June 2017 - Your Local Anstey, Thurcaston, Cropston, Swithland, Newtown Linford, Woodhouse & Eaves

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Latest news from Charnwood Indoor Bowls Centre


By Wendy Coley (Bowls development officer)

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With all the current publicity about getting people more active and finding a sport in which everyone can participate I would like to tell you all about indoor bowls in Charnwood.

SALES TEAM SARAH TAYLOR T: 0800 6446 150 E: sarah@openboxpromotions.co.uk

But first a bit about our clubs history. We are situated in Browns Lane, Loughborough to the left hand side of the Leisure Centre. We are very proud that the club was officially opened by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales on Thursday 26th April 1990. Her picture takes pride of place on our club's lounge wall.

DAWN HARRIS T: 0800 6446 150 E: dawn@openboxpromotions.co.uk

DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ANDREW LEWIS M: 07504 634 838 E: andy@openboxpromotions.co.uk

Since then we have updated our facilities, including the lighting above the greens, and now have a superb 8 rink indoor bowls club as good as any in the Midlands. Indoor bowls is an enjoyable, rewarding sport that also offers great health benefits.

PUBLISHED BY OPEN BOX PROMOTIONS LTD T: 0800 6446 150 E: sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk W: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

It is a sociable activity for all ages from 10 to 100. As it is not dependent on strength or aerobic capacity it is a unique, multigenerational sport that men, women and children can enjoy playing together. Wheelchairs are available for disabled participants, as are aids for the visually impaired.

Open Box Promotions Ltd, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ

PRINTED BY NORWOOD PRESS T: 01530 262020 E: info@norwoodpress.co.uk W: www.norwoodpress.co.uk

How many other sports allow disabled people to play in the same team as the able bodied without any sporting disadvantage? Indoor bowls can be as social or competitive as participants require. We have purely social bowlers and also members who compete in county and national competitions.

Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU

In April 2017 the Leicestershire county indoor bowls finals were held at Charnwood Indoor Bowls club. There were many exciting matches and our club now boasts 4 county champions.


For anyone interested in giving this superb sport a try we offer, by prior arrangement, a free initial session with coaching advice and bowls provided. You don't need any other equipment just wear comfortable clothes. For people who wish to continue there is free coaching every Sunday morning between 10am and 12 noon. If people wish to come on their own, or with a friend, to practice that is not a problem.


Monday 3rd July 2017


Monday 26th June 2017

However, there are also sessions on several days of the week where single bowlers can participate in bowls drives, where teams are allocated by picking a rink number. There are U3A groups, Women's Institutes and scouts amongst others who play regularly amongst themselves or in one of the many leagues or friendly matches that are organised by the club.

Deadline and delivery dates are subject to change depending on how far we are ahead or behind. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the original advertisers & contributors and do not necessarily represent Your Local or Open Box Promotions Ltd. Open Box Promotions Ltd reserves the right to amend or refuse to publish articles or adverts submitted for publication. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. To see full terms & conditions visit www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/terms

We have a licensed bar in our lounge area and snacks are served in our sociable seating area. In fact our bacon cobs are legendary amongst other Leicestershire bowlers who visit the club to play in league matches! Please consider coming to have a look at what we have to offer and have a trial session in a warm, friendly welcoming atmosphere. We were all beginners once and remember that a caring smile makes all the difference. Our contact details are as follows: Phone 01509 210018 Email admin@charnwoodindoorbowlsclub.co.uk - Website. www.charnwoodindoorbowlsclub.co.uk

We operate all year round and look forward to meeting you soon!




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Monday March 13th was a night to remember. A cheque for £4,000 was handed over to Mr Adrian Walker-the Principal Fund-Raising Officer for Loros. The event was held at the Stadon Club and was hosted by the club owners Stewart and Christine Wragg along with a fun quiz and buffet for everyone to partake in and enjoy. The above sum of money was realised over a string of annual events taking place at different venues over the last two years and all in all totalled near on £7000. In addition, many thanks to Jo and Dean at the Coach & Horses Hotel who have also hosted such events. I have been totally overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness shown by the local community and of the fantastic support given by everyone to make these events such a success.

This year’s Open Gardens event in the villages of Thurcaston and Cropston will take place on the weekend of 24th and 25th June 2 – 6pm. This year all money raised will be going to The Air Ambulance and our villages’ Good Neighbour Scheme.

Lots of unseen work and time has been given by so many. It is unbelievable and very self-rewarding. I would like to congratulate and thank everyone for their magnificent support. Personally, I would like to thank Karen Bhowall and Colin Howett for the support behind the scenes and for keeping me in check. We have made a difference.

We have nearly 20 very varied gardens for you to visit across the two villages; some large, some small, some immaculate, some very much less so! Some are new gardens and some have taken part before. But all for you to enjoy.

Many thanks to you all, Trevor Ward.

Anstey WI The Anstey WI ladies are normally associated with baking, sewing and crafts and having fun but at Mays meeting there was some serious talking. The WI resolutions were discussed and voted on. The organisation has a long history of campaigning on a wide range of issues. WI campaigns are about changing things for the better and tackling the issues that matter to members. The first resolution was Alleviating loneliness: This meeting calls on every WI and the NFWI to work alongside health and social care providers and their local community to raise awareness of the causes and impacts of loneliness, thus ensuring better identification of lonely people to be able to offer them the appropriate assistance and support. The second was Plastic Soup: Keep microplastic fibres out of our ocean: Microplastic fibres are shed from synthetic clothing with every wash and are the main contributors to microplastic contamination of the oceans. The NFWI calls on Government and industry to research and develop innovative solutions to this problem in order to stop the accumulation of microplastic fibres in our oceans.

Gardens will be open from 2pm – 6pm on both  days. Tickets will be £4 each (accompanied children and wheelchair users free) and will be valid for both days. They can be purchased on the day from any of the signposted Open Gardens. Look for the fuchsia coloured balloons!

These were both considered important and were voted in to take forward to the National Annual meeting in Liverpool. Our delegate Sheila Timms will attend and represent Anstey WI. Afterwards, there were 3 competitions.

Flowers: Flower arrangement in a shoe was won by Ann Coney. Craft: a necklace made by a member was won jointly by Heather Savage and Chris Figgins. Cookery: 4 jam tarts was won by Sheila Timms. The next WI meeting is on Wednesday 14th June 2017 at 7.30pm at The Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey. The speaker is Caroline Roberts on “There is more to Leicester than Cheese” There is a Competition: The most words of 3 letters or more from the word Leicester. This is an open meeting and visitors are warmly welcome. The fee is £3.50.

PICNIC IN THE PARK Sunday 25th June,12pm - 4pm at the recreation ground See page 12 for more details


Tea and cake will be available at various locations as well as ice-creams. A number of gardens are selling plants and one garden will be entertaining you on the Sunday with some beautiful live music by Sarabande Strings. For more information about this event please have a look at our web site www.tcog.org.uk or contact Linda on 0116 2363872 or email linda@tcog.org.uk It is often said how welcoming our Gardeners are and they would love you to come and see all their hard work. Why not put the date in your diary now, then come along with your family and friends to support this great community event, and help us raise money for very worthwhile causes.

We look forward to seeing you! Visit our website: www.tcog.org.uk

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk


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Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club By Phil Vose, Vice Chairman Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club have had a very busy and encouraging start to the 2017 season. There have been some new facilities installed, a young person’s training programme taking place and some great competitive action on the pitch. Anstey and Glenfield CC play at the Gynsill Lane sports complex with the first team playing in Division 5 West and the second team participating in Division 8 West of the Leicestershire and Rutland Cricket League. During the last few weeks, the club have had a new artificial practice wicket and an all-weather pitch installed which should provide the players with some great facilities to use. The new pitches were opened in a ceremony on the first day of the season by Richard Bowers (Glenfield Parish Council Chairman) and Martin Broomhead (Anstey Parish Council Chairman). This has been a considerable investment for the club and it is hoped that these fantastic developments will benefit the club for many years to come. The club are taking part in the All Stars Cricket programme, which is taking place on Saturday mornings. This is a new initiative from the England and Wales Cricket Board which is to encourage children aged from 5 to 8 to have their first experience of the game. Some of the club’s members have taken part in training courses to enable Anstey and Glenfield CC to host this exciting innovation. Several local youngsters are taking part for the first few weeks of the Summer and it is hoped that many of these aspiring cricketers will be taking to the field in the years to come. The first team led by returning captain Anoop Jayaraj have had a great start to life in Division 5 West following last year’s promotion. They have been involved in some very competitive matches with brilliant victories

coming against Rothley Park 2, Cropston 2 and Earl Shilton 2. The highlight was the 7wicket victory against Cropston with some fantastic individual contributions following an unbeaten 134 from Anoop and Sunny Singh scoring a fine 78 not out. Neel Ondhia also took a superb hattrick to aid the team’s magnificent victory. The second team have also had a terrific start to their Division 8 West campaign with victories against Leicester Ivanhoe 4 and Higham Village. This year they are being led by captain Jon Hartwell. To aid the team’s cause, there have been 2 half centuries to date, scored by vice-captain Bruce Smith and Sahan Tharanga with Chemika Mewan taking a marvellous 5 wickets against Leicester Teachers & Mossdale. At the time of writing, the team were top of the table and will be hoping to push for promotion for next season. Both teams will be looking to consolidate their positions in their divisions and look forward to some competitive cricket ahead. The club have been training at Beaumont Leys School during the off season and some of this

practice has been vital in preparing the players for the summer months. Some of the club members have been working down at the ground helping to prepare it for the new season. The ground is in an excellent state thanks to the efforts of our hard-working ground staff. The club are taking part in various Sunday friendlies this year – the first one took place on 7th May. Other friendly matches will be taking place later in the season and the club are also looking to regain the County 20/20 Shield which they won in 2015. If you are interested in joining the club, please email our secretary Amanda Wilkes. Amanda’s email address is amandaandcharlie@btinternet.com. We are also now hosting weekly training sessions at the Gynsill Lane ground on Wednesdays from 5.30pm, so if you’re interested in playing for the club, why not come down and practice. Please also visit our website at http://ansteyandglenfield.play-cricket.com and Facebook page for regular updates, results and news throughout the season.

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Anstey RFC growing and going forward in 2017

Give it a Grow: Herbs

Since its formation in 1980 your local Village Rugby Club, Anstey RFC has had many ups and downs but the best news is that it is still here and thriving having finished the 2016/17 season with 18 games played, winning eleven of them, losing seven. There was in fact 29 fixtures arranged for the season, but eleven were called off due to various reasons, nearly always by our opposition. Perhaps they didn’t want to get beaten by a successful Anstey side who scored 440 points over the season with 343 in reply!

Take it out of the plastic pot and you’ll see just how many basil plants are crammed into this one space; they long to be freed! Basil prefers to have space and thrives with just one plant per pot, so carefully prise apart the tangled web of congested roots and plant one to three plants into a fresh pot of soil.

Basil – have you ever bought a pot of basil from a supermarket? How long has it lasted? Well here’s a tip to prolong the life and usefulness of this delicious herb.

Any indoor plants need a pot with holes in (for drainage), which is placed in another container/ pot, to enable watering. [Pop into our local charity shop for a wide selection of containers/ pots, which can be used for this purpose.] Leave on a sunny window sill and water frequently but do not drown it (as they don’t like to sit in water), and watch it grow. The leaves have a lovely scent, will become much larger and can be picked off individually to be enjoyed in salads, mixed with pasta, and are especially nice with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and olive oil: a treat on a warm summer evening. [Also, if you pinch out the new shoots from the top of the plant, it makes the plant bushier, so the more you eat, the more the plant will produce!]

Our best results were Away at Atherstone, a 61-5 win; Home against Newark, a 26-0 win; Belgrave at Home winning 48-28 and a 52-0 win at home when Southwell came to Link Road. A mixture of a number of new players, long term Anstey regulars and some non regulars all contributed to a a positive season. The final game was on Sunday 30th April, our President’s Day. The President’s team was made up from a host volunteers from clubs across Leicestershire who managed to gel quickly as a team and beat Anstey by 39 points to 14 watched by a good crowd of relatives, friends and old Anstey players ensuring the banter was lively.

If you don’t have access to soil or pots, you could ask a neighbour if they could spare some, or you could experiment with placing a few of the basil plants in a jar with a small amount of water in the bottom, changing the water frequently to stop it stagnating/ going smelly. Chives – A garden herb that ticks all the boxes! Edible leaves and flowers, attractive to pollinating insects, beautiful purple and green colours, comes back year after year (even in cold weather), has pretty seed heads which spread easily (or can be saved for new plants next year), can be encouraged to flower twice a year (May and August, if cut low after flowering in May). If you’re unsure where to get hold of some chive plants, ask your local Master Gardeners; they may even be able to give you some for free, to get you started! Leicestershire Masters Gardeners, is a volunteer scheme, run by ‘Garden Organic’, training and supporting their volunteers to promote the benefits of ‘growing your own food’, equipping them to provide advice and support to people in their local neighbourhood. For more information visit:

www.leicestershire.mastergardeners.org.uk The Day continued for many many hours at our base in the Coach and Horses where, as is tradition, all the food was provided on the day by Anstey players for all the guests. Late night Karaoke completed a great day. The next event is the Dinner and Presentation night being held at Alto Mondo in Leicester on Friday 2nd June, with the Club AGM at The Coach and Horses on Sunday 2nd July at 11am. The 2017/18 season sees Anstey RFC rejoin the Leicestershire League Level Three where a full season of fixtures is lined up with Aylestonians, Sileby 2nds, Aylestone St James 2nds, Shepshed, Birstall 2nds and many more. Call into the Coach and Horses any time and see all the club details under the TV at the Car Park end of the pub or visit http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/anstey

Chris Apperley, Anstey RFC

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day to Melton Mowbray. On arrival, there was time to stroll around the shops, to browse or make purchases and to find somewhere to have a cup of tea. Also, no visit to Melton Mowbray is complete without making some purchases at the renowned pork pie shop of Dickinson and Morris!

ANSTEY. CROPSTON, THURCASTON AND ROTHLEY Monday 8th May dawned with overcast skies and a decidedly chilly wind, but nothing was going to deter the group of Club members and their invited guests from enjoying the day of our annual outing.

the town’s autumn Georgian Festival from 21st to 24th September.

Finally, feeling a little foot-sore and weary, we returned to the coach for our homeward journey. The glowering skies had not changed all day, but despite this, the rolling and verdant countryside with many fields of vibrant coloured rapeseed flowers, which we passed by during our journey, more than made up for the lack of sunshine.

As usual, Woods Coaches provided our transport and our driver, Vince, set off via a pleasantly scenic route towards our first destination of Whitwell, situated on the northeast shore of Rutland Water, where we disembarked to partake of some mid-morning refreshments in the Harbour Café. Despite it being too cool to sit outside to admire the glorious views, the atmosphere inside the café was warm and welcoming and, judging by the animated conversations and laughter, everyone was making the most of their time together.

Like some other old English towns, Stamford grew rich on the wool trade, until the 15th century when the trade transferred to East Anglia. The restored All Saints’ Brewery is a reminder of the contribution of the brewing trade to the fortunes of the town; Stamford Arts Centre, built in 1768, also houses the tourist Information Centre, while nearby Burghley House is a fine Elizabethan house which was home to the powerful Cecil family during the reign of Elizabeth 1. There are several other significant places of interest to see in the town, but today its mellow limestone buildings are its greatest asset, with over 600 listed buildings, many of which emphasise their Georgian heritage and which attract numerous visitors annually. We barely had a glimpse of all that Stamford has to offer during the short time we were there – a good reason to make a return visit in the not-too-distant-future!

m i t

Suitably replete, we re-boarded the coach for the short journey to our next stopping place of Stamford, where it was interesting to learn that in 2017 this beautiful town celebrates the 50th anniversary since it became the first conservation town in the country. This significant milestone will be at the forefront of

New m What’s more, it’s excellent value!! The m From Jennifer Kennington

So, if you are interested inmeeting gardening - come Our next at our regular venueand of gi Cropston Evangelical Free Church will be at 2.15pm on Monday 12th June when our speaker will be Peter Gee-Pemberton who will tell us about the work involving the Air Ambulance for Children. Visitors are most welcome: cost £3 per meeting.

Our meeting on 10th July will be our annual strawberry cream tea at the Blue Bell Inn, Rothley.

Everyone selected their own choice of place at Stamford to have lunch, before once more re-joining the coach for the final visit of the

Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club

For further information, please contact Mrs Maja Tompkins on 07709 201881

micro-climate were wonderful plants can be grown. In the spring there are very colourful Rhododendron and Azalea. Bodnant also has a brilliant Laburnum arch.

set out to create a stunning garden. Jeff feels she succeed in this. The final garden on Jeff’s list was East Ruston Old Vicarage, near Cromer. Again, Jeff commented on the design in this garden which includes formal gardens, herbaceous borders, desert garden, and jungle garden.

Great British Gardens – Jeff Bates The May meeting of the Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club was entitled ‘Great British Gardens’ with Jeff Bates. In his illustrated talk, Jeff focused on six different gardens spread across Britain. The gardens Jeff chose are some of his favourites, but he made the point that he could have picked many more great gardens.

Jeff illustrates his talk with many excellent photographs. He has a very relaxed style of delivery and his knowledge of plants is exceptional. This was an excellent talk and gave us much to think about when planning future garden visits for the Club.


Jeff started his selection in Scotland, on the Isle of Arron. This is Brodick Castle, a coastal garden which has been skilfully planted with big trees to provide shelter from the prevailing winds. The garden was started in the 1920’s. At that time plants were being ‘discovered’ in China and brought back to the UK by the f amous plant hunters, such as ‘Chinese’ Wilson. The Dorothy Clive garden in Staffordshire was the next on the Jeff’s list. This garden was created in the 1940’s when plants from all over the world were available. This garden was highly recommended by Jeff. We then ‘went’ to North Wales, to Bodnant garden. Started in the 1870’s, Bodnant is also planted to create shelter and has many huge trees. It has a stream running through the garden and the sheltered site creates a


Wollerton Old Hall garden was next on Jeff’s list. This is a much smaller garden of about 4 acres. Jeff included this because of the ‘classy’ design features which includes garden ‘rooms’ and woodland planting.

The gardening club meets in the Thurcaston and Cropston Memorial Hall Whether an experienced gardener or an enthusiastic beginner we are sure you will find something of interest in this year’s programme. New members are made most welcome. What’s more, it’s excellent value!! The membership fee is still only £12 for the year or £3.00 per meeting. And, if you would like to come as a visitor and then you decide to join, your visitor fee will be refunded!! So, if you are interested in gardening - come and give the Club a try. The next club events are: Friday 9th June – Club trip to the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show (trip full)

Mount Steward garden in Northern Ireland was next. The Marquess of Londonderry who inherited the 80 acre estate considered it to be the ‘darkest, saddest place’. She therefore

Wednesday 12th July – Evening visit to Goadby Marwood Hall Wednesday 9th August, 7.45 pm – Stunning Shrubs for Spring & Summer - Nick Hamilton

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Deborah Taylor... Latest News Borough Councillor for Anstey & County Councillor for Bradgate Division 6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW - Tel: 0116 2350126 Email: Cllr.Deborah.Taylor@charnwood.gov.uk & Deborah.Taylor@leics.gov.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/CllrDTaylor - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor busy at Bradgate Park so I hope everyone who went enjoyed the event.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to come out and vote at the local elections on 4th May 2017. The Bradgate Division had a turnout of 35%. I spent most of polling day out meeting as many residents as I could at all the polling stations in the Bradgate Division. It was a very long day but a day that I shall remember for a long time for all the right reasons. I was delighted to have been elected as your County Councillor for the Bradgate Division and thank the voters of Bradgate for your support and confidence. I would also like to add my thanks to our retiring County Councillor, David Snartt. David has worked incredibly hard for the Bradgate Division, I hope to continue his good work and I thank him for the huge support that he has given to me. Don’t forget to go out and vote in the General Election on 8th June 2017 to ensure that you have your say in the future of Great Britain. On Wednesday 17th May, I attended my first full council meeting at County Hall. Janice Richards was duly elected Chairman for the year and Ozzy O’Shea was duly elected Vice-Chairman. I have been selected to serve on the following committees at County Hall: • Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Children and Families • Development Control and Regulatory Board • Vice Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for Health I will also be attending a number of training sessions over the coming few months to understand the workings of all the committees at County Hall. I have attended some events over the last few weeks. On Saturday 20th May, I attended Anstey Community Library’s plant sale and the annual Anstey Scouts Duck Race. Both events were very busy which was great to see and I hope they raised some money for their organisations. The weather just about held out! On Sunday 21st May, I attended the Charnwood Roots Heritage Festival at Beaumanor Hall. Again, a very busy event with a lot of local history to enjoy and many stalls ran by local organisations promoting their work. I was hoping to attend Bradgate Park Trust’s Emergency Services day but unfortunately I caved in to work demands and deadlines but as I passed by it was extremely


On Monday 22nd May, I attended Charnwood Borough Council Annual meeting and Mayor making dinner. Cllr Pauline Ranson was elected Mayor and Cllr Christine Harrison was elected Deputy Mayor for the year. I am looking forward to Cllr Ranson’s year as Mayor, she will be an excellent Ambassador for Charnwood Borough Council.

Fairhaven Farm Appeal The deadline for submitting my report is the day before the appeal is due to be heard by the Planning Inspector on 25th May 2017 regarding the Reserved Matters (housing mix) for the Fairhaven Farm planning application. In last month’s report, I explained that Bloor Homes have submitted a revised application for the housing mix and this was brought in front of Charnwood Plans Committee on Wednesday 3rd May. I attended the meeting, spoke on the application explaining that this housing mix was much better than the previous application and would provide the housing needed in Anstey for young families and our older generation. The application was approved and Bloor Homes now have full planning permission for their development. There was also a second appeal due to heard on 25th May 2017 regarding the application to delay the highway works in The Nook and at the A46 roundabout. Bloor Homes have now withdrawn this appeal so only the appeal for the housing mix will be brought in front of the Planning Inspector on 25th May 2017 at 10am at the Ramada Hotel, Loughborough. Following the outcome of the Appeal Hearing, Bloor Homes will have full planning permission for 160 houses on Fairhaven Farm, Cropston Road, Anstey. The outcome of the appeal will decide what the housing mix will be.

The Nook, Anstey There has been a press release issued on 16th May 2017 to notify residents and businesses regarding highway work starting in The Nook. By the time you receive my report work will have started and I have included some further details regarding the planned works. The centre island will be removed w/c 27th May. It will be replaced with water filled barriers to create an island of the same size until the work recommences on 15th July. The works will continue from 15th July until the end of September. With this early removal of the island when the contractors commence work in July they can make the island smaller and move it around as they work therefore

creating more space around the island. This will enable the contractors to work on areas of The Nook without any traffic light control, hopefully keeping the traffic moving as much as possible. This is the plan but firmer details are evolving as I write so if anything unexpected crops up then we might need the odd traffic light control for short periods. There will be temporary closures of some of the parking spaces around The Nook as the work continues but there will always be some parking in the area and some bus stops are likely to be moved slightly temporarily for safety reasons. When they are due to resurface The Nook there will be some closures but this will either be during the weekends or in the evening and towards the end of September. In addition to the work in The Nook the developers are beginning work on the site at Fairhaven Farm. They are creating a temporary entrance to the site and there will be traffic light control in operation at the end of May and the beginning of June.

Scouts The 40th Leicester Scouts, based in Anstey have contacted me to request help for additional support for this growing group. The scouts have over 100 members whom enjoy a huge range of activities supported by a small group of volunteers. They are looking for members of our local community to join their Executive Committee. No experience is necessary you just need to be able to commit an hour or so a month and enjoy working as part of a friendly group. If you are interested in joining, please email 40thleicesterscouts@gmail.com and support our youth.

British Legion There are new drop-in British Legion sessions at Charnwood Council offices. Former and serving Armed Forces personnel and their families can get advice at a regular drop-in session hosted by Charnwood Borough Council and the Royal British Legion. An adviser from the legion will be on hand at the council offices in Southfield Road, Loughborough every third Thursday of the month between 10am and midday. The first one is on Thursday 25th May. Forces personnel, veterans and their families will be able to get advice on a range of issues including finance, grant support and pensions. The drop-in session will be in the Jobcentre Plus area of the council building and appointments are not required.

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Just a reminder also, Charnwood Armed Forces and Veterans’ Breakfast Club meets on the second Saturday of every month at the Toby Carvery, Forest Road, Loughborough. For more information about the Council’s Armed Forces Community Covenant, visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/armedforces community or the Royal British Legion website.

Queen’s Park, Loughborough The bandstand in Queen’s Park, Loughborough will play centre stage to performances by local talent this summer. Free afternoon concerts performed by a number of bands and choirs will be staged on the bandstand from 4th June until 27th August. The Loughborough Carillon and Charnwood Museum are also in the park, so there is plenty to see and do while you are there. The concerts all start at 2pm and are as follows: • Sunday 4th June - Loughborough Male Voice Choir and La Guitarelle • Sunday 18th June - Charnwood Concert Band

• Sunday 25th June - Loughborough Concert Band • Sunday 2nd July - Syston Band • Sunday 9th July - Melbourne Town Band • Sunday 16th July - Hathern Youth Concert Band • Sunday 13th August - New Orleans Hot Shot Jazz Band • Sunday 27th August - New Hall Ten Piece Band For more information about events in Queen’s Park visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/queenspark

Neighbourhood Watch Anstey has been suffering from a spate of burglaries over the last month or so. It appears to be attempts to gain car keys to steal mainly Audi vehicles. Anstey has a very good Neighbourhood Watch Scheme but unfortunately, we are without a co-ordinator. Our last Co-ordinator Diane, left the village last year. I am appealing to anyone who is interested in taking on the role of co-ordinator

The Even Bigger Big Knit continues – let’s keep knitting!

The re-launched Big Knit 2017 is now in full swing but Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland. is facing a huge challenge and need even more help to create as many little woolly hats as possible for Age UK and innocent’s Big Knit before 17th July 2017 with an increased local target of 52,000 over that period! So far we have received just 6,500. Each winter, one older person dies every seven minutes because of the cold weather. With the fantastic support from knitters up and down the country, The Big Knit has raised vital funds to support local and national winter projects to help older people keep warm in winter. Knitters in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are being called upon to create little hats to adorn innocent smoothie bottles, which will be sold in stores nationwide from November 2017. For each be-hatted smoothie sold, innocent will donate 25p to help Age UK fund national and local winter projects. Whilst patterns can be obtained from Age UK, many knitters let their imagination run riot, last year producing designs including a Loch Ness monster, fruit, soldiers, peas in a pod, cupcakes and seagulls! Please send completed hats to Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland at Lansdowne House, 113 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7LA or drop them in at one of their shops. Knitters can contact Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland to get a free hat pattern or for more information about The Big Knit – telephone: 0116 2992233 or log onto: www.ageuk.org.uk/leics


for Anstey. It is not an onerous task as the scheme is set up. If you would like more information about this role, please contact myself or one of our PCSO’s Phil Wright or Alistair Cochrane.

Grass Cutting We are now well into the grass cutting season and Leicestershire County Council (LCC) have launched a new interactive map so residents can see when the Council is due to cut the grass in their area (only areas cut by LCC). There is also a facility for residents to highlight any issues with the grass cutting in their area. Some parishes cut the grass in their areas on behalf of LCC so these areas are not shown on the interactive map but it does provide contact details for each parish for residents to raise any concerns. The interactive map can be found at www.leicestershire.gov.uk/grass-cutting If you have any issues or concerns, I’m here to help.

Cllr Deborah Taylor

Diamod Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Roger & Barbara Tate who celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on June 8th 2017. A family celebration at the Kilworth House Hotel on the 8th June 2017 and a second honeymoon to Saltsburg on the 10th June. They were married at St John the divine Church in Leicester and have lived in Anstey for most of their married lives. They have 2 children and 4 grandchildren and have devoted their married life to looking after and caring for their family.

Julia Tate (Daughter)



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Report from Anstey Parish Council Annual Parish Council Meeting The Annual meeting was held on the 16 May 2017 Councillor Martin Broomhead was elected as Chairman of the Council and Councillor Glyn McAllister was elected as Vice-Chairman. The calendar of meeting for the year has been agreed and appears in the Annual Report which is published elsewhere in this edition of Your Local.

Parish Meeting – Tuesday 18th April 2017 The meeting was hosted by the Chairman, Councillor Martin Broomhead who provided an overview of the Parish Council’s work over the last year with further information available in the Chairman’s Annual Report. It is also offers an informal forum for residents to put forward improvement suggestions or concerns. The meeting was well supported by residents, despite the unspoken time pressure of ‘can this be wrapped up by 7:45pm for the football’. In addition, there were also seven Local Groups vying for grant funding, with four awards made of £250. The successful groups as voted for by Anstey residents were:

Vicky Ball who is the Chairman of the Steering Group for the Good Neighbour Scheme will be calling volunteers once a new meeting date has been scheduled. Notices will be published so that anyone with an interest can come along to find out more.

Liz Hawkes Clerk to the Council

Preparations for Picnic in the Park We have a date for Picnic in the Park – Sunday 25 June from 12pm until 4pm at the recreation ground. Notices will start appearing for the Picnic in the Park after the May half term break but take it that you’re all invited.

Dates of future Full Council Meetings 6th June, 27th June, 18th July 2017 Meetings start at 7.30 at the Jubilee Hall all members of the public are welcome to these meetings.

Your councillors are: Martin Broomhead, Nigel Aston, Vicky Ball, Sue Billington, Emma Bown, Ian Grogan, Melissa Hadfield, Mandy Jordan, Glyn McAllister, Roger Peat, Brian Rowlinson, John Sutherington, Deborah Taylor and Chris Tunaley. Your councillors can be contacted through the council offices: Tel: (0116) 236 2646 or email: clerk@ansteypc.org

Anstey Parish Council invites you to Our 2017 picnic in the park The recreation ground, Stadon road

• The Christmas Day Lunch • Friday Lunch Club • Anstey Without Lycra It was good to see the Team Anstey Ramblers and Runners finishing their run and coming in to place their vote – that is dedication. Thank-you to the groups who spoke so enthusiastically about the work and services they offer within the Anstey community. It was heartening to hear of new groups starting up and how groups are evolving and thriving thanks to the volunteers who give up their time to support them and the residents who join and help them grow so that they become well established.

Bar, bouncy castle, ice-cream van & entertainment

• Anstey Town Charity

Good Neighbour Scheme Update A date for the next meeting of the Good Neighbour Scheme is being worked on so that volunteers who have previously made their interest known can come together so that we can work toward a launch date.

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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

POLICEMATTERS Welcome to ‘Police Matters’ from the Anstey Dedicated Neighbourhood Policing Team. The crime breakdown shows offences committed between 26th April and 23rd May 2017 inclusive. The crime figures show a rise in both Burglary (or attempt burglary) from dwellings and Theft (or attempt theft) from vehicles. In particular, the St James Gate estate off Groby Rd has suffered an increase, although thankfully most of these were unsuccessful attempted burglaries. The local beat team are aware of this rise in crime and have increased patrols to the area, and have ensured regular night time mobile patrols are carried out by our response officers during their shifts. Hopefully, this increased activity will deter the criminals and move them away from the area. We are of course also continuing our regular patrols of the whole village, but would request that all residents remain vigilant for any suspicious or unusual activity involving either people or vehicles, whatever time of the day or night. Please report to Police on either 101 or 999 if you believe a crime may be taking place.

A Trio of New Motoring Laws – Are you aware?

Crime Figures 25th March 2017 to 25th April 2017 Burglary Dwelling – 5 Harrison Close x 2, Cawley Field, Bradgate Road, Graves Way. Burglary - 0 (non Dwelling) (Business Premises, Shed, Garage, Etc) Theft of Motor Vehicle – 1 Gretton Drive Theft from Motor Vehicle - 7 (inc Attempts) – Stadon Road, Charles Drive, Andrew Road, Melody Avenue, Bradgate Road, Geary Close, Fairhaven Road

As of March 1st 2017, the government has introduced a trio of new motoring laws which every motorist in the UK should be aware of in order to stay on the right side of the law.

Damage to Motor Vehicle – 4 Nook Car park x 2, Albion Street, Gladstone Street

Number 1:- Due to the amount of motorists caught by police using mobile phones behind the wheel of their cars, officials have been forced to introduce much heftier penalties in order to deter would-be lawbreakers.

Criminal Damage Dwelling – 1 Gynsill Close

The new legislation means that anyone caught using a mobile phone while behind the wheel of a car will receive a minimum of six penalty points and a £200 fine, which is exactly double the previous penalty of three points and a £100 fine.

Criminal Damage - 1 (non Dwelling) (Business Premises, Shed, Garage Etc) -

As well as that, drivers will no longer be given the opportunity to complete a National Driver Offender Scheme (NDORS) course as an alternative to receiving points on their licences. Retraining

Theft Store – 0

Finally, new drivers who passed their tests within the past two years, now also run the risk of having their licence revoked upon their first offence, if they’re found guilty of using a phone while driving. The new legislation doesn’t just apply to mobile phones but also to “any internet device”, basically any phone, tablet, computer or other device which is able to access the internet.

Theft Property - 0

Theft Cycle – 0

Police have reported an increasing number of drivers caught texting, using apps like Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram and even live-streaming while behind the wheel of a car. The penalties for such an offence are the same as those for anyone caught using their phone while driving: that means an instant six penalty points on your licence and a £200 fine. It’s important to note that this also counts when the driver is sitting stationary on the road, for example while stopped at a junction or at traffic lights. It’s only legal to use your phone or device when you’re safely parked off the road, never while on it. Look out for motoring law number 2 next edition. If anybody has any information about the recorded crimes then please speak with your local officers, or If you have any information at all about crime please call CRIMESTOPPERS. Your call will always be free, we won’t ask your name and you may even receive a cash reward. Just call – 0800 555 111

PS 2992 Rod SMART/PCSO 6662 Phil WRIGHT/PCSO 6556 Alistair Cochrane Beat NL58 - Anstey, Charnwood Dedicated Neighbourhood Team, Leicestershire Police


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Anstey Parish Council Annual Report 2016/2017

Anstey Parish Council Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road Anstey Leicester, LE7 7AY Tel: 0116 236 2646 E-mail: clerk@ansteypc.org www.ansteypc.org.uk Produced by Anstey Parish Council

April 2017

Annual Report Purpose of the Report 1.

To give details of the achievements of the Parish Council over the last 12 months and to set out the Council’s priorities for 2017/2018. APC is made up of 14 members and has four Committees and one Sub-Committee to help carry out the work of the Parish Council.

Overview 2.

Over the past 12 months, the Parish Council and its staff have continued to be very active in maintaining high standards and developing its community assets within the village.


The main assets of the Council are: The Jubilee Hall, which continues to be very well used by village organisations; (and the income continues to cover the loan interest repayments). The Stadon Road Recreation Ground, which includes the 2 equipped play areas, the multi-use games area and the War Memorial. The top green on Bradgate Road. The lower green by the brook on Leicester Road, including the Packhorse Bridge (a scheduled ancient monument and listed building). The cemetery on Groby Road. Mitchells Field on Cropston Road, which is currently being developed to create 2 junior football pitches. Link Road Playing Fields, which includes the rugby pitch. The Scout Hut which is leased to the local Scout Group. The public toilets in The Nook car park. The Public Open Space at Long Close, including the play area. The Parish Council also maintains St Mary’s Church Yard, which is a ‘closed’ churchyard

On behalf of Leicestershire County Council the Parish Council maintains the grass verges within the village boundary. 4.

The Parish Council continues to provide Christmas lights in the centre of the village.


The main focus during the past 12 months has been to ensure that all of these assets are kept in good repair for the benefit of the residents of Anstey.

Main Achievements in 2016/17 6.

There have been a number of notable events and achievements over the past 12 months:

50 planning applications have been considered in public meetings with significant housing applications along the Cropston Road. The Parish Council continues to work hard in collating information to make planning comments on these applications.

The work at Mitchells Field continues, and the field has remained closed this year so the grass on the new football pitches can become fully established. The field will be hopefully re-opened in the spring. This will provide further recreational facilities for the village.

The Events Committee continue to work toward providing village events. For the second year running a ‘Clean Up Event’ for the village was organised for the 4th March 2017. This Committee also work to organise the display of Christmas Lights for the village, and support other groups in providing their events including the Gala Committee, the Community Library and the Royal British Legion.

The Parish Council continue to support local groups and this year have provided grant funding for twelve local groups. Namely; the Anstey Youth Café, Anstey Town Charity, Anstey Community Library, Christmas Day Lunch, The Royal British Legion, the Gala Committee, Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club, Churches Together in Anstey, the Anstey Nomads and Swifts Football Clubs, Anstey Navy Cadets and the 40th Leicestershire Scouts Group

The Council continue to work together with Leicestershire County Council and Charnwood Borough Council on areas of work that fall under their jurisdiction. For example: highways, street lighting and planning. In particular, the Parish Council has liaised closely with LCC and CBC on the proposed changes to the Nook which is linked to the new housing developments along the Cropston Road.

A New Youth Shelter has been purchased for the Recreation Ground at Stadon Road. There are plans to close the current Youth Shelter which is attached to the Jubilee Hall and to turn this space into a store for grounds maintenance equipment.

Hanging Baskets in the village brightened up the summer months; these were provided by the Parish Council and the Businesses in Anstey. A thank-you goes out to Steve and Margaret Budding who planted up the baskets free of charge for the village to enjoy.

Thank-you to Tony Chapman for organising a group of voluntary residents who worked with the Parish Council to reinstate the community footpath that runs from Anstey to Thurcaston.

Councillors and Staffing 7.

In line with evolving Councils, there have been a number of personnel changes:

Andrew Nicholls resigned his seat at the Council due to other commitments. His contribution to the Council was appreciated and he gave the Council fresh ideas which opened debate within meetings.

Sue Billington was co-opted onto the Council to fill the casual vacancy. Sue brings to the Council a wealth of knowledge and experience. As well as her new responsibilities as a Councillor, Sue is the Chair of Governors at New College in Leicester and last year completed her Master’s Degree in Urban Conservation.

In recognition of the extra work that the Parish Council is now taking on, the role of Deputy Clerk has been created. The Council were pleased to welcome Sharon Pyke to the Council in July. Sharon is a Clerk to 2 smaller Parish Councils and has taken on the responsibility for the Events Committee as well as supporting the Clerk with the administrative duties.

Priorities for 2017/18 8.

The Parish Council continues to maintain and develop its existing assets and to acquire further assets that it considers will be beneficial to the village.


Hanging baskets will be going up around the village in late May and this year have been sponsored by Sturgess Hyundai; the Parish Council thank them for their generous support.


The priorities for the Parish Council are considered at their Annual Parish Council Meeting in May.


The Council currently have the following as their priorities: To continue to work with the Anstey Nomads, Anstey Swifts, Charnwood Borough Council and the County FA to try to develop Mitchells Field for wider community use.

To continue work with Davidsons Homes for the transfer of land at Groby Road, this includes public open space, an extension to the cemetery, an allotment site and balancing pond. To work in partnership with Martin High School to ensure that the School has the ability to continue the education of local children to a high standard, with access to recreational facilities that could be also used by the Community. The newly formed Link Road Recreational Sub Committee has been set up to work in Partnership with the school to provide a new community facility at Link Road. To consider the long term future of the Scout Building on Leicester Road and the requirement for the 40th Leicester Scouts within Anstey. The Community Engagement Strategy ensures that Anstey Parish Council continues to support local groups to create a sustainable community within Anstey. To provide additional outdoor recreational facilities for the people of Anstey. To provide public art at Long Close with the help of Julie Vernon Mosaics. 12.

However, it should be noted that, in addition to the above, the day-to-day workload of the Parish Clerk and her staff is equally important and however much we aspire to achieve the proposals outlined above, we often find that we have to wait on the actions of other organisations before we can move forward.


Residents will also realise that the possible development of other assets in the village may have to be considered to be secondary priorities.

Financial Information 14. In order to achieve its aspirations, the Parish Council has agreed to set its precept (Council Tax) for 2017 at ÂŁ247,486.00. This represents an increase of 4% and this increase has been kept to a minimum by using ÂŁ15,000 from its reserves. The following are the reasons for the increase in the Parish precept.

The 52% reduction in the Community Support Grant from Charnwood Borough Council. The increased cost of staffing. The need for additional hedge cutting to be carried out by outside contractors. An increase in support for the Anstey based community groups in the form of grants. The need to improve the assets of the Council. This includes works to the Jubilee Hall, Mitchells Field and the Public Toilets.

To work in partnership with Martin High School to provide further recreational facilities.

15. The following is a summary of the income and expenditure for 2016/17; this includes the sum of £232,875.00 raised as part of the Council Tax. Area Administration (including staff costs) Jubilee Hall (lease agreement) Public Toilets (income includes grants from CBC for 2016 and 2017) Scout Hut Open Spaces (including Wayleaves) Cemetery

Expenditure £195,039

Income £241,979

£9,651 £5,106

£12,253 £3,202 £4,954

0 £64,244

£175 £14,096



Anstey Improvements


Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to extend my thanks to the Clerk and staff of Anstey Parish Council for their continuing efforts to provide top quality services and facilities for the residents of the village. I would also like to thank my fellow councillors for their support for all of our achievements over the past 12 months.

Martin Broomhead Chairman of the Parish Council

Councillor attendance at meetings Year

2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017

Total Number % of Councillor of Meetings attendance at Held meetings 20 17 17 18 16

74% 78% 83% 85% 87%

Percentage of Councillor Apologises for meetings 20% 16% 17% 15% 13%

% Councillors absent from meetings 6% 6% 0 0 0%

The Public and Press are invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting and are most welcome to attend all meetings of the Parish Council, which are usually held every three weeks. These meetings commence at 7:30pm. Schedule of Meetings 2017 / 2018 Month May

Date 16 23 30 June 6 27 July 18 August 8 29 September 5 19 26 October 10 31 November 7 21 28 December 12 January 2 2018 9 30 February 20 2018 27 March 2018 6 13 April 2018 3 10 24

Meeting Annual Meeting / Full Council Project & Finance Committee – 1st quarterly meeting Events Committee – 1st quarterly meeting Full Council Full Council Full Council Full Council Full Council Events Committee – 2nd quarterly meeting Full Council Project & Finance Committee – 2nd quarterly meeting Full Council Full Council Events Committee – 3rd quarterly meeting Full Council Project & Finance Committee – 3rd quarterly meeting Full Council Project & Finance – 4th quarterly meeting Full Council Full Council Full Council Events Committee – 4th quarterly meeting Staffing Committee Full Council Full Council Parish Meeting Full Council

Your Parish Councillors are: Martin Broomhead Deborah Taylor Nigel Aston Vicky Ball Sue Billington Emma Bown Ian Grogan Melissa Hadfield Mandy Jordan Glyn McAllister Roger Peat Brian Rowlinson John Sutherington Chris Tunaley

170 Bradgate Road, Anstey. LE7 7FD

(0116) 236 4228

6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW 36 Summerfield Drive LE7 7QA 91 Cropston Road, Anstey. LE7 7BQ 5 Broadway Furlong, Anstey LE7 7TL 12 Sutherington Way, Anstey LE7 7TH 52 Edward Street, Anstey. LE7 7DR 3a The Nook, Anstey LE7 7AZ 26 Hazelhead Road, Anstey LE7 7DX 77 Hollow Road, Anstey. LE7 7FR 262 Link Road, Anstey.LE7 7EF 187 Bradgate Road, Anstey. LE7 7FW 43 George Street, Anstey. LE7 7DT

(0116) 235 0126 (0116) 221 0979 (0116) 212 5315 (0116) 236 7367 (0116) 235 2324 (0116) 220 1669 077 146 118 47 (0116) 221 9251 (0116) 212 6975 (0116) 236 4863 (0116) 236 7548 (0116) 220 4643

41 The Green, Anstey. LE7 7FU

(0116) 235 0048

Parish Contact details: Liz Hawkes, Clerk to the Council Anstey Parish Council, Parish Office, Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey LE7 7AY Telephone: (0116) 236 2646 Email: clerk@ansteypc.org.uk www.ansteypc.org.uk Your Borough Councillors are: John Sutherington

43 George Street, Anstey. LE7 7DT

Deborah Taylor

6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW

Tel: (0116) 220 4643 Email: cllr.john.sutherington@charnwood.gov.uk Tel: (0116) 235 0126 cllr.deborah.taylor@charnwood.gov.uk

Your County Councillor is: Deborah Taylor

6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW

Tel: (01530) 244 804 Email: Deborah.Taylor@leics.gov.uk

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The Martin High School...

“Inspiring to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.” We are Martin High School Re HMI Monitoring Visit

We are delighted to tell you that we have had our HMI Monitoring Visit and have now received a letter from Ofsted with regards to the findings. We are really pleased with the outcome from the visit; in particular, I would like to draw your attention to the following: • We have taken ‘swift and effective action to bring about the required improvements’ • We have a ‘shared clear vision with staff and have communicated high expectations of staff performance’ • We have ‘a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and have en sured that appropriate plans are in place to ensure that these are addressed with sustainable improvements’

• Our pupils told the inspector, ‘quality of teaching has improved; behaviour in lessons has improved “massively” and appreciate the fact that they can concentrate in class without distractions’ • ‘Governors have a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas to improve … they are appropriately supporting and challenging and have the skills to hold leaders to account’ The report recognises how the Academy is improving and acting to address the priorities given to us in our last inspection. I would like to take this opportunity to again thank parents for their support of MHS; it is only by working together that we will make a positive difference.

The full letter is available on our website www.martinhigh.org

Welcoming our new Year 7 pupils

Martin High School welcomed their new cohort of Year 7 pupils to the school in a packed evening with an incredible turnout of parents and primary pupils who were all eager to start

Area Athletics

We have had our local Area Athletics and national Track and Field cup this term, and in the Area Athletics we had 8 MHS students qualify to compete at the Leicestershire finals in June! In the Track and Field cup our junior boys came 4th, intermediate boys came 5th, junior girls came 5th and intermediate girls came 7th.

Budding Computer Programmer

One of our Year 8 pupils Penny Boughey has created and programmed her own game! Three of our Year 10 gaming pupils have played her game and lost…they commented “it’s awesome and better than some you buy”. She has been awarded a computer game, programming certificate…well done!

MHS Summer Nights Concert We are holding our annual summer concert this year on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th June. This year it is spread over two nights to hopefully give everyone a chance to come and see an evening of music, drama and art. The theme this year is summer nights with excerpts from ‘Grease’. The doors will be open at 6.30pm to enable people to view the ‘Art Exhibition’ with the performance starting at 7.30pm.

their time at secondary school. Parents and pupils enjoyed a presentation form the Head The cost is £3.00 per ticket to include light Teacher and three current pupils who discussed how they had found their transition refreshments with under 5’s free. experience and how much they have grown and matured since attending the school. The presentation was followed by opportunities for parents to put their mind at ease and ask If you are interested please contact the school Anna works with questions to a wide range of staff on a one to one basis, from information about extra to buy your tickets: c transition events to how to apply for bus passes. Many parents commented on how they Tel: 0116 2363291 found this experience extremely useful and especially how it has helped to settle a few nerves email: office@martin.leics.sch.uk Pupils worked alongside the artist to create their own insect artworks from for their children. or pop into our reception.

c i

This was a fantastic experience and chance to gain some first-hand skills and

Mrs S Coates - Head of Transition

Ceramic Art Workshops Anna Collette Hunt is an award winning Nottingham based artist. Anna works with ceramics to create objects of contemporary fine craft inspired by nature and insects, she came to Martin High to run two clay workshops with some of our year 8 pupils. Pupils worked alongside the artist to create their own insect artworks from clay. This was a fantastic experience and chance to gain some first-hand skills and ideas from a real working ceramic artist.


All the news stories included are just a small snippet of what we do as a school, if you would like to find out more please go to our website


t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

David Snartt Reports... County Councillor for Bradgate Division. - Borough Councillor for Forest Bradgate.

County Council Elections I was delighted that Deborah Taylor was the successful candidate for Bradgate Division at the County Council Elections. I wish her every success over the next four years at County Hall. I am sure we will continue to work together on Borough and County issues for the benefit of local residents.

Planning Applications I have now sent my written submissions to the Planning Inspectorate outlining my concerns and objections about the appeal against Charnwood Borough Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for 3 dwellings on land at Grey Crescent and adjacent to 57 Main Street, Newtown Linford. All written submissions had to be with the Inspectorate by the 24th May. I will let you know the outcome when the decision has been made by the Inspector. I have received information about a planning application at 3 Forest Rock Close, Woodhouse Eaves. This is a change of use of land from paddock to residential garden and erection of a single storey detached outbuilding. I understand this land is outside the development area for the village, therefore I have asked for this application to be determined by a Plans Committee at Charnwood Borough Council. I have been involved with a planning application to install a 17.5 metre mast and equipment cabinet at the side of Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, on the verge opposite the entrance to the Barn Hills footpath.

I have some concerns about siting this equipment in this location, but I am aware of and welcome the need to improve coverage in this area, especially the village of Newtown Linford. After visiting the site with the applicants I suggested there were better places to accommodate this equipment which were less obtrusive and provided better highway safety for pedestrians. I also pointed out that there is a lot of support for telecommunications to be improved around the village. Feedback from the applicants suggested there would be difficulties with other suggested sites, but I am still of the opinion that this may cause highway safety issues in this location. I now understand the applicants are applying to rotate the cabinet 180 degrees to face away from the highway. I will keep you informed on progress with this much needed improvement to the telecommunications network.

Average Speed Cameras Trial I was invited to a meeting between the Woodhouse Parish Council and County Council Highways about progressing the trial of average speed cameras within the Parish of Woodhouse. The purpose of the meeting was to identify the best location and give Parish Councillors and Traffic Watch volunteers the opportunity to ask questions on the way forward. This was the last scheme I was involved with before retiring from the County Council. This trial site is the only one within Charnwood

Borough and will last 12 months, with a start target date of September this year with a final report being produced in December 2018. The trial site will consist of two cameras and they will not be moved over the trial period, the cameras will produce information to generate fixed penalty notices. After discussion, the preferred site in the Woodhouse Parish was Beacon Road. I understand this was chosen because there has been an increase in vehicles travelling at the highest speeds recorded by the Traffic Watch Group. The precise location of the cameras will be determined by the suppliers of the cameras to achieve the best results during the trial period. I am pleased that we have a trial site within my Ward, I hope if this trial is successful that average speed cameras can be installed in other locations where vehicle speed is an issue. This depending on a change in Government policy, so that fine income can be retained locally. I would like to thank the Parish Council and the Traffic Watch Group for all their commitment to making local roads safer. If you need to contact me on any issue please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH e-mail this new address cllr.david.snartt@charnwood.gov.uk or telephone 01530 244804.

Lingdale Golf Club It was a great honour to be invited and take part in the 50th Anniversary Celebrations at Lingdale Golf Club, Joe Moores Lane, Woodhouse Eaves, which took place on Friday 12th May. The event titled ‘Back in Time’ was attended by approximately 100 guests which included past chairmen, presidents, founder members, current and past staff and management. Special guests were Mrs Mary Tucker, wife of the late David Tucker who was the inspiration and designer of the Lingdale Golf Course, and her two daughters. Mrs Tucker presented an original portrait of David which she had painted along with her daughter and now has pride of place within the Club House. This has been undoubtedly a great success story over the 50 years, developing into something special with many improvements during that time. The marvellous Club House with all its facilities and 18 holes of challenging golf set in the picturesque Charnwood Forest countryside. For my small part as the Borough Councillor, I was pleased to meet members a few years ago where I helped them progress permission for buggies to cross the road. I was particularly pleased this was successful because this may have helped some members to play the full 18 holes of golf. The event closed with the Mayor of Charnwood unveiling a large Swithland slate rock which was retrieved from the course and was specially engraved with a 50th Anniversary logo, this is now sited adjacent to the main entrance to the Club House. Congratulations to Steve Boulton and all involved with this project, also producing an Anniversary Book which not only covers the golf but time lines and local history connected with this local area.

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk


THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ANSTEY The Royal British Legion Anstey Branch is organising a trip to the Arboretum Burton On Trent, we are looking to visit July or August. If you are interested please contact Mr John Dowling on 07990065263. This is an established branch that would welcome all new members. We Meet every second Monday of the month at the Stadon Social Club . Stadon Road Anstey. If you know of any bands that would be willing to play on Remembrance Sunday please contact John Dowling 07990065263. We are currently looking for someone to learn how to play the bugle for Remembrance Sunday to play the Last Post. Please contact Mr John Dowling on 07990065263 if you are interested Finally we will be having a stall at Anstey Gala in September if you would like to donate a prize contact John Dowling 07990065263.

Chairman Mr Graham Baum Vice Chairman Mr John Dowling Royal British Legion Registered Charity Number 219279

Grab a bargain at the Shuttlewood Clarke Car Boot Sales 2017

Two Newfoundland Dogs Find New Homes After Makeover By The Groom Room Two Newfoundland dogs - four year old Koda and three year old Rio have found new homes after a dramatic makeover. The dogs came into Woodside Animal Centre – the Leicester branch of the RSPCA – along with a further Newfoundland, 8 year old Bethan, after their owner had fallen ill and could no longer take care of them.

Registered charity the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation is pleased to be hosting three fundraising car boot sales in 2017! The events will take place on Tuesday 27th June, 25th July, 29th August from 10.00am – 2.00pm at Ulverscroft Grange, Whitwick Road, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, LE67 9QB

All three were in a sorry state with long, matted coats which were causing them serious problems.

The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation provides support care and friendship to the elderly and adults with disabilities through a variety of different services. Helen Baxter Activities Coordinator at the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation said “we would love for you to join us for our fundraising car boot sales at Ulverscroft Grange! The ideal opportunity to grab a bargain or clear out your pre-loved items!� She added “your support at our fundraising events in much appreciated and we hope that you will enjoy browsing the sale field whilst benefitting the Foundation. The tearooms will be serving delicious light refreshments and the fabulous model railway will be open for viewing, join us if you can!’

“They looked amazing when they’d had their coats sorted out,� said Kim. “You could actually see what stunning dogs they are! And they just seemed so much happier.�

Entry to this event is £5.00 per car and £7.00 per van. Trailers admitted at £2.00 extra. Vehicle access will be from 8.30am onwards. Entrance to the Sale field 50 pence per person. Please be advised that management reserve the right to refuse entry and no new items or traders will be permitted. For more information please contact. Helen Baxter on 01530 244914 or email hello@shuttlewood-clarke.org or visit www.shuttlewood –clarke.org Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation – Registered Charity 803525


“The animals were really struggling to see, had problems with their ears and were visibly uncomfortable,� explained Kim Talbot, Animal Care Specialist at Woodside. “Their coats were so long and matted we couldn’t even carry out the neutering procedure. We knew the dogs would need professional grooming, but that it would be expensive for such large dogs.� But a local grooming service – The Groom Room, based at Pets at Home, Fosse Park – came to the rescue, inviting the three for a much-needed pampering session.

Koda and Rio were both were snapped up the following week and are now settling nicely into their new homes. Bethan, who came into the centre wary of people and in need of a little more paw holding from Kim, had to wait for her pampering session. But

for a special family to offer her a new forever home too. “We’re so grateful to the Groom Room,â€? said Kim. “If they hadn’t stepped in, we wouldn’t have been able to get the same result for the dogs.â€? “It costs nearly ÂŁ20,000 per week to run the Centre and we are entirely reliant on donations and support from organisations like the Groom Room to be able to help dogs like Koda, Rio and Bethan.â€? Michelle Capwell, The Groom Rooms Salon Manager said: “We were really pleased to help and it was lovely to see the girls so transformed. We’re delighted that Koda and Rio have found new homes and wish Bethan the same good luck.â€? If you are interested in adopting Bethan, contact the centre on: 0116 233 6677, or visit Woodside Animal Centre, 190 Scudamore Road, Leicester, LE3 1UQ.

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

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------------- Also see our Main Advert in this month’s issue -------------


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Borough Councillor Report Cllr John J. Sutherington. Ward Councillor. Anstey. 43 George Street, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7DT. 0116 2204643. M 07939070603. - Email:- cllr.john.sutherington@charnwood.gov.uk Well it’s good to be around now that the fine weather is here. At the time of writing I am recovering from getting wet through, its thundering and lightning outside and I am still in shock at Leicester city’s worst ever defeat at home (6-1)by Tottenham Hotspur. It’s been a funny month really, one county council election done and dusted and the big General Election to come on June 8th. Despite our best representation to stop a certain development on Cropston Road Anstey. Officers at Charnwood gave way to Jelson’s again. We now have the Fairhaven development starting, and as you read this, Ansteys Nook will be disappearing forever! The contractors will be back during the main school holidays to finish the improvements, which will (so it said on the computer layout) make the traffic flow around the Nook, Anstey, better at peak times. Moving the bus-stop on Leicester Road, like we should have done years ago would have made a big difference in itself. We shall see…

Sports wise? Our basketball team have won the treble; whilst the county cricketers have failed to qualify for the knockout stages of the 50 over one day matches again. Leicester Tigers for the 13th year running have reached the rugby play-offs but sadly lost to Wasps by one point in a gripping game at the Ricoh Stadium. The City will again be in the premier league next season, Anstey Nomads have finished their league campaign, no pots to show off but relatively un scathed and looking forward to their 70th anniversary next season. England in the final of the under 17 European championship. 2-1 UP v Spain until 6th minute of injury time then England’s goalie (Bursik) missed a header from a Spanish corner and its 2-2. A penalty shoot-out. Spain win 4-1. Ah, we’ve seen it ALL before? Next stop U.17 world cup in India later this year.

One down and one to go? I did spend some time at the polling station in Anstey on May 4th when a new County councillor for the Bradgate division was up for grabs following the retirement after 12 years of Cllr. David Snartt. It was good to see a lot of old friends and school mates. Over 34% of the electorate voted and the clear winner with over 68% of the poll was Deborah Taylor. Congratulations Deb. For all the hard work you and Paul put in you deserved it. Just to explain to people who were a little


unclear. This local election was for Leicestershire County Council not Charnwood Borough Council. The next election for the Borough will be in May 2019. Until then I along with Cllr. Taylor will still be the Charnwood Borough Councillors for Anstey. Whilst Deborah will also be our representative for the whole of the Bradgate Ward at Leicestershire County Council until 2021. We are also BOTH Anstey Parish Councillors, again until 2019. As for the General Election on Thursday 8th June. “It is your privilege, so please use your vote and use it wisely. 7am to 10pm. enough time for ALL to vote.”

ASKING FOR TROUBLE? Following on from last month’s piece on now being charged for certain things at our local refuse tips. I looked on the County Council page and to be honest there isn’t much that you can take and tip for free these days. Not sure why these charges have been implemented, it may bring in some extra cash to the county coffers but in my opinion I foresee a big increase in fly tipping which will necessitate the council sending out crews to clear up the mess. What they may be bringing in with one hand there will be the added expenditure of sending out crews to collect roadside rubbish, with the other. REMINDER:- Thankfully we at Charnwood Borough Council STILL have a FREE collection service for up to 3 bulky items at a time. Don’t run the risk of a hefty fine. Ring 01509 634563 for more information. The usual Monday collections start again in June. Anyone booking a bulky waste collection before Noon on a Friday then the next collection should be the following Monday after 7am. Bulky items we will collect. We will collect freestanding furniture, domestic appliances and household items in sacks and boxes where appropriate. Examples of bulky items we can collect: Bikes, Computers, TVs, stereos etc. carpets and underlay, bookcases, chests of drawers, ottomans, sideboards and wall units tables and desks. beds, mattresses and head boards, microwaves, toasters, kettles, prams, pushchairs and children's car seats, garden tools.

information on the online form. Your request will need to be investigated and agreed by an officer before collection can take place. We are unable to accept commercial fridges or freezers. Please note that fridges, freezers and other white goods are collected separately from other items, but can be booked at the same as any bulky waste collection.

LE7 7DT I joined the post code lottery about a year ago, since then nothing. Loads of TV adverts with people holding cheques for many £1000’s. Me nothing until last week. Congratulations you’ve won a prize in the Post code lottery… Oh my word I thought £10,000, 20, 30. No such luck… £10. Sigh. At least I know it gets entered into the draw. Better than a slap in the face with a frosted kipper!

DISCUS DAN HONOUR. Wow. Anstey born Paralympic and world C44/46 category discus record holder Dan Greaves is to be inducted into the Loughborough University sports hall of Fame. His name will appear alongside such legends as Paula Radcliffe. MBE. Lord (Sebastian) Coe, and Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson. Dan was born in Anstey on 4th October 1982. To parents Martin and Pam. From humble beginnings playing for Anstey Rugby Club juniors he found a liking to throwing the discus. His achievements, as you will see herewith since 2000 are truly remarkable. I was on the sports council committee at Charnwood when we gave Dan is first talent support grant back in 2000. (Picture in old Anstey Scene)

Fridges and freezers. We can collect domestic fridges or freezers, provided they can be carried and moved by two operatives. If your fridge or freezer is larger than this, please advise the Contact Centre when booking your collection or include this

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

16th June. All being well the usual crew of “oldies but goldies” will be there. I hope many of you will be to attend. It’s ALWAYS a good night and well worth the FREE admission. This time our chosen organisation will be to help with the funding of ANSTEY LIBRARY. 8pm start.

NEW MAYOR. 2017-18

Greaves won the gold medal in the F44/46 category discus throw at the 2004 Summer Paralympics in Athens, establishing a new world record with a throw of 55.12m. He had previously won silver at the 2000 Summer Paralympics in Sydney. Despite being born with a deformity of the feet, Greaves was selected to join the British able-bodied team in a competition against the United States in 2001. In the London 2012 Summer Paralympics, Dan won a Silver medal in the F44 discus throw. We just missed out on a Gold painted post box for the village. This would have been great for his dad Martin who was one of the village postmen at the time. He broke the world record again at the pre-IPC World Athletics Championships in New Zealand in January 2011, throwing 59.98m on his fourth throw. What a great career. And now although married to Amanda, there may be more to come…

MAYORS CHARITY I recently attended the annual award giving ceremony at Loughborough Town Hall. The mayor (Cllr. David Gaskell) from Birstall, presented the 2 cheques of over £3,250 to representatives of his chosen charities. Cancer research Charnwood and Birstall Play group. Both organisations were overwhelmed with the amount the mayor and his consort Jan Gaskell had managed to raise over his year in office. And there is still more to come.

VINYL NIGHT. Read ALL about it? I am fairly confident that the next Nutty Vinyl night at Anstey Nomads FC will be on Friday

Charnwood’s new mayor for the ensuing council year will be Councillor Pauline Ranson from Barrow upon Soar. Her consort will be her husband Trevor. There chosen charities will be MYAWARE. This is a national charity with a local support group in Loughborough, which supports people with myasthenia. A group of rare neuromuscular diseases. Loughborough Wellbeing Café. This project delivers a monthly Friday evening wellbeing café for adults in the Charnwood area. Everyone is welcome. To support or find out more about Pauline’s charities email: mayor@charnwood.gov.uk or call the mayor’s office (Mike or Carol) 01509 634602.

And FINALLY I have to say that I have had a few people moaning at me because of the start to the developments along Cropston Road in Anstey. Chief culprits being our old friends Jelsons. No they shouldn’t have started any development of their site before alterations and hopefully traffic improvements around the village centre were complete. I understand that Charnwood BC did serve them with a stop notice but when the company refused, basically CBC through the towel in. I know I am just as exasperated as you, dear reader. Here’s to a nice warm sunny June. See you on 8th at the polling station for THAT election.(7am-10pm) The 16th.For the vinyl night at the Nomads when we will be raising money for Anstey library.(8pm-midnight) And of course picnic in the park on the “Reccy” Sunday 25th. June.

Cllr. Sutherington ☺ Always available at any reasonable time. Yours. Cllr. John J. Sutherington.

THE ARCHERY BIG WEEKEND 17 & 18 JUNE 2017 Last year Kirby Muxloe Archery Club took part in ‘The Big Weekend’ for the first time. Following the success of that initial event, the club is repeating it this year and is welcoming members of the public to come along and ‘Have a Go’ at archery. 

If you’ve never shot an arrow but always wanted to try, now is your chance. In addition to being good fun and sociable, archery has many physical and mental benefits. It strengthens your upper body, improves co-ordination, balance and concentration and improves your maths skills as you keep score! Archery is one of the few sports that is inclusive to everyone, as all ages and abilities/disabilities can participate. Kirby members range from 9 to 80 years and we cater for those for whom shooting is a weekly relaxation or family evening out, through to those who aspire to shoot competitively. The Big Weekend will be on Saturday 17 June and Sunday 18 June from 12.00 hours to 15.00 hours at Kirby Muxloe Sports and Village Club, Ratby Lane, Kirby Muxloe, LE9 2AQ. Those of you aged 9 and up will be able to have a go at archery, shooting at various targets, you may even win a prize! If you require any further information please contact the club secretary: secretary@k-m-a-c.org


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FILM PRESENTATIONS Thurcaston and Cropston Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council "A Street Cat named Bob" was a brilliant, moving film which sensitively portrayed the desperation of a man who believes that life has turned its back on him. Bob certainly did not slink away. In fact, he was funny. He insisted on remaining with James, often on his shoulders, as a real friend and companion, thus helping him to break away from drug-taking and even write this story which has become a best-selling book. "A United Kingdom" will be shown on June 9th and lasts 111 minutes. Based on extraordinary true events, this political romantic drama is a profound story of love in the face of adversity. In 1947, the heir apparent to the throne of Bechuanaland, Seretse Khama, played by David Oyelowo, is studying law in London.He meets Ruth, an English office worker, played by Rosamund Pike. To the disgust of their parents, they find true love. Will this "diplomatic earthquake" be resolved by the strength of their love for each other?

Our next film will be on September 8th. We hope you enjoy the summer. Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost £5 which will include refreshments and a lucky prize draw during the interval. Advanced tickets may be purchased via the parish office –0116 236 7626 or at the door.



Local History Society

The May meeting of the Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society was a talk about, and a demonstration of, church bells. Brenda Hooper (Hon President of the Society) told us the history of church bells, and Peter Hunt (Captain of Bellringers) described the bells in All Saint’s church. At the beginning of the meeting we listened to the church bells ringing and the evening concluded with two tunes played on the hand-bells. The sounds of bells have been heard through the ages in many aspects of our lives: calling us to prayer; warning of danger; waking us up; or telling us the time of day. The first account of a bell can be found in the Bible when Moses ordered bells to be placed on the hem of the High Priest’s robe. Bells were first used in Christian churches around the 5th century and the Venerable Bede mentions a bell in Whitby for waking and calling the nuns to prayer. The first mention of a bell in Thurcaston appears in the will of John de Mershden in 1425. He wrote, “if the parishioners of Thurcaston wish to make a large bell out of the medium-sized one they shall have £6.” Peter Hunt talked more about the bells in All Saint’s Church, of which there are eight. The oldest and largest is the tenor bell, number 8, which weighs about the same as a small car. This is a very special bell known as a “Royal Heads Bell” decorated with the heads of King Edward III and Queen Philippa. The next largest, number 7, dates from 1614. Bells 3,4,5 and 6 were cast at Taylors Bell foundry in Loughborough in 1898, numbers 1 and 2 by Alfred Bowell of Ipswich in 1919. Peter went on to explain a little about ringing changes: a system using permutations which mean the bells never sound twice in the same order. If there are six bells this means 720 changes without repetition, if there are eight this increases to 40,320. One such has been rung at the Loughborough bell foundry and took 18 1/2 hours. A “peal’ consists of at least 5,000 changes lasting about 3 hours, a quarter peal is rung on special occasions taking approximately 45 minutes. Brenda told us a little of the history of bell ringing: by the early 1800’s some belfries had become places for smoking, drinking and other unsociable activities. Thurnby Church saw disagreements between the vicar and the ringers when the vicar tried to stop them ringing the bells to signal the start of the hunt meeting. This dispute went to the Ecclesiastical court where the Judge concluded that the vicar’s permission must be obtained before church bells could be rung. This law still stands. Finally we heard a little about the hand-bells. Twelve bells were purchased in 2008 and a further thirteen in 2015, providing for changes of key and enabling a larger repertoire. We heard two tunes played: Bach’s “Sheep May Safely Graze” and “The Happy Wanderer”. The hand-bell ringers rehearse in the Harrison Rooms on Thursday mornings and welcome new members. Summer meetings: June 20, the Record Office Wigston, 7pm; July 18, A walk around Loughborough, 7.30pm; Sat Aug 19, Donington Le Heath Manor, 2pm. Pre-booking for all would be useful, please telephone 0116 2367365. For more visit our website http://www.thurcastoncropstonhistory.org.uk

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Thank yo ou to everyone who joined us ffor or our Anstey An nnual Plant Sale. We ha had lo ots of donaatted plants and containers, which, alo ong with the man nyy people who joined us on the daayy to t bag a bargain for for their garrden den ma made the daayy a great gr at success s - raising £397.6 7.62. It all goess to keeping the library open for for everyone. ev -Beck ( BeeckN@ansteylibrary. y.com )

Dates for for your diary y:

Nomads’ Vin Nomads nyyl Night Night g - JJune une 16 - 7:30pm 7 3 p - fr f ee entryy

Summer Reading g Challenge g - JJuly ulyy 8 - Septembe September p er 2 Summer is almost here... e which means it is nearly a time for for the Summer Reading Challenge!

The Nomads’ Vin nyl yl Nigh htt helps raise money ffor or local groups.

With illustraations tions by awarrd aw d winning artist, Ton nyy Ross, children can help the Animal Agents solve their my mysteries.

We are pleased and We grateful to haavve just hearrd d from Chris Hopewell that proceeds from the upcoming Vin nyl yl Night There are stickers will be dona at t ed to Anstey to collect with a medal and certificaatte ffor or comp pleting the Communityy Library! challeng h ll ge, as well ll as online li games, videos id and d competitions titi and detective puzzles in Anstey Library to crack. c

Ansteyy Local Historyy Societyy Thank you to everyone o who took part in our 2nd Community Sharingg Da Dayy in April. Inspired by the success of these events, a brand a new Anstey Local Hisstory Society is planned to start in n September. Email E il BeckN@ans k teyylibraryy..com to join the 100+ loc l all people l who haavve already siggned up. Invitaattion to join the 350 Anstey Commun nity Librar y Sup pporters Give an Annual Gift of £20 to support the Librar y and the work of our volunteers. The number of people su up pporting the librar y through annual donaattions has risen to 65. Thank you to the 25 new supporters sin nce the start of April! To find out more, please leaavve a message on 0116 2351392 fo To for the attention of Penny Garnerr,, or drop into the Librar y and speak to at one of our volunteers. 26

JJooin one ooff our reeggular grou up ps: Mondaayy Wriggly Rhymers 10am-11am Wr Anstey Wr Writers Group 7pm-8.30pm Friday Arts & Crafts Tog Together 2p pm-4pm Communiitty Shop – donaattions needed!

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

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