June 2019 - Your Local Birstall & Wanlip

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June 2019

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• Convenient location en route to Leicester • Long-standing and experienced staff giving quality childcare



• Serving healthy, home cooked food using produce from our allotment

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• Spacious and stimulating outdoor area plus frequent trips

• Full C olour • Double Sided • 150gsm Gloss


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• Helping your child to become a happy, social DQG FRQƓGHQW OHDUQHU



• Strong relationships with families

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Width 210mm m x Height 297mm - Bleed 3mm - T Trrim Marks

• Single Colour Black • Single Sided S • Glued In Pads Of 50’s

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*Based on PDF print ready artwork.

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk



Club welcomes North Yorkshire Tourists

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SALES TEAM DAWN HARRIS T: 0800 6446 150 E: dawn@openboxpromotions.co.uk

On the last Sunday in May our club hosted a match with a touring side from North Yorkshire. Ours was one of many matches arranged with clubs in the area. It is always a pleasure to welcome visitors and as ever the emphasis was on chatting and exchanging stories rather than the cut-throat competition of the match. Having said that we did manage to notch up a win and by quite a margin!

DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ANDREW LEWIS M: 07504 634 838 E: andy@openboxpromotions.co.uk

PUBLISHED BY OPEN BOX PROMOTIONS LTD T: 0800 6446 150 E: sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk W: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

The skies were for the most part overcast and showers had been threatened but we somehow escaped a soaking and in fact there were several periods of bright sunshine - as shown on the picture. The tourists were a very friendly bunch and were clearly favourably impressed by our hospitality. A great afternoon was had by all.

Open Box Promotions Ltd, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ

If you would like to give bowls a try, contact Carolyn on 0116 2675947 or Sam on 0116 2677372.


Roly Green -

St Margaret's Co-operative Bowls Club Co-op Sports Ground, Birstall Road, Birstall LE4 4DE - www.smcbc.com

NORWOOD PRESS T: 01530 262020 E: info@norwoodpress.co.uk W: www.norwoodpress.co.uk


Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU

At our meeting this month, we were treated to a talk about 'Spam' - (the food, not the annoying rubbish e-mail stuff). We learned that Spam stood for Shoulder Pork and Ham, and that only prime cuts of meat are used, which is reassuring! There was a lot more to find out about Spam, so we really had a very enjoyable and interesting evening. It also helped that Pauline, our speaker, had brought along a good and varied selection of nibbly bits which we all tucked into with enthusiasm. The evening prompted a lot of memories, too, with the recipe books and postcards from the 40's when food was rationed and cooks had to be imaginative and resourceful to feed their families good wholesome meals.


Friday 19th July 2019


Monday 15th July 2019 Deadline and delivery dates are subject to change depending on how far we are ahead or behind. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the original advertisers & contributors and do not necessarily represent Your Local or Open Box Promotions Ltd. Open Box Promotions Ltd reserves the right to amend or refuse to publish articles or adverts submitted for publication.

Talking of food, next month our meeting is our annual lovely supper at the home of one of our members, which is a truly social and sociable occasion. Don't forget - we welcome visitors and new members to our usual venue in the Age Concern rooms of the Village Hall, School Lane, on the 2nd Monday of every month.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. To see full terms & conditions visit www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/terms






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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk


THANKS from Birstall Methodist Women’s Group We had a fundraising Coffee Morning on Saturday 1 June. The total raised was an amazing £513 which will be divided between the Birstall Food Hub and St James’ Day Centre; two worthy local causes. We would like to thank everyone for their generosity; donating items for the Tombola, Raffle, Plants, Books and Cakes. We also had delicious Samosas for sale on the day! We would especially like to thank everyone who attended and who helped in any way. This was our final fundraising event and we are hoping that the total raised throughout the year will reach £2,000! Our Monday Group will not meet for the summer months but we look forward to getting together again from September; every Monday evening in the Coffee Shop at Birstall Methodist Church at 7.30pm. Don’t sit at home feeling lonely – come along to our Group and meet new friends (and old ones too). Eileen Molesdale, Secretary.

The Family Obstacular - a Big Day Out! BRADGATE ROTARY’S Family Challenge Day takes place on Sunday 15th September. The Family Obstacular or Family Funtacular will be taking place in a new location in the Charnwood Forest. Fun and Family are the key words, this is NOT a mud, blood guts and glory event, but something to bring out the competitiveness without the pain while raising funds for some of our local charities. Alongside the challenges, there will be opportunities to enjoy a day out with stalls, bouncy castle and food options. Not everyone will need to take part in the challenges to appreciate the day, but we suspect you might want to anyway. So pencil on the family calendar the date and watch this space for more details of the Family Obstacular on Sunday 15th September.


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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk


Festival of Archaeology


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Supported Lodgings Supported Lodgings is a valuable accommodation option available to young people transitioning from the care system to more independent living. It is family-based support within the homes of members of the community who are willing to provide a spare room to a vulnerable young person aged 16 to 21 who cannot live with their own families and who are not yet ready for independent living. Our service recruits and trains people who can provide appropriate accommodation; this means the young person will have their own room and use of shared facilities.


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Leicestershire & Rutland Festival of Archaeology 2019 You are invited on 29th June - 28th July to join in the 2019 Leicestershire and Rutland Festival of Archaeology.

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Through our excellent training programme, ongoing guidance and support, we enable our providers to acquire the skills and confidence to support a young person both practically and emotionally to gain the necessary skills required to eventually live independently. Barnardo’s Supported Lodgings Service Unit 8 – Albion Court, 92 Attleborough Road, Nuneaton, CV11 4JJ Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605

Whilst in placement, as well as providing emotional support, our providers focus on offering practical support around key areas of independence; such as managing on a budget, shopping, cooking, education, social skills and being a good tenant. Supported lodgings is something you can do alongside your current employment / commitments and you can receive a payment of ÂŁ150 per week. You will be fully involved in placing a young person and it will be your decision as to who is placed with you. If you are working with a young person who would benefit from a Supported Lodgings Placement, or are interested in becoming a Supported Lodgings Provider, please contact the service on 02476 372596 or email us at BSLmidlands@barnardos.org.uk to find out more. If you are a young person interested in Supported Lodgings, ask your social worker or personal advisor for more information.

Birstall Food Hub Coffee Morning Birstall food hub is having a coffee morning Saturday 13 July 10 -12 at Methodist Church, Wanlip Lane, Birstall. The proceeds will fund fresh goods we buy to include in parcels - bread, milk, eggs. Come and enjoy a cuppa and chat. There will be plants, crafts, cakes, tombola and books.

Hope to see you there

For the first time a month-long chance to discover more about the rich and diverse heritage of Leicestershire and Rutland. The Festival has a fascinating range of activities, events, talks and guided tours from some of the county’s archaeological and historical experts. Local groups will show you their own discoveries and invite you to become involved in making the next great discovery! The Festival in Leicestershire and Rutland is financially supported by Leicestershire Fieldworkers; Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society; Leicestershire and Rutland Heritage Forum; CBA East Midlands; Leicestershire Industrial History Society; The Friends of Jewry Wall Museum; Hinckley Archaeological Society; University of Leicester Archaeological Services. Download the full programme of events at: https://leicsfieldworkers.co.uk/festival-ofarchaeology/



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NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES Our Rector, Vince Jupp at the All Together service in St. James, asked that we celebrate Pentecost with colour! For the tongues of fire to be present in reds, yellows and oranges. Looking out on our congregation on the day of Pentecost certainly showed the glow of fire Vince himself in an amazing creation of a flowing yellow and red hat. The children in the church waved streamers with enthusiasm and there were balloons - and cake! The amazing pictures and models which have made the 'Stations of Joy' will now be taken down, but the squares made to complete the Banners for Ordinary Time are certain to interest and inspire in their place. John Borrajo of our Church will, by now, have completed his sponsored cycle-ride to north Devon and we look forward to hearing about his experiences and the results of his sponsorship on behalf of the church. The May Fair in Wanlip this year was an unqualified success, the hard work of the team resulting in the magnificent sum of £800.00, which will help fund the Hall Floor project, which also benefits from 'Old Nick's Coffee Shop' held in the hall on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. It is now Summer (so I am told!) and we are looking forward to St. James Summer Fayre. The date for your diaries is 12.30 p.m. on Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August. There will be stalls with tombola, books, plants, toys, jams, cakes and ice-cream, games and a raffle for a 'luxury goods' hamper (among other prizes) tea and coffee. Last year everyone who came had a lovely day and thoroughly enjoyed themselves, so we hope for an even better day this year! Don't forget - 26th August is Fayre Day!! At St. James Church, Church Hill. At 12.30 onwards.


DEADLINE DATE: Monday 15th July 2019

Have a summer adventure in Charnwood A range of exciting activities are on offer for children, young people and families in Charnwood this summer. The borough council’s Active Charnwood team has put together a programme of events and sessions at various locations in the area. The six-week programme is once again offering plenty for the family to do including family rounders and yoga. Activities will run from Monday July 15 until Friday August 23 and will take place at locations including Loughborough, Shepshed, Mountsorrel and Birstall. Zoe Griffiths, sport and active recreation manager at the Council, said: “We’re offering another busy programme of activities for young people and families in Charnwood. There are some new things for people to try this summer such as kite flying and frisbee fun. We’ve also bought back some favourite activities like forest schools and archery. “This year’s holiday programme offers 37 different activities and over 85 sessions so there is plenty for the whole family to do this summer." Activities also include arts and crafts, boxing, dodgeball, den building, tennis and more. Bookings for this year’s summer programme are now open. Sessions start at £1 and some activities are free. Discounts are available for Wild Card holders. If you are aged five to 16, or have a disability, and live or go to school in Charnwood, you may be able to sign up to the Wild Card scheme by visiting charnwood.gov.uk/wildcard For a full list of activities available this summer holiday and to book online please visit charnwood.gov.uk/holidayprogrammes. Alternatively, people can call 01509 634561. For the latest news and updates about sport and activities in the borough, follow @ActiveCharnwood on Twitter or visit their Facebook page.




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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

Help us Beat Heartbreak Forever in Leicestershire! Live in Leicester or Leicestershire? Have been affected by heart disease? Do you want to help Beat Heartbreak Forever? Not sure how? Read on to find out more ….

GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk

In the Leicester area there are over 32,200 people living with cardiovascular disease which leads to 720 deaths per year. The hard work of our volunteers is vital to raising money, which enable us to fund thousands of ground-breaking research projects across the country. We are calling on people across Leicester and Leicestershire to join our local fundraising groups. Our fundraising groups raise awareness of heart and circulatory diseases and how our work is tackling them. Most importantly, by raising money for the BHF’s life-saving research, they help keep hearts beating and blood flowing - and this will help keep families together for longer.

Have you, or a loved one been affected by Heart disease? Help us fight back! Join our local Leicester Group. Have fun. Meet new people. Power life-saving research. Support the 32,200 people living with cardiovascular disease in Leciester. To find out more contact: Hannah Pennock, Fundraising Manager | 07384818748 | pennockh@bhf.org.uk

bhf.org.uk © British Heart Foundation 2019, registered charity in England and Wales

(225971) and in Scotland (SC039426)

Advances from our research have saved and improved millions of lives, but heart diseases, stroke, vascular dementia and their risk factors such as diabetes still cause heartbreak on every street. BHF volunteers are an integral part of our mission to beat this heartbreak, forever. Help us fight back! Join in, Have fun and Meet new people. Any time you can give, will be invaluable. To find out more about getting involved please contact Hannah Pennock on 07384 818 748 or email pennockh@bhf.org.uk or visit bhf.org.uk/volunteer

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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

The Charnwood Gardener

Watermead Hardy Annuals and Holy Matrimony Challenge 2019 Charity Run

I’m getting married this month (gulp), and at some point, between the moment of proposing and now, I apparently took leave of my sense and volunteered to grow all the flowers. What was I thinking? Never mind my speech and the first dance - the need to have fresh blooms ready for midsummer has been nerve-wracking.

Watermead Challenge charity run reaches the milestone of it’s tenth year in 2019. The run is on the flat tracks around the lakes of Watermead Park near Syston. It is over both 3 and 5 mile distances.

Watermead Challenge 2019

Now it''ss 10tin A charity h 5 mile run & year 3 mile run Now with

chip tiiming!

• Larkspur - Annual Delphiniums with the most beautiful and abundant blooms. Would be great to fill gaps in a mixed border. ‘Giant Imperial Mixed’ is a hit.

Race Director Chris Battye of the 2n 2019, 7pm a W rmead Country Par organisers, Wreake Syston Leicester LE7 1PD (north entrance) Valley Rotary Club, Sponsored by commented:” the Presented by Presented by Wreake run is an increasingly Valley Rotary Club Supporting popular event which • John Walls Renal Unit at LGH • Abigail Herus of Syston • Leicestershire Life Education Entry Details at appeals to runners of www. w.wreakevalleyrotary. y.org.uk k Entries accepted until 6.30pm on the nigh ht. all abilities and offers the opportunity to achieve a personal best time. In 2018 we had over 400 runners taking part. This year the run is supporting three worthy local causes: the Renal Unit at Leicester General Hospital, Abigail Herus a teenage cancer sufferer from Syston and Leicestershire Life Education (a childrens’ health education charity).”

• Cornflowers - An old favourite but so pretty if a mixed-colour cultivar is chosen. Remarkable difference with autumn sown plants – they’re almost over my head!

The event takes place on Tuesday 2nd July 2019 at 19.00 hours with access to Watermead Park via the north entrance near the Hope and Anchor public house.

• Cerinthe major (Honeywort) - I've never seen as many bees in one place as when my honeywort started flowering. Intriguing, drooping, intensely purple flowers.

Full entry details can be found at www.wreakevalleyrotary.org.uk.

I had little previous experience with cut flowers and it’s been a steep Honeywort learning curve. But (and I won’t say it too loudly in case they hear me) all the flowers are doing remarkably well and, aided by a mild winter and an early spring, should be ready just in time. So, based on my recent horticultural adventures, here are some recommendations for fantastic cut flowers. All those listed below are hardy annuals and were sown direct or planted out in the autumn, giving them a real head start on spring sown flowers. Here are the best performers:

• Linaria maroccana (Toadflax) - Started flowering in March and are, sadly, already past their best, but had to have a mention because they’re just so lovely. Lots of cultivars available – all pretty versions of the plant that often appears as a weed. ‘Licillia Azure’ was particularly impressive. JULY TIP – At this time of year it's useful to be reminded that the garden isn't just about hard work. Grab a deck chair and a gin and tonic, and go and sit amongst the blooms.

Peter Flood

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with special thanks to the Rangers of Watermead Country Park.

GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk

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Call Steve on 07724 057567 t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk



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Resident delighted with £2,000 HATS, VICAR OF win on lottery! DRIBLEY A HUGE SUCCESS

One lucky resident has won £2,000 thanks to playing the Charnwood Community Lottery. The lottery is run by the borough council and helps raise money for good causes, charities and voluntary organisations.

Donna Worship from Birstall said she couldn’t believe it when she found out she had matched five correct numbers and won £2,000. Donna said: “I was so shocked when I found out I’d won £2,000 on the lottery. It’s my second win since I started playing as I also won three tickets the week before.

Highcliffe Amateur Theatrical Society had a resounding success with their performance of the Vicar Dribley performed at the Birstall Social Club recently.

“I support the Bradgate Park Trust with my ticket as it’s a beautiful part of our community and I enjoy visiting there with my family. It’s nice to know that I’m helping a worthy cause.” For every £1 ticket purchased, 60p goes towards helping good causes in the borough and people can choose which good cause to support when buying their ticket. Cllr Deborah Taylor, the Council’s lead member for communities, said: “The lottery is helping to raise lots of money for a wide range of good causes which do great work for the benefit of residents. “Many players have already won free tickets and cash prizes, but Donna is our biggest winner to date. I’d like to congratulate her and thank her for supporting good causes in the borough. “I’d also encourage any good causes in the borough who would like to raise some extra funds to think about registering for the lottery. It’s not too late to sign up and join us!” Bradgate Park Trust is one of around 50 good causes signed up to the lottery. There’s a range of different causes registered including community libraries, sports clubs and community centres. Local causes are still able to register for the lottery by visiting www.charnwoodlottery.co.uk. Peter Tyldesley, director of the Bradgate Park Trust, said: “First of all I’d like to thank Donna for choosing to support the trust through the lottery and say huge congratulations on her win.

2 nights were a complete sell out, and the 3rd night not far short of a sell out. The Cast entertained the audience from the start right through to the very end, with lots of laughter, confusion and fabulous acting. The audience members, both new and old were appreciative and gave a rousing reception

“There’s no cost to us to be part of the lottery and the money raised is used to help us feed our herd of 600 deer during the winter months. One person supporting the trust by playing the lottery for a year covers the cost of feeding one deer which is £26.” The top prize in the Charnwood Community Lottery is £25,000. People can sign up to play the Charnwood Community Lottery by visiting the website www.charnwoodlottery.co.uk.

Keep those knitting needles clicking for the Big Knit! The Big Knit campaign continues throughout 2019 and Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland is calling on Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to keep knitting or join in for the first time! Now in its 15th year, the campaign still needs to recruit more knitters to help create an impressive 1.6 million hats nationwide to adorn innocent smoothie bottles. For each be-hatted smoothie sold, Age UK receives 25p, and that money helps the Charity support older people who are facing later life alone. Tony Donovan, Executive Director of Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland said: “We need local people to join us and help knit another 26,000 miniature hats to help us hit our huge 80,000 local target by July 2019 (even though the campaign continues all year round). It’s such a fun campaign to get behind and it does so much to help older people in our area. “The money raised will make a big difference to the lives of older people by funding our hugely important services and classes. These services, which include Day Care, dementia support, Men/Women in Sheds and befriending amongst so many others, give local older people the chance to come along and make friends, learn new skills and most importantly have fun.” For more information on The Big Knit contact Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland on 0116 2992233 or visit https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leics/. Please send completed hats to Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland at Lansdowne House, 113 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7LA or hand them in at any of our 24 shops or Resource Centres. This year’s hat knitting patterns are available to download - to find out more visit: www.ageuk.org.uk/bigknit or pop into any of our addresses to request a leaflet

throughout the show and at the end. Reviews included the following. Penny Ford “ Absolutely brilliant, loved every minute”. Charles Family “ Amazing show, such a laugh, can’t wait for the next show, everyone was brilliant”. The proceeds of the raffle raised a fabulous £234.00 for Comic Relief. The next show will be the Pantomime, which will be performed towards the end of November. Keep your eyes open for the details and hope to see you then.

GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk


It’s a Trilogy for Lindzi Last year we reported local author, Lindzi Mayann, launched her sassy debut book, Maga High. And we’re pleased to announce it made such a splash she has gone on to release both the prequel and sequel to that original story!

Lindzi said the positive feedback about her main character, Jodie, and the call to know what she did next spurred her on to write the sequel, Educating Jodie, which was published in 0ctober 2018. It tells of Jodie’s return to the UK from Magaluf and features her embarking on a new job in Specialist Behavioural Education! As fans of Lindzi’s work will now know, it can be expected that the sequel is full of shocks, humour and naughtiness as well as the usual warm themes of friendship and learning many of life’s trickier lessons. Pub Life, the prequel, was penned in 2017 but published just this year and introduces Jodie pre-Magaluf. Lindzi explained that when the initial reviews called for more about what happens to Jodie after Magaluf, she decided not to release the prequel and instead write the sequel. But since interest in Jodie has developed, so have the requests to know more about her protagonist- where did this all really begin?

Maga High- an entertaining read with a saucy, summery vibe- is set in Magaluf and features Jodie on her first girls holiday. The wild adventure she finds herself on repairs her following a bitter relationship breakdown and thanks to its craziness yet relatability, the book has been well received over 2018;

In Pub Life, the prequel, Jodie is still a waitress, recently single and living back home with her lovely but worrier mum. She knows she should make more changes but what, a new job or her own home? Between working and drinking at her local she finds entertainment and distraction enough and she embarks on new relationships with varying consequences. New interests and hobbies, new friends- and enemies, a new job, life-lessons! Now you can finally find out exactly what provokes Jodie to

Space Chase, Summer Reading Challenge 2019 The Summer Reading Challenge 2019 theme is Space Chase, an out-of-this-world adventure inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. Children taking part in the Challenge will join our super space family, The Rockets, for a thrilling mission to track down books nabbed by mischievous aliens! The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to read six library books during the long summer holiday. Children's reading can 'dip' during the summer holidays if they don't have regular access to books and encouragement to read for pleasure. The annual Summer Reading Challenge helps get three quarters of a million children into libraries each year to keep up their reading skills and confidence. The Challenge celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. How it works - Children can read whatever they like - fiction, fact books, poetry, joke books, picture books, audio books - just as long as they are borrowed from the library. Children receive special rewards each time they finish a book and there's a certificate for everyone who completes the Challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge is open to all primary school aged children and is designed for all reading abilities. Schools work with local libraries and give out information to encourage children to take part, and most libraries run Summer Reading Challenge linked early years activity for pre-schoolers. Throughout the Summer Reading Challenge, library staff and teenage and adult volunteers support children, helping them to discover new authors and explore a wide range of different types of books. The Challenge will launch in libraries in England and Wales on Saturday 13 July 2019.


jet off- and not return! Lindzi admits the process of writing, editing and publicising has been tough but she has loved (almost) every moment of her journeycelebrating the wins and learning from the fails. Lindzi explains that writing the stories seems to be the easy part when compared with the effort it takes to promote her work afterwards. She hopes the diverse themes of her books will continue to drive interest and support for her stories. Notably the prequel and sequel aim to raise awareness of the challenges faced by parents of children with autism, with the characters of Cat and her family being further explored. Lindzi recently started her blog- covering everything from travel, to events such as obstacle runs and comedy festivals! She is keen to support local charities, authors and businesses and encourages people to contact her to discuss opportunities for collaborations and for written content. All of her books are available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats. Visit Lindzi’s new website www.lindzi.co.uk to find out more. Happy Reading!

Win a copy of Maga High! For your chance to WIN a signed copy of Maga High follow Lindzi’s blog or any of her social media profiles- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and share ONE or more posts to be in with a chance of winning. All entrants will receive a confirmation message from Lindzi and the winner will be announced on July 31st. Good Luck!

ST JAMES' SUMMER FAYRE Monday 26 August from 12.30 - 3.30pm at St James' the Great Church, on the lawn and in the church, Church Hill, Birstall

Stalls, Games, Tea and Cakes, Hot dogs, Entertainment, Craft Activities, Raffle and Bouncy Castle. Proceeds to: MIND; Birstall Food Hub; and the Church WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU


DEADLINE DATE: Monday 15th July 2019

t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

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