Nha Annual Report 2016

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Annual Report Annual Report 2016


Board of Trustees 2016–17 Janet L. Sherlund President Kelly M. Williams Vice President Victoria McManus Vice President William J. Boardman Treasurer W. Michael Cozort Clerk Sarah F. Alger Patricia S. Anathan Josette Blackmore Susan L. Blount Maureen Fennessy Bousa Anne Marie Bratton Calvin R. Carver Jr. Olivia Charney Wylie A. Collins Ana Ericksen John A. Hilton Carl Jelleme William E. Little Jr. Hampton S. Lynch

Friends of the NHA Vice President

Franci Neely Kennedy P. Richardson L. Dennis Shapiro Maria Spears Jason A. Tilroe Phoebe B. Tudor Finn X. Wentworth Jay M. Wilson

Friends of the NHA President

Alisa A. Wood David D. Worth Jr

COVER: Walden Chamber Players performing in Gosnell Hall at the Whaling Museum.

© 2017 Nantucket Historical Association

508 228 1894 p

15 Broad Street

508 228 5618 f

P. O. Box 1016


Nantucket, MA 02554-1016



Ex Officio William J. Tramposch Gosnell Executive Director

@ackhistory Nantucket Historical Association

Nantucket fishermen sail from a north-shore beach to their fish weirs, 1890s. (GPN3933)

Message to Our Members There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries, On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.

This is a fitting maritime quote for this island that has made a rich tradition of “taking the current when it serves,” be it as the whaling capital of the world or now as that special “faraway place” that speaks so eloquently to our souls. The Nantucket Historical Association, since 1894, has collected, preserved, and presented our stories in ways that attempt to define us, even in a world and a place that is ever changing. Our history, like all history, is “the study of change over time.” It introduces us to our human kin across the

—Brutus in Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3, by William Shakespeare

Annual Report 2016


2016–17 NHA Board of Trustees, top row, from the left: Carl Jelleme; Chip Carver; Ana Ericksen; John Hilton; Kelly Williams, vice president; Kennedy Richardson; David Worth; Bill Tramposch, Gosnell Executive Director; Ham Lynch, Friends of the NHA vice president; Sarah Alger; Dennis Shapiro; Wylie Collins; Susan Blount; and Jay Wilson, Friends of the NHA president. Bottom row, from the left, Olivia Charney; Franci Neely; Janet Sherlund, president; Maureen Bousa; and Josette Blackmore. Not pictured: Patricia Anathan; Bill Boardman, treasurer; Anne Marie Bratton; Michael Cozort, clerk; Will Little; Victoria McManus, vice president; Maria Spears; Jason Tilroe; Phoebe Tudor; Finn Wentworth; and Alisa Wood.

ages, and these introductions provide a perspective that enables us to stand more firmly here. And, because, as Nat Philbrick says, “Nantucket is a microcosm of America,” we are able from our unique perspective to see America more clearly through the lens of our island’s significant past. Our country and our culture are often accused of not valuing the past, and this observation is not new; Alexis de Tocqueville himself commented on it in his nineteenth-century classic Democracy in America. Nantucketers, however, have always demonstrated a reverence for their past and an appreciation for the messages that all tides of history have washed our way. In a world where change is everywhere, anyone who has lived on this island realizes that change doesn’t “go down” here without full comparison first to our past. The Nantucket Historical Association was founded

on the assumption that history, in times of flood and ebb, would be our best tutor and our best provider. The NHA’s ever-increasing supporters and visitors confirm this annually. We are proud to be a part of a cause that will far outlive us, that continues to provide such valuable perspective, and that has captured the attention and dedication of generations of people before us. And, we are now privileged to share with you this Annual Report for 2016, a reminder to all that, with each passing year, this association becomes ever more vibrant and essential. For this we thank you, and with this we hope you enjoy reflecting on another fortunate year in which you have played such an essential part. We thank you for your ongoing support.



President, Board of Trustees

Gosnell Executive Director


Nantucket Historical Association


Welcomed more than 90,000 visitors to the historic sites, walking tours, and Whaling Museum, with a record oneday attendance of 1,506 on Free Fun Friday, sponsored by the Highland Street Foundation, on July 29.

2016 Achievements Thank you to the numerous individuals, foundations, organizations, and businesses that enabled the NHA to achieve its goals and to provide so much to its members, visitors, supporters, and the community in 2016.

Membership Engaged our more than 2,500 members through member-morning programs, the annual meeting, member celebrations, and special tours.

Reaccreditation Conducted a year-long process of self-study in preparation for the American Alliance of Museums’ on-site reaccreditation evaluation of the Whaling Museum in March 2017. The museum first achieved AAM accreditation in 2007. John Lochtefeld, Dr. Tristram Dammin, Beverly Dammin, and Judy Lochtefeld at the Member Celebration Evening

Annual Report 2016


2016 Achievements

New Audiences Attracted new and next-generation audiences of island residents and summer visitors during Museum after Dark and eight sold-out Summer Sunset Series music programs on the Whaling Museum’s rooftop deck. Bill Tramposch, Gosnell Executive Director; Janet Sherlund, president; and Nathaniel Philbrick, honorary campaign chair, at the donor recognition celebration marking the success of the endowment and capital campaign.

Retirement of Executive Director Dr. William J. Tramposch, Gosnell Executive Director, announced his intention to retire in May 2017. During his eleven-year tenure, the NHA gained greater national visibility through accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums and engagement with professional organizations; greatly expanded community outreach with a focus on schools, diversity and inclusion, and cultural collaborations; progressed the restoration of its historic properties; achieved fivefold growth of the endowment; exhibited more of the collections in changing exhibitions; significantly increased grant support for its collections, programs, and people; and focused on staff retention through affordable housing and professional development. To watch his Food for Thought presentation, “Reflections on a Decade at the NHA,” go to YouTube.com/nantuckethistory.

Diversity and Inclusion Welcomed more than 400 community participants to the annual Diversity Festival and to Our Nantucket, which featured multicultural activities celebrating Mexico.

Public Programs

Served more than 5,700 participants at 88 public programs, including lectures, festivals, concerts, classes, and theatrical performances throughout the year. Debuted new series Hanna in Her Garden with Beverly Hall, left, at Greater Light and the curator-led What’s on That Shelf?! at the Whaling Museum to highlight the properties and collections. 6

Nantucket Historical Association

Educational Outreach Hosted more than 1,500 students at the Whaling Museum and historic sites with sixty-five school and youth groups, including forty-three visits from island schools and the fourth-grade overnight programs Night Watch with the Nantucket Elementary School and A Walk through Time with the Nantucket New School. Connected every Nantucket Elementary School student with Nantucket history during the continued Museum in My School program.

Night Watch

Nantucket by Design

Presented the inaugural Nantucket by Design, building on a thirty-nine-year tradition as the NHA’s major summer fundraiser, which included the Design Luncheon, All-Star Design Panel, and the New Party at the Oldest House. The week-long event was chaired by Maureen Fennessy Bousa.

Community Partners Partnered on programs with island and regional organizations, including the Community Foundation for Nantucket, One Book One Island, Nantucket Atheneum, Fairwinds, Theatre Workshop of Nantucket, ReMain Nantucket, Dharma Yoga, Dreamland Theater, Maria Mitchell Association, Nantucket Book Festival, Preservation Institute: Nantucket, Center for Coastal Studies, Nantucket Preservation Trust, North Bennet Street School, and Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, as well as with all of the island’s public and private schools and a number of off-island schools. Annual Report 2016


Planning Embarked on master planning for interpretation and exhibitions at the Whaling Museum and historic sites, as well as on development of a master plan for the future use of the Hadwen House.

2016 Achievements

Student Awards Presented the sixth annual NHA Scholarship to Shane O’Connor and the fourteenth Erwin L. Greenberg Book Award to Lee Geddes, both seniors at Nantucket High School.

Bandbox by Tony Sarg, 1930s. (2016.14)


Accessioned twenty-eight groups of Nantucket-related art and artifacts for the curatorial collections and ninety-eight groups of photographs and manuscripts for the Research Library and Archives that were purchased by or contributed to the NHA.

Event Rentals

Provided historic venues for thirty-five rentals for special functions— weddings, corporate events, and parties of all kinds—at the Hadwen House Garden, Oldest House, Quaker Meeting House, Greater Light, and the Whaling Museum. Produced the Create Your Own History brochure to promote event rentals.


Museum Shop Expanded the Museum Shop’s selections of popular historic photographs and high-quality reproductions and gifts, many of which are inspired by the changing exhibitions and the art and artifacts in the NHA’s collections.

Received a record number of competitive grants awarded by foundations and organizations in support of educational and diversity initiatives; exhibitions; collections stewardship; public programs; staff positions; and property restoration, A Night of Holiday Magic, supported by a grant from the landscaping, and renovation. Our ReMain Nantucket Fund. thanks to: Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation; Cape Cod Five Foundation; Charina Endowment Fund; Community Foundation for Nantucket; Highland Street Foundation; Institute of Museum and Library Services, Museums for America; the Larsen Fund; Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund; M. S. Worthington Foundation; Nantucket Community Preservation Committee; Nantucket Cultural Council; Nantucket Garden Club; Nantucket Golf Club Foundation; National Trust for Historic Preservation; ReMain Nantucket; the Tupancy-Harris Foundation; and an anonymous foundation. 8

Nantucket Historical Association

1800 House

Presented forty-seven classes during the twelfth year of the decorative arts and crafts program at the 1800 House. Conny Graft leads a museum-evaluation workshop

Professional Development Invested in staff professional development with participation and presentations at programs, workshops, and conferences, including the New England Museum Association, Scrimshaw Symposium, Blackbaud, the Council of American Maritime Museums, Museum Store Association, Whaling Symposium, Social Media for Nonprofits, Cape Cod Philanthropy Day, American Association for State and Local History, International Congress of Maritime Museums, Seminar for Historical Administration, American Library Association, Mill Workshop, Facility Dude, and the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce, as well as an all-staff trip to the Museum of Science, Boston.

Timeline of Nantucket History

What a View! Nantucket through the Stereoscope

The Coffin School: A Gift of Education

Exhibitions Installed the new Timeline of Nantucket History and two large murals in the Whaling Museum and added the Dollars and Scents exhibit to the Hadwen & Barney Oil and Candle Factory. Presented The Coffin School: A Gift of Education in the museum’s Mezzanine Gallery, and What a View! Nantucket through the Stereoscope at the Research Library’s Whitney Gallery. Concluded the two-year run of the Stove by a Whale: 20 Men, 3 Boats, 96 Days exhibition. Exhibitions at the museum in 2017 are Out of the Box: Unpacking Nantucket Stories in the McCausland Gallery and “Dear Absent Ones”: The Seafaring Pinkhams in the Nantucket Corner. Annual Report 2016


2016 Achievements

Museum Resources

Consolidated the properties, collections, and exhibitions; Research Library and Archives; interpretive planning; 1800 House; and maintenance and grounds functions into the new Department of Museum Resources.

Research Library Served more than 600 researchers at the Research Library and responded to nearly 2,500 requests for information about Nantucket history received by phone, e-mail, and mail. Fulfilled orders from the Digital Image Database for historic photographs for use in six films and television shows, twelve books, and fifteen magazines, as well as by nearly 200 individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and the NHA staff.

Jennifer Nieling, project costume and textile specialist, mounts a wedding dress (1987.217) for the Out of the Box: Unpacking Nantucket Stories exhibition.

Properties Update Completed the historic rehabilitation of the Macy-Christian House and the stabilization of the Old Gaol and began the rehabilitation of the windows and stabilization of the balcony at the Quaker Meeting House. Made campus-wide systems improvements, including replacing the sound system at the Whaling Museum, the roof on the Peter Foulger Museum building, and HVAC equipment for climate control of the collections at the Research Library and Gosnold Center. As approved by the NHA membership, sold the two non-core properties at 33 Orange Street and 10 Straight Wharf, the proceeds being added to the endowment. Quaker Meeting House


Nantucket Historical Association

The NHA’s Mission The Nantucket Historical Association tells the inspiring stories of Nantucket through its collections, programs, and properties.

Strategic Plan Objectives Achieving Financial Stability

Caring for Our Collections, Including Properties

A healthy financial base ensures that the NHA is the best possible steward of the collections, the properties, and the stories that tell of our island’s rich history. An increasingly healthy financial base ensures the association’s sustainability.

Our collections, be they Betty lamps or buildings, help us tell the story of this island over four centuries. Their perpetual care is crucial, as is our making these collections-based stories increasingly accessible for all to enjoy.

Providing Transformative Experiences

Providing and Promoting a Consistent Identity and Clear Brand

Our island is a “microcosm” of America, and so our stories are American stories. We believe that direct and moving encounters with our past make for a more informed and engaged public.

Annual Annual Report 2016

Fortunately, our portfolio of properties and programs is large, all the better for sharing the chapters of our history. However, as any book has many chapters, it also has a cover and a consistency about it that we, too, must have to ensure that our association’s message is clear, consistent, and compelling.


Front row, Design Luncheon speakers Joel Barkley, Thomas A. Kligerman, and John Ike of the Ike Kligerman Barkley architecture and interior design firm. Back row, Bill Tramposch, Gosnell Executive Director; Janet Sherlund, president; Maureen Fennessy Bousa, chair, Nantucket by Design; Hilary Gustafson, Design Luncheon moderator; and Maria Spears, chair, Design Luncheon and VIP Design Cocktail Party.

Giving 2016 Thank you to the many individuals, foundations, community organizations, local businesses, and corporations that so broadly and generously supported the Nantucket Historical Association’s places, programs, and people in 2016.

Annual Support

$100,000 and above

The NHA is grateful for the generous annual support received from memberships; donations to the Annual Fund and Year-End Appeal; corporate underwriting; grants; tribute gifts; and Joshua Hebert, CEO, Magellan Jets, presenting gifts for special programs, sponsor of Nantucket by Design, and Giana Armano exhibitions, and special at the New Party at the Oldest House. events, including Nantucket by Design, the Festival of Wreaths, and the Festival of Trees. Unrestricted operating funds nurture every aspect of the NHA—from the care of the properties and collections, to the delivery of public programs and educational outreach, to the development of our professional staff. Cumulative annual giving from these sources is reported for January 1 to December 31, 2016.

Estate of Nancy A. Chase Institute of Museum and Library Services Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986 Kim and Finn Wentworth

$50,000—$99,999 Charina Endowment Fund Connie and Dennis Keller Mr. and Mrs. William E. Little Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund Magellan Jets

$30,000—$49,999 Maureen and Edward Bousa Anne Delaney and Chip Carver Nantucket Community Preservation Committee Laura and Bob Reynolds Janet and Rick Sherlund Beverly Hall / William Froelich Foundation

$20,000—$29,999 Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth Nan and Chuck Geschke Franci Neely Margaret Ruttenberg, M.D., and John Ruttenberg Maria and Bill Spears Phoebe and Bobby Tudor


Nantucket Historical Association

Bill and Maria Spears, chair, Design Luncheon and Design VIP Cocktail Party


Anonymous Arrowhead Furniture and Nursery Susan Blount and Richard Bard Margaret Ritchie R. Battle Carol and Harold Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Duncan Ana and Michael Ericksen Susan Zises Green Barbara and Ed Hajim Barbara and Amos Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Judy Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Michael A. Kovner Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Estate of Barbara H. Malcolm Marine Home Center M. S. Worthington Foundation NEBCO Insurance Services Sarah and Jeff Newton Ann and Chris Quick ReMain Nantucket, LLC Susan M. and Kennedy P. Richardson Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Thekla and Don Shackelford Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro Jason Tilroe


Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan Michelle and Robert Atchinson Mary-Randolph Ballinger Marlene J. Benson Max N. Berry BNY Mellon, Wealth Management Susan and Bill Boardman Boston Design Center Anne Marie and Doug Bratton Brown-Forman Corporation Laura and Bill Buck Donald A. Burns Christy and Bill Camp Laurie and Bob Champion Connie and Tom Cigarran Congdon and Coleman Insurance Prudence and William Crozier Robyn and John Davis John M. DeCiccio Elizabeth Miller and James Dinan Don Allen Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Ram.

Edward and Maureen Fennessy Bousa, chair, Nantucket by Design

Farrow and Ball Ltd. Barbara J. Fife The Gilbert Verney Foundation Kaaren and Charles Hale Margaret and Gregory Hedberg Carl Jelleme Ann and Charlie Johnson Barbara E. Jones Coco and Arie L. Kopelman The Larsen Fund Estate of Howard L. Lewis Jr. Sharon and Frank Lorenzo Miriam and Sonny Mandell Bonnie and Peter McCausland Victoria McManus and John McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Nantucket Golf Club Foundation The Nantucket Hotel and Resort National Trust for Historic Preservation Britt and Diane Newhouse Mary and Al Novissimo / Novation Media Liz and Jeff Peek Kathryn and Roger Penske Ella Wall Prichard Maria and George Roach Linda Saligman Kathryn and John Salmanowitz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Samuels Kathleen and Robert Stansky Stark Carpet Harriet and Warren Stephens Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation Catherine Oppenheimer and Garrett Thornburg Mr. and Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Watkins Stephanie and Jay Wilson Leslie W. Forbes and David D. Worth Yellow Productions

Gale H. Arnold Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Janet and Sam Bailey Lili Baker Beverly and David Barlow Ms. Eileen Berman and Mr. Jay A. Bauer Mary Jane Bauer† Jane Beasley Gussie and Ken Beaugrand Kay and Peter Bernon David G. Berry Terri and Kurt Eichler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bills Josette and Jim Blackmore Blue Collar Productions Blue Flag Development Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth A. Gilbert-Bono and Mr. Mark L. Bono Botticelli and Pohl Architects Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez BPC Architecture Ms. Catherine Taylor and Mr. Carl Bradley Leslie and Thomas Bresette Patricia M. Bridier Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus III Christina Lee Brown Mary and David Brown Carol and William Browne Kelley Laurel and Dan Brownell Dr. James E. Bullock † Drs. James Burruss and Mary Fontaine Lisa and Don Callahan Katie Grover and Mike Campbell Cape Air / Nantucket Airlines Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Cape Cod Five Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carver Sr. Olivia and Felix Charney Cheney Brothers Building and Remodeling, LLC Dianna and Richard Chesley Meredith and Eugene Clapp Ms. Elizabeth K. Clyne Jenny and Wylie Collins Bessie and John Connelly Mrs. Martha W. Cox Mr. Bryan P. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Cozort Ms. Amanda B. Cross


Nancy and Doug Abbey Carrie and Leigh Abramson Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie Susan D. Akers Joanne and Michael Angelastro Marian Berg (Hundahl) Appley

Annual Report 2016

Denise and Jeff Elliott, senior vice president, NEBCO Insurance Services, sponsors of Nantucket by Design


Cru Cuddy Associates Mr. and Mrs. Kell Damsgaard David M. Handy Events Mary and Marvin Davidson Stephen A. Davis Lisa and Porter Dawson Lucy and Nat Day Amy E. Hauk and Scott M. Dehm Betsy and Bill Delphos Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Diamond Jr. Helen and Phil Didriksen Jennifer and Stephen Dolente Chris and Joe Donelan Connie and Dan Driscoll Paula Dore-Duffy and Michael Duffy Susu and Mike Dugas Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Rachel and Jim Dunlap Lori and Grady Durham Marianne and Tony Ehinger Terri and Kurt Eichler Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Eisenson Emeritus Development Empire Office Épernay Ernst and Elfriede Frank Foundation Jane and Richard Eskind Mr. and Mrs. John W. Everets Ezia Athletic Club Anne and Bill Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Jon Feinberg Marianne and Bob Felch Mr. and Mrs. Richard Field First Republic Bank Marcia Weber and James Flaws Mr. and Mrs. Randall Fojtasek Jane and Charles Forman Cece and Mack Fowler Freedman’s of Nantucket Mr. and Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman Jr. Karen McLaughlin Frist Hon. William H. Frist, M.D., and Mrs. Frist Elizabeth and Michael Galvin The Garden Group Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Garland Mrs. Jesse Gauvin Andrea and Ted Giletti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Giovine Mr. and Mrs. Graham C. Goldsmith Joyce and Mark Goldweitz

Giving 2016

Gayle and Robert Greenhill Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Greenspon Leslie King and Bart Grenier Sabine and Richard Griffin Wendy and Ben Griswold Suzy and Richard Grote Ann and Graham Gund Mary and Robert Haft Linda and Joe Hale Hanna D. Monaghan Trust Beverly and Donald Harris Amy and Brett Harsch Hatch’s Package Store Mr. and Mrs. Christian W. E. Haub Lucile W. Hays Paula and Schuyler Henderson Else and Ken Herman Ms. Dorothy K. Hesselman Highland Street Foundation Julia H. and John A. Hilton Jr. Hingham Institution for Savings Carla and Jack McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hofmann Laura Homan Nancy and Arthur Hooper Housefitters and Tile Gallery Mrs. Wendy Hubbell Hy-Line Cruises Joy H. Ingham The Inquirer and Mirror The Islander Package Store Elizabeth S. Jacobsen James Lydon, Sons and Daughters Daintry and Reb Jensen Jewel in the Sea Jockey Hollow Foundation Johnson Controls, Inc. Ann and Johnny Johnson Johnstons of Elgin Cindy and Evan Jones Mr. Harvey C. Jones Jr. Jordan Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jubeir Judy Family Foundation Liz and Matthew Kamens Marjie and Robert Kargman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kennedy Kathryn and James† Ketelsen Killen Real Estate Mary Beth and Adam Kirsch Emily and Andrew Kotchen Nan Lampe Margaret Hallowell and Stephen P. Langer Janet and Christopher Larsen

Mr. and Mrs. David Lashway Mrs. Caroline M. Lathrop Lisa and Bruce Lawler Ginger and John Laytham Lemon and Line Edi and Sal Lentini Madeline Marzano-Lesnevich and Walter Lesnevich Carol and Fred Levinger Mrs. Kathryn C. Lieb Janet and Keith Lindgren Martha and Robert Lipp Vicki Livingstone Grace and Ken Logan Jane and John Loose Mrs. Clara J. Lovell Mrs. Helen Lynch Gerry and Jeff Lynch Carolyn and Ian MacKenzie Alice and J. Thomas Macy Mary and Bob McCann Deedie and Ted McCarthy Ms. Susan B. McCollum Carla and Jack McDonald Holly and Marty McGowan Toni and Martin McKerrow Abigail P. Johnson and Christopher McKown Beth and Kevin McMeen Patricia A. White and James F. Meehan Clare Casademont and Michael Metz Bunny and Duff Meyercord Rory and Howard Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Peter de F. Millard Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Milly and Grace Miriam and Herbert Mittenthal Laurie and Bob Monahan Barbara and Richard Morgan Winnie and Chris Mortenson Morgan and Allen Morton Mr. and Mrs.† Carl T. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Muhlhauser Heather and Jimmy Mulvihill Mrs. Joanne R. Murphy Nantucket Bank, a division of Blue Hills Bank Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Insurance Agency / PURE Group of Insurance Companies Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Pharmacy Nantucket Tents Mr. Robert J. Newhouse Jr. Judy and Stephan Newhouse

Aileen and Scott Newquist Lynn and Nick Nicholas Sharon and David Northrup Norton Preservation Trust Anne and Edwin Obrecht Ann and C. Hardy Oliver Ms. Anne O’Neil Mrs. Eleanor Q. O’Neill Kathy and Angelo Orciuoli Maureen Orth Parker Scheer, LLP Ellen Flamm and Richard Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan Melissa and Nat Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pidcock Kristene F. Pierce Julia and Larry Pollock Karen W. Rainwater Ralph Lauren Suzanne and Sandy Rand Regina and George Rich Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Sharon and Frank Robinson Ellen and Ken Roman Marion and Robert Rosenthal Ellen and David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rubenstein Bonnie J. Sacerdote Sandra Holland and Alfred Sanford Denise and Andrew Saul Cary and John Schaperkotter Wendy and Eric Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider Donna Cooper and Karl Schulz Denise and Robert Schwed Mrs. Elizabeth Scott Linda and Lee Scott Deborah J. Bryan Susan and Robert Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Smialowski Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Diane and Guy Snowden Burson and Pete Snyder Daisy M. Soros Barbara and David Spitler Betty† and Frank† Spriggs Katherine T. Wood and David T. Sprouls The Steamship Authority The Rev. C. William and Linda Steelman Remy A. Stressenger Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. C. Sullivan Ambassador Louis and Marjorie Susman


Kate Lubin and Glendon Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Taylor Ms. Beth Terrana Judith and Bill Thompson The Tile Room Tito’s Vodka Rachel Hobart and Edward Toole Peggy and Bill Tramposch Trunk Club Tucker Blair Jane A. Tyler The UPS Store Deb and Don Van Dyke Mrs. Susan W. Weatherley Webster and Company Weyhill and Wharf Caroline and F. Helmut Weymar Clark Whitcomb Mrs. Marilyn J. Whitney Alisa and Alastair Wood Suzanne† and Robert Wright Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wullschleger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Jr. Robert A. Young Young’s Bicycle Shop Scott Widmeyer and Alan Yount Susan and Jeffrey Zimmer


A Taste of Nantucket Anne and Christopher Acker Nora and Edgar Ancona Georgine and Frank Anton Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Armstrong Kathy Garre-Ayars and Thomas Ayars The Barnacle Inn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bartlett Bartlett’s Farm Sharon and George Bassett The Beachside at Nantucket Judy and John Belash Jackie and Bill Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Robi Blumenstein Myrna and Ronald Bocage Joan R. Bolling Jeanine and Alastair Borthwick Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bowditch Dana and David Boyce Brass Lantern Inn Vivian Braunohler Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenizer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bridges Evangeline Morphos and Alan Brinkley Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Brown Julie Jensen-Bryan and Robert Bryan

Nantucket Historical Association

Eileen and Robert Butler C. Richard Loftin, Attorney at Law Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr. Gail and Chris Camalier Peggy and Grant Cambridge Cape Cod Express, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Carey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George U. Carneal Deirdre and Francis Carr Mary Cavanaugh Chip Webster and Associates CMC Construction Cobblestone Caretaking Mr. Birch Coffey Mr. Zach Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Congdon Marion Roland Conley Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Conley Suellen Ward and John Copenhaver Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Cranberry Transportation / All Point Taxi and Tours Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daisey Alexandra and David Dalury Mrs. Cynthia Danforth Linda and Dan de Menocal Jayne C. and Brian F. DeBiasio Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Deck Descendants of Sheriffs and Constables of Colonial and Antebellum America The DiGravio Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter DiVenere Beth English and Mark Donato Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Drazen The Egan Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Einstein Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ernst Ms. Jane Kathryn Evans Mary and Frank Fahrenkopf Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fiertz Ms. Anne Fitzpatrick Carol and Robert Foley Four Winds Gifts, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox Kim and Rob Frisbie Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gagnier Sharon and Bob Gardner Geronimo’s Ltd. Nancy and Carl Gewirz Go Figure Barre Studio Nantucket Ms. Cheryl Woodford and Mr. Almond Goduti Dr. and Mrs. Elliot R. Goldberg Ms. Elizabeth M. Goodfellow

Joan and John Goodwin Mark Hays Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Gould Maria and Joseph T. Grause Toby Greenberg Ms. Tamara Greenman Diane and Jeff Groff Ms. Mary G. O’Connell and Mr. Peter J. Grua Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gund Patricia Casale and Gary Gut Mr. and Mrs. Luke Gutelius Karoly and Hank Gutman Mary and Richard Hafner Ms. Myrna Haft Carolyn Lamm and Peter Halle Donna Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hanan Mr. and Mrs. Jason Harman Barbara Harris / Water Jewels Stan Harvey and Craig Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hayden Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Healey Jr. Mary W. Heller Ms. Sandra A. Urie and Mr. Frank F. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hjulstrom Julia and William Hobart Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hodge Linda and Peter Hoey Anthony J. Gampetro and Ronald W. Hoffman Rose M. Gonnella and Frank Holahan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hollister Mrs. Mary Margaret Holmes Ann and Peter Holmes Hollie and Jamie Holt Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopper The Horchow Family Lois and John Horgan Maureen Phillips and Douglas Horst, M.D. Ms. Gale Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Hutcheson III Ike Kligerman Barkley Horace H. Irvine II It’s a Shore Thing Natalie Jacobson Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson Maryann and Bardwell Jones Ms. Catherine C. Jones Claire Fraser and Jack Kammer Peggy and Eli Kaufman Sharon and James Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kelly Thomas A. Kershaw Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Klawetter

Annual Report 2016

Kate and Chris Kling Ms. Carolyn M. Knutson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laffont Joan and Ed Lahey Mr. Robert Lahey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LaRocco Pam Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lathrop Mrs. Jill L. Leinbach The Lenzner Family Sue and Byron Lingeman Susan Lister Locke Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lucier Judy and John MacLeod Madaket Marine Mary D. Malavase Sarah F. Alger and Bruce J. Malenfant Margaret and Charles Marino Tracey and Bill Marshall Mrs. Marilee Matteson Courtney and Greg McKechnie Darina and Allan McKelvie Mr. and Mrs. William McNabb III Susan and Paul Meister Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Meyers Cynthia and Lee Milazzo Elizabeth Milias Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Miller Mr. Chas Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Moore Siobhán O’Mahony and William Moore Tracey and Greg Morzano Charlotte Moss Sonya E. Keene and John T. Moy Pamelee and Raymond Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy Murray’s Toggery Shop, Inc. Nantucket Cultural Council Nantucket Island Homes Nantucket Looms Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Mrs. Anne P. Olsen Pageo Jewelers Dr. and Mrs. E. Prather Palmer Karen and John Palmer Kim and Ernie Parizeau Joanne Sullivan and Neil Paterson Mr. and Mrs. William F. Paulsen Lesley and Girvin Peters Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Phelan Ms. Barbara Pine Pinwheels Martha and Charley Polachi Gene E. K. and Robert L. Pratter Ms. Judith G. Prause


Nancy and Bob Puff Ms. Kimi C. Puntillo Quidley & Company Susan and Harry Rein Mr. and Mrs. John Riccio Gary McBournie and William Richards Sheila K. Riggs and Richard C. Riggs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley Hon. Vincent and Monica Rippa David M. Roche Judith K. Rushmore Mr. Charles E. Ryan Melanie and Robert Sabelhaus Mr. and Mrs. Bijan J. Sabet Mr. and Mrs. William Saltonstall Sandcastle Construction Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sanford Schwartz Hannum PC Heather Reisman and Gerald Schwartz Mrs. Gretchen G. Schymik Ivy and Fran Scricco Mr. and Mrs. Donnell A. Segalas Mrs. Randee Seiger Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Nancy and Joe Serafini Heidi Cox and George Seyfert Mary and David Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Shear Happy and Sam Shipley Mrs. Mary G. Farland and Mr. J. Donald Shockey Trudy and Fred Slater Dorothy Slover Mr. Tommy Stefanek Lauren and Eric Stein Peter C. Steingraber Stover Engineering and Construction, Inc. Paula and Bernie Swain Allen A. Schuh and Jonathan C. Swain Merrielou and Ned Symes Mr. and Mrs. David Tashjian Linda R. Taylor Twig Perkins, Inc. Clara Urbahn Mr. and Mrs. K. Morgan Varner III Nancy and Carlo Vittorini Barbara von der Groeben Marie and Rick Wackenhut Denise and Bill Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Duncan F. Will Janice A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Wolpow Mr. and Mrs. Ben Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Woods Betsy and Joe Wright

Giving 2016

Amy Masterson and Marc Yacone Zero Main


97.7 ACK-FM and 89.5 NCK-FM, Nantucket’s NPR Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Abate Colette† and James Abbott ACKtivities Jennifer and John Addeo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Affleck III Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Ahlborn Skip and Lu Ahnemann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Albani Joan P. Albaugh Ms. Susan I. Stackpole and Mr. Dominick Alberino Dorothy and Dale Albright Megan DuBois and Jonathan Alden Mr. and Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Jr. Elizabeth Anathan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Andersen Mr. and Mrs. John B. Anderson II Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Anderson Marcia and Stephen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Andlinger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Andrews Mr. Vincent Andrews Margaretta and William Andrews Annie and the Tees Antiques Depot Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Arvay Mr. Leo C. Asadoorian D. Anne and Rick Atherton Carol and Gene Atkinson Jean and Tom Austin Lindsey and Merrick Axel Ms. Susan Ayd Mr. and Mrs. Roeland Baan Helen and Thomas Baca Ms. Kristina Bagmeta Anne and Thomas† Bailliere Mr. and Mrs. James Baisley Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Baker Margit C. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baldassano Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Baldock Vice Admiral (USN Ret) and Mrs. John A. Baldwin Ruth C. Baltzer Eileen Gebrian and Timothy Barberich

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Barkan Mr. and Mrs. Barry Barksdale Mr. Curtis L. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barnes Nancy and Lee Barnes Mr. Brian Barnett Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barney III Mr. Peter Barresi Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barrett Ms. Kathleen J. Horton and Mr. Kevin J. Barry Carole and John Bartholdson Ms. Susan M. Cosper and Mr. Brian K. Bartlett Mr. John B. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Basilevsky Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Eric Baurmeister Allison and John Beadles Mr. and Mrs. John S. Beale Wendy and David Beardsley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beardsley Ms. Caleagh Cazzetta and Mr. Peter Beaton Creech Kathie and Bill Beattie Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Beck Dr. and Mrs. Herb C. Becker Ms. Carla Kindt and Mr. William Beckett Sally and Dick Beckwith Pat and Rick Belford Priscilla and Andy Bender Margaret and Neil Benedict Bruce Beni Jocelyn and Craig Beni Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bennett Jeanne and John Bennett Linda and Robert Berger Martha and Ira Berlin Nancy and Ronald Berman Mr. and Mrs. Brendon P. Bernard Binth Rustad and Norm Berthelette Bespoke SRC Events and Party Provisioning Ms. Clara Bingham Mr. and Mrs. William Birch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bires Sandi and Robert Blanda Cristina Blank Ms. Karen Bloomfield Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bloomstone Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boening Bolder Books, LLC Paulette and Fred Boling Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bolles Kathy and Tom Bologna

Ms. Ann P. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Bordes Ms. Jane Bourette Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bouscaren Mr. and Mrs. James Boutot Allison and Chris Bovard Sara B. Boyce Ms. Constance C. Boyle Ms. Andrea Bradford Mr. and Mrs. David Bradt Ms. Heather L. Able and Mr. Paul A. Bragg Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bralower Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. M. Brannock Brant Point Inn Alicia and Ben Bratton Ms. Elizabeth B. Braun Mr. Larry P. Breakiron Lucy and Huntington Breed Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bresler Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Briskman Mrs. Nancy Broll Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Diana T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brown Marsha Hall Brown and Robert S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brusca Judy and Bob Brust Polly Morozov and Vuk Bulajic Ms. Sarah C. Bullard Ms. Barbara E. Bund Elton and Doug Burch Mrs. Jacquelyn Burke Mrs. Lia H. Burke Mrs. Barbara H. Burmester Mimi and Jon Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns Ms. Katherine Jetter and Mr. Daniel Burrell Luann and Graham Burton Dr. and Mrs. George P. Butterworth Ellen Mitchell and Charles Byrne Sandra Byrne Mr. Kenneth L. Cady Ms. Mandy Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Lee Calhoon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Callahan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Campanella Ms. Kristin Campbell Ms. Caroline A. Cannon Mrs. Nancy Weeks-Cantone and Mr. Greg Cantone Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Caplan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Caponigro Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Carey


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Carey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Carini Mrs. Catherine C. Peters-Carle and Mr. Raymond E. Carle Kate Clark and Miles Carlisle The Carlisle House Inn Martha A. Carr Janis E. Carreiro Ms. Liz Weiss and Mr. Tim Carruthers Mrs. Judy A. Carter Anna and Erik Caspersen Pat Catchpole Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Cathles III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Catlin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield Mrs. Susan H. Cavanaugh Mr. John C. Chadbourne Mr. Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Chan Ms. Barbara Chapin Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chapman Jr. Sally and Richard Charpie Dr. and Mrs. Edward Chibaro Margaret B. Childs Ms. Hillary Chisholm Sandi and Phil Chomo Carol and Poul-Erik Christensen Cisco Brewers Mr. and Mrs. Don Claffey Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Clark III Ms. Mary Davis and Mr. Mark Clausen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Coblentz Ms. Alexandra G. Cody Mr. Alfred Coffin Brenda J. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Coffin Ms. Brenda M. Williams and Mr. Robert L. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohen Ms. Patience W. Cohn Drs. Stephen R. and Helen S. Colen Mr. Andrew Collar Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Collins Mr. Ryan Collopy Compass Rose Real Estate Peg and Phil Condon Sara P. and William R. Congdon Louise and William Connell Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Connolly Ms. Patricia Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Connolly Sharon and Steve Conway Ms. Railey Cooley Mrs. Lindsey Cooper Kimberly C. Corkran Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Coscia

Nantucket Historical Association

Ms. Sara Cousins Dr. Glynne C. Couvillion Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowzer Kendra and Philip Cox The Craig Family / Sherry Craig Lowe, Haydi Craig Hurley, and Tina Craig Moore Mr.† and Mrs. John E. Craighead Christina and Christopher Crampton Ms. Hilary Craven Mr. Jay Craven Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Cross Mr. and Mrs. John Cross Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Crowley Dr. and Mrs. D. F. S. Crowther Ms. Patrice Cuddy Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Cueto Debbi and Peter Culbertson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Curhan Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Curren Ms. Michelle Perrault and Mr. Anthony Czarzasty Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D’Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Daly Mr. James P. Dalzell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Damashek Ms. Jennifer Eckert and Mr. Richard D’Amore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dane Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dapra Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Darden Mrs. Sheila Daume Janie and Jerry Dauterive Dr. and Mrs. John D’Avella Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey B. Davis Mr. George P. Davis Mrs. Ramona Davis Sandra and Marshall Keys Jane L. and Jonathan W. Delano Ms. Sabrina Dellorusso Denby Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeNeufville Dennis Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Alan Deombeleg Design Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Deutsch Susan M. Deutsch Mr. Robert Devine Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. Dew Anne and Patrick Dewez Penny Dey Elaine and Manny Dias Ms. Helen Kalevas and Mr. Todd W. Dickinson

Mr. Bryan Diggle Mr. and Mrs. James B. Digney Mrs. Lucille DiGravio Amy and John Dilatush Linda and Joseph DiMartino Mary Ellen and Kevin Dineen Mr. and Mrs. Carmine DiSibio Maureen and Bob Dobies Gerald Crown and Paul Dobrowolski Ms. Aimee Picchi and Mr. Peter Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Dolan Mr. Timothy Donza Dennie Doran Mr. and Ms. James Doughan Jan and Tom Dougherty The Downyflake Ms. Susan Halley and Mr. Robert Dowsett Judith and Daniel Drake Christine and Anthony Drappi Ms. Heidi L. Drew Mary V. Drew Driftwood Construction, Inc. Lois and Bill Druckemiller Janet Duane N. Jean Duarte Mr. Marc DuBour Mrs. Mary M. Duffin Mr. and Mrs. James Duffy III Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dunn Miss Meaghan Dunn Lyndon and Terry Dupuis EBSCO Industries, Inc. Edith Delker Real Estate Egan Maritime Institute Mary and David Eklund Mr. Nelson Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Elkman Tish Emerson Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw and Mr. John P. Emert Mr. William Emery Enjoy Nantucket Ms. Laurel A. Coben and Mr. Travis F. Epes Mr. and Mrs. Jesse P. Ercoli Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ernst IV Barbara M. Erskine Mr. Erik Evans Dr. Lisa A. Carey and Dr. Matthew G. Ewend Margaret and John Falk Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fallon Jr. Mr. Stephen Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Fallon Jennie and Mark Famiglio Maia and Donald Farish

Annual Report 2016

Diane and Arthur Kelly at the campaign celebration Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Farrell Trudy Dujardin and Frank Fasanella Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Feder Sheila and Matt Fee Julija Mostykanova Feeney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fellon Mr. Christopher Ferrara Mary Ellen Ferrel Diane and Will Ferris Mrs. Denise Harris-Fiems and Mr. Dennis Fiems Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Fifield Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Finamore Mr. and Mrs. John Finerty Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fink Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Finn Margaret Burke and Dennis Fiori Dr. and Mrs. Josef E. Fischer Anne and Lucas Fischer Mrs. Joan J. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Flax Laura S. Fletcher Ms. Joanne A. McCaffrey and Mr. William E. Floring Flowers on Chestnut Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Folger Follain Betsy† and Jerry Ford Bonnie and Robert Ford Mrs. Claudia Formoe Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Forster Mrs. Kristen Fortin Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fowlkes Annabelle and Gregory Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Denny Fox Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fox Dr. Faith H. Frable and Mr. Godfrey A. Frable Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fraga


Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Franzen Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Frascati Barbara and Jack Fraunfelder Ms. Sarah Fraunfelder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Freeman Phyllis and Stuart Freilich Samantha and Matt Fremont-Smith Mary and Herb Frerichs Betsy and Don Freytag Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Frick Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Friedman Dianne and Paul Friel Ciara and Jack Fritsch Mr. and Mrs. Eric Frost Mr. and Mrs. Marcus D. Fuller Kate C. Stout and Pete N. Funkhouser G. S. Hill Gallery Mr. and Ms. John H. Galloway III Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Gammill Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gannon Ms. Jaime Ganson The Garden Design Company Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Garofalo Mrs. Deborah Gaslow Karen Ketterer and Paul Gaynor Denis H. Gazaille Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Gee Ms. Lisa Geib Dottie and Lou Gennaro Dr. Louise Schneider and Dr. John Genova Katherine and Michael Geoghegan Elizabeth and Peter Georgantas Ms. Suzann Johnson and Dr. Art Gertel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Getter Patricia and Peter Gilbreth Mrs. Marie D. Gildehaus Ms. Annabelle Giletti Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gill

Giving 2016

Sally and Josh Gillenson Peter Ginn Bettye and John Girvin Mr. Christopher Glowacki Glyn’s Marine, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Goddard Peggi and Steve Godwin Sandy and Ed Goldman Mr. and Mrs. John N. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goldsmith

Ms. Hilary Gustafsson Mrs. Beverly J. Haas Linda Hadley Jean R. Haffenreffer Mr. and Mrs. Ryan N. Hagglund Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hahn Ellen and Tom Hakes Sally and Brooks Hall Jean and Hugh Halsell Polly Ann Halsted†

Mrs. Sarah K. Hindle Mr. and Mrs. Don Hinkley Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hofsess Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogya Ms. Heidi Holdgate Judy and Bill Holding Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Holland Michelle and Tucker Holland Barbara and Richard Holt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Holtman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Honnor Ms. Lisa Wohlleib and Mr. Seth Hoogasian Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hoopes Mrs. Susan Crehan Hostetler Hostetler Gallery Louise and Bill Hourihan Ms. Tyrrell Flawn and Dr. John P. Howe Mrs. Lisa Howe Kelley and Greg Howell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Howell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hulme Eileen and Arthur S. Hulnick Ms. Elizabeth Hunt Haydi Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hussey Mr. Scott G. Huston Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hutchison III Joseph K. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Ron Irving Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irwin Islandwide Realty Ms. Anne Troutman and Mr. Aleks Istanbullu Ivy Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Jackowitz Ms. Ann Martindale and Mr. Stephen D. Jacobs Ms. Susan E. O’Connell and Mr. Stephan T. Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jagger James Robinson Inc. Liza and Brad Jancik Javatime Design Mr. Justin L. Jeffers Ms. Mary R. Jeka Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jennings Jr. Erin and Duggan Jensen Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jerden Mr. and Mrs. Julian Joffe Virginia Joffe Mr. Crosby Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Erik O. Johnson Linda Vine Johnson and John Johnson

Julia Hilton, Anne Obrecht, and Carolyn MacKenzie at the campaign celebration Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Goldstein Ms. Madalyn L. Mann and Mr. Robert C. Goldszer Ms. Kristen Gaughan and Mr. John Gonnella Mr. Robby Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Goodnow Janie and Gene Goodwillie Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gorham Dr. Maria Smith and Dr. Thomas Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gosh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Grabos Graficas Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gragg Mr. Justin Cerne and Mr. Andrew Graham Judy Deutsch and Norman Graham Mr. and Mrs. William H. Graham Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W. Green Susan and Edward Greenberg Fifi Greenberg Stacey W. Stuart and Peter J. Greenhalgh Greenwood Alarm and Key Company Ms. Lindsay Torpey-Cross and Mr. Christian Greer Mr. Kellan Grenier Greydon House Mr. and Mrs. William E. Grieder Jr. Ms. Sharon S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Grillo Jean and Garth Grimmer Debbie Lewis and Bob Grinberg Karen and Doug Grip Ms. Margo Grodsky Hon. and Mrs. Ray W. Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. William Guardenier Lauren and Paul Gudonis Mr. and Mrs. Brad Guidi Joan and Phil Gulley Mr. and Mrs. Zack Gund

Roberta and Gary Hamblin Barbara and Jerry Hamelburg Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Hammer Mrs. Melissa J. Hancock Handlebar Cafe Mr. Donald Dallaire and Mr. David M. Handy Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge C. Hanes Mrs. Janet MacKay-Hanlon and Mr. Francis Hanlon Ms. Annie Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harde Mr. and Mrs. C. Steven Harkness Mark S. Harmsen Mr. and Mrs. Aubry L. Harper Janet and Richard Hart Margot Grace Hartmann Mr. Tom Harty Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Khaled S. Hashem Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Robert Havery Elizabeth, Bob, and Hila Head Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Headley Mary G. Heard Maureen and Philip G. Heasley Mr. Chance Heath Miss Ashley Hecker Ms. Kate Heffernan Mr. John M. Heggem Nina and Bob Hellman Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Hempleman Eric Henry Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Henry Kathryn and Ned Hentz Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Heyda Candy and Mason Heydt Jeanne and Peter Hicks Elin Hilderbrand Judi and Greg Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hillary Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Hilzenrath


Mrs. Susan Short Johnson and Mr. John S. Johnson Ms. Linda S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. M. Carl Johnson III Ms. Ann-Margaret Johnston Simon S. Jones, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jones Ms. Valerie Jones Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jones Jr. Janet B. Joy Sydna and William Julian Debbie and Ray Kahn Katherine Kaizer Katie Kaizer Photography Thea and Pete Kaizer Betsy and Kevin Kalman The John D. Kann Family Mr. Bruce M. Kaplan Ms. Diane Pitt and Mr. Mitch Karlin Mr. Douglass Karp Mr. and Mrs. Woodward A. Kay Robert M. Kaye Mr. and Mrs. David G. Kaytes Caroline Montgomery and John Keane Mr. Floyd E. Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kellogg Jr. Linda and George Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Kelly Mr. Joseph D. Gioe and Mr. Stephen T. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John Kendrick Patricia and Gerard Keneally Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Kennedy Ms. Suzanne Kennedy Patty and Michael Kepenash Sandra and Marshall Keys Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kickham Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kies Patience E. Killen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Killian Mr. and Mrs. Chris King Nina and David King Kingdom County Productions Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Kingham Mr. and Mrs. T. Barry Kingham Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Kinney Carol and Ken Kinsley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiss Catharine and Kenneth Klaus Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Kleiman Ms. Blue Balliett and Mr. William R. Klein Dr. and Mrs. R. Frederic Knauft Margaret Koehm, M.D. Mr. Bruce K. Komiske

Nantucket Historical Association

Martha Dippell and Daniel Korengold Denise and Jack Korngold Ms. Kimberly Stiner and Mr. Demian Kosofsky Mrs. Barbara E. Kotalac Jill Hagen-Kovach and Jeffrey Kovach Susan R. and James S. Kozera Jacqueline and Eric Kraeutler Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kramer Mr. Hristo Krastev Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Krause Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Krumeich II Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kryder Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kubick Mr. Robert Kucharavy Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kupper Jr. Miss Molly Kussell Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle Ms. Rachel Labbee Denise LaBombard Nancy Gillespie and Ulrich Lachler Ms. Pamela S. LaFontaine Mary Walsh and Allan LaFrance Ms. Alice Russell and Mr. John Laing Cynthia and Anthony Lamport Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lane Mr. and Mrs. J. Hicks Lanier Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larrabee Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott LaShelle Ms. Eleanor Lasko Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Latham Ms. Loretta A. Yoder and Mr. Kyle L. Latshaw Ms. Rebecca F. Lauer and Dr. Richard T. Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Conan Laughlin Irma and Talbert Lauter Dr. and Mrs. Jock Lawrason Elizabeth Yerxa Layton Ms. Alison Barr and Mr. Michael Lazerwitz Le Languedoc Bistro Mr. and Mrs. William E. Learnard Mr. and Mrs. John G. Leddy Mr. Theodore Lee Mrs. Amarilice Lefton Mr. and Mrs. David J. Leggett Leggiadro Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Leinbach Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lencyk Cynthia and Chuck Lenhart Jill and Jim Lentowski Miss Meg Lesko Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lesko Ms. Ellen Levitt

Allison M. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Levy Mr. George Lewis Ms. Carol P. Searle and Mr. Andrew J. Ley Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Liddell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Liddy Dr. and Mrs. Carl Lieberman Ms. Sherre Wilson-Liljegren and Mr. Bruce W. Liljegren Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lilly Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Lindgren Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsay Lindsay, Inc. Victoria E. Girvan-LiPuma and Joseph P. LiPuma Penelope and Peter Lisi Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Lochner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Lochtefeld Mrs. Pamela F. Lohmann Sue A. MacNaughton and Richard T. Lohr Roberta and Peter Louderback Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Louer Tricia and Jim Lowe Sherry Craig Lowe Beth and Thomas Lowy Alanna Lucas and Will Lucas Mr. Robert Lucchini Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lynch Mary-Adair Macaire Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacColl Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall MacDonaldHodgson Penny and Dual Macintyre Ms. Shannon Mackey-Bojack Mary Jane and William MacLean Deborah Troutman† and Angus MacLeod Robin and Barry MacTaggart Thomas L. Macy Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Maffeo Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Maggio Ms. Nina T. Magnani Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maier Catherine and Marty Majestic Ms. Catherine T. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Maloney Victoria and Colin Maltby Sarah A. Maneikis Ms. Molly H. Harding and Mr. Joseph W. Manning Mr. and Mrs. Paul Manning Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manus Robert Franklin and Charles Mappin Mr. Bill Marasco Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Marcus

Annual Report 2016

Miss Emily Margolis Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marks Jr. Patricia Maroni Kathrina and John Marques Dr. William F. Marscher IV Ms. Haley Marten Nancy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martucci Ann and Dennis Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Mason Poppi Massey Ms. Janine A. Matsko Kathleen and Chris Matthews Ann B. Maury Ms. Mary C. Burke and Ms. Nancy E. Mayo Mary E. McAuliffe Claire E. McCann Jen and John M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. McCouch Mr. Garry Cox and Mr. Don McDermett Barbara Alvord McGhee Pat and Charles McGill Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGinnis Mrs. Agnes McGrail Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. David McGrath Sandy Medallis and Tom McGrath Mr. and Mrs. James A. McGraw Mr. John A. McGuinn Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire Mary Lou McGuire Barbara and James McInerney Dr. and Mrs. James R. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. James R. McIntosh Katherine Watts and Dale McIvor Mrs. Oriana McKinnon Rhoda H. Weinman and Joseph J. McLaughlin Juliette C. McLennan Mr. Edwin R. McMullen III Ms. Julie S. McNamara Jane and Rory McNeil Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. McNulty Ms. Joan McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Alan Medaugh Barbara Sachnoff Mendlowitz Cristin D. Merck Pam and Rich Merriman Ms. Victoria R. Vitarelli and Mr. Tyler C. Merson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Meyers Mr. Chad Labenz and Mr. Michael Meyers Mr. and Mrs. John Mezzalingua


Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Middleton Jessica and Richard Millard Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Miller Rebecca and Dean Miller Polly and Nick Miller Jane and John Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mr. Robert M. Mitchell Miss Rose Mitchell Mitchell’s Book Corner Mr. and Mrs. David Mittelbusher Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mittelbusher Drs. Diane B. and Craig T. Montgomery Ms. Sarah Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mooradian Moore Woodworking Inc. Jaye and David Moore Mr. William S. King and Mr. Justin D. Moore Mrs. Barbara J. Moran Mr. Terrence P Moran Joyce and James Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Morin Ms. Jill Morris Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse Jamie Lisa Moss Motto Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Hans N. Muellers Ms. Carole Murko and Mr. Jim Finnerty Mrs. Erin Murphy Tracy and Bill Murray Ms. Eileen M. Muse Miss Kim Myers Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Nantucket Carving and Folk Art, Inc. Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Coffee Roasters / The Bean Nantucket Culinary Center Nantucket Cultural Council Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Fusion Inc. Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Events Nantucket Office Products Nantucket Snapbooth Nantucket Sole Nantucket’s On Island Chefs Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Nardella Mr. Glenn Nardone Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O. Nash Jean and David Nathan Dr. and Mrs. Larry Nathanson Diane and Eloy Nava Elisabeth and William Neff Jenny and Dwight Nelson

Giving 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Newhouse III Mr. and Mrs. R. James Nicholson Anne and Jeffrey Nielsen Mr. Paul Gaucher and Mr. Peter Niemitz Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Nietsch Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nopper Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Normand Diana and John Northrop Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Nottebohm Harriet and Robert Noyes Ms. Tilly Bagshawe and Mr. Robin Nydes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Obermeyer Mrs. Katharine S. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ochsner Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Oden Mr. and Mrs. Erik Oken Ms. Julia Blanchard and Mr. Andrew Okun Ms. Nicole Marks and Mr. Jason Olbres Elizabeth Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Olsen Mr. Thomas J. Kim and Mr. John F. Olson Ms. Kathryn Olson Lorraine and Robert Olson Ms. Kate H. O’Reilly Deborah DuBois and Robert Orlandi Sally and Michael Orr Mr. and Mrs. John Osowa Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ottani Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ottison Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Owen Mr. and Mrs. David R. Owens Valerie and Jeffrey Paley Mr. Michael Pallotta Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Panner Mr. George C. Pappageorge Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Parker Trisha and Michael Passaro Mr. and Mrs. David Paulin Ms. Lindy Paull Mrs. Desislava Pavlova Nancy and Michael Peacock Ms. Alexandra G. Abbott and Mr. Shawn F. Pedersen Scott Peltier and Philip A. Nardone Mr. and Mrs. James A. Perelman Abby and Steve Perelman Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Peri Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perlman Pamela Perun

Laura and David Peterson Mrs. Christine Petrella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrini Mr. and Mrs. Rob Petty Miss Christina Pfaff Ms. Paula McLeod and Mr. James Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Pfund Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phelan Judith and Richard Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips Rev. Susan S. Phillips Ms. Georgiann Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pietrafesa Ms. Tanja Herron and Mr. Ingo Pitterle Placesetters, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Plandowski Janice L. Plourde Mr. and Mrs. John M. Plukas Sheila David and David Policansky Mr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Max Polster Ms. Alex Popova Ms. Renee Portnoy Mrs. Cynthia M. Powell Mr. and Mrs. David Powell Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah W. Powell Judith Powers Miss Rachel Powers Miss Sarah Powers Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Pranzo Ms. Adrienne Prassas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pretz Drs. Margaret A. and Trevor R. Price Cheri and Lev Prichard Judith W. M. Prohaska Clelia Biamonti and Adam Psichos Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Quamme Sheila McCarthy and Robert Quarz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn Dr. and Mrs. Abrar Qureshi Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rabb Ms. Nina S. Duchaine and Mr. Rory J. Radding Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ragno Ms. Kathleen Fennell and Ms. Victoria Rakov Mrs. Charron P. Ranney Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ransom Katherine and Craig Raphaelson Mr. Ned Jalbert and Mr. Keith Ravaioli Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ravenel Raw Bar Yoho Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Ray IV Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ray Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor Read

Peg and Phil Read Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Ready Maureen and Vic Reed Mrs. Phyllis Reeds Ms. Carey Dack-Reidy and Mr. Paul Reidy Mr. and Mrs. Karsten Reinemo Dr. Jessica Torre and Mr. Tim Reinemo Denice Kronau and Michael Reitermann Mr. and Mrs. Protacio A. Reyes Ms. Heather Forbes and Mr. James J. Reznar Patty and Charles Ribakoff Johanna and Blake Richard Susan and Peter Richards Marcia and Tom Richards Liz and Duncan Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Rief Dr. and Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Riordan Ginny and Joe Ripp Ms. Jessica L. Ritchie Barbara M. Matteucci and John S. Rizzo RJ Miller Salon Dodo Roberts Alison and Will Roberts Ms. Sonia B. Robertson Ms. Katharine S. Robinson Maureen A. Robinson Joyce and Russell Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Roblin Barbara and David Roby Mr. and Mrs. George F. Rochat Alison and Dana Rodin Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Mr. and Mrs. K. Keith Roe Eleanor and Steve Roethke Ms. Sarah Hanley and Mr. Malcolm J. Rohrbough Mr.† and Mrs. John A. Romankiewicz Mrs. Frances H. Rooney Priscilla and Kermit Roosevelt Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rorick Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rose Mr. and Mrs. Amory Ross Dr. and Mrs. James Ross Mrs. Diane A. Palmeri and Mr. Albert M. Rossini Robin and Mickey Rowland Ms. Corinne R. Roxby Marcia P. Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rudolph Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruettgers Mr. Donald P. Russell


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell Woody Rutter Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan Terri Sackett Ms. Liz J. Coolidge and Ms. Elisabeth Sackton Marcia Butman and John Sackton Ms. Kathryn Heflin and Mr. David Sadoff Ms. Kerry H. Saharek and Mr. Stephen M. Saharek Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Salvatore Kara Sandler Mr. Edward Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanford Gayle and Joe Santucci Dr. and Mrs. Jose A. Sapia Sarah F. Alger, P.C. Mr. Robert Sarkisian Ms. Jeanne Dietrich and Mr. Marc Satenberg Sally B. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sayer Gerry Scheide Mr. Tim Ehrenberg and Mr. James Scheurell Mr. and Mrs. James E. Schilling Mr. Carl W. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmidt Pam and David Schofield Dr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Schreiber Edwin A. Schreiner Laurie and William Schutt Penny Scheerer and John Schwanbeck Evan Schwanfelder Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schwanfelder Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. David Schwarz Ms. Anna R. Hemnes and Mr. Jacob P. Schwarz Judith Lee and Robert Schwarzenbach Barbara and Thomas Schweizer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Sloan Ms. Laurie M. Scott Nancy and Richard Scott Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scouras The Scrimshander Gallery Mr. and Mrs. William H. Seay Jr. Mr. J. Casey Sedik Margaret and Hercules Segalas Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Seibeneck Mr. and Mrs. John G. Serino Mr. and Mrs. Svetozar Sestrimski Mrs. Nancy J. Sevrens Ms. Jennifer Shalley

Nantucket Historical Association

Rini and Tom Shanahan Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Shatzkamer Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Shaver Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Shaw Melissa MacLeod and John Shea Mrs. Lynda Shea Ann and Bill Sheehan Kathryn K. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sheeler Mr. and Mrs. John Sherwood Ms. Mary H. Gilmour and Mr. Dix C. Shevalier Ms. Marcia Shiff Shift Susan Blair and David Shukis Ms. Christine M. Kinney and Mr. Bill Siderewicz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Siegler Mr. Albert L. Silva Jr. The Rev’ds Lyn Brakeman and Richard Simeone Simply With Style Catering Ms. Sueanne Pfifferling and Mr. Neil M. Singer Dorothy and Junie Sinson Mr. Kraig Siracuse Julie Fitzgerald and Carl Sjolund Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sleeper Ms. Lara Sloan and Mr. Stephan Sloan Rachael Freeman and Sam Slosek Mr. and Mrs. William L. Slover Jr. Ms. Adele Smiles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Smiles Jim Murdaugh and Gary Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks Smith Mr. Peter Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Phillips G. Smith Ms. Sallie E. Smith Ms. Cynthia O. Smyth Katie and Dick Snowdon Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Snyder III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Soeder Deborah K. Solbert Mrs. Deborah D. Speer Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Spellmeyer Mr. and Mrs. George H. Spencer Jr. Polly and Richard Spencer Dr. and Mrs. Stephen St. Pierre Karen and Tom Stackhouse Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stackpole Julie and Renny Stackpole Lynne and John Stahler Mr. and Mrs. Andrey Stanev Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stanton

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Staples Ms. Ann W. Harrison and Mr. James A. Starkey Valerie and John Stauffer Stephanie and Harald Stavnes Jane and Scott Stearns Mr. and Mrs. James K. Stedman Christine Stein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Steindler Ms. Janet L. Steinmayer Sarah T. Stephenson Audrey Sterk Susan and Warren Stern Janet and William Stern Anne O. and Philip C. Stevens Ms. Woodie Stevenson Isabel and Donald Stewart Ms. Sharon Lefevre and Mr. Jim Stewart Mrs. Joly W. Stewart Mrs. Anne R. Stinnett Susie and Britt Stitt Mr. Charles Dorsett and Dr. Daniel Stobie Mr. and Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard Ms. Patricia Stolte Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Stone Esta-Lee and Harris Stone Gail and Phillip Stone Wendy and Radford Stone Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Stoodley Ms. Emily Stover Laura Elkins Stover Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Strand Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Strazzula Mr. and Mrs. Craig Strehlow Mr. and Mrs. William Strittmatter Ms. Allison D. Webster and Mr. Andrew M. Stromberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Jr. Sung and James Stubenberg Mr. and Mrs. George G. Stueck Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Succop Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Sullivan Sheila and Bill Sullivan Barbara Elder and James Sulzer Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M. Warner Catering Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Sutherland Caroline and David Swain Mr. Robert D. Swain Swain’s Travel Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Sweatland Jr. Ms. Severn Taylor and Mr. Scott Switzer Mrs. Lisa Sydness

Annual Report 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel R. Sylvia Jr. Robert I. Sylvia Ms. Marcia J. Coyle and Mr. Thomas C. Szydlowski Mrs. Rose Tallman Ms. Gina C. Cusano and Mr. Spence Tandy Mrs. Gail Ryan-Tannen and Mr. Kenneth Tannen Mr. and Mrs. James V. Tanzola Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Z. Taylor Sandy and Ted Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Taylor Ms. Annie Teasdale Ms. Ana Van Winters and Mr. Robert Temkin Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Terry Jr. Carolyn and Geoffrey Thayer Mr. and Mrs. Vaios T. Theodorakos Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Theuer Ann and George Thom Debbie and Peter Thomas Tom Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Greg Thompson Ms. Karen T. Butler and Mr. John Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Thulin Mr. Gregg A. Thurman Ms. Sophie Tiedemann Mr. and Mrs. John E. Tiffany Jane and Arthur Tiger Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Timon Mr. and Mrs. David C. Todd Mrs. Kimberly Roy Tofalli and Mr. Christopher G. Tofalli Judy C. Tolsdorf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Townsend Anne and James Townsend Ms. Virginia P. Townsend Dr. Thomas A. Travers Mr. and Mrs. Doug Traynor Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Treanor Mrs. Sage Tremaine Mr. and Mrs. James O. Treyz Mr. and Mrs. David Troast Tina and Byron Trott Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Truffini Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Truyman Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tuck Mr. Richard L. Tuck Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Tulloch Mr. and Mrs. Damien J. Turbini Mrs. Harriet S. Turner Megan and Robert Turner Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanford Tuttle


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Tyree Jr. Ms. Katie Uhran Dr. and Mrs. William J. Untereker Mr. and Mrs. Tedd Van Buskirk Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Vardeman Family Vasilev-Valle Ms. Kim Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. James G. Vaughter Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Velez Mrs. Nancy J. Venti Yonge and Mr. Christopher Yonge Susan and Michael Veysey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Viens Mr. and Mrs. Philip Villiotte Mary Sue and Tom Virtue Vis-A-Vis Phyllis and Donald Visco Mr. and Mrs. L. Ralph Vizzari Ms. Linda M. Vollkommer-Lynch Mrs. Constanze von Unruh Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Voss Caitlin C. Waddington Mary Ann B. and Samuel Wagner Mary J. Coffin Wakeman Mr. Harold W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. W. Wyatt Walker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walkingshaw Mr. Richard Wall Mr.† and Mrs. William C. Wallace Pam Waller Diana L. Wallingford Emma and Tom Ward Mrs. Jane O. Waring Anne and Jack Warner Ms. Maire Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Wayland Ms. Jennifer L. Zwarich and Mr. John W. Wayland Laurie and Toby Webb Mr. and Mrs. David Webber Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Weber Mrs. Jean A. Webster Ms. Monique Parsons and Mr. David Wecker Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wehmueller Ms. Missy Weil Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weiler Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Weiler Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Weinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Weinroth Dr. and Mrs. Joel Weinstein Ms. Anne S. Carmignani and Mr. Stephen H. Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Werle Mr. and Mrs. George West

Giving 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Robin West Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wheeler Mr. Michael Whelchel Ms. Griselda Lyman and Mr. Duncan A. White Carolyn Wells and Frank White Mr. and Mrs. F. Brand Whitlock Janice Coffin Wiesen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wight Beth and Hugh Wilkinson Elaine and Rick Williams Mr. and Mrs. John B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John E. Williams Linda F. Williams Dr. Sarah Williams Ms. Erin Wilson Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wilson Kathryn Kubie and William Winkler Mr. and Mrs. David Winton Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wismar Judith and Michael Wodynski Florence and Phil Wood Mrs. Carol C. Woodbridge Mr. Greg Woods Ms. Catherine Zuromskis and Mr. Daniel Worden Mr. and Mrs. William Wraith IV Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wright Patsy Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Wright Charles and Myra Wrubel Margot F. Wynkoop Ms. Dorinda Yates Jill Yeagy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yelon Drs. Elaine E. and Robert A. Yordan Kathleen and Brent Young Ellen and Harvey Young Lucinda Young Mrs. Margot T. Young Mimi Young Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Young Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Youngblood Miss Esme Yozell Mr. and Mrs. James C. Zampell Mrs. Joan Marie Land-Zetterberg and Mr. Martin Zetterberg Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman

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Anonymous Ms. Victoria B. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adams Ms. Rachel Afshari Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Aguiar Kimberly and Philip Albertson Ms. Susanne S. Albright

Mrs. Alexandra Tytheridge-Allan and Mr. Scott Allan Allen County Public Library Ms. Karin Alper Mr. James L. Anderson Ms. Molly Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson William A. Anderson Mrs. Velma C. Appl Mrs. Caroline S. Applegate Ms. Dana Apruzzese Mr. John L. G. Archibald Ms. Janice E. Ellsworth and Mr. Drew Arent Ms. Elizabeth Aristeguieta Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Armstrong III Ms. Lucia M. Arno-Bernsen Ms. Leslie Linsley and Mr. Jon Aron Diane C. Asche Alan F. Atwood Mrs. Lisa Auer Dr. Erin Avery Kija Kim and Jim Aylward Barbara and Bob Bailey Ann and Charles Balas Lucinda and Robert Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Balling Ms. Ellen F. Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. Jef Ballinger Ms. Judy C. Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. Mark Barber Mr. and Mrs. Nate Barber Ms. Rosemary C. Barney Mrs. Carol A. Barrett Ms. Rose T. Barry Ms. Ruth Burday and Mr. Robert P. Barsanti Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartlett Geoffrey Bartlett Pamela Bartlett Ms. Elizabeth C. Baskin Ann Bauer Ms. Kimberly A. Cassano and Mr. Jeffrey Beamish Mr. John L. Becker Ms. Prudence Bell Gail McGuinness and William Bell Carol Bellmaine Mr. John Bendall Barbara T. Bennett† Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Benson Dr. Mary K. Bercaw Edwards Mr. Adam Berman Ms. Susan Berman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Berner Mr. Randy Berner Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Berube Mrs. Tatiana Bezamat

Ms. Cori Bielecki Mr. and Mrs. David Bigley Mr. Gerald S. Biondi Ms. Beverly W. Bittinger Ms. Mary E. Casey and Mr. Jeffrey L. Blackwell Jack W. Blaylock Jr. Tim Blue Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Bogin Nikoline Bohr Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bonsee Ms. Helena Hubova and Mr. Jeffrey Booms Ms. Maggie Borneman Sarah Ann Miller and David Bossi Whitfield C. Bourne Barbara M. Bowman Mr. Tom Bowman Ms. Megan Boyes Alicia M. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Brannigan Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Brannigan II Deane and Kenneth Brasfield Mr. and Mrs. James H. Breed Mrs. Naomi C. Brewer Mr. Jason Bristol Ms. Diane L. Vigneau and Mr. John R. Britt Mr. and Mrs. Haworth P. Bromley Mr. and Mrs. James Browers Ms. Carol A. Brown Marilyn Coffin Brown Ms. Seana Ann Zelazo and Mr. Derek Brucato Ms. Paula M. Bruton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buccino Ms. Diane Buechel Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Burlingham Mrs. Cindy Burns Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Burton Mr. William Burton Mrs. Catherine P. Cook-Bush and Mr. William B. Bush Mrs. Martha H. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Butler Karla and Stephen Butler Patricia and Steven Calabrese Ms. Ann W. Caldwell Ms. Patrice A. Callies Mr. and Mrs. Vito Capizzo Ms. Claire L. Cardone Mrs. Jean B. Carleton Mrs. Janet L. Carreau Mr. John B. Carroll Mr. Russell C. Carson Ms. Laura M. Carter Ms. Susan Y. Cary Ms. Joan Casey Ms. Gaynor D. Casner


Mr. Richard P. Castagna Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Castle Miss Tara Cavanagh Ms. Barbara Ceely Mr. Evaldas Cepulevicius Mrs. Virginia G. Chambers Ms. Cynthia Chapman Dale Chatwin Ms. Keely Irwin and Mr. Robert Cirillo Mr. Andrew Clark Ms. Elizabeth Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark Miss Erica Clausen Carol and Bernie Coffin Ms. Helen S. Coffin Mr. Millard F. Coffin Mr. Robert F. Coffin Dr. Samuel A. Coffin Marijane and Cliff Coffyn Barbara G. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Collatz Melissa Kniskern and Charles Fox Colley Miss Anne Marie Collins Ms. Angela Colson Ms. Sandra Comstock Jane F. Connell Mrs. Phyllis T. Conway Mr. Peter J. Cook Judy and Kiril Coonley Ms. Stephanie Correia Ms. Susan A. Cosman Ms. Lynn Cossuth Mr.† and Mrs. Andrew Costakes Ms. Bisy K. Stancheva and Mr. Joao A. Coutinho Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Creese Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Cressman Mrs. Shawnae Critchfield Ms. Karin J. Crooks Dr. Frances R. Karttunen and Dr. Alfred W. Crosby Mr. Neil Crowley Mrs. Patricia F. Currey Tracy Ann Daily Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Daly Mr. Jay D. D’aprix Mr. and Mrs. Paul D’Aprix Mrs. Nancy Davidson-Christie and Mr. Jeffrey D. Christie Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis Ms. Peggy Davis Ms. Deborah Dearborn Mrs. Judith M. Aveni and Mr. Vincent J. DeBaggis Ms. Janet Y. DeCosta Dr. Joanne Woodle and Mr. John DeGennaro

Nantucket Historical Association

Ms. Sarah B. Demarest Joanne R. Denietolis Miss Emily Denny Ms. Elizabeth Devins Ms. Roslyn L. Diamond Anna-Karin and David Dillard Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Dolin Mr. Dariusz Domanski Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Donnelly Ms. Jeanne M. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Douglas David Douty Mr. Stephen H. Drabkin Ms. Douglas Drane Ms. Barbara H. Driscoll Ms. Eileen Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Paul Droz Mr. Kenneth V. Duce Mrs. Eileen S. Duke Mr. and Mrs. Nicolae A. Dumitru Ms. Kathleen A. Duncombe Mr. and Mrs. David Dunham Ethel Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Dutra Ms. Heather Duval Mr. and Mrs. Moses Easley Sharon and George Eastburn Ms. Louise Edmunds Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Eldridge Ms. Kathleen M. Elliott Ms. Williamina Ellis Ms. Judy Elwell Mr. Carl D. England Jr. Ms. Betsy Erisman Ms. Nancy S. Rappaport and Mr. Stephen Estabrooks Mr. and Mrs. Fernando M. Esteban Barbara Vanderbilt and John Evans Mr. and Mrs. Josh Ezrin Miss Christina Fabarez Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Faulkner Dr. and Mrs. David P. Faxon Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fee Mr. and Mrs. David A. Feindel Ms. Laetitia J. Ferguson Mr. Charles A. Field Mr. Glenn Figurski Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Filbert Mr. and Mrs. Eric Finger Kathy S. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Flanagan Ms. Wendy L. Coffin and Mr. Peter A. Flanigan Mr. and Mrs.† George L. Fleming Mrs. Natalie J. Fletcher Mr. Albert Flower Mr. and Mrs. Donald Folger Mr. Harry P. Folger III

Capt. Walter Folger Jean G. Fordyce Bill Fordyce Mrs. Suzanne K. Forsyth Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Foster Ms. Linda J. Bellevue and Mr. Mike Foster Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fox Mrs. Ingrid A. M. Francis Ms. Kathleen Francis Ms. Judith Frank Mr. and Mrs. Norm Frazee Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. C. Frazier Mr. Mark C. Fredland Jere and Don Freedman Mrs. Nan M. Freeman Mrs. Virginia T. Friberg Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gaffney Gail’s Tours, Inc. Ms. Shelley Dresser and Mr. David Gagnon Ms. Sandy Galley Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Craig Gambee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Garrette Alison M. Gavin Ms. Lucinda Gedeon Karyn Gello Mr. James Geraghty Ms. Vera Gierke Andrew R. Gifford Julie and Chuck Gifford Elizabeth M. Gilbert Mr. Bryan S. Gilchrist Ms. Jane Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillispie Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Ms. Marta Mastroianni and Mr. Alberto Giordano Mr. Matthew Giuliani Deborah and Bruce Glaskin Ms. Sea Glassman Doris Glazer Mrs. Meg Glidden Mr. Donald J. Glover Mrs. Mary E. Glowacki Mrs. Joan R. Wilson-Godeau and Mr. Roger Godeau† Mr. Richard W. Goheen Jr. Amy and Mark Goldberg Ms. Betsy Bogin and Mr. Martin Goldfarb Mr. Bill Gooch Mrs. Susan G. Goodall Ms. Victoria Goss Ms. Jane K. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Graner Sr. Mr. Stephen H. Grant Mr. Peter Graves

Annual Report 2016

Ms. Joanna Z. Greenfield Mr. Jared Greenman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Greig III Ms. Tamara Grenier Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Grimes Ms. Melissa Grip Mr. Alec Griswold Ms. Alice L. Guiher Ms. Elise Gura Mrs. Jola Gutnick Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Hahn Valerie and Robert Hall Barbara Halsted Ms. Laura M. Rizio and Mr. James A. Hamilton Ms. Katie Embry and Mr. Michael P. Hanlon Miss Kimberly Hannan The Hanson Family Ms. Meredith Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Harding Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hardy Mr. Tyler Hardy Ms. Marjan Shirzad and Mr. Andrew T. Harris Mr. Charles C. Hart Ms. Jessie Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hawkins Mary Ellen Hayward Lucy and Patrick Hehir Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Held Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hemmings Mrs. Marie Henke Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Herman Mrs. Kristen Hessel Ms. Edna M. High Ms. Sara Gaarde and Mr. Rich Hileman Mr. K. C. Hines Grace S. Hinkley Susan Hochwald Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Holch Mr. Frank O. Holdgate Mr. and Mrs. Thom Holdgate Ms. Miranda Holmes Mr. James Hoon Mrs. Judith Hope Ms. Sally Horchow Ms. Sharon K. Horne Mr. and Mrs. John H. Houghton Mr. Evan Hourihan Mr. and Mrs. Tim Howard Mr. Robert T. Hoyt Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hughes Miss Kara Hughes Ms. Darlene T. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hull Mrs. Claire I. Kurtgis-Hunter and Mr. Paul S. Hunter Sandra Ingrish


Anne H. Isbister Amy Israelian Mrs. Sandra L. Jackson Mr. William H. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jaycobs Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Jensen George D. Jepson Mrs. Sara B. Johnsen Alexandra A. Johnson Ms. Fabrizia Macchiavelli and Mr. Clifford Johnson Ms. Cathy B. Meyer and Mr. Eric R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Grant Johnson Ms. Leslie A. Johnston Mrs. Jeannine M. Jones Kay Jones Ms. Lucille A. Jordan Ms. Sarah G. Joslin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Joyce Prof. and Mrs. J. Richard Judson Mr. Douglas E. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Kaplan Ms. Mara Kearney Kathy Keating Mr. Patrick Keating Ms. Suzanne Keating Ms. Kelly A. Kellett Mr. Thom Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Keltz Ms. Brooke Kendall Mr. Sanford C. Kendall Thomas F. Kennelly Miss Susan F. R. Kenny Mrs. Bette S. Kenzie Julianne L. Kever Mrs. Nancy Khalaf Ms. Barbara King Mrs. Elizabeth Kinsaul Mrs. Patricia O. Kleinert Christina Cady Knight Charolette Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Korn Ms. Cynthia Kosciuk Ms. Caroline Kraeutler Dr. Jeannette Krom and Mr. Ruud Krom Ms. Maureen Kseniak Mr. Michael R. Harrison and Mr. Matthew J. Kuhnert Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kulin Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kuncl Mr. Paul La Paglia Ms. Michelle Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Lamott Tom Lampietro Susan and Paul Lancaster Ms. Nancy Perone and Mr. Kenneth Lange

Giving 2016

Mrs. Anne M. Lanman Judith Lanza Erma and René LaPierre Ms. Nancy M. Miller and Mr. Wayne T. Larocque Mr. and Mrs. Keith LaRue Dr. Catherine C. Lastavica Mr. and Mrs. Larry LeCain Mr. and Mrs. Seddon W. Legg Jr. Mrs. Carol E. LeGray Mrs. Rosemary Leitz Susan S. Leonard Lucy and Tobey† Leske Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Levesque Susan and Larry Levine Paula Lundy Levy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lewis Marjorie E. Lewis Ms. Joan E. Libby Library of Boston Athenaeum Mr. Steven M. Lillyweber Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Lincoln Dr. and Mrs. Kirk Lindquist Mr. and Mrs.† Robert J. Lindvall Ms. Jess Lipsey Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lipsitt Mr. and Mrs. Jim O. Llewellyn Mr. Joe Lloyd Ms. Kathleen Loebl Mr. and Mrs. Tom Loebl Mary Heen and Ole Lokensgard Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Long Ms. Mary Longacre Ms. Nancy J. Looney Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Loucks Mr. Joseph E. Lozouski Mrs. Jeanette L. Phipps Lummis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lund Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lund Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Lundberg Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Lundgren Ms. Michelle Whelan and Mr. Michael Lundy Mr. and Mrs. George Lunt Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier Jr. Miss Madeline Lydon Ms. Bonnie B. Tracy and Mr. Seth M. Lynn Ms. Doris V. Hanna and Mr. Peter F. Lysaght Ms. Meg A. Mabbs Mr. and Mrs. David Macaulay Mr. and Mrs. Gardner MacDonald Erin and Andy MacIver Mrs. Heather Macleod Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. MacNab

Mrs. Eleanor E. MacVicar Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. Macy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Macy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Macy Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney Diana Maiden Aiken Mr. Andrew C. Malcolm Lauren Klein and Ronald Malenbaum Ms. Christine Malhotra Ms. Valerie Malinowski Robin McElroy Maloney Mr. Bruce R. Mandel Mr. Charles A. Manghis Mr. Stephen Manheimer Joan H. Manley Ms. Portia G. Mannix Mr. Cameron Marks Ms. Carolyn C. Marlowe Mr. and Mrs. Andre J. Marrero Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Marshall Jr. Ms. Ashley Martin Mr. William Martin Ms. Donna F. Martino Ms. Linda Masters Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Maury Ms. Elizabeth A. Mautner Housley Carr and Michael May Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mazotas Mr. and Mrs. Sean McAvoy Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCarthy Miss Leigh McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McClure Ms. Kate McCombe Ms. Margaret McCue Ms. Leigh Anne McDonald Barbara and Morton McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. McElhearn Mr. Thomas B. McGlinn Ms. Geraldine Walker and Mr. Patrick L. McGloin Mr. and Mrs. John McGonigle Ms. Kathleen E. McGovern Ms. Annette McGrath Ms. Eileen P. McGrath Ms. Joy G. McGrath Molly McIlvaine Diana R. McIntyre Ethan R. McMorrow Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. McMorrow Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. McMullen Mr. William B. Mebane Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Michaud

Ms. Nancy Middleton Ms. Gertrude B. Millar Ms. Maria Zodda and Mr. John Millar Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Miller Mr. Edward T. Miller Mrs. Elizabeth Miller Mr. Hal Miller Mr. Peter Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Misurelli Mr. Richard F. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mofsen Ms. Valerie Molina Ms. Cara M. Marquis and Mr. Jim Mondani Ms. Hannah Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Rocco Monto Ms. Beverly J. Sanchez and Mr. Joseph S. Moran Mrs. Patricia Moran Ms. Joanne Morgan Ms. Margaret C. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morral Ms. Elizabeth A. Morris Mary Wawro and Peter A. Morrison Mrs. Ann G. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mullen Mr. Edwin Muller Mr. Walter J. Murphy Mr. David Murray Mr. and Mrs. Dean Murray Elizabeth C. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Murray Shirley B. Murtha Mrs. Kathleen S. Myers Sue and John Mynttinen Mr. Laszlo F. Nagy Ms. Mary M. Naughton Ms. Dorte Neudert Mr. Mark Neveu Newberry Library Serials Department Ms. Blair D. Newcomb Aimee E. Newell Mr. and Mrs. William Newman Mr. and Mrs. Germain D. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Shane D. Nicholls Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Noonan Mr. Aaron Norton NSDAR Library Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Brien Mrs. Caroline S. O’Connell Ms. Linda Ogren Ms. Janice M. Olsen Michael J. O’Mara Ms. Sara O’Reilly


Dr. and Mrs. Colm O’Riordan Mrs. Nannette F. Orr Gail and Rafael Osona Ms. Donna M. Overholt Sandra Owen Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ozias Mr. and Mrs. Ron Paddack Mrs. Katy Pagnani Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pagon Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Painter Dr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Palchanis Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Panchy Mr. and Mrs. Donald Papcsy Mrs. Delphine Paradis Matthew Parker N. L. Pasley Judith Paterson Mr. Douglas L. Patton Ms. Linda Patton Joan Pearce Mr. and Mrs. John Penrose Hon. John M. Perone Ms. Mary Ellen E. Peters Dr. Pearlie M. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas K. Petersen Ms. Deborah Petite Lynn and John Petrasch Mr. Brian Pfeiffer Mr. Adam W. Phillips Mr. Ben Phillips Ms. Victoria M. Pickwick Mrs. Margaret C. Pignato Mr. Russell Pike Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pitts Andrea and Neil Planzer Ms. Joanne Polster Peggy Davis and Bill Porter Ms. Melinda R. Potter Mr. James E. Powers Ms. Dorothy Hertz and Mr. Phil Proch Mr. H. Patrick Pullman Mrs. Alexandra L. Punnett Ms. Lindsay Pykosz Mrs. Eileen N. Quirk Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Radloff Miriam W. Coffin Ragsdale Mrs. Romana Rainey Ms. Kristina Ralkovs Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Raneri Ms. Ingela M. Ray Ms. Kathleen A. Ray Dr. S. F. Rayport Eleanor and Arthur Reade Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reardon Ms. Sheilah Reardon Ms. Diana R. Regan Ms. Jean M. Reiland

Nantucket Historical Association

The Nantucket Historical Association has made every effort to accurately acknowledge contributors from January 1 to December 31, 2016. We sincerely regret any errors or omissions. If you have questions, please contact the Development Office at giving@nha.org.

Mr. Allen B. Reinhard Ms. Maria Partida and Mr. Jose de Jesus Reyes Ms. Elizabeth K. Hillger and Mr. William H. Reynolds Ms. Mary L. Richrod Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rickards Ms. Melanie Ried Jeanne W. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ringer Janet L. Robinson Ms. Susan E. Robinson Mr. Henry D. Rogers Kara and Steve Rogers Cheryl and Joseph Romano Ms. Andrea S. Rose Ms. Emma Ross Ms. Brianne A. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Rouillard Ms. Elisabeth C. Roxby Sharlene and Edwin Rudd Dr. and Mrs. Shaun Ruddy Mr. Ryan Runstadler Mr. Buck Russell Mr. Hrant H. Russian Moira and David Ryan Ms. Toni D. Ryan Mr. Zach Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sacino Ms. Patricia Salt Christine Sanford Mr. William Sanford Ms. Teresa E. Schrader and Mr. Roberto J. Santamaria Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Saperstein Ms. Mary A. Sarandopolis Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sayle Ms. Mariellen G. Scannell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Scaringe Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Scheibel Jr. Katrina M. Schoorl Ms. Teresa Schroeder Lindsay and Steven Scouras Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Seaquist Pam and Bill Seegraber Mrs. C. Jacqueline Seidel Margaret and Frank Sheckell Mr. Gary R. Sheffer Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shriberg Reubin Simantov

Ms. Elizabeth S. Sims Ms. Susan Kirk and Mr. John Sjovall Ms. Lucinda L. Slate Mrs. Noreen C. Slavitz Mr. R. D. Slough Mr. and Mrs. Sidney W. Small Rev. Dr. Ruth Smalt Betty Macy Smith Ms. Carol Ann Smith Mr. Geoffrey J. Smith Mrs. Ilene N. Smith Ms. Macy H. Smith Hilary Newell and Paul G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Smith Mrs. Shirley A. Smith Ellen and John Snodgrass Ms. Penny F. Snow Mr. James L. Snyder Ms. Nancy E. Soderberg Catherine Sommerville Mr. Duncan Spelman Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Spezzano Ms. Ellen Spiro Suzi Spring Ms. Lina R. Gillies and Ms. Molly G. Sprouse Susan and Robert Starbuck Susan Starbuck Ms. Penny Starr State Historical Society of Wisconsin Mrs. Barbara D. Stevens Dr. Linda Stevenson Sally and Bill Stewart Mrs. Meredith Stock Mr. Steven Stockigt Mrs. Kathy E. Stone-Downie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stott Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Strang Ms. Helen M. Strong Ms. Anna Sullivan Mr. Richard Sullivan Mrs. Barbara H. Sutphen Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Sutters Ms. Laura Suur Mr. Carl E. Swain Mrs. Estelle G. Swain† Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Swan Ms. Anne Sweidel Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Sziklas Mrs. Josephine Tambo

Patty Tasch Mr. Davis T. Taunton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jotham P. Tausig Mrs. Maxine Taylor Ms. Mildred Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor Mrs. Constance B. Tevebaugh Ms. Brittany R. Thurman Charlene and Barry Thurston Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Tidy Mrs. Frances R. Tillson Mrs. Lois Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Todd Ms. Marcia G. Tooker Mrs. Jeanette D. Topham Mr. and Mrs. David Tralka Mr. and Mrs. Jose F. Trillos Ms. Jacqueline R. Tullo Ms. Nancy E. Tyrer Michele R. Unger Mr. and Mrs. Brian Vail Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Valentine Susan McClellan Valk Ms. Emma van der Werff Mr. Norman M. Van Dyke Jr. Mrs. Linda L. Van Gundy Mrs. Hildegard H. Van Lieu Mr. Robert Vance Susan B. and Roger A. Vandenberg Ms. Nancy Vanevera Barbara and Michael Varbalow Sheba Veghte Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Velsmid Mr. Daniel Vickers Mrs. Terry Anne Vigil Ms. Ariel Vinal Mr. Saulius Vita Mrs. Gay G. Vogt Ms. Eugenie H. Voorhees Miss Ursula Wade Miss Nanci M. Walker Timothy J. Walker Sandra Folger Wallace Ms. Wendy L. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters Ms. Suzanne M. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Brien D. Ward Mr. Thomas Warner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Wasley Ms. Sharon E. Watson

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watts Mr. Daniel Wayland Ms. Ann P. Webber Miss Mara Weiner Anne and Tom Weinstock William Welch Dr. and Mrs. Francis Weld Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wellen Ms. Suzanne Werson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. William P. Westcott Mrs. Lisa A. Doran and Mr. Josh M. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Whippen Judy Whitbeck Mrs. Barbara Coleman White Claire White Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. White Judy L. Widger Mr. Walter Wieners Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiggin Mary and George Williams Dr. R. Dale LeBlanc and Mr. Harold L. Williamson Ms. Donna N. Wilson Dr. Joy T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wilson Ms. Carole L. Windham Mr. Robert F. Winn Ms. Christy N. Wise Mrs. Linda W. Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wolf Jr. Mr. Douglas L. Wolford Mrs. Peggy L. Wood Ms. Victoria Powers and Mr. Alan Worden Mr. Michael Wright Barbara and Jon Wullschleger Ms. Nicole Wynne Mr. Eugene F. Yeates Lt. Col. James W. Youngberg Dr. Robin J. Zablow Karla Zadnik Ms. Jill B. Zeno Ms. Lydia Zinzi Ms. Batia Zumwalt

† deceased

Annual Report 2016


Financial Statement Statement of Financial Position and Activities: Year ended December 31, 2016



ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable, net
















$ 2,764,441









Long-term investments




$ 2,173,794

Land, buildings, and equipment, net Collections



$ 40,442,662

$ 35,977,337

$ 408,196

$ 439,515

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated









Permanently restricted



Total net assets



$ 40,442,662

$ 35,977,337

Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted

The Financial Statements for 2016 have been audited by Bollus, Lynch LLP, which has rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available upon request.


Nantucket Historical Association



OPERATING ACTIVITIES Revenue, gains, and other support   Contributions


$ 1,262,924

$ 810,736







Education Programs



Museum Shop revenue



Investment return designated for operations



Interest income   Special fund-raising events   Other earned revenue












Education and public programs



Research Library



Museum Shop





Total Operating expenses   Program services














Investment return, net of amount appropriated for operations


Interest income


Special events   Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development Total Change in net assets from operating activities













Nonoperating activities

Gain on the sale of property Friends of NHA contributions Capital campaign contributions Capital campaign expenses








Change in net assets from nonoperating activities



Change in net assets related to collection items



Purchase of collections items Change in net assets Net assets beginning of the year Net assets end of the year

Annual Report 2016






35,537,822 34,752,645 $ 40,034,466

$ 35,537,822

Business, Foundation, and Organization Support The Nantucket Historical Association recognizes the following for the outstanding support they have provided through sponsorship of special events and programs, membership, grants, and gifts. $100,000 and above

Anonymous Institute of Museum and Library Services Normandy Real Estate Partners Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986


Carver DeLaney Families Foundation Charina Endowment Fund Franci Neely Foundation The Gilbert Verney Foundation Magellan Jets Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund William Froelich Foundation


Derald H. Ruttenberg Foundation Kennedy P. Richardson Fund Nantucket Community Preservation Committee


Arrowhead Furniture & Nursery Clear Pond Fund Geschke Foundation Hajim Family Foundation H. L. Brown Jr., Family Foundation Marine Home Center Meyer & Jean Steinberg Family Foundation M. S. Worthington Foundation NEBCO Insurance Services ReMain Nantucket, LLC Reynolds Family Foundation Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Shackelford Family Foundation


Arzak Foundation Barbara Jones Charitable Fund Baxter Family Foundation Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation BNY Mellon, Wealth Management Boston Design Center Bratton Family Foundation Brown-Forman Corporation Charles and Ann Johnson Foundation Congdon & Coleman Insurance Don Allen Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Ram

Ella Wall Prichard Charity Fund Farrow & Ball Ltd. Henry Salvatori Family Foundation Joelson Foundation The Larsen Fund Liberty Street Foundation Linda and Harvey Saligman Charitable Foundation Nantucket Golf Club Foundation Nantucket Hotel & Resort National Trust for Historic Preservation Newton Family Charitable Trust Novation Media Robert and Kathleen Stansky Fund Samuel P. Mandell Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Stark Carpet Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation Thornburg Foundation Yellow Productions


Baltimore Community Foundation Blue Collar Productions Blue Hills Bank Charitable Foundation Britt and Diane Newhouse Charitable Fund Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Cape Cod Five Foundation Cox Fund Crozier Family Fund Empire Office Garden Group Greenhill Family Foundation Highland Street Foundation Hingham Institution for Savings Housefitters & Tile Gallery James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Jay M. Wilson Fund Jockey Hollow Foundation Killen Real Estate Lemon and Line Marion and Robert Rosenthal Foundation Marvin H. Davidson Foundation McCausland Foundation Moose Moss Nantucket Bank, a division of Blue Hills Bank Nantucket Garden Club Owsley Brown II Family Foundation, Inc. Paul Soros Family Trust R. C. Lilly Foundation


Ralph Lauren Rolson Holdings Ross Foundation Stillwaters Charitable Trust Susan Weatherley Family Charitable Fund T. Lloyd Kelly Foundation Tile Room Warrington Foundation Webster & Company Williams Forsyth Family Fund Wells Fargo Advisors


Abbey Revocable Living Trust Ainslie Foundation Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Big Hen Group I LLC Blue Flag Development Botticelli & Pohl, P.C. BPC Architecture & Interior Design Cape Air / Nantucket Airlines Cheney Brothers Building & Remodeling, LLC Christopher Larsen Charitable Fund Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Cru Cuddy Associates Cyril F. and Marie E. O’Neil Foundation David and Beverly Barlow Fund David M. Handy Events Donna K. Cooper Charity Fund Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Eleanor Q. O’Neill Charitable Gift Fund Épernay Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation Inc. Ezia Athletic Club First Republic Bank Forman Family Fund Freedman’s of Nantucket Hale Family Foundation Hanna D. Monaghan Trust Hatch’s Package Store Hy-Line Cruises The Inquirer and Mirror Islander Package Store Jewel in the Sea Johnson Controls, Inc. Jordan Real Estate Joseph and Deidre Smialowski Philanthropy Fund Judy Family Foundation

Nantucket Historical Association

Larry and Julia Pollock Family Philanthropic Fund Logan Family Fund Loose Family Charitable Fund Milly & Grace Nantucket Insurance Agency / PURE Group of Insurance Companies Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Pharmacy Nantucket Tents Northrup Fund Norton Preservation Trust Parker Scheer LLP Richard K. Lubin Family Foundation Robert & Marjie Kargman Fund Robert and Mary Haft Foundation The Steamship Authority Suzanne C. and Carl M. Mueller Charitable Fund Tito’s Vodka Trunk Club Tucker Blair UPS Store Waldo Trust Weyhill & Wharf Whitcomb Family Advised Fund Young’s Bicycle Shop


A Taste of Nantucket Angelastro Family Charitable Fund Anne D. Camalier Family Trust Barnacle Inn Bartlett’s Farm Beachside at Nantucket Brass Lantern Inn Brennan Family Foundation C. Richard Loftin, Attorney at Law Cape Cod Express, Inc. Chatham Hill Investment Partnership Chip Webster Architecture CMC Construction Cobblestone Caretaking Cranberry Transportation / All Point Taxi & Tours Descendants of Sheriffs & Constables of Colonial & Antebellum America Egan Group, Inc. Four Winds Gifts, Inc. Geronimo’s Ltd. Go Figure Barre Studio Nantucket Gordon and Llura Gund Endowed Donor Advised Fund Gretchen & Jay Riley Gift Fund Harsch Family Charitable Fund Horace H. Irvine II Trust IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program Ike Kligerman Barkley

It’s a Shore Thing Kershaw Foundation Charitable Trust Lenzner Family Foundation Lingeman Family Charitable Gift Fund Madaket Marine MRB Foundation Murphy Family Fund Murray’s Toggery Shop, Inc. Nantucket Cultural Council Nantucket Island Homes Nantucket Looms Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Pageo Jewelers Paulsen Family Foundation Pinwheels Puff Family Fund Quidley & Company Saint Paul Foundation Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Schwartz Hannum Stover Engineering & Construction, Inc. Thekla R. Shackelford Fund Twig Perkins, Inc. Zero Main


97.7 ACKFM & 89.5 FM Nantucket’s NPR station ACKtivities Annie & the Tees Antiques Depot Bespoke SRC Events and Party Provisioning Brant Point Inn Carlisle House Inn Cisco Brewers Denby Real Estate Dennis Public Library Design Associates, Inc. Downyflake Driftwood Construction, Inc. EBSCO Industries, Inc. Edith Delker Real Estate Enjoy Nantucket Flowers on Chestnut Follain Fusion of Flavor G. S. Hill Gallery Garden Design Company Glyn’s Marine, Inc. Graficas Greenwood Alarm & Key Company Greydon House Handlebar Café Hostetler Gallery Islandwide Realty Ivy Wealth Management James Robinson Inc. Javatime Design

Annual Report 2016


Katie Kaizer Photography Kingdom County Productions Le Languedoc Bistro Lindsay, Inc. Mitchell’s Book Corner Moore Woodworking Inc. Motto Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Carving & Folk Art, Inc. Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Coffee Roasters / The Bean Nantucket Culinary Center Nantucket Cultural Council Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Events Nantucket Office Products Nantucket Snapbooth Nantucket Sole Nantucket’s On Island Chefs Parents Cooperative of Nantucket Placesetters, Inc. Raw Bar Yoho RJ Miller Salon Sarah F. Alger, P.C. Scrimshander Gallery Shift Simply With Style Catering Stein Family Charitable Fund Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M. Warner Catering Swain’s Travel UBS Matching Gift Program Vincent & Debra Maffeo Charitable Fund Vis-A-Vis

Up to $249

Allen County Public Library Bright Funds Foundation Community Foundation of New Jersey Compass Rose Real Estate Egan Maritime Institute Hartmann Trust Jeannine B. Webber Fund Jones Family Farms, LLC Leggiadro Library of Boston Athenaeum Acquisitions Periodicals Department National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Library Newberry Library Serials Department R. E. Riley Family Fund Sally and Richard Charpie Gift Fund Salmanowitz Family Trust State Historical Society of Wisconsin Varbalow Family Donor Advised Fund

Tribute gifts The Nantucket Historical Association appreciates the thoughtful generosity of all those who made tribute gifts in support of the NHA’s mission.

Honorary Gifts In Honor of Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan Elizabeth Anathan

In Honor of Susan Zises Green Kay and Peter Bernon

In Honor of William Schuyler Pettit Isabelle Seeman

In Honor of Deborah B. and C. Marshall Beale Louise and John Beale Sarah Beale Demarest

In Honor of Michael R. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Hans N. Muellers

In Honor of Adeline Posello The Laviani Family

In Honor of Julianne L. Kever Joan McWilliams

In Honor of Susan Richardson Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan

In Honor of Murle W. Klohs Linda I. Setnik

In Honor of Maria Roach Kay and Peter Bernon

In Honor of Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Michael Kovner Lucy and Nat Day

In Honor of Maria Spears Anne Marie and Doug Bratton Kate Wood and David Sprouls

In Honor of Henry G. Lehrer, M.D. Helene and Bill Jay

In honor of Dorothy Matlack Haddock Strong Louise Miner

In Honor of Don McDermett Garry Cox Leanne Kendrick

In Honor of Emma James Thompson Franci Neely

In Honor of Toni and Martin McKerrow Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan

In Honor of William J. Tramposch Pamela Bartlett Connie and Dennis Keller

In Honor of John Middleton Nancy Middleton

In Honor of Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Jim Murdaugh and Gary Smith

In Honor of Franci Neely Jim Murdaugh and Gary Smith

In Honor of Barbara and Michael Varbalow Peggi and Steve Godwin

In Honor of the NHA Maintenance Staff Mr. Norman Van Dyke Jr.

In Honor of Roselee Weymans Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan

In Honor of Elizabeth Oldham The Larsen Fund

In Honor of Leslie W. Forbes and David D. Worth Susan and Jeff Lucier

In Honor of Maureen Fennessy Bousa Bunny and Jacques Wullschleger In Honor of Anne Marie Bratton Sarah and Jeff Newton Kim Darden, Rebecca Hillard, Anna Melissa Philpott, and Gina Ravnaas In Honor of Diana T. Brown Susan E. Robinson In Honor of Douglas K. Burch Wendy and Bruce Watts In Honor of Anne DeLaney and Calvin Carver Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carver Sr. In Honor of Karen and Vic DiGravio Lucille DiGravio In Honor of Ana and Michael Ericksen Helen K. and Thomas J. Baca In Honor of Kelly M. Williams and Andrew J. Forsyth Suzanne K. Forsyth Connie Boyle, Nancy Mahler, and Sherry Smith In Honor of Kate C. Stout and Pete N. Funkhouser Brooke and Paul Lipsitt In Honor of Samuel James Gaillard Elizabeth Oldham


Nantucket Historical Association

Memorial Gifts In Memory of William H. Barney Happy and Sam Shipley Wendy L. Wallace In Memory of Barbara T. Bennett Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Peg and Phil Read Frances R. Tillson

In Memory of David D. Worth Sr. Lynn and Robert Miller Sonia B. Robertson Kathleen and John Williams

In Memory of Manouchehr Shirzad Connie and Tom Cigarran Denise Harris-Fiems and Dennis Fiems Barbara and Michael Varbalow

In Memory of Nancy A. Chase Ruth Connor Baltzer Joan J. Fisher Roberta and Gary Hamblin Cristin D. Merck In Memory of Shelton Ellis Mrs. John W. Espy Stacey W. Stuart and Peter J. Greenhalgh Cristin D. Merck

In Memory of Henry L. Lewis Jr. and Harry G. Reid Estate of Howard L. Lewis Jr.

In Memory of William L. Morse Jr. Corinne R. Roxby

In Memory of Flint Ranney Anonymous

In Memory of Anne Thatcher Bullock Dr. James E. Bullock†

In Memory of Vladimir Kagan Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan

In Memory of Nancy Whitcomb Rev’ds Lyn G. Brakeman and Richard Simeone

In Memory of Patricia Newhouse Diane and Britt Newhouse

In Memory of J. Stewart Bryan III Carmen and Chris Carey Sheila K. Riggs and Richard C. Riggs Jr. Nancy and Dick Scott

In Memory of Ruth E. Grieder Julianne L. Kever

In Memory of David M. Lilly Sr. R. C. Lilly Foundation

In Memory of Nancy M. Soderberg Anonymous (2) Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan Catherine P. Cook-Bush and William B. Bush Martha A. Carr The Craig Family – Sherry Craig Lowe, Haydi Craig Hurley, and Tina Craig Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ernst IV Betsy and Don Freytag Peggi and Steve Godwin Amy and Mark Goldberg Lucile W. Hays Elizabeth, Bob, and Hila Head Anne and Jim Hillary Elizabeth Jacobsen Mary R. Jeka Katherine and William McNabb Heather and Jimmy Mulvihill Melissa and Nat Philbrick Henry D. Rogers Sally and Bill Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Tyree Jr.

Annual Report 2016


Heritage Society The Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have made gifts of artifacts, cash, or real estate to the Nantucket Historical Association through their estate plans. Planned gifts take many forms and support the NHA in myriad ways—from building the permanent endowment to expanding the artifact collections. New members are presented with an ivory whale lapel pin carved by the late scrimshander Nancy Chase, an NHA past trustee and Heritage Society member. We are grateful for the bequests recently received from the estates of Nancy A. Chase, Howard L. Lewis Jr., Barbara Malcolm, Reva and Morton Schlesinger, and Stephen Andrews Wise, as well as the promised gift of Nantucket whalecraft, fine art, and documents from Nina and Robert Hellman. Their foresight and generosity in supporting the NHA’s mission are greatly appreciated.

Members of the Heritage Society Anonymous (3)

Barbara H. Malcolm†

Bruce B. Bates

Mary Frances Sutton Miller

Barbara T. Bennett

Winifred M. Mortenson

Nancy A. Chase†

Sally and Peter Nash

Leroy and Cecily Langsdale Davis

Nancy Elizabeth Poland†

Trudy S. Dujardin

Kimi C. Puntillo

Robert C. Griffin

Lauren and Peter Roncetti

Barbara E. Hajim

Kathryn Salmanowitz

Nina and Robert Hellman

Reva† and Morton† Schlesinger

Grace S. Hinkley

Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro

Daintry and Reb Jensen

Dorothy Slover

Coco and Arie L. Kopelman

Maria T. and William G. Spears

Richard Kemble† and George Korn

Jonathan C. Swain

Robin and Richard Kreitler

Madeline† and Jonathan F.† Swain

Howard L. Lewis Jr.

Elizabeth and Geoffrey Verney

Carolyn B. MacKenzie

Stephen Andrews Wise†


Nantucket Historical Association

Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association The Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association was established in 1986 to seek significant acquisitions for the NHA collections, including the oil painting The Wreck of the Warren Sawyer, by Wendell Macy (1845–1913), which is displayed in Out of the Box: Unpacking Nantucket Stories, the NHA’s 2017 major exhibition in the Whaling Museum’s McCausland Gallery. The 2016 Friends Lecture presented prominent collectors Max Berry, Denise and Andrew Saul, Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo in a panel discussion on collecting art.

The Wreck of the Warren Sawyer, by Wendell Macy, 1888. On December 22, 1884, the three-masted schooner, a merchant vessel loaded with cotton and scrap iron bound for Boston from New Orleans, struck the Old Man Rip and was driven ashore by the unrelenting ferocity of the sea. Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association (1988.75)

2016 Friends of the NHA Members Patricia and Thomas Anathan

Kaaren and Charles Hale

Ann and Christopher Quick

Mariann H. (Hundahl) Appley

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Susan and Kennedy Richardson

David Berry

Barbara Jones

Ellen and Kenneth Roman

Max Berry

Harvey Jones

Marion and Robert Rosenthal

Susan and William Boardman

Kathryn and James† Ketelsen

Ellen and David Ross

Anne Marie and Douglas Bratton

Coco and Arie L. Kopelman

Bonnie Sacerdote

Mary and David Brown

Margaret Hallowell and Stephen Langer

Linda Saligman

Christy and William Camp

Sharon and Francisco Lorenzo

Denise and Andrew Saul

Laurie and Robert Champion

Hampton Lynch

Susan and Dennis Shapiro

Connie and Thomas Cigarran

Helen Lynch

Janet and Rick Sherlund

Prudence and William Crozier

Carolyn and Ian MacKenzie

Daisy Soros

Robyn and John Davis

Miriam and Seymour Mandell

Maria and William Spears

Rachel and James Dunlap

Bonnie and Peter McCausland

Phoebe and Bobby Tudor

Barbara Fife

Ronay and Richard Menschel

Marilyn Whitney

Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth

Polly and Peter Millard

Stephanie and Jay Wilson

Nancy and Charles Geschke

Franci Neely

Landis and Bracebridge Young

Susan Zises Green

Aileen and Scott Newquist

Robert Young

Ann and Graham Gund

Anne and Edwin Obrecht

Barbara and Edmund Hajim

Liz and Jeff Peek Annual Report 2016


Donors to the Curatorial and Research Library Collections The Nantucket Historical Association gratefully acknowledges those who have generously contributed to the development of our collections with their gifts of artifacts and documents.

Shadow box model of the Nantucket whaleship Three Brothers, ca. 1940, by Wallace N. Long, a former seaman, furniture builder, craftsman, and assistant custodian of the Whaling Museum in the 1930s and 1940s. The Three Brothers, named for Joseph Starbuck’s three sons, George, Matthew, and William, sailed from Nantucket from 1833 to 1865, when it was sold to New Bedford. Gift of Robert and Nina Hellman (2016.28.19)

Donors to the Collections Anonymous Anne Acker Adele P. Ames Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan Molly Anderson John W. Atherton David Barham Kenneth L. Beaugrand John Brock Joan Bunting Douglas K. Burch Lee Rand Burne Karla Butler Angel L. Calderon Jr. Marelyn Calderon Abigail Camp Jorge Cavoli Dale Chatwin Estate of Florence (Ingall) Clifford and Family Chet Coles Debbi Deeley Culbertson Marina Danilova Estela and Francisco Deras Lisa Dunfey Nelson Eldridge Alex Ericksen Margaret Knopf Esteban Susan Adams Farrand Miranda H. Ferrara George Fowler Jeannette and George Fowlkes

Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association Carol Frost Brenda Furlong Dr. Gernot U. Gabel Charles J. Gardner Nancy and Carl Gewirz Elizabeth M. Gilbert Mollie Glazer Mary E. Glowacki Dusty Graham Valerie Hall Beverly and Donald Harris Michael Harrison Deborah A. Hartman Mary G. Heard Nina and Robert Hellman Estate of William P. and Mary Dickinson Herbert Frank O. Holdgate John Hooper Tina Hoskins-Burney Elizabeth Jacobsen Helene and Bill Jay Donovan Kerr Julianne L. Kever Richard E. Kotalac Michele Krauchenko Dolores Laviani and Family Ochand C. Lee Sherry Lefevre James Lentowski

Diana Levy Mary Longacre Linda Loring Alice Reno Malone Ashley Martin Bethny H. Maury Miacomet Golf Club Stauffer Miller Louise Miner Thomas Miner Judith and Albert Minucci Robert Minucci Richard Earl Moore Sr. Carlos Moreira Peter A. Morrison Nantucket High School New England Historic Genealogical Society Nancy A. Newhouse Elizabeth Oldham Brendan O’Neill Mario Ornelas Albert Ottison Noe Pineda Gloria Nilsson and Louis Pizzanelli Families Peter E. Pratt Augusto C. Ramos Barbara Read Eleanor W. Reade Allen B. Reinhard Carrie Riden


Jeanne Riggs Jane Roche Glynn Christian and Topher Russo Patricia L. Salmeier Alfred F. Sanford Marli Cristina Scomazzon Alvin Schaut Isabelle Seeman Linda I. Setnik Ann Simms Carl H. Sjolund James Sjolund Durand Spence Nolan Spence Susan B. Strange James A. Stubenberg Mark A. Sutherland Jonathan C. Swain Manuel Sylvia Tim Thompson William Tramposch Jason A. Tilroe Town of Nantucket Visitor Services UPNE Book Partners Nancy Vachon Michelle Whelan Jacqueline Whyte Woburn Public Library Leslie and Wayne Wytrzes Robert Young

Nantucket Historical Association

In-Kind Gifts

Kravet Susan Lazarus Le Languedoc Inn & Bistro Lemon and Line Leslie Linsley The Lion’s Paw Anna Lynn-Bender Jessica Manning Marine Home Center Mariner House Mary Emery Design Matouk Linens Priscilla McIntosh Mentoring Youth Nantucket Metworks, Inc. Paul Michetti Dean Miller Michael Molinar Nicole Michetti Moss Motto Ani Mulcahy Nantucket Aftercare–Nantucket Funeral Home Nantucket Atheneum–Knitting & Crocheting Circle Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Bank, a division of Blue Hills Bank Nantucket blACKbook Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Chronicle Nantucket Coffee Roasters Nantucket Cranberry Transportation Nantucket Golf Club Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Lightshop Nantucket Looms Nantucket Sole Nantucket Tents Nantucket Tiny Houses Nantucket’s On Island Chefs Neil Paterson, Inc. New York School of Interior Design Doralee and Patrick Nolan Mary and Al Novissimo / Novation Media Karen Palmer Papavera Collection by Sanderson Petticoat Row Bakery Placesetters Martha Polachi Preservation Institute: Nantucket Pure Insurance Queequeg’s Kerry Ray Kathy Richen

The NHA thanks to the more than 200 individuals and organizations for their in-kind gifts of goods and services—from donating a wreath to the Festival of Wreaths, to discounting professional services, to hosting an event on behalf of the NHA. ACKtiques Joan Albaugh Alexa Hampton Sarah F. Alger, P.C. Anderson’s Annie & the Tees Artists Association of Nantucket Atlantic Audrey Sterk Design AVO Bartlett’s Farm Gussie Beaugrand Linda Bellevue Cristina Blank Blue Beetle Bodega Nikoline Bohr Boston Common Magazine Joelle Bouchard Edith Bouriez Alicia Bradford Brant Point Grill Betsey Johnson Brooks Cavalier Gallery Jean Cawley China Seas Cisco Brewers Barbara Clarke Coastal Nantucket Compass Rose Real Estate Jody Corkish Cowboy’s Meat Market & Deli Create, Art Supply Store Crosswinds Restaurant & Bar Dana Crowley Cru David Bartsch Landscape Architects David M. Handy Events David Scott Interiors Jayne DeBiasio Decorators Workroom Jenifer Demko Penny Dey Dienst + Dotter Antikviteter Don Allen Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Ram

Janice Dougherty Margaret and Ray† Eger Anna Elmstrom Épernay Wine & Spirits Ana and Michael Ericksen Ezia Athletic Club Fairwinds–Nantucket Counseling Center Cris Farley Julija Mostykanova Feeney Fifty-Six Union Flowers on Chestnut Follain Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth Four Winds Craft Guild Kathleen Francis Fusion of Flavor Dottie Gennaro Go Figure Studio Barbara Gookin Grodsky Service, Inc. Handlebar Cafe Hilary Hawley Judi and Greg Hill Betsy Holden Laura Holden Holdgate’s Island Laundry Jennifer Horne Sharon Woods Hussey ICE Ike Kligerman Barkley Javatime Design Jewel in the Sea John Rugge Antiques John Sylvia Antiques Max Johnson Pat Jones Emma Keane Melissa Kershaw Julianne Kever Kiel James Patrick Patience Killen Kingdom County Productions Ginny Kinney Kitty Murtagh’s Denise Korngold

Annual Report 2016


Lauri Robertson Sharon Robinson Taylor Rossini The Rug Company Priscilla Saperstein Bill Sarni ’Sconset Fire Department SeaGrille Mary and David Sharpe Janet and Rick Sherlund Shift Avery Slover Dorothy Slover Sarah Slover Macy Smith Something Natural Patricia M. and Michael I. Sovern Spanky’s Raw Bar Maria and Bill Spears St. Mary Our Lady of the Isle St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Steamship Authority Stephanie’s Nantucket Stop & Shop Stover Engineering & Construction Stroll Carolers Sultans of Swing Manuel Sylvia Catherine Taylor Anne Terry Brittany Thurman Tito’s Vodka Topper’s Toscana Corporation Meg Touborg Town TownPool Peggy and Bill Tramposch Triple Eight Distillery Trunk Club Tucker Blair Nancy Tuttle Deborah VanderWolk Vermont Custom Rug Vineyard Vines Visiting Nurses Donata Vita Geri Walker Timothy Walker Wayfair Weatherly Design Daryl Westbrook Susan Whitlock Marilyn Whitney Judith Wodynski Patsy Wright Eithne and Mark Yelle

Volunteers Thank you to the more than 350 individuals and organizations that gave of their time and talent in support of the NHA’s special events, administrative needs, education and program initiatives, and curatorial projects. Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter–NSDAR Accidentals and Naturals Student Choir ACK Treasures ACKtivities Joan Albaugh Denese B. Allen Joan Allen Patricia Anathan Anchored Law Marsha Anderson Antiques Depot Artists Association of Nantucket Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Audrey Sterk Design Christy and Jonas Baker Margit Baker Mary-Randolph Ballinger Barber and Sons Inc. Joel Barkley Beverly Barlow Bartlett’s Farm Carol Baxter Gussie Beaugrand Pat and Rich Belford Jeanne Bennett David Billings Michelle Birmingham Josette Blackmore Cynthia and Ken Blackshaw Tina Bomar Jeanine Borthwick Edith Bouriez Maureen Fennessy Bousa Merry Bouscaren Barbara Boutot Sara Boyce BPC Architecture & Interior Design Carl Bradley Nancy Braithwaite Brant Point Marine Anne Marie Bratton Chesie Breen Chrissy Brown Mary Brown

Cristian Calderon Caroline Cannon Deirdre Carr Anna Caspersen Caleagh Cazzetta Laurie Champion Olivia Charney Lilian Chavez Cheney Brothers Building & Remodeling Alexandra Cody Wylie Collins Community Foundation for Nantucket Louise Connell Bessie Connelly Didi Coyle Martha Cozort Peter Creech Prudence Crozier currentVintage Cyrus Peirce Middle School Musical Theatre Dane Gallery David M. Handy Events Robyn and John Davis Tricia Deck Katherine Delgado-Lemus Penny Dey Dharma Yoga Nantucket & Nantucket Yoga Festival Linda DiMartino Ane Divenere Paula Dore-Duffy Carrie Drayton Shelly Dresser Trudy Dujardin Jackie Echeverria Simon Edwardes Margaret Eger Amy Eldridge Tom Elka Donna Elle Emeritus Development Ana Ericksen Espresso To Go & Fast Forward

Polly Espy Exploration Station Fairwinds–Nantucket Counseling Center Tom Fazio Julija Mostykanova Feeney Dave Feindel Ellen Fisher Bonnie Ford Phyllis Freilich Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth Ciara and Jack Fritsch David Gagnon The Garden Design Company Dottie Gennaro Geronimo’s, Cold Noses, and Akimbo Nan and Chuck Geschke Karen Gibbs Laurie Gilmour Bettye Girvin Aisling Glynn GoFigure ACK Cesar Paez Gomez Joan Goodwin Barbara Gookin Susan Zises Green Toby Greenberg Jamie Gretz Hilary Gustafsson Joan Guzman Duarte Beverly Hall Barbara Halsted Alesia Hamideh Amy Harsch Jenna Hashem Hilary Hawley Kathleen Hay Candice Heydt Judi and Greg Hill Michelle Holland Faith Hoops Joyce Horton Housefitters & Tile Gallery James Huniford Hydrex / Peter Beaton


John Ike Ike Kligerman Barkley Cary Walthew Jackson Elizabeth Jacobsen Jane Jacoby Sophie Jaeger Carl Jelleme Ann and Charlie Johnson Johnson Controls Cathy Jones Illya Kagan Diane Karper Peggy Kaufman Hannah Keane Kathy Kelm Emily Kent Julianne Kever Nischal Khatri Aaron Klawetter Thomas A. Kligerman Bart and Thom Koon-Cosgrove Denise Korngold Melanie Kotalac Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Michael Kovner Bobby Lamb Nancy Lampe Alison Law Leggiadro of Nantucket Cathy Lennon Reggie Levine Liz Levison Lil’ Peanuts Daycare Janet Lindgren Vicki Livingstone Judy Lochtefeld Susan Lister Locke Iris Lopez Tejada Tricia Lowe Kate Lubin Helen Lynch Mary-Adair Macaire Lu Macciavelli Penny Macintyre Erin MacIver

Nantucket Historical Association

Janet MacKay-Hanlon Maria Garcia de Mancia Made on Nantucket Mary Malavase Miriam Mandell Maria Silva Marchi Maria Mitchell Association Marine Home Center John Marques Harry Marshall Carla McDonald Holly and Marty McGowan Barbara McInerney Courtney McKechnie Jeff McKinnon Barbara Mendlowitz Kathleen Minihan / MiniNutrition Patricia Molloy Juan Montoya Moors End Farm Joanne Morgan Peter Morrison Marina Morrissey Morgan Morton Larissa Moutrier Beth Moyer Emily Goldstein Murphy Nantucket Ballet Dancers Nantucket Bank, a division of Blue Hills Bank Nantucket Book Partners Nantucket Comedy Festival / Stand Up and Learn Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Culinary Center

Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Garden Design Company The Nantucket Hotel & Resort Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Island Safe Harbor for Animals Nantucket Island School of Design & the Arts Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Republican Town Committee Nantucket Skin Nantucket Whaler Apparel Malcolm Nash Franci Neely Lucy Nelson Mary and Al Novissimo / Novation Media Anne Obrecht Marge O’Day Courtney O’Neill Our Island Home Sandie Owen Karen Palmer José Partida Maria Partida Pataphysical Productions Linda Patton Kevin Paulsen Charles Pavarini Elisabeth and Bruce Percelay Jude Perkins Martha Polachi Joanne Polster Deisy Landaverde Portillo

Sheila Poulin Kimi Puntillo Ann and Chris Quick Maureen Read Allen Reinhard Suzanne Reinstein Jo-Ann and Jim Richard Lilly Richard Kathy Richen Bettina Ridley Maria Roach Katerin Rodriguez Eleanor Roethke Joan Rouillard Wendy Rouillard Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Priscilla Saperstein Bill Sarni Burwell Schorr Irean Schreiber ’Sconset Gardener Isabelle Seeman Nancy Serafini Rini Shanahan Ella Shay Melissa MacLeod and John Shea Sherburne Commons–The Residence Janet and Rick Sherlund Julie Simmons Small Friends on Nantucket Daisy Soros Maria Spears Kate Wood and David Sprouls St. Mary Our Lady of the Isle Pamela St. Pierre

Holly and Marty McGowan, chairs, Festival of Trees

Annual Report 2016

Harriet and Warren Stephens Ann Stock Tory Stone Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Sustainable Nantucket Kerry Swords Erik Chacon Tejada Marvely Tejada Anne Terry Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Pamela Thomas Meg Touborg The Toy Boat Peggy Tramposch Phoebe Tudor Nancy Tuttle Unitarian Universalist Meeting House Melinda Vallett Geri Walker Lilly Walker Timothy Walker Pam Waller Wannacomet Water Company Maryann Wasik WCAI Radio & Island NPR Missy Weil Kathy Williams Women’s Health Alisa Wood Barbara Woodcock Sharon Woods Hussey David Worth Maria Zodda

Wreath designer Priscilla Saperstein and Lee Saperstein at the Festival of Wreaths


2017 NHA Staff


Visitor Experience

Museum Resources

David D. Worth Jr. Interim Executive Director

Marjan Shirzad Sacerdote Chair of Education & Outreach

Catherine Taylor Director of Museum Resources

Johanna C. Richard Associate Director

Olivia Brown Public Programs Intern

Michael R. Harrison Robyn & John Davis Chief Curator

Julianne Kever Administrative Assistant

Libby Clark Visitor Operations Coordinator

Nancy Champagne 1800 House Program Coordinator

Ashley Martin Special Functions Manager

Nicole Joie Public Relations and Communications Intern

Tony Dumitru Collections Manager

Claire McCann Accounts Receivable Specialist

Karina Kowalski Education Intern

Emma Gronbeck Library and Archives Intern

Rebecca Miller Assistant to the Executive Director

Thomas McLenigan Visitor Experience Intern

Andrew Harris Maintenance and Grounds Assistant

Tracy Murray Controller

Lydia Nightingale Public Programs Intern

Marie Henke Photograph Archives Specialist

Stacey Stuart Special Events Manager

Alexandra Norton Membership Coordinator

Amelia W. Holmes Library and Archives Manager


Brianne Roth Public Programs Coordinator

Kathrina Marques Garden and Landscape Manager

Cristin Merck Director of Stewardship

Evan Schwanfelder Manager of Education

Jennifer Nieling Project Costume and Textile Specialist

Karyn Lindsay Foundation Relations and Prospect Research Manager

Lindsay Scouras Manager of Communications

Elizabeth Oldham Research Associate and Copy Editor

Ashley Woodbury Education Intern

Meg Pierson Costume and Textile Intern Edwin Rudd Maintenance Program Manager Manuel Sylvia Maintenance and Grounds Assistant


Nantucket Historical Association

Museum Interpreters and Visitor Services

Museum Shop

Nora Armstrong Museum Interpreter/Visitor Services Representative

Brandon Menjivar Visitor Services Representative

Georgina Winton Merchandise Manager

John Belash Museum Interpreter

Thomas Miner Museum Interpreter

Sharon Cross Sales Associate

Susan Berman Museum Interpreter

Jerry Morrissey Museum Interpreter

Dea Kirilova Sales Associate

Jim Borzilleri Museum Interpreter

Ramon Partida Museum Interpreter

Rose Mighty Sales Associate

Douglas Burch Museum Interpreter Emeritus

Donald Pelrine Museum Interpreter

Simona Mitevska Sales Associate

Rebecca Chapa Museum Interpreter

Joanne Polster Museum Interpreter

Carolyn Sawyers Senior Sales Associate

Meredith Corry Museum Interpreter

Taylor Rossini Museum Interpreter/Museum Educator / Visitor Services Representative

Hazel Thomas Sales Associate

Jennifer DiMartino Museum Interpreter

Emma Sanderson Museum Educator/Visitor Services Representative

Linda Ferrin Visitor Services Representative Brenda Frey Museum Interpreter/Visitor Services Representative Elizabeth Gilbert Museum Interpreter

Janice Sandler Visitor Services Representative Marta Saravia Museum Interpreter/Museum Educator Liz Schaeffer Museum Interpreter

Peggi Godwin Senior Interpreter/Museum Interpreter Maria Grause Senior Interpreter/Visitor Services Representative

Linda Steelman Senior Interpreter/Museum Interpreter/ Museum Educator Barbara Stott Museum Interpreter

Joan Guzman-Duarte Museum Educator Laura Holden Senior Interpreter/Visitor Services Representative

Anne Sweidel Museum Interpreter Madelne Tolsdorf Museum Interpreter

Joan Hull Museum Interpreter/Museum Educator

Jonathan Trescher Museum Interpreter

Katie Kubie Museum Interpreter/Museum Educator

Barbara Varbalow Museum Educator/Visitor Services Representative

Bob Kucharavy Museum Interpreter

Judith Vivino Museum Interpreter

Stephen Leinbach Museum Interpreter

William Winkler Museum Interpreter

Karen MacNab Museum Interpreter/Museum Educator Ann Martindale Museum Interpreter/Visitor Services Representative

Annual Report 2016


Owen Warner Sales Associate Lindsay Wommack Senior Sales Associate


Nantucket Historical Association

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