event as part of the summer reading challenge. Many children are completing the three stages of reading six books over the summer. There will be a seed swap in February at the library. Please save some seeds from your flowers and veg and bring them on the day to swap. You can get labelled envelopes at the library. Seeds no more than 2 years old, please, to maximise germination.
There was a lot of good news at the last parish council meeting. The councillors would like to thank the kind donor of the new seat. He even got a discount for the less than perfect concreting and saved the parish some money! Goodacre is getting a grit bin for the winter and LCC will fill it. Even better news is that the County Highways has changed its mind about access from Zouch Road for the new development. This does mean that the development will go ahead in the current climate of a woefully inadequate housing supply but means that there will be no rat-run through Goodacre and Doble. The gods are indeed smiling over Daisy Bank. The process of adoption by the parish council is about to move forward. There had been some doubt about the amount of the commuted sum to be paid by William Davis to the council. CBC had a higher figure in mind, several thousand more and this has been accepted. This was a hurdle to jump, as was the delay caused by the problem of access to the new development. Now that this issue has been resolved, the adoption process can move ahead. The parish didn’t want to adopt the land and then have a road built across it. We hope to plant replacement trees in the winter.
E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
Talking of local people succeeding in their careers, it was a pleasure to meet some trainees at Persimmon Homes’ Garendon Park site recently. Once completed, the site will provide mixed housing opportunities for the local community for many years. The trainees have all commenced new roles with the company including utility co-ordinator, graduate planner and a placement on the Company’s graduate programme. These appointments coincide with Persimmon Homes Target 50 initiative which is an ambition to recruit 50 female apprentices or technical trainees into construction-related roles this year. It was a real privilege to meet Jasmine, Ester and Stella and to hear more about the roles they will be undertaking. The construction industry is important to our country and one that many young people could build successful careers.
The two bars did a very good trade, as did the soft drinks stall run by library volunteers. We just managed to fill the rota thanks to tireless efforts by Annette Harper. Zoe Lyons was very funny, sometimes wistfully so when talking about her hair condition.
E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk

Finally, I would like to make residents aware of my Business Club which I run locally. It’s free to join, and I run events such as business breakfasts with guest speakers. I also send business e-newsletters which contains information that may be useful to local businesses. If you would like to sign up, you can do so here: www.janehunt.uk/loughborough-constituencyAsbusiness-clubever,ifIcan
Keith Harris
FMob:Tel:DEXTER0150950445507880851089TarmacadamBlockPavingPatios,Driveways,CarPark,GravelDrives.AllAspectOfWorkCarriedOut.FullyInsured.We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: TOARTICLEGOTopenboxpromotions.co.ukyourlocal@ANSEND? 8 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news

We Are Recruiting Shared Lives Carers work on a self-employed basis providing care in their own home and family environment. For more information or to apply contact 0116 305 8133 or sharedlives@leics.gov.uk 1500 sq ft over 2 floors of Antique, vintage and collectibles inc quality gold and silver jewellery, coins, militaria, stamps, hand painted furniture, giftware, interiors and much more WANTED! • All gold & silver jewellery including scrap & broken items • We pay more - the best prices in the area • Costume jewellery • All coins • Militaria & medals • Stamps • Postcards • Watches • Silver & silver plate • All interesting antiques, collectables & furniture. FREE VALUATIONS EVERYDAY • OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE KATS ANTIQUE VINTAGE AND COLLECTABLES CENTRE Environmentally friendly chalk and mineral paint. No VOC Solvent Free, No Odour. We can also paint your own tired furniture. Please ask for more details. AsSeenOnTV Trading6YearsHere CALLPublic07792974309carparktorearofshop2hoursfreeparking Local agents for 50 High Street, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3EE Find us on Facebook. Open: Mon-Sat - 10.00am - 4.00pm Outdoor Solutions One step and you’re there! Call Tim Dorman Charnwood based - 30 years experience Fencing • Paving • Landscaping Porcelain & Natural Stone Paving Specialist 01509 839694 or 0116 2364410 Mobile 07792645878 slimmingworld.co.uk Wednesday’s 9.30am Shepshed Bowls Club, Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QF (opposite Asda) with Christina 07486 532978 Wednesday’s 5.30pm & 7.00pm Christchurch Methodist Church, Field Street, Shepshed, LE12 9AL with Claire-Lou 07488 243173 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 9

How to enter, all you need to do is: visit Charnwood.gov.uk/photo or visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/ LoveOutdoors.
The awards, run by Charnwood will celebrate the sporting achievements of individuals and clubs as well as the dedication of volunteers and residents are being encouraged to enter their Thenominations.awardswill also highlight schools and workplaces making a difference to health and wellbeing in the borough.
Nominations for the awards are now open and there are nine categories. To find out more visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/ sportdsawards or call 01509 634966
10 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
Charnwood Sports Awards return for 2022
It is hoped the improvements
Photo competition launched to celebrate open spaces in Charnwood
Charnwood Cowhill Ashby Road East - Proposed base station installation upgrade
Planning applications granted subject to conditions
works will be completed towards the end of the year. There will be some minor disruption along the way while work is being carried
£1m improvement work set to start at Charnwood leisure centres Charnwood Borough Council and its leisure partner Fusion Lifestyle announced the £1m investment earlier this year as part of the new contract meaning the partnership will continue for a further five years.
Borough Councillor for Shepshed

P/22/1392 – Land at Oakley Road & Hallamford Road –discharge of conditions 9 of P/22/1155/2P/13/1838/2
Charnwood’s glorious open spaces receive national award Two of Loughborough’s open spaces cared for by the community have been awarded a Green Flag award.
We will continue to keep you updated.
The Electoral Registration Officer needs the information to be able to publish a complete and accurate electoral register on December 1st each year. Having your detail on the electoral register will allow you to be able to vote, improve your credit rating, make it easier to access council services and help you avoid a fine.
Thousands of forms have been hand delivered across Charnwood to ensure the borough’s electoral register is up to date.
A list of frequently asked questions can be found on gov.uk/annualcanvasswww.charnwood.
Councillor contact details gov.uk,Cllr.robin.popley@charnwood.07909447105cllr. john.savage@charnmwood.gov. uk 550508(Shepshed East)cllr. christine.radford@charnwood. gov.uk 502974, CharnwoodinSaturday(Shepshedcharnwood.gov.ukcllr.ian.williams@07739389960West).Wemeetthefirstofthemonth,10-11amtheTownCounciloffices,47aRoad(oppositeTesco)
terraced dwelling houses
The inspectors conducting the examination of the local plan have provided a further update. The inspectors have now confirmed examination hearings will resume in October and sessions will take place on October 25 and 26 to consider housing and employment Datesneeds.for
Christine Radford
October sessions have yet to be confirmed. As you know, the inspectors are responsible for the examination process, including setting the timetable.
P/22/1153/2 – 20 Fairway Road –proposed single storey extension to rear, side and front of dwelling P/22/1157/2 – 212 & 214 Charnwood Road – dropped kerb for vehicular access
P/22/1102/2 – 49 Trueway Drive –tree work to Oak tree in front garden
Further update of Local Plan
Permitted development - Cornerstone 11151226
P/21/2218/2 – 87 Leicester Road (rear of) – erection of detached bungalow and associated works (reserved matters to planning permission reference P/20/1246/2) P/22/0351/2 – 37 Countrymans Way – proposed single storey side and rear extension P/22/0682/2 – 2 Ring Fence (Holly Cottage) – erection of single storey extension to front of house P/22/0323/2 – 65 Ashby Road Central – extension to building No 6 including raising part of the roof and recladding of the resultant building. Addition of new external plant and equipment P/21/2567/2 – St Botolphs Church of England Controlled Primary School, Loughborough Road –Proposed SEND School, multi-use games area, access, parking and landscaping P/22/1015/2 – 6 Celandine Road – certificate of Lawful (proposed) development for single storey rear extension P/22/0532/2 – 28 Moorfield Place – single storey side and rear extension to dwelling P/22/0188/2 – 65 Anson Road – display of 3 x internally illuminated fascia and 1 x externally illuminated post sign P/22/0222/2 – 1 Strawflower Road – single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling P/22/0758/2 – 7 Charnwood Road – change of use only from Class E to a Nail Parlour (Sui Generis) P/22/0823/2 – 106 Oakley Road – proposed single storey rear extension
For more information about open spaces in Charnwood visit the Council’s website https:// parksandopenspaceswww.charnwood.gov.uk/
Make sure you are on the electoral register
This year’s awards ceremony will take place on Monday 5th December. And the deadline for nominations is midnight 7th October.
The extensive works will see improvements at Loughborough, Soar Valley and South Charnwood leisure centres including new gym equipment. In addition, all three sites will be transformed with a new layout, lighting and flooring.
Having the right to vote is really important so we would encourage residents to look out for the form and respond as soon as possible.
future hearing after the
Plans more information
information visit www. fusion-lifestyle.com/contracts/ charnwood
P/22/1212/2 – 3 Glenmore Avenue – demolish existing garage to be replaced with proposed single-storey side extension and two storey front infill extension rendered in a white/cream colour. P/22/1087/2 – 191 Fairway Road –tree work to Oak P/22/1366/2 – Sheila Mee Place, Britannia Street – discharge of condition 6 (Obscured Glazing) of planning permission P/21/0124/2 P/22/0931/2 – 24 Church Street –1 x Cherry to be felled to ground level
P/21/0651/2 – 153 Leicester Road – notice of P/22/0242/2appeal–rear of 8-10 Pick Street – due to the officer advising Cllr Radford that they are mindful of refusing this application, Cllr Radford has withdrawn her call-in. Therefore it will not be going to a plans committee.
It is raining at last whilst this report is being typed up and it is very welcome. We never thought we would be saying that rain is welcome. Your Borough Cllrs can be contacted via email or phone, or if you prefer come along to our monthly surgery. Just a reminder that planning is decided by Charnwood the only input that County has is to comment on the highways.
Charnwood Borough Council has launched a competition as part of the ‘Love the outdoors in Charnwood’ campaign to celebrate the borough’s fantastic range of country parks, nature reserves and ancient woodlands. Entries close at 5pm on Monday 19th September.
P/22/0348/2 – 3 Coachman’s Court – two storey side extension forming carport with bedroom above P/22/0596/2 – 26 Kings Road – proposed single storey rear extension
The Forest Road Greenbelt, which is maintained by the Greenbelt Gardener volunteers, supported by Charnwood Borough Council and its grounds maintenance partner Idverde has won a Community Green Flag award for the seventh consecutive year.
Queen’s park in Loughborough has won a Green Flag award for the fourteenth consecutive year, with the Friends of Queen’s Park, the Council and Idverde helping to maintain the green space.
The search to find the best photographs of parks and open spaces in Charnwood is on!
– land rear of 7 to 9 Field Street – erection of detached three storey building to provide two self contained flats (we believe the address in incorrect for this application and this has been reported to and–P/21/2393/2Charnwood)–2SpringLanedemolitionofexistingshoperectionofthree2.5storey
P/22/0823/2 – 38 Thorpe Roaderection of two storey extension to rear, single storey extension to side of house
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01509 400 089 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS garagefifor£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Location: Rugby Pitches @Iveshead School Training Times: Senior Mens (18+): 18:30-20:00 Tuesdays Mini’s & Juniors: 10:00-11:00 Sundays (school years reception to year 8 – girls up to year 6) For more Find07970123366shepshedrugby@gmail.cominformation:(Gareth)usonFacebook&Instagram! NEW OR WANTING TO RETURN TO RUGBY? WANT TO GET FIT AND HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME? Come train with Shepshed RFC – your first 4 sessions free of charge Order Online: www.norwoodpress.co.uk Tel: 01530 262020 Email: info@norwoodpress.co.uk NorwoodPress @norwoodpress Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU LEAFLETS - BUSINESS CARDS - LETTERHEADS MAGAZINES - BROCHURES - BOOKLETS NCR PADS - POSTERS - MENUS - FOLDERS ORDER OF SERVICE - CALENDARS - ENVELOPES ROLLER BANNERS - OUTDOOR BANNERS PHOTOCOPYING - SCANNING GRAPHIC & WEBSITE DESIGN SERVICE www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 11

Trading Standards warning
Display improvements will protect important artifacts at Harborough Museum Harborough Museum is carrying out woks to update and improve the display of the Hallaton Treasure. It is one of the most important Iron Age discoveries ever made in the UK, and is the jewel in Harborough Museum’s crown.
Missing out on Pension Credit?
Tel: 01509 842813 Email: www.hathernparishcouncil.org.ukclerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.ukLikeus on Facebook: @hathernparish
the three year programme, staff gained hands-on experience in real-life social work roles through placements in adults and children services.
Bosworth Battlefield nominated for Visit England award
Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e mail christine_radford@hotmail. com or christine.radford@leics. gov.uk my monthly surgery, is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11 am.
for up to three months so check now how-to-claim.www.gov.uk/pension-credit/
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Check a Website – using the following link org/checkawebsite/www.getsafeonline.
Celebrating event for first roll-all of graduates
Mon 26 Sept 19:30 - Mon 7 Nov 19:30 - Mon 5 Dec 19:30
up to date with the latest scams information and advice, you can follow the Leicestershire Trading Standards Service
attractions has received a glowing report following an inspection by national tourism body Visit BosworthEngland.
Email scams – if you get a dodgy looking email forward it report@ phishing.gov.uk. Remember not to click on any links within these Toemails.keep
A pioneering programme, which helped to recruit more social workers into the industry, saw its first cohort of student graduates in TheLeicestershire.countycouncil
Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
After two long-awaited years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the time finally came – Bosworth Festival returned with a bang.
The family friendly festival featured battle the-enactments by the War of the Roses Federation,. There was also archery, cannon fire demonstrations, medieval falconry, musician, the Kings Executioner, Knight School and story teller, plus much more.
Next Council Meetings
When you read this we should have a new leader of the conservative party and therefore a new Prime Minister.
The works can be viewed on https://one. network/?tm=GB129654340
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk

A total of 10 graduates have been awarded their BA (Hons) in Social Work with three graduates achieving their PostGraduate Diplomas. Through the programme, existing staff were supported to gain professional qualifications on a social work apprenticeship, funded by the county council through the apprenticeship levy. During
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of six weeks commencing 3rd October.
Bosworth Medieval Festival 2022
Clerk: Maureen Spencer
Text scams can be reported to your mobile phone provider by forwarding it to 7726 (SPAM)
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Your help and support – my contact details
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
Christine Radford
Harborough Museum offers free entry, more information and opening times is available at www. harboroughmuseum.org.uk
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
The centre piece of the Hallaton Treasure is the Hallaton Helmet, which is currently on show alongside a display of the Iron Age coins.
Councils will NEVER call to ask for your bank details. Council tax rebates, in most cases, such rebates are paid automatically to those who pay their council tax by Ofgemdirect.is
One of Leicestershire’s top visitor
Report the scam to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use the Action Fraud online reporting tool using_our_online_reporting_tool
Hathern Parish Council
12 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 2 days, 09.00 till 15.00 (each day) commencing 22nd September.
Battlefield Heritage centre has received high marks and was rated very good following the visit, an impressive score of 89% has landed the Leicestershire County Council-run heritage site a nomination in Visit England’s Best Told Story accolade.
In my role at county, libraries and museum fall under my portfolio
became one of the first upper-tier authorities in the country to offer the degree apprenticeship programme, a special celebration was held at Beaumanor Hall to mark the achievement and I was privileged to give gifts and to congratulation the graduates.
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
You can use this handy calculator on the Government website to see how much Pension Credit you could claim Paymentscredit-calculator.www.gov.uk/pension-canonlybebackdated
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
NOT offering a £400 energy rebate – so beware of scammers telling you this If you have been scammed- talk to you bank
facilitate gas main replacement.
Visitors were queuing to get into the site before the gates opened on both days, almost 4,500 visitors attended the festival so many people from all over, some coming from further afield.
Cost of online scams – Beware of texts asking you to claim or apply for cost-of-living help – payments are automatic.
I visited Charnwood Museum to see the exhibition by Ladybird Books on looking at the world of work. I still have many of these books and red them to my sons and grandchildren when they were younger. I then visited the Library which is opposite, where there is a display on the Great Central Railway until 23rd September. When my husband was alive we visited the Great Central regularly.
The two-day event, which attracted thousands of visitors, re-enactors and traders from across the UK and beyond took place on Saturday August 20th and Sunday 21st at the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre near Sutton Cheney.
County Councillor for Shepshed
The site has so much to offer visitors of all ages. More information including opening times and admission prices are available at www. bosworthbattlefileld.org
Facebook page on com/leicstradingstandardswww.facebook.orfor further information 0116 305 8000
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO)
A TTRO is to be made on Chapel Street to allow Leicestershire County Council to undertake drainage works in the carriageway.
Loan fee fraud is an increasingly common scam - always check that the provider is authorised by the GFCA before you borrow visit https://register.fca.org.uk
Over 2 million people who are over state pension age and on a low income could claim Pension Credit. It is worth over £3,000, one in three miss out on the extra cash as it is not paid automatically so you need to apply.
The works can be viewed on https://one. RoadLoughboroughfollowingAnetwork/?tm=GB130306907TTROistobemadeforthelocationOaksRoad,Road,SwannymotetoallowCadentGastosafely
Replace just the failed glass unit! All glazing backed by Haveour Your SteamedWindowsUp? Social distancing in operation Faulty locks, handles or hinges? Priority www.cloudy2clear.co.ukfreephone Love Your Home - Protect YourWindows - Save Money Looking to upgrade your existing windows and doors? UPVC, composite or aluminium. Contact us NOW! AvailableOptionsFinance Shepshed Scare Sheep Festival & Garage Sale Sat 17th & Sun 18th September 2022 10am to 4pm Maps showing locations of Scare Sheep and Garage Sale Stalls are available from; Shepshed Volunteer Centre (cash or card) Finkins and Shepshed Library (cash only) Maps £3 (one per family) All proceeds to Shepshed Volunteer centre Reg Charity 1087692 Refreshments and raffle tickets available in Wellbeing garden behind Shepshed Volunteer Centre both days 9a Charnwood Road, Shepshed LE12 9QE Scare Sheep Festival and Garage Sale Registration Form 17th/18th September 2022 Name Address Email address Phone number Scaresheep only entry £3 00 Garage Sale only entry £3 00 Scaresheep and Garage sale entry £5 00 This year we are holding a combined event, with a Garage Sale running alongside the Scare Sheep Festival The information supplied below will be added to the programme, local residents will come and look at your Scare Sheep (a scarecrow with a sheep theme) and judge the entries, also visiting your Garage Sale Stall if you are holding one There will be one programme/map to show the locations of the Scare Sheep and Garage Sale Stalls Profits from your Garage Sale are yours. Encourage your neighbours to enter to be eligible for the street collaboration trophy Your Scare Sheep/Garage Sale Stall should be ready on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September between 10 00am and 00pm Programmes/maps will be available from Shepshed Volunteer Centre after the closing date There will be a trophy for the household and business judged by the public to have the best Scare Sheep on display We will issue you with a number to be attached to your Scare Sheep which will enable the public to vote for you These numbers will be on the map to show the location of your Scare Sheep/Garage Sale Stall Would you be prepared to sell programmes for the event YES/NO Closing date Friday 2nd September 2022 Proceeds to Shepshed Volunteer Centre Shepshed Volunteer Centre, 9a Charnwood Road, Shepshed Leics LE12 9QE email; jayne@jscharnwood org uk Tel; 01509 508040 Reg Charity 1087692 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 13

We are very grateful to everyone that has donated and for everybody's good wishes. Below is the link if anyone else wishes to sponsor us. Cash donations can also be made at Ryatt's Optometrist in The Bull Ring and Livio's Italian Restaurant in The Hall Croft. Our thanks to both these businesses for their support.
14 | www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/news
Continuing its Diamond Anniversary Year celebrations, Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club’s next meeting on Thursday,15 September will feature the popular Nick Grounds with his demonstration entitled ‘The Materialist’.
If you would like to know more, please ring 01509 853740.
I don’t know if you get your fill of beach holidays, I wasn’t too well trained in that department, as my father always pitched them in October. I always remember the wind whipping around Woolies corner on Blackpool prom, and the hot brew in our hands. No suntan more a rust and plenty of scarves, I think thats why this hot weather is not my friend, and also short days. Our days on holiday were worked around breakfast, lunch and tea, not leaving much time for activities, but at fifty pence a day who can grumble.
A horticultural auctioneer by day and a NAFAS national demonstrator by night, Nick is renowned for keeping audiences entertained with tales of his life whilst creating huge and beautiful arrangements, all to be included in the evening’s raffle. He believes strongly in using seasonal flowers, and offers interesting facts and tips as he goes.
The 9th September members will meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm.New members would be most welcome to this event. Members will be going on a trip to the Birmingham Tattoo on 11th September. October events on the 4th the walk & talk group meet. The following day members are going on a trip to RAF Cosford air museum. On the 11th members meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm.
Als Electronic Shepshed
Well hello and here we are in September, where has it all gone, this year is in danger of being over before we have started getting used to 2022.
The podcasting, Al’s Electronic Shepshed Experience, has taken on a new life, and that in the guise of me getting out n about Shepshed. It all started with some Jitty walks around the backs in the old part of the town. Only to discover the new developments have them also.

Rolls-Royce Retired Employees
been tough through the summer months but we have managed to get our long runs up to 14 miles. The next three weeks will be crucial as we up the mileage before tapering down to the big day on 2nd October. The pain and effort we are going through is nothing compared to the pain and distress of very serious and disabling conditions patients and loved ones have to endure.
Also coming up I speak with three authors from Shepshed, who have their books in print, speaking about the highs and lows of the literary world. You can watch all the previous pod shows just go onto my group page and scroll down.
Last month was a complete Mal-function on my part, technology never rings you up to tell you that nothings happening. August’s missive for the wonderful publication was duly written and edited as normal. What wasn’t normal was Al was sitting in the low lands of Lincolnshire on a temporary interwebby connection. I did every action as I normally do, but the article didn’t get to where it should, deep joy. Never the less nothing lost in fact you all had a rest from Al’s ramblings.
Off now to press the right buttons this month Al..
On the Fourteenth of August I trotted off, sun hat on to the Botany Bees open day. This was organised by Amanda who keeps the hives, but more than that she will inform you and I about any queries we may have about the small, but dynamic creatures. I will be speaking with Amanda later on and asking her all about keeping bees, and you can hear all that on the pod show.
Tracing the route of the Shepshed Canal was very enlightening for yours truly, and the response was encouraging. Some residents remembering playing on and around the banks of the canal. Surprisingly Conway Drive follows the bend the Canal took on its way, the old maps prove this. By the time you read this, hopefully if I press the correct buttons there will be three more video on, Glenmore Park, more Jitties and The Cut at the bottom of Kings Road. These can be found on my Facebook group page just type in, Al’s Electronic Shepshed Experience into your Facebook search engine. If you are new to Shepshed then I do hope you find these informative.
Article by Heather Cake
Article by Brenda Snape
We are running this marathon for personal reasons, but since we started training we have learnt of two old friends who have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and another who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and is having treatment. This has leant an extra dimension and poignancy to our Trainingefforts.has

Best Allotment For 2022 Winner
Chairman of Council, Cllr. David Northage presenting the Phil Cross memorial trophy to the winners of the best allotment for 2022 Trevor and Sue Bazen. They have chosen a Victoria Plum tree to be planted in the onsite community orchard.

Many thanks to all our family, friends and beyond for an amazing effort in getting our sponsorship up to two thirds of the way. A reminder that we are running the London Marathon to raise funds for Brain Research UK, a charity that does cutting edge research into dementia, Alzheimer's, brain injuries, brain tumours, and many degenerative diseases of the brain such as Parkinson's.
ArticleAssociationbyGraham Burton
Loughborough Flower Lovers' Club
The demonstration will be held at the Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm. The venue is spacious and airy, there is parking within the school grounds, and new members and visitors can always be assured of a very warm welcome. Tickets for visitors, priced £5, may be bought on the door.
R J Brearley Construction CARPENTRY & JOINERY SPECIALIST GENERAL BUILDING, PLASTERING & TILING All property Maintenance, Alterations & Refurbishment work undertaken All Commercial & Domestic Work Welcome - Free & Convenient Estimates Given Reliable, Tidy & Professional Service Assured Richard Brearley - Mob: 07867 554 981 Email: rjbconstruction@live.co.uk - Based in Shepshed • Internal • Kitchens and Bathroom • Doors & Windows • Real Wood & Laminate Floors • Bespoke Joinery Service • Stairs & Balustrading External • Soft/Hardwood Decking Extension Work • Traditional & truss Roofs • 1st & 2nd Fixes • Garage Conversions Family run business with 30years experience in repairing and servicing all makes and models of garden machinery. Business is carried out on site at a time and date convenient to the customer. We also carry out repairs on Sunday’s. Please call or text 07904 103602 7 days a week 8am-9pm Email ikmowers@yahoo.co.uk and we will get back to you asap. IK MOWERS Call now for a FREE quotation! Phone: 01509 400 115 Mob: 0781 401 9882 www.synergyplumbingservices.co.uk For all your Plumbing, Heating & Maintenance needs 572581 www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 15

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