PE Express E-edition - 02 October 2024

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The National Sea Rescue Institute’s sixth Offshore Rescue Craft, known as Rescue 6, has successfully completed its maiden voyage from Cape Town to Gqeberha’s port of Port Elizabeth. See full story on page 2. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Police praise community for assisting in arrests


THE Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) Acting Executive Head for Metro, Brigadier Trevor Smith, has praised the partnership between local residents and the Metro Police.

“Our officer patrolled the Windvogel area when they did not find them at the said location and met with a group of concerned residents who expressed worry about the culprits digging for electric cables, as their children are preparing for final matric exams and cannot afford to have the electricity disrupted,” said Brigadier Smith.

It was after receiving another call from a community member at 00:10

This follows the recent arrest of two men caught red-handed damaging municipal infrastructure in the early hours of Monday, September 23. Theincidentwasfirstreportedby residents at Stanford Road, Old Windvogel Terminus, around 20:30 on Sunday, September 22. Although Metro Police officers responded promptly, the suspects were not found at the scene, despite visible new trenches in the area.

via the Control Room that Metro Police officers promptly responded and apprehended two suspects found digging in the area with a shovelandpick.“Thesuspectswere clearly identified by community members as the individuals responsible for the digging. Two male suspects were arrested and detained at Gelvandale SAPS on charges related to damage to municipal infrastructure. We applaud the combined efforts of the community and the Metro Police officers in ensuring the safety of Municipal assets and the apprehension of the suspects,” added Brigadier Smith.

These arrests come as the Metro continues to increase visibility in crime hotspots around the area through its weekly crime blitz and Mayoral walkabouts. These initiatives are not only focused on crime but also address other service delivery-related challenges facing Nelson Mandela Bay communities. Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Executive Mayor, Councillor Gary Van Niekerk, echoed Brigadier Smith’s sentiments during a service delivery blitz in Helenvale on September 25. “I urge all communities and residents to continue to collaborate and work with law enforcement agencies to report any incidents of crime. The NMBM Metro Police control room can be reached on 041 508 5501, and the Security Services control centre on 041 506 5500.”

“The partnership between the community and law enforcement is proving to be a vital component in safeguarding municipal infrastructure and ensuring the well-being of residents. The recent arrests highlight the importance of vigilance and cooperation in maintaining public safety and service delivery in Nelson Mandela Bay,” Mayor Van Niekerk concluded.

NSRI’s 6th offshore rescue craft arrives at Gqeberha’s Port of Port Elizabeth


THE National Sea Rescue Institute’s sixth Offshore Rescue Craft, known as Rescue 6, has successfully completed its maiden voyage from Cape Town to Gqeberha’s port of Port Elizabeth. The vessel arrived at 15:30 on September 25.

Built by Two Oceans Marine in Cape Town, the ORC is designed for high performance in harsh maritime conditions. It is selfrighting and purpose-built for rescue operations in extreme conditions. Measuring 14.8m in length and 4.8m in width, it can

be deployed up to 50 nautical miles from land and has an expected lifespan of at least 40 years.

The delivery crew for Rescue 6 included NSRI Training Manager, Graeme Harding, as delivery coxswain, outgoing NSRI CEO, Dr Cleeve Robertson, NSRI Executive Director, Mark Hughes, and three Gqeberha volunteer crew members. They sailed the vessel from Cape Town to Mossel Bay on September 24 and 25. After a crew swap and refuelling at Mossel Bay, Rescue 6 arrived at its new home in Gqeberha’s port of Port Elizabeth.

“The crew at Station 6 is very excited about the arrival of our new rescue boat,” said Justin Erasmus, NSRI’s Gqeberha station Commander. “She is going to make a huge difference to our crew safety and the type of operations that we can safely do.”

The NSRI is still seeking a naming sponsor for the vessel. The new vessel represents a significant upgrade in terms of safety and operational capability, and the crew has adjusted their training to effectively operate this advanced rescue vessel.

“Our fleet replacement programme will see the entire NSRI

all-weather search and rescue fleet replaced with new vessels, allowing for increased operational capability,” said Hughes.

“Rescue 6 is the sixth vessel, four of which are entirely South African built. We have another two to build to complete this phase of the fleet replenishment.”

This world-class search and rescue vessel can carry up to 23 survivors and accommodate six volunteer rescue crew in shockmitigating seats, allowing for high-speed operation in difficult sea conditions.

“Although most rescues are

coastal and inshore, an increasing number of our operations require search and rescue vessels with extended range and advanced capability in safety and technology,” said Mark.

“As the only maritime rescue service operating in South African waters, we needed to make this investment to ensure allround safety for crew and those rescued.”

Anyone interested in the naming rights of this Offshore Rescue Craft, which will be based in Gqeberha’s port of Port Elizabeth, can contact Alison Smith on 082 992 1191.

A young girl’s journey with a heart condition


AS people around the world marked World Heart Day on September 29, a Gqeberha paediatric cardiologist wants to spread the message that children, too, can experience heart conditions.

Dr Samkelo Jiyana, who practises at the Netcare Greenacres Hospital, said World Heart Day is not only about educating the public about adult heart disease. “Many are unaware that approximately one in a hundred children are affected by heart conditions or heart disease. Raising awareness of paediatric heart conditions can lead to earlier diagnoses and more effective treatments using modern medical techniques. With timely intervention, children diagnosed with heart conditions often have the potential to live long, healthy lives.”

His patient, Kheera Mcetywa, is a bubbly13-year-oldwithaquicksense of humour who enjoys drawing and writing her own songs. Although spiritedandlivelynow,DrJiyanarecalls that when he first met her, she was a frail child. “Kheera presented with recurrent chest infections and had been unwell since infancy. She waseventuallydiagnosedwithacongenital ventricular septal defect (VSD), a condition characterised by a hole in the wall separating the two lower chambers of the heart. While there is always hope that a VSD will close on its own, Kheera’s did not, leadingtorecurrentchestinfections. Additionally, her growth was stunted, and she was smaller than her peers. She had needed the procedure for quite some time,” he added.

Dr Jiyana explained that a VSD is typically present at birth and results from improper heart development during foetal growth.

Mcetywa’s family was initially shocked and afraid when they were toldsheneededtreatmenttoclosethe hole in her heart. “But when I explained that we would repair the defect using a minimally invasive procedure through a small hole in her groin, they were more comfortable. It’s so much safer than open heart surgery.Thepatientcangenerallygo home the next day, whereas with open heart surgery, patients remain in hospital for two weeks.”

Dr Jiyana cautioned that the procedure is not without risks. “There’s still anxiety because complications canoccur.There’salsothesensethat you’re working on a child, and this can present its own challenges. Each childhastheirownanatomy,andthe procedure is not something you do every day.”

Dr Jiyana explained that when a VSD is closed percutaneously

(through the skin) in a cath lab, the heart is accessed through the skin, typically via a small incision in the groin area where a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) is inserted into a blood vessel. “We insert a device to close thehole,withthepressureinsidethe heart keeping the device in place. In time, a membrane will develop over thedevice,whichhelpskeepthehole closed. It wasn’t the simplest procedure, and it took about four hours, but there’s no need for a large chest incision or stopping the heart, leading to a shorter recovery time and less pain. Kheera was able to go home the very next day. There’s also a lower risk of complications than with open-heart surgery.”

Postoperatively, checks are done to ensure there’s no fluid around the heart; the device hasn’t dislodged, andtherearenoleaksaroundthedevice. “We also check that the valves wewentthrougharenottorn.Fortunately for Kheera, we didn’t have any of that. Once I was happy, I let her go home on aspirin to promote healing. She’ll still have regular check-ups, decreasing in regularity as she progresses.

“Now that she’s better, I’m seeing the real Kheera,” he smiled. “Initially, she was very reserved and shy, but now she is lively. She’s thriving.”

Micaela Mcetywa, Kheera’s mother, describes her daughter as a brave, intelligent child. “She’s not scaredtotakechances.Sheconstantly seeks to improve herself and improve her knowledge.”

She said that initially they didn’t know there was a problem with Kheera’s heart, but they’d noticed she’d been a sickly child from birth. “She had no appetite and was always getting a cold. At two years old, she contracted TB. When she was four, shewassickwithtonsillitis.Thedoctor we took her to then detected that her heart was making an unusual sound, so he referred her for tests, which revealed she had a VSD. I was overwhelmed by the news and thought it meant I was going to lose my child. We all know that a heart condition is a very serious thing. All Icouldthinkaboutwasthatmychild was going to die.”

After a long journey through different hospitals and doctors and bouts of serious illness, including bacterial meningitis, which impacted Kheera’s heart, another disaster struck – COVID-19. Mcetywa said that because of her heart condition, Kheera had to be completely isolated and was not allowed to go outside at all. “We were so cautious. We were always anxious that she’d become ill.”

Last year, Dr Jiyana suggested that Kheera undergo treatment for



days left to enter!

LOCAL matric girls and boys have just one week left to enter this year’s PE Express Miss and Mr Matric Dance, with entries closing on October 3.

The winners will receive R2 000 each in Walmer Park gift cards and gift bags, while the runnersup will each receive R1 000 in Walmer Park gift cards and gift bags. In addition, they will be photographedforthefrontpageof PE Express

The competition is in aid of CANSA, and all funds raised will go towards the work CANSA does in the Eastern Cape.

The 20 finalists (10 boys and 10 girls) will show their beautiful matric dance outfits during the

the hole in her heart. “But we felt she was doing fine. We didn’t want any complications. However, they explained that Kheera could suffer from pulmonary hypertension when she grows up if the VSD was left untreated. That’s when we decided to go ahead. They also explained that the procedure didn’t involve open heart surgery. We realised that if we didn’t allow her to have the procedure, it could cut her life expectancy in the long run. That’s when we decided to step up our faith and get through this.”

Mcetywa said her daughter remained “very cool and calm” throughout her experience in the hospital. “We didn’t give her a chance to panic. There was a time when she was withdrawn from us. Her grandmother said this may be due to her upcoming surgery, so I talked to her, and she told me she realised there was no other option; she knew it had to be done, and she was optimistic.”

When Kheera went for the procedure, her mother had just begun a new job, working out of town. “My sister was with her. I was at work but worrying all the time. It was very hard. I video-called her and told her, ‘Make sure

you pray before you go in for the procedure and make sure you believe in your prayers’. I also kept my faith.

“I really want to thank the staff at Netcare Greenacres Hospital. They were so friendly, helpful and accommodating. Dr Jiyana is so professionalandapproachable.He individualises his clients.”

Kheera has a good support system at home. Her loving grandmother, Mary-Ann Mcetywa, who is part of her extended family, cares for her and guides her to health and healing.

For Kheera, while recovering

from the procedure is frustrating, it also holds the promise of a more active lifestyle when she’s fully healed. “I feel suffocated because I can’t do the normal things I used to do. I have to sit at school and watch my friends running around. Dr Jiyana says I need to take it easy for the next six months until I am well. That will be next year in February. In the meantime,Iwritemyownsongsandsing.”

Asked if she aspires to be on stage one day, she quickly said, “No way. You’ll see me in the hospital. I’m going to become a paediatric cardiologist. I’m studying hard, and I’m totally up for it.”

grand finale, which will be in the form of a fashion show at Walmer Park Shopping Centre on Saturday, October 12.

This competition is also held by PE Express’ sister publication, UD Express. The 20 UD Express finalists will also participate in the finale. During the finale, a PE Express Mr and Miss Matric Dance, as well as a UD Express Mr and Miss Matric Dance, will be chosen. Tickets will be available for friends and family to support the entrants.

The entry fee for the competition is R60 and must be paid directly to CANSA. All entrants willbefeaturedonthe PE Express

and UD Express Facebook pages. Entrantswillbejudgedontheir overall look, including the dress or suit, hair, make-up, and accessories, so be sure to send a photo where the judges can clearly get the complete picture.

The competition is not open for voting by the public.

To enter, matriculants must send their matric dance photo and entry form via email only. Entry forms are available from

The matric dance you attended must have been held at a school in Gqeberha. It must be your own matric dance. Visit the PE Express Facebook page for more info and competition rules.

Micaela Mcetwya (left) and her daughter Kheera are grateful for the caring treatment Kheera received to treat a heart condition from paediatric cardiologist Dr Samkelo Jiyana at the Netcare Greenacres Hospital. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Seventh Day Adventist Church hosts outreach programme


THE Seventh Day Adventist Church, headquartered in Gqeberha, recently concluded an impactful outreach programme in Zihlahleni, aimed at combating poverty and malnutrition in the Eastern Cape.

The event, which took place at Moko Stadium, was part of the church’s broader initiative to sup-

port the Eastern Cape Government’s efforts in addressing these critical issues.

The Pathfinder Fair, organised by the youth ministry of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, saw the participation of approximately 3000 children aged 10 to 15 years and 200 adults, totalling an estimated 3200 attendees. The church’s Tabisa Mayaba said the primary objective of the camp was “to further the gospel kingdom by equip-

ping the children with both spiritual and practical lessons and tools they need in these last days of earth history.” The event featured a variety of activities, including drilling and marching, centipede relay, first aid relay and stretcher race, semaphore and drumline.

“The key objective of the outreach was to save children from sin and guide them into service within their communities. This initiative was based on the findings of the Human Rights Commission inquiry held in August 2022, which highlighted a substantial percentage of children in the Eastern Cape suffering from various forms of malnutrition.” In response, the church, led by Youth Director, Pastor Shalom Tyutyu, and assisted by Vice Chairpersons for Community Services, Tabisa Mayaba, Ntombomzi Mkohlo, and Phathiswa Mbedu, decided to engage in this outreach as a way of enacting positive social change in the community of Zihlahleni.

The church provided a fivemonth supply of Unity Meal instant high-protein porridge to the identified malnourished children in the area. Chief Nokwandisa Kama played a significant role in supporting this initiative by organising 20 food parcels from the Meals on Wheels organisation for families with malnourished children. Additionally, the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) donated seedlings to 75 households to promote food gardening, Old Mutual donated sanitary towels to 35 female learners, and the National Development Agency (NDA) donated high-protein porridge to 20

malnourished children.

Data for identifying the affected households was requested from two local clinics, ensuring that the assistance reached those most in need. In a bid to further support the community, the church also donated six walkie-talkies to fight crime. These walkie-talkies, within a 5km radius, will be given to specific households to facilitate quick communication and gathering in case of suspicious activities.

“The Seventh Day Adventist Church’s outreach programme in Zihlahleni has not only provided immediate relief to those in need but has also laid the groundwork for sustainable community development. The church’s efforts in distributing food, promoting hygiene, and enhancing community safety have been widely appreciated and are expected to have a lasting positive impact on the lives of the residents,” Mayaba concluded.

The leadership of the church thanked everyone for attending and supporting the initiative. From left are Tabisa Mayaba (Unit 2 VC for Community Service), Pastor Joseph Gawaseb (SAU Youth Director), Pastor Shalom Tyutyu (Cape Conference Eastern Region Youth Director), and Pastor Xolisa Lefume (President Cape Conference).
The church provided a five-month supply of Unity Meal instant high-protein porridge to the identified malnourished children in the area. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

A Lifeline for Feral Cats in Nelson Mandela Bay


IN the heart of Nelson Mandela Bay, a dedicated non-profit organisation is touching the lives of feral cats.

Cat Care, a registered non-profit organisation, is committed to controlling and stabilising the feral cat population in Gqeberha and surrounding areas.

Their mission is to identify feral colonies, sterilise the cats, and promote their health and welfare through feeding programmes.

Logan Hancocks, a passionate volunteer, shared insights into the organisation’s work and his personal journey with Cat Care.

“Our mission is to control and stabilise the feral cat population in Geberha and surrounding areas. Cat Care also treats sick feral cats wherever necessary and possible,” explained Hancocks.

The organisation employs the ‘Tip, Neuter/ Spay,Return’method,whichinvolvestrapping adult feral cats, transporting them to selected veterinary surgeons for sterilisation, and then returningthemtotheircoloniesafterrecovery. Thismethodiscrucialinpreventingoverpopulation and the associated problems such as genetic deformities, starvation, disease, and fighting.

“Experience has shown that feral cat coloniesarehighlyeffectiveinthecontrolofvermin like rats, mice, cockroaches, and even snakes.

“However,iftheyareallowedtobreeduncontrolled, a situation soon arises where there is insufficientfoodtosustainthecolony,in-breeding occurs and along with it all the resultant problems, for example, genetic deformities, starvation, disease, fighting, etc. Feeding programmes are put into place by the fieldworkers involved with Cat Care, as well as community volunteers.CatCarecurrentlyfeedsaround600 feral cats and sterilises between 30 and 40 per month. Local factories, holiday resorts, nature reserves, secular offices, as well as residential

The NPO has launched the 2025 Cat Care calendar, featuring beautiful faces of cats that won their yearly photo competition..

areas,haveallbenefitedfromCatCare’swork,” Hancocks added.

CatCarealsofocusesonfindingfosterhomes for kittens born to feral mothers. These kittens are tamed, loved, and house-trained by foster moms before being adopted into permanent homes.

The organisation often steps in to bottle-feed orphaned kittens, ensuring they receive the caretheyneeduntiltheyarereadytobehomed.

“Cat Care relies solely on funds from street collections, stalls and tea rooms at the cat shows, collection tins held at certain shops and publicdonations.Wereceivenogovernmentas-

Lorraine Primary Majorettes achieve top spots at SAMCA Nationals

The Lorraine Primary School majorette team, under the guidance of coach Francisca Bester, qualified for their second SAMCA Nationals, held in Cape Town during the September school holidays. The team excelled, reaching the finals in both the poms/nonprop and flags sections, the latter being their debut. They were placed seventh in the Flag Final and narrowly missed the podium, finishing fourth in the pom/non-prop final. The girls proudly represented the Eastern Cape and Lorraine Primary, showcasing exceptional sportsmanship. Their achievements were celebrated with well-deserved sightseeing around Cape Town..

sistance. We receive discounted rates from selected supportive private veterinarians. We do not occupy any office premises and rely on volunteers/members’ support,” Hancocks noted. Her journey with Cat Care began with a personal mission to help feral cats near her workplace.

“I grew up in a household where rescue was a way of living. I have been fostering cats for about seven years now. I grew up in Tshwane and moved to the Eastern Cape about two years ago. I noticed feral cats close to my work and immediatelygottowork,soIreachedouttoCat Care for assistance. I managed to sterilise a col-

ony of over 30 cats with their help, advice and love,” she shared.

Hancocks has been fostering for Cat Care for about a year and a half and is actively involved in fieldwork. The organisation’s efforts extend to Kariega and Despatch, where they sterilise feral colonies, help feed them and rehabilitate feral kittens through a responsible foster programme.

To support their mission, Cat Care has launched the 2025 Cat Care calendar, featuring beautiful faces of cats that won their yearly photo competition. The funds raised from calendar sales will be used to help sterilise feral cats in Gqeberha, Despatch, and Kariega.

“The 2025 Cat Care calendar can be purchasedatvariouslocations,includingJimmy’s Bookshop (Sherwood Garden Centre), Lorraine Vet (Circular Drive), Newton Park Animal Hospital (Hurd Street), and Perfect Pet Feed & Seed (40 Main Street, Central, Despatch).”

Fordirectpurchases,contactHelen(Greenacres) on 072 107 4477, Jenny (Ben Kamma) on 072 434 1307, Emma (Summerstrand) on 074 188 2810, or Logan (Despatch) on 082 348 8432.

The organisation also offers Pudo locker-tolocker service for an additional R60 and Pep Paxi, depending on fees.

Looking ahead, Cat Care has several fundraising events planned, including the Christmas feral box collections in November/DecemberandaminifeteatLorraineVetinFebruary.

The community’s response to the calendar fund-raiser has been positive, with sales going well and plans to order another 100 calendars in the near future.

In closing, Hancocks emphasised the importance of community support for Cat Care’s efforts.

“We can’t do any of the good work without the support of the community. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.”


On her last day as deputy principal of Kabega Primary, Corrie van Eck and the school’s head leaders, Mihlali Mbanga, Megan Naidoo, Ava Moodley, Ziva Langeveldt and Tamia Deyzel, took the money raised by Kabega learners in term 3 to SANCCOB. SANCCOB has been the school’s charity every third term for many years. Thereafter, they cleaned the beach at Cape Recife as part of Clean-up and Recycle Week SA. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Needleworkers,crafters called to annual fete

AN annual fete on October 5 will have something for all needleworkers, crafters and enthusiasts at Laubscher Park East Hall, Gate 3, Villiers Road, Walmer, from 09:00.

Toallneedleworkersandcrafters:Come and view what will be on offer at Laubscher Park East’s annual fete needlework table:includingfabricpieces,retrosewing patterns, reels of cotton, embroidery cottons, lace, bias binding, ribbons, crochet cotton and hooks, knitting needles and wool, buttons galore, as well as knitted and crochet jerseys and bags, beanies, throws, soft toys, scatter cushions and jewellery.


GENERAL Prayer Day Service: The Friends of the New Brighton Library,in partnership with Iphulo leeNkonde Foundation, will host the annual Prayer Day service for Grade 12 learners at Nangoza Jebe Hall in New Brighton tomorrow (October 3) from 12:00. Messages of support towards motivating the candidates will come from business, former local students, the NMBM libraries division and the Department of Education district office. Parents and any other candidates from neighbouring schools are welcome to attend. More info: Stan at 084 444 6917. Yard Sale: The yard sale will take place on October 4 and 5 from 09:00 to 15:00 at 231 Water Road, Walmer. Contact 072 364 8954 for more info.

Annual Fête: Laubscher Park East will hold its annual fête on Saturday, October 5, from 09:00 at their premises in Villiers Road, Walmer, just off 14th Avenue. There will be lots of food stalls, a book stall with CDs and DVDs, needlework, cards, bric-a-brac, plants, and jewellery, all at very reasonable prices. For more info, contact Di Briedenhann at 083 471 4332.

Windsong Bohemian Market: Come vibe with the Tribe at the Windsong Bohemian Market at Holmeleigh Farm, Grey Dawn Road, Theescombe on Saturday, October 5 from 09:30 to 14:00 to experience the incredible selection of crafters, foodies and alternative holistic stalls. It’s the dress-up edition so get creative and stand a chance to win a prize. Entrance is free and we have loads of safe parking. No dogs are allowed due to the farm dogs on the premises. Enquiries: 071 589 8847. Clivia Show: The Eastern Province Clivia Club will host a Clivia Show, including plant sales, on Saturday, October 5 from 09:00 to 17:00 and on Sunday, October 6 from 09:00 to 14:00 at the Fairview Sports Complex, Willow Road, Fairview. Entry is R10 and free for children under 12. All visitors stand the chance to win 1 of 3 raffle prizes. Thefirst50visitorsoneachdaywilleachreceiveastarter pack of clivia seeds and a yellow clivia seedling. For more info, contact Charl Coetzee on 082 851 2217, Willie Le Roux on 072 199 4839 and Emile Hallaby on 079 506 6878.

Plaasbasaar - Patensie: Die NG Kerk GamtoosvalleiOos se Plaasbasaar vind plaas op Saterdag, 5 Oktober, by Endulini se pakhuis, 3,5km wes van Patensie, vanaf 08:00 tot voorraad hou. Plaasontbyt, vleis, groente en vrugte, teetuin, deli, kosstalletjies te kies en te keur. Pret vir die kinders. Veiling om 11:00. Kaartfasiliteite beskikbaar. Toegang gratis en veilige parkering. Vir meer inligting, kontak Kevin van Rooyen by 082 463 5143 of Louwrens Bezuidenhout by 082 551 7879.

Book Sale: The Linton Grange Library will have a book sale on October 5, from 08:00 to 12:00.

Market on Stanley: Visit this market in Stanley Street in Richmond Hill this weekend. All kinds of bric-a-brac, clothes, yummy jams, books, plants, jewellery, toys and decor will be for sale. Afterwards, feel free to visit one of the local restaurants for something to eat or drink. Lots of parking available. Market on Stanley will take place on Saturday,October 5 from 10:00 to 14:00.Whatsapp Annelle at 062 481 6864 for more info. Boot Sale: Save A Pet will have its monthly boot sale at the Elephant Walk Restaurant car park in Colleen Glen on Saturday, October 5. Sellers set up at 06:00 at R50 pervehicle.Shoppingstartsat08:00.Therestaurant/bar and farm shop will be open. For more information contact Gwen at 082 692 2222.

Little Super Heroes Cosplay Market: The market will take place at 120 Nassau Street, Theescombe, on October 5 from 10:00 to 14:00. All ages are welcome. Free entrance for everyone. Lots of parking entrances on Sonop Street. Best-dressed prizes for ages 0 - 13 will be awarded for best-dressed boy and girl. There will be live music, plenty of stalls to choose from, and a food truck with lots of gourmet treats. Contact Janine at 063 014 5312.

Re-Seconds Market: The market will take place at Londt Park Sports Club on Sunday, October 6, weather permitting, from 09:00 to 14:00. There will be clothing, plants, food stalls, home decor, antique collectables and jewellery,as well as a jumping castle,new kiddies’section and live music. Entry is free. Bring your own shopping bag. Contact 083 588 5823 or for more info.

Kids’ Market: The market will take place on October 6 at African Sky’s Venue, from 10:00 to 14:00, where young entrepreneurs are looking to grow their business-

es. Boot sale stall holders are also welcome. Contact Krysia at 071 125 0878. Youth band space will be available to practise your skills.

Boot Sale: The Forest Hill community will have a boot sale at Clover Crescent,Forest Hill (open ground by Donkin Hospital) on October 6, October 13 and October 20 from 07:00 to 13:00. Contact Ian at 081 468 5077 for more info.

Diabetes Wellness Group (Malabar): A meeting will be held at the Malabar Community Centre Minor Hall in Haworthia Drive on Tuesday,October 8 at 19:00.Podiatrist Stuart Alexander will speak about ‘Empowering Global Health – The Importance of Communities Working Together’. Contact Surendra Daya on 083 653 1491 or 041 457 4576.

Diabetes Wellness Group (Springdale): A meeting will be held at the Gospel Hall on the corner of GeldenhuysandOlympiaStreetsonTuesday,October8at19:00. Kevin Stead will speak about ‘Uric Acid and Diabetes’. Contact Clive Burke on 083 500 9394.

Diabetes Wellness Group (PE Branch): A special annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday,October 9 at 19:15 for 19:30 at the Caritas Service Centre in West Street, Newton Park. The agenda will include a welcome, apologies, notice of special meeting, treasurer’s report, adoption of audited financials and closure before dietician Jessica North will speak about ‘Cooking with Care’. Contact Martin / Elizabeth on 082 579 9059 or 041 367 2810. Creative Fundraiser: Prepare to embark on a creative journey and help Algoa Bay Council for the Aged make their first creative fundraiser a success on October 12 at Buffelsfontein Village, 17th Avenue, Charlo. There are just 60 seats available.Invite your friends and co-workers and create your own cheese board. Admission is R450 per person,which includes refreshments.Contact the Algoa Bay Council for the Aged office at or 041 368 8434.

Loerie Nartjiefees: : Gesinsfees op 19 Oktober op Loerie met kunstenaars Fatman, Chris en Elmari Brits, Dillon Lerm en Ruan van der Kuil.Die fees bied plaasvars groente, naartjies, kos- en kunsmarkstalletjies, koffiewinkel, naartjie-eet kompetisie en kindervermaak. Stalletjies vir publiek beskikbaar (kos- en drinkstalletjies uitgesluit). Volg die fees op sosiale media vir meer inligting. Vir navrae bel 083 383 4932.

Bazaar/Fête: : Sunridgecare will have a bazaar/fete on November 2 from 09:00 to 12:00 at 25 Lily Avenue, Sunridge Park.Contact Corisa Kleyn at 083 470 6834 to book a table (outdoors) at R200.

Gqeberha Central Men’s Shed: They meet every Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 at The Athenaeum, Athol Fugard Terrace (Belmont Terrace), between Castle Hill and Military Road, opposite the Supreme Court. A men’s shed is a space where men can relax, get together to talk, work together, have a cup of coffee, and make friends. All ages are welcome. For info WhatsApp Willie at 061 455 6464 or Robert at 083 697 1800.


Hi’sPlaceDevelopingCentre: They have a church service every Sunday morning at 09:00 and a healing service every first Saturday night of the month at 17:00.This month’s healing service is on October 5. Everyone is welcome. It’s an open meeting for all sick people and those with problems who need prayer. For more info call, SMS, or WhatsApp Pastor Christo Campher at 082 515 2294 or email

StPaul’sAnglicanChurch170th: In celebration of the 170th anniversary of St Paul’s Anglican Church in Parsons Hill,a series of community-centred events will be hosted. An old-fashioned family games evening for the entire community will be held on Friday, October 18. It promises a night of fun, connection, and nostalgia. An afternoon of music titled ‘Let’s Praise’will then be held on Saturday, October 19,with local musicians and choir singers.A special Service of Thanksgiving, which will be the culmination of the anniversary celebrations, will take place on Sunday,October 20,reflecting on their history,honouring those who have been part of the journey, and looking forward to the future with gratitude and hope.

City Lights Church: We’re a family-style, Bible-based church, affiliated with the Advance group of churches. We meet every Sunday at 09:30 at The EP Badminton Hall, at the end of Alan Drive in Walmer Downs. WhatsApp Dave at 084 999 9197 for more info.


Erf:212NewtonPark Physical Address:78WorrakerStreet,NewtonPark,Port Elizabeth Applicant:BPlanConsultantsonbehalfofCohen Construc onandPropertyDevelopmentsCC No ceisherebygivenintermsoftheaboveandSec on47 oftheSPLUMAthatapplica onwillbemadetotheNelson MandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfortheremovalof condi onsB.1.,B.2.,B.3.,B.5.andB.6.alsoC.2.,C.3.andC.4. inthecurrentandanyfutureDeedsapplicabletothe property.Also,andapplica onfortheamendment (Departure)oftheZoningCondi onsapplicabletoErf212 NewtonParktopermitanincreaseintheFSIapplicableto thepropertyfrom0.50to1.50.

ThedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromtheApplicant atthebelowcontactdetails.

Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objec onsorintervenerstatususingtheCommentsand Objec onsFormintheSPLUMByLawwithclearreasonsin respectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,BPlanConsultants,POBox28355, SunridgePark,Telephonenumber0794900523oremail addressbplan21@outlook.comandacopyalsotobe sentto (2)TheExecu veDirector:HumanSe lements,POBox9, PortElizabeth6000;email 18November2024.

Personswithdisabili eswhoarenotabletoemailmay nd contactMsWilliamsat2Floor,LillianDiedericksBuilding, 191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha-Tel0415061813. (comments/objec onssubmi eda erthesaiddatewillbe consideredinvalid)

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objec onsor representa onswillbeno fiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplica on. X1Y9U3QR-PX021024

APPLICATIONINTERMSOFSECTION71OFTHE NMBMSPATIALPLANNINGANDLANDUSE MANAGEMENTBYLAW2023FOR: ERF :1843WALMER PHYSICALADDRESS:37NINTHAVENUE,WALMER APPLICANT:METROPLANTOWNPLANNERS ONBEHALFOF:RIELDUTOITFAMILYTRUST Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationhasbeenmadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityi.t.o. Chapter5,Clause50oftheNMBMSPLUMBy-Law2023for therezoningofErf1843WalmerfromCommunityZone1to BusinessZone1topermitthedevelopmentofbusiness premises,medicaluse,offices,community/institutionaland residentialusesinlinewiththeprovisionsoftheBusiness Zone1intheNMBMLandUseScheme2023.

Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromtheapplicant. Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasonsin respectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

1.TheApplicant:POBox12313,Centrahill,Gqeberha, 2.TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements, POBox9,Gqeberha,6000;c/oe-mail onorbefore13November2024.


Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMrsWilliamsat3rdFloor,LillianDiedericks BuildingNo.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha, Tel.:0415061813.Apersonwhodeliverscomments, objectionsorrepresentationswillbenotifiedifahearingisto beheldinrespectoftheapplication.





Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationhasbeenmadetothe NelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor:

1.RemovalofTitleDeedConditions2(c)and2(d)or3(d)applicable toErf349MillParki.t.o.Clause52ofSPLUMBy-Law. 2.PermanentDeparturetoregularisetheexistinggaragei.t.o. Clause57ofSPLUMBy-Law.

Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromtheapplicant. Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments,objectionsor intervenerstatususingtheComments&ObjectionsForminthe SPLUMBylaw,withclearreasonsinrespectoftheproposaltothe following:

1.TheApplicant:POBox12313,Centrahill,Gqeberha,6006or 2.TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements,POBox9, Gqeberha,6000;c/ onorbefore13November2024.

(Commentssubmittedafterthesaiddatewillbeconsideredinvalid.) PersonswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmaycontactMrs Williamsat3rdFloor,LillianDiedericksBuildingNo.191Govan MbekiAvenue,Gqeberha,Tel.:5061813.Apersonwhodelivers comments,objectionsorrepresentationswillbenotifiedifahearing istobeheldinrespectoftheapplication.


BY-LAW,2023FOR: ERF/ERVEN:3236… PHYSICAL96GomeryAvenue, ADDRESS:Summerstrand,Port Elizabeth,6001… APPLICANT:YandisaSizamo.

Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor:

1.Council’sSpecialConsenttopermitErf [3236,96GomeryAvenueSummerstrand PortElizabeth6001]tobeusedfor [StudentAccommodation]

Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromthe applicantviaemail,[].

Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasons inrespectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,[96GomeryAvenue Summerstrand,PortElizabeth,6001, Contactnumber:082-995-1295, EMAIL ADDRESS:]andacopy sentto

(2)TheExecutiveDirector:Human Settlements,POBox9,Gqeberha, 6000; c/o e-mail


Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat2ndFloorLillianDiedericks Building,No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha,Tel No.0415061813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.

(Commentssubmittedafterthesaiddatewillbe consideredinvalid.)



Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor: 1.theremovalofconditionsonPAGE3NO5containedin theTitleDeedNo.T11657/2024applicabletoErf1721, NEWTONPARKintermsofSection47ofthe SPLUMA;

2.theamendmentoftheNMBMMLandUseScheme, 2023bytheRezoningofErf1721,NEWTONPARK fromResidentialZone1toBusinessZone2; Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromthe applicantviaemail, Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasons inrespectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,DEONJOUBERT,32AZIMDAHL STREET,GELVANDALE6020,0742572006& samonique.chipps184@gmail.comandacopysent to (2)TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements, POBox9,Gqeberha,6000;c/oe-mail onorbefore15November2024–30WorkingDays. Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat2ndFloorLillianDiedericks Building,No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha, TelNo.0415061813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.




INTERMSOFSECTION71OFTHENELSON MANDELABAYMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITY SPATIALPLANNINGANDLANDUSEMANAGEMENT BY-LAW,2023FOR: ERF/ERVEN:13447 PHYSICAL ADDRESS:20BRASSSTREET, BETHELSDORP APPLICANT:DEONJOUBERT ONBEHALFOF:MRPORESMPDUPREEZ Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor: 1.theamendmentoftheNMBMMLandUseScheme, 2023bytheRezoningofErf13447,BETHELSDORP fromBUSINESSZone3toBusinessZone2; Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromthe applicantviaemail, Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasons inrespectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,DEONJOUBERT,32AZIMDAHL STREET,GELVANDALE,0742572006& samonique.chipps184@gmail.comandacopysent to (2)TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements, POBox9,Gqeberha,6000;c/oe-mail onorbefore15November2024–30WorkingDays. Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat2ndFloorLillianDiedericks Building,No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha, TelNo.0415061813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.



Theinitialnoticewasplacedon[Date]to[Date],for21 workingdaysinsteadof30workingdaysascontemplated intheSpatialPlanningandLandUseManagementBylaw. Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor:

1.Theremovalofconditions6.(a),(b)(i)and(ii) containedintheTitleDeedNo.T018440/09applicable toErf117BEACHVIEWintermsofSection47ofthe SPLUMA;

Thedetailedproposalmayberequestedfromthe applicantviaemail,

Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasons inrespectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,63BuxtonAvenue,Kensington, Gqeberha, andacopysentto

(2)TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements,PO Box9,Gqeberha,6000;c/oe-mail


Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat2ndFloorLillianDiedericks Building,No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha,Tel No.0415061813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.




Noticeisherebygiventhatanapplicationwillbemadeto theNelsonMandelaBayMetropolitanMunicipalityfor:

1.CouncilsSpecialConsentusetopermitaGuesthouse onERF3307Summerstrand.


Membersofthepublicareinvitedtosubmitcomments, objectionsorintervenerstatususingtheComments& ObjectionsFormintheSPLUMBylaw,withclearreasonsin respectoftheproposaltothefollowing:

(1)TheApplicant,12MaverickManor,Fairlyroad, Kabega,6025,0732056555or lonkedevgroup@gmail.comandacopysentto (2)TheExecutiveDirector:HumanSettlements,PO Box9,PortElizabeth6000;c/oe-mail November2024.

Personswithdisabilitieswhoarenotabletoemailmay contactMsWilliamsat3rdFloor,LillianDiedericksBuilding, No.191GovanMbekiAvenue,Gqeberha,TelNo.041506 1813.

Apersonwhodeliverscomments,objectionsor representationswillbenotifiedifahearingistobeheldin respectoftheapplication.

(Commentssubmittedafterthesaiddatewillbeconsidered invalid.)


Workingornot,bestprices Barry0844474633/ 0824919209

TheDepartmentof SocialDevelopment: BethelsdorpServiceOffice isrequestinganyonewith informationwithregards to,thebiologicalfatherof a girlchild bornin 22/04/2011,whowas reportedtobein Mpumalangatocontact SocialWorker:Miss NomfundoMatakane:Tel: 0646036880duringoffice hours(07H30-16H00)or Fax:(0414065946.

FamilyRestoration Services, Motherwell PortElizabethisrequestinganyonewithinformationwithregardstothe whereaboutsofthebiologicalparentsofagirlchild born 2016/11/07.The biologicalmother, Ms KhayisaMbombela abandonedthechild concernedinDecember 2017atMotherwellinPort Elizabeth.Ifyouhaveany informationpleasecontact SocialWorkerMrsN Thonjeniat0781180736 duringofficehours (08h00-16h00).

ACVV:PEWES BRANCH,isrequesting anyonewithinformation withregardsto Mr.Abu Summa thebiological fatherofa 11yearold female.Thematterisin relationtoalternativecare placement.Pleasecontact SocialWorker:Allison Hoffmanat0413602106, duringofficehours (07H30to16H00).

•Retail&Petrol AttendantCourse-5 weeks •CleaningCourse-2weeks •ReceptionistCourse-1 week NEWADDRESS: 19NewtonStreet, NewtonPark 0414870473/4 WhatsApp 0764488571 WinforceTrainingin Kariega(UTH):Olivia 0693190685

Iamlookingforanyold armyrelateditemsfor cash.Contactmeon

Classifieds press






NONDYEBOMQULWANA is URGENTLY seekinganyone withinformationasthewhereaboutsof LUSANDA JEMSANA–ID8504295364 080,thebiologicalfatherofa malechild NAKHANEMQULWANA bornon9September 2015.

NONDYEBOMQULWANA is applyingattheRandburgMagistratesCourt,inGauteng,on 17October2024,foracourt orderthat:

LUSANDAJEMSANA’sspecificParentalResponsibilities andRightsinrespectofguardianship,specificallyasprovidedintermsofsection 18(3)(c)(iii)and(iv)oftheAct, inrespectof, NAKHANE MQULWANA beTERMINATEDbytheCourtandthat

NONDYEBOMQULWANA begrantedsoleguardianshipof NAKHANEMQULWANA andempoweredtogiveor refuseanyexpressconsent requiredbylawinrespectof NAKHANEMQULWANA, including,consenttothe NAKHANEMQULWANA’sdepartureorremovalfromtheRepublicofSouthAfricaandconsent to NAKHANEMQULWANA applicationforapassport,visa and/orrenewalofapassport and/orvisa.

LUSANDAJEMSANA–isgivennotice-contact BarterMcKellarAttorneys urgentlyon-0691351359





Noticeisherebygivenin termsofregulation68made underthedeedsregistries act,1937,thatitisthe intentiontoapplyforthe issueofacertifiedcopyof thedeedoftransfernumber T65671/2006passedby LANJACKINVESTMENTS (PTY)LTD,Registration Number1972/008576/07,In FavourOfMidvaleProperties(Pty)Ltd,Registration Number1972/001104/07,In RespectOfCertainProperty beingremaindererf20 PARSONSVLEI,intheNELSONMANDELAMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITYDivisionofPORTELIZABETH PROVINCEOFTHE EASTERNCAPEmeasuring 1,7382(onecommaseven threeeighttwo)hectares, whichhasgoneastray and/orlostand/or destroyed. Allinterestedpersons havingobjectiontotheissue ofsuchcopyarehereby requiredtolodgethesame inwritingwiththeregistrar oFdeedsatKINGWILLIAM’STOWN,113AlexanderRoad,PrivateBag X7402,KINGWILLIAMS TOWN,5600,withintwo weeksfromthedateofthe publicationofthisnotice. MIDVALEPROPERTIESCC (PREVIOUSLYMIDVALE PROPERTIES(PTY)LTD) C/OHOFMEYRANDHAUDE INC



Noticeisherebygivenin termsofregulation68made underthedeedsregistries act,1937,thatitistheintentiontoapplyfortheissueof acertifiedcopyofthedeed oftransfernumber t80690/2007passedbythe trusteesforthetimebeing ofPatcorQuarriesProperties Trust,RegistrationNumber TM6135,infavourofMidvale PropertiesCloseCorporation, RegistrationNumber CK2007/042149/23,in respectofcertainproperty beingremainderoferf18ParsonsVlei,intheNelsonMandelaMetropolitanMunicipalitydivisionofPortElizabeth provinceoftheEasternCape measuring8769(eightthousandsevenhundredandsixty nine)squaremetres,which hasgoneastrayand/orlost and/ordestroyed. Allinterestedpersonshaving objectiontotheissueofsuch copyareherebyrequiredto lodgethesameinwriting withtheregistrarofdeeds atKingWilliam’stown,113 AlexandraRoad,PrivateBag x7402,KingWilliamsTown, 5600,withintwoweeksfrom thedateofthepublicationof thisnotice.


ERF2473 SUMMERSTRAND LOSTOR DESTROYEDDEED Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, ofthe intentiontoapplyforthe issueofacertifiedcopyof DEEDSOFTRANSFERNO. T4746/2001CTN passedbyNELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITYin favourofFRANCOISDEON OLIVIER,IdentityNumber 5810165041085,unmarried, in respectofcertainERF2473 SUMMERSTRAND,NELSON MANDELABAY METROPOLITANMUNICIPALITY,DIVISIONOFPORTELIZABETH,PROVINCEOF EASTERNCAPEwhichhas beenlostordestroyed. Allpersonhavingobjectionto theissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodgethe same inwritingwiththeRegistrar ofDeedsatKINGWILLIAMS TOWNwithintwoweeks afterthe dateofthepublicationofthis notice. DATEDatUITENHAGEisthe 2nddayofOCTOBER,2024.

Applicant SELLICK&MCINTYRE Address:45aPenford Avenue,Uitenhage Email:sellick. Tel:0849003999


ERF4422BETHELSDORP FORMJJJ LOSTORDESTROYED Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct1937of theintentiontoapplyforthe issueofcopyofDeedof TransferNo.T19925/2019 passedbyHUBREYTERENCE HARRISIDENTITYNO. 7001045255081ANDVERGIEHARRIS(FORMELYSOLOMON)IDENTITYNO. 7107220276089MARRIED INCOMMUNITYOFPROPERTYTOEACHOTHERin favourofCHARLMERNICPETRUS,IdentityNo.840325 5072082ANDANTHEARAYLEENPETRUSIDENTITYNO. 7704120126081,Marriedin CommunityofPropertyto eachother,inrespectofERF 4422BETHELSDORP,INTHE NELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITY,DIVISIONOFPORTELIZABETH,PROVINCEOFTHE EASTERNCAPE,whichhas beenlostordestroyed. Allinterestedpersonshaving objectionstotheissueof suchacopyareherebyrequiredtolodgethesameinwritingwiththeRegistrarof DeedsKingWilliamsTown situateat113Alexandra Road,KingWilliamsTown, withintwoweeksfromdate ofpublicationofthisnotice. DatedatPortElizabethon2 October2024. APPLICANTS: CHARLMERNICPETRUS ANTHEARAYLEENPETRUS KAPLANBLUMBERG ATTORNEYS 1stFloor BlockA

SouthernLifeGardensBuilding 70-2ndAvenue NewtonPark PortElizabeth Tel:0413636044 E-mail:michelle-lee@


Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct47, 1937,oftheintentionto applyfortheissueofacertifiedcopyofDeedofTransferNumberT119040/ 2004CTNpassedbyTHENELSONMANDELAMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITYin favourofDOROTHYGOEDA IdentityNumber631006 0180087,unmarried,in respectofcertainlanddescribedas:ERF7415BETHELSDORP,INTHENELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY,DIVISIONOF PORTELIZABETH,PROVINCEOFTHEEASTERN CAPEWhichhasbeenlostor destroyed

Allpersonshavingobjection totheissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodgethe sameinwritingwiththe RegistrarofDeedsat113 AlexandraRoad,KingWilliamsTownwithintwoweeks fromthedateofpublication ofthisnotice. DatedatPortElizabeththis 9thdayofSeptember2024



Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy ofDeedofTransferNumber T11593/1952CTN(VA6364/ 2013CTN)passedbyTHE EXECUTORINTHEESTATE OFTHELATENAOMIRENISONinfavourofZENO XAVIERRENISON,Identity Number5902275131086, UNMARRIEDinrespectof certainlanddescribedasERF 998NEWTONPARKNELSON MANDELABAYMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITYDIVISIONOFPORTELIZABETH, PROVINCEOFTHEEASTERN CAPEwhichhasbeenlostor destroyed.

Allinterestedpersonshaving objectionoftheissueofsuch copyareherebyrequiredto lodgethesameinwriting withtheRegistrarofDeeds atKingWilliam’sTown withintwoweeksfromthe dateofpublicationofthis notice.

DatedatPORTELIZABETH this20thdayof September2024

Applicant DUTOITATTORNEYSINC t/aDTSATTORNEYS 108CapeRoad, PortElizabeth,6001 0413740852

FORMJJJ LOSTORDESTROYED DEED (FormJJJaddedbyGNR.62of 25January2019) Noticeisherebygiveninterms ofRegulation68oftheDeeds RegistriesAct,1937,ofthe intentiontoapplyfortheissue ofacertifiedcopyofDEEDOF TRANSFERNUMBERST8584/ 2023passedbyAURELIO MANUELDASILVEIRAXAVIER IdentityNumber5907065170 186andPAULAMARIAALVES XAVIERIdentityNumber 5910130133189Marriedin CommunityofPropertytoeach otherinfavourofTheTrustees forthetimebeingoftheHAPPY FEET100TRUST,Registration NumberIT000373/2015(S)in respectofcertainunitconsistingofSectionNo.18as shownandmorefullydescribed onSectionalPlanNumber SS56/2003inthescheme knownasFALLONCOURTin respectofthelandandbuilding orbuildingssituateatTHEESCOMBE,intheNELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY,ofwhichsectionthefloorarea,accordingto thesaidsectionalplanis164 squaremetres,whichhasbeen lostordestroyed Allpersonshavingobjectionto theissueofsuchcopyareherebyrequiredtolodgethesame inwritingwiththeRegistrar ofDeedsatKINGWILLIAM’S TOWNwithintwoweeksafter thedateofthepublicationof thisnotice. DatedatPORTELIZABETHon this02dayofOctober2024. Applicant: LionelPrinslooAttorneys InourcapacityasAgentofthe Applicant c/o44MangoldStreet, NewtonPark, PortElizabeth,6045 Tel:(041)3641708


Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy ofDEEDOFTRANSFERNUMBERST4521/2010CTNpassedbyBEEJELECTRICALCC RegistrationNumber CK1997/046525/23infavour ofGABRIELJOHANNESBERNARDUSPIENAAR,Identity Number3810255028085 andHENDRIKAPIENAAR, IdentityNumber390720 0078080,Marriedincommunityofpropertytoeach otherinrespectofcertain Aunitconsistingof(a)SectionNumber20as shownandmorefullydescribedonSectionalPlanNumberSS894/2007,inthe schemeknownasSMALLVILLEVILLASinrespectof thelandandbuildingorbuildingssituateatPARSONS VLEINelsonMandelaBay MetropolitanMunicipality,of whichsectionthefloorarea, accordingtothesaidSectional Plan,is179(ONEHUNDRED ANDSEVENTYNINE)SQUARE METRESinextent;and (b)anundividedshareinthe commonpropertyinthe schemeapportionedtothe saidsectioninaccordance withtheparticipationquota asendorsedonthesaidsectionalplanwhichhasbeen lostordestroyed. Allpersonhavingobjectionto theissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodgethe sameinwritingwiththe RegistrarofDeedsatKING WILLIAM’STOWNwithin twoweeksafterthedateof thepublicationofthisnotice. DATEDatPortElizabeththis thedayof



Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy ofDeedofTransferT79231/ 2003CTNpassedbyISAAC JACOBUSDAVIDS,Identity No.5808215270084and MAUREENESTELLEENDAVIDS,IdentityNo.680409 0110080,Marriedincommunityofpropertytoeach other,infavourofNELSON MANDELABAYMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITY,inrespectofcertainERF519BETHELSDORP,NELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY,DIVISIONOF PORTELIZABETH,PROVINCEOFTHEEASTERNCAPE. whichhasbeenlostordestroyed.

Allpersonhavingobjectionto theissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodgethe sameinwritingwiththe RegistrarofDeedsatKING WILLIAMSTOWNwithintwo weeksafterthedateofthe publicationofthisnotice. DatedatPortElizabethon2 August2024. LEX-ICONATTORNEYS CnrWestbourne&Clevedon Roads Central PortElizabeth 6001 Tel:0413737434 Email:clarisse@


Noticeisherebygivenin termsofRegulation68ofthe DeedsRegistriesAct,1937, oftheintentiontoapplyfor theissueofacertifiedcopy ofDeedofTransferT78860/ 2004CTNpassedbyRODNEY MICHAELSTOWMANIdentityNo.5102065098088and DAWNJULIASTOWMAN IdentityNo.510318009008 3,Marriedincommunityof propertytoeachother,LORRAINESYLVIABOWDEN, Bornon2December1948, Married,whichmarriageis governedbythelawsof Australia,NOLANDRUBEN OLIVER,Bornon22April 1945andGAILWANDAOLIVER,bornon9October1947, Marriedincommunityofpropertytoeachother,HAROLD NESBITHCLARKE,Identity No.3012175060088and LETITIAJUNECLARKE,IdentityNo.3306010062089, Marriedincommunityofpropertytoeachother,BRUCE LINDSAYERASMUS,Identity No.5308065096085and GAILSANDRAERASMUS, IdentityNo.570606014208 7,Marriedincommunityof propertytoeachother, Master’sRepresentativein jointestateofthelate GEORGEALFREDBURNS ERASMUS,EstateNo.256/ 2001/2andRACHELERASMUS,IdentityNo.300805 0074087,Widow,Executor injointestateofthelate ADAMTELLING,EstateNo. 1117/90andFREDAESTELLACLARETELLING,IdentityNo.2908180089080, Widow,ExecutorintheestateofthelateROLANDALLANMEYER,EstateNo. 5624/2003,JUDITHWENDY MEYERIdentityNo.521127 0097080,Unmarried,JUSTINEMERCIAPEFFER,IdentityNo.5408180143083, MarriedincommunityofpropertytoIVANLLEWELLYN MANUELPEFFER,butfree fromcommunityofproperty byvirtueoftheconditionof theWillofthelateCLARICE WILHELMINAMEYER,dated 12November1983andCodicildated17December1986, infavourofNELSONMANDELABAYMETROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY,inrespectof certainERF521BETHELSDORP,NELSONMANDELA BAYMETROPOLITANMUNICIPALITY,DIVISIONOFPORT ELIZABETH,PROVINCEOF THEEASTERNCAPE.which hasbeenlostordestroyed. Allpersonhavingobjectionto theissueofsuchcopyare herebyrequiredtolodgethe sameinwritingwiththe RegistrarofDeedsatKING WILLIAMSTOWNwithintwo weeksafterthedateofthe publicationofthisnotice. DatedatPortElizabethon2 August2024. LEX-ICONATTORNEYS CnrWestbourne&Clevedon Roads Central PortElizabeth 6001 Tel:0413737434 Email:clarisse@



Noticeisherebygivenin termsofregulation68made underthedeedsregistries act,1937,thatitistheintentiontoapplyfortheissueof acertifiedcopyofthedeed oftransfernumber T53257/2014 passedby MidvalePropertiesCC,registration number 2007/042149/23,infavourof thetrusteesforthetime beingofMcmahonFamily Trust,RegistrationNumber IT3604/1996,inrespectof certainpropertybeinga1/2 (one-half)shareinremainderERF18ParsonsVlei,in theNELSONMandelaMetropolitanMunicipalityDivision OfPortElizabethProvinceOf TheEasternCapemeasuring 8769(eightthousandseven hundredandsixtynine) squaremetres,whichhas goneastrayand/orlost and/ordestroyed. Allinterestedpersonshaving objectiontotheissueofsuch copyareherebyrequiredto lodgethesameinwriting withtheregistrarofdeeds atKingWilliam’sTown,113 AlexandraRoad,PrivateBag X7402,KingWilliamsTown, 5600,withintwoweeksfrom thedateofthepublicationof thisnotice MIDVALEPROPERTIESCC (PREVIOUSLYMIDVALE PROPERTIES(PTY)LTD) C/OHOFMEYRANDHAUDE INC 1STFLOOR,TRESCOE HOUSE,7CORNWALL PLACE, KENILWORTH, 7708 0217616711



Noticeisherebygivenin termsofregulation68made underthedeedsregistries act,1937,thatitistheintentiontoapplyfortheissueof acertifiedcopyofthedeed ofTransferNumber T53258/2014 passedby MidvalePropertiesCC,Registration Number 2007/042149/23,infavourof thetrusteesforthetime beingoftheMcmahonFamily Trust,RegistrationNumber IT3604/1996,,inrespectof certainpropertybeinga1/2 (one-half)shareinremainder ERF20ParsonsVlei,inthe NelsonMandelaMetropolitanMunicipalityDivisionOf PortElizabethProvinceOf TheEasternCapemeasuring 1,7382(onecommaseven threeeighttwo)hectares, whichhasgoneastrayand/or lostand/ordestroyed. Allinterestedpersonshaving objectiontotheissueofsuch copyareherebyrequiredto lodgethesameinwriting withtheregistrarofdeeds atKingWilliam’sTown,113 AlexandraRoad,PrivateBag X7402,KingWilliamsTown, 5600,withintwoweeksfrom thedateofthepublicationof thisnotice. MIDVALEPROPERTIESCC (PREVIOUSLYMIDVALE PROPERTIES(PTY)LTD) C/OHOFMEYRANDHAUDE INC 1STFLOOR,TRESCOE HOUSE,7CORNWALL PLACE, KENILWORTH, 7708 0217616711

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Join aQuellé Ocean Racing Series excitement

GET ready for Africa’s largest family beach event, the aQuellé Ocean Racing Series!

TakingplacemonthlyfromOctober 20 through to March 2, this fun-filled series features seven different races that cater for everyone in the family. From ocean swims to beach runs and walks, there’s something for everyone.

What’s on offer?

. Ocean swims: Choose from a 400m, 1km, 2km, or 3km ocean swim.

. Beach events:

A fun beach run, beach walk, and a special 1km kids’ beach run/walk for childrenfrom1yearto12yearsofage.

Become a Series Member for only

R50 and enjoy discounted swims at R150, with beach events free every race day.

Non-members are welcome to join the action on race mornings, with swims priced at R200 and beach events at R100.

Don’t miss out on fantastic lucky draw prizes each race day, including a R1 000 cash prize.

A VIP Premier Members option is also available at R1 000 – this covers your membership and all race day costs;youreceiveaSeason20clothing item and each race day a complimentary Holiday Coffee Co. hot drink and a Cool Joe’s soft serve. andmakethisyournextfamily adventure.


Exciting racing on the cards for October

ANOTHER fantastic month of horse racing in Nelson Mandela Bay starts on a speedy note on Friday.

The main event at the Fairview track in Greenbushes will be the R200 000 Cradock Place Stakes.

Thisisaracesteepedinhistoryand has been won by some of the biggest East Cape equine stars like Hear The Drums, Copper Parade and more recently, Pedra.

The race is over 1 200m and will be contested by top sprinters. It should be a cracking race!

Friday’s meeting will be the first of five in October at Fairview. The big one is the running of the Algoa Cup on the 25th but there is also a lot of excitement around the last leg of the Poly Challenge on the 18th.

TheR175 000thirdandlastlegofthe Challengewillberunover1 600m.We could see history being made because there is a horse with a good chance of winning the triple crown for the first time.

Since the start of the Challenge in 2016 no horse has been able to win all three legs to secure the bonus of R250 000 for his connections.

This past Friday the five-year-old gelding King Regent showed he has the ability to go all the way. He won the first leg over 1 200m in August and produced a breathtaking finish to win Friday’s second leg over 1 400m.

King Regent was slow out of the gates from a wide draw. He sat at the back of the field before he absolutely flewhomedowntheshortstraightunder jockey Denis Schwarz.

Weekend sport results

Eleven Angels FC are ZAFA Premier League winners

ZAKHELE Football Association (ZAFA) finally pulled down their season curtain, with Eleven Angels FC winningtheZAFAPremierLeaguetitle at Dynamos Grounds on Sunday. Angels, who collected 39 league points from 18 games, won their last two games to close the season five league points ahead of the runners-up Royal Blues. Angels defeated Charge United FC 2-0 on Saturday and edged out Young Boys 2-0 at Dynamos. Blues shared a 2-2 draw with SwartkopsFCatDynamosGroundsonSunday. Other title contenders Golden Brothers lost 1-0 to Swartkops FC but registered a hard-fought 2-1 victory to Black Eagles in their last game of the season.

Stone Breakers embarrassed Seven United 4-0 in their one-sided clash. Young Neighbours went down 2-1 to Swartkops FC at Dynamos Grounds on Saturday. Young Neighbours went down 2-1 to Swartkops at Dynamos on Saturday.

NMB Industrial Football Association League and KC Hendricks cup results

NELSON Mandela Bay Industrial Football Association hosted their league games at Despatch Rugby Stadium and Dana Fields, and KC Hendricks Cup at Struandale Grounds on Sunday.

Sasko and Heineken Distell’s game endedina1-1drawatDespatchRugby Stadium. Adient PPC did not turn up

for their game against Benteler while CRH Africa also failed to pitch up for their game against Durr Africa.

At Shatterprufe Grounds hosts Shatterprufe Struandale drubbed Coega Dairy 3-1. Willard Auto X emerged as winners over Shatterprufe Neave 3-2. Forvia Port Elizabeth routed their side team Forvia Uitenhage 5-2 during their one-sided game. Dairy Group did not honour their game against Eberspacher at Dana Grounds.

The log leaders, Tenneco, continued with their winning spree after they trounced BKB 11-0 at Dana Grounds.

In the only KC Hendricks Cup Tournament game that was played at Dana Grounds, Fomoco Ford were defeated by Aspen 2-0.

Young Aces FC are PEEFA Kasi Delivery Tournament champions

VEEPLAAS-based side Young Aces FC were crowned the Port Elizabeth East Football Association (PEEFA) Kasi Delivery Tournament champions after they defeated Mighty Warriors FC 1-0 during the finals at Veeplaas Turf on Tuesday.

Aces booked themselves a place in the finals after easily eliminating Mwalimu All Stars FC 4-2. Warriors facedPeaceLoversandwon2-1during their exciting semi-final.

In the final, Warriors’ goalkeeper, Lindokuhle Dyonashe, stood his ground after he pulled some brilliant saves. Aces star player, Lithemba Moss, was rewarded with a spectacular goal that guided Aces to win the

It is not going to be easy to clinch thatbonusandKingRegenthasnever won over 1 600m. The manner in which he won the second leg will give hisWesternCapetrainerGlenKotzen a lot of confidence to clear the final hurdle.

It is an intense but exciting time for the Kotzen stable who will want to make sure King Regent stays in top condition for the upcoming crucial race.

King Regent is a Cape Town horse, ownedbyMartinWickensandGisela Burge, and huge support for the bonus attempt will be arriving in the Bay on the 18th.

Although the local stables will again try to stop King Regent, there will also be tremendous support for him from the expected big crowd on the day to shout him home to make history.

The Jacques Strydom-trained Gogetthesheriff came closest to that bonus in the very first year of the Challenge.

After winning the first two legs he just missed the bonus, finishing halfa-length behind the winner in third place.

Even the opposition was shouting for Gohetthesheriff in that thrilling finish and King Regent will no doubt have all the backing.

Fairview in October

4: Turf – Cradock Place Stakes

11: Turf

15: Turf

18: Poly

PEEFA Kasi Delivery Tournament trophy.

Aces scooped two individual awards as Lithemba Moss and Likhaya Solani were named player of the tournament and coach of the tournament, respectively.

Warriors’ goalkeeper, Dyonashe, received a trophy for his outstanding performance while Athenkosi Sapula was voted best referee of the tournament.

PEEFA president, Luyanda Ncwadi, thanked Kasi Delivery for helping his local football association run the tournament. Ncwadi said, “On behalf of PEEFA, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Kasi Delivery as they injected funds into the development of grassroots soccer. Sport helps to promote a healthy lifestyle. Sport unites the people and we have observed that during our inaugural PEEFA Kasi Delivery tournament.”

IN THE SCHOOLS’DEN: EP shines at Sevens Tournament

THE Eastern Province (EP) squad saved the best for last at the national u/17 Sevens Tournament which ended this past Saturday in Bethlehem.

EP had a tough time on Friday but managed to qualify for the Shield Final the next day against Namibia. After a terrible start, EP produced their best of the tournament to beat Namibia 24–14. Namibia dominated the first halfandwasleading14–0atthe breakbutitwasatotallydifferent story in the second stint.

EP scored a try in the first 20 seconds of the second half and Captain Meyer Prinsloo followedthatupwithabrace.The first of his tries was a long-distance effort and a real gem. At the national u/15 Iqhawe Week last week at Queen’s HighinJohannesburg,EPalso saved the best for last.

EP started the week with a hard-fought 14–12 victory over the Leopards. They came up against the strong Western Province outfit, the overall winner, in their second match. WP beat EP 29–0 but the EP boys never gave up and kept trying throughout the match. In their third and final match EP put their best foot forward. They beat the Pumas 34–12 after it was 7–7 at halftime.

For most of the first half, EP had to defend and they did it brilliantly. After the gutsy effort in the first half, EP was stillfullofenergyinthesecond torunthetiredPumasofftheir feet.

EP scored five tries in the second half, in the end outscoring the Pumas with six tries to two in a sparkling display of running rugby.

The 22 young Eastern Cape players who are part of the Mzwandile Mali group, are starting their trip of a lifetime.

Theplayers,agedbetween16 and 18 years, will tour in the United Kingdom from Friday till October 13.

This squad was picked from players from 24 schools in Gqeberha and Fort Beaufort who participated in the Mali Tournament earlier this year.

They will be hosted in Kent and will play against Tonbridge School, Sutton Valence School, Brighton College and Sevenoaks School.

Skizo’s Youth Tournament attracts crowds

HUNDREDS of spectators convergedatTop10SoccerFieldtowatch the Skizo’s Youth Tournament games in Missionvale on Heritage Day.

The tournament started in a straight knockout format and was organized for u/17 boys and the seniors.

Garvey United Brothers advanced to the next stage after overcoming Amakhosi 2-1.

Govan Mbeki United defeated Morning Stars 2-1. Despite their 2-1 loss, Mission Stars gave SEM a tough time.

During the seniors’ games, Govan Mbeki United eliminated Phoenix FC 4-3 on penalties. SEM beat Bay Tigers 5-4 on penalties. Mission Stars beat Amakhosi 5-4 on penalties.

The next games take place at Top 10 Soccer Field on Saturday.

This tour will play a huge role in the development of the players coming from grassroots backgrounds.

They will represent the best of what the young East Cape township rugby talent has to offer.

There is always the chance that these players will attract attention from rugby scouts and clubs in England with good performances.

Thesquadplayedsomepractice matches and attended training camps in preparation for the tour.

The camps not only focused on getting the players fit and ready to perform on the field, but they also provided them with psychosocial, cultural and educational support.

The fun and excitement returns to Hobie Beach with the aQuellé Ocean Racing Series from October 20.
King Regent and jockey Denis Schwarz flew home.
Eleven Angels FC players display their medals and trophy with supporters joining them during the celebration. PHOTO: SELBY MADIKANE

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