St Paul’s CE Church Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK
St Paul’s CE Church • St Paul’s Church was built in 1824. It is the church across the road from our school and our school has the same name. • The current vicar is called Father Mick. • The church is built from brick and has a graveyard around it.
Year 2 have been studying our local church
We have been sketching and taking rubbings of shapes and patterns in the building
There are lots of interesting shapes and patterns on the church building.
Here we are inside the church. It has recently been refurbished. There used to be old wooden pews and giant organ!
This is the stained glass window in the church. At the top are cherubim and seraphim and the sun and moon to show night and day. On the left is St Paul, Jesus is in the middle and St George, patron saint of England, is on the right. At the bottom on the left is Joan of Arc, in the middle is St Michael and on the right are 2 soldiers from World War I
There are monuments for soldiers who fought in World War 1 and 2 in the church.