May 2019 - Anstey, Thurcaston, Cropston, Newtown Linford, Woodhouse/Eaves

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Report from Anstey Parish Council


Parish Councillors

Six parish councillors have stood down for the May 2019 elections. Ian Grogan, Chris Tunaley, Brian Rowlinson, Emma Bown, Melissa Hadfield and Deborah Taylor. We would like to thank them all for the significant contribution they have made to the parish. A total of over sixty years’ service to the community has been made between them.

SALES TEAM DAWN HARRIS T: 0800 6446 150 E:


at producing a business case for the project and taking pre-planning discussions with Charnwood Borough Council. The Council is hoping to make a decision about a project manager by the Summer. .

Nomination papers have been submitted to Charnwood Borough Council for the forth coming elections on the 2nd May 2019. Ten residents have put their names forward to stand as councillors for the next term, their names are at the bottom of this document. As all the seats have not been filled there is an uncontested election. O

PUBLISHED BY OPEN BOX PROMOTIONS LTD T: 0800 6446 150 E: W: Open Box Promotions Ltd, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ

We are looking for four parish councillors to serveo the community at the beginning of May. By becoming a councillor you become someone your community will look to for help, guidance and support – a community leader with the power to influence decisions for the benefit of the people you serve. Seeing your community change for the better, as a result of a decision YOU have helped make is priceless. For further details, please contact the parish clerk email

PRINTED BY NORWOOD PRESS T: 01530 262020 E: W: Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU


The Parish Meeting is being held on the 7th May starting at 7pm at the Jubilee Hall. This is a meeting of the electorate and an opportunity to come along and talk to Councillors in anY informal setting. This year grants will be given toG local groups who attract votes from residents on T the night towards their cause. Do come along to support your local groups and let us know your views.

Monday 3rd June 2019

DEADLINE DATE: Friday 24th May 2019

Deadline and delivery dates are subject to change depending on how far we are ahead or behind. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the original advertisers & contributors and do not necessarily represent Your Local or Open Box Promotions Ltd. Open Box Promotions Ltd reserves the right to amend or refuse to publish articles or adverts submitted for publication. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. To see full terms & conditions visit

Community Hall Project Steering Group Work continues on the community building project. A consultation event was held on Tuesday 9th April to hear views about community facilities. . If you were unable to attend but would like to send your comments through to the parish office at the Jubilee Hall The next steps to be taken are to appoint a project manager to look

Our thanks go out to the Scouts who came along on Saturday the 6th April to help with the Spring Clean. The numbers were depleted this year although a significant amount of rubbish was collected. Our thanks to all who The numbers were depleted this year although a significant amount were involved. Our thanks to all who were involved.

Parish Meeting – Grant Giving


Community Spring Clean

Parish Council Meetings will be held on the following Tuesday evenings 14th May, 4th June and 25th June starting at 7.30 at the Jubilee Hall all members of the public are welcome to these meetings. c

Liz Hawkes Clerk to the Council Your councillors are: Martin Broomhead, Nigel Aston, Vicky Ball, Sue Billington, Grant Cotton, Mandy Jordan, Glyn McAllister, Roger Peat, Lee Potter, Matt Rogers. Your councillors can be contacted through the council offices: Tel: (0116) 236 2646 or email:




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St Paul’s Church, Woodhouse Eaves Heritage Project The main St. Paul’s Heritage Project ran from August 2017 to the end of August 2018 with additional material still being added after the official end of the Chancel Repair Project. This project was funded primarily from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant given for the joint repair of the Chancel and Heritage projects. Successfully completing the Heritage Project was a condition of receiving and retaining the HLF funding for the Chancel Repair Project.

Over this period much research was done by wonderful Heritage Project volunteers, from across our community and beyond, into various aspects of the heritage of the building and its surroundings. The research was ably supported by our Consultant Historian, Emma Purcell. The studies around the church’s heritage included historical research about the building and its contents, people related to the building, its associated schools, the natural history and heritage of the churchyards and the oral and researched histories of local people and families.

selection each week, these represented summaries of the complete body of the volunteers’ findings which are still to be found on the project website (www.stpaulsher The website for the heritage project, which is still active, recorded activities undertaken during the project as well as the complete research right ups. It is the hope of all those involved in the Heritage Project that, for generations to come, the incredible heritage of the church and its surroundings may be appreciated and the fantastic community spirit found in this village may persist. We trust that St Paul’s church, with the subsiding chancel now repaired, will stand as a symbol of welcome and stability above the village for very many more centuries.

Heritage Project volunteers produced booklets on the Victoria Commemorative Clock and Bells, the church’s Stained Glass Windows, the hand-crafted Kneelers and the Wall Memorials within the church with an addendum to the preexisting church booklet.

There will be 5 free open afternoons in 2019 as an extension of the Heritage Project. Everyone is invited to these open afternoons, 1.30 – 4.30pm. On 1st and 2nd June the church will be open on both days with the full heritage exhibition and a raffle to coincide with the Woodhouse Eaves village Open Gardens event.

The open days allowed many of the public to access the church, find out about its heritage and enjoy a hot drink and slice of cake. Several volunteers gave very well received talks in the church about their research findings. A church family trail and heritage quiz were produced by volunteers and enjoyed by many visitors.

The church is open again on 22nd June when there will be a talk on the village school; on 20th July with a talk on the stained-glass windows and on 17th August with a talk on William Railton, St Paul’s 1st Architect. These last three open afternoons will include aspects of the heritage exhibition, the talks, coffee, teas and excellent cakes! Please do come and see us on any of the above dates – you will be made very wel  come.

 

Sue Young and Hilja Skorupa

During the Heritage Exhibition, which ran over ten open days in June, July, and August, 24 banners were on show, with a varying

St Paul’s Church



ADAPT Prembabies is a Leicester charity that supports families who have a baby on Leicesters neo natal units needing life saving intensive care treatment. We have to raise all our own money and this is one way you could help us. We receive a small donation for every crisp packet no matter what brand, these are then turned into plastic pellets which are used to make items like garden furniture. If you can help ADAPT, please contact Lindsay on 07847 264 382 or email:


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The Charnwood Gardener Quirky Alternatives for Pots and Baskets

Ah, May. The garden is building to a crescendo, new colours and forms appearing daily and everything buzzing with life. With the risk of frost almost gone, gardeners’ eyes are drawn to the rows of bedding plants appearing in garden centres and supermarkets, and thoughts turn to sumptuous displays in pots and baskets. Quite why we obsess over growing plants in such tricky conditions (there’s not much that’s harder to keep alive than a needy annual in a hanging basket) is beside the point - the May bank holidays are boom time for plant sellers. But perhaps you’re a little tired of the same old arrangements of petunias, and perhaps you’d like to reap more benefit from your hard work. Here’s some alternative ideas for planters that should stand out from the crowd:

Perennial Salads - Plant up a decent-sized pot with these perennial plants for delicious additions to a summer salad. An arrangement of salad burnet and red-veined sorrel, interspersed with the edible petals of annual Calendula, looks beautiful and should be happy for a number of years with some care. A tasty addition to a BBQ area for easy pickings!

Herbs - Many herbs are Mediterranean in origin so are well suited to the drier conditions of a pot. A combination of rosemary, purple sage and lemon thyme smells as good as it looks. Great outside the back door.

New free wellness 'pop-up cafe' at Feelgood Farm, Anstey The first cafe event is for grief and bereavement: 2-4pm Friday 17 May It's free, including self-service tea/coffee. If you are grieving, including suicide bereavement, this is for you.

Feelgood Farm is a relaxed healing place for you to talk, listen, be accepted and understood, with others having similar feelings. There's cafe space, a lounge, and courtyard garden in good weather. If you'd like to come on 17 May please call Alan - 07907 961408.

Tomatoes & Strawberries - Plant up a basket with Tumbling Tom tomatoes and a few strawberry plants and you’ve got an interesting feature for a bare wall or fence (plus, a readily-available handy snack for when you’re gardening!). Add some love-in-a-mist or cornflower seeds for an extra splash of colour and to increase pollination. MAY TIP: May is the ideal time to fill up the veg plot. If you’re growing onions, make use of the space between them for quick-growing crops such as radish – they’ll be ready before the onions crowd them out.

Peter Flood

MacMillan Coffee and Cake Saturday 20th July - 11.00 to 2.30pm Cropston Chapel School Room

All welcome

Feelgood Farm is not clinical/crisis support, for which instead contact: 116 123, 0800 58 58 58, NHS 111, or your GP. Feelgood Farm is 1 Groby Road, Anstey, LE7 7FN, on the corner of Groby Road /Bradgate Rd (historically also Hurd's Farm).

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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: • w:


Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club

by about 1960, the full range of Pelargoniums was established. The varieties include regal, cactus, ivy leaf, angel, zonal, trailing, mystery, scented, and others. This point was well made, as Heather brought many different plants for us to see.

The Gardening Club meets in the Thurcaston and Cropston Memorial Hall Whether an experienced gardener or an enthusiastic beginner we are sure you will find something of interest in this year’s programme. New members are made most welcome. What’s more, it’s excellent value!! The membership fee is still only £12 for the year (pro rota) or £3.00 per meeting. So, if you are interested in gardening - come and give the Club a try.

Pelargoniums by Heather Godard–Key We welcomed Heather Godard–Key to the April meeting of the Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club who delivered a brilliant talk about Pelargoniums. Heather is the owner/ manager of the famous Fibrex Nurseries near Stratford upon Avon. The nursery holds two National Collections, Pelargoniums and Hedera (Ivy).

An example of a type of Pelargonium called ‘zonal’.

Wednesday 8 May, 7.45pm Asters - Helen Picton Helen is part of a family run business specialising in growing Asters (Michaelmas Daisies). The Picton Garden at Old Court Nurseries, Colwell, Malvern is home for the National Collection of Autumn Flowering Asters with over 400 different varieties. It is famous for their early to late autumn colour and Helen will bring a selection of plants for sale. Helen's illustrated talk will include details of cultivation and care and maintenance. She will talk about different varieties, some that have a particular point of interest be that garden quality, stand out colour, suitability for difficult situations, and long flowering season.

Heather’s knowledge about Pelargoniums was very extensive and based on a huge amount of experience. Fibrex nursery grow all their own plants. They take cuttings and rear all plants themselves, and buy nothing in.

Fibrex nursery was established 61 years ago by Heather’s mother in law who loved Pelargoniums and who started to collect them. Now their Pelargonium collection is the largest National Collection in the world and the nursery can boast countless Gold Medals for their efforts.

Wednesday 10 May Day trip to RHS Malvern Spring Show Sorry, this is trip is full. Wed 12 June, 7.45 pm Colour in the Leaf - Anthony Norman Anthony runs a small family nursery which specialises in the growing of variegated and coloured foliage hardy plants. 

A ‘Regal’ Pelargonium.

She had an excellent style, combining enthusiasm and humour and members were captivated by the talk. They were also keen to look at and buy the many plants that Heather bought to sell.

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SYKES JEWELLERS Tel - 0116 236 2510 8 Bradgate Road, Anstey, LE7 7AA


The next club events are: -

Heather also explained how to care for Pelargoniums and keep them going from year to year. The first rule is that they don’t like peat-based compost. They prefer a soil-based compost and Heather suggested John Innes number 2. After about four weeks, they need feeding – firstly with a general fertiliser but later they need a potash-based fertiliser as they are heavy feeders. When overwintering, they need very good ventilation and taking off all the leaves helps. Cuttings can be taken between August and April.

Heather Godard-Key at Fibrex nursery

Pelargoniums originate mostly from South Africa. They were first ‘discovered’ in the 1580’s and bought to Europe. They are often mixed up with and called Geraniums, and Heather explained how to tell them apart. People have been hybridising Pelargoniums for hundreds of years and there are now thousands of varieties. Some varieties were even created by accident. Breeding programmes went on all over the world, but

For more information please contact Dave Haddon (0116) 235 9758: Or Richard Elks (0116 236 8313):

This illustrated talk ‘Colour in the Leaf’ covers the nurseries unique specialism of growing variegated and coloured foliage plants. The presentation shows the wide range of variegated and coloured foliage plants available and the special considerations and benefits when using them in the garden. He will bring a selection of plants for sale.

Tel: 0116 236 4875

Florence Villa, 5 Leicester Road, Anstey, Leicester, LE7 7AT Email:

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ANSTEY CHESS CLUB League update - You may recall from the March edition that we had a crunch match against Melton Mowbray 4 to avoid the wooden spoon. I am delighted to report that we beat them by 2.51.5 and we have avoided the wooden spoon! Fantastic news on the night and brilliant for the future. We are 7th out of 9 with a chance to better expectations in our next match at home tonight (24th April) against Loughborough. You will note that the above match is at home on a Wednesday. We have our first AGM on Thursday 30th May where we will be discussing the club's future and our venue sharing with the Stadon. Due to a table top skittles fixture clash, we may consider switching to a Wednesday evening instead of a Thursday evening. If you intend to come to a club night then please call ahead before attending. Free Chess Sessions - We are still running informal sessions for beginners or slightly more experienced players on Saturday mornings from 10am-1pm, with the help of Anstey Community Library. These sessions are for anybody that would like to learn to play chess, has some experience playing chess, or already knows how to play and would like to play some friendly games. These sessions are still free of charge. April Club Nights/Fixtures Why not come and join us on a club night? As eluded to above, we may be switching our club nights to a Wednesday, so please call or email to avoid disappointment. We are going into the Summer part of the season where matches will be limited. The only fixed event is our AGM. Thursday 30th May - Club AGM Club Nights tend to be relaxed and quite often, we do a little bit of coaching with our league players. When players have lost, drawn or maybe even won, myself and Mick Sandham give the players practical advice on what they could/should have done. We then usually move on to playing some friendlies amongst ourselves. League matches are a little more intense and require the room to be silent or very little ambient noise. You are welcome along on any night so please pop along to see what we're all about. New players are welcome along at any time - regardless of standard.

Ben Vaughan - Anstey Chess Club 0116 3320956 - 07469 207548 -

Steve Goodger

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Yoga classes accessible to all levels, all bodies and abilities. *Groby Village Hall, LE4 1DE Mondays 9.30 am - 10.30 am *Anstey Methodist Church, LE7 7BP Thursdays 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Free your mind and body / Uplift your spirit

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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: • w:


ANSTEY POLICE MATTERS There has been 2 house burglaries around Anstey in the past month. There has also been a spite in vehicle crime with 5 different incidents. Crime figures can be found online at We regularly put on a speed operation in Anstey. On the 17/04/19 for one hour on Cropston Road, Anstey (30mph). 187 vehicles through the site in that time. Majority of people were sticking to the limit and those that did go over did get a warning. There were no tickets issued this time. 7 x Verbal warnings given out for going over the speed limit. Please drive safely.

Vehicle Crime Vehicle crime is on the increase of late. Mainly to the hands of keyless car theft. One criminal will hold a device close to the car that boosts the signal meant for the key, while the other thief will stand close to the house with another device that relays that signal to the key, fooling the system. Here is some information on how it is done and how you can prevent it from happening: Six types of keyless car theft 1. Signal relaying - Keyless systems use a simple process. Fobs emit a short-range “friendly” radio signal that carries only a few yards. When the associated vehicle is close by (usually within a few metres), the car recognises the signal unlocks its doors. The same process is used for the ignition on cars with start buttons; the fob signal usually needs to be inside the car itself. Relay thieves use wireless transmitters held up to the front door or window of a house (or the handbag/pocket of a car owner), to capture the signal from a fob and relay it to a target vehicle. An accomplice standing close to the vehicle captures the signal, fooling the car into unlocking. Once the accomplice is inside the car, the process can be repeated to start the engine. 2 Signal jamming - A device transmitting on the same radio frequency as remote key fobs is used to jam the signal that locks the car. The gadget might be in the pocket of a crook in a car park, or left in shrubbery near a driveway being targeted. When owners press the lock button on their key fob, the command is prevented from reaching their vehicle and it remains unlocked. Thieves are left with an open door. 3 Key programming - Whether thieves break a window or use the jamming technique above, once they’re inside the car, those vehicles with a start button rather than an ignition key can be simple to steal. Every car sold for more than a decade has been required to have a standard diagnostic port fitted. This is typically located in the front


footwell. Computer hackers have developed devices that plug into the port, boot up a vehicle’s software and then program a blank key fob. In keyless cars this can be used to start the engine as well as unlock the doors. The time needed for the programming process is as short as 14 seconds. The cost of programming gadgets on foreign websites is as low as £10. 4 Close range testing - Some keyless fobs may still be in range of the car when if left inside the house near enough to the vehicle. Thieves can discreetly check by trying the door handles, which may unlock the doors, but are unlikely to be able to drive off in the car if they do get inside: keyless systems require a fob to be inside the car before the engine will start. Even if owners do not fall victim to thieves, they may end up with a flat battery because the proximity of the key keeps electronic systems on standby. 5 Code grabbing - Thieves armed with advanced gadgets are thought to lie in wait for desirable cars. When the owner locks the doors, the signal is captured by the device, which then calculates the unlock code. Though there is little evidence this method is currently being used, some experts are convinced it is a looming threat. Others say it is impossible. 6 App hacking - This method is rarely used but could become popular as car makers attempt to connect their vehicles with owners’ smartphones. Apps that allow drivers to unlock their car can let thieves do the same thing on their own phone if they can log in to the app as the vehicle’s owner. All they need is the password, which they may steal or guess. How to avoid keyless car theft 1 Look for the flash - Whenever you lock your car, whether by touching the door handle or clicking the button on a remote, make sure the indicators flash and mirrors fold (if you have that functionality), and listen for the clunk of locks. 2 Block the signal - To prevent relay theft at home, find a safe place for your keys, out of sight and out of range of the car. You may want to store them in an aluminium tin or signal blocking box. Some believe storing the fob in a microwave oven works, but we’d be wary of that. Whatever, don’t just assume you signal blocking solution works; be sure to test its efficacy. While out and about, carry your key fob in a shielded wallet or aluminium tin. Though some people believe low-tech solutions (such as wrapping the fob in tin foil can work, we’re more inclined to recommend you consider a good Faraday pouch, which blocks the signal

thanks to the metal-lined material it’s made from. And be sure to protect the house, too; if thieves can’t relay a signal from your fob then they may try to gain access to your house. Make sure that’s not an easy job by ensuring doors and windows are closed and locked se curely. 3 Fit old-fashioned locks - Buy a steering wheel lock, which makes driving away almost impossible and would significantly delay the theft of your car, meaning thieves will be deterred for fear of being caught in the act. You may also be able to fit a lock to your diagnostic port, preventing wired computer hacking. 4 Fit a tracker - If you have a valuable car, tracker devices are essential, we’d say. It means that unusual activity is monitored and you’re sent an alert if it looks like the car isn’t where it should be, and cars can be followed via GPS if stolen. 5 Switch off at night - Some key fobs can be switched off. Find out if yours can, and do so at night. 6 Consider CCTV - Like trackers, CCTV cameras aren’t guaranteed to prevent your car being stolen. However, they can be a handy deterrent to put potential robbers off from stealing your car and, if they do decide to nick your set of wheels, the footage can make it easier for police to find your missing motor and the people who stole it. 7 Software updates - With cars becoming more and more connected, it’s more crucial than ever to keep car thieves at bay having the latest software installed on your vehicle. Some manufacturers let you download updates from their website and transfer them to your car with a USB storage device, and Tesla vehicles can be updated over-the-air when they’re connected to the Internet through a WiFi router. Speak to your dealer to find out about vehicle software updates, and whether your carmaker is bringing in new keyless fobs with added security. 8 Neighbourhood watch - Be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour in your neighbourhood to the police. 9 Out of sight, out of thieves’ minds - Keeping a car stored away from prying eyes in a locked garage is an obvious way to make sure your car isn’t spotted by opportunistic thieves, prowling the local area.

We’d like to meet you Please check the Leicestershire policing website for dates and venues for our forth coming beat surgeries. Please report any suspicious activity at the time by calling 101. Please ring 999 if you believe a crime is taking place. PS 2992 Rod Smart / PC 4671 Rachel Chapman / PCSO 6616 Thomas Barker / PCSO 6556 Ali Cochrane / PCSO 6093 Mitch Jarvis Beat Office Contact Number: 07557867542

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: • w:





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Dr D McNeil - On the 15th April at the Woodhouse Eaves village hall The Friends of the Charnwood Forest had a talk on Stoneywell Cottage, and, in particular, its gardens. Mr Roy Mitchell started the story of Stonewell’s history with a list of personalities and some statistics. Apparently the Cottage came into existance when, through an arrangement with a local farmer, the land was exchanged for a farm house designed and built by the Gimsons. Later an adjoining patch of wood was purchased. The Gimson family were part of the Arts and Crafts movement which was a reaction to the industry of Victorian Britain. The orginal setting of the Cottage was intended to be wild, although a few trees were planted and paths were landscaped. It was intended as a summer retreat only (plus Christmas), which is as well as the pantry regularly flooded in winter. In the 1950’s Donald Gimson and his family used it as a full-time residence. He and his wife were keen gardeners; she kept meticulous notes on the garden. By 2013 it had become too much for him, and control passed to the National Trust. It seems that this transfer was somewhat irregular financially. The talk finished with a series of pictures taken though the year which showed some of the garden’s floral highlights. Incidentally, with the help of those notes, the garden is maintained by 200 volunteers.

Oaks in Charnwood Spring Fair SPRING BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 27TH MAY 2019

To be held at: Oaks Road, Oaks in Charnwood, LEICS, LE12 9YD 10am-4pm If you are in need of some entertainment for the whole family this spring bank holiday weekend, why not come along to the Oaks in Charnwood Spring Fair on Monday 27th May 2019. There is plenty to see and do for people of all ages. A wide selection of over sixty stalls and attractions including: heavy horse log pulling demonstrations, inflatable maze for children, excellent food, face painting, games, hog roast, live entertainment, quad bikes, dog show, flower festival and much more. This is a great way to support local businesses while having a good time in the beautiful setting of Oaks in Charnwood. Entry cost: £3 per adult, under 16’s free and dogs welcome. Stalls are still available for booking Mary Hayward Email: - Tel: 07545 817664



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Deborah Taylor... Latest News County Councillor for Bradgate Division 6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW - Tel: 0116 2350126 - Email: Facebook: - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor

A quiet month at the County Council with very few meetings due to the Easter break and the Borough, District and City local elections on 2nd May 2019. Despite there being less meetings, I have been kept busy by attending several events and dealing with many issues that residents have spoken to me about. On Wednesday 27th March I attended the ‘Future in Mind’ roadshow held at the NSPCC office at Beaumont Leys. This event was to bring together various agencies working in mental health with children. It explained the changes coming in the summer to triage children quicker and get them the help they need as quickly as possible. It was a very informative event and I am hopeful that moving forward, children who require help will benefit from these changes. On Thursday 28th March I attended a conference at the King Power Stadium for managers in Children Services at County Hall. There were some excellent speakers and practice tools to use going forward to ensure that we support our staff to enable them to do their job as well as they can. At the same time and at the same place there was a Youth Probation Service conference. Cllr Ould, the Cabinet Lead Member for Children Services attended this event. On Monday 1st April I attended the launch of ‘The Promise to Children in Care and Care Leavers’ at County Hall. This was an opportunity for all agencies to come together during the event and sign a charter showing


their commitment to developing positive outcomes for children in care and for those children about to leave care and enter adulthood. I look forward to how this promise develops in supporting our young people. On Monday 8th April I supported Bradgate Park Trust at their fundraising evening at the Chef and Spice on Hinckley Road, Leicester. The food (paid for by everyone attending) was very good, there was a great atmosphere and over £700 was raised for Bradgate Park Trust. I was also lucky enough to win two tickets to one of the ghost walks held in Bradgate Park on the raffle, which I think I am looking forward to! On Easter Saturday I headed over to Loughborough for the launch of the new ‘Bell Foundry Estate’ and their Easter community event. This is one of the areas selected by the Police and Crime Commissioner for the People Zone scheme. This scheme looks to build community resilience and make the area a good place to live. The fire service attended to speak to residents about fire safety and I took part in the Virtual Reality video they were inviting people to experience. I donned the goggles and headphones and sitting in the passenger seat, watched a 6 minute, 360 degree real life video of a car crash and the emergency services response to the accident. This is shown in schools and colleges to children over 14 years old and really brings home the dangers of distractions whilst driving, using mobile phones at the wheel and not wearing seat belts. If you get the opportunity to experience any virtual reality video like this, I would recommend that you take advantage

Welbeck College Since my report last month the news has spread that Welbeck College in Woodhouse is to unfortunately close in 2021. A petition has now been started to try and stop the closure. If you would like to sign the petition or find out more information, please visit:

Speed Limit Changes Leicestershire County Council is making some changes to speed limits within my division. The orders have been issued and if no objections are received by 10th May 2019 they will be implemented. The first change is the reduction from 60mph to 50mph on Charley Road, Ulverscroft and the second change is the reduction from 60mph to 50mph on Joe Moores Lane, Newtown Linford. As part of the rural routes initiative the county roads assigned as national speed limits have been reviewed to identify those roads with an accident rate higher than the national average. Those that are shown to have the worst collision history are being included in a batch of roads on which the highways department will look to reduce the speed limit to 50mph. I am very supportive of these reductions to slow down vehicles on these rural roads. If you have any issues or concerns, I’m here to help.



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Anstey Rugby President’s Day is on Sunday 5th May


President’s Day is a traditional family day for your village club and lots of its supporters. In fact a tradition with all Rugby Clubs. The Anstey version used to be on Boxing day in the early years from when we started in 1980 but moved to the first Sunday in May many moons ago.



Anstey will be playing an invitation side made up from our friends in other clubs across Leicestershire with kick off planned for 1pm at our Home Ground adjacent to Martin High School on Link Road on Sunday 5th May. A huge supporting crowd will be most welcome.



Festivities continue at our Coach & Horses Clubhouse where there will be a Bouncy Castle to entertain the little ones with a Karaoke Disco later on.



A great time to come along and support your local club and if you are interested in some fitness training ‘pre-season’ we start in early July. You never know, you might want to join us and play a bit of rugby in our 40th season kicking off at the end of August. Saturday 13th April saw a lively fast moving game of rugby where a full Anstey side travelled over to Market Bosworth on a sunny Saturday afternoon, even though the wind was a bit chilly at times!


Both sides competed with vengeance to break the deadlock, but the final score was a 12-12 draw. A fair result on the day. While driving into Anstey from the city or the A46 on Leicester Road you will notice a large banner on the side of our clubhouse aka The Coach and Horses. Go through the door nearest that banner, round to your left is our clubhouse now decorated with a selection of old and new pictures and mementoes we have collected over the years when touring. Anstey RFC are always ready to welcome new players, experienced or not.

      

As well as playing, the positive social life that goes with Rugby Union is well known. Apart from that, playing the game will help get you fit. All players both new or regular, experienced or total novices, fit or unfit, old or young are all welcome. Matches are on Saturdays kicking off at 3pm.

 

Sponsorship from local companies would be most welcome. If you would like to support the club contact any committee member for details. Details for all the club officials are on the Anstey RFC noticeboard inside our clubhouse at The Coach and Horses pub in the Nook in Anstey or call our Captain Liam Curtis on 07727 118362 Or visit

   

 

Article by Chris Apperley

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I’ve got the freedom of my home back... I felt so frustrated at not being able to use the upstairs rooms in my home and unhappy that I had to have my bed in my front room, instead of sleeping in my own bedroom, but I no longer felt safe using the stairs. My stairs are quite steep and narrow and I was doubtful if a stair lift could be fitted, but they came and measured up and everything was dealt with and fitted in no time at all! Everyone was extremely helpful, polite and pleasant to have in my home and the results could not be better. I would certainly recommend Candor to anyone considering a stair lift.

Visit to arrange a FREE stairlift assessment or call us on 0330 100 4564 Scotlands Industrial Estate | London Road | Coalville | Leicestershire LE67 3JJ | We are delighted to have recently been awarded the Which? Trusted Trader accreditation

A New Locomotive Works, Visitor and Education Centre for the Great Central Railway The Great Central Railway has announced its plans to build a new Locomotive Works, Education and Visitor Centre at its Loughborough site. The new works will offer enhanced facilities for the restoration and maintenance of the railway’s extensive locomotive fleet along with greater manufacturing capabilities. Incorporated into the works will be a new visitor centre allowing extensive public access to the works along with new education and learning facilities. GCR Managing Director Michael Gough said. “We are excited by this development,  which will allow our visitors unprecedented access to truly engage with all the activities needed to restore mainline steam locomotives”. The GCR has recently expanded its educational offering and the new centre will provide much needed facilities for schools, colleges and universities to engage around several areas of their curriculums. The GCR will also use the facilities to increase education and skills transfer for its own volunteers with emphasis on increasingly rare heritage skills. Michael continued. “One area we have been concentrating on at the GCR for the last 12 months is our support for schools and colleges and their curriculum needs. The centre is designed with this is mind, offering a range of capabilities to support learning from early years through to our own young engineers and volunteers”. The Railway has launched an appeal where supporters can purchase a plaque in the GCR’s


Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council “The Wife” was played by the astonishing Glenn Close in April’s film. Although her husband won the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature, we saw him as a cantankerous husband. After tensions exploded, we witnessed the devastating consequences. What a brilliant film. "King of Thieves" will be shown on May 10th and lasts 108 minutes. In May, we are showing this true British crime thriller, starring Michael Caine, uniting an incredible cast. A crew of retired crooks pull off a major safe deposit burglary in London's Hatton Garden. This is a huge heist in the famous jewellery district. We see humour but will greed overtake the gang? “First Man” will be shown on June 14th and lasts 140 minutes.

ADAPT SPRING FAIR TO SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL PREMATURE & POORLY BABY CHARITY Sunday 19th May 2019 Thurmaston Memorial Hall Melton Road, Thurmaston 1.00pm 2.30pm

Starring Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy, June's film is a biography of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. This is an exciting, yet tender, story of his family and his career in the Space Race. Amazingly, this film gained eight nominations for British Academy Awards and Oscars, this year. Our next film will be shown on September 13th. Enjoy your summer. Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5 which will include refreshments and a lucky prize draw during the interval. Advanced tickets may be purchased via the parish office –0116 236 7626 or at the door.



1a Cropston Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7BP



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An exciting opportunity at Woolden Hill Primary School An exciting opportunity is available for a member of the local community to join the Local Advisory Board at Woolden Hill Primary School in Anstey. The Advisory Board is made up of parents, staff and individuals from the local community who can add value and support the strategic development of the school. We are seeking to attract members of the local community who are enthusiastic about the success of the school and the wellbeing of its staff and pupils and would like to work as part of a team actively promoting and supporting the school’s vision and values.

In April, Anstey WI welcomed Alan Tyler National Trust Speaker, who spoke on the history of the NT, highlighting a number of houses, gardens and identified local links with Leicestershire. The Oaktree Leaf logo of the National Trust was first linked with the NT property was Clergy House in Suffolk. However, it origins can be sourced her in Leicestershire at Stoneywell House near Markfield, a property highly commended. A carving of the Oakleaf can be viewed that was carved by Joseph Armitage, the design now used by the National Trust. On Good Friday, two members and their families had a great day out visiting Stoneywell House, to view its beautiful gardens and complete the Easter Egg Hunt. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in Jubilee Hall , Anstey. Next meeting is May 8th is WI resolutions and Competitions of flowers, crafts and cookery.


Discovery Schools Academy Trust is a partnership of 13 primary schools across Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland, dedicated to improving learning and teaching to provide the highest possible educational experience for children in our schools. For more information please contact the Clerk to the Advisory board on 0116 2793462 or email

Anstey Local History oin the Local Advisory Board at Society ents, staff and individuals from Our next meeting will be held on: nt of the school. Weat are seeking Wednesday May 15 2019 7.00.p.m. in Anstey Community Library success of the school and the History of Anstey Council velyThe promoting andParish supporting th

Speaker: Paul Day

Find out when the Parish Council was formed; hear about their work from

the extensive archive of documents ss Leicestershire, Leicester City available. Members: Freeeducational e highest possible Non-members: £2.00


2793462 or email 18 t: 0800 6446 150 • e: • w:

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Rickshaws and Chopsticks We enjoyed an entertaining and thoughtprovoking talk from Mrs Penny Hodgson. She was the Librarian at Loughborough High School, when she accepted a two-year teaching contract for a school in Beijing at short notice, accompanied by her husband. This was run by Harrow School in the UK, and she was to be in charge of the library. Armed with little more than teaching experience, enthusiasm and determination plus a few simple phrases of Mandarin, they set off. Mrs Hodgson began by holding up two cards, each showing a mysterious pictogram, for us to guess --- Which toilet did one go to?! Even though the Beijing Olympics were soon to be held, there were hardly any places where an English translation was given. Taxi drivers spoke some English, but often did not know where the requested destination was. It is hard to communicate in Mandarin, as you not only have to pronounce a word but use the correct tone, and there are four tones. Everywhere was packed full of people, especially during public holidays, and there is no room for “personal space”. She showed us photographs of the crowds around the Imperial Palace during Golden Week, which was counted as being 114,800 visitors. Another obvious difference from home was the high level of pollution, with China’s factories pouring out their goods into the wider world 24 hours a day. Huge numbers of new cars add to the traffic congestion every month. On arrival she and her husband were met by some of the school staff, and taken for a meal. Choosing what to eat is fraught with peril, and in some cases it is better not to ask --- simply point to whatever looks appetising on some else’s plate. In the past there were often crippling famines in many parts of this vast country, and necessity drove the people to be very experimental with their diet! Conversely, the cooks for one Empress had to prepare 100

dishes for her every day, from which to choose. Restaurants offer cuisines from all around China, and there are some European restaurants. “Street food” is fine, and you can see exactly what they are offering you. In some places the food is still alive and you can choose which animal you want to eat … It is customary for groups of friends to share their dishes. English-style schools were created in Thailand and later in China, the first ones on Embassy grounds as they were technically a foreign country. Mrs Hodgson’s school opened with 140 pupils, from all over the world. It was very hard for her to get books and atlases from abroad for the school, although she managed to obtain an encyclopedia for the library. Chinese atlases show China at the centre of the world, as they always have done …. It was possible to access the Internet for some things, but it was always censored. The school itself took in an ever-changing mixture of nationalities, and she enjoyed teaching extra English to three little pupils in particular. Sometimes they could recite word perfectly, but lacked understanding of what the words meant. The authorities usually only allow children of people who have previously lived abroad to attend such schools, as they are considered to have been already “corrupted” by foreign ideas. Chinese students abroad normally have to return home to look after their elderly parents. The health system is quite poor. If a woman has an illegitimate child, it is not entitled to health care or any other provisions. To marry, a man must be at least 25 and a woman must be 23 years old. In general, men treat women quite well. Penny and her husband visited family in Australia at Christmas, coming back from sun into thick snow. At Chinese New Year (in February) they watched bemused as a small toddler tried to light a large firework with his

father’s lighter. Besides fireworks, of course, the Chinese invented banknotes and innumerable other things familiar to us all. People have to pay cash for nearly everything, so the Chinese carry wads of banknotes (which are all small in value). Foreigners have to carry identification at all times, and nothing is allowed without the correct paperwork. Bureaucracy rules everywhere; she tried to pay by cheque in a bookshop, but they would not accept it as she had folded it. You must show your passport for bank transactions; once she forgot hers and protested that they had numerous photocopies of her passport from previous visits, but she was turned away. In Beijing everything seemed quite formal and staid, but in contrast she found Shanghai more modern. After the first year teaching, they came home for a holiday. Another time, they visited Vietnam. One Christmas they visited Thailand; and during the next Chinese New Year they observed the “Lantern Ceremony”, where people light lanterns and send them off across the countryside at night. Mrs Hodgson’s brother lives in Hong Kong, and you still need a visa and permission to travel there. Sometimes they travelled by train, but you cannot buy tickets in advance, because “the Army might need the train”. Once they went to see part of the Great Wall. On Penny’s birthday she dressed up in traditional colourful robes, and showed us a lovely photograph. She was presented with a Golden Pig, as she was born in the Year of the Pig. They also managed to see the Xi’an terracotta army, where you can tell the rank of the warriors by their appearance; some were left covered in order to protect the surface paint. Another highlight was the giant panda sanctuary in Chengdu, which has had huge success breeding this shy animal, threatened with extinction. Sometimes the males are bit reluctant, and have to be helped along with a certain medicine! Having your photo taken with a young panda costs £70. (Edinburgh Zoo have two pandas on loan, called Tian Tian and Yang Guang.) They watched the Olympic Stadium being built, which unfortunately cost many lives, but this was something the authorities wanted to keep quiet. Large areas of old slums were

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systematically cleared in Beijing to build the new modern facilities, displacing the inhabitants. The Chinese are a proud and hard working nation. They have little freedom compared to ourselves. A policy of allowing only one child per married couple, in order to conserve resources after the country’s tremendous political upheavals, has created its own special problems, such as some spoilt children behaving badly. There are very severe penalties for crime. Chinese people would never normally touch a foreigner, although it was reported that one American woman had her handbag stolen during the Olympics. During her contract, Mrs Hodgson received a relatively good wage, and the rent for their flat was covered, along with medical expenses. There were still some inexpensive “friendship stores” around, and Penny became quite good at bartering. They had a maid, and after trying to get to work using taxis they decided to employ a lady driver to take them instead. They could also hire a car and driver for the day to go out somewhere. She ended by answering questions, and showing us her photos and mementoes, giving a fascinating glimpse into what was essentially a completely different world.

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****************************** Our meetings start at 2.15pm on the second Monday of each month. On 13th May we have an all-day outing to Worcester, places still available. On 10th June there will be a talk about walking the West Highland Way, entitled “Mountains and Midges”. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Please see local posters for details

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The Royal British Legion

Brush Bowls Club on Nanpanton Road, Loughborough is now welcoming new members. We are starting the summer season off with a ‘Family Open Evening’ on Friday 10th May, from 6.30 onwards, and everyone is welcome. You may attend as an Individual or as a family or friendship group. There will be a bar and a BBQ.

Charity Number 219279 The Royal British Legion in Anstey are looking for new Members you do not need to have been in the armed forces to be a member everyone is welcome. This branch is important for the local village of Anstey but if we do not get new members involved we may have to close.

Entry is free and there is ample free parking. At Brush Bowls Club we welcome everyone, no matter their age, their ability or their gender. You do not need any bowls experience. You may join in a friendly game of bowls or just sit and watch the game whilst enjoying the refreshments of our Bar and BBQ. All equipment is provided, though we ask players to wear trainers or plimsole shoes on the green. We will provide free tuition, coaching and support.

We Only meet once a month on the 2nd Monday of every month . The next meeting is Monday 13.5.2019 at the Stadon Club, Bradgate Road, Anstey at 7.30pm. If you do not want be be a member but could offer some spare time to volunteer please get in touch as we would be grateful for help on Anstey Gala Day and during the Poppy appeal. If you have any societies or groups that you feel would appreciate a talk on what the Royal British Legion do and what being a member involves we can arrange for some of our members to come along and offer a talk. There is an age limit of 18 years so if you would like to get involved please come along and have a chat. If you would like more information on what our members do you can contact our Membership secretary Bev Eagle on 07957870210 Below are details of our Chairman and Vice Chairman Details Paul Clarke our Chairman is always available on 07738599846 . John Dowling Vice Chairman also available on 01163193452 or 07990065263.

Our aim is to encourage new members to our club and to dispel the myth that Lawn Bowls is a game only for retired adults – Lawn Bowls is a game for all, where all generations play alongside each other. A game for the whole family to join in. It is also a great opportunity to make new friends, whist having fun and keeping fit. Brush Bowls Club is set in beautiful surroundings. We have a Club House and Bar. Rosaline Riley, says ‘I joined the club last year. In that time, I have made new friends, learned a new skill and am getting regular gentle exercise’ she went on to say, ‘Brush Bowls Club, with its Club House and Bar holds regular Dances, Quiz nights and competitions in addition to playing Bowls. It has a very welcoming atmosphere. New members are offered help from qualified coaches and experienced players who are always on hand to help new members learn or improve their Bowling skills. It isn’t a difficult sport to learn and it isn’t expensive to became a member. The Club is open for Matches, practice and socialising most nights of the week’ If you would like to know more about Brush Bowls Club, please visit our new website at . If you can’t make our open evening, please call in to the club for a chat.

Charnwood Group the Brand Sunday 19th May 11am -4pm

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Deborah Taylor & Paul Baines… Borough Councillors for Anstey Latest News Deborah Taylor 6 Geary Close, Anstey, LE7 7LW Email: Tel: 0116 2350126 - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor Facebook:

We will keep this report short as we are all about to head to the polling station in Jubilee Hall on 2nd May 2019 for the Charnwood Borough Council elections. We will add a request that if you can, please do make the effort to come out and vote. These are local elections and they are important for all residents involving local not national issues, so please have your say about bins not Brexit. Please remember, Anstey is a two-seat ward, so you will have two votes to cast to elect your local Borough Councillors for the next four years. There are no elections for the Parish Council as only 10 nominations forms were handed in (there are 14 seats available) so all people nominated are automatically elected.

The Nook Car Park We have both been working on The Nook car park after receiving reports that people were struggling to find a space at the top of the car park for visits to the doctor’s surgery. Charnwood Borough Council conducted a survey with car park users, which was completed online and in person. The results were that most of the respondents agreed that some further short stay parking spaces would be welcomed in the car park. The Parish Council were also asked for their support and it was fully supported by all Parish Councillors. There are now further spaces for short stay, two-hour parking outside the entrance to the doctors at the top of the car park. There are signs on the fencing so if you are likely to park for longer than two hours please avoid all the short stay spaces in the car park. Please also note that if this car park is full you can use the Co-op car park on Cropston Road. This is for the use of all the village and not just for the Co-op customers. We have been trying to get the Co-op to change their sign in the car park, as it is misleading and against planning conditions, but they have so far failed to response to all the requests by Charnwood Borough Council to make the sign clearer. We will continue to push for them to change the sign so more people will park in this large car park whilst out and about in the village.

Paul’s Question at Full Council We mentioned in our last report that Paul was asking a question at Full Council around parking enforcement. This is the question Paul asked: Please could the Cabinet Lead Member responsible for parking enforcement outline what plans the Council has, if any, for dealing with nuisance parking including pavement parking and

Paul Baines 3 Ruskin Field, Anstey, LE7 7QP Email: Tel: 07977 178869

double yellow line parking within the Borough, particularly in Anstey, where this problem is prevalent, and whether or not this includes enhancing the Council’s civil parking enforcement powers? This was the response from the Cabinet Lead Member: Councillor Smidowicz thanked Councillor Baines and stated that inconsiderate parking and pavement parking were topics that were also high on her agenda. She stated that over the past 12 months she had attended two conferences relating to parking enforcement and had raised the issue with the Police and Crime Commissioner and a senior Police officer. She stated that she was still awaiting a report back from them regarding the possibility of delegating Police powers to the Borough Council. The Borough Council’s street wardens currently only have powers to deal with on-street parking offences that relate to yellow lines. The organisation PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulation Outside London) have made representations to the Government regarding making obstruction a civil offence, which would enable local authorities to take the relevant enforcement action. Councillor Baines thanked the Cabinet Lead Member for her response. He stated that the current arrangements for parking enforcement appeared to be inadequate, in part because there were insufficient resources provided by the Police or Leicestershire County Council to support those arrangements. He highlighted the fact that other councils had obtained additional powers from the Police to enforce parking restrictions, for example Wokingham Council, and other councils, for example Torquay Council, were also seeking to do so. He therefore asked the Cabinet Lead Member whether she agreed that the Borough Council should seek to enhance its civil parking enforcement powers in that way.

behaviour which has been taking place in or around a property. The Council received reports of drug taking at the property and upon investigation found significant evidence of drug use at the flat. Council officers worked with Leicestershire Police to gather evidence which enabled the Council to obtain the closure order at Leicester Magistrates’ Court. Tenants are responsible for both their own behaviour and the behaviour of visitors to their property. If serious nuisance is caused to other residents, closure orders can be used to prevent people entering the premises and stop the anti-social behaviour. If anyone breaches the order and enters the premises, they can be fined or face a prison sentence, dependent upon the circumstances. If any residents have any concerns about anti-social behaviour, please contact the council on 01509 634666 so that it can be investigated, and appropriate action can be taken. All calls are treated in the strictest of confidence, therefore if residents have any concerns about anti-social behaviour then please give the team a call to discuss the matter in more detail.

St Mary’s Church On Good Friday, Deborah popped into the local church family event to see all the children having great fun on the Easter egg hunt, Easter bonnet competition and listening to Easter stories. There were also tea, cakes and hot cross buns served afterwards for all the children and adults to enjoy. It was lovely to see all the families together enjoying the church and surrounding areas. The Church also holds various family services throughout the year and we have included all the events planned so far for the rest of the year.

We will continue to campaign for Charnwood Borough Council to obtain additional powers to rid the village of nuisance parking.

Anti-Social Behaviour A Council flat in Loughborough has been served with a closure order after reports of drug-related anti-social behaviour. Charnwood Borough Council secured the order on the council flat in Waterside Close  on 13th March 2019 and it means no-one, including the tenant, can enter the premises for a period of three months. These orders aim to protect residents by stopping anti-social

If you have any issues or concerns, we are here to help.

Deborah and Paul

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: • w:


for the more vulnerable residents within the community.

David Snartt Reports... Borough Councillor for Forest Bradgate

Welbeck – The Defence Sixth Form College You may have seen my letter to the local papers, outlining my concerns to the news that Welbeck is to close in 2021. I know that many residents have expressed their dismay about this decision, therefore I have not only given my thoughts in the letter and information about the petition but have also written to the Chairman of the Defence Committee, House of Commons. For residents who have not seen my letter I include it below. I would be grateful if you would consider signing the petition, details in the letter to the papers. Letter sent to the local papers. As the Charnwood Borough Councillor for Woodhouse, I was saddened to learn the news that Welbeck - the Defence 6th Form College is to close in 2021. Throughout the time, since the College moved to Woodhouse in 2005, I have been a big supporter, being able to see at first hand the difference made to young people’s lives during the two years they are at the College. I have been able to keep close contact with the Principal and staff through our liaison meetings with local Councillors, this providing an insight to the professional high standards achieved. It will, in my view, be a great loss to many young people from right across the UK, who will be unable to achieve their full potential through the current offer provided by the College. Remembering the background of the students is very varied with a large number coming from state funded secondary schools. In my opinion, the Military will lose so much by making this decision. During the two years at the College the students gain military experience, one only has to observe an Annual General Inspection Parade to understand the importance and invaluable experience two years at the College gives students on their onward journey to their chosen University.

I also have concerns for the staff who will be moving on as a consequence of this decision. They have contributed so much to the wellbeing of each student making sure each one reaches their full potential. It has been a joy to observe the work and dedication that takes place at the College. It will also be a loss to the local economy in this rural area of Leicestershire. I thought I would bring to the attention of all local residents the UK Government and Parliament Petition that has been raised. Titled “Stop the closure of Welbeck – Defence Sixth Form College�. I hope many local people will find time to support this petition. I am of the opinion, this will be a very sad day, not only for the students and staff but for the local community and economy if the decision to close is carried out.

Community Fair I attended the Woodhouse Parish Community Fair in the Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall organised by the members of the Good Neighbour Scheme. What a success this event was with over 400 people attending. There were 47 groups and organisations taking part, putting on excellent displays relating to their particular interests. In my view, it demonstrated the vast wealth of different activities that contribute to the wellbeing of the community. Thanks must go to the 5 members of the Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbour Scheme who organised the fair. I was pleased to support this event through the Charnwood Borough Council Member Grant Scheme, along with the Parish Council. I am delighted that the members of the Good Neighbour Scheme took the time to organise this event. They were able to give information about the excellent work they do, especially

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Finally may I thank Judith who approached me for financial support from the Members Scheme, it was money well spent, bringing so many people of all ages together, understanding the good work that goes on within the Parish and enjoying all that was on offer at this event.

Promoting Tourism Last month I referred to a question I asked at Charnwood Borough Council. I raised this item due to the continuing capacity car parking issues that occur at peak visitor times at certain venues, especially Bradgate Park. This manifesting in visitor’s vehicles parked inconsiderately and sometimes illegally on the village streets and the highway close to the attractions car parks. The purpose for the question was to ask Charnwood Borough Council not to promote venues that have capacity issues on any literature that is produced by the Council. I did receive a positive response from the Lead Member at the meeting who stated ‘that Borough Councillors and Officers would listen to what had been said and take due account of it in taking any matters relating to tourism forward’. If you need to contact me on any issues, please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH e-mail or telephone 01530 244804.

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