Sinagra Local Building 1

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The different sources don’t agree about the origin (origine) of the (nome)“Sinagra”. Some of the sources assert that its name derives from the Greek “xenagoras”, while others say that it comes from the latin name “Sinus Ager” .

Sinagra durante i secoli. Sinagra through the centuries.

The first evidence (testimonianza) of Sinagra dates back to the XIth century when a papal bulle gives the rural homes to the Church of Messina. After the Sicilian Vespers, Sinagra and its territory, were given to the Lancia family (famiglia). Under its dominion Sinagra had a period of splendour: the castle was enlarged, some churches and convents (conventi) were built and production was given a substantial boost. Afterwards the feud passed from family to family (Afflitto, Ventimiglia e Ioppolo) until 1812, when Sinagra became self governing. After two disastrous floods (allagamenti), in 1827 and in 1837, most of the town was rebuilt. During the Italian “Risorgimentoâ€?, the people from Sinagra took part in the movements for independence;in the following years they awaited enthusiastically for the unity (unitĂ ) of Italy, because it meant the end of the Barons period .

MONUMENTI STORICI HISTORICAL MONUMENTS The Castle (castello) is made up of a clock tower (campanile), the external walls (mur a) and a courtyard (cortile). It was inhabited by different families (Branciforte Lancia, Afflitto, Ventimiglia, Ioppolo , Sandoval ).


The Church of the Crucifix, called the Convent Church (chiesa del convento) with the annexed bell tower of the Middle Ages (medioevo), is a temple (tempio) with a nave, an aisle and stone columns (colonne). It dates back to the period between the end of the 15째 century and the beginning of the 16째 century. Inside the Church there are some marble statues by Gagini school and a wooden crucifix of the 15째 century, kept in a cupboard (armadio), decorated with beautiful paintings (dipinti) representing scenes from the Passion of Christ.

IL PATRONO -The Patron Saint Leo (San Leone) II was born in Ravenna in May 1709, and he was the 15° bishop of Catania. The Patron Saint’s Day is on the 20° February but there are other festivals which take place during Easter (Pasqua) and on the 8° of May when the Saint is carried through the streets (strade) of the town followed by a crowd. On Easter Day in the evening the Saint is taken across the river (fiume) accompanied by a spectacular firework display.

I palazzi delle antiche e nobili famiglie di Sinagra. Ancient and Noble family Palaces in Sinagra. Palazzo Ioppolo. Ioppolo Palace The palace is rich in sandstones decorations (decorazioni). Palazzo dell'Arciprete Ioppolo, successivamente palazzo Cusimano. Archpriest Ioppolo Palace then called Cusimano Palace. It was one of the most important buildings (edifici) in the town centre (centro del paese) in the mid nineteenth century. Palazzo Ioppolo, successivamente palazzo Andronaco. Archpriest Ioppolo Palace then called Andronaco Palace. It was built in the first half of the nineteenth century. It’s quite big (grande) and the year “1940” is inscribed on the central portal . Palazzo Salleo. Salleo Palace This building was built in the middle (metà) of the XIXth century, by Vincenzo Salleo, an important member of the noble house of Salleo. The town hall (municipio) has recently bought the Palace and after the necessary restructuring works it will be an ethnographical and architectural museum (museo) where more than 40 paintings by Baron Salleo, an important national painter (pittore), will be on display (mostra) .

THE CAVE OF BLESSED DIEGO- LA GROTTA DEL BEATO DIEGO The cave of Blessed Diego is situated under ((sotto) the Castle at the foot of the hill (collina). Here he used to spend the night (notte) and inside he dug out a bed (letto) with his hands and a kneeler to pray to God (Dio).

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